R2010-064 - 2010-05-10RESOLUTION NO. R2010-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE DESIGN OF A UNIDIRECTIONAL FLUSHING MODEL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1 . That certain contract for engineering design services, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary to attest a contract for engineering design services associated with the design of a Unidirectional Flushing Model. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 10 day of May, A.D., 2010. � — �/Orrt l � TOM REID MAYOR ATTEST: � /, I�./// /I / .i� • / • � � ' I/ �� � � � � APPROVED AS TO FORM: ,���?� •�'C,C> °`�-; � �'. �";R�= :��.; :x= rt—i c,A= : (.,�'- r C�.> ��_. ! ( • �.�-- DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY Exhibi� "A" R�solution �lo. R2010-64 CO�TRACT FOR PR+OFES�IUNAL �ER'V�C�S THIS CONTRACT is entered �nto on �aY 1 fl th"�'by az�d between the City Qf Pearland ("CITY"} and Freese and N�chols, Inc. {"CONSULTr'�i�""), The CITY engages the C{}NSULTANT ta perfom� professional services for a project known and d�seribed as Unidirectiana� Flushin Pro am Ex ansi�n -�- Area 3A ("'PR�JECT"). S�CTI�UN I- SEFtVICES �F THE ��NSULTAI�iT The CC7NSTJLTAI�IT shall perform the follawulg professional services to CITY standarcis and in accordance with the degree of caxe and �kil� that a pro�essional in Texas would exercis� under th� same or similar circumstances: A. The CONSUL�'ANT shall perforrr� engi.neeriza� design and modelin�, as well as implementation su�part and other reimbursable work as specified. See Exhibit A, aftacY�ed, for a detailed SCOPE OF WORK.. B, T`�e CONSULTI�NT sha31 prepaze and submit a deta.iled opiriion of estimated cast Qf the PRQJEC�. C. Tl�e �QNSULTANT acknavvledges that the �CITY (through its em�playee handbook} conside�s th� following to be misconduct that is grounds for termulatian a� a CITY emplayee: Any fraud, forgery, mi5appropriatio� of fundls, receiving payment for services not �erf�rmed or for haurs not warked, n�ishandling or untruthful xeporting af m.oney transactions, destructian of assets, �mbezzlement, accepti�g mate�ials of value f�onn vendors, ar c�nsulfiazats, andJor callecting reimburse�nent 4f e�penses rrxade far the ben��t of the CITY. The CONSULTANT agrees that it will not, dixectly or in��rectly; enc4urage a CITY e�ployee to engage in such misconduct. D, The CONSULTANT shall subn.ut all �'inal construction �ocuments in bath hard copy and electronic format. Plans sha.11 be AutoCAD compatible and all other documcnts shali be Nlicrosaft OfFice �ompatible. The so�tware versian used shail be compatible to current CITY standarr�s. Other support dacuments, for example, struch�ral calculations, drainage reports and geotechnical r�porrs, shall be submitted in hard copy only. All Recoz�d Dxawings electronic fi�es shall be subrnitted to the C�TY in TIF format. E. The CONSULTAI�T zecognizes that all drawir�gs, special prowisions, field survey notes, re�orts, estimates and any axid all other dacuments ar wark praduct gen�rated by the COI�S�ILTAI*YT under the CQNTI�ACT shall be de�ivexed to the CIT� �apon request, sha1� become subj�c� to the Open Records Laws of this State. �'. `The CQNSULTANT sha1l grocure and maintain for the duration of this Agreerr�ent, insur�nce against claiaz�s for injuries to persans, damages �[o property, a�r any errors and omissions relating to tl�e performance of any work by the �GON�ULTAN�', i�s agents, emplo}�ees or subcontractoas under ihis Agreement, as follows: {1) Wo�ket�s' Com�ensation as required by lativ. (2) Profc;ssional Liability Insurance in an anmo«nt not less ihan $1,400,00� in the a,�gregate. (3) Comprehensi��e Gencral LiabiNily and Property I}amage Insurance with minimur7l Iirtliks of $1,00�,00{l for i�jury or death af any one �aersc�n, $i,flO�,OL10 for eackl occe�rr�r �nd $1,(}00,�00 for e�ch oce;�rrrence of dama�e to or dest�•t�ction c�f property. {�) Conip► Autvtnohile and Tr�zck Liability �nstarance covering owned, h9red, and non-ati�,�ne�i vehicles, ���ith mirliin�iin liinits af $1,1700,(�0[} for injtiry or dea�h of any� ot�e person, $1,01?0,000 fc�r eac� occ��t•rerlce, arld $1,000,000 for propet�y damage. The CQ�TS[1LTANT shall include the Cl`1'Y as an additional iiisured under the policies, with tlle exceptic�n of the Professional Liability Ic�surance and VJorkers' CQrr�pensation. Ces�tificates of Insurance and e�darser�lents sh�ll be furnislled to t11e CITY �efore �vot•k co�i»��ences. �ach instor policy shall bc endorsed �o st�te that covera�e shal� not be stispendec�, voided, canceled, andlor redtieed in cc�ti�era�e or in limits ("Ghange in Covera�,e") �exce�at with prior wrilte�a cc�nsent af the C�`rY and on�y aftcr t��e CITY has been pi-o�,�ided �vith ti���ritte�i notice af siich Chan�e in Caverage, such notice t� be �ent io the C;ITY either by hasic� delivery to tlle City Manager or by cer�ified t�lail, rcturn receipt reques�ed, and received by tlze City na fe�r�er than thirty (30) days prior ta the effective date af such �han�e in Coverage. Pc°iar #o commencing services �mcicr tllis C�ONTRACT, CONSUI�TAiriT sha1V furnis}1 CITY ���it�i Certilicates of Insuranc.e, ar �`orri�a{ endorser�leiZts as required by tt�is C�NTRACT, issued hy CONSULTAN"I''S instd��er(s), as evidence tha# policies provic�in� the requ�ired coverab�e, cond�tions, and li�nits reqLlired by this C�N�'RACT� are i�1 fiill farce and effect. G. Tlae CC?NSUL1'ANT shall itti�I�izinify and hold the CITY, its o�ticers, ��ents, and e�iYployees, hartnless fron� �ny cla'tm, lass, d�it�iace, sLiit, and liability of ever}� kind for �°llich C'C)NSUL`I'!'�NT is le�al�y liablc, i�aciudin� a11 expenses of liti�ation, cotu ct�sts, and atton�ey's fees, for injury to or death af any person, for d�nzabe to any propert}r, Qr err�r�s in c�e5ign, ar�y af which are caused by the t�e�li�ent �t�;t c�r ot�lission of the CONSiJLTANT, llis af�it�cer�, empyoyees, a�cnts, ar sut�contractor� under this COl`JTP�ACI�. H. All parties intend tl�a� the C.ONSULTANT, in �er•fonning ser��ices p�lrsi�ant to this CQNTRAC'T, shall ae1 as an indepeiident conto�actor and shall have co«ti•o] c�f i�s �w�n wvark a�Yd the manr►er in ti�hich it is perfor�3led. Tlle GONStJLTAN`I' is not i� b� considered an a�ea�t or ezz�plo}�ee of ti7e �`I�`Y. -2- SE�TION ly - FERI�D OF S�IZVICE This C�NTRACT will be binding upoi� execution and end upon successfiil iinplen�entation of f�l� C��Si�TI�� �7CQCCa6Tl. SECTIOI'wi III - CONSUL,TAl�1T'S COMPENSATION A. The metlic�ci of �ay�nent fr�r tt�is CONTRACT is payment b�� ir�stallments. T�tal compensatian for tlle serviees perfornied shall not e�cecd �32,500. B. The CITY sliall pay tlic �'��1SU�i�TfiNT in in�tallzner�ts bascd upon ttlonthly p��a�ress reports and detailed ii�voices st�bi�iitted by the COI�SULTANT subje�:t to the folio4�°ing limitations: l. Prior to appc•oval af the preliminar}' design NlA °/n p���s, paymen#s to the C�NSUL`1'Al�T sha91 �lot esceed NIA % of the total CONTRACT amou�lt. 2. Prior to approval of the final desi�r� docurncnts, pay►x�ents to the C�NSULTANTS shall not exceed N1A �'/o of the total CON ;L RR�CT ai��aunt. The fnal a�pr�val and payment «il� tae made �.�;ithim a reasonable periatl of titlle regardless of tlie p��c�ject cc�n�truction sehcdu�e. 3. Jf the seope of `��or�; of tiiis C()I�ITRAC"I� incltades the preparakion of studies, desi�n co�ICepts, or other investi�atians, progress payments shall not excced 90 °/a c�f �he total COI`dTIZACT amount prior to submittal of tl�e tinal report dcliverahles. C. The CITY shall n�a�e paymetlts to the CONS�ILTA,I�1T w��ithin thirty (30) days aftcr receipt at�d a��gf of` a�etailed invaice. Invoices shall be submitt�d on a mc�nthly basis. SE�TION 1V -'I"HF CITY"S �ESPQNSIB[LIT[FS t�. The CIT`�' s9laly desi�nate a�pi�c�ject manag�er during the xe� of�this C(7NTF�1�'I�. The pr�ject �nannger t�as t�1e aui��ority t�� adinin�ster t���s CC�NTRACT ai�d sha�l monitor compliar�ce with all t�rms a«d comditions stated hereul. �11 requ��ts far ii�fc�ri�r�ation fror�l e�r a decision b}° the �IZ'Y on any �spect of' the wark shall be directed to the projec� man��er. B. The C'ITY shall revier�- su�mittals �y tiie C()NS'ULTANT and pi prpmpt response to ques�ior�s t�r►d renderin� r,f decisians pertair�ing iheretQ, tt� t�linirnize deiay in the progress af the CONSULTANI�'S wark. The CITY �vill keep the -3- C�NSULTAN"I' advised cancernin� the �rogress of the CITY'S review c�f tlie �vork. The CONSULTEIN"l� agrees tflat the CITY'S inspection, review, aeceptanee or appror��al of CONSI�LTl1I�'T'S �vork sl�all not relieue CQNSULTAI`dT'S responsibility �or errors or omissic�rrs af the CONSULTANT ar �ts st�b-constiliant(s) Qr in any way af�ect the C(�NSi1LTANT's status as an inciep�ndlent eontractor of �he CITY. SECTI(�N V - TE}tM11VATI0N f1. Tlie C'ITY, at its sole discretiora, may terniina�e this CONI'Ii�CT for any reason - - with or �viihout cat�se -- by delivering ��ritten notice to CONSUL,TANT �ersonally or by certi�ed mail at 11200 Bro�dwav, S��ite 2332; Pearland, Texas 775$4. I�nmediatel}F after receivi�►� such written noticc. the CONSUI.TANT shall discontinue pravidin� �he services under tttis CONTRACT. B. If this CONTRACT is t�rminated, �C(�NSULTANT shall deliver to the CITY all c�ra��ir��s, special prc�visio��s, fielc� survey nc�tes, reports, estimates and �in�� and all c�t�er documents or work prodttct �enera�ed by� the GC�}NSUI.TA�1�` t�nder tlle CO�`�1TRA�C�`, entire�y� or partially co��l�leteci, to�ether �v°ith atl unu5ed r�iate� sup�lied by the CITY on or hefore tile 1� ciay lollo�}�in� tern�ination of the CQNTRAC'T. C, Ir� the evv�:i�t �f such t�rtniiiation, t�ae C�ONSULTANT shall be �aid fca�� se1 perl:or�t}ed pr�or to receipt o�� the written notice of tcrn�ination. The CITY shall make final �aymerlt within sixty (60) day� after the C[�NSULTAN`I' has �elivered to the CI��Y a�etailed invoice for seri�ices rendered aNtd t��e dc�c�zme�ts or wor� product �enerated by th�; CQNSUI,TANT t�rlder the CON"1�R�1CT. I�. If the reinune�•atian scheduleci tinder this cantract is based �ipc�n a fixed fee or defi�itely ascei�tainable s�im, the pai•tian of such suni p��}��ble sh�ll l�e �ropc�rtian�te tc� t11e percentage of services co�npleted by the CrJNSUL'�'nN"I' �,ased tipon the scope c�f ����t�k. E. In the evcnt tllis CONTRACT is ten��inat�d, the CITY shall llave the� �aption of completing the tivork, or entering in1c� a�ONTR�,h.C�I� wikh another �arty for the coniplekiotl of tlle �.�ork. -4- F. If the CITY te�minates this COI'v�TRACT for cause and/or if the C�NTRACT�R breaches a�y provis�on af this C4I�ITRACT, then the CITY shall have all r�ghts and remedies in law anc�/or e�uity against CO�SULTA]�iT. Venue fox any action or dispute arisir�� out of or relating to this CQNTRACT sha11 �e in F�razoria County, Texas. The laws of the State of Texas shall gov�rn the term�s af this C�JJI�3TRACT. The prevailir�g party �n the action shall be entitled to recover its acfival damages with inter�st, attorr�ey's fees, costs and expenses incurr�d in connection with the dispute and/�r actic�n. CONSULTANT and CITY desire an expeditious means to resolve any disputes that may arise b�tween under this CQNTRA�T. To aceomplish this, the par�ties agree to me�iation as follows: If a dispute arises out of or relates to this C4NTRACT, or the breaeh thereof, and if the dispuute car�no� be settled through negotiatian, then the pax�ies agree first to �ry in gaod faith, and before pursuing any legal remedies, to settle the dispute by r�ediation of a third party who will be selectec� by agreement of the parties. SECTiON VI — ENfiIItE AGREEPvIENT This CONTRACT represents the entire agreement between the CITY �nd the CONSULTANT and supersedes all pr�or negotiati�ans, representations, or contracts, eith�er written �or oraL This CONTRACT may be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. �ECTION VII — COVENANT A�AiNS'�' CONT"INGENT FEES The CONSUL'I',ANT affirms that he has nat employed or retained any company ar person, other than a bona f de employee working for the C+dN�i3LSA�1T to solicil or secure tlais CONTRAGT, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any compar�y ar persar�, other than a bona fid� ernployee, any fee, cor�imission, percentage brokerage fee, �ift, or aiiy other carasideration, contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of the CONTRACT. For breach or violation of this clause, the CITS�' may tern�inate this CONTRACT without liability, and in its discretion, m�y deduct from the �OI�TRACT price or consideratior�, or otherwis� recover, the full a�ount af such fee, commission, percent�ge brflkerage fee, gift, or contingent fee that has been paid. SECTI�N VIII- SUCC�SSORS A1'r1D ASSIGNS This CONTRACT shall not be �ssignable except upon the written cans�nt of the parties hereto. The parties have executed this CONTRACT this ��'� day af �'� �, 20[3'�: Ip Ja �B�,anson, Assistant City Manager CI`�'`�OF PEARLAND, TE�AS � G .- �an Bavarian, Assaciate CC)NSULT�NT -5- ATTAC[I_MENT SC SCOPE OF SERVICES AND IZESPC�NSIBILITIES QF Q'��Vl`�i�R g�r1��.L r Pl�ase III E�pansion ofi Cit}-'s Unidirzc�ional �'lusl�i�f� Pt•fl�ra��� Area A PHASE L• Unidirectional Flushin� Pi1ot Pro�ram FNI s��all reiide�� ttse follo«rin� p�ofessional services in conueec�'rQn `�itl� the d��-eloprnent of a Unidirectional F�usl7ing Prt���arn for the area sho«e� in I:XH�BIT A. T�sk 1. Data C"olleetian anc� Inventory Pracess A. I�ickofft�'Ieetin� and Ol�t�itr Pl�yfsieal and Oper�tia�fal Data o GIS and print�d records oi1 �re h��cir•a�3ts, i�i-]i��� valves, arid pi�e sizii�� for al9 9io��:s in stu�fy a��ea. o t��lost c►u «�ater S}'ste«1 Master P13n o Cu� flushQn� procedur��s Ef availa�le o �Cl7lorine resic�i�a9 data for the str�dy area o Rec�rci c�f cusRamet c�m}�laiuits o Most current "�TU'ater System Mo�el o Recc,nt SCADA ciata a Pressure Pla►7e VaCe�i��U o D�erational cnnditiori of all E7} dr��nts and w�alvcs in fl���hin� area o Cons�iiiiption rtata for fl�is��i��Q areas i3. 'Vez�ifv Data a��ld Perforaa� C��dEalitv �Goz�ti� f11� p�lysi�al dat� +v�it��in ttie flushin; ar�as sE�ou�d be fieEd ti�erifec! �nd updalec� iii GI�. 'i he City �r��ill �ip�iate tE�e GIS a�zci pravide the a��d�ted datato Fi�l[. �t�17is data tivill be used i�� the «�ater n7odel aud i�l devel�}�ii�; ti�e fl1�sl� �r�o�Eps and fl�islg sec�����nce�. Task 2. Develo� Fla�shina Sequences f1. Deter«line Flushii� Grout�s: Di4�ide tla� project �irea i��to Fltasl�i��� Groups. De�i�yeatz the ��oups considerinQ crc�v size, d�u'ation of fl��sl�ing, ec�«i�ment avaola��ility, a91d lacation of «-ater sources, B. F��ti��[ap Fl�ishin� Sequence�s; I����elol� ait i��itial pro�ram a�f �usl�in� seq�lcnces for eacl� �lusl�in� z.one. Th� flushie�b seque�aces ti��i{1 inclucl� i�rst�rl�ctic,�tis ai� ���9ve elosin�, i�}�drar�t oE�enin�, a�pro�i�uat� flusllin� du���tians and �]tie orde� o�'t91e tltzshin� �per�tions. The selected' wal�,��s a�id fire 11}�cira��ts ���i19 allo�v for tf'le svstematic and sequentaal cleanin� o� the systetn—frc�m tlie �source to�vards the edld of tl�e s}fstem. 1 1°';� 1 T' s�FsteF� naaps �vill t�e d��,�elaped for each fli�shii�� se�uence �vithi» each fllish gro�9F�. `Cask 3. Use U�dated H2O1VIa� ��^'ater n�odel to test �"lashinh Sequences for A,deguat� Scaurin; �%etocities A. Field Testin� and Mod�l Calit��atic��i: P�I ��fill condiect Fimitecl tield testin� and ut�lize tl�is elata along ���ith SCAI�A data and u�datecl �vater usa�e inf�rmation to calebr�ate the moc��l far eacE� of tEle FI�iShin� Ar�as. This ��:ill includ� seitin� pressure recc,rders during testing �erio�3. $. �h�c� FCusl�irie Se � uea�ces �v�th H2��1a� I1�od�l: FI'�id �.w i19 add n�c;essar}� 6-i»ch and �-i�ich lines to fihe H2OMap 4�F�tee Mc�clel. F'I*il ��ilt utifize the H2OiL'It�� �vate�• t��odel to re�rie�v and cltieck flushing se�quences to eitstace h��clrant �lo�t�s attain velocit�es of a mi�aimum 5 ftl�s f4�� a�equate scouF �,vl�ile [tll[11�11IZlil� �76��SS111"8 i{YO�l3, L:1.Rc��iurces A�l�ase 3 UD1= Scope Task 4. l]eve[op Flushing P�•ocedures and Tracking System A. Pre�are UDF Ma� Baok: Yrovide the City with 4 copies ofthc unidirectic�n�l flushin� �rocedures ancfi field nlap �oof:, �itlicl� incla6des 1 lYl7" sequence ���aps, i��structioi�s and c�istomized c�ata sheets. B. Prep�r� Tracking Proura�n Sheets: Prepare customizcd excel-based trac�:u�� pro�ra�ii data sheets utilizin� �vater model resulis to record t7��shin� operation and inlFormation needed by utility operations� City �vill receit�e the Tracl�irt� I'robr�.iT� electronic�lly, Tas� 5. FNI Assistance l)uring ImPleme��tatian of UDF Pragr�m A. �1�1eet �vith City to Revie�v Ma� Boo�: a��d �chedu�e �JDF Pro��aa��: Pl`dI �v�ll �neet «�ith �ity to revie�v i1DF MaF� Book ancl Trackin� S1�eets. City «-ill revie�r� and customize ta Ciiy of Peac�l�nd req��ir�rnents. Meet �vith Ci[} SC�lef�L1IZ 11171diCZCt1017c1I �L1S�71R� pa�o���am. Discuss poteiiti�l probfeens and advertisi��g of pro�raEn to affected are�. M�thocis of advertisinb to citiz�ns cac� be but �re nat limit�d to: o Place a li�iE: on City'S 4i�ebsite Q Qistribeite inserts in ��a�er bills [3. Pi On-sitt Assist�tnce for U��= �'�rotra►n: Provide one (1) Preese a»d I'�J�el�o�s tec}�nician to assist op�:ratioiis staff fi�ll-time a�ld provide tr�i»in� for t11L pro� am durin� frst �ass af tlle �si�icfir�ctioiial flusl�i��� pragram. F«��isliii�� o�ec��iopmei�t by �1�1GINrCk to be used dliru7g fl�ishi�7b, i.e. diffiiser, �itot tubes, dec��lo� e�c. i�s ��ot �vithin t1�is seape o1'�rrork. C. Qbtai�� Results of UDF Pro�rar�l f��om CE�tv: �Utain cElanges in flusliin� seque�zces, va�lve operat�o�Y, a�td ffushi»� ti�nes fc�r UDF Map Bao�: modifieations. D. Revise Field fV[ap Bot�� c� Provide Citv t�-itli Fi33�1 Field Ma� Book: Utili�e Cih����rr�vicled �nark-ups af map boo'� and irackin� data sheefs ta update �ushii�tr seq�����ces i» �eld map l�ook and tlushin� proe�c�asr�s. Pravid� tl�e City �.v�it�� 5 cop�es of the �nal t3�C�d m�p book �� ith Lanidtrectiona] fTusl�ie�g loops and sec�ue��ces a«d trackin� �ro�ram. E. Pi'��]c31'C U��' �� eCfl171C�1� �d�211101'1F]C�Lllll Of rC1El1�113�5: PPZ[J3i'2 3 Ullldll"eCtlQllc3� �' �CIS�lEII� Pl't7�1'alll fl:CI1171C3� ITledYlU1"c3[7L�ll[tl Sl6Ti1117�3t'IZll7� �11S�C11"1Cc1� �Y1�el" Cl11��91}' I"�$CI��:S, �I}F' ]JCQ�T�'81]] ���`�10]3317CI1t �71�OC�SS, 4'�1�11911�5 o� ���ater used dt�i�iia� progran� ��td b�nefiis of �� FNI �v�ll co�ndi�ct a}�resentation to th� City Co«ncil re�ardiilg tl�� L�DF p1•o�•at11 and its be�iefi�s to �t�le Cit��. PHASE II: �Vatcr �ist�•ib��tio�n ��'sterc� M�rc�elin� An�l�'sis FNI «ill a�s� the Ciry's I-I2Q\-1ap «3ter n�odel to analyz� tEie �vat�r f���v patfern ��ad �tiater age fc�� iE�e ar�a ofthe City's c{istribution sys�em sl�io��.n i�� ]:XH[F3IT A. A. ��Ictrlate Feapulatiori and Refine W�ter L)ema��d far the Siudv Ar��: �'NI tivill c�alceiEate ���e pQpulati��� ['�e• the stuciy area k�y Ie�t counts �s�d mak� retiJi�ic�n� to tl�e ��ater d�mands a��d diumal curue to match the deniand tind 2� liour diairnal eueve for e�istin� demand conditio�is. B. Meet ti� ith O�erations �'erso�3nel; �'NI �� ill meet «��th �perations personne.l to discuss l�o�.�� t�nk levels ar�d �umps are operafed on narrnal basis a�7d also �ti�l��t opei•atio��al steps �re; take�� to alleviate probler�as s�9u17 as tanks �ettintr lo�dr or t�n�:s r�ceding to be cycled. F1`�'I k� ill alsc� observe ��, hat SCAD�A data is �vaila�ale. L:�.Ytesourceslc����€retcibltzesheef,f''',Y�arlandlr\rea .� pha5e 3 UBI Sec�pe C. Adjust Q�nn�and Allocatio�l ac�d C)perating Conditioi�s i�� H2O�.�ap Water Mociel_ FI`�I «�ill i�lpt�t the ne1�r de���ands i��to the �ity� oPPearland's existing �PS rr�odel rura a�3d adj��st t��e allacat�or� af ilaese der��ar�ds and operating conditions to n�atch existiti� conditi�ns for the sh�dy area. FN1 �vill cre�at� a ns�v �PS modeli�nb run �as�n� these t�pdat�d condi�ions. �sir1; �itiis iie�w� I�}�S modeling rua�, FI�TI also ��vull cond�ac# a ti�ater a�e analysis of the study ar•ea a�ld � dist� s}�sfem ir»�rovei���nts Qo improve ihe �vater age. FNI �ti ili ri�n another ��ateF� aae an�lysis �� ittl the ii7lpc�o��e»bents installed i«tc� the �nodel ru93. D. Prepare Water A�e Maps aa�d Meet �vith City to disctdss Results: FI�1I �vill me�t «,-it}i the Cit}� ofPearland to discuss a�zd revie�v the anal}rsis resuits �nc� finclin�s. FN[ �e�if] provide the City nia�s ofth� sh�d}' area ti��ith the res��lti��� flesv pattel•ns and a ti��ater age ce�ntaurs f'or tl�e shzdy �rea before and �ftec recom3nended systen� �m�covemei�ts. ,ARTICLE �I AllllI'FTONAL SET2VICES: Additianal Services to� f�e peri�orFn�d by FNI, ifa��il7orized by� �O�VNEA, ���hic}a �are ►�ot iE�cluded in tii� at�o�re described basic services, ar� d�se3�i�ied ��s i'ollow��s: A. Field sur4��yinQ rec��tired for the pre�arat€ar� of desi��s and dr�wi��gs. B. Field lay�uts or thz fiin�ishing �f c�r�structiof� Eine �arld arade surveys. C. GIS mappi�ag services or assistance rviih these services. L7. Ir�Iakin� E�rc,�erhl, boundaiy a��d ri�ht-of-�vav sui��e}'s, E3repai of e3sement and de�d descriptiails, inclt�ding titic searc9� and examinati��i of deed reeords. 1�. P��ovidiia� services to invesiigate e�istii�� c�nditions or faciliti�s, or to ma�e ozleasiu�ed dra«ings thereof, or to verily ti�� accuracy of c�ra�� i�l�s or otl7er infcarmation furnisl�ed by C)�4?NER. �. Pravidin� rei�det•i�igs, il�ndel, �ncl nlocl��i�ps requested t�y tlie 01�'NER. G. ?vlaki��� rewisious to drarvi���s, speeit�c-ation� or ofl3�r cioc�ir�re��ts tiviler� sucEt i�ew�is�oEis are 1) �iot consiste��t r,vitl� a���rav�ls oe islsn�u�ctiofls }��•e���io�isly �i�°en by O�VNER o�� 7_) clta� to other causes not solel_y �i�it�iul ttle cc���tr�l of �`�l1. H. Provir�i»b etins�altatic��n conecrning the replace�n��i�t of any ��,�ork dam�ged by fi��e or other ca�ise due�on� the coi�str�uctiar�, ancl providing services a� may be requit•e�l in eonnecti��� rvatll the, re�iacemenk of sate�� Wor1:. �. In��estigations i»rrc�l��iir� consideratio» of operatioo�, �naint���anc� and ov�ri�ead e��e«s�s, and ti�� pregaration of'i�ate scEtiedules, ear�li»�s a��d experlse statements, feasiE�ilit�� studies, ��praisals, evaivations, assess�tl���t schedii9es, a��ci material ���dits c�r inventc�ries r��t�ired for certi�ieation of force account coi�sh�tacti��A perfae 6y 01�v'NEIi. J. Preparin�� applic�tions and su��portin� dacu�z��»ts f�r governmenc �•ants, IQans, �r pCannin� ad�, ances anc� pro��iding clata for det�i�ed app�licatic�ns. K. Pro� iding shop, nlill, field or laborafary inspection of m�terials and cq��apment. (�bscn�e factaiy tests of equipment at a��y site re�»�flte to the pr��ject or a1�se�rvin� tests r�:quired as � restilt of e�«ipr��ent faili�r� tl7e i»itia[ test. L. Co�aducti�i� g�ilot plant shadies or t�ests. L:'�Rcsaurces`�cc�nm;�ctblri�sfrezll��I'carlxndl.hrea r� plfase 3 UD� Scop� � M. Prepau�iilg O}�eration 3nd Ivlaintenance i��Iani�als �r conduciing operator trainiii�. i�i, Preparing c3ata ai�d re�arts for assistancz to OW'NLR itz preparatia�i for he�rir��s before regulatr�ry agencies, courts, arbitration panels ar any itlediator, biti�in� test�inony, �ersca»all3� or t�y deposition, and pregarations ttierefo��e befare a�l}� re�ulatory abency, court, ar6itratian pa�jel or mediator. C}, F�nlishi�tig the se«�ic�s of a Resi�lenx �'roject Representative to act as OWI'�iER's an-sitz representative duri��g tlle Con�tructian Phas�. Tlae Resident Proj�ct Re��res�ritsitive «ill act as clirecte�l My F�]Z in order to �ravide more extensive represeniat�on ak tl�e Pi sit� during tl�e Cor�struction Phase. Tl�r rnore c�te9�sirse on-site obse� of�l�e �+ork in proVress and field checks ofmaterials a�ld equipment bytF�e Reside��t Projeet Re�res�ntative aEld assistar�ts, FI�I shall ez�dea�ror to �rovide fui�ther �Y•ot�ction for OWNER a�ainst d�fects aiicl deticiencics i» tlie �,vork. �u���isliing the sen�ices of a Resident Prajeet Represer3tatitire is subject to the provisions of Artielc �, D and �ttachment RPR. If QVVT�]EE� �i'QVidss pe�►�so9anel to siipgart the act�vities ofthe �e�ide��t �'roject Rc�preser�tatik�e �vho is FNI or FNI's ��e��t ar em}�loyee, ti�e duties, res�onsi�ilities and l9mitations of autEiorit�,r of such personnel �viil t�e set faa�th i�l an C��#ach��aent at��cEied to and ���ade a part of this fiGRLEM�.NT before the services of suel� persannel are l��gun. It is understooc� �nd �grecd that s�zch �e� �vill ���ork �rnder ti�e directic�n of and t�e � to the Resic�e��t Projec� Representati��e. (�'V��NER �gre�s that S�rhenewer FNi uifonns him in «riti«� that an�� sucl� persarinel pt-avided E�y the OWNE� are, i�Y his opinion, incompetetlt, wifait��ful ar disorderly, sucfi personi�el sfiall be replaced. P. Furnis�iEn� Special Inspeetiaijs rec�ui�'ed unc[er cha�ter 17 of t1�e Internat�or�al Buildi�ig Code. These Spzcial ins��ctions are often conti�tuous, rec�uirin� �n inspecfor ci�;dicated to io�spection ofthe inc�ividu�l ���ork it�i��, ancfi they are in additir�11a1 to �e»eral Re�resentation and R.eside��t Represe�ytatio�ti se� trotet� else����hcre in ftie coi�tr�ct. I�hese contii�uous ins�pection se�r�,�ices can be provid�d by F�I as a�� Additio��al Service. Q. Po of Cc�nforrned or "As Sid" pla9�s a�ld ypecificEztioils tor 4ise duri��g tl�e constructian F�ilase. These documents si�all i� tkie incor��o�atio�g of adden�a iterns ii7�o the Go3�tract Diocume��t� tlroro�i�h ��lodificataon af the electro»ic files and repri��tiiig of the plans arid specifcakions vnclusiv� af tlte incc�� ch�sa�es. i2. �lssisting OWi�]I�.R in pi far, or appearing at litig�ti�i�, mediation, arbitration, c��spiite o �oard�, or ottier leg�l a�ldfos' �dn�ii7istrative pro�eedi►ti�s in tE�c; defcai�se o�• pra�ec�ution crf cla�ms disptites «� it1� Contract�r(s). �, Peo in��e��i;atio»s, shidies� and a��al�Tse�s af �u�istit��tio��s of �-c�uipmesft andlor mat�rials or c�evi�tio»s fr�on7 th�� drati��in�s and specificatio�7s. T. Assistin� (.I��IEK in the def�nse oe prosec�itio» of l�ti�a�ion iii co��ilection ���ith or in additic��� ta tho�se s�.rvices conte�nplated �a� zhis A�IZEEIv1ENT. Suctl serv�ic��, ifi any, shall be �i� t�}r F1�11 c�n a fee hasis o�egotiated by the � �arties outsic3e �f and in adciition to t}iis f1CiItEEMENT. U. �'��or�idin� er���iran«iental support servi�es ineluc��n�the desigiti a�lc9 im�lementakirar� ofecalogic�l baseli��e si�►di�s, c�lvir�Q�timentaf «la�ldtariiti�, inzp�c,t assess���ent a�yd �n�lyses, pe»a7iitin� assistat�ce, ai�d atEter assistar�ee rec�l�ired to address em-irottimental issues. V, �erforaaiii�� i�lv�s�i�atioi�s, stur3ies, �lid ai�al}°si�s of ���ork �Y b}� coitistr c�a��traetacs to eorrect defective �.��orC:. � L.:�Re,a�urcaslcon[ractblele�sheeP�k'1[�'�arl�ndV�rca A phase 3 UC3F� Scope W. Desifft}, contract ���Qdi�'icatia�7s, studies ar analysis rec}uired to com}�iy �� ith Cocal, Stat�, Fed�ral ar ather regufata�y agenci�s tt�at becon�e effective after tlte date of this aqreement, X. Services required tc� resolve bid protests or to rebid the �arojecis fa�� any t•eas€�u. Y. Visits t� tl�e site i�� ��cess oftt�e nu��iber of tri�s inc!«ded �n A� I for p�riodic site visits, coordination meekings, or contract cornpletior� activities. �. Any se«'ices rec�u�r as � result r�f c9efault oC the cc�ittr�a�tor(s) or the failure, f�r any reaso», of tlle contractor(s) ta complete tl�e ��°ork «ithi» thc co��ttracE ti»��. AA. Providi�7g services aft�:r the compl�ticr�i aYthe constriiction �hase not sp�cifically listed in Article I. E3B. Providin� basic ar additional sertifices a�� an acce�erated tin3e sch�,ciule. The scope of tl�is s�rvice include cosk for ovvertirne wa�es ofempCoyees and consultants, ineffic3�ncies in i�ork sequence and plottin� or i•��roduetion cc�sts directly attrib�Btable to a�l aceelei•ate� tinle schcdule c�irected hy tlle OWNER. CC. Providin¢ serviccs ra�ade necessary t�eeause ofunf'oreseen, concealed, or c�ifferiil� site. c�,nd�tions or due to t�ie presenez of hazardous substances ir� a��y forn�. L Ij�, I'rc�viciing services ta revie��� or evaluate coa�struction cc�nt� claiiil(s), }�rovic�ed said claians are supported hy catises not ��itl�in t11e contral of FNI. �.E. Pravidin� �ra9ue e�lgineering shidies or revi�ns ofeost savi��gs �aropas�d f�y co�lstruction coilh•actors after bids haa� b�;�;�i sub�t�i�ted. FF. }'repari�� st�tenients for iin-oicin; ar c�ther dc�cumeiitation for t�ilQiti� other than for the st�ndard invaice for sen�ic�s �tt�cl3ed to this �rofessional services abreernent. GG. Provicle �crllo�u-u�� �rafessiona� ser��ices dui�ing Contractor` s watranty period. HH. C'ravid� Geotecl3�lical in��estigations, sri�dies a��d re�orts. AI�TICLE I[I TII1'IF �� C��✓IYLETI�iV`; FNI ia au�l��rized to comr��e»ce «�o�rk on tl�e Projeck u}�o�� e:�ecutioi�� of this AG�L:I;�dfENT ai�d a�rees ta c+���tiplete the sei•vices ealled For �rl Art�ele I�z�rttiii7 12(l calend�r da}�s. If Fiv� I's ser4�ic�s are dcl��;�ed throu�h ❑� f���lt �f FNI, �'NI sl�lall be e�ititled Qo ��just cont� scltiedu1e consister�t �i�it1� thc number Qf da��s o� delay. Th�se d�elays m�y ine.l��de t�u� are not limi�ed to �delay�s in 04�'NEI� or r�-g��latr,ry revie��,rs, dela}�s on the f7o�v of iiiforn�ation to �e provi�ded tb FNI, �ov��n�me�ital �}�prol��als, etc. Tl��se de�s�•s i��a�,° res��lt in as� adjustmen� to can��e��sation as outlined on the i��c�� of this �GRE�I��IENT` �i�d in Attaclarne��t CO. L:IKes�urce,slconlra�tb]ues���e11IT'�.P�3r4an�'�.rlrea :A p}aa;c 3 UUT Scopc ART[CLE 1V �i,�5P01'�SIBILITIE� [}F (?�1�VNER: C)�N� R sl�ail perf`orm the follo�°i�7� in �a tiinely martner so �s not to delay tfle se�•vices of rNI: A. D�si��at� in �4riting a person ta act �s C)�vrNER's reps��sentative �tirith respect to the seivices to be revcfered under t13is AGI�EEMEN7'. S�ich pe� sl3all have contract au�l�o��ity ta traiis�nit instructions, r�eceive inforn�ation, ia�terpret and define (�`'VNER's �ol icies and decisions ti� it}� respect to F'NI's senfices for tli� Project. Provide all criteria �»d f�s91 infonr�atic3n as ka OW3�dER's rzquirenients for the Project, including dcsi�r� �k�jectives a��d constrai�7ts, s�ac�, eapacit�� a��d pe��for�nance �equiremer�ts, f�ex'ibolity and� expandaf�ili�}�, a��d any budgetary li�nitat'sons; �nd f��rnish copies of all c�esi�ri and cor�structir�n sta»d�rds �.vhich O'�VNER �vill require to be included i�l the dra«�ings and speci#ications. B. Pravide FNI �vitEy accurate tipdateci GIS tnap ofthe distributic��l s}'steiz� withiri tile st«dy area. �4�I:I� «�ill u}�ci�te in GIS ar�y field changes fourad �iy the Ci�,r's ope�'atio»s Gs-e«�s. Ft�I will use thesc u�d�ted maps to develop theii` UDF ��ro� �atn. C. Provide Fi``°[ ��,�tti tli� Cit��'s most eui updated H2{�i��ap Model E�itli a ealit�r'ated e�Eea�cEed p�riocl siin�ilatio�� onadel run. FNI ���ill �is� f��is modLl in PHAS� II oftlye co��tracQ. I?. Pr�vide at Ceast 1(one) field cre�v duri��� iraitial 'ir�lPlem�9�tation of UDF proaram. L, Assist PitiI by placi��� at �'i�1i's disposal all av�ilable infannation pertii��a�t ta tl�e Project includin� E�re�ioers re�orts ai7d aciy other data relative to desi4n or constructican of the �'ro�ect. F. AiTan�e for access to ancj make all pc�ovisions for FNj to enter upooi �ublic �nci }�riv�te �ro�erty as rec�uired for FNI to perfoi7n services under tl�is �GREEMENT. G. Exar�tone al�' studies, re��arts, sketches, c�ea�� in¢s, sp��cifications, �ropasals and ather d�cuments presenteci by FNI, ot�tain advice �f an a#t�����e}�, ins��rz3�ce cou�lselor and ather co�asulta��ts as C)�VNER deems ap�ro�riate for suePl �:xae�iina[ion ancl reiider ir� ovritin� d�cisions peitainin� ttlereto ���ittiiti a reas�n�ble kitne so as not to delay tl�e services of FNI. 4 H. Purnisfl a�provals and pe��mits fro�j� all ;overnm�»tal authoriiies ��a�ring jEirisdiction ae%ci• the F'c ancj sucli �pprovals atid cc,nsents from others a5 �may b�� necessaty foa• rompl�Tian of t]�e Prc�j�et. C)1VNER shall make ma arranb� to l�ave ma�le �1� st�b��orface iuvesti�ations incl���liu� but not liEnited to bor�n�s, tes� �its, soil r�sistivity sutl�ey5, �nd other suUsurface explorations. (aWNEE� sitiall also make or an�an��e to ha��e mzc�e the interpretatie�«s of d�ta and rel��rts resultin� fi�c�m such investi�ations. All eosts associated �tiitl� sEict� i�7vestig3tio�3s sl�all be paid b}� C)��rNER. Pror�icl� sucl7 accountiti�, ii7depencient cos�t esiimati�ig and insu�rallce counseliii� sei as ma�� b,� requ�red fc�r t�1e Praject, such leg�tl ser��ices as �WNER may req��ire c�r FNI ma_y re�sonably reqtaest �� ith a•e��rd to� le�al issnes pertai�lin� to tEle I'r�7ject includiE�� any tk�at may �e �aised 6�� ContracTor(s), �d�el� auditir��, se��,�ice as 01�TNL12 may ��ec�laire to ascertaiEi 3�o�v or for �vl�at �ur�ose any Contractor I�as 13sc:d th�: ���oileys paid �u7de� ths cc�nstr�ictic,Qt cont►�act, and slrch i�is�ecti��i sen�ices as (����I�IER t��aa�^ r�qt�ire k� asc���t�iry that Ca�rtractar(s) are co»7p9yina 4r°it�� an}� 1�1�F, a2ile, regul�ti��n, �rdin�nce, code or order a��plicable to their fur�3isllin� a�ld perfnrmin� tlie ��°ork. L:1ltesorirce;leonlracCbluc�hzetlV'�Pearlandlrlrea A phase 3 IJDF Scope K. O�'�N�.� s]b�ll d�tenni�a2, pi•ior to receipt of eonst' bid, i� FNi is to fiiri�isli t2esident E'roject Representati�Fe serviee so tl�e Bodders can �e in�oi L. If OWN�R desi��ates a person to serve in tlle capacit} o�Resident Project Represertitative �vho is not FN7 or rN7's ���mt ar e»�plo}°�e, the duties, rzsE�onsibilities and 1'arr�itations of a��tf�ority of such R�.sittznt Project Re�resentative(s) ��ill be set foa ii� an Attacliment attacl�ed ta a�id made �� pa� of this AGREEM�NT before tlie Canstr«ctfon Fhase of ttle Project be�irls. Said attacl�meclt sllal] als� s�t forth a�pro��riate inodificatio�is oft��e Cc�nstructian Phase serv�ces as defined i�� Attachnaent SC, F�trticle 9, C, togetl�er �� ith sucli aciji�strizent of coin�ensati�n as �pprcapriate. M. �ttend tlle �repbid co�tiference, bic� �,penin�, preconstT•�tctian confer��lces, co�7st► pr��•ess anc� c�ther jot� related mee:tir�gs anc6 sd�t�sfautial c��npletion i►�sp�.ctic�ns a��d fi»al pa)�ment iiispections. N, Gi��e prorn�t �sr`atten �iotice to rNI �vh�czet�er C3t''V�EF� ol�seB�w-es or ottl�r�vise b�,eornes a���are of �w�y develop�nei�t tllat af�`ects tlae sco��e �r timin� of FIVI's services, c�a' aily d��'eet ar ��e�nconforizla�7ce of'thc 1�'Ql"� 0� tlll�' C011tl'iiCtC1C. O. Furnish, oi° direet FNI ta �r•oti�ide, Adc�i#ioEial Se�tirice5 as stipul�ted in Artacl�mei�i SC, Articl� 11 c�Ftt�is AGI�.EEM�:NT or other setvices as req�oir�c�. P. B�ar all costs i«cide��t to compliance svith th� rcquu�e�neiits of tljis Article IV. �RTICLE V DFS�I�NAT�D R�PRESENTATIVES: FN[ ai�d OWNL'K desi�nafe the foll��iici� r���e�se�titatives: Q���ner's f�zsi�nat�d Rep� - Da��ilr� Ca�ltero��, :i� 191_�t�e� Dr. �'ea��la�jd, �l'e�as 77�$1; Ph�r��� 281-65�- 190Q �NI's ��lient Re�� —��f�lu�an (�Zon} Ba��arian, 11?0�0 L�roaci�r�a�r St���et, Stiite 23'32 P'ea�rl�nd, Texas 7758�; Pf�a�ie 832-��G-=�70d; Fax 83?-��E�-�}7�1; e-n�ai� n�t�'ri.€�rcti�t.cof�} �NI's Project Nlana�er — Kichard i�Ve�tlte� P.E. 1 12Q0 Broad���ay Strz��, Suit� 233Z Pearla��d, �I'exas 775�=�; Phone $3"?-�56-�700 F�y 832-�56-�741; e-mail � �=NI's Aecatir�tib�� Re�rese�itative �.�uciy Blai��, 1 12QCM B�road��-ay SCreet, Suite 2'32 Pearland, Tes�s 7755�}; P�ac�Eie 832-��6-�}700 Pa� $3?-�k�6-47{?i; e-maii jfb�fi•e�ese;.cod�� L:1lt�esua�rceslcositrae�b�u�s'i'ieetAP1PcHrl�nd`�-'�r�a A plrase 3 UDF Seap� COMP�NSA,TION LiIMP SUI1'i WITH r"�DDITIDN�L W(�RK BAS�� �N �-IOURLY RAfiES� A. Nc�t to E�;ceecl The total fee for Basic Ser��ices �n Attachar�ent SC sl�all be tl�e Vur»p sum of $32,Sd0. If FNI sees the Scape of Service� chan�i��� so tl�at /ldclitional Services are needed, i�ticluciitlg bui not li�nited to ti��se setvices describeci as Ac�dition�l Services i�� Attaelunent SC, F1�I �,� ill notify Qti�Ji�]EK for Q�,�ER's ap}�raval before �roczeding. fl,dditional sei'vices slaall be c�mputed baseci on t17e Sched�ile of Ci�arges. B. Sckxediile af Charaes �`or Additional �r'Varl�. SEE A.TTACl�E� 1_.:1Resource,'rc�ntractblGSesheet\P\k'zarlandl.Afca A�hase 3 l?DP Scop� CiEy of Yearfand P.xpansfon oFCitys UDF Pro�am Enginecring Services f3reak.do«�a Phase 111 L Dl' Arca A Task 1- Data Co9leciion and Inventary Process , Sr. Project Pruj�ct Praject �� Total Estimaltd � _ _ ' Mapagar 111anager _ 6ngineer _ Hou�es To[a1 Fee 1V1R fL�\V 5J�ItiYF; NE Ilaurlv Ra trs 210 i2S l l2 4d � KickolF \A cclin� - Obeai 7'hysica and Operationa �ata from ihc City _ __ 2 � 2 2 R 51,07d B VcriFy ➢ ala and Pcrform Quality C'oriln�l 4 _ 0 2 6 Sti80 I..�bor Ca st Su6latal � 6 � 4 �a S �.7`�a � �------- -- . . _ . . ._. Gxpenses — - _ - - _ -- - \tilea��e, Prinlans±, Ploltinq eic 5350 Ei enses$u6total � �'SQ Task 1- Uata Collerlian and Inventpry� Pracess ���b �+» Task 2= Qevelop Unidireclional Flushing Stquences Sr. 1"roject Prujcei Nroj.ec[ Cr � Tolal Esf�:imaled __ M1lanager M1iana�er Enginecr _ Hours __ _ T'aial Fee :� lletcrmine �lushi�a� Gr�ups . 4 -._ . � (i_ 4� �M1 - - 51,53? . . --=.._ . .. _ �— --- - --- 6 � ihvel hlush[ng Srqucnccs . - - -- , — °- - _ - 4� _ 8 _ 16 28 S? 836 Labnr �ost Subis�tal 0 8 14 20 S2 S 4,3G& - - Lxpenses - ---- -� - — -------- -- - �lilcaee,Printing„F'Io _ _ _ _ __ ___ �-'� Ei ensrs Subtotal 52�� Tnsk 2- Oerelop Unidirccliqnal Flushfn� Sequentes S1 568 Task 3- Use lJpdated 112Q\iap'4F'atcr model Irs test Ftus'�ing Sequences� for Sr. Peoject Project Proje�c[ � ��$ Taval Eslimated Ade qoate Flushin� Yefoeilies _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Nanager \lanager ___Engineer _ Hours Total Fee A rield Teslin� and Madc! Calibr�tian , `� _ �'- � z �� �'-�`�'-'� F� Check lsolaYed Flvsliin� Sequences u�ith H?QMag� 14'ater �fad¢ 4 12 � -0 ZO S?,20a Labar Cust Subcotal 0 8 2•l 16 48 55,128 Expenses � --- ----- - 1�i�leage, Printing, Plottinc etc _ _ � Ec enscs Suhtotal 35pp 'I�ask 3- Use l'pdafed F�265fap \Vater model lo [esl Flushin� 5equente5 fpr Adequa[e �']usFin�„ Velucilics� S5,G28 Sr. Project Praject Fraj[tt TaCal F;stimated Task 4- Illtve�op Fluahing Procedums and Tracking, 5ysl�em CIS hianager \1�:�.n�ger Eng3ncer lEours Tada _._..----- ----- � ._..__. . . - A P .._______ _ , 2 -. ' 16 2Q 51,91�F f} Prepare ---. . . __ 2_ 2 Ib 20 $I,9 -- Lalror Co st Su6total 0 4 4 32 40 $3,828 � --- Expenses . . -. - - — �htde�ne, I'rintinv Plo4 tin�, etc _._ �� � F.x enses Su.htotal ����QQ Task a- Uc}�tlnp t'IushinQ Procedurt's and Ti racking 5ystem ��x Sr. Projec4 Project Project Total Estimated Task 5- FNl .4ssisfaace During 1�mplcmenlation oi UD� Program GIS hSanager 111anager Enp;inecr liaurs T otal Fee , —__ ._ - ------ ------ A Meet v.�lh City� to Rcvie�ti Rlap Rook and Schedule UDF Pragram � 2 4 0 0 fa 5920 ----- —.. ..---- ---- -- - - -- -- -- --- -- L1 Pr ovSdz 4n-srl ?455ismnce far UGF Progr�n _____ ___ R _ 24 0 _ 3'_ S?,688 C 06tain Res��11s of UU� Wro��*ram fro Ciry .. _ - �� .-_ 0 � �� . �?� 6 Re��ise Fie4d \lap Ruok Y. Provide Ciry wil Final Ficld �lap Book -- ._ 3 S 2-1 3d 53,30fi La6oe Cost Su6tota9 2 16 32 2J 7� 58,143' Iispcnscs --- -- --- �- ----� -� _ _.. _. � ---� - - � � Alilca�c. Prinling, Plolt[ng r[c � Ex enses5ubtotal 51,200 Task S- F\�! :Assistance Ourio� Implea3en4ation of �fDF Program 59,36i F1['1'OTAL EnGI`F;ERI\G SER4'[CES 526,500 M1rca A UDF and Model �cc PH3.�cls City of Ncarland EYpansion nf Cil�s LJDT Pro�am En�faeering Scrvices Bre.aF�So�+�� Pt�ase [II Ar�aE A Nba�e 1! - Water Aiodefing AnaEyaes Sr. Prqject Project FrajQC4 �� ToFal Estimated Rianager 11Sana,ger __ En�ineer floun �_ Total Fee_ -- � \iB HAA�' SJV NE Hourly Rates _ 310 125 I12 90 _ A CalC Ulale Popula5i�n �fnd Refine \4' Dema __ 2 4 � 0 6 56S'& F3 Meet ���th Operatiorns'3'crso Ip Revicw d pera[ions P raefices . _ ? d _ 0 6 _ 5678 (' Adjust nemand Allocation and Opera ting Canditions and crea �.PS Run 2 S __ S 1 R S 1, E Pre are �la �� �im! and \1eet wf1}� Csn'to �iscuss Results _ 2 � 4 8 i6 52,088 . Labac Cost Su6tmal 2 16 20 96 46_ __ S5,3S4 Gxpf:nses - . . — - --- — - --- - �-- --� 4lilea�*e, Printine Plotting, etc _ __ _ _ __ ��Sd _ Eipenses Subtutal 5650 Area � UDF and Atalel Fcs �'H3.zls L�gend t FSY � Ci73' Limits� � WelBs � PP�asc I Sludy Ar� --�- - S" and Smaller 4incs � Phase 2 Siurh� Area - f0" and Lare:v Lines � Ph�se 3 Study Arw A � � .r -� � _; � --', - � _ — — � � �'� I� _ , _ .- i --�— _ �' �xhi��t A �City of Fearland Undirect�anal F1usF�ing P�-ogram and 4�ater Age Analysis Study Area LJ[3F Ph�se I1l Stud}� Arca A `� Ull�' Phase Il S�Yu��ly A�rea CiD�' Phase I Stucly Area . , �.+.i� n - . . � 'y . .. �r.t ,_ � SCHED�JLE OF C�IARGES MIN �sa 150 130 iao 70 125 105 40 75 70 80 65 SS 65 40 M A.X 250 220 22Q 170 ]30 145 120 160 85 14� 125 85 94 75 6�0 pOSITION PRII'�ICI�'AL G��UP MANAGER/SR. I'R01EGT MANAGER SCNIOR EI�IGINEER ENG�NEEFt (PE) Ei�1GINEER (EIT) SENI�JR HYDROLOGIST HYDR�OLQGIST CONSTRUCTd�N CQNTI�ACT ADMIN�STRATOR RESIDENT CONSTIZUCTION INSPECTOR G�S ANALYST DESIGNER CAD TGCHNICIAN CONT'RACT / �PERATIDNS ANALYST A�M1I��STRAT[V� ASSISTANCE GO-�P / INTERN 7'he ranges and indivEdua! salaries rvi61 be adjusted annually. EXPEi�ISES Plofti�u� $orid $2.50 per plot Color $5.75 per plot Vellum $SAO per plot Mylar $5.00 per �lat Travel $�.SQ per mile Printin� Blu�elines/�lacklines $0.14 per square foot Offset and Xerox CopieslPrints Black & White $0.10 per single side copy Black & White Color Calor Binding $(}.2Q per doiible side capy $4.50 pQr single side copy $ti .00 per dauble side copy $5.75 per book QTHER D�tECT EXPENSES Other direct expenses are reimbursed at actual cost times mul�ipli�r of 1.10. They include outsid� printing and reproduction expe«se, communication expense, trav�f, transportati�an and subsistemce away frorn Pearland, a��d other miscellaneaus expenses directly �elated to the «ork, incli�ding costs of laboratory analysis, tests, and other work requ9red to be done by indeper�dent persons oth�r than staff inembers, L�.1Resources'�.Con[racSBlueSheets1P�Pearland'y4reaAPhaselll�pansiortO�UI FIV,�Sh��"� PCOgram�SC��edUf�� O�l.ha��e�.U�CX 112U0 Broadway Street #2332 • Pearland, Texas 77584 • 832-456-4700 •#ax 832-456-47U1 Ex�ibit "B" Resolution Na. R2p�p_{;4 C�Nfi�iCT FOR PROFESSI+ONAL S�RVICE� THIS C+DNTRACT is enter�d into on �ay Z o t h� �, y �d between the City of Pearland ('SCITY") and Freese �ar►d �`�lichols, I�c. ("CC?I��SULTANT"). The CZTY engages the COl'�SULTAi�T to perfornl �rofessionai services for a praject knt�wn az3d described as Uz�idirectional Flushing Frogram Expansion — Area 3B ( � ' PR�J�ECT"). SECTIO� I-�SERVICES C�F Tl� CONSL�LTANT �he Ct7NSULTAI�IT shall per.form tlle following ro�essional services to CYTY standards and in accordance w�th the degree of care and sk.�l ��bfessional in Texas would exez�cise under the same or sirnilar c�rcumstan.ces: A, The CONSUL`�AI�T shall �erfarm en�ineeri�ig design and modeling, as well as im �ementatian su or� and c�ther reimbursable work as s ecified. See Exhibrt A, attached, for a detailed SCaFE �QF WQRK. B. The CONSULTANT shal[ prepare a�� subinit a detailed apinion of estim�.ted cost af ti�e PROJECT. C. The CONSULfiAI�rT acknowledges that tk�e C�TY (t�rough its employee handbook) considers the following to �e misconduct that is grounds �or ternv.nation af a CITY emplayee: Any fraud, foxgery, rnisappropriation af funds, receir�ing paym�nt for services not perferrmed or for hours not warked, ix3ushandling or untruthful reporting of money transactians, destruction o:f assets, embezzlernent, accepting materials of valiie fram vendors, +�r consultants, and/or collecting reimbursem�nt o� expenses nlade for t�e benefi� of the CITY. The COI�S�[.TLTANT agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly; encourage a CITY employee to engage in sucka zn%scoz�du�ct. �). The CONSULTANT sha1T submi� alI final cons#�uction dacuments in both hard capy �d electronic forrnat. Plans sha11 be AutoCAI? compatible and all other documents shall be Microsflft �ffice compatibl�. The software versiam used �hall be compatible to current CITY sta�adaxds. Qther support documents, for example, structural calculations, drauiage reports and geotechnical repar�s, shall be su�mitted iz� hard copy only. Al1 Record Drawings electronic files shall be submitted to the CITY s`n T�F £or�nat. E. The COI��SULTANT recognizes that alY drawiu�.gs, special provisions, fi�ld s�ivey no#es, reports, estimates and any asrd all other docunients �r wcsrk prodikct generated by the CONSULTANT under the COt��TRACT shall be delivered ta the GITY upon request, shall �beconle subject to t�e apen R�cc�rds Laws of this State. F, The CONS�[JLT�Tv shall procure and maitttain for the dura�ion of this A�eernerat, insurance against cla�ns for in�u�ies ta persorns, damages ta pro�e�y, or any errars and �znissio�s relating to the perf�rn�ance of any work by the C(�NSULT,�NT, its a�ents, emp�oyees c�r subcantractor� under this Agrcenlcnt, as follaws: (1) 1Norkers' C ampensatian as rec�uircd by la�i�. (2) Professi�nal Liability Insur�nce in an artaaunt nat less than $1,00O.00tI i►Y the a��re�.ate. {3) Cc�mprehensive General Liability ancY �'rc���erty Damage I�isuranee with T111Il1Illlllll linlits af $1,QOO,C}�0 far injt�ry c�r death �f any one p�rson, �1,000,0�]0 for each oceur-rence, and $1,Q�0,000 �or each occLarrer�ce of ciatnage to c�r destruction c�f prc��erty. (�} Coi�ipr�hei�sive A�itoniobile and Truck Liability Insur�nce eovering owt7ed, � and ilon-o�vned vehicles, v,�it� n�i�iimum limits of �1,000,000 to�• injury or death c�f any one person, $1,0�}Q,Oa4 far each c�ecun�ence, and $1,(}0(1,D00 far pro�erty datna�e. TYre CQI`1SUL'I'A�1T sh�ll incj�ide th� CITY as �.n additic�nal insltred wider the policies, with ttie exeep�ion af the Frofessional Liability Insurance and Workers' Comp�rlsation. Certificates o�` Insurance anc� endoa�se�i�erats slzall be �ilrnis�ed ta the CITY before �vor�: commenees. Each insui•ai�ce palicy� sh�ll be endo► to statc that �cover��e s�iall not be suspended, voided, �canceled, and/or reduced in cavera�e or in limits ("Chan�e in Covera�ge") c�xcept ivith pz'ipr tivr�tten coi�sent �o� the C�TY anci only aftcr the CITY has been pravided �vith �vritten n�tiee crf stich Chanb� in Co��era�e, such notice tti be sent to the CITY either byy hand delivel•y to tile �C'it}� Mana�er r�r by �ertified mail, retui�l rec�ipt requestet�, and s'eceived b}� tll� City na fe���er than t�lirty (:30) days �rior to the effective de�te of s�kch Chailge in Covcrage. Prior ta commencin� services under �his C�l`�J`I�I:f1GT', CON5i1LTANT s��il fi�rr�ish CITY �vith Certificates of Instirance, or fof e�ldorsements as required by this CONTRACT, isst�ed by CO1�IS[JI,TANT'S insurer(s), as evidence kilat p�licie�s pro��idin�, tk�e required �o�rera�e, cot�ditia�is, and limits reqtiired by this COi'�ITRA�'T are i�1 full force �ind cff`ect. C�. The C()I`�SUL"I`ANT sli�.11 indenlnify and hol�i ttle CI�`Y, its officei agcnts, ar�d enl�lo}�ees, lian��l�ss from a��y claim, 1QSS, damage suit, �7ncV liat�ility of evei•y kir�d for ri�hich iC'ONSUL"I 11NT is 1e��9iy iiable, i��cludin� �I1 e�p�nses e�f liti�ation, c�urt costs. atYd attot fees, for injttr}� 10 or �eath of an}r persor�, f�r da«���e to a�lv pp•op�rty, ar err�rs in c�esign, an}� af �vhich are caused by the iiegligent act or �itiissioil of fhe COI�IStILTAN�', �jis ofticers, e�T�plr�y�es, agents, �f� subcontr��ctors urtder this CONTI�C1�. H. All parties intetad that the CONS�JLTANT, in perfc�rn�in� services pursuant kc� tklis Cl7NTF.�1.C"l�, shall aet as an iiide}�endent c�ntr��ct�c ai�d shail have control of its a«rn w and tiie �1}anner in w�,hieY� it is p�rfc�rrned. The CQNSULT'ANT is nc�t to �e considered an a�ent or e�nployee of t��e CITY. _�.. SECTI+C�►1'd �l - PE12I�� OF SFRV�CE "1'his CONTRACT will be bindin�, tipoc� execution �nd enci upon successfiil iinplement�tion tsf t�le dzsigi �ra 7�r�m. SECTION III - C4P�ISUL�ANT'S COMPENSATI(}N A. The nlethod c�f' payment for this CC)�TRA�`�" is p���ment by instalime�ts. Tatal cot�ipensation for Khe services �crfomied shall �ot exceed �32,54U. B, Tl�e CITY shall pay the CONSUL`�'ANT in installrnenis ba�ed lipon rl�c���thly pra�ress repoi ancl detailed in��oices submitted by t11e CONSUL`�`�1.N'1' s�ibjcct to tllc follo�vi�tg lirr�itations: 1. Priar to a�p�oval of the pr�liminary design N/A °lo �lans, p�yments to tlle CONSUI,TAN'T shall tti�i exceed NIA °f4 of tt�e total CQNTRACT aTl]OLlIl�. 2. PriUr to �pproval of the final clesi�n docui��ents, payments io the COivTSULTAI`d"I'S sh�Il not exceed NfA % of the tat�l COl`�I1'IZAC'I� anaotint. The final apprc�v�l and payment will he nlade ��ithin a reasonable pet•iod of ti�1�e re�ardless af the project construction scl�edtile. 3. If the seope of wvor•k of this CONTRACT i��cl��des t11e �reparation af sttidies, design concepts, ar other investi��tians, pro�ress gay�ments shall t�ot exceed 9d % of tlle total CONTRAC� amot�nt prior to submittal of tlic f �lal rep�rt c�eliverabVes. C. The CITY shall make �ayments to the CONSULTANT �vithin thirty {�U) days �fter � �nd �pprc�va] c�f � detail�d invoice. Inv�ices sh�lt t�e submitted e,i� a mo�lth�}� hasis. S�CTIdN IV - THE CITY'S It�,SYONSIf�ILITIES ,�1. 'I�hc CITY shall c�esi�r►ate a project mai�a�er during th�e ternl c�f this CDII'�TI�C��. iT'IYe project n7�nager h�s tl�e atitha�rity to a�iminister this �C[7I�TRACT and sh�ll tnoriiLor complianee ��itlti �ill terms and car�ditions st�itcd herein. r'�11 rec7t�ests tor 1Ll�OT'i2l�lt1017 fi'c�m or a decisioai b�- the CITY on any� sspect of the �vork s�1all be C�II'eGf�C� t0 tI7C jJI'(J��Gt I1lc�I1��eC. B, The CI'I'Y shall revier� submittals by the Cf)NSl1LTANT and p�•ovide prom�t res�onse tc� c�trestions an�! renderin� of deeisio��� �ertainin� thereto, tc� min�mize delay' in tlle prcrgress �f the C�NSUL"I'AN'1''� work. "I'he CI�'Y will keep thc -3- C4NSULTANT advise� cc�ncernin� the prQgress of the C�TY'S review af the work. The C'ONSLILTANT agrees that the CITY'S inspection, rcview, acceptance or appr�val �f CONSt�LTAI��''S wc�rk sha�l not relieve �4T�1SUL"T'AI`1T'S responsibility for erro�`s or c�missians of the CONSULTANT or its �ub t}I' 111 a�l}� �vay affect the CC�NSULT�,Al'�I7�'s stata�s as ar� indepenclent contr�tctar af tl7e CITY. SECTION V - TEIZMINATI�N' A. The CITY, at its sole discretion, may terr��nate this CONTRACT for any �'e�son - -�vith c�r «-itho�it catise -- b�� delivering wi notice ta C(3NSUL`I'l1I`�!T personaily or by ce�•tif ed rt�ail at � 1200 Brc�adwav. Suite 2332; Pearland, Texas 775�4. Immediately° after receiving sucll �va�i�ten natice, the C4NSUI�TANT sl�all discantinue providing the services under tl�is CU�ITF�ACT. 13. I£ this GC3NTRACT is te� CONSULTAN'1" shall deli��er to tt�e C�TY all dra�,vin�s, special pro�isions, f eld surve}� notes, re�orts, estinlates and �ny �nd all other documenRs or ��ork praei�ict �enerated by the CC)NSULTANT tmder the CC3NTRACT, entirel�� or p�t�tially cornpleted, to�ether with e��l untised materials supplied by t�3e C1TY on or before the I S� da}� �alloti�ring terr�lir of the CC)NTRACT. C. In tlie evcnt of s�ich ternaination, ttle CONSiJLTANT shall be paid for services performed prior ta receipt of the written notice o�� ter�n�'inatiorl. The CITY s��aYl t�lake f nal pa}�tx�ent ��vitllin sixty (60) days after t�le CONSLIL'I�A�1"I' h3s cielivered to the CITY a dctailcd invoice fo�- sea•vices rendered and the dac�ullents or r�vark prodt�ct ge�ierated' by t�ie CONSUL'I�AN"I' under tlle C�NTRACT. l�j. If the i scl�eduled under this contract is t�ased upon � fixec� fee or definztely ascertain3l�le suc�1, the portion ofi suc�7 sum payable shall be proportionate tc� t�e pet'centa�e �f ser��ices co�n�leted by the C.ONSULTANT k�asec3 ti��n tlle scope c►� ��zork. E. In tlie e��ci�rt tl7is CONT�.ACT is ternlinated, the CITY shall ��ave tlie option af cc�mpleEsr�g the �,vork, or entering into a CONTRACT with anothet part}� for ihe conlpleti�n oCthe �.v�rk. -�- F. If the CITY terminates this CONTRACT far cawse and/or if the CONTRACTOR breaches any provision of this CQNTRACT, then the CITY shall have all rights and remedies in law and/ar equity against GONSULTANT. Venue for any action or dispute arisir�g out of or relating to this CON`I'RACT sha�ll be in Brazoria County, Texas. The laws of the �tate af �exas shall govern the terms of this �C�NTRACT. Th� prevailing party in the aetion shall be entitled to recover its actual dama�es with interest, attorney's fees, costs and expenses incurred in corinection with t'�e dispute andfor action. CONSULTAl`�iT anc� CITY desire an expeditio�as m�ans to resolve any disputes that may arise between under this CflNT�ACT. To accomplish this, the parties agree to mediation as fo�lows: If a dispute arises out of or relates to this CONTRACT, or the breach thereof, and if the dispute cannat be settled through negotiatiQn, then the parties agree first te try in g�od faith, and bef�re pursuing any legal rernedies, to settle the dispute by mediation of a third �arty who will be selected by agre�ment c�f'the pa�ties. SECTIOPV VI — ENTIRE AG1iEEMENT This CONTRACT represents the e�tire agre�ment b�tween the �CITY and the C4NSUL`I'ANT and supersedes all prior negotiatians, representatians, or cantracts, either written or oral. �his CO�ITRACT may be ar�ended only by written instrument signed by both parties. SECTION VII — CO'VENAN'I' AGAINS'T C�NTI1hTG�NT FEES 'The CONSULTANT affirms that he has not employed oa retained any company or per�on, c�ther than a bana fide employee working for t�e CdNSULTAPIT to solicit or secure this C4I�ITRACT, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide ernployee, any fee, commission, percentage brokerage fee, gift, or any other consideration, contin�ent upon or resulting frotr� the award or makin� of the CONTRACT'. �'or breach or violation of this elause, the CITY may t�rrninate this COl`�1TRA.CT without lia�ility, and in its discretion, may d�duct fram the CflNTRACT pric� or consideration, or otherwise recover, the full amount af such fee, commission, pe�rcentage bz fee, �ift, or contingent fee that has been paid. SECTIQN Vlll- SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGI'�IS This CONTRACT shall na� be assignat�le except upon the written consent of the parties hereto. The parties have executed this CC►NTF.EICT this �1�'��1 d�y af , 2069: ��} � 4�'�� • ��,.�. �-�.�--:.�� �`�.-' J' n ranso�, Assistant City Manager Ron �avanan, Associ�.te CITY OF PEARLAND, �'EXAS CONSULTi A,�`�iT -5- ATTACHMI:Ni� SC SCQPE OF SERVICES AND RESPCIIVSIBILI'I'IES OF (IWNER ARTICLE I Phase III Expai�sian of Cu�°'s Unidirectional F[ushin� Pro�ram Area E3 PHASE 1: �J�idirectional Flushin� 1'�lot Pro�ram FI�I shall render tt�e �`ojlowin� professianal serv�ces in connectian �,�ith khe cievel�pnticnt of a Uniclirectional Flus}lin� Pro�ram for tl�e area sflotii�ti in rX�l[BIT A. Task 1. Data Collect�on ancl Inventory Process A, I�ichoff Meetin� and dbtain Ph�,�sical a��d (7perakional Data: o GIS and �rinted records �n fire }tydrants, in-li�ie valves, and �i�e sizin� fc�r all line5 in sttidy area. o IV�ost ctarrent Water System Master Pla�i a Current flushing praceda�res if available o Cl��orine residiial data far the study area a Record of cus¢ontier complaints o Mast etirrent Water Syster� Model o Recerat SCA17A data o Pressure Pl�ne Valvin� a O�eratic�nal condition of all hydrants and valves in fli►shia�� area o Coa�slunption data for flusa�in� are�s S, Veri�y� Data and Perform Quality Control: All physieal data �� �thin tEie flushing areas shoulc� be field verified aiad u�dated it� G1S. "Che Cit�� ���ill u��date the GIS and provide the updated data to FNL Tf�is data �vill be used in the �r�ater model and in develaping tf�e flush grou�s anr� flush sequences. Task 2. Develo� Flus'�iog Sequences A. Deterniine Flusl�i�}� Groups: Rivide the project area ii3to Fl��shing Groups. Delineate the groups cansiderin� cre�v size, ciuration of f7ushing, er�uipmenc availability, aTjd lc�catic��i c�f�vater saurces. B. F��velop Flushin� Sequences: L)e�relop an in�itial prog�am af �1us�7in� sequences for ��a�h flushi«� �one. The flushin� seqlierlcs.s �vill iEiclridc i��st�uctio�o�s o��i valvz c�los�irl�,l7y�d�ant o�ening, ap}�roxin�arte fltrshiria d��e�tians and tl�e order aft'l�e flushin� o�eratic�itis. "11�e sel�et�d valves and fire h}-drants ��;°ill allc��i• for the system�tic �nd s�quential cle�nin� oF t��e s_ystem—frorri tl��� source toti�,rar�ls tl3e ei�d of the sy�,te�m. 1 1"x17" s�-stc�n maps «�ili bc, deve�oped for each flushir�� sequence �vithin each fl�ish group. Task 3, Use L'}�dated H2OMap Water moclel to test Flus!hing Seq�zenees fpr Aclequate Scouring Veli�cities A, rie['d Testing and Model Calil�ratia��: FNI �vilf conduct liitiited fi�9d testin� an€� tstilize tllis data aie��g ti��ith SCAi�A data �dzd updatec� �vater t�s��e infr,rrl�ation to calibrate the �aodel for each ofthe Flushing Are�as. This i��ill include setting pressure recorders c3urin� testin� peric��i. B. Chec� �=l�isl�in� Se�quer�ces +�vith �I�[7Map [ulodel; Pt�11 tivill t�dd necess�ry 6-inch and 4�inch fines to the H2OMap W�ater Mode�l. FNI will utilizc th� H2OI'Vlap �vaCer model ta revie;�� and cl�eck fl�shiu� 5equence5 to cn$urc: hydrarjt flor�s attain velc�cit�es af a minirz�uin 5 ftls for adtquate scouriti�„ �vi7ile miE�ip��9zutg pressure draps. L�1Rcsuurcc�lcontr;tctblue'shcet\P1P�arland�Arza 13 phafi� 3 U[3F 5coF1e Task 4. Deve�o� Flushing Prac�ed�res ancl Tra�lung Syxstem A. Prepare UDF Ma� Book: P'rowEde the �ity �arith 4 copies o£the unidirectional flushinc pracedures and fiefc� t�lap book, �v}icch includes 1 1x17" seqeience rnaps, instr«ct�ai�s ar�d c�istornized data sl�eets. B. Pre�are Tracking I�rogram Sl�eets: �repa�e c��saomiaed etcel-ba�ed tracki�ag pragra��a data sheets uti6izi��g 4vater E�ladel results to reeoed flushin� o�eration and informatio�a needed ay utili�y oper�ations. City �vill receive the Trackin� Pragram electro�ucaily. Task 5. FNI Assist�nce I}uring Im�lementatian of LTDF Pragram f1. Meet �vith Cily to Revier,v Map Book and Schedule UDF Pcotra�r�: FNI �v'ill rneet �vith City� to revie�v U1�F Map BQOk aFid Traeking Slaeet�. City «�ill re�ie«F and cissto�»ize to City of Pearland rec��iiren�e��ts, Meet w��e�h City ko sc}7edule unidirectional flushing pra�;ram. Disc�iss potentia[ �roblems and adrlert�sin� of program to affected nrea. Methods c�f �dvertisi»g to cit�zens car� be k�u� are not lictiited ta: ` o Place a lit�k on Citv's �vebsite o Distribute inserts on �v�ter bills B. Pravide On-site Assistance for UDT' Program: Provicle or�e (1) �'reese a��d Nachc�ls technician to assist operations staff fEill-time and provide traini�tig foe ti�e prc,�r�m c�urin� first �ass af the unidirectianal flus}�ing prog�°ai��. �=1iri�ishin� ofec�uipment by ENGITdEER to be used d�iring flushing, �.e. dit��iser, pitot tlibes, decl�loriil�tion, etc. is not witF�ir� this scope ofwork. C. Obtain F�esults of UDF Prc��r�in fra�m Citv: Obtain chan�es ir} fl�ESl�ing see�uenc�s, val��e operation, a«d flushing times for UDF M�� Book �7�odifications. D. Re�ise Field Ma Boo'� & Provide Ci ���itl7 Final ]=ield Ma Book; Utilize Cin�-prov�ded mark-ups af Ez�ap book and tracking elata sheets to tipdate f7��shi»a sec��iences in field ma� book and flushin� procedures. Pravide the Cit}� ��ith 5 copies oftiie final fic�d rnap book �vit�� unidirectional flushin� loops and ser�uences a�id �rackin� progra9n. � E. Przpare UDF_Technical Me�»r�r�ridum af Findi►���s: �'repare a CJi�idirectio��al FlusiiEnb Yragram tecfu�iGal memora��d���il sum►narizin� historical �4ater quality results, UDF program development �rocess, volu�nes of �vater used durin� prcabrarn and bei}et�ts of pra��•atn. FNi ti��ill cr�nd�ect a pr�sentation to t�le Cit}� Countil re�ardin� the UDF progra6z� an�i its bene�its tc� the City. PHASE II: W ater Distributian Svstem Moc4elin�► A�alvsis F1*][ �vill ��se the City's H2OMap water model ta analyze thc tivat�r flo�� patt�rn and r,���tec age foe t17� ar�a of the Cii}�'s distributio�l sys�Yen� s9�o�vn in EXf A. A. Calculate E'opu6atic�n �nc3 Refine Water Dern�nd fc�r th� Study Area: F1*]I 4��ill calculate tite populatic�n for the st«eiy area t�}' lot co�ints a»d make rek�isions to tile waker demanc�s a«ci d�urnal curr�e to match ti�e d�enand and ?�k l�c,ur �li�irn�l curve for e�:isting de�3�ancV conditions. F3. Meet tvitl7 �peeations Persor�»el; F'N! �vill n�ect r� ith operat�ans persoru�el io r�iseuss ho�v tarik leveGs artd �umps are operated c�n norErial basis a��d also �vhat a���r�t3onal steps are taken to ��Vlewiate prc��lems suc�� as ta�yks gettin� lo��; ar tanks ��eeding to be e}�cled. FN1 �vill also �bserve ��{�at SCAQA data is availal�le. 1.:1&tesoures�lcontractk�lue;l7ec[1P'�'c�irlan�11f1rea B phase 3 U[)f S�opc: 2 C. Ade��st Deo��and �.Ilacation and Operatin� Conditions i�l H2OMap Water Model_ FN[ �.� ill input the «e��� dernasids i»to the City of Pearland's e�isti�yg EFS model run and adj�ist xhe allacation af tilese dem�nds anc� operatin� cQnditions ta match existin�, �onditi�a�s far the stu�iy aeea. FNl �vill create a�le}�� EPS modelii�g rui� using these: updat�d cot�diticns. Usia�� this ne�v EF�S rTjodeling rui3, FN[ also ���i�l canduct a �vater a�e analysis of the study area �nd reco�nnle��d distri�ution system impror�ements tr� improve ti�e water �ge. F�II will r�m anc�ther «rater a�e ar�alysis �r�ith the impraver��cnts ar�stallec� into ilae ���odel ri��t. D. Pre�are Water A�e IV�aps and Meet with C.ity to discuss Results: FNI �ari{I rneet «�ith the City ofPearland to discuss and revie«� ti�e anal_ysis results and tindings. Fl�ll �� ill pr�avid� the Cit}' m�ps �ffhe shidy area «itlt the resEGltiElg floti�r patterns a��c� a ca�ater a�e co�tours far tl�e study area before and after rec:a�nme»ded system impro��e�rnents. ARTICLE II A�IDITIQNAL SERVICES: A�lditiona6 Ser�EC�es fo be perfonncd by FN�, ifa��th�riLed by OWNER, titi�hich are n�t i��cluded in the above described basic ser�ices, are dcsc�ib�d as folV�ti��s: A. Pield suiveyin� requ�red far tlje preparation c�fi c9esigras an�l draE��ir�gs. B. Fdelcl layouts or i9�e �'iirnishing of construckion li»e and grade surveys. C. G1S i»�ppin� services or assista�►ce «-it1� these services, [�. [v9akin� �ra��erty, boi�n�l�ry ar�d ri�l�t-af-way surveys, pre�aratic�« of easement and dezd descra�tions, ir�el�kding title searcl� and exam��yation �Gdeed records. �;, Providin� serrrices to investi��ate e�istin� conditioi3s or facilities, ar t� �a�ake measured dra���in�s thereof; or ta verify t9�e accurac}° of dra���i���s or otl�er infot furnisl�ed by OWNEf�. F. Providing r�nderings, moctel, and mack�ups r°equ�st�d by t}�e OWNEI�. G. Makin� revisians ta dra���ings, sp�cifications or other clacuni�nts �vhe�i s�ich revisions are 1) not consisteclt �vilh appravals or instructions previously given by C)WN�R or 2) due to c�ther causes ilot solely �r�ifhin the control of FNI. H. Providing const�ltation co��ceri�in�, the replaceanent of ai�y Work �Ga���a�eci by �re or atl�er cat�se durivag the ea�jstr�iction, at�d providirli services as n�ay be required i�� connec�ion �vitl7 ttic replacement of such Work. Investi�ntior�s involvir7� eor7sideratic7rl oE' operation, ��1aintenarjce a��d owerhead e�pe�ses, �nd tkle preparati��ti c�f este schedules, �arninas and e1pe��a�se state�a�ents, feasi'bility studies, appraisals, evaltva�ions, assessment sc9}edules, and �j�atcri3l audits ar inve�ltcaries required f€�r certification of forcc accotmt construetion p�rfo�°rtied by C)WNER. F'r�parang ap}�licatic�ns and supportin� d�c��mei�ts ic�r �overc�mcnt grants, loans, c+r plannic�b ae�4�anccs and providia�g data f�r detailcd appl?Cations. I�. F'rovidin� shop, c�tiill, field or laboratory inspection r�f materials and equipenent. OY�serve factory tests of equipme�7t at a»y site ren�ote to khe �rcaje�c� �ar ob�servin� tasts reqt�ired as a res�ilt of eql4ipn�cnt failin� the in�tial �est. L_1Resourceslcontcactb9ues17ezt1PlPearland' B pha�e 3 UDr Scope L. Conducting pilot p�a�rt studies or tests. M. Prepari���, (�peratioa� a��d Mai��te»ance Mantials or conducting operatae training. �r[. Preparing data and repor#s for assistance to OWNER in preparati�n fr�r he�r�ngs before regulatory� age��cies, courts, arbitrati€�n pane[s or any media�or, givin� testimony, person�lly or by deposition, and preparations thereFore before any regulatory a�ency, court, arbitration pa�iel or mediatar. O. Furnishin� the services of a Resident Project Representative t� �ct �s C3WNER's a��-site represent�ti��e df�ring the Cot�struction Pt�ase. The Resider�t P�o�gect Repeesentative �vill act as directed b�;� FNI in ardc;r tQ peovide mare e�tensive represed�tation at the Project site durii�g the Construction Pttase. Tl�ra�o�,iy more e��ensive on-site observatioa�s ofthe �a�r�rk in progress and f elcl checks o�tnatcri�ls ��7d equipment b}� tlie Resid�i�t Project [tepresentative and assistants, FNI stiall endeavor to provide fierther �rotectian for QWNER a�asnst defects a�7d de�ciencies i�� the wc�rk. Furnis��in� the services of � Reside�a�t F'roject I�epresentative is s��bject �o tl�e provisions of Article I, [� a��d Attacli�nent RPR. [FOWNEft provedes persont�el xo s��ppart khe �ctivit�es oE�tfle Resident Project Representaiiv� �vho is T']'�]I or FN['s ager�t or ��i�ployee, iE�e duties, responsibilities ar7d litnitations ofa�rthorit}� ofs�ich personnel �ti�i11 be set fortbi in an Attachnlent attached to and �nade a part ofthis AGREEMEN"I' b�fore the services of such personnel are be�;�an. ]t is tar�derstooci and agreed tl�at s�ich pers�nnel �vill work under ihe cfirectioi� of and he responsible to the Res�dent Project Represei3t�tive. �Wi+I�R a�rees thak �vla�never FNI infonns hia�� in ���ritin� tklat any s��cl� person�lel provid�d b}� the �Vtir`NER a►•e, ir� his opinion, incornpetent, �inf�ithf�i] or disorcierly�, such �ersonnel sl7all he replaced. P. Furnishin� Special Inspections rec�uired under eflapter 17 of the Ir�t�rnati�nal B�aildi��� Code. °Tllese 5pecial I�ispections �re often con�in�sous, requiring an i�tispecto�� dedicated tc� i»s�ection c�f the i�iciivid�ial �vork itern, and tl�e}° are in additio��al to General Representation and Reside��t RepresentatioEl ser��ices noted elsewh��-z in lhe contraet. These continuous �nsp4ction services ca�n be provided by �I'�I as an Adc�itional Service. Q. F�reparation �f Conformed or "As B�d" plans ancl specifications for iise durong the c�nstr��ction phasc. These docunie�7�s shall involve the incorporation of adder�da iter��s ir�to the Cont�act Documents throubli i�nodi�cation of tl7e electronic fiLe� �nd repri��ti��b of tt�e plans aud specifica�tions inclusive of the incc�rporated cl��nges. R. Assistin� �A7v�1�]E� i�� prepari�t� for, or appearii�� at litigatio��, mediation, arbiirali�ii, disptrte review bo�rds, �r other le�al a�Ydlor administrative proccedings i�l tfle defense ar prosecl9tion af elaims disp��tes ti�,�ith Coittcacto�r(s). S. Perf�rrnin� ��tive�tigations, sttidics and arlalyses of substitutions caf equip�nent a►id/or materials ar dzwiatic�►�s frc�m t��e draiti�i»�`s and speci�catioE�s. T. Assistii�� [�WNER ii� tl�e defe��se or pras�ecuTion of [itigatior7 in cQns7ection �a�iEh or in ad�ition �o those services conte«iplated My t�is AGREENIENT. Stzch services, if �ny, sh�ll t]e fiirnished by i=NI c}iti �� fee basis rie�otiated by the � parties oretside o�and �n addition ta ti�is f1,GREEM£NT. U. Providin� entiFironmcntal s�ipport �service�s i�ycluding t17e desi�i� and im�lement��tion ofecol�gi��l'�asefir�e studics, environmental njc���itoring, imp�ct assessme�lt and arizlyses, �ermittin<� assisxance, and otli�r assistance req�aired to address cnviron►rrcntal issues. � L:IRcsUUrecslcon[r3c161ues1teetlF''1k't3rlandVlrea 6 pliase 3 I�DI' Se�pe V. E'erfor�ni��g investigatoons, st�idies, and an�iysis of work proposed by construction cc��ltractors to correc# �efeetir�e �vork. 1�. Desi�.r�� contra�t �nodifications, studies ar analysis required &a compl}� tivitll local, State, Fedeeal or other �e���Vatory a�encies that becorne cfFective after thc date of this a�rcemenY. X. 5erviees required tc� resalve bid pratests or to rebi�i the projects for any reason. Y. V�sits to the site in exces�s ofthe r�umber of tri�s included in Article I f�� per site visits, c�ordinatioiz �r�eetiiigs, �r corltract cov��pletian activities. Z, Any services required as a resu�t of default a�' ttle contractor{s) or the Cailu6e, for a«y reaso��, of tk�e contractor{s) to complete the «or�k 4i�ithi�l tlie contr�ct tit�ie. AA. P� senrices after the co��,pletion of the constructi4n pl�ase nak specific�lly liskec� in Artic9e I. BB. Providin� t�asic or additi�o�ial servi�es an an accelerateci tirne sctied�ile. The scope of this ser��ice incltidc cost for �vertime wages of employees ai�d cansei�ltants, inefficiencies �in wqrk �eque��ce a�7d plo4ting c�r reproducti�n cE7sts tlirectly a�tributable ko a» acceEei•ated t�tne sclledule c�irected t�y the OWI�IER. CC. Pro�+id�ng se�vices made necessar}� hecause af ur�f�reseer�, concealed, Qr di�e��u7� site �:onditic3ns �r due to tkle pzese��ce of hazardca�is s��bst�nces in any form. DQ. Froaidin� se��ices to revier� c�r evaluate cc�nstruc#ia�� contrac�or(s) claim{s), �a�ovided said claims are supported l�y c�uses not �vithin the control af FNI. EE. Providin� ��alue engi��eering studies or reviews of cast saviolbs proposed by consxructioi� contractors after bids have been submitted. FF. Pre��aring stat�me��ts for invoieiolg or other docurnentatia�n foe billin� other tE�an for the standard invoice far ser4�ices attached to this protessic�nal services agreement. GG. Provide follo�v-up professianal serviees d�erin� Contractor` s��arranty �eriod. HE-l. Provide Geotechnica] investigations, studie:s ai�d reports. ARTICLE llI TI�'IE IDF COMI'L�TION: FNI is authorizecl to co�nmence �r�ork oi� the Pi�o�eci u�on executic�n af this AGI�E;I:MI�NT �nc� ��rees tQ com�lete tl7e s�rvices called for in Ar�ieVc [��iti�in ] 20 calendar days. If FNI's s�rvices are delayed thr�aiga� ��o �fa�klt of FNI, F=NI sl�aVl be entitled to �djl�st co�ltract schedule coo�siste�lt �vith the n�a�riber of rla}�s of del�y. These d�9ays may include but are i�o4 limited to dclays iit QWI�JER or regulalor�F revie��;s, delays on the flc��v of iiyfc�� to 6e prc�vided tc� �=N1, �c�vernmental approvals, ete. 'I�hese dclays rnay result in aa� adjushnent ta com�ensati�n as o�atlined on the face of t��is �GREEMENT and in Att�c��me��t C'C). L-1Resourecslcontrurlblucshee111'1N�ar1and1.�lrea B plaase 3 UDF Scope ARTICLE IV RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER: O WN �R shall perform ttle following �n a�imel}° manrrer so as not to delay the services of FNI: A. []esi�r��te in «�r•itin� a person to act as �WNEi�'s r tivith respect to tiie ser�ices to be rendcred under this AGREEMENT. S�rch person siia(I have contract auttlor�ty to trar�smit it�structians, rece�ve information, interpret and ciefirle QWNf;R's policies a��d decisions tii-it6y res�ect to FNI's services far the �roject. Provide all cr�teria and fiull inforn�ation as to OW1�JF�,R's rec�uirements f�r the Project, including desi�n objectives and constraints, space, capacity and performance r�c�uil•earuents, fle�ib�lity and ea�pandabiliry, a�rd aYly b�Edgetary� di�nitations; and �i�rnisl� copies ofall desi�n and construction standa�•ds �vhich OWNER t� ill re��Eire ta he �ncluded in ttle dra���in�s and speeiEications. B. Provide FI�II witt� accw'ate updated GIS map offhe distrit�ution sys#e�z� ���itklin ti�e st«d�� a�°ea. OWN]ER s�ill upd�te ii� GIS ai�y field cli3nbes fouijd by the City's aper�ati�ns crews. FNI wull use these updated »�aps to de4relop th�;ir UI�F pro�ram, C. Provide F'NC �� nth the Ciry's rnost cui7�erlt updated H2OMap IVlad�l witki a calibi e�tended �eri�d sim��lation n�ode� run. F1�]I �vill use tf�ss �nodel �n PI �AS� Il of �he contra�et. D. Prc�vide at least 1(one} field cretiv di�ring initial irnplerne��tation of UUF prc��ram. 1:. �.ssist FNI b}� placing at FNI's dis�osal all av�9lable ii�for���at�an perkii7ent to the Projcct inccluciin� previous reports a17r� any other data relative to desi�n or construcciot� of the I'roject. F. �lrrarlffe for �ccess to and mal:e all provisions for FNI fo enter lapon public and private property as req�iired for FNI to �erfarm services under this AGREEMENT. (;. �,�a�a>>ne all sti�c�ies, repor�s, sl:etches, dra�vings, speci�catior7s, proposals anci ather clacumen[s presenteci by F1�J1, obtain advic� of an attorney, instrrancc ca«nselor a��d ather cor�sliltants �s OWNER deeaT�s apprapriate fc�r s1�ch examinatian arlc3 render ii� wa decisians �ertai»ing thereto �s��thin a reasanable tiEtle sc� as nat to d�:l�y �he services of F'�II. 1I. Ftarniskl apprc�vals and p�rrnits fron� all goverrame�ytal authorities having juristliction c,�er the Pr�ject ao�d suc.l� appro�als aild consents fron� �c�thers as ir��y be necessary for co�npl�etion �of the Proj�ct. �WNI?I� shall make €�r �arra���g� �o l��ave made all subs��rfaee investi�at�t�a�s, includii�� t�ut not limit�d ta t�arin�s, test pits, soil resistivit�� surveys, anrl' otl3er s�i��surface e�plorations. OWN�R sha91 also m3ke ar� arrange to have i��t}de t{3e inie�•}�retations o�data aijd 9°eports resulting frc�m sticki investiga�io�js. All costs ass��c��ted �r��ith s�ch invcsti�ations sftiall be paod by �l�r'NER. Prowide such acco�ir��in�, indepencicnt east estimatin�, a9id ii�siirarlce cc�unselinf� services as r��a}� be cec{uired for tl�e Project, such le�al s�rvices ��� OWl'JEI� may rec�itire c�r FN[ mati� � ree�uest ��ith regard to le�al iss�ies pertairiin� to tl7e Projec�t incltrding �ny that r�7�y bc raised b�;� �onts�etor(s}, sucla auditi�7g se�vice as C►V4'NER may rec�uire to ascgrtain ho�v or for w4-hat purpose ar�y C:o«tract�r I�a� used the mairoe�°s �3id under the co�qstruction caa�tract, and such ii�spectit��� senices as �WNEf� may rec�u�ire to asc�rtain th�t Catitractoe•{s) are c�rmplying �vitlj any la4v, rule„ regulation, orc�inance, code pr order a��plica�ble to thcir fkirnishi�7� and perfn�aning t�le ���ork. L lltcsctiurers'.e�ntr.ictk�Iu�siieetAPll'�earlandlArea E3 p�hase ; li[.7E� Stiup�: K. �WNER shal� dcterrraii�e, prior tc� receipt of con�tructian bid, if FNI is ta furiiish 3Zesidet�t Project Representatiwe serv�ce so the I3idders can be informed. L. If OWl`dE12 designa��s a person to serv� in the capacitl' of`Residcnt F'��oject Representative tivho is not FNI ar FNI's agent or emp�oyee, the duties, responsibifities arnd limitations af authority of suel7 Resident I'rc�ject Representative(s) tivill be set forth in an Attachmen� attac�ed to and made a p�rt of this AGREEML�dT befoce ti�e Construction Phas� o�the I'r�aect be�ins, Said attaehment shall also set forth appropriate 1 of tt�e �o�lstruction I'hase serwices as de�ned in Attachment SC, Article l, C, tc�gether tiwiti� such adjustment of campee�s�li€�n as appropriate. M. Ntte��d t1�e pre-bid �as3fer�ence, bid opening, preconstruc�ion conferences, construction pro� ess and other job relatcd rl�eetin�s anc� suhsea�ntial corn�ile�iool inspectio�ls and final �ayment �nspectio��s. i'J. Give prompt �a�ritte�� noticc to FNI ovllenever OV4�NER observes or otherwise becomes a�vare of ar�y de��eloprnent that affects the sec�pe or timing of FNI's serv6ces, or a»y defect e�r no�lconformaF��e of the �vork of any ContractQr. [�. F'urnish, or dir�ect PNI to pcovicle, Ac�ditional Ser�vices as sti�ulated in Attachment SC, Artiele �1 oft`lis AGREEMEI'tdT or other services as ret�uired. P'. Be�� aif cc�sts incident ta can�plianee �.vith the rec��oirements af this Article 1V. ARTICLL V I)ESIGNATED RF.F�RESEN7'A'�'I�'ES: Fl` and �WNER dcsign�te the folla�vii�g re�resentatives: O��-ner's Desi�nate� Repr�sentative - Dann}r Cameron, 351'9 Liberty Dr. I'earla�3d, TX 77581, 2$1-652-�900 PN�'s Gl�ei�t F�epi•esentative — Mel�ra�ti tRo�l) Bavariaf�, 1➢20a B���adtiaay St�eet, 5uite 2332 Pe�arland, Texas 7758�: Pho��e 8i2-45fi-47(1�; }`ax 832-�56-�7(➢1; e-mail ����i!rr)Ereese.coril FNI's F'rojecl M�na�er — R�chard 1��ea�herly, P.F�., 1 12Q[l Br�ad�vay Sfreet, ��iite 2332 Pearland, Te�;as 7758�; Phone 832-�56-�700 Fa� $3�,-�Sb-�701; e-mail ra�,v cr f►•eese.co�» F"NI's Acco«ntin� Representative —Judy� Bl�ir, 1 l Z00 E3road�vay Street, Suit� 2332 Pearland, Texas 77�84; Nlyone 832-�#56-4700 Fa�. ��2-�4j6-4701; e-ma91 jfb(rr�freese.com L-4ltesourees�.eontractblaisshe�:tl�lf earlan�lArcu f3 �ltasa 3 LJDC Scupe 7 CpMPF.1YSATI+f�N LUMP SUNI WITN ADDZTIQNAL WORK �3ASED ON HOURLY RAT�S A. Not to Exceed The total fee for Basic 5enFices in Attacl7��enl SC sl�all be �he i��rnp sum of $32,500. If FNI sees the Scope of Se� ch�ngin� so that Additional Services are r�eeded, irtieluding b��t not liinited tca those services described as F�ddetional Services in Attaeiunent SC, FNI �vill natifj� OWNER for OWNEEt's approval hefo€�e proeeed'Elg. Additioi}ai serv�ees shall be eomputed based on t9�e �cl�edule t�f �harges. B. Sche�lulc a�' Char es for Ac�dition�l 1xV4rk: SEE; f1TTACFaEQ 1.:1Resoure451contrt�ctbluesh��l1E'lY���rls��ndlfkrea B phasc 3 UDP Scope City o( Pearlaad EYpansios o(Csl}fs UDF Pro��ram En��ineerin� Scrvices Breakdni��n Vh�.c 1!1 1 Arca D 5r. Frojeet Project Projeei Ta[al Eslimat�tf Task 1- Data Callectiun anJ Inventory Process , GIS M�nager 111anager ___Eng Flours . Todal Fee --- - ----- -- - - ��---- . .. �V7B R.A4V S.iPFIPiPK \E Hourly Iiates 2I0 125 112 4Q ;1 Kickvf i�h[cetiag - Obtain Physical and Opemtional Dala Bom the City � 2 2 2 2 8 SI,fl7�1 D� Neri£v Data ari PerFomn Qualit Convol 4 0 2 6 5G8Q LabarCostSubtatnl 2 5 2 4 1� S t,75J - - - _ _ ..-- � � - -- -.. . Expenses 6Eileag Printinq. Flattin<_>, eCC S3�Q Ex enses Suh4utal � �4� TaSk 1-�ala 4'olfectipn and Iv�ventory Precess SZ,1U� Se, Project Pruject �Praject TofaE Es[imated Task 2- Develop Unidirectiongl Flusheag Seqvences . GIS __ hlan ager 1lanager Engineer ____ 1#ours "1'otal Fee ,� Qetermine Flushin� Graups 4 6 4 14 51,73.' E3 DekelopFlus�iin��*Sequ�trccs -- .— --- - 4 8 Y6 28 5?,8;b l.a6ur Cost 5v6m¢al � 0 8 la 20 42 ^� d,368 r_��„��� hiileag�e, PrinGn_�. Pio�ting e1c � - — --- � - - - S'�f7 E:n rnses�Suhtotal SZOU T'askl - Develop Unidirrr[ional Flushing Sequences S-1,Sfi8 Task 3- Lse U�dated N20Aiap Water model 10 test Flus'hiog Sequeoees for Sr. Project P�oject Prajeel ��� Total Eslimatcd � Adequate Flmshin Wclociiies IYlanager fVi anager � Engineer Ilours Tolal Fee ...— -----� -- ---- - ---- - - :\ Field 4 ]2 12 2$ S'_,�?4 I� Check ]salated Flushint; Seyuencrs' x�illi 112011ap 14ai hlodel 4 ] 2 4 20 $�,2i7-1 Labar �Cast 3uhtatal 4 8 23 16 -0& 55,13P ex�cnscs - -. . _ .. . ---- ---� - � - �Silta��c, Priniine Plottia� etc $�� Ex � enses Su6lataC 554(1 Task 3- I'se L'pdaEed 1 i\'alcr moilel to le:cf r'Ivshing 5equences for Adequa[e Flushing Vcloeitie5 55,628 Task 4- DeveEop Flushing Proce�ivres and 3'racking S��stem Sr. PraytCt Prujeci Prmj.rc[ G �.� Tot�l F stimaterJ ifae�7ger . h _ Enginecr 1lnurs Tolal Fec �4 Preparz UdF hlap N os�k 2 l G ?0 51.914 �'B Prepare Trarking P�roe,Ra 5lteeis i 6 2U �l 914 Labor Cos[ Sv btalal � 6 4 �1 32 � 46 53,828 Lxpcnses � _ _ 1l Printirs Pl atlis�_ elc Sl 6W E3 enses5ubfalal � S�.CHN1 Ta9l: 4- Qevelap Flushing Proccelures and'I'racl:in�, Syslem Si.828 -- -- � � - - -- � Sr. Projcc�l Projec[ � Prajecfi 'I�otal Eslimated TasSr 5- FM Ass�slanes During Im�IcrnentaCipn o(UDF Peogram � GIS . _ dlanaRe� �lanag Engineer _ Hours _ Tolsl Eec ,1 �l n�ith Cil} Revi�u� \fap 6crok and 5chedule UDF Pro�am Z 4_ 0� _ 0 6 5426 Q Provide On -sile Assistan Fc3r U[)�= S'roeram B 24 0 32 53,653 C 4trlain Results oFU�F }*rr��Ram Fram Ci¢ � 2 Q � 2 S"��J p Rev ise ficld llap 600k K Provide Crt �vikh Final Field Afap Book ---� � 2 8 24 3d 53,30C� Labor Cost Su6mtal 2 I6 32 24 7J SS,164 F:ipenses AGIes��,frtnun�.Plol4fne,€tc ---. . .---�---��--- --� 51,?(}0 E: enses Suk�talal 51,2W Task 5-�FN] Assislanee During ImplementaEian o('Lif)F Program S9,3b�{ FNI TOTAL EI+I�C[NEERINC SERV[CES S26 400 PEAR UDF and Ma1.eS F'ee Pf{3Area I3 xls City of Ycarland Gxpansion of Ci4�+'s U�� Program Engineering Services 6real:du�m Phase lll Area B P6ase II - lYstec i�lo�eling Ana3ysos ��'• Project Projrct Proj�.cct Man�er nEanager _ Engioeer - - —.. _ . _ . _ . _ ... — - ----. . _ _ _.. -- - --- - M1IB� IL�.AS' SJti Huurly Rafes 21U 125 � .a CalcuCaie Papulatian and Refne Watcr Dcmand 2 6 Rieet 4.-ilh Operations Personnel tu Revicw Op�raiions Peactices 2 C rlSjust I)emand Allucafion and �peratin� Cunditions and create kYS Run 2 G Pre�are hlappmg and h1ee[ 5vilh City 9a_�iscuss Results 2 4 Labor f.osl Subtolal 2 10 Lx�enses . . . . ------ � -- - — ----- ---- - Mtlea��4', Prinlitsa, Yka[tsng, elc �� - � -- --._. . . � � - — �- � - - — — - F.xnenscs Subtotal 4 4 $ 4 20 G15 Total Estimatcd Eiours Ta[al Fee tiE 90 0 6 5f+93 0 6 $G48 -- 8 -�- ]8 51,36fi S ]6 S?,0$8 36 d6 SS�SU 5650 5650 I �PEAR U�P� and btodcl ficc �P6i3Arca �.xls Legend � [ST � C�t�� Limits � Wells � Phase 0 Stud7 ,�e -- -� S' and Simaller Lines � Phase 2 51udr� Area l0' and Larger Lines ����e 3 Slud4� AreaA 3 � s . --...:=. _� _ ' -1 � P � " � Eghibit A City of Pearland [Jndirecti+onal Flushing Program and Water Age Analysis 5tudy Area � �I � U��' ��185C ��� Study° Area A �,�� UDF PE�asc [I Stu�y Arca „ j' � f� L�DF phasc I % �:! � st�dy Area � ..� r ...,. .,__. i . _. .. .. ,y. . _.,.1 SCH�DULE OF CHARGES POSITION P'RINCIPA�, GROUP MANA(iER/SR. FROJECT ZVdANAGER S�.NI(]R ENGINEER ENGINEER (PE) EN.('iINEER (EqT) SEN�OR HYDROLOGIST HYDROLOGIST CONSTRUCTION C�JNTRACT ,4D1'vIINISTRATOR I�ESIDENT CONSTRUCTION iN�AECTOR GIS Al'�1ALYST DESIG�ER CAD TECHN[CIAN CQNTRAGT J OPERAT[ON5 ANALYST ADMI�ISTRATIV� ASSIST�4NCE CO-flP f 1NT�RN The ranges and individual salaries wEll be adjusted ann�ally. EXPENSES Plottin� Bond $2.50 per plot Color $5.75 per plot Vellurr� $5.00 per plot Mylar $5.0� per plot 'Travel $0.50 per mile MIN ➢80 �Sq 13fl ]00 �o 125 105 9Q 75 70 80 65 85 65 40 Prin�in� Bluel ineslBlacklines Offset and Xerox Copi�es/Prints Black & White Black & White Color Colar Bir�ding MAX zsa 220 22(? �ao 1ia 1 �45 120 l6D 85 100 125 85 90 75 60 $�.14 per square foot $Q.10 per sin�le side ccapy $0.20 per double side copy $0.50 per single side copy $1.00 per double side copy $5.75 per book OTHER DIR�CT EXP�NSES Other direct expenses are reimbursed at actual cost times multipGer of l.] 0. They include 4utside printing and reproduction expet�se, oammunication expense, xravel, transport�tson and subsistence away from Fearland, and other miscellaneous expenses directly related t� the work, including costs af laboratory analysas, tests, and o�her }vork requi�ed to be done by i�dependent persons oth�er than st�ff inernbers. L:1SiesourceslConlraClBlueSheets�P\Pearl.and�,AreaBPhaselllExpansion of Unidirectional Flushing Program'�Sehedule of Charges.docx 112U0 8roadway Street �2332 • Pearland, Texas 7758A • 832-456-4706 • fax 832-456-4701