R2010-076 - 2010-06-14: , � � -Y �7 R � j � [�] � [ � [� � :�� iy [ � bI: � A RES�LUTIC7N OF THE C�T�' COI�f�GIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLA�6D, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A CaNTRACT FOR Ct��JS�RUCTIC)N 1VIANA�EMEhIT AND CONSTRI�CTIOf� INSPEGTION SERVICE� ASSQCIATED WITH T'FiE CITY'S ALICE STREET WA�ER PLANT. BE lT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL (]F �HE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That c�rtain contract for canstruction mar�agemen� and constructior� inspection senrices associated with the Alice Stree# W�ter Pfant, a copy e�f which is attached hereta as Exhibit °A" and made a p�art hereof for all pur�oses, is h�r�by autharized and approved. Section 2, That the City Manager or his desi�nee is hereby autharized fo execute and the C�ty Secretary to attest a cor�tract far construction man�c�ement and constructior� inspection ser�rices assQCiated with the Alice Street INater Plant. PASSED, APPI�OVE� �nd AaOPT�p this the 74`� day of June, A.D., 2a14. � TOM REI� MAYOR I�ir�.� � ,,.�, �,,�.:, _`�" / ��; Y NG � , , T C ��:: ;�n_ I SE ETARY APPR(�VED A� TO F�ORM: ���-- Q�-- DAF�RIN M. CC7�EF� �ITY ATTORNEY Exhibit "A" Resalution No. R2010-76 CO;�TR.-�CT FOR PROFESSIOti.�L SER��ICES THIS C{�NTRACT is ente�•ec� intc� oi1 June 1 4, 2 p 1 d b� ��ld '�et�� een tE1z Cit uf Pearland (��C�T�'") and LJA En�in�erin�� c� ��ne��ing ("CONSULT.�,itiT'"). T��e �CITY en���es tl�e C(�NSULT�INT tc� ��rfc�i Construetion �13na�e��ient a�Yd Co��stt`tactiott Itis�cc�ion �er•�fces fi��� a pi kni7�,�n and ii�seribei3 a� ,�lice St►�eet `�'e�t�r Plant �»ci C'it}� o� Peael�nd l�L'�iter Line Interec�ilnect ��'ith City' of� �i�uston (Proj��t ��;4'�&2(l� E). SECTI�\ I- SE[2�'[CES OF "I'HE CONSL'LTAi�T Thc COiVSULTi �'!'T shall perfornl the fallc�r���in� praf�ssional ser� ices tc� �1T�i' sC��ndar�t� ant6 in a�cc�rdar�ce u-ith tlle de��ree c�f c�i�e �3t�cl skill th�t a profcssi��ial in Te�as «�auld ��crcis�; uiac3er th�e same ��r srnlil�tr cii A. Th� C(�NSULTr�.'�;T sh�ill perform C'c�nstru�tion �iana�ement 7��d Co�lstruction Se�� iees. See Exhibit A, �tttach�d, for a d�tail�cE SC(�P� �F 4�'C)I�K. Th� �'RC�.fECT schedult shall cc�nform �er the ccrost��uetic�n sch�dule. B. The C(�i�'SULTA�T aGkno�� red;,�es that the CaT`�' (tha�ausyh its emplc,yee hancibc,c�k) c��nsicier5 thc fc�llo�� in�� tc, ��e mi�c�nduct thlt is ����oui�ds tbr ternninntic�n of �t CIT�r" e�ltipl�7��ee: A���� fraud, tc�i��,�eev. inisa�p��c�pi �f fuoleis, recei� in< p��� n��nt fc7r ser� ices t��7t x�e��t�rmed c�r f��r haurs not ���orked, niisl�a6�cili���� c�e �intruthtill r'e��«ctin�� ��f �n�E�ey ti•a�Y�acti���7s, destructi�n c�f assets. it71�3�7,.7_�CI11�IIt, c`1CC��7I11°ib 117�1te1'1�1�5 O� �"il1U� �CC)Ill '�"CIIC�OE'S. C�I� CC'�11511�1ti111S, 111C� 0�1' coll�cti�7� reimbursemei��t of expenses maci� tor� the bet���Eit �f t17e CIT�'`. The C��iSIJLTA�+'T ��re�:s th�t it ��-i�11 »r7t, clirectly i,E i�ldirectly: er��otu���e a CITY �ill]J��V�� k(� �9l`3`�; 1!7 SLIClI ]11L5('OIIC�LICt. C. Th� C�NSULT.�NT reco<rnizes tk7�t al] dra���in�s, sp��:i�] pro��isic���s. �i�.l�i sur��ey rrc�t�s. rep���a est�nl�ltes aiack ��n�� ��nel �ll c�tl�er do�umer�ts c�r «�ni��: pr��d�FCt <�enerttteti h�� the C�i�SULT,�INT u��dc;i• the CO�NTR.�CT shal[ 1�e deli��erecl tc� �lle �ITY u�c�n reque�t sl��all ��cor�le sut�je�;t to tk�e Op��� l�e�ords L�l���s of thus Stat�. D. �I'h�. CONS[��LTA`�iT sh�11 �ar anc6 E�laintaiil fcar� tll� durati��❑ ot� t�7is ,���e'e�:�l��Y�t, insurailce a��inst claims ior inj�n�ies ic� �er�sons. c�ama�res io prc�perty. or �n�- ei7�ars anc� �missirn�s relE�tin� Cc� the perioim�nce of anv �t�c��rk bv ttae� C(�NSULT.�.NT, i�� a;�znts, e�aiployees oa� subco�ltractt7rs itnd�,r thi; A�re-ert��:-nt. �s tollo�� s: ( I) �'1�'��rki:rs' C��m�ensation �s re�uireci l�� 6a��. (?) Profe��sicm�l Li�l�i9itl� Ittsur�nc� in �s� �mou�Yt i��t les5 th�in S1.U[)(�.QUO in the a;���re��at�. C`liCl I Ot J I�. Re.�i;e�1'� ?�119 (3) Con7pi Gener��N Liabilit_v anc� �i I�anYa�re [n5uE ���itl� ��lii�imum limits of S 1,�[�fl{�,OOd For injury �r de�th of anv �one person, 51.004}.QOC� t�?r e���h accuri �1nd �1.�()0.00[l t�i• eacl� accurrzElcz of da�na�e to or ciestr�actic�n �of property. (-}} Comprel .�,�to�Ylobile a�jcl TrucE: Lia��ility Ii�suranc� eo�%�rinQ o��•ned, hireci, anc� �ic�ri-c��� r�ed vehicles. 4r�it1-� mi►limu�al limits oi� S 1.Q00,0�0 �or irijury o9• deatka e�f �n�� onc person, S 1,(}O0.��)0 t'or each c�ccurrz���ce. �ancl �l,�t�0.{�00 f�i� property d�mage. The COVSULT�I.NT sh�l] i�lc[ude the CIT�' as ari �tdclitic�nal insurecl LincC�r t11�: p�licies, ���ith th� e�c�ption of the Prc�fessioilal Li�tbilit�� [ilsur �ild ���°ork�rs� Cc�m��eiis�tion. Certif�eates c�f I�Z�ur�n�e aitd endoi'seine�lts sh�ll be fur��isheti to ttie CITY befor�e t�at co�l�rt�eE�ces. Each itlstn�a�lce pc�licy sh�ll b�; eiatl�irscd tc� state thlt c��=eg���e shal1 nat �c suspcndeci, ��oided, e�nceleci. an�i��oe re�dueed i�l c�or��ra�� or i�� �i�nits ( in Cc�1e��arre e.r ���itl7 prir�r ���ricten c�nserit of the CIT�" �nc3 only after the CIT�' h�3s been pro� iclecl ��'tth «'ritten tt��ti�e �f such Ch�iit��e in Co� erage. su�h noti�e tn b� sent ta the CIT�' eikllei b�� h�t�c] deti��eey to the Citv �rt�ija��c�� �r l�y cei�titied tY1ai1, rettiu re�eipt rec�uestecl. and recei� ed 4�y the Ci� no fe���er tha�� thirt�° (3�) days pric�r tc, the �,ffi�ecti��e date c�f sueh Chat��e in C'o��r���e. PrECr�' to c��s�����i�:�lcit�� 5�i uilder tE7is C���TR�,CT, �COi�1SU�TANT sh��ll furi�is�h CIT4' �� ��rtiFi�cat�s of Ins�r�nce. or tormal er�cic�rse��lei�t� as d�ecli�ii h�= this COti'�f fl��"�CT. issue�cl ���� �CQNSULT.�NT'S i�7stiir�r(s}. �s �:1�iden�� th�tt ���licies p��o��iclin�� the requii�eci �:a��er���, cor7��itic�ns. �ncl ti»�its rcquire�C b�� this C�NT�Z:ACT ��� in full force ancl �ffect. F. The Cl7'�'SLILTAI��T sl�all inde��z�iifv arlci ht�ld th� CIT'�'. its of�f�ice3�s. ��«ents. rind c��j��lc�yees. hai from �ii�y� el�ai►n, lotis. ci�lmat�e. suit. and ]iabilitv ot� e�ery kind fc�r �� Elickz ��NSCJLT.ANT is lc��a�lv li�ble, iiicluciul�, all ��pe�lses �f �iti�,ataon. eo�u costs. ��nc� attc�i7t�v's fees, for injui l�� c�r cle�th c�f �t�y �zr'soi�. iar d7��la�� ta a���� ��i ��i° er in design, anv «f� ���11ich ar c�used t�y t�le ne�,�]iY,ent �Ett or oitlission c�f the CC)ti1SULT,=��T, 17is �fticc�rs, empinvees, a�ents, �r s�abcontr�ct��rs «�7�ler tl�is CC�NT�,�CT. F. :��� �731't12S 111CeI1C� [E]�ll C�1� C���UL.�.�,�Y, 111 }3l;1�t01'117111�y� 5f:1'4`lCl'S }7L11'SLlilllt IO t�l]S CONTR�.CT. sh��ll act �s �n it�d�;�cndei�t c�Y�k��aetor �r��d shall ha��e cnntrol �,f its o�� n �roek ancj [he I�Z�Zii�er in ���hicl� it is �e�rfot����;ii. T'lr�, CONSli�L�'Ai�1� is ��ot ic� be consiel�reel a►i a��ent oQ� � i7i}�loyt� c�f the CIT'�'. SEC'TIflN [I - PERI�D OF SER�'ICE Tl�is CO�ITfZA�T ���ill bc �inclin� u��c��� e�cecution ancl ei�d up�n �.ontplet�o►� of tl7e con�tructi��n rel�ted ���o��k �iot tc� excced thiirtv {3(l�} n��nths after e�ecutic�it of�tllis c��ntr�ct. SECTIO� Iil - CflNSULTANT'S CQtiIPENS.-�TIC7�+l T11e ir�etlrr�7cl of �r�4'tt�ctlt f��e tllis COi+�`TF�:�.C'T is i�;ot tc� Exceed. T�tal ccr�i��cs�satiE�n fc�r the sct•ti•iees ��i•f�rtl�ed sha[1 be the sum of 5�79,7ti4.�10. A. 7��l�e CIT`�" shall pay ttYZ CC)�SUL�'�i`vT ir� installments k�ase�l up���1 131oi1thlv p�•o��•�;ss reports anc� c���ail�d in��oices submitted by� tt7c �CQ�'SULT'.��lT. �. Tl�e CITY s�l�ll tn�tkc �aa��in�.nts t� tk�e COI�`,SULT�4NT ri�ithin thirty (30) dav's aFter r �rtcl ���ra��al of a c�etailec� int��iee. In4�flices shali �'�e submi�teci �il �. rnc�ntk�lv h�tsis. SECTIiDN I�" - THE CITI''S RESPONSiBIC,[TIES A. The CITY shall desi��natz a prc�jecX ma�l��.�ei' ciuu'ia�;, the te�7�1 nf this �CC)NTR�CT. The pc�oject mailt���er h�is t11e �utk��rity� �c� ad�ninisteE� this CC}�ITR-a.CT arici shall inc�i�itc�i� cc�nt��liaatee 1��it1� all tei �}iYd �c�riditions �s�ate�d lt�renl. f111 rcqu�sts fo► i��tc�a�nat�ioo� fi or a decisi��ti by the �'IT'�` c��7 ��7y aspcct of the «-o��k sl��ll be directzc! tc� tlie project ttt�t�a�L�r. B. The C'ITZ' shall re�ie��� s��binictals by the CQ�ISUL�TA�T at�d p�'c�vic�e �i•o����� respoo�se to �u�stions and r��bcierin�� a�� dccisi�ns }��i t�iei tc} minim�ze delay in t�1e p�����i c�f th� CQ','wISI�LT,�S.NT"S ��-i7i�k. �k�e C'IT4' ���ill keep �f�e CQNSLJLTANT acit isec� ec�ncei��in�� th� pro��r��s of th� CITY'S re� ie�;� c�f the r�.��ork. Th�z CO\SULTA�s'� ��ee�s tllat tlle C�TY'� i�lspe�tion, t acccpkan�� or �pprc���al ot� C�7i�SULT'A\T'S ���c,rk shall ne�t ��elie��e CO�1�liLT�NT'S res�o�isi�ilitv t'c�r ct7•ors c�r c�missior�s c�f thz CONSP�JLTA�JT c�r its su�i-er�nsultant(s1 oa� i�� am� �����,� .�ffect tk�� CO�SUL�T,�NT'� st�t��s as an iiicle��ende�lt c�i�tt�'�cto�' of tl�e CIT�". SECTI01 ti' - TEAIII\:��'IC7N �1. Thc CIT�", at its sole c6iscretit�n, ma�° Yemli�j�te tl�i5 COi`�TR:�CT (��t' a��v �'casc�ll -- �i itll ��r �ti�ith��ut ca�tse -a by d�lfi��e��ira�r ��-i n�,tice t�� CC��ISULTANT per oi E��� cc rtitied illail at ?q?c) $riaipark Dr.. Suite 60G. Hc�uston. Te.r'a, 770-�2. [mm�:cliate4�; �jt�ter i�eceizir���s sueS� �<<i�itt�il ncatiee, tkie CC)NSL!L�.�NT sl��tll discanti�luc ��rc�� idin�� t��e ser��ic�s ut7t�e�' tk�i5 CC�\TR.aCT. B. ll this COtiTRAC"T is terminatec�. COVSULT:��T ,h�Vl deli�er to tl�e CIT�' all dra�� iilf �pzcia[ }�ro� isic�ns, tjelcl sui� z� i�ot��. i'e�oi'ts. esiit�iat44 at�c� an�� �if�d all �7tk�er d��e�lm�ueE7t5 ��r �r�c,rk E�rc�du�t ;�x�nee�ued bti� thc �C'C);`vSLTLT.AI�;T u���er the C'{�\iTRACT, e�llirely or pa� cc�mpleted. to�etkler u�ith nl9 unused mat�ri��ls supp�i�:d by the CITY on c�i� betoi the 1� d��� dc�]lo« ing t�ritlinaci�n ��f tlt� COti'TR.�.CT. C, Itt t��c c� o� suc�il �zrmii�lateo�2, tlle CQNSU'LTA�1T sha1L k�e pz�id fo�� ser� ices pertc,���ned pric»� 1c� receipt ctif the ��. ritten �qotice of tei�n�i�ti�ti��rl. Tk�e C�TY shaEl. t�lak� ti��al ��a���►errt ���itk7iil sixt}� (6(�) ��ays at'te� the CQ��'�ULTt�I'�T h�s cieliti�er�d tc� the CIT�' a cte�ail��ci in��oi�c� tor s�rciees rei7ciered and tk7e dc�� umea�ts oi ��� ork prc�duct ��ener b�� th� �CQ:`dSULTA'�T unci�e th� CC��IT'RAC�. D. It the i sehecCul�c� w�der tk�is coE�tract is l�ased upon a tixed fce oa� c�ef i�it�ly aseea�t�in�ible sum. ifle per� �f su�h su��� pa�°�bl�; shal] b� �rop��rtion�t� to th�c: p�rcenta��e of serti�ices ccrompleted by the �'C�?�iSULTANT' b�3sed u��o�1 tl�c sco}�� of �;-c�rk. �, In ah� �ti�e�7� �his CDI�TI�.C7 is tern�anate.ci, t6�e CIT�' sl�all ha���e the option of cor�1}�leti��� the ���ork. ��r �nt�i`in�g int� a CO�ITRACT �.��ith aa�at�a�:a' p�rty for th�. �ompletioa� of the ���ork. �. It'th� CIT�' tec7i�iii�tes this CONTKI��T ic��� c�use anc{:t�r if the C(?;�T�.AC`]'OR L�re��hes any� provisioa7 ot� thi� C`C)�1TR.�CT. then th� CIT4' sha91 har e�ll rights �tEld rem�t�ie� iix l��r,� ancl���� equity a;�ainst CONS�.ILT�N�'. `veaue for �n�� action or �lispute �r�isir�� c�ut ��(� oi' r�l�tin; Cc+ tkus CONTRu�CT sh711 E�� �n Brazori� Cc�uttty. Texas. Tk�e 1��4's of th� Stat� nf Te�as shall L�c�� ei7� the tern c�f this �CO�NTR�,CT. The preti��iliri�� �artv in the a�tion sha�l] k�e e�ititlecj to t°��o��et' its �ctual daifi�:i�7es ��ith interest. c�ttor��e�'s fees. casts and e�penscs incura�ed in coelnectic�n ���ith thc c�i5pute an�i-�a�' actic�n. C�JJ�ISULTAi�1�' a11d CI�'Y ciesire �n e�E�eclitic�us means �� res�l� e any c�isp��tes th�t may arise bet�� een unciee' thi� CC�:`�iTR�-1iC`T. T�� aec��llplish tk�is_ th�; parQies a�,�re.�: to n �s follo���s: I� a �ispute arises out of e�r eel�ttes tc� t1�is �QNTR�=�C`T, or the breach d�ereof, and if th� di�put� ��itinot l�e settleci tl�rc�u;�h ne�otiatic�n, ttlzn tl�� partie� a�i`e� tit'st to tt'y in �oo�d faith, t�17d befc�r� pursuiilg aily le�al renYCdics. ko scTtic; tE�e dis���ate l�y �7�edi���c��i c�Ea t�7ird p��rty ��.�l�o ���il] be selectc.d by a��� of t11e- parties. SECT101 S'I — Ei�'TIRE .�GREE'1IENT This C�JNTR.�CT repr�scnt� tli� c��tire a�reemei�t bet���ee�� tli� C1TI4' and the CO�NS�1L�['ANT and su�e��sed�� �ll pei�r nz�otr�lti��ns, re��rc�entati���zs. �r � c�iztracts, eithe�� Ez ritten or oral. �f'k7is C(�iVTR.=�.C�C m�y be �naendc:d �r�ly by �ti�ritten i��sCr�►m�nt si�n�t� ��bv b�,tk� partizs. SEC"�'ION `�'Ii — C'(l�4'E:�.-��rT .�,G:�,INST C(.l�;Tl\GEyT FE:ES `�'��c C�ti�SULTrti'��T ��Ffii tiiat 3ie h��s t���t �nt�7l�vtcl or r�t�inc�� a�l�.� �oai1�7�`�il�� ��� pe�rs���, c,tller th�i� a k���67� tielw Lt�7��lc����e ���ork������ tc��� tk�e CC�NSLi LT.�4�i�T ta salicit �i� seeur�. tl�is COi�fiRfiCT. z3f7c� �hat I�e l��s nc,t ���aid nr �iE�rz�d tc� ���� an�� com�anr� ��r ��t'sti�n. oth'�• �f��n � l��,na iicle em��lc�v��e. �7�11� fe�. co�l��»issic ���rcer�tas�e bi fe�. gii't, ��r a�l�.� �tller c�e7usid�r�ti��7. eo�ntitls�ent u�of� nr resultin�� frc�m �he �����rtl c�E' �n�ikii���x ol� tfYe C'OVT[Z.�,.CT. Fc�r breach or ��iol�tic�n of tt�is c�ause, tl�e �ITY t3iay tea���inate this CONTRAC'T ���it��c�ut liadility, and in ics discretion, tn�y deduct fr the COI'�1�I'RACT �rice or consi�ieratian, or athe� reco�-er, tlie full atnount c�f such fee, eonunissioz�, percenta�e b� fee, giFt, c�r contingent fee that has be�n paid. SECTION VIII- SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This CON �TRACT shall not be assi�nable except upon the tivr�tten consent c�f the parties hereto. The parties har°e ereeuteci this CONTRA�"T this 1 4th day crf ,Tur�e ,��1�1. City o earland, Texas Bill Eisen, City Manager _ �� � � r � �� Engialeering & Sutveyinb EXHIBIT A COf�STRUCTIQN MANAG�IVIENT SCOPE OF SERVICES •� City af �'earl�and Alice Street Water Plant And City c�f Pearland Water Line Interconnect Witt� City af Ho�ston Praject #W42Q51 BASIC SERVICES: Construction M�nager(s) �hall render the following professional services to th� QWNER in connection with the constructian af #he Project. 1. Pre-Construction 1. �. Prc�vide review of plans, specifications, contract documents and validity of Engineer ot Record's prc�ject duration. 1.2.Attend Pre-Bid Meeting; pro�ride feedback �o �City's Prc�ject Manager as necessary. 1.3. Chair Pre-Constructior� Meeting 1.3.1. Schedule and conduct the pre-cons�ruction me�t�ng; record and diss�minate minutes from pre�constructican meeting. `�.3.2. Set communications prrtacol �nd cantract administra�ion procec�ures. 1.3.3. Provide agenda for meeting tn cover: Key milestone dates, pay �pplica#ion procedures, sched�le, public natification issues and procedures, utility coordination issues, traffic eontrc�l, permitt�ng, property own�r notification and coordinatior�, temporary facilities, etc. 2. Construction Administration arad Management Services 2.1. Act as the Gity's on-site r��reser�tative and provide averall project over�ight. 2.2. Nleetings; Schedule and conduct constructio�n progress meeti�gs; record mir�utes from constructaon �rogress meetir�gs and distrit�uke to City Project Manager, aesign EngErteer and �an�ractor throughout the duration of the praject. 2.2.1. Schedule meetings every two w�eks, minimur�, to review the follawing: work progress ar�d schedule, outstanding issues, 5ubmittals, shop drawings and �hanges ta the work. 2.2.2. Coardfnate �dditional rr�eetings as necessary to disc�ss and resolve problems and provide �u�idance in a timely mar�ner. 2.2.2.�. Coorc�in�telmon�tnr the fol#owing: utility reloca�ian activities for compliance, utility installation verificat[on, reporting, record rnanagemer�t and as-built drawings. Attend all utility coordination, cor�struction, and scheduling meetings. Obtair� eQpy of ROW permit a�d print� from Public Warks in orc�er to monitor progress of utility �relacatior� per p�;rmitlplan. 2.3. Manage Construction 2.�,1. All fnal documentation is required as an electronic/di�ital format. 2.3.�. As field proble�ns ari��, notify the Desic�n Engineer and City Project Manager of proposed solutians to resolve problems. 2.3.3. Review and update as-buiit documents regularly wH�th contractor. 2.3.4. Monitor a�nd ens�re adherence to approved project baselir�e schedule. Rewiew contractar's sched��4e monthly, ensure c�mpiiance wi�h City"s intended schedul�, an� provide recommeradatians as needed to r�tain and r�gain sch�d�l� if needed. 2.3.5. Recomrnend alternate project sequencingl�chedu�ir�g to keep project an schedule. 2.3.6. Prepare monthly summary report of eonstruction activities wi�h outst�a�ding iss�es outlined for review. Monthly progress info� associated with tt�e project will be submi#ted to the Gity far r��riew and approval. 2.3.7. Record we�ther conditions on jobsite daiiy. 2.4. Coar�iinate work of eor�tractor with exterr�al agencies and utility companies. Coordinate contractor's operatio�s with regard to ather Gi�y contracts and construction, including the City of Houston 72" 'J�Jaterli�re pr�jcct along Fuqua, as well as wifh property d+rv�ers for planned servic� outages, street clos�res, and aceess contral issues to properties including notifica�i�ns. 2.4.1. Verify c+anstructaon conformanc� and campliance +,vith TCEQ, iVCtl and �lOT. 2.4.2. Verify constructian conforr�ance with permitted activiti�s such as: City Qf Pearland Permits, U.S. Army Corps of Engineer5 permi�s, TxDOT roadway permits, and any Railrc�ad agreemen�s. 2.5. Maintain records of all! decisiar�s, actior�s and activities wit�r regar�i to construction aperatians (i.e. Chao�g� �rders, RFIs and resp�nses, 5ubmitkals and responses, F�equest for'Propasals, co�respondence, SINPPP ic�spectians 3. Construetic�n I�spection S�:rvices 3.1. Prouide full-tirne on-site technic�l observation of Cantraetor's ac�ivities to verify �and ensure all work materia9s, structures, equip�nent �nd workra�anship comply with the Contract Documents including Adden�a, and Change Qrders. Verify and ec��ure t�at Contractor maintains good con5truction �ractices and profe5sional standarc�s prevailurrg in the local �City, Caunty, and State of Tex�s. 3.1.1. Notify ti�e City Praject �Nlar�ager if Contc wark is not an comp6i�nce with the Contract �Documents or specifications, Naf�fy the City Project Man�ger and Desig�n Engineer a# any failure of the Contractor to take measures to repair and bring wark in �ampliance. 3.1.2. Issue Advisory Notices to Contractar for work tfi�at is not in cornpliance with approved construction documents. 3.1.3. Issue Non-Compliance Repc�rks ta Contractor if r�an� conforming work �s �ot brought into c�ampl�ance or if plan of actuon to bring v+ror�C i�to complia�ce is not cQ�ducted in timely m�nner 3.1.4. Inspect and observe the �nateri�ls and equiprnen# beinc� incarporated ir�to the work t�o assure tha� they are handled, store� and installed i� acc�rdar�ce wi�h the Contract Doc�ments and specGfications. Repor� to the Cuty Rroj�et INlanager regardang these activities. 3,�. Identify, recard and notify 'Design Engine�r of any pa or failu�es to meet perfo�mance r�quirements in a timely manner to minimize delay in the progress �f the praject, make recommenda��on4s) for appropriate solutiQn ta the Gity Project Manager and Design Eragin�er. 3.3. Prepare a�d maint�in daily progress log, photogr�pf�s and records for turnover at cornpletion of proj�ct. Provide a copy of daiVy progress log that includ�s quantities instalCed that day to the City Project f'v�anager or� a weekly basis. 3.4. Verify contractor has obtained ne�es�ary perrnits and is maintaining any Traffic C�a�trol, public notification and Storm Water Pollutic�� Prevention �lans, faci4ities, equiprraent or arrangerr�ents in �ccordance with contract docunlents, 3.5. Attend and participate in progress meetings� 3.6. Gather for your recards: names, addresses, telephone numbers and email of all conkractars, subcontractors, sub consultants an�' major suppliers of material and equipment. 3.7. Imrr7ediately notify the City Project Manager an� Design Engineer ir� tF�� ev�t�t of an ar�-site acci�ent. f�ecof�d and ►�at� cor�c4itians, activities and witnesses to tf�e event. 3.�. Maintain Resolution Log and respand #o citizen eamplaints. 3,9. Consult with City Project N�anager and Design Engineer in advance of schedule� major work operat�ions, tests, i�nspectio�s or start a� im�ortant phases Qf project. 4. Pay Applications 4.1. Praduce and prepare indep�ndent pragress ba�ed pay �pplications on a�nonthly basis for all vuork in cor�npliance with cc�r�tract docurnents. F�eview and verify quantities pravided by contractor. 4.1.1. Review wark conductecG d�ily on daily inspection reports and material installed measurements subrnitted by ct�ntracto� Meet weekly with contractor to v�rify work co�nducted and bid item c�uantities; me�t monthly tQ re�iew pay estimate and qu�ntities with conkractor 4.1.2. Review progress �ay application with Design Engineer for approval or revision priar to submittal to City, 4.1.3. Finalize pay applQCation with si�r��tures firom Gontra�tar, Engi�eer and Construction Manager certifying quanti�ies and arnounts. 4.1.4. Provide City Project Manager with one original with all original signatures fo� processing and payment by the 10��' d�y following th� cut off date for p�y applic�tions. 4.1.5. Track anc� record requests for rain or other del�ys with poter�t�al to add to Cantr�ct Tim� daily and mo�thly. 4.1.6. Provide an independent quantity forecast �id iter�s to identify patenkial �uantity over-rurrs as part of pay e�tir7late review. 4.2. Upon complet�on of the work, prepare a final progress �ayment including a balancing change c�rder zeroing out a�l unused quan#it�es. Identify and add additional c{uantities and make any appraved changes to the Contract Time. 4.2.1. Review and epardinate with Design Engineer to provide Engineer's recc�mmendatic�n for Substantial Campletian or Fin�l Acc�,�tance. (See Close-aut Sectiora) 5. Dacument Contral 5.�. Receive, routep track and log all Contractor commur�ieations, Submittals, Change Orders, F�FI�, Pay Applications and Citizer� ComplaintlResQlution Lag. Cc�rnmunic�te r,veth Contractor the status of submittal review5. Crea#e and keep a s�abmi�tal �nd RFI fog showing s#atus. Notify City F'roject Manager, Coratractor and Design Engineer of time critical issues. 5.2. R�spond to RF9s whe� such response does not r�quire the �ngineer's opinion or expertise or direction frc�m City. 5.3. Assemble a�d maintair� notes, comments, sketches and suppc�rtive d�ta rel�tive tc� the �roj�ct to facili�ate the revis�on af drawings to confflrm to tb�e final as-built conditions. Review Co�tractor's �°ecord keeping perioc4ically to ensure compl�teness, timeliness and progress. 6. Char�ge C}rders 6.1. Prepare and issue request for praposals in a tirr�ely manner, Prouide RFP and ct�ntractor proposal for �dditic�nal work to Gity Prc�ject Manager and Design Er�c,�ineer far review and approWal. Lag and traek status af R�P and Responses from Contractor, City and Design Engin�er. 6.2. P� recommend�tion on technical matters as an �dvocate for the City. Evaluate Contractar's responselproposal for merit, cost, time, aceuracy and price practicality. f�egoti�te with Contraetor oc� City's behalf if required. 6.3. Prepare Chang� C�rder and documentation incl�ading signatures of Conkractor, Engineer and Construc#ion Nianager fiar del�v�ry to City. 7. Testing Laboratory and Results 7.1. Goordinate testing laboratory activities with Contractor's activities. Review test reports for compliance with Contrac� DQCUme�#s. Log, track and retain test reports for file. Review results with Cantractor. Monitor a�ny corrective action and re-t�sting �o� compliance. Mainfain compfiar�ce with City's specifications 7.1.1. Review lab test reports �nd log ao�y failur�s. 7.1.2. Review Invoscing frorn Laboratory to daily activities, 8. Project Comp�etic�n and Clc�se out 8.1. A, Pravide list of deliv�erables for substant�al com{�letion walk t�roughlinspectkar�. Schedule an� conciuct praj�ct walk through upon receipt of Contractor's notific�tio�n of suk�sta�tial cornp'�etion. lr�clude City Prc�ject �V1�nager, Design En�ineer and others as dir Prepare a list of nan-ctan'forming work based or� visual inspections. ReC�rd �nd maraitor contractor's corrective efforts and schedu�e. Schedule final c�mple�ion inspectian far �ny remairring corrections. B. Coordinate and obtain Des�gn �Engineer's sea9ed completion and Final Acceptance l�tter. 8.2. Review and com}aile any Operation and Ma�ntenance docurnen#s required from the Contracto� — forward tt� Er�gineer for review. Collect Cantractor's claseout doc�ments to reuiew for campleteness and accu�racy, ie�cluding; af�idavits of final payment, final pay estimates, as built records, redlines and d�awings. Once received, far to [?es��n Engineer along with ar�y supporting docum�ntation. 8.2.1. Upon campletion o# close out iterns, prav�de reca� for City's Substantia! CampletionlFinal Acceptance certificate. 8.2,2. �rovide 9ndexed �raject fles and redlines to Cyty, 8.3. �o�duct Project C�ose-Out Meeting. 8.4. Prepare and recommend final payment application. Prepare job record logs transrraitfals, antl crrrespondence repar�s in an organized file for delivery to Gi#y. 8.5. Consult wi#h City on any potential Warranty items requiring rep�ir or replacernent. 9. WVarranty F�er�od 9.1. Schedule, arrange an� caord'unat� a One Year Walk-through af the p�oject to review stafus of the work 3� days pri�ar tQ expiration of the One Year dvlairotenance period. 9.2, Provid� staff to cc�nduct and participate in the warranty inspecteons. �.3. Produce iist of work not conforrr7in� far �resentatio�� to tf�e City Project Manager, �esign �ngine�r and Ccantractor. Peoject Title�: Water Line 8 Water Plant COP Yroject �lo, W42051 ConstrucUon Management 8 Inspection 5ervices Manhour Estimate uxac! ��.,.,.a.w - ---- _. ' - - i - - - _ - � -- �., � _ _ _ _ „.V�. - .. of� �io o� � '-.r I Wabrtrerow� : s z3B.�i]20 �, I Wab�LrwTaW�EaW � I,_, _ 3 �'l.i&SW��. w.i�unera,�cwico. y z�s.xem I � w.,�w�+iro�a;,usii.,mcg �s wszrsro� ,�runiTwaea.wuosccm��s�em.�. _ � s za.�rsmo'�. e —_� wawqanru.aicuuco..�. ���..,s �N.s � i0l�LIGU16iLa0�iCmb� S 5]J.]90ap� 10FqLf�wolRsftGa�I5w9WS�1 � '� S � � — � TOfALC4NCwla'� '. f 5 LJA Engineering 8� Surveying, lr�c. ?9?9 Brara3r;� vrr.e Pncne 71s.9j3.52WE7 5u�te 6C0 Fax 713 953 a7�6 Haus[on. T�xas 7��JA2�3703 �NV�ea.I�aergineering,Cam June 2 2a10 �Ills. Ter�sa Batt�rsfielef. F'� Assistant Directo� Pro�ects Departmer�t City of Pear�and 351 � Li#�e�ty DriWe Pearla�d, TK 77581 PROPOSAL Re: Prap�sal fcr Cor�struction Managemer�t and Ins�ection Services for the Alice Stre�k Wat�r Plant and the Gity flf Pearlar�d VVater �ine Bnterconnect wi�h the City of Houstan (Project No. W42C5�) LJA Propcsal f�a. � 0-Q988 Dear M�s. Bat#�nfieid: LJA Engineering & Surveying. Inc (L,�A) is pl�ased ta provide prafessional construction rrmanagement and inspection �erviees for �he City of Peariand for the constructior� of the Alice Street Water Plar�t and the City af Pearland Water Line Interconnect with the City af Houstan (Project No. W42Q51). Our scope of services will �nclude the iterns listed in Exhib�t A. LJA proposes to perfarm these services w�th Project Su�veillance, Inc. (FSI) perfarming the constructuon observation portio� on a time ar�d materials basis in accorda�ce wit� the attached rate schedule. The project fe� is not to exceed $�79,75(}.40. Shoulc� you have any questions. piease cor�tact r�e at 713.953.5200. Sincerely, :��', , , � j �,� .�=�;;��, � , I` � J�ery C DeLeon, PE � ` Project Manager �. � _. ? ' ' _ a c ,fi%-f �'//C c%=�-- ,%'� James E. MoehYman, PE Senior Vice President JCDIJEMIdI . _. __�.__. _ . _�, .-_ _ . . _.._...�, � O PRCPOSA�_.,.SGty cc °�ar°ar��7' .-7,�� ,. ., _._.. .' Unit Number 3afl9 3012 3016 60d(} soai 60�2 6003 8004 6005 6010 6011 sc�, � �o2a 8�21 6(]22 6U23 �424 6025 6026 �o�a 6031 6�32 604fl 6Q41 6D50 6051 6052 6053 6054 6fl55 6fl56 606Q 6�61 6�62 6aG3 6f�70 607� 6Q72 ra�s BQ74 6060 6081 soa2 609Q 6fl91 6092 6093 B PLOT M PLOT V PLOT C FLrJ� B COPY M CQPY C I� DVD ATTACHMEfVT "A�� LJA Unit Pricir�g List Un�t IVa�rne PrEr�t Roorr� - Bond Plot Print Roam - fvlylar Pl�f Print Roorn - Vellum Plot Print Room - Clear �o�er Prini Room - 8.5x11 Plain 1 Nhite Gover Prin1 Room -�"i x17 Pla�n �Nhite Couer Print Room - LJA Blank Cav�r Stack Print Raom - LJA Colar Gaver Stock Prfnt Room - Laminate Tatas Pr6nt Roorn - 8 5x11 BW C�pY Print Roam - $ Sx14 ��J�J CopY Print Rnom - 11 x17 B�h/ Copy �'rint Roarn - 8.5x11 Galor Capy Print Ronm - 8 5x14 Color Copy Prf�# Room -� 1 x17 Color Copy Print Room - Bo�ad Colar Paper Plot Print Raom - G�ossy Color Paper Plot Rrint Room - Matte Color Faper Plot Print Rcaom - Glear Acetate �'fot Frrnt Room - Sm GBC Bind Print Roam - Med GBG B�ncf Print Roam - Lg GBC 8fnd Print Rqom - 8.5x11 Larninate Pri�C Room - 1 �x17 Larninate Print Room - 112" Binder Print Room - 1" Bind�r Print RQpm - 1 112°` Binder Peint Room - 2° Binder Print Room - 3" Bfnder Print Roarr� - 4" Bic�der Print Room - 5" Binder Print F�oom - Sm Wire Bind Print Room - Med V+fire Bind Prind Roam - Lg 7 �re Bind Print Room - XLg Wire 8ir�d Prirrt Room - 8.5x1 � B�N Scan Print Room - 8.�x14 �LV Scan Print Room - 11x17 BUV Scan Print Roam - Scan to File Print Room - 5can to TiF ar�d PDF Print Room - Trimming Charge Print Roam - Fold Charg� �rint Raorro - Stamp Charge Print Room - �vlap Pockets Print Raarn - Screw Pasts Print Room - Gator Board Print Raom - Foam 8o�rd Bond Plot - Oce Mylar Plot - Oc� Vellum PIoE - Oce Cofar Plot - C3ce Austin Band Copy - Oce Mylar Copy - ace Digital Files (CD) bigital Files (aVD) Ra�e Sfl.15 51.5� S1 5Q sa �� 50.25 sa 5a 5a.40 S0.85 50.3,5 �fl.Q5 50.�8 50 �S 0 50.Bd S� 80 �1.20 ��.�a S4 OG sa oa 57.00 50.75 51.{l� S1 25 S 1 25 $2.�0 �3 t10 �3.00 �5.00 S6 Q� 59.0(7 317.0� S25 QO 52.25 �3 t]� �3.75 $4 �a 5�.30 50.35 Sd.S� � 1.flfl y 1 5fl S25.fl0 $Q 25 �25.00 �0.50 �z o0 $5.50 �3.50 $0 15 $1 50 $1 �0 �z.aa �a0.15 51.50 $5.D0 �10 0� sq ft sq ft sq H ea�n each each each eac� each each each eaeh each each each sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft each each each each �ach each each each each each eac3� each each eaeh each each each °8Cf1 each each each hour each hour each ea�n sq ft s�q ft 5f� � sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft sq Ft each each ,l 1DepaRment Manual4Unit Pr�cingl�J�1 Pnnt Rcom Price L�st as oi �:,2��u5b¢Is 31262009 ATTACHMEN� "B" SCHE�ULE C�� H�OUR�Y RATES Classificatic�n Project Manager Construetion Manag�r �ield Consteuction Gbserve� F�elc� �Construc#ior� Qbserver (Over Time} Field Electrical Ob�e�'ver Department H�;ad (VP, Dept. Mar�ager. Sr. PM} Engineer (Gr�d. Enc�., EIT, APM, Praj. Coord.} Sr. Planner Planner Sr. Lanciscape A�chitect Landscape Arc�ifect Qesigner GIS �eveloper GIS Analyst 5urvey Technician Project Surveycar GA�� �perator (CADa Technici��} Clerical (Cc�n�tructian Admin. Assistant) Rate s��4 c�a s��o.c�� � 54 60 � �� �a S 8�.G0 5�93.60 � 11(} D� � 132 00 �110 00 :�132.0(] S1�O.Q0 � 94.60 � 132.O17 S 77.00 S 88.00 ��D7.80 � 81 4�l � 8G 00 CADD Sys�em Cntergraph C��D system will be bilfed at a rate o� $25.(�Q/hor�r plus �perator t�me. Principals Principals wrll be billed at a rate of $175.QQIhaur. Ser�ior Consultants Ser�iar consult�nts will be �illed at a rat� af $2QO.00/hour. �xpert Witness Expert witness duties will be billed at a rate o� �3�O.�Olho�r. S�ara�ying Serviees Fie�d pa�ty �ate ir�ciud�s personnelfsupervision. normal equipment and supplies. Client req�ested over#ime shall be 'i.5 times standard rate. Survey Field Crew GPS Roba#ic �otal Station All Terrain Vehicle $� 35.00IHour $ 5D.00IHaur � 25.QOIHour � 50.001Day Mileaqe Ch�rqes �v'1%leage shall be chargec� at the current IF�S rat� at time cast is incurred. Misc�ellaraeous Delivery and ceVl phone expenses related to this project will be billed at cost. Any additio�naf exper�ses not specif�cally covered i� khis Rate She�t shall be billed at cost plus 1�°/Q. O',Pf20PQSAL•20t�]'�.C�ty�PPear4and'�FiauriyRa!eAitachmentB 1�-u988jHigh�stCOc Rews�d ll5109 Manhour Estimate Project Title:Water Line&Water Pfant COP Project No. Construction Management 3 Inspection Services a na . t a.R Rr.rM.n.•War 0O W.TOTALS Lat Ca or l Moron Man.2 I Month 3: Manor. Month 5 Mnor a 6 Man.) Ma.S Maas Maras 10 Mar 10 Mon.11 Month nor 12 Ma '3 nor Ma 14 Math 15 Mon.24 Pr.0nsr4eton l.r el.. 1 _,_ Can..0an 44m.' 5-S 950.00 51 _- • _ :Construction ..on W400M.Lin. -- Coral/action Myna.M.IM 300,S 57.00000 20 20 407 40. 40 .0' 40' 20' 20 I p. Protect M.O.' 580:S 77,720 00 00'. a0' 00'' 60' S0. S0 00' 401 40. • I 20, Fi.M Ream..w; I]8p1$ 75250.00 100 1501 100 lee' Ide. 106 IEL. 1501 !00 - • 20 • Conn.AOKn.t.W• 5013 3975.00 51 51 5. 5 5' 5 5 5' S, 5. weal CM-Waec Una Pm.,Man.pr 31 S 40200 Fiw R.waanMtmi 22'$ 1201.20 _ ! _ 1 Contact AOnsge0aW i 2.S 159.00 •Cla. t. .r Lla " 2 - aWal Project...we S0 5 8,0.0.00 20 Co.. 20 20 I Am,.av a a•s 77..3 1 2 2 2 0ax.a Walk 6 Pun.2124 Water Liar Rojas Man.. 20 3 2 600.30 -- - - _ 10 Contract non.02a1aa' 2 $ 159.00' 1 on 2 F.R.wari'WI 20.3 1092.00 I _ ! N TMM CAN Labor Coats S 228.111.26 -- Taal E./04 a Com IO..60w1' i 3 17.185.04 . _ { I TotalMM CM C. . •5 246.194.20 I 1 _ En...Estimate.$ 5.600.090.00 i E 1 If • 1 • CM Semi. a 61 Semiat Cone.' 423% j 1 I COwtln.4on I I • EaMwrw.and Wee Cat Mans , iseimannen 1 Yon.T I 4..no t ..... 5 4....m a 1 .a 4,...a ..Mt 1 Men.11:Mm.t 12 7 4m5r Tt i M.+as . [ M..t.2. PSI T.C1ww S40 w 4ark wrn 'f 9.800 4 1.020 .040. 1.040 4 1.0.0.M .0W 1.040 t 4 1.040 4 1 0.0 1 0.9 1 4 2.0 1 0 1 0 j 0, 10. .a..n t 0 200 1124.2sa1e. T13 7.385 640 040 1 730 I 730 730 700' 730 Tb M O 275, 2712 270 I 0 0 0 270 7021 E.o.m.200 Wee.Can Wm - I.f 17 106' ' Ma.P TOTALS • Ls.Cw . n.Moe..1 Ikelh 2 I Month 1 Mon .Y Mo5'(M I Mon.B Mon.7 1 Manna Man.a •M Marvel an.10-Mar 11'Month 12 Mon. 4on.I3 ' 14 Moral.Moral.15 Mon.2. CawraOon Wta..Waa Pant 1 I 1 C0510..,M.o.' 220 5 4160000 10. 101 20; 20 201 20' 201 20, 20 201 101 10I { 7 201 Project Mraw' 700 3 104520.00 201 .0I 00 80, 801 80i 80• 80 50 901 .0 a01 I I 201F.F R.w.0004., ,036 S 69 325.00' 00 601 120. 166 160 1e0 166 IOp. 188 106' 120' 501 I 20' Giaa R4W .wo OTMft 373.50 208 S 1520600 0� 0, 0 32 32 32 32 32' 32' 10 0 01 EMcagl Rapa.rrr0WIf626961r7 110'$ 25.830.90 01 0' 0' 20 Q. 40 WI 40 40. b� 30' 201 Contract 20nk442ator In) $ 145441.50 151 15. 151 15' 15 15, 1S1 IS• 151 151 151 15, 11 P.sn 0914aa2r Una I 1 1 I I I M Pr0p ,c1 M. s 3 3 402.00 ' I 3 • _ I F4R.wNr4W 6 ' 21 2 1201.20 I 1 ' I - - 22 I • Contact 44.ant.alrl 2'f 150.00 2 1 I I 'C1aaM-W*W 1.1. , Woo.Manta. 60 S 10,720.00 20 20' 20 1 20 Contact A.Onrge.arr' 8 S 03000 ' _ ' - ' 2 2T 2 2 I 1 0a.2.a Walk 6 P.M.1.1a Water Pr. I I - . • Project Manson 10 S i 340.00 ' 1 P I 1p ContactOta.r 2 $ 159.00 ! • _ _ I - 2 antr Gina R.w..eS.W '0 3 S.0.00 - - - I 10' -_- • Taal CMM lalw Co. 3 306.270.29 1 • Taal E699a111a Cat 1644 Sswl S 26.175.00 I I TewM ChM Cat.. :$334464.20 1 I I I 1 • BM Ana4a S•O.W.OM.M I 1 1 I CUM Ser5eb.%of Contras. a.N%1 ' I CoordinationI I '� • , I ' I E.41wnr.and Ws Cos gar I Ms16/M0$1h Mon.1 ', Mon.2 Mon.3, Mon.. Mon.5 Month 0 Mon.7' Mon.15: Mo.,9 I MoM 10'Mon.11 .Month 12' Maas 13 Mo.14 1 Man.15 1 Mon.24 PSI Tea C1w403.0 Pa.w2.k 2 i S 12 920 1 040 1 040. 1 040 1 040' 1 0.0 1 040 1 040 1 040 1 040 1 040' 1040• 1 0.0 140 0 0 200 Eaa cal Trio Ctaon 575 w wont N21 I ,3 5 775 0 0 0 375 150' 750 750 750 750 150 525 375 0 0 • Ramer.. 1 I f 9.60 6.0 040 130 I30 730 130' 730: 730 730 730' no 550 270 270 270 270. Total Eau...and Wen.C.MOTS I if 2,17$ , I Warr Law,rob.CM61 Lttw Co.`I 'f 221 111.20 - Was.Lim Tow EalkwM.c Coal(See Bar.a1 $ 17105.00' Wa.r Lim Total CMM Cora, 3 246.2118.20' W aw Plant Total CMA1 Labor Cage S 306 279.20 Want Pnt0 row EwoH.c Cw IS..Belorr! _ ,3 25.175.00 Wager Pant Taal CMM C.a. 1$X41.484.20 TOTALI C461 Labor Cosa $ 534 390.40 To 7Al EalwMlac Coal ts..842.01 '3 45 300.00 TOTAL CMM co.,., I S 579.750.40