Ord. 1420 2010-06-28ORDINANCE NO. 1420 AN C7RDiNA�JCE O� THE CITY COUIVCIL C}F THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, DETERMif�ING A PI�B�IC CONVENIENCE AND NECESS�TY Tt) AGQUIRE FEE SIMPLE TITLE FQR THE C�NSTRUGTION OF ROAD, DRAINA�G� AND UTILITY IIVIPF�OVEMENTS (]N CERTAIN REAL PROPE�2TY [�ESCf�IBED F�EREIN; AUTHQRIZING �'HE CITYATTORNEY, t3R HIS DESIGNEE, AND {)THER CITY OFFICIALS TO TAKE SUCH ACTIONS AS ARE N�CESSARY T� ACQUIRE PRC3PERTY, LOCATED W�TH�N THE CI�Y, BY �OfVATIQN, PURCHASE, OR BY THE E3CERCI�E OF THE POWER OF EMINENT aUMAI�J; AND DECLAF�ING AN EMERG�NCY AS THE COI�ST'RUCTION OF MUNICIPAL IMPR�VEMEN'TS BEARS DIaEGTLY UP�N THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF �HE GITiZE�RY; AhJa PRQVIDiNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes that a public convenience and necessity exists for the location, construction, oper�tion, and maintenance of road, drainage and utili�y impro�ements on certain real property described herein; and WHE�E�4S, accardingly, the City Gouncil hereby acknawled�es that it is �n the public's best pnt�rest ta acq�ire fee simple title ta certain property far the cons#ruction of rflad, drai�nage and utility improvements an said property; naw, �herefore, BE IT ORC?AINED BY THE C11�Y COUNGIL 4F THE CITY O� PEA�R'�AI�D, TExAS; Section '1. Th� City Cour�cil hereby finds and determines that a public convenience an� necessity exists for the cQnstruction af �o�d, drainage and utility 6mprovement� on ceetain r�al property located in Brazoria Cour�ty, T�xas. Section 2. The publec convenier�ce and nec�ssity ret�uires th� acq�risitic�n ot rught- of-way, by donation, purch�se, condemnatia�, or 4therwise, of certa�r� real property located w�thin the City and situated in Brazofia County, rraare �articulariy described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and incorporated hoerein for all purposes. Section 3. The City Attoeney, or his designee, anci other City officials are hereby a�thorized �nd directed, an behalf Qf the �ity to take such actians as are necessary to ORD�NAN�E NQ. 1420 ac�uire the �roperty, �escr�ibed i� Exhibits "A" and "B" and any rmprovements thereon, either by donatior�, purchase or the exercise of the pawer of eminent domain. Sectian 4. �he City Cauncil he�eby declares that a public emergency exists for the �cqui�itian of saicl proper�y as th� ct�n5truction of road, drainage and �utility improvements b�ars direetly upon the health, saf�ty, and welfare of the citizenry; therefare this 4rdinance shall be passed finally on its first and only reading and shall take effec� immediately upon its passage and approval by the City CQU�ncil. PASSED and APPROVED or� �irst and �7r�ly Reading this the 28`� day of June, A. D., 201 d. , �� TOM REIa M,4Y O R /_���'�.�il � i:./ � � r�' � j� ' ' � � � � � APPROVE� AS TQ FC�RNI: ��� � DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTa�NEY �,�A�tLp,,,� r.� ;'t��` '': �.s�j' � �; ; xa u �-- s. : � _ = �7 -. ,= Cn : 2 Exf�ibit "A'° C}rcdinance �Ja. �42� EXHIBTT "A" PARG`EL S2t1 l�iETES Ai�1D BaLyNDS i]ESCFti�TlON 7,S�i3 SQLTA.RE F�T Otl'T Ol LOT 51 ALLISOAT RICHEY GULF COqST H(]ME CO�fPANY SS`UCi�1�T6'�ON OF SECTION 25 H. T. & B. RR. Cd�1P��NY ,SURVE'i', .4,85'�'R?.C�' 245 BR.rLZa��iA CflUNI"Y, TEXr�� Afl that certain 7,545 squ�e feet �ut of Lot 5i, �Ilison Richey Gulf Coest Houte Cnmpan� Su6division of Se�rian 25 accnrding to•the plat thereof as filed in Vol�e 2, Page 10 Brazoria Coimty Plati Records, H. '�. � B. R.R Co�pa� Survey, Abs-tr�act 245, Brazoria Coun�y, Texas ar�d being out af #hai eeztain fract as descn�ed m a cfieed d�ed O1-?5-1994 firom Dang '�bai T� tt� Son Cong I3�nh, et al. as fle,d ia the C3�ci�I Recarcts of R.eal Froperty of Brazotia Cn�mty at Clerk's File Number 94012�67 aad being mare.paaticu�rly desczY`bed by metes and lir��ds as fo�ows {be�ings based an�e Teacas Coordiaate �ystem of 1983, Sa� CcatFal Zane}, ComY_�^�^� at a aroirit marldng the iutez'section of �the occupied �d mun�tesi soutfi zig�tt-o� vuay lia� af Bailey Rna� (�Comriy R�asd 10Ij aud �e occupied. aud. uxom west rag}.�t-o£ way Iine of Mc�ea� Rc�ad (Coimtp Road iO4}; Thence S 02° 36' 1T' E� 165.�5' with the accnpieti ancl mon�en#ed west righi-of-wap lirce o£ said NicT�. Road to the POIIV'T OF B�GINNIA3G of I�erein �scri"�d � I. T�ssce �i 87° 18' 4F" E-16.22' with t}ae nux�h P.iae af said IJinh �act to a point far co�r; 2. Th�e S 02° �1' 12" E—?07.SQ' w°rth tfi� east 3ine of"said Dinh iract ta� a point far camer, 3. Theace S 87° � 8' 48" ►TT � wiii� the nord� line of tbat certain iraci as describad. in a deed daded 09-1�1-Z468 from Franf�M. Boyd, �t�uc. �r 5ammy L. Rc�ber, et ux. as f�ed in Vnlr��ne I�tll, Pa�e 87$ Brazoria Cotimfq Deed �c�ds; passing at 15.51' ti�e accupi�d aad mrm���+tPd w�.st rig�ut-of-way line flf said McLeaa Rned and co�n rin a tot� distan.ce af 35.5 I' to a set S/R" fron radwitE� cap (stam�� C1.. DA'VIS —RPLS 9464) fior corncr, 4. 'Fh�ca N 02° 36' tT' W— 247.50'.. wrth t�e paopQSed w�est ri�ht-0f-wap Iaane of s�.d McLean Road to a set �18" iran rod with cap (sr�ped �.L. DAiriS-RPLS 4464) for corner, 5. Ti�ence N 87° 1$' 48" E— 20.OQ' wrth the north ]iae of said Din}� �act tt� the FaINT' OF BECrINI�P�'G �d ca��g 7,.545 square feet (Q.1732 acre) of I�3 mare aa� iess wittvn t�e aL�ove a�escribeci D.1732 a�'e, 0.078Q acre is wiihin the ex2sGn� right�of-way of said McLesn Raad» '�'his metes �d bounds descaption is accampanied hy a ss:.rpaa�e p1g� drawieg crr exhibit per Texas Hoard of ProfessianaI I,�d. S�aeyot's "Cenexal 1'i�es of Procednres aad Practices" 5ection 663.19(9). � Campi�ed by, C.L, Davis 8c Comgany Fob I+3umber: 11-421-I32 P52A �4iB.dc>c crz-os-zo zo ��-►u-�z �u rs�e.a� ��� � h'9 .^. � � m� m � � iR SIA3 FHaNK M. H6YD, ET c1y( � Snu1AY L RaOBER� ET l/X � (vOL. 3071, PG, 87L1 6COR) us u•o T �HEF'€REJicE PiQ �y� FN[7.5/@"IR BF.M; � 9T37'33" W {� 3. �' � �J.� a zn�sa' C,AiLED 2.00 qCRES L7RNG rNA! 717AN ro sonr coMC �rurr, fr pt (84-0'1Zp67 BCOf�) 01-2.5-1494 � 7uu m� a eamr � m� PRQPDSfD R/W L!!VE �� tq+00 �ESIGN pASELJf McL�qN ROAD �(C.f'i. 1(14) .._�.. -_'w-0.1N3f �� � �6 Cue!�� ."`c'3�1_1P CL� nQlC�O � ___...... �....,. flSP WN/ LfHE 6tiSE PN fi7UMJ MBNtfM�NIAIMlRN [}rsv Q�s'a SFi 7A ROY W. WILLIAMS, JH., � a.. W9ERENOENY EKECI1TOp5 Te EOGAf{ GFIFFIN, Ef q1, (VOL 1455, PG, 131 6f.pR) Q3 LOT 5i ALLISON RICHtY GULF CQASi HaME Co. SECI1l�N 26 (V4L. 2, PG. i0 B.C.P.R.) H. T. & B, R.R. Co. SURVCY A - 245 PARCEL 52A � Y ` U Acre REFERFNCE p�. �/ �.��� $(� �� 5�84'29'22" Vf 3.2fi" � � a.e LS MQNUMENTfD R fiCLUPIF.O H.U.W. CINE ___ x ._ �� -. � �`�`. �3 ��-_ -- � oe+na -- IlP49t1ieYR IaGPPN OLlflp lSy}y�pry[ y�y 190 PNF u�a �� q/1y 11➢� py11C (1-0U+iW N G, ti GN 911C 9 m ��saaxn m �R�a�mua��7vu o0 � � � -�_�_ a._. �_ - FO 1 rt�-1 �eb . . -.-_., . . _ . . . _ p0i � CN � � . � [� 161� QILV y� �! � a � rn�c � F�� 9u.LY E CHI}'FIN �xp . l` �. TD �� I Q"' 04MINICA GPofFiN , � (VUL 93a?. P�C. 547 9COR) . } QS-03-1977 � � A154 SEl: nt �c w=rK WIl,LiM1 C. ld�DEH. t UIC Tq B9I1Y E GRIYFIN, Ef lf% (uo�. es�. Fc. »s ecoR� o��-ai-�ysa cAl1£D Q953 kGRE FR,qNG15G0 J, NqRTdNE7, ET I1X. ��, �-- ffEA�M1L0 hl17RALF_? E7 f1X, � `eJ -�- i (aoaso �e 2Qdff� \ �� ; aR�ctua� ,aR� ('cA�GEa) Z-O(1 ACRES � �K a��o �.Qa .�caF n�,- AREA �4VIININ E'X1S7°ING ,4�W 0.0760 ACf?E aRaErr ,vu�rrmMC wru ro P�osn�w ns a�uwurE,vr o� nr�F h ewLCaAa� ncwn aosr.Er Anrb o � Al2E'A WlTNNV PRdPOSE� R FY C1.03S3 ACRE 51tl+EN LYNN 80SCt]' � g � (] � � 57Ey�N 4YNN HDStE]' Q` � RESIDUE �'.8267 ACRES a {2bc�aroa�� scax) } oz-zr-zuon ;� � (�) ros.se� p ° o Y � � � �� � � F'ARCEL 5� z 4 � � �� �•+"� G'OMME"NCi7'NG : :-:�__ .-v - _ ..-� PdINT MPF9llW1Y. IaC,Y4� F4NN }�PH9MC UNC 121Wp /1RE9 a1TC 1GTIGM WRb 4Y .'.EC PFILANNG QM[-GVL Go YY URY/f! C[L 1. THt SL1fiVf`1i5R �RS NOT kBSTEaqCTkU T49E SIJOJECT PR[1F'ERTr 9UT I�IAS REI_IEO ��dJ TOF RESULi'S TITLE 5. T(2ACT 5}iOWN Hk7t�:aN SugJECT TO CIN UF YEAEilANp SERVVCE570 Pft�Vi6E �E£l1 COPVES OF 7HE SUBJEC'f 9UILOING 4R�INANCE. �'ftOPERTY ANII A0,lOINERS, 6, 11NDERGRf]IJMp uTILf11E5 SFiUWN f1hSE4 ON GlIY �(' 2. SHE 9A515 UF EEARINGS SHOWN IS REFEkENCEO TD T}IE PERRIJS7E1 dFU5NIi3C5 d� UTELITY COhIPANY �LOCH NAPS, WIZFI TE%h5 CFIOROINA'I� $YSTEM OG 1983, SOaiTP[ CENittAL FIELO TIES `fq EXISTIkG� SLIRFACE FUZTt1R�$, G�hfTRACTOR LEG�ND ' ZON[. Il7TiR��50N51BLE FOR YERIFICAiION QF UM�ERGROUNfS (53 SE3 5�g��IRON ROD W�CAP 3. T7�E BUILOINGS UR VdriPROVfFB5N5S SyQWN MEf�pON (PK) $�T P-K NAIL iN ASPI REPRC3ENP TNE OUTLJNE AT Gq0UN9 Sl1FFAC€ I_EVEi, 7. ;HIS SUFivF,'f pLqC FS ACCOMPANIEU BY A 5Ef ARA7E MF.T[S BCE7R BRAZURIA COLNTY OEE!] REGQRDS uNl€55 otl�iEkwiSE Wq'IFp. Ap70 601JN05 [SESCRIPiIDW P.ER TE%nS BOhRO E}F BCO#2 BRAZORI� C4UN1Y� OFFICIAi. RE[;qRDS PHPFE5SSONA� V�t70 SURVEYpR'S ° CENERAL flULES �F gCPR fiRAlpRiA C011NTY PLAT RECQRDS 4. TlIE UTVL07 APPl7RTENANCES ( Lc., u3ility potuy. inlo[c, e7c.) pqtlC�0URE5 ANO VRACTICES' SELal4rv 583. 19(9), ' sfiosvr+ o-�€apaN nreE TH�sE �sla�E aT TwE �eeF oF P.p,9. PO1NT OF BEGINNING SURV.zY ANO MAY Npl� B£ CL]MPLEfE. B CAPPEU ROOS S7unrEf. G.t. 6AVIS, R.P.I_S. NP. AA64 RjVJ }21GHT 6Z1�+4�2c>1u �, 4q64 DATE C, L. l�AVIS Fi.P.L.S. Na, PAR�EL 52A so�v can�c a��vH, �r ux L r._� IIAV�S lit C0. ��o vn�rtc war FA�.NiiSWmfl�, lEJWS 77540 �� LAN� S131'tVEYING za�_�ax-aaao Ra�rE suRVEr - 7..'']4.7 $Ql3ARE FEEP OIJf OF LlDf Sl ALlJSON RICHEY GULF COItiC NS1MB �'.O. SUppMSI4N OF SECTION 26 (VOi.. 2. P0. t0 B.C.P.R.} H.T. ,k 8. R.R. C0. SLIRV�EY, Af35iRAGT 2d5 ao' �on r7o.: n-az�-332 11 � � �- � � � � � � � � Z '-' � � -�'a N �