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R2010-067 - 2010-05-10
RESOLUTION NO. R2010-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS TESTING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE TOWN DITCH PROJECT (PHASE III). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain contract for construction materials testing services, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary to attest a contract for construction materials testing services associated with the Town Ditch Project (Phase III). PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 10 day of May, A.D., 2010. TOM REID MAYOR ATTEST: � . �� � � i1_-_�! , � t � / /� ♦ ' 1 � � J .' APPROVED AS TO FORM: �J-- -h.c� DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY Exhibit "A" Resolut�on No. R20�0-67 f'O\TR.�CT FOR F'RfIFES�IGI�r.-�i�. S�IZ�"1C'ES TI�IIS C�{�\iTR_�.C'T is� entea�ed into c�n !1-ia�� 11. 24� 1� l�ti� and b�tr��een dic Cit�� uf I'earland (��C'[ 1 Y") and Geotest Ejlgine�et'irlg, I[ic. ('�C�NSi:L�l�,a��"1"1. Il�e CI�l7�' ��l�a�es tll�e CC�NS[1L�Z��ANT to �����1'c�riz7 Coiistruetic�n .l�Iaterial5 �'estin� Serr�i�es for a�rc�j�ct ki��?���n �i�� c�es�s�ib�t� as "I�cr«-n I�itcl� Ph�se II�. S� C'TIC)\ �- SER�'IC`ES OF THE C'()\Si �[�he t�C7�SL_�L�l sh�ll ��er the foll�tir�in� p��o�e�sior���l s�r���iee5 tc� C`ITl" ;t�li�ciarc�s a«�1 in acc�rdGi��ce ��.�ith tf�e d�gr�:e �o�� cao�e a�ad skill that� ��E in l��c.�as ���ould esercisc un�er ��ll 1F�lllt 0[" 511711��7�' C1fCU1115T711CeS: .a. The C�NS���,�'A�I� s1�a11 }�et�fc�o�m Con�tr�ickion �'1�Iate:-rial, Te,tin� S�r��iczs. See L-�hil�it ri, attaeh�d. for � detailec� SC'C)PL �C�F ti�'C}iZf�. ThG PR�J�C'�I� 5c17��c3ule sh�1ll �oi�fot7» tc� tE�� cc�a�structioil scl�r:dule. F3. 1 he (,[7iiSULT�'+.\'T �ll�ll }�r�}�a��e ai�d sut�i��it <c det{lil�cl c�pinion �7f��,tiii��atccl ��r�t erf tl�e PRO,TECT. C. �l CC�NSIJLTAV� ack��orr�led�es t�a�it the CI1��" (throt��.th i�s ��7�plol��e l��ndl�a�7�k) considers tk�e follcm�i�7� to b�: i�lisconc�uct th�rt i� Lr��t,md, �i�r t�r7�lina�tio�� ol` e� CIT'�' eY7���1����ee: ��1i1y fi�aucl. #�a mistip}7ro}�riation c�i� f�un��>. r�i:�i�i���� payn�ent foi senii:es not perfarn�ed c�r f�r f7o�u not ��r�rke�l. misl7���ldli���� or un��zitlitul rc�3o��ting c�f i1�ot�ey trailsa�t`so��s, destr�ECtic�« c�f asaets, enlbezzlcment, aci�ptii7g i��ateti of �,al�ie� ti�a�» r�encj�,r�. ��r c<�nsultali�ts, 4uld�or colleerin�� i�e�mburs�m�r7t of ev��tls�s made for tl�e l�ei��:tit c�f� tlae C`I I�`�'. T��e C�ONSL'L�1��qi�IT a�rees th��t it ��.•ill n��t, c�i��ectl�° or ii�eli� ea�c��n�a��� a CI�1 e3�iplc�yee �t� en�age iia sueh mi�c��7cluct. D. T17� C��NSULT=�.�iT reer����liz�:s tllat all i�ra���in�s. �pccial ��ro� is���►�s. ticl�l ;tr����e�� a�utes. re��i esti���ates aud an�,• ai�d all otl�er do� uRa�i�ts �r ���t�rk ��rodi���t �����er by the COi�1S[1LT.�I�� I tu�r��a• lhe C'C)N�I'RAC� ;hall be deli���red tc� tl�e C'ITV �:��c��� i shall b�cc�me s�il�ject ��7 the Clpen IZcccrrc�s L��tia�� of this Stzttt. [��:;��d, � �i � ��?. �z��� �;��i � r}v E. - I�h� C�1�tSLi1_1�ANT sl��all }�i-�cln�e an� ���air��tair� l'�7r th� ��uraticm uC �thi5 ;'l��reemenQ. insurai�ce �`ainst claims i'or� injla:�iLs to persca��s, ��ama��es to ��roE�crt�. or at�y �i�rors ar�d oF»ESSions r�latin� tc, tl�e ���rfor��,ai�c_e of ����w� ����rk k��� th� CC?NS�II_TA�1T. its ��ealts, em��lc�yees a�� suUcr�ntraciesrs �u7cjcr this .-�a�reetncnt. t�� fc311o« s: ( ] } �'4'oel:er�� ('«i7lpen��tion as requirecl h� la��. f?) P���festiic�nill Liability lnsura«c� in an amQUnt ox�t less th��n �l.(��1U.U�)�1 in the £i�*gre:gate. (3) C'oi�7prehe��siti�e General I.iz�bilit�y� ar�d Prc���ert�� T��in�t��� Insura��t�e «ith 1Il1111111L111] �II1111S Ot �I.�t��J.{��}a �t7E' ll]]Lll"V� (11 �t;�1C11 Ot �lll�' ��I1C �?�I'SilE7. ti a.UUU.(lUU for e ach nccur3�er�c�, an�i '� 1.(3f}f},()f}U for � a�h aecui ol r�t��nage tc� or �iestr«ctic�n ��f prc�p�r�t��. (-�) (�om��rehen�i�e .��utomobi➢e �t►id Truck Liabilit� Insurance �o�erinL�� C�1i'13t.'.Cj, I11I�t:Cj. �llt� 11t1C1-()1�'11�C� \'l'I11C�t;>. 1S Il�] It]111II7]€lt]] �1111IL� (?� S1.UU0.(JfJO for ir�jury od� dcath �f antir oi�e pc:rs�n. �LOOfI.UUO for �a�•h occu� a�7d S 1,UOQ.l�OU for p3�ope9 d1���a�e. ll�e C'O\ sh�ill include the CITZ' ��s t�n ac�diti�nal i�ys�u�ed tu7der th� p��licies. �� ith tf�e eLCeptian �}t tl�e Profcssioi�al Liabilit� Insur�ncc ���ci 11`c3rk�rs [�om�erlsation. C'�rt9ticltes Qf I�3suo�ancc ancl a:ndo�-s�me�7ts shall bc fui �c� tl�� CITS' l�ef�ee ���ork c�m���ence�. Each i��surance ��o�ie�� sl�all l�c endors�cl to state that coverage sha1l not l�� suspenr�ed_ ��oide�l. ea�iccre�i. �nc3 �or rc:��ucec3 in e���er�ge c�r ii� l�inl�ts ("Chai��e in ��r�er�kQe��) z�ce��1 �� iCh ��rior ti��ritte�� �onsent ot the CITS`' a��c� c���ly ai'ter tl�e CIT`�' h�s beeil pru��ideel �ti�ith ���riCte�� notice �fi su�l� Chan�e iii Cc���era�e. si�ch notzc� to €�e s�nt to tl�z C'I�fl� �ith�z� 1��.� l��.il�l deli��cr�� t�� tl�� C`it�,f Mar�a�re�� c�r l�}' ce��titied mai➢, retur�� a reyuested. and recei��ed 1��� dle C'ot�,� ilo fe�ti tl��tn tl�ii {�U) da��s pi to th� eff�s�ti��c datc �f ���eh C�l�an�� in C�o��crage. Pri��r to cc�mm�ncin�� sc�r� sre, iu�der thi5 CO\ [ I�.�C� C'C)NSLJ�,"1�AI��1 sV7all ti��7�ish ('Il �vith ('�rtif7cate_5 c�f� Q�1sin�ance. or I�» e���lc7rsemet�ts ��s re��uireci l�� th}i� CC�NTR:�C [. issl�ec! �,� C�C7��':�� L 1.1`� [ insurer�ts). �s ���idenc� tll�t pralicies F�r����icli��� the reqtaire�i co�, ���n�litit»>�. ao�d laFnils re�luired 1��- 1hi�s C�O\T�:�C'T tbre in 1'u11 fc�ee� a��ci etfe�t. F. The C'�3NSL�L �l��ill iQ7�l�n�E�if�� and l�lc�ld �1�� CITI'. it:; ofli�ers, ���es�tti. and cm��loyees, lia���l�ess ft atly clai�n, lc�ss. dai�la��. s��nt, zuld liabilit�� of �� �r� ki���1 t�t ���llicl� CO��S�1LT�,ti]T is le�all�� liabl�. s�7cluc3irit� al[ ��pens�s �if` liti���tion. c�tai�t c�sts. and att�i7le}°'s f�es. 6��f� i�zj4u�}� to or �1caE1� e7f an�� person, li�r �lania��e ta ��n�' }�rop�rh�, or errors in ciesix�n, an�� af ��hich are c����sed b1 th� ile`�li��e�1t act c�r a�lli5saon c�f�tl�+� (_ l< I�i; oftittrs. �:mpl����es. a��c►�ts. ��r;lib�cmtractors �Gnder tllis (_�f)� l lZ_-�C� I. C)�:�i��n ? a9�? C?Z I2e� iseci � t�'� Cr. All par�tie� inte�7d tll�t l��e C��1S�'LT:�.:���. 7i�� per�i�rntin�� s�r��ice-� �tu tcs t��i� t'C)N`11Z�C' 1, shall act as a�i i�ldcpeE3clei�t contr�ctor and 5ha11 M<l� e conta�ol c�f� its o��n ���c�rk and the manne�� in ��hicl� it is ��eefor�a�led. The CO\SL�I.T:'\'�T i; s�ot tr� ve co��s�c�ered an age��� �r em}7l��yee ��9'ihr CIT1' SE('TI(1\ II - PERIOD OF SEIZ�'ICE l�hi; C��)i��l I���.C�T �� ill ���e binciiz��� up��t ��eeaition ai�c� e��d i����n cor����letion c�3�tk�e �:c�n�tru�ti��n r�lated �����rk n�at tc� exc�ed ]�i montl�s adter e�ec�rti���7 of thi; c�ntra�t. SE(�'TIU\ I11 - COiSt'L,TA\T"S C'C)l�11'Eti��."I'1C�\ �. 7 nlet3lod of pay�llet�t for this C"CIVTRAC'�1 �s Tir�fe an�l 1�[�t�rials, r�ot to ercee[�. Total c�«�pens�iti��� for ti�e s�r� ices perf�»�ined sE�all y�e tiye sian� r�1 S79.)77.*�0. 13. Tk�e C I�TZ' sl��ll pa�' the C(3NSUI_TAI�T in inste�llmenn� h��ed u��o�� m��nthl�� �ratrress rep�rts and cictailed im;�iccs su��»ittcd l�t� tl�e C'O�SL'L I.�\"I . - C�. lhc �'TI�Y shall make p�yments tc� t��e CO\��:�[.JL1��I���! ���itliin tl�irt�� (30) da��� z�tte�� re�eipt a��d a���rc���a� c�f �� det��iled s��� oice. Im sl�al] be subillitted c,ri <� �l�onthl�� t�asi�. 5E(�'TI01 I�'` - THE C1T1''S ItESFO\SIBIL1T�Eti :1. Th� CITI' shall d�esignate a projeck man���e�r �durii�� tk'7e rterm E��'this Cf)�� f It.�C�l�. The }�i-�ject maa�a�er l�as the author ta admin�ster tlii5 CQN�a�Rt1C`C �rtcl s17�1�1 i11�7nitc�► com}�lianc�: �vith �tll ter and cc��7c�itions �tatet� l�e��ein. .�,11 rei3ue�t5 ti�r� 33yf��rl7ilzltie�l� ti���t� or a c��_cisi�n l�}� tl�e (_'IT�' �a►� �inti� zispect E�f' t��e �� o� ;l��ill l�� dire�tec� to the ��ri�ject ►��ana�e��. }3. �[ he C1TY sl�all ��e� ie�� su����itials 1��� t��e COi�S�.'L l.a�1 �nd ��rc�� idc }�re7mpt r�spot�sc to c��u�sti�ns anci re��derin� r�f deci�i��ns pertainin�� the��et�. to minimi:!c delti�' it� the pr���tieess of` tf�e CO`�'Si!L I AN�I�'S �1 ork. Tlt� CIT1' �� ill k�e�� tk}� C'C)NSLJL"1���NT ad��is�:d cor�cerni»� tl�� pr��r�:ss c�f the �ITY'S reti�ie��� ��f tht- ���c�rk. 7 C�U'.��SUL� �a;�re�s tl�at the C`I��''S iE7s��ectic7��. re��ic�ti�- a`�eptanc�: or ��p}}rc��al c�f C(1NSUI.T:�\T'S �ti��rk ,hall nc�t relic�e (��C�NSL-I.T.�;�T'S r�sponsibilit�� 1t�i� �:rr�rs c�r E�missi�ns ��f`the C�`(_)\5[�l_T.�V'.�T ��t� itti 5�a1�-�cc�nsult�nt(s1 ��' i�� ari�� �r°a�� affcct tl�e �(�N�I.�L I:1`:1 5t�t�is aa ��i� inc��pi:ndent cc��ytr�cCc�r of the C'IT�' � f3�s�en _ c�f � L�?. Ke� fs�El ? il`� s�:cT�o� �- - �rrR�il�.aTio� �. I he C�11�Y. aT its sole c�iscreti�n. n�a�f tei7�la��ate this (�{�\ I�It:�(` 1 fi�r an�° rca,on - - u�ith c�r �� itho�►t cause �- b}� deli�l-eR�i�1� �.�� ritte�� ilc�tice to C�O\ Sl_�LT.��; 1 personalbv or b�r c-�rtilied r»ail at Cle�t�st l;ngineerin�. Ine. I»�media�elti� att�r eecei��iii� ��a�l� tir ritte�� o7��tiCe, Qhe C C)�!SUI_T:A\��G ���G�11 c3isc�niinue pro� i��in�� th� tiert iCe� ut�dcr dhis C(�NTR:=�C�T. L�. If t�7is CC)`v is tcrrn9natcd, ('C7�S�1L shall cl�li��er tc� th� Cl�l�l' all dra1� in�s. s}�ccia�l �rc���isio�l�, field sur��e�% note4_ i�eports. �st��»ates and an�� ��n�l r�ll other c�octm�ea�ts or «�oi produe-t �cner�t�:d b�� thc C�OV'�t�LT��\T unc�er tl�e C'f.)� 1 fiAC'T, entirely c�r partiall�r �on�pl�ted. to�cthcr �� ith all �inus�c� �zti�sierial; s����pli�d by t��e C'�TY c��� or betc�re tl�e l���� cla�° ti�ilo« sa��� tea�minat�rnl of� the C�E�\T�.T� CT. (�. In thc e��en� c�f sticl� termiilatio��, tEae CCC�NSi_?➢�T:�P�T sh�ll l�e �aai�i t�or s�r��i��s pe��fi�;�rmec� priu�� t� r c�f the ���ritt�n notice ��f te��ninG�tio11. - I , hc CITI' ;h€il� n�al�e final }�a�'ment �� ithin si�:ty (G!}J da��s rtt`ter the CO\Si;L ha, d�:li� c re�l to khe C'ITY a�ie.tailcd in�•oice toi�� ser�:�iies E�endererl and tl�e dc�cu�ments or ����7rk �ro�d�ick �enerated b}� the CC�NSIJLTA`ti�T und�:r tl�e CC7I'�;TR_��CT, C). If tlie re�nunei-ation scl�edti�eci unc��r this cc�ntract is l���sed upc»� zi fi�ed fee o�� dcfinitcll� asccrt�intlble s�iin. the pc�r[ic}n c�f s�ocE� ;ui�� g��}� �hall l�c pr�po��tionat� to tl�le �erce��tag� c�f scr��icc� co��plctec3 1��� the CC)\;St�L�I�.�."ti�l� E�t�Sed t�E�c�n t1Ye scaE�e c�f �z c�rk. �. I�i tht c��cnt tl�is CC)NTF�ACT is ter�a�i�lat�d. tl�e C'ITl' sh�ill a�ale kl�� c��ta��n �.�I` cc�m�lctin� d1� ���ark, c�r ent���i�7� �r7C� a CQ;lTR:=�CT �� ith ancstl�er pa��t�� ti�r tl�� cci�ll}�l�tit�n r�f thc «�ork. [f�tl�� C"I�E�Z" k�i7�1i1�3t�s this C`rJivTR���C` lor c�use and o�� il�the C"C)`:�I1Z�C`IOCt k�r�:ael�es �ny� �� r7f ihis C'�1r;TR�1C�T, the�� the C`I 1`�" �l�all ha��c �11 ri��h�t5 ��nc� rer��edies i�� la«� z�nd!or equit�.� a�ainst C'C)N�C'LT�'ti�;T. ��'�nue f��r t�a��.� acticm or � ari�in� c�ut nI` c�r � tc� this C'OT�' I fZ.�("I sh��ll be in Brarc�ria C'�ui�ty. T�e��is. Tlie i�«�s of t�ae �tate �f �er�3� sl���ll �.�c3�ern thc t�rms o(' thi� C'ONT�ACT. Tlle p����'ailii�� part�.� in tll� a�tiotti sl��ll 17� entitled tr7 ��eco��c�� it� actual clai»�iL�cs }� it13 interest_ att��rne� 's fees. ���sts a�7c� e�penses ii�curr��� in cc�nncctioi� k��ith t��� dis���Ete ���x�'or ac[ic�n. CONS['�,�1 .�� f �lnd ('I I�' �icsir� an e�p�e�itious m�a��s to re�ol� e E���}� c�is��utes �l�at rz����� �rise bet�� een ur�dcr tk�i� C'C)NTf�vCT. To �tccom�lisll� this, thu parties a�rec to mccliati�n a5 t'c,llrn.�s: I1�� ��r di:�putc ai c�ut of or i to this �C�N°I�I�..�C' 1, ar tk7c bo��acY� ihei anc� ii� the dispute ca�la�c�t be �sett�led throuk(> »e3�otiatioiy. C1�e�� tl�e }�ar�i�s �����c� tirst t� tr�� in �o�c� faitl�. and l�efore ��1n�sui�ti� ��n�� l���al remec�ies. tc� settle the c�is}�ut� bti ilti�edi�t�oE� of a thircl }�ar ���h� 4i�i11 l�e selectecl ���- a4,e�e«�ent �f the g��arto�,. I)v;i��i� � o� � D'_ Rt� isetl ? n�r 5EC'TiON '�'I — E`dTIRE AGR.EE!vTENT This C(�N�RACr represents tlZe entire ag� bet«leen tt�e CITZ' ancl thc C�ONSL'L�I�.aN aiid su}�ersedes all �riar ne�oTiations, i�e}�r�sentations, or co� either ���ritde�l oi oral. This C(�I�ITR�"1CT ma}� I�e a�nended c�nly Uy �ifritten inst���meiit si�iyed l�y� bath }�arties. SECTIO` 1'lI — (`C)VENANT �G.AINST C01'TI:�GENT FEES The C'C}NS�1LT�]\'T affinns that he has not emplcayed t7c retaii�ed any campan}' ar ��et;son, ��tl�er t��at� a vona tide employee 44�01'ECIII�T for ti�e CONSUI.TANT tc� �c,licit or sec��r� thi� C'Q1�.?TR?,C'1, and that he has not paid or ��reed t� p�y any campany c�r persor�, c�che► tlit�n a 1�ona �de er»�loyee, �a��y fee, cominission, perce;t�ta�;e l�rokez fee. �ift, o�� a�ly �tl��i eansirjer��tior�, continger�t upc�n c�r r�stalting feom tile a�vard �r makir�g caf ti�e CO�l f�ar vreac�� or <<�ic�latic�n of t�iis claiise, t��e C'IT4' may terminate �his CONTRAC'T �vithaut li��ility. a�id ic� its discr may deduct from the CONTF�ACT �t��ce €�i consideration, or otheil��ise reco� ei�. tlie f�i]1 �mc�unt of si�ch �ee, �ailin�ission, percenta�e be fee, rift, ar corltii���i�t fec tll�i has beea� paicl. SEC'TIO\ �'II�- SLiCCESSfJRS .�i�'I]r ,�SSIG\S This C'rJNTF�AC'T st�all �lot bc assignabae exce�t upon the �t�ritt�;�� cc��lsent of tlle parties h�:r�tr�. Tlle parties hav� executed this CONTRA�('T this � 0thday af Ma , 2[i1 U. [City's Naine, Title] Bill Eisen, Ci,ty Manager � Y '�� j P�•� � � O 7tiLl�qlC7t�S 1I77L', Tlt��� Desf�*n � of � DZ. Rei is�d ?[}�> �� ��{ ��� �1 `� � � . � �� �9 ���o Geotec�rrrdcrrf Englneers k.� ��fnfertals Tes�fnt7 5GOU Birilif� Drive Hn��star�, Texas 77D3� `�ele�hane: (713) 266-05�+� Fax: (713) 266-29?7 P��c���osaI \`ci. I 151�??lb-()� 13:i�e: 0�-t�3-�(�1�0 Caly.�i�P�ari.�nd �ttziatic�n: v[s. Je��t�ifer L�e 351�� Libe� [�ri�-e 1'�<�rl��c��l, 'I�cxas 77�8 l Re � �rr)�} IP I)IfCfl ��I17S� I�I �"CtI�CCt �tTO. ����-�� �C�II' Il'�S. � .��: F3asecl o�� tlle dra���ir��s ��i�ci speciticats�i�s �um•��isl��tl to 2�s, Geotesl �i��ineei•in;�, f�7c. is plcasa� to seEl����it oui� cosi e�ti�t�ate fof� E�ar��rst�iil;� i77aterials ei��iilee��iiig ser•vi�:es c���r€n� tlte cc��tstr��ctiaii �f t11c �bo���, r�Perestce�( pi�oj�e4. 1-3a�ef1 �an tlie pre�E��seci s�s���e t�!'��rvices, ���e �stii��at�: � l�i�cl�et of 57�7,9?7.5t�. ,�«y �ciiliti�,n�t� sei��,�ic�s rec�tiest��l ��ncl ���t �}ri��t caf this z�tin3sit� �1•ill be c�7<����i;ct i�� �ccc���c�a�tLe �ti�itl� s��u• at(�lc�ieci f�e sclZeiltile. ��i;�lS:. If1l�1C�i1e �OLIC lOI'lll8� �3CCC(lt�xlit;C �J�' Sl��illll� E7C]tJ1V �3IdLI 1'Zlill�ili8]` 013C { � } �p�)j`_ `'�' 4�(1[l!� �UCI�; �l! Cj [(� �\•'O['�C117� ti� lf�l y'011. 1� y'Ul1 11�1�`� �lll�' C�ll2�lIOl1S, �3���1S� Cc�11t�1C� illZ ;ll VOlil" CQ[71-4;R1�'I�C�. Ver}� truly ya��i�s, GLQ1'�:S'1' �ti'CI:�II�.PiZt\G, I\t:, ` ,3 � � -� �, � s�, , ` � :✓' i � �,���; R�vi Rt�j �`r�u=�ri�<u7clal=r E'.�. TF3PF, R�4ist���ztio�� \o. 1�-� 1 � F'resic�c€�t ; ,; � C't���i�s Sis!>dttitttc� (?) (��Il f ��]?I'7?UP r�� � �'.1��� ��1�: ��it���€ � �� �P.-�iir-.: i � ri.i�.: [�:� i �.: Geotesf Engineering B�dget EsfEmate Tflwn Ditch Phase III COP Project Na.OB09-a4 Service Billir�c� Codes Q��nti�� Unit Unit Rate Estirnate i ,� Earfh�siork SuEagraete , Pavenier�t SE�bgrade anc�, Misc, EarthworEc Engin�;ering Techniciar� 10700 16� Hour � 53,00 S 8,481�.00 Engineering Techniciar�� {dT) �1070� 80 Haur 5 7�,50 S 6,360.fl0 Vehicle Charge 1500Q.0 40 Tri� S 60.Oa � 2,40�.00 I�ucle�r Gaug� 95'f Od.a 40 D�y S 60.Of? $ 2,4(]fl.fl0 �in�e L)eterminati�n 9280f}.0 2 Each � 178.0� � 356.{�Q A�Ie�isture ��nsity Relaktior�ship(tre�ted,se[ect fili,sutagrade) 92300.Q 6 Each � 175.Op � 1,CJ�{].00 Allerber� Li�Y�its 90�flD.0 6�acF� � 53.OQ S 318.00 Percer7i Passiny 20fl Sieve {-200} °D600.� 6 Each � 45.CJ0 S 27�.G0 TotaE; S 21,G34.00 2A Goncret� for Sdopes on Dilch walls, Misc. Concrete Enc�ineering Technician Engineerinc� Tecf�niciaa�, (Q3) Vef�icle Ciiarg� Cyiir7der Tesks (4 cyl/se1) �S(3700 �20 Hour S 53.00 � 6,360.00 � D701 25 Ho�r � 79.50 � 1,987.50 1�OOQ.O 35 Trip � 60.a0 � 2, fi �0.(�0 30100.0 8t3 �ac� � 15.Q0 � 1,320.00 Tatal: S 11,767.50 3.� Gement Stabilized Sand for Alumin�m Box CuEvert Engis��ering Technici�n, 2 Visits at 10 hrslVisit 1a7Q0 35� Hau� � 53.GJ0 S 1�3,{�8Q.(}D Enc�ineering Techniciar�, (OT) 1fl7Q1 1�(l Hour �u 79.5Q S 15,105.Q0 �/ehi�le G�arge 150G0.0 55 Trip � 60.04 5 3,3fl�.00 Nuclear Gau�e 951d0,� 55 [1�y $ 60.Dd $ 3,30D.00 N7oisit�re bensily FZela#ionship(Sreated,select fill,subgrade) 923QO.Q 2�ach � 175.Q0 S 350.04 Cora�pressive Skrent�i�r CSS 9410�.0 40 Each � �1.00 � 2,440.00 Total: � �1,135.00 4.� Pavement H�i1AC �nc�ineering Technician Engineering Technician, {C3T) Extraciion anci gradation of Ht�1F�C S�ecific Grav€ly �€veem 8tability Buik E]ensity Moldinc� Specin�ens Vehicle Gharye 1(7700 107C?1 4050Q 40�00 4070t� 4�$00 41000 fi 5000.0 34 Haur � o �io�� 4 Each 4 Each 4 Set 4 5et 4 Set � Trip � � � $ $ � � � 53.00 7�J.50 174.Ob �i2.0� 82.OQ 4c�.0[� 54.D0 �0.�6 1,8p2.b0 7��.ac� s��.ao 24F3.O1� 328.00 184.(}0 2� 6.OD 360.40 � � $ � � S S S Tatal: S �,G29.a0 5.0 Prc�ec# Managem�nt Project Ma��agemer�t 8� Adminiskr�tion 1050a.a 14 Hour � 58.00 S $12.6� Total: � 812.C10 Total Esfimated Buclge� $ 7'�,g77.54 Remarks Nate A Minin�um Qf 4 H�urs Will 8e Charged at 1'he Applica'nla F2ate Far All Tecl�r�icianllr�spector S�rv�ces. Ar�d an dvert€rr�e Rafe �f 1.� Times The F�our�y Ra�e is �1pplic�t�l� For All Hourly Er7iployees.