RTIRZ-2010-09 - 2010-06-07RESQLl1TION Nd. F�TI€�Z-201{�-i19 A RESOI�UT���N C3F THE BOARD O� DIRECTORS OF THE PEARLAMD T�4X fNCREMENT F�EINVESTMENT ZONE �JO. 2(TIRZ NO. 2� BUARD C}F DIRECT(7RS, APPt71NTdf�C� THRE� MEM�B�RS TO SERVE AS AN ihJVOICE REVIEW COMMITTEE: BE IT RESOLVED BY �IRZ Na. 2 BOAF�,D UF D�RECTORS: Sectian 1. That the Board of �irectors far the Pearlanc� `fax Incrernent Rein�estment Zone No. 2 here#�y appoints the fa�lowing three m�mbers to serv�e on #he invoice review committee Baardmember Nlike Pyburn Boardrr�ernber ponna Coler�a� Boacdmember Gary Davis Alternate: Boardmember Ken Phill�ps Sectior� 2. T'�at the Invaice Review Com� shall review and approve invoices tor payment o� �ehalf af the TIRZ No. 2 up to th� annual operating budget of $175,(�fl0. Section 3. Tha� when the total collecti�e amount of all inwoices paid by the TIRZ �Vo. 2�oard reach $175,OQ�, appraval for the payment of invaices will be presented to fhe entire Baard far approval, un�il and unless the Board amends their annual operating budget. PASSED, A�'PRC3VED, and AD�PTE'� this 7` day of June, A.D., 201Q. �.•. NIGEL HARRIS�N TIF�Z NO. 2 G�iAIRMAN ATT�ST: r � , C �' � , �/ C ,� f1�IKE P`G'BUR TIRZ NO. 2 �ECRETARY