R2010-072 - 2010-06-07RESOLUTION NO. R2010-72
Section 1. That certain Memorandum of Understanding by and between the City
of Pearland and the Texas Department of Transportation, a copy of which is attached
hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and
Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute
and the City Secretary to attest a Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas
Department of Transportation.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 7 day of June, A.D., 2010.
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�'�Ja�'�lt.c.�t,. � . ��d���Q'4J ��
Exhibit "A"
ResQlution Nd. R201 a-72
RF.G:'��21)I`IG THE ��D�PTION �� TH� TE��,S IIEP:'�RT�►�IENT 9F
Thi� �vi��r�oranduiil of Lncierstandi«� {"�I(�U"} is b}� �ti�d bet«�eeci tlie TE�AS DEPaRTi�IENT O�'
TR��NSPORT�-�TION {"T�DOT"'), ati a,�ncy o� the Stat� of �'e�:as; and THE CITY OF PEARLr�ND
("CITY") a political subdis ision of the State of Te�as.
GVhereas, froin time ta time City i federal fii�i�s frqnl t��� Federal Hi��hway
Administrati�n ("�H'vlrA"} tl�rouih T�:DOT tc� assist City �vi�h the constructicm and desi�n� o# �rojects
p3rtia11}� ar �;�l�olly huic�ed tlu FH�VA; and
�Vlhereas, Cit�°, as a sub-recipient of fc:cieral funds, is rec�uir�d by 49 CF�L 2�, ta impl�ment a
prograi�� tor disad��nta�ed }�usiness enter�rises {"DI�Es"), as defined �y �9 CFR 26 ("DBE Pro�7rain");
Vir'he� T�DOT has iailpleQnented a Disact�-anta�ed Business Enterprise Progra�n (I�BE
Pro�'�c�) ttlat is ap�roved by FH'4'�IA pursuant to 49 CFR part 26; and
Wf�ereas, certain aspe:ct� of City's pracuren7ent of construction and desi�n sen are subjeet to
revie�,�� �nd;'or concurrenee l�y TxI�OT as a conciition af receavi«� federal fund� fa�om FHV4'A tlu
TxDQT; and
4i�'hez Cit}r and TYDCJT undertake sul�sta��t��lly sirnilar road�°ay con5kructii�n projects and
desi�n projects a�zd canstn�ct and desi�« tk�err respecti��e projects usin� substantially° the sanle pool of
contractars and
���hereas, City desires ko implement a federally compliant DBE Pro� t�y ado�ting t�le TrDOT
appraved prc�gram, as recanun�n�ed t�y FH�VAa and
Wher�as, "I'xI�[3T and City find it appropri�te to er�ter into� t�iis I�I��nc�randun� of Understandin� to
menlorialize t1�e ol�ligatic,ns, e�pect�atio��� �nd ri�hts each has as relatcd tr� T�DOT �nd City's adaptian of
the TxDOT DBE Pro�a to meet the fede�al r�c�uir�me�ats.
�1o�v. thei TxDOT and Cicy, in consideration of tl�e m��tual prc�mis�s, col-enaEits a��d
conditions n�ade lierein, agree to ar�d ac�io�.�:�ledt�e tl�e f�ll�tivin«:
(1 } TxDOT has developed � DBE Pro�r�nt and aivivally estaUlishes a DBE �oal for T�tas that is
federally appro��ed acid coc���liant ���itl� 49 C`FIZ 26 aaac� ��ther ��plical�le la�vs anc3 r��ulatio«s.
(?} City is � suU�recipie«t of federal a�sistanee fe�r constru�tian prc�j�ccs a�id desiml prc�jects and,
in accc�rd�a�ice t�ith �9 CFR y?6.?1, must co�7iply ���itl� a fecieral[y ag�prc��-ed DBE Prv�r�m. Cityi rcceives
its federal assistance tl�rou�h TrDC�"F. As a;ub-rec�piziit, Ci4y $�as th� ��ptic�n of deti•eloping its o�vil
pro��raan car ad�pkin�� �ne� �peratin� ui7der T:�I�OT's fecle� ap}�r��:�ed DBE Prc�`� The FI-�Vv'A
► that sub-re�:i�ients, suc}1 �s C'ity, ado�t the D�3E pro� a�in3inistereci tt�rouJi T�DOT, a��d
City b�y its preseril�e�i pr�tac�� adopted tlte TxI��7T UB� Prcrti� �aa Type dat� o� open me�tn�� w�he�� adc�ption
(3) I'��is �Iemorat3ciuna �t Ui�derstandul�, eE�ieiences FH�V'A's and �'rDOT"s conset�t tc� t�ie adc�ptic�n e�f
the T�OT DBE Pro���1 la� Cikti to aeEue��e its DBE p��� in �ed�rall�� as5isted Const«�cti��i and
L7e� �foL' a sl9 p,u� � o� �
Desi�n Prajects,
�=�) Tk�e p� «�ill �t�c�rk to�eth�r in good faith to assure effective and efticietit im�lementation
of tYle DBE Pragram far CFty a�ld for TxDC7T.
(�) City and T!cDOT 11a��e a�zed upon the folla�vial� dele��tioci of res�otrsibiliti�s �uld oblitratiotl, ui tfYC:
admu�istratic�n of tl�e �]BE Pro�in adopted by City: 4
(a) City �vill �e re��o�lsible for project n1o��itonrlLl and data rep�+rtin� to T.1D�JT. City ivill furnish
to T�OT any� cec�uis�eci DBE cc�ntractor coinpliarlce repoa dQCUC»ents or other u�to��latip�i as anay
f�e rec�uued frorn tiine to ti�ne to comply �vitli fe�ieral re�*ulations. T�cDQT �vi9� prc�vide th� neeessary
and appropriate re�ortin� for�ns to City.
(b) City ���ill recomz��er7ci coi2ti DBE voaEs cor�ist�nt �vith T�DOT's 1�8� �uideliqles and
in consid�r�tion of tlle local tnarket, projeet size:, a�nd E�ature oF the good(s} ar service(�s} t� be
acc�uired. Ctiy's recan�unendation 71ia�� be tli�t no DBE Qoals are set on a�iy particular project or
partion of a projzct or that pro��osed DBE �oals be inodified. City and `I"�D�T E{�ill ��;�e�rk ta�etl�er to
achie�e a r��utu�lly accept�ble �oal; ho�ve�.�er, TYDOT ���a�l retain fu�al deci�i��n-makin� authority
re�ard�n� DBE go�ls.
(c} T�c�DOT will cooperatc ���i� City ul �ti effort to meet ttae tinun� and otljer rec�uireme�its of City
proj ects.
(d} City �;fill be s+�le(y respoe7sible for tE�e solicita�ion and structunn� of bic�s and hid dacum�ents to
procure �oods and se�vices for its projects thac use federal funds and �vill be res�c���sible for all costs
and e�cpenses iti�urred in its procurements.
(e) The DBEs eli�ible to parkicipate on TScDOT construction projects or desi� prQjects also �vill be
eli�ible to p� on Cit}' constniccion projects ar desi�r projects t}ti�tt are subject to the DBE
Pro� am. Tlie DBEs «�ill be listed �n T�c_D�T's �vek�site unc�er d7e Texas Unitied C�rtiticatioil
Arograi�l (TU�P}.
{f} City tiviil ca�iduct revie�vs and prc�vide reports with recom��iendatioz�s to T`xD�T �conc�riiing
any D$E Pr�aram compliacice issues that may arise due to project specitic requirements suck� as
GQOd Faith EE�aa� (G�'�), C�tiln7erciallw Usefia� Functian (CIJF), etc. Citw a��d �'sD�T will ����ork
to�ether to actireve a mu[ually acceptable �c�aL, ho�vever, T�DOT 44°ill retain final ciecision-
makin� autfzc�nty aa� tlic�s� issu�s and res�rves the ri�ht to perfa�nn campliaaYCe revi�t4�s by
TxDOT's �ffice c+f C`iv�l Riahts. City sha�l pr�vide T�DOT ���ith �m listin� caf s�tnctians th�t �vill
be: a�ss�:ssed a�ainst cozitr�ctors far violatian of federal D$E re��ulatior�s �nd its pracedures #or
investi�ation of v�ol�tions and a�sess�i�e��t Qf sanctions tor docurz�e���ted violations.
(,) City ���ill ciesi�m�te a liai�oo� afEicer to caordinate zftorts ti�-ith TxDOT's DSE Pro�Fram
acimi�3istr�tc�rs �nd tc� respond to c�uestions ttom the public and privake sector re�ardin�7 City's
�ciministratioii ot th� I�BE Prc���ran tiv�ou�lz TxDOT.
(h) City �vill kae res�onsible for p� T�DOT «�it�� DBE praject a«�ards and DBE
Cpnuiut�nents, mc�nthl}' DgE reparts, DBE Final Rzpurts, �BE sh�etfall reports, and annu�l acld
Updated 4�c�al analysis and rep�rts.
(i) T�:D�T ���ill be respoa�sible for nlas�,tainin�� a directory of ti�z�ls eligil�l� to p�rtic��ate i�� tht
I�BE Prc��r�r��, a�7d prt���iriin�� busili�s� de���e�apme��'t �nd outreaci� pi Cit}� and TrDC)T
r��� wto�; �+tan P�e� � ti,r';
��rill l��ork: coop�rativelv to provic�� stEppo� set �i��i c�utreac4� to l7BE ti�a�ls iE� City area.
(j) City �will sub�r�it DBE sen�i-aruival pro�iress repc�rts to TYDOT.
(I:) City will participate i�r TxI]C)T sponsored trainin� classe�s to include te�pics �n Tit9e VI of th�
Civil I�i��hts r'�ct of 1964, DBE Annu�l Gc�als, �BE Goal Sekti�t� tor Constnictiozl Prc�jects aeld
Des��nl Projects, DBE Contract Pr���isions, and DBE Coc3tract Cc�mpliance, ��°hicli may ��iclude
i�sues s��ch as DBE Cotttn�it����nts, D8E Sut�stitution, and Fit DBE CEearance. TxDC)'T ���ill
rncl«de L1BE cc�s�traetc�rs perfc�nning ���ork c�n C�ty prc�jects in tlle L7BE �d�a�ation �nc� (�l�tre�ch
(1} �'he City ivi�n�g�r ar his Desi�nee of City �vill implement all fed�ral requiren�ents, ineludin�
those stated in Atta�tiin�nCs A tl�rou�h I�, ��;'hich are ii�►cor�orated as thou�h fully set out herein
tc�r �ll purpases.
(m) In accc�rdance �vit� 23 CFR ?0�7.1, City shall devele�p procedures for the ealle�tion t��
statistical d�ta (race, color, re�i�ion, sex, anci ��ational c�ri�in) caf partieipants in, and t�ene$iciaries
of State l�i�h��•ay pro�rams, i.e , relacated p�rse�n(s), i�npacted eitizens anci affected conununities;
develap a pro�ram to conciuct �'itle VI revie�v of prc��ra�r► areas; ar�d canduct anr�ual re�-iews of
special emphasis prom�a�n areas to detertiune the effectiveness af program area activities at all
le��els. TScDOT, in accordanc� k�rith federal la�vv, may conduct compliance re�.°ie1�•s by TxDCDT's
�ftice of Civc� Ri�hts .
(6� In tlie event there is a disagreemenk bet�v�en TxDOT and City ak�out the im�lementation of
t��e TxI)QT DBE Pro�Tram by �City the parties agree to nieet tivit}lin ten (10) �lays of reeeivina a tt�ritt�:n
rec�uest frorn the otkzer par�y of a desire to meet to resolve any dssa�reei��ent. The parties �.vill n�ake troc�d
faith efforts to resol��e arry disa� �eei��ent as efficiently as is reasonaUly possihl� in eonsultation with
F�IWA. �1o�t-compliance by City can result i�i restitution of fecieral funds ta T�30T and witE��oldinv of
further fecieral fund5 upon consultaFion «�ittl FHWA.
(7) This [Vlenlorandli�n of [Jnderst�ndind �eeames eftective up�i1 executi�n R�y all p�i�ties acld
aut�inatically reil��vs each year ui�less a party notitles the otliea� party of its iriient to ter�ninate the
(8) If this N1e�a��randuni ot Ur�derstandizt� is terrni�Zatetl for �ny rea�sc�n, City ���ill be �llot��ecl
reasc�nable time in �.��t�ich to seek ap�re,val froc�� �'H�V:� for an alternative DBE Pro�rarl�, ti��itlicaut t��ina
deet non-coinpli�nt wit�i 49 CFI� Part ?6. y
(9) Tl�is �4leir�ora�ICtu��7 of Ursderst�nding appii�s only [o pr•�jects for w����ieh City is a sub-recipient
c�f fed�ral funds ti�rout�li TxDQT. Ci�y may also iinpleG�ie�It a iviinor�ty' �nd Women-(J���Z�d Sma1l
�2�suless Eilterpns� (i�1.�G4': SBE} poEicy and pro�ni tilat ap�lies to projects for �i-liich it is not a sub-rec:i�ient of
feciei�l fuc3ds tlu T�cDQT at�ci ���hich are not su�ject to the TxDOT DBE Pra��m. City may, at its �pti�n,
use s�tt�� aspe�t��c�f the T�D(�T pBE Pro�ran�� and Qtt�et• simil�lr �ro�rams in implen�e�lting its o�her
policies aj3d �r��rai��s tc�r its n�n-fed�rally- h�rid�d �rojects.
(' 10�} 'I'he foll�o���'s�lrT �ttactuil�nts ta tlus N1er3�oranc�um af Undzrst�andin� �r� i�icorporated as if
fully �et �ut 1Y�rein tor aIl Uurposes: A,tta�hn�ent A- FH11�'4 ��Iem�1•aiicium �ICR-1'F-IIF-1 (relatin<� to
ac��ss rec�t�ir-ed t�w tk�e An�erica�as «�itl� Disat�ilitie� �et c�t l9'��} and S�ctaan S0� ti� th� R�:habilitation Act
of 197�); :�.ttaekuu�r�t B- SPECIAL FRC�'ISI�N �00-=�61; AttacSuneE�t C-�C'orY��rehensi�re'�evelopment
A��reement (CDA) DB� Pro��isians [�vith TsDC7T's DBE I'ro�i-am �tt�chzd) �tncl A,ttacl�ment D-�9 CFR
�?b. [ 3 (cantcactu�L nssura:IC�s).
QBE �tUU -t fl9 P�r�>� 3 ��1-;
( l l) Tl}e foilo�;�izig prucedure sf�all be obsen ed k�,-� tlie p�rties iE� rea�rd to an;� ilUtitic�+tions:
(a) Any notice rec�uired or pernutteci to be �iven under this Mecnoranduin of [�Jnderstanding
shal! be i�3 u�ritintr and �r�ay be effectzd by personal deLi��erv, t�y hand dzli�.�eE throu�h a couiner
or a clelivery sen ice, oi by� c or certitieci mail, pc�si���e E�repaid, retur�i re:ceipt requested,
3ddressecd to the proper party, at t37e fofloEVin� address:
CITY �F PE.'1�'�.Lr11ND
Bi31 Eisen
City �Iaca��er
Hand Deli��ery:
3.i 19 Liberty Drive
pearland, �X �7��1
Reaistered or Certi#ie�l �ilail {Ret�arn r�ceipc requzsted):
City af P�arl�nd
�ill �isen
�t[� 1�3rifla�C
3� 19 Libe�ty Drive
Peariand, TX 77�81
R. D. Br�«,�n, BOP Devei€�pn�ent SectiQn Directc�r
Of�ice o�Civi[ Ri�hts
1?5 �. 11th Street
��lustu�, Texas 7$7Qi-2�83
(b) \c�tice by person�tl deliveey or haQ�d delivery sh�ll i�e deerned effective inunediately upon
deli��ery, provided notice is gsven as required b5� Para� - apil (a) h�reo£ Notice by re�iskered or
certitic;d i��ail s13a11 be deemecf etfective tlu (3} days after deposit in a�.5. mailbo�c or U.S. Post
C�fEiee, provided �IO�ice is �iw�en as required b}� Par•aaraph (a) hereaf.
(c} Either party 1 ir�ay �hange its acic�ress by giving nokice as prc�vided �lerein.
(1?) This I1�temc�ra«dui�a of Un�iersta«din`i �r�av be ��1€�dit�ed ar a«�en�erl onlv by «ritten
in�trumee3t, si��ned l�y bath City a��d the Telas De��i� c�f �'ra«s�or z�ild d�ted sul�seque«t €c� tkae
effecti��e date af this �10U. E�cepk as aut�ac�rized �v the resp�cti��e parties, I�c� c,t#�icia�, empli,y°e�, a�ent,
or representati� e of tlie p�rties h�ls �ny authe�ritv, either erpress �r implieci, tt� modify or a�nend tlus
(13? Tll� prati�isiot�s c�f khis i�-l(�U �re ��` ���abl�. I�� ��iy c�ause, sentznce, prc�� isic�rj. �a�
�ir articl� of tt�is I1IC�U, ar the ap�lication ot this �I(�U to any pe:rson or cis�cula�stancc; i� helci by any cotu�
of comp�t�nt juri�dic€ic�n tc� �i� in��alici, il�zg�l, r�r unenforceable fc�r any reasc?n, suclY invaiidity, ill�g�lity,
c�r uneaif�rce�laility shall nc�t inrpair, in��Aic4�te, ��ulli'ty, or oth�nvise at�tect tt�e rem�rind�r of k1xi5 l�I(�U,
but tl�e et�f`ect th�reaf shall be limited to the clause, sentence, pro�:�isir�u, par���r�ph, or article sa held to l�e
DBE i4�L� -4 l)�) Ran�-k nF;
invalid, ille�ai, o� uner�forceable, and t17e application of such clause, sente�lce, l�ravision, par��raph, or
�rtic�e to other persans c�r cireuz�►s�aa�ces shall nc�t t�e affecteci; �ro��ided, ho�� ever, City and TxDOT may
nlutually a�ree to ter�iunate this 14lemorancium of Underst�ndira�.
(14) This I�fect�or�ndum of Understaiir�in� shall not be ce�nstilied ii7 any w��ay as a�L�ai��er by
�lie parties af any i»ununity frori3 suit or liability thak parties may have by op�ra�ion of lau�, �nd the parti�s
hereb}� retadn all of their respective attirrnati� e deferases.
(1 S) In aecQrdance «�ith 49 CFR pat•t ?6.13, City �vill ensure that all coi�tc or
subcontraetors wQrkina an any Fedc:ral �OT-assist�d con�racts fae City co�nply �; ith c��e applicable
rec�uiremencs coneernin� discrinun3tion. Failure by tlte coiXtraetc�r Co earry out these rec�uirea�lents is a
materi�sl breach of eontract and the City evill terri�inate the contract ot° other sucl� rea�iedy as deemed
appropri�tte by TxI]OT.
(16} �n �ccordance d�-ittz 49 CFR p3rt ?6.29, City �.��ill ensure that ai1 cantr�ctora or
subcontractors workia�� on any Federa6 DOT-assisted contracts fc�r �`ity comply ��it�i the protnpt pay
provisic�r�s establislYed 6y TxI7�T'.
EXECUTED in duplica�t� ari¢inals �y T:�D�T and City, actin�r tlu eacl3 duly �uthorized ot�'ieial and
ei�ei:tive on tl�e latest date si��ed.
The si�latories belo�v confuzt� tt�sa� they ha��e the authority ta e�ecu�e tivs i�IDU and bin�i their princip��s.
T�..Yt�S [�Ef'AR"1:�1ENI' [�F TRF1:i"�ISPC)�7'ATIOi�
�_ r
�� ,
� �
By: � l� tc` _�=.� r ,� L�C.
�rt�adeo Saenz. 7r. P.E.
Exe�uti�-e Director
Dat�: � � � l� ,� f �,
Bv� " I �.
or�i Reid
Date: �une 7 , 2 010
DB� 4lC�L l 0�? Ptr�e i ot`'+
:�,'l1E�r D�IE1T
1[E'1it)1t.�.VUU�I C}F L.:�DERST.�,�1�ItiG ItE+C;.-�ItUI`r'G THE ;�ll�t'TIGI�i OF
'CHE TEX11S I)EP.aKT'�iENT ()F T�i;��ISPORT.aTI()`�1'S FEDER.'4L�.Y-
.�PPR�1'Ell QIS.-�UV.�NT.-�(��I) �3L'tiI°�E55 ENTEIZYIdISE PR[)GR,�'�I l34" THE
CiTY (?F PE:�R�.Atii?
f�he f'c�11�7t� ing �lm�nilments «ith .s�lc�itic�s�a1 att�ci�m�rlts ��rc e�ecutc� in acc��� w itl� t}�e
^.]em��������1�3rn c�t� �'nd�r�ta�i3dins� 1�egar�iin�� - ��he ,�\az�pCi��rr C?f �i ��etias I?��artme,�t Of �rr�a�is�ort�tiun's
1=ederallv-Appre�tiec� Uisad�anta�ed F3usiness EnterE3rise Ps E3y� the CitS� ��t� f'e�rlaFld, e�e�uted b}�
tlze Cit� oi} in accc�r�lance «ith ite�T� f 1�):
A��r�en�lrnenk to item (a)(Fr):
�ciel�tia�t� "t7v '1�.rUOT's C}ffice of`Ci� el fZi�9its (()CR) ir} line 6]
Cit}' �i ill concl�d�;t re� i�.��s .tin�i pro��ide rcports �4 ith eecon>>nendations Ec� I��DpT concerning an� D�3E
Pro��ram cor��pli��nc� issues that ma_y arise d�de to prc�ject spe�i#ic re�uirer��ents s�acll as Good �ait13 Effort
(GFE), C���a��mercial!} U�eful Fd�nctiorl (C��F), etc. Cit} and T�:I]fJT �tiil1 ��ork t��gether tc� .��hieve a
r���rt�r311� acce�ta�le �oal, 17u«ev�r, T�L�OT tirill retain tina9 �eeision-��lakir7� a��th�rit� ory th�se i�sues
<�rtd re�er�es the right tc� perform c�7rnpli�3a�ce re�i�«�s. Cit�� shall �rt��°ide T�DO'T �vith � listinQ ��
��inc�tior�a that ���il] be �ssessed ����ainst c��a�tractors for ��iolatic�« �yf lederal DBE re�ul�tic���s �nd it�s
�rocedures tor ii��.estigatioEti of ti i�9atiorss an�f assessment of sanccic�r�s f�or docume��ted � i��lations. Cit`
�tiill rec�ukre cc�ntract�rs For its FH��'A federaily assisteci �rojects to use tf�e fc�rms attachec� tc� this
��.inendm���t as �fullc���s:
�yttachm�nt 1- Disad�anta�ed Busirlcss Enterpr (I7E3E) Pr�o��ram
Coit�r7�itmerlt .-'��reeinent F�>r�ra S:�1S �4�)U I
,httacl�r�7ei7t ?- DE3E ��1�F�t�1ti��� E'r�gress f�epr�i�t F�a�•m SR�IS =�9Q3
:3tta�l�ment 3-[�BE Fii7a1 Re�ort f�os S��iS �90�
,�1tta�chment 4- P���rn�t �'���il�ent Ccrtifi�:ati��e� For�7� EF�c�era]-�'�id Proj�cts} ? 177
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:linenilnrti�nt to itcrn (1{1):
[rcpla�idi� li�t al ��e�racl��ni��7ts ���ith la��cleci .mri� Ric�ci�d �i�t�►�i�r�icF�ts <ii7i� ,��it��d the titicard "also" atter �I�e
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The fo�lowing attachments to this Memorandutn af Understanding are a�so incarporated as if fully set out
�erein for al� purposes:
Attachmer�t A- FHWA M�rnorandum HCl�-11HIF-I (relating to access required by the ,Americans wit�
Disabilities ��.ct of 1990 and Section 544 of the �ehabilitation Act of 1973}
Attachmea�t B- DBB SPE:CIAL �'IZOVISi�IvT 000-461
Attachment C - 49 �FR §26.13 (cantractuai assurances}
Attachment D- DBE Progra�n Compliance Guidance for Local Govetl Agencies
Attaclunent E - �I�WA Form 1273
Attachment F- TxDOT DBE Progratn and Federal Regulatian 49 �G�°R Par 26
Amendment to item 11(a):
[changat�g mailing infor�nation for City af Pearland and �'xD�T]
Reg�stered or Certified Mail (Return receipt requested):
Mr. $ill �isen
City Manager
3519 Liberty Dr.
Pear9and, TX. 775$1
DBE Liaison
Office Df Civil Rights
125 E. I 1`�' Stree�
Austin, Texas 78741
EXECUTED in t� originals by TxDOT and the City af �'earlan�, acting through each duly
�Lth�arized official and effective on the latest date sig,ned.
T'he signatories below confirm that Ehey k�ave the authorbty to execute this A�nendrr�ent to th� MOU and
bind their respective prir�ciples.
�a 1�-'�", G C -�..` ,"" ��.
Amadeo Sae�z, Jr. P.E. -
Executir�e Directar
City of Pearland
! J
By: .
B�19 Eisen
City Manager
Date: � �f� �
Date: �'�fl�� ,�? 6 / C�