R2010-070 - 2010-06-14RESf3LUTlflh1 NO. R20aU-70
Section 1. That certain contract for canstruction materials tes#ing� services
assaeiated with the Al�ce Street Water Plant, a ca�y of which is attached hereto as Exh�bit
"A" and made a part here�f for all purposes, is h�reby a�athorize� and approued�.
Section 2. Tf�at the City Manager or his designee is �ereby authoriz�d to ex�cute
and the City Secretary to attest a cantraet for canstruction materials test�ng seruices
associated with the Alice 5treet Water Plant.
PASSED, APP9�QVED and ADOPTED this the 14 day of Jur��, A.D., 20��.
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Exhibit "A"
Resolution No. �201 �-70
TH1S CQiJTF�p.CT is eiltered into ori June 14, 20'IO b}y at3d bett��eci� the City of
Pearlar�d �"C1"TY") a«d Geotest En��ineei'i»g, Inc. {"'CONSUL`�A1VT").
Thc CI"1"4` ei�4�a�es tkac CONSULTANT to per•fot°tn Construction Ma#erials Tcstin Ser��ices
far� a project kno�vn a��d described as Alice Street Water Pla��t ac�d City of Pear•la��d 30" Water
Line Intercoa>»ect ��-it11 City af Ho��sto�l {PI•aject #W42051)
"C�f�e CONSULT�INT shall perform the folla«�ii�� professional ser°vices ta CITY stai�c�ards and in
accorc���ncc �vith tE}e de�i•ee of care and skill ti�at a p�•ofessianal i�� Te�:a� �d�o�Eld exercise uncler
Y�l� �Si1113� pl' S11T11�c"iC' CICCl9[71Stc'lI7C�S:
A. The CDIJSULTANT shall perfoi�it�, Constz ivtatecials Tes�in� Services. Sce
E�k�ibit A, attached, for a detailed SCOPE OF V4'QRK. The �'RQ�ECT scl�cd�ile
shall confort» to tk�e constr�actio�� scltedule.
B. "I CQNS[JL"I�ANT shall pre�are and s�ibmit a detailed c��ir�io�� of este�l�ateei cast
of tl�e PROJECT.
�C. The COiJSULTAI�,IT ackno���ledges �hat the C1TY (theou�h iis eenployee
ki�c�di�o�k) considers t��e follo�ving to be misconduct th�t ss �i°ound� foa�
termi�lation of a CITY ernpfa}��e: !�►�y fi-�ud, for�ery, misa�propriation af flinds.
receivina ��iymet�t foi' ser�Fices t}ot pet'for�ned ar for 11out`s nat ��Forked,
mish�r�dlin� ot• ur�tr�rtliful ��eparting of ananey trans�ctic��ts, destrt�ction of assets,
�IIl}3[LZIeC71217t, e3CCeptlllS�T T11c`11eC1t1�5 Of Wc'��lle fC'OITl V�11C��I'S, Of' CO[iSll�tc�[1tS, e�fl��0i'
collect�ng �•ei�l�k�tarsernei�t of e�:��enscs made foi� the bet�efit c�� t11e CI�[�Y, Tlte
C{�NSLJLTANT �grees tllat it ��fill ��ot, directly or itldirectly; encourage � CITY
cr�iplo��ee to et��age i�� st�ci� miscr�ncluct.
D. Tf�e C�C3NSUJ T1'�NT recog�lizes tk�at all dra�vinbs, spee�al provisao�7s, �tield survey
t�otes, re��oi�ts, estimates and any and all O�IZ�1' CIOCU111eC1t5 or ��lark prod��ct
��eF�ev�ated b}f tl�e CONSllLT,�NT rinder tf�e C��ITRACT sf7al[ be delivei•ed to t�le
CITY upon rec�uest, s11aEl 1�econ7e su'�ject to �lle Open Records L�i���s of this State.
E. �Clle C01`4SU�.'TANT shall proc��re a��d at�airlt3in f�ae �hc d��arat�o�rti or tllis
Agre�Etlet�t. ins�u�aa�ce a��airtst claims for inj�u�ies to persons, d�ma�es to E�roperty,
c�r an}^ ei a�ld alnissions refatun� to t11e perforr��a�lce of an}� �vork b}� ti�e
C�NSUL`I'A\T, its ��ents, enlployees or s��bcon�racto��s und�a� tf7is A�reetnent,
as f�llo���s:
(]} �,��arkers` Cam�7cnsatio» as rec�uired by lar�-.
(2} Professiori�l L,tability Insur�nce in an an�ouo�t ��ot less th�ry $l,(�0�,0�00 in
the a��re�ate.
{3} Coit�prel�er General Liabifity and P�'�per[y Damage Ins�e�ar�ce ���vith
n�ic�imwn IEtnits of $1,000,�00 fr�r inj��ry or death of an}� oi�e persan,
$ I,O�Q,000 for each occurrence, and $1,OOfl,000 for eackj aceurrence �f
�ama�e ta or clestruction of property.
(�) Comprcliensi��e Autotno#aile and Truck Liability �t7sura�rce coverin�
o�tned_ }tired, and t�on-o�e�ned vel7icles, wit11 t�it�im����1 limits of
$1,000,000 for �njury or death of ��r�4� e�ne �ersot�, � l,OQ0,000 far each
c�cc�ir� and $1,000,000 for �raperty dama�e.
Tl�e C(3NSULTANT sh�ll include tlle Cf�TY as an additional i�lstn�ed unde�� tkie
p�licEes, ti��itl the e�ceptio�i c�f tl�e Pro#�essiai�aC Liability Insui�anee anc� V4jorkers`
Compe«sation. C�t•tificates of Insurance and endat•sements sE�all be furnishecl ta
the CIT`r' t��fare rvoc•k co�l�mences. Each i�lsurance �olicy sf�all be eiicloe to
state tllat covc�°�ge shall nat be suspei�ded, voided, canceCed, ac�dlor ce���ced i�1
covera�e or i►� lin}its ("Cl�ac��e in Covera�e") except �a�ith prior ���ritten c€�nscn�t of
th� C'1TY a��d only after the �G�TY l�as been provided 4vitE� «Iritten notice of s�ach
�han�c or� Co�er�a�e, stach natice tQ be sent ta the CIT'Y either 6y iiand delivecy to
the Cit�� Mana�er or by certif�ed «�ail, return �eceipt rec�uested, ac�d received t�y
the City no fe��,�ez• than thirty (30) da��s prior to the effecti��e date af sucl� Change
i�� �Covera�e. P��ior to comrnencin� services under this C07VTRACT,
C(�NSUL`I�A]�JT sk�all fue���s�� CITY ��rit�� Certificates of Insui•at�ce, or formal
endorscmen�s as ec�uired b}7 this COI�TR�LCT, issued b}-' CQNSULTAN"��S
io�sl�rer(s), �s c��idence that polccies prcavic3ing tlle i•equ�t•ed cover�6e, coi�ditio�ls.
ailcf limits rec�uir•ed b}r this C�NTRACT a�'e in full forcc ai�d effect.
F. - I�he CC}ItiiSULTANT shalJ �ndei�raify a�ld hold the CI'I'Y, its officers, agerlts, a��ci
employ�ees, haratlless from any claian, loss, dan��a;e, s�cit, a��d liab�lity of e���ery�
kind for wvl�ich C�NSULTANT is lega�ly ]i�ble, including a91 e�peilses �f
litia�iti�n, cai�rt costs, and attorney's fees, for inj4at'y to ar de�t�� of any }�e�•san, fa�
dan�a��e ta any p� or errors i�n desi�►�, �oly of �vhich are caeisec� t�y th�
ile�Jai�ent act oa• omissiot� of the C�NSULTANT, h�s officec•s. e�nployees, age�lts,
car s��bcc�nU undec Ellis �CONTI�.4CT.
G. �111 parties iTltend that the CONSULTAN"I', in �erfor set'v�ces pursuant to t��is
COI�!"1'RACT, �hall t�ct as a►3 ir7dependeilt co�ltractoe� ailcl shall haw�e contral oi� its
o�v 1� r�ark a�lc1 tf�e n�annet� in ev��ich it is �erFormecl. The CC)]`�15ULTANT is na� ta
be cc��asiclered an a�ent or e��riployee c�f the CI'I�Y.
"l�hi5 CC}N�I�I�;�CT tie�i�l t�e binding upon exec��tion and end �i�an cc��z��let�c�n of t11e canstruction
relatecl ���or�. not to e�ceec� ?=� ���c�nths after ��ecuti�n of tl}is contract.
f1. Tlle methoci af paymet�t for this CO]`�1TRACT is nat ta exceed. Total
campe�ls�tion far ihe services pe�•fortned s�}all be the sun� t�f 5266,571.50.
f3. The CITY sh�ll pa�� the COI�SULTAT'�1T in installmet�ts baset� upo�� moj�thly
proga�ess ►�eports aild detaiCed i6�voices subm'ttted by� the CO�SULTANT.
C. Tlle C1TI' sl�all Mtlake pa}�inents to the C�NSU�.TAN"I t�.rithin �h�� (3[)) ciays
after recei�t a�1d appi•csval of a detailed iinfaice. Invc�oees si�al] l�e s��btt�itteci oE� a
mo��thly l�asis.
A. Tlle C1TY si�all desi�r7ate a project n�a�la�er duri�lg tlle terNn of this CQNTRAC"I'.
7�lle pi•oject man�ger ]las the autharoi}� to administer tl�is CQN�'ItACT a�ld sl�all
monitor co�n�liance �vitl� all tei and condiz�ons staked he� All requests for
i��toi'mation fi or a decisian by tl�e CITY can a�ly aspect esf the ���or�k shall l�e
ciiE�ecteci ta the pi°ojcct manager.
C�. The CIT�,' sha91 re�.Fie«� submittals by the CONSULT'ANT and provide prompt
res}�oilse ta questio��s atld renderit�a of decisions pertaif�in� tl�ereto, ta minimize
delay in the progi�ess of ti�e CONSULTANT'S 4��Qr•k. Tk�e CI"I'Y ���ill kcep the
COi'�!SUL�'A1�IT advised eo�acerning the pr�o�,ress of the CI�fY'S ��evie�v of tE�e
�;ra��k. 'The CC?NSULTANT a�rees tf�at tl�e CIT`�"S i��spection, revscw,
accepta��ce or a��raval of C(.1NSULTANT'S ��.rork shall nox eelie<<e
CONSULTf1.N"Il'S responsibility for er1°ors oe• amissians of the C�NSULTANT or
its sut�-canst�ltant(s} or iw� any way affee� tlle CONSULTANT's stai�►s as a��
inclepetadent contra�tor of the CITY.
;1,. 1'he � ITY, at its sofe cliscretio�3 671c�� teeminate t�iis CON"I'RACT fo�• a«y reason -
-��-itl� or s+.tithati�t cause �- by deliverii7g r�-ritten ��otice to CO�S�JLTAI�I�I'
pe��so��ally �r by certified m�il �t 560� Bintliff �ri�re, Houstot�, Te�as 77036.
Imm��iiatel�� af¢�r r�ceiviflg s��ci� �a�ritten t�otice, the C(�NSULT,�NT shall
dis�:ont�����e pt the services utlder tl�is CQI�1Tf�ACT.
B. lb� tllis CC�NTRACT is terni�r►at�eel, G�C)NSULTAI�IT sllal] delivet• to the CITY all
dra�vin��s, sp�cial peovisions, field s«rvey tlotes, r�ports, estin-ratGS a►3d ���}� at7�l ttll
ot11�r d�ctu�3erlts or' �r�o��k peoduct ge��er'ated b}� the COa'JS�JLTAi�l�I� �ulder tl�e
CO�N�"1�RA�GT, �ntirely or p�rtially cotn�lek�d, togetller i��itl� all u��usec� i7late�•ials
su��pliecl by the CI�FY an c�r befos ti�e 1 S` c�a�y follo�vio�� terit�inatinn o�' the
CQN�'I�.ACT. �
G. [n tk�e event c��' s�ach t�rminatior�, tl�e CC)NSULTr�NT sk�alV' �� paid for ser+�r�ces
�erfori��ed �r�er to rcceir�t of fl�e ��1i•itten natice of t�emination. Tl�c CITY shal]
r�lal.e fiiroal p�iy�ne��� «�itt�i�l sixty (60} clays afte�� the CQNSULTANT has deli��ered
to ihe CITY a detailed invoice fc�r services rendered a��d t11e documei�ts or �.�,�c�rk
prc�duet generatec� by Yl1e CONSULT�INT undec• tlle CONTRACT.
D. If t91e remuneratiott schedl�led under this can�ract is b�osed upan a fixed fee ot•
detinitel�r aseertainable s��m, the portiot� of such su�n payable shall bc
pi•o�ortion3te ta the p�rc�nt��e of services eom�leted by t17e CONSULTAN�'
bt15eC� L1�J06] ��7E'. SGf�]3� Q� 1�i01��.
C. 1�7 the e�fe�lt this C(�NTRAC� is te� the CITY s11a11 have the o�atiot� af
completinQ tlle ���ork, or enteris�g intea a CC)NTItI�C7' tv�ttl ai�ot�er party for t���
completion of tii� r��or�.
F. I1� tk�e CI'I'Y t�rei7inates tllis CONTRACT for ca��se andlor if t11e C�NT�f1CTOEZ
b��e�c��cs any proG�ision af il�is C(�NTRACT, then the CITY shall have all ri�hts
aild remec�ies in la`v �ndlor equity against CO3�1SULTANT, Venue for ac�}� action
ar disp��te arisi��4 otrt of ar relating to this Cf�NTI�CT sha�l be in Brazoria
Co��a�ty, "d'�xas. Tk7e la�vs of tl�c St�te of `y`exas sk���ll �overn the terins of this
CC}N'I'I�AC"I The pre��aili� party in t6�e action sl�all be entitled to recovee Ets
actrtal dama�es �a�ith interest, attoc fees, costs and ex�enses incu� in
connectian ���ith the dis}�tite a���/ar actic��i. CQNSULTANT ai�d C1'I'Y desire an
expec�itious mea��s to resQl���e a��}r dispute�s that t�2a}> arise b�tween� u�7der ti��s
CC]NTR.�CT. To �cc�n�plish ihis, the parties agree to mediation as foll�ws: lf a
dispute arises out of �r rel�tes �o this CONTRAC�', ar the k�reach ther�of, and if
t17c dispute cannoc be settled tklr Il��flllat[4i1, tl�en t3�e pa�•ties a�ree �irst to h�y
in 6aod faitll, �ind before pu�'sui�tg any legal remedies. to sett�e t17e dis�ute �by
n�ccVwatiot� of a thirr� party «rho ���il1 bc selected by a�ree►��e��t of the parties.
SEC7'1(?N '��1 — �1��TIR� AGI�E�IVIENT
Il�is CC)1��"I represen�s tk�e cntio�e agl•eemer�t bet���een tlle CI"CY and tlle CONS�JLTANT
ao�� supersecies all prios• �Ze�oti3tions, t`e�reserlt�tions, or contracts, eit}�er «�ritten or oa•al. "i'E�is
CC)�Ttt.ACT may l�e a�alet��icd aill}� by wti'�•it:ten i��s�rt�ine�lt signed b�r both pai
Th� C'(7NSU6.T�NT affi�•t��s tf�at he 1�as not e�l�ploycd or reta�ned any catt�p�ily or }�ers€�i�, otllcr
th�n ,1 1����� fde em�la��ee �vorki�l� fo� taie CONSULTA�T ta solicit or seeure t17is
C�C?N and tha� k�e has ��ot paid a�- agreed tc� pay a��y compauiy od persan, �ther tha�� a
l�oila ti� cit�plo�ee. atty lee, con�mission. }�erce�lta�e brokera�c fee, ffift, or a�1y otk�er
cunsideration. co�atin�ent uE�on or resr�lt'rn� from tb�e a�a�ard or n�aki�lg of the CQi���TRACT. Fot'
k�rcacl� c�r vic�latiail of tllis cd�ruse, thc C1TY �t�ay terii�ir��te tl�is COi�ITRfi�CT «�itho��t liabili��y,
a��ci in its ciisr��eticjn, i��ay dedtact fi'om the CQNTR,hCT price or coi�sideratioij, �r �thee���isc
rec«��cr. t47e fT�il9 a�z�c�tu�t of stiich f�e, coi��rnissian. peecer�ta�c k�ro[�erage fee, ��ift. or contin�erlt
lee tk�at 13�s been p�id.
I�his C0�'TEtr1.CT �hal� nat be assi�nal�le e:�cept u�on the wrcttei� cof�scnt of Elze pa:�ties E�creto.
The parties Ilave executed this CONTRACT tlais 1 4 th day of u �� , 2.Q I p,
City of Pearland
� I
Geotest En 9neering, e
� ��' �� � � 9 � e
Geotechnlca! EngPnee,rs & hfnterfals Testln�p
56Qfl Bintiiff prive Hfluston, T�xas 77Q36 Telephone: {713) 266-�5Bf3
�ax: (713) 266-2977
�'ropa4�l Nn, 11502222-01
Date: OS-�03-2010
City of�'earla��ci
rLttei�tio»: �.�[s, T�eresa Bn�ke��ficld, P.F".
3� ] 9 [,il�crt�� I7�'iti1c
1"c��rlau�i� �I'cx��s 77581
Re: ,11ici: St��cet 4�,�ate�� Pf,��it anci �'e�t•l���cl `�Vaterli�t� ��ite1•c�ani�ect �ti�ith C.O.H.
Pi���ec.t No. O1]0-1G
I�e���� ivls. }3�ttei�ii�e]tl:
I3asccl �ci thc di ��1c1 speciiic�tioi3s fiin�ished i� �ts, Geotest Et��i�7eering, Inc. is
pl�;4iseci to su1�i�lit oiu� cost cstimaic for �ae�•foi materials ei�g���eeri�lg serti�ices clur�i��g tlie
cui�structia�l of the al�avc �'efei'�;ilceci 131�c�ject. Base�l oii Chc ��i�o��osed scope c���sez�trices, t��e
cstimate {i �ucl�ef of �26G,571.54. Ait}� �dditioiial sc����ices 1°ec�uesteci ai�c� i�ot ���ct of tl�is
estin��ltc ~��ill be cl�ar;eci i�� aceorclailce «�ith ot�i� att�c��ecl fee sc]ledtilc.
Ple�fse intiicate your forn3a] acc���ta��ce fay sig��ing belc���� and ret��r�ii�lg one ( L) copy.
'v1�c laol: �or«�isrti to ���oricii7� ��fith you. Tf ��o« �ia��e �ti�r c�uestio��s, ��le��se c�iit�ct m� �t }�o�u�
Very h�ulj� yatirs,
GL�T�ST ENGINL'�Rli�x�, IIl�:.
`� }l�,`~^ —
T ���----
R�l��i F�aj `� at��iii�a:itE�1� �'.E.
TBT'E Re�iski�atian Na. F-�41t7
Cu��ics Su}�»uued (Z)
C'nsl I�stiiii�st�
A('C'LI��1'�� 13Y:
l'itlt`T'�I7 1�e�1 \�i t-::
13f1 I'i�.:
Geotes# �nc�ineeTinJ
Bucfget Estimats
Alice Street Water PEant ar�d Pearf�nd Vldaterline Inkerconnect with C.Q,H
� Service Bi6lir�g Cades Quant�! Unit Unil Ra1� Estir�}ate
1 �l Eart�GVOrk
Builcfi�i� Subc�racle �nd Paci, SGte Util�ties, P�v�rr�enE Suhgrade, 30" Waterline,Mi�c. Earthwork
En�ineerinc+ Technic�an 3fl7fl0 1850 HQUr � 53,00 a 98,�5C}.a0
Fn�ineerinJ Technician, (OT) 10701 580 Hour � 79,5� � 46,110.00
Vel�icle Ct�ar�e 15000 268 Trip $ 60.a0 � 16,08a.0�1
Nuci�ar Ga�ic�e 95100 2430 Hour � 9.C10 $ 21,87fl.00
Lim� Deierminatias� 92$00 2 Each $ 178.00 � 3JG.00
Moist<fr� Censity Relalianship(treated,select #kll,subc�rada) 923Q0 12 �ach � 176.00 � 2,1�0 00
Atterk�erc� Limits 901�q �2 �ach � 53.00 � 63f� OQ
P�rc;enl P��ssing 20(3 5iev� (-20�) 90600 12 Each S 45.46 � 540.Op
Cement St�bilized Sand Cornpressive Strength 94'�t�0 12� Eac�7 � n1.p0 � 7,564.0�
Totai; � 185.742.Q0
2.Q Dri�le�J Footing Foundation
�ngii�eering Tecl�niciar�
Er�c�in�;erinc� � (dT)
Vehicle Charye
Cylinder Tests (4 cyllsei}
1(?700.0 64 Hour � 53.�0 $ 3,3�J2.OQ
9070� 16 Hou�r � 79.50 � 1,27?.O(J
� 5000.0 �3 Trip � 6p,Q0 � 480.�0
30100.0 32 Eacf� � 15.00 � 48� flQ
7otal: � 5,62�1.()0
3.0 Concrete for Slak� on Grade,Gracie Beams, Misc. Concreie
L_nc�ineerin� Technician
Er��ineerirsg Technir,ian, (OT)
�Jehicle Ch�rge
Gylir�cicr Tesls (4 cyilset)
107flfl.0 250 Hour
107Q1 7� Hour
18.0 50 Tri�
3�100.0 268 �ac�
5�.00 � � �,25o.aa
79.5Q � 5,�362,5Q
6�.00 � 3,QOb.�O
� �.ao � 4,a2�.00
1'otal: � 2 6, 2 32.50
4.C� Pre-Gast Plank Visit
�,litl�in '1D0 MEIe Radius of Project
Eng�rrF;erir7r� Techr�iciai7, 2 Visits at 10 hrsNisi�
Eng'rr�eering Teci�ni�ian, (�T)
Vehicle Ci�arc�e
90700.a 1t� �-iour � 5�.00 � 84n.0�
� a��� .a a�o�� S 7�.�0 � �� a.on
i 05Q0.4 2 T�ip � 64.00 S � 20.00
Tot�l: � i ,2 86.00
5.0 P�rkir�g and f'avement
Gnc�ine€;riEic� Technici�r�
Er T-echnici�n, (OT)
V'e�hi�fc Ch�rqE
C.y T�sts (�k cyVse#}
1�70a.0 1�0 'Naur
10701 36 �i�ur
1050�.0 2�} Trip
30100.(7 `iO4 �ach
� 53.00 � 8,a8Q.�0
$ 79.50 � 2,��2 �}D
� G0.0�1 � �,�00.C10
� �J.oa � i,5�;o aQ
�rot�i; � ��,�oz.00
Service Quantiiy Unii l�nit Rate �sti�afe
G.d Masanary
F_ri�ineeria�c� Technici�i�
Martar C�A�es (� 1'er Sek}
S��otc�etc Panels (Cor�R� anci '�esting)
Vef�icie Ch�rc�e
10700.�} 80 Hour $ 53.dD � 4,24Q.C1(�
60100.0 $ Sei � 1C}2.0� � 816.00
102d0.0 18 Each � 1DS.�la $ i,�Jf].00
15000.0 14 T�ip � B0,(�0 � 6��.00
Total: � 7,54f.d0
7,0 B�Ited and Weldec6 Connections
C�rlifoecf Welciir�c� Ir,specic�r 111t7a.0 204 Hour � 77.OQ � 15,70€3.Q`J
11T 1 esting �c�uiprnent 50300.0 13 Day � 67.00 � f371 Q(�
Vehicle Charc�e 15C�00.0 28 Tri� $ {��.QO �, 1,68(1.�0
Total: S 18,?_59.001
8.0 Fireproofing
�iic�ir�ccriny l��chniciar� �070Q.0 30 Ho�r � 53.pp � 1,5�O.OtI
Fireprc�c�finJ Density Testing 70100.0 5 Each � 58.Q0 � 790.0�
Vclaicle Cf��rge 1500d.0 5 Trip � 60.a0 � 3f70.0�
Tatal: S 1,1F30.00
9.0 Project Managemenk
�'roject Ma���gement & Aclministration 1��00.0 80 Hour $ 5E3.00 �a 4,fiQ0.0�
VeE�icle Gh�.r�� 15fl00.0 16 Tri� $ 60.Qfl S 960.00
Tatal; S 5,600.0�
�'otal Esfimatec# Budget $ 266,�71.�Q
N�le: A Mir�imur�� C�6 4 Ho��rs 4�Fill �e Charged at The ApplicaEale Rate For All Technicianllnsp�:ctor 5ervices. And
�3n C7vcrEii7ae F�ate Of 1.5 Times The Hourly R�te Is A��licable �or All Ho�rly Emp[oyees.
il 1. u .. S � ..r�
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�EOTEST E�JGI�N'�E�ING, I�C. _- - -
C'�ers[echnfca! Engfneers & Mpter�als Test[ng
56dC� Sintliff Drive Houston, Texas 77�36 T�le��one: (713) 26fi-C1588
Fax: (713) 2�6-2977
Proposal \u. 1 I �0??'?-f11
Date: 0�-f��-? U ] �1
C'itt ol� f'�arl�in��
�tt�i�ci.,i1: 11�. Ter��a Batt��lticld. P.�.
� � ] �J Libert� Qa
P��u�la�1�1. 7 7%i� I
kc: .�,li�e S�� 1i��ttet� Y��t�t anti �e:irlaa�ci �1 atei•li�ie f�itereo�ane�t �� it�� ��.�G.;,.
Fr�ject `�a. U110-16
�ear \�C�. B�jtt�ntizlt�:
B��tse�i ar� th� dt�G�Eti inus anil 5peci ti�ati��ns hu tc� �«. Geo[�:st En�in��rin�_�. I��t. i�
��3�asec� �o s�ihmit our c�st esti����rit� f��r ���.rfc�rn7i�1�� snt�t���iz�ls c���ine�rii�� ser��ic�� �iurii��� th�
c��nstrticti���l c�t kh� al�a��e ► �� 8�lszd on the prt,�3c�sed :�cc,pe uf sw7 icc�. �� �
�stinta[c: a t�uci�et ot S?6f�.�71.�C). .-Lt7� 4�d�iitio�iai s�:r��ice� rec�ttest�d ail� not ����rt c�(�tl�i5
esti�a�t�t� �t�ill i�G cl�a� it� accorda�lc� �� ith o�u att�ich�d r�e �ch�����1�:.
Pl��l�� it�drocat� ��c�ur tc�s acceptai�ce b�.� �i�ni�F�� beio��. a��� r�lurnirlv or�� I� 1�uE�ti _
1't c 1�301: t����� �lt��! t� ��c�rkit�`� �� itE� ��u. [t ��u ���� e��n� yuz�tion5. pl�as� co��t��ct njz ��t ���ui
cor1� cnicr�c�.
V�etv tr«Iv t�c�urs.
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Ra�i �aj S tuaail�an�Iala P.�.
�CBE'E R�t�istrati�n \�-�. 1=�--�li�
( ��pie: 4uhmit[:�i � � �
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�( c �-.�D rr_n �i��:
I'Rl\l E[� \:\\IE:
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Geotest Engineerinc�
Budget �stimate
ABice Street V1later Plant ar�d Pearland Wateriine Interconnect with C.0.9�
Service Billing Codes Qua�tihi ' Unit Urit Rate �s;��, '
1 .b Earthwo�k
Builcling Subgrade ar�d Pa�f, Sat� lltilities, Paverr�ent Subgrade, 3q" Waisrline,ll�isc. Ear#hwork
c��cinee��rc Technician 1�700 1850 h�aur S 53.00 S 98.�i�000
Er�r.�ineerinr Tecr,r,fc�an, (OT1 10701 580 Hour S 79 5� � 4� 1 10 0�
'�reh�cle C#�arge 1500C} 2fi8 Trip S oCl 00 S 1�i.��D i�G
f�iuclear G�uc� 9�1(70 2�13D Hour S 9 Op S 21 .37r� 00
L�r��e Qeter�l�inatior� �2800 2�ach S 178 00 S 3jt� �ii:
�.,laistuie Densiry RelatFOnsh�p(treated,se�ect fill,subgradel 923D0 12 Each S 17h QC S 2.1�J� a�
�ltterberg L�m�ts 901 Q(l ' 1�ach? 5 � i��� � ��3o u!l
P�rcent Pass�ne� 20C} 5ieve (-2C70) 906a� 12 Each 5 45 Oa S 5�0 Ou
Ce«er�t St�hilized Sand Car��iessive Strength ��100 124 Each S 6�.�0 S 7,�6-t 0�?
Total: S 185.7-12 i���
2.G Driiled Footing Foundation
Enci�eering Teci�nician
Enyi�leerin� Techniciar�. {OT}
�lehicle Gharge
Cylind�r T�sis (�3 cyl�setl
� Q7{�O.Q od �iour S 53.D0 S 3.3�t2.0U
1�07�1 16 Hpur S 79.50 S t272 G�
1500(7.� t3 Tri� � �O.00) S 4$�1 U�
3010�.0 32 Eac�� S 15.00 S �80 �t7
TotaV: S 5.�2-�_�JC�
3.0 ConcrEk� far Slab on Grade,Gracfe Beams, hllisc Conciete
Ee�gi��eering Tecnn�can
En�ii��eriny Technici�n. (OTi
'�fehicle Ci�arge
G;+I�n�er Tests {4 eyliset}
1 a700.0 2��0 Ho�r S
10701 75 Hour S
18.0 5f} Trrp S
3010d.0 2b8 Each S
:�3 �U S 13.2�u 1!;
'� :3O � `�J.JDZ �i�
�0 00 S � uul� :;{;
15-00 S 4.�2C� C�C��
Total: � 2� 23� -_.-
4.0 Pre-Cast P�ant Viset
'vdiiili,l iuu" iviiie rcaCiius C; �rGject
Enc�ineeriny Technici�n, 2 Visiis at 1(3 hr5lVisit
Enyineer�r;c Technicia��, {OTp
re"icie Cn��rc;e
10700.J 16 Hour S 53 +�0 S i3�8 ui�
11�7�1.0 4 Hour S 7� 50 a 318.c�[]
1050� 0 2 Tr�p S St�.Of) S ' 2� 0�
T � � "�36 ��i;
5 fl Parking and PavEm�nt
En�ineer���C Tec6�n�c�an
Ene�ir�eer�nc T�chn�cyan. �OT,
�Jel�icle Gharce
Cylinc�er Tests {d Gyl�s�t}
1C17C7C1.Q 1�a0 Hour � 53 OCi 5 8.-18U U+�
10701 3G Hour S 79.5CD � 2.8fi2 0[�
1C�50fl.0 20 Trip S 60.Q� S 1.2�0 0�
3�J1�0.0� 10�3 EaC� S 15 QU � 1.5of� �G�
Tcata9: 5 1-�."f�2 �)���
5ert�ice Quantity Unit Unit F��ze Esun��te
�6.�} f�.lasonar}i
�f�c i��eer�ang Techr�iei2n
h�ius C�;�es {a Per S2tE
5hotcrete Pa�,7�ls �Gorong anci Test�ng)
`;enicfe Cnar�e
1�700.0 80 Hour S 53 00 � -;2-'.�; ,�;�_
60 ���.0 8 Set S � 02 �C� � 8'� �� �i;
1 Q2a�.0 18 Eacr � 1 Q5 00 � � 8�+� 0��,�
15�G0.0 1 Q Tri� S 60 DO 5 �0�� ��+�
Total: S �„�-- �,t=
7.0 Bolted anci V�lelded Connections
Ce°Eitoec IrVelc�ing Inspectar 11'��a0.0 20�t Hflur S T7.00 S 15_'�,�� .��;,(v
U i��st�nC Equipmeni 5Q3bG 0 13 pay 5 67 Qa � 871 GO
w:�"eh!cie Charc e 15QD0.0 28 Trip S n� C��� $ �.�nC; ���u
Total: 5 � 8.25� � �u
8.0 F�re�roofing
Enc��neerinc Technician � 070a.0 30 Hour S 53.�J0 5 1.5�u ;+�
��reprnofin� Densfty TestEng 7010Q 0 5 Each 5 58 OG S 290 u�
Ver�cie GharCe 15fl0� 0 5 Tr�,� S o0.00 S 30CJ 0��
T S 2 ' i )�:
9.0 Prolect M�nagerr�ent
Pro�ect �:lanager��enc & Admiraistration 1�15[�0.{} 80 F�flur S 58 QO � �l o�t�:� �!1
;°ek�,c're C�arge 1�OC�O.J 1� Trip S �C� pr � g;;,� ;;4r
Total: S 3.��Q�,_� :_;�_
Total Est�r�ateci Budgek � 2�D�,��"�.�(}
P��ote- A fv1��,ir��un7 C�T �# F���rs '�a����l� Be Chaoged at �he �p�licat�le Rate Far Hli �echn�cidnrinspector Sef���;c�s �� �d�
ar� Ow�ertirne Rake �f 1 5 T�n�es The Hourly Rate Is A�plicable For Afl Hourly Employees.