R2010-058 - 2010-04-26RESOLUTI�QN N�. F22010-58 A RESOLUTIrJN OF THE C�TY C�3UNC1� O� TH� CfTY �QF PEARL/�'ND, TEXAS, A�JTHC}RIZING A�ONTRAGT FOR CONSTRUCT�ON MATERIALS TESI�ING SERV�CES AS50CIATED WITH SHE GITY'S FUTURE RESEVOI�t PROJECT. BE IT R�SOLVED BY THE CITY CC?UNCIL OF TH� CITY O� PEARLAhJD, TExAS: Section 1. That certain cor��ract for constructian materials testing se�vic�s assaciated wi#h the Cwty's Future Reserv�ir Praject, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A° �nd made a pa�t her�of for �II purposes, is hereby authorized and approved. Sectiar� 2. Thaf the City Manager or �is desigr�ee is hereby authori�ed to execute and the Ci#y Secretary tQ attest a contract for construction materiafs testing services associated with the City's Future R�ser�oir Project. PASSED, A�PROVED and ADOPTED this the 26' day r�f April, A.D., 2010. ��Y� � T�fVi REI� MAYOR r_r���-�n ` ��;utrr�;L�;��., =��';� ' �`` s �,-; s�` = Y �JG L F G, T C :�-�; ;�; Y SE ETAR�' ` `';� "'� I�PPR�VE� AS TO FORM: , ��..�„� �°�--_�_ DARRIN M. COK�R CfTY ATTORNEY ExF�ibit '"A" Resolution No. R2010-58 COr+1TRACT FOR PROFESSIO�N�AL SER�'ICES j� �JIJ THIS CONTRACT is enkered into on/'�l��� �-d'C� hy anc6 be1���een the City af Pearland ("C1TY") and Toluna}�-Wal7� Engi�leers, Inc. ('"CONSULTAI�IT"}. Tlze C�TY en�a�es the CONSULTA,NT to perform Construction Materials Testin� Serviees for a project knoti��n and described as I�lterim Side Slope Constructio�i of Future Reset�voir (Project #WAO$12) SECTION I- SERVICES OF TI�E CONSULTANT The CQNSU�.TANT shall perform the �allo��+it�g pra#`essioi�al serviccs to CITY standards and in accordanee with the de�ree of care and skil[ that a professional in Tenas would exercise tinder the sair�e or similar circu�nstances: �. The C01`TSULTANT shall �erfonn Constreaction Materials Testing Sen�ices. See Exhi�it A, attached, for a detailed SC�PE QF WORK. The P�flJECT schedu�e shall conform to the construction schedule. B. Th� CGIv'SULTANT shall prepare and submit a detai]ed opiraian of estimated cost �f the F�tQJECT. C. The C(7NSULTANT acknor��ledges that the CITS' {througl� its employee handbaak) considers t�ae folloti�ri«� to be miseonduct that is groul�ds for termination of a CITY empioyee: Any fraud, foi-gety, �r�isappropriation of �unds, receiving payment fc�r sen�ices not performed or for ho�rs not ���orked, misharldling or unt�uthful reportii�g of moa tratisactions, destruction of assets, embezzlement, acceptin� materials of value frQm ve��dars, or cansul�atats, and/or collecting reimburserrient of expenses made for the benefit of tE�e CIT'Y. Tl�e CONSULTAI�T agrees that it will not, d�rectly or indirectly, encoura�e a CITY employee to enga�e ic� such misccanduct. �. The CQNSULTA3'�1T recQ{�nizes t�1at all c3rar��in�s, specia! pr�visions, field surt�ey c�otes, reports, estimates and a�y and all other docun�ents or wor�C p� �eneratec� b}� t��e CONSU�.TAN� u�3der tt�e COP�ITRAC�' sha[1 t�e deli� to the CITY upc,n request shall become sr�faject to ���e Open Recc,rds Law�s of this 5tate. �. The CONSLJ�,TANT shall praeure and ir�ai�tain for tlle duratiai� of tllis AQreeme'�t_ i�7surance a�ainst c[aims fc�r injuries to persoi�s, damages tQ property, ac a��}F err�rs and omissia�ls relating to the pe� c�f an�� �eFoi by tlle ��NSUL"1ANT, its a�e��ts, ei�pl€�yees or s�abcor�tracto�rs ur7�er �k�is Agreeanent, as t��lo«�s: (1) V+Jorkers� Compensatio�7 as required b}� la�v. (�} Pre�fessional Liability [nsurance in an amc�unt 3�ot less than �I,000,�00 in the aagre�,�ate. (3) Com�reheilsi�e Get�cral I_ial�ilit� and E'��opet L�ama4�e lilsurailee «itkj I11111E1T1Ll[11 �liTlitS of 5�1.00{1.�0�J far ir�jur� or death of an`� o�ae person. �l _OQf�.[}Of} l�i• eacl� c,ccureencc:, and :� I.�OO.OZIU foe e<icft occui t�f �ia�na��e tc� or dcstrucCica�� a1' prtrf�ea�ty. {4�} Cc��nprehensi��e ���ttomo�7il� aild Truck Liabilit�� ]nsti�t co�'eri�7� o�,r�nec�. k�ired, anc� nc�n-t��i aied � �� ith � 131inii�7��m limits of �I.G10�_0(}0 fot• injur� or c�e;ath of ar7`' �ne }�erson. �1.(}OG.OLlO for e�ch occ��rrence, a�7�{ Sl.Oflfl.000 fo�� prc���crt�� dama�Tc . The CQNSU'L�f,q?�i"I� sl�alG� iilclude ti7e �C[TY as �i1 aclditi��nal ialsured ui�der tl�e pc�licies. ��ith the e:�cep�ion of the Professional I_iabilitr Insurance and 1�'t�e�:ers' Contpe►�sa�ion. Certificates o�f Insura�lce arld e����r�emc:nts sh�U be fui to tl�e CITY before «ork comine��ces. Eac11 if�s«r���ce pr�lic�,� sf�alf be endorsed to state t}�at ce�� cc��a�: sliall �lot be s��speilcie�. voided, cancelecl. ar�dloc• i ir7 c�� eraae or in litnits (��Cl�an�e in Col�era�e'�} evice��t �� itl� pa'ior t� ritten consent of the �CITY ar�d o��ly after t}�e CI I�Y [�as been peoti ided �� ith ��, ritter7 nc,tice c�f sucf� Cha�lae� ��� �'o�,�er s��eh ����tice to be s��1t to the CITY cit�7er bv l�and delive�ry to the Citv :Mana�.�er or �vi certified maiL return reeeipt requested, arid recei��ed b3� the Ciri, r�o fe«er t}tat7 (3(l) c�ars pri�r to t}�e ef#'ecti�e dat� ofi siich Cl�an�e in Cc�1 era�e. �raar to ccim��iet�cirl� se� u�lder• tf7is CflNT�2AC"�. C[�1�'S�LJLTAir sk�a�] fut7ti�h CIT�' ia�itlz C'ertificates �f I� ar fot��7al endorseine�j�s as r�quii�ed ��' this C(�i�iTRAC�I�. iss�ed by CONSULTAl'*IT'S insu�rer(s), as e�^id�er�ee that polic€es �� t11e r•eq��ired co�.re►�aae, eat�ditior�s, ar�ci �in�iis req��ired b}� tili� CON�R,ACT are ita full farce anci effect.� F. The C�NSUL�I'Ai�JT shall i►ldetn�iifi- aa�d holc� tl�e CflT�l'. iES �fficers. a�ents, ai�d em��lt���ees. haa from an� c[aim. loss, clama�e. suit. and liab�lit;,�of e�er}' �:it�d for r�l�icf� CONSULT�NT is le��llv liabl�:. includin� all e�pe�lses c�f liti��atic�n, cc�urt costs, atici aitorney's fees, for injur�� tc� ar c�catk� oi person. far dai��aE,e to ar�}' �rc,pez't,�. or ei'rors i�� desi���l, anv of �r IlicE� arc catised b�� �lle rley�liy�e��t act ar Qmission c�f tE�e CC)NS[JL,T,�NT. ]�is ot`tiecrs_ emplc���ees. a�ents. �r subccr�itractc���s tulder this CC�NTRAC= I G. :hl) ��a�-ties i��te��d thap tE7e CONSLIL�CANT. in p�erforir�in� services pu��sua�7t �o tl�is �'QNTRACT, sl�all act as an u�Ide�eildent co��tra�to�• anc{ sl�all ha�e �c�nErol of its o�.� i� «c�rk a��d tf�c �n�nner iil ��.17ic1� it is peefor�ned. The CQi�:S�JI_.TAN�1� is r��7t co he c���sidired at� a��enE ��r em�lo��ee of tk�e CITY. S��CTIO;� �1 - �'�RIf)D OF SER�►'ICE T'lles C�NT�2AC�l` rvill be ��irac�in�, u�c�« ��ecution a«d �nd u��a�� coi���letian of the ce�itistrl�eti��i7 related ������r4; n�tte� �:�ceec� 18� ri�o��ths after ezecutic�n r��f thi�s co�it��act. SECTION III - CONSULTAI�T'S �C+�NIPENS�"�.TI{�N A. �Th� rnethc�d c�f pa} ment for tllis CJN I�R,ACT is ►3at tc� e:�ceed. Ta�tal cc��tl��:�tsat�an for il�e services pei shall I�e fhe sum crf S146,b�0. B. The C1TY sh�91 pa�� the CC)NSU�LTAI�Y iT io� install�nents b�sed up�n i1��ntE�ly �rc��ress i•eporis and detailed im-o�ces s��b«litted b� tE�e C�NSL�L"I�AN C. Tt�e CIT1'' shall make pay�i�er�ts tc� the CC)�\SULTAi��T ��ithin thirty (3�) da��s after recei��t and ap�ror a] of a ci�tai8ed in� oice. 1nti�oices sk�all L�e su�i»ittecl c�n a rl��ntf�lv basis. SECTION IV - THE CITY'S R�SPfl�1��SIBILITIES ,�,. T��e CTT�,' shall desi��anate a pi•oaect mar7a��e� tiLU�ir�� the te�7i� c�ftk�is CaI�TR�,CT. 'TE�e project �n�ana��er l�a� xhe al�ti�oo`ot}� to administer thi� CQNT'92ACT �r�d sl�all moititor cc�rt�pli�«ce ti itE� all terrns and canditic�ns stated llerei�l. All requests far info��matiovl frc�m or � decis'rc�r� b�� the CIT�` on an5� as}�ect of tlje ��ork s�aa�ll bc directed to tk�e project mana�er. B. 'I�he C'1�I'Y shall re��ie��r subr��ittals b} the CC��SLJLT,AN�' and prati°ide prom��t �� �o question� and re«�derin� of clecisiQns �ert�ini�1� tliei=eto, t� �ni��i���ize delay in the progress of the CC3NS�.iLT�AItiiT"S ��car�;. Tlle CITY �tiill keeE� xhe C�I'`TSU�.TAI�TT advis�d cancernin� ihe pra�rzss c�f the CITY'S Q c�f tlic; ��ork. The CONSUL�AN`I` a<4rees tl�at the CITY'S inspeeti�«, cevie«. acceptanc� or app�'aval of C(�I\TSU�,TA1�T'S +.�ork sfaall rlc�t relie�°e C(�NSULTr'1NT"S respo»sibility foi err c�i o�i7issic�ris of tlle CO�ISUL rA1�T or its sub-cons��ltant(s) or in an�,� ��°a�' afif�.ct t��e �COI'�SU�.�T�q�T's status as an it7de�e��de�lt contractor of the CIT�'. SECTFQN V - TEI211�INATION A. Tl�e CITY. at its sole c�iscr�etic�n. mav termiilate tllis CQ�,i I�R.�C I i�or a��v reasc�s� - -�s ith c,r ��a cause -- bv d�lit�erini` ��i•itt��j ��otice Eo C�OT`SI.iL I�,�tII"�T personall}' or b� certified mail at 1 l77 l Q S. 5am Hotistoil Pk�i� 1�'._ Suite 1{}�}, �louston. Te�as 77031. Ir»�»�diatelv aftc�� ��r�cei��in� sucf� ����r'itten t��tice. ihe CC�NS�IL�I';4NT shall discc�t�ti�ti�ie pro��idi»4� tlqe sec•��i«s �u�der this CC)\T�!�R,'1C' 1 B. If tk�is C'C)1\iTR:�C� i� t�rrz�inatcd. CONSU1.Tr1�.'l� shall �elive�� to tiie CI [ 1' all dr����ir��5. s�ecial pr��� isi�ails, tield �ur•����� rlotes, r��orts. e�tiailates a��r� ai����� and all othe�� d1�c��r�lents �r ���ork p���e���uet ���r�cratcc� b�' tl�c C(�NSUL�1�r1N f under thi; COI� entire�;,� �r }�arkialC}� conapletcd. to��:t9�er ���ith al� u���ased r7�t�t�:rials �uppliec� ��t� tl�e CITY on ar bef�c�t'c tl�e 1 �`�� daw� follo���ing tern�in��tion of �he C�C)\TR,�C�. C`. ]r� thc e���tit c�f sucl� E���iZ�iilati�>>Z� the CO]\SUL T,4NT sl��ll be paid �or services �7er�f��rrz7ed prie�r tc� rec�:ipt ��f tf��. �e�� ��otice of ter�7�in�itic�n. �[ h� C:ITI` wl3�ll i��a�:e fir�al E�a)'ment �tiithin si�tti ( GC7} cia� s af'ter th� C()i�Si �V_T��1N I� I�as c�eli� �recl to th� CITY a d�tailed i����o�ce for serv�ces resldered a�7cf �he c��cus��ents or r���rk product generated ��� the CrJ1�;SULT.AI�iT �mc�er tl�e CC)��:T1�ACT. U. If t��e ren����leratiar� schede�lecC ua�der tk�i� cc�ntraet �s based «p�r� a fixed �ee c�r deiinite6y asce� SL1171, tllZ po� of suell suan pa��able sl�all �e �r�pc�r tQ the �ercenta�e of services com�leted by the C:C►NSCILTANT �Sas�d upc�n the scope �f �� ork. E. �n the eve�7t iE�is C�.1N�1�l�AC'"I� is te� tk�e CI�I��Y shaCl I�a�,�°e tl�e option ot cor�pletir�� t4�e ��,�ork. or e��terin��� illto ��COI�TRACT ���ith a����tller }��rt�� fc��r �h� cor�7pletic��7 of the ��or�:. F. lf the CITY terr�3i�lates this CC3i�iTRACT �cat• eause and/or if the CC)NTR.�CT(]R breaches an}' pr��'ision of tiiis CONTRACT, t1�e« tk�e CIT�' shall kia��e ali ri��hts and rerrredies i�� Va��, anc�/or equit}' aL,ai��st CC)NS�u1LTA,NT. Ven��e for any �ctic,t� or disp�aze c31'IS1IlQ out of or relatin� to tll�s CC7�TRACT sha!11 be i�} Brazc�f•ia Cour�t�'. �Te�as. The la��;s af the State of Tex�s s17a11 ��r�vern tk�e t�rrns o� this CO�i�I'R1�CT. The pi party in tf�e action si�al[ be entitled to recover its acttial dart�ages «itl� iilte� altorney's fees. casts and eapenses inc��rrec� ii� c�n«ectian «�it}a tl�� �lis��te andJor actic�n. ��NSULI�AN"I� and CITY d�esire a�� e��editious means to resol� e an�� d�sputes tiiat ma� arise betii ee�l urldei• tl�is CONTRACT. To accotT��lish this. tkae parties a�ree ta inedaatian as fallc��L s: If a dispute ar aut of or r�lates to tf�is C0�ITRACT. or tlle breac��� the� a«d i�f the d'aspute cat»�ot be settled through nc�otiat��ot1. t�a�e�� tf7e� parties aaree first to �ry i�l ��c�od faitl�. a�ad befo�•e pursaring an}� le�al ren�edies. tc� setile ihe dispute b� �a�ediatioc� of a tl�ird ��artz ��ho �.�ill bc sel�cte�d b�� affi oftE7e partits. SECTI(7►N �rl — ENTIRE AGRFEMEI�TT This CO]��TiRACT represents t11e entire aQrec3nent bet��.ee�l the CZ`I�Y and the CONSULTAI�T a�}c� supersedes ail prior �le��otiati��ns, �•epreseE�tatiE�n�, or contt'acts. ei�ller ��rittet� o►' oral. �I�l�is C(7N`I�K.%�,CT �tta�� }�e a�nende� o�71v b�� ��rittei� ii�sti-�ome�it si��te� b�� hc�th parties. SECTI�N VII — �+C)VEN.�N`�' AGAINST �CONTl1�`G�NT FEES [�lle CO]�SU�,TR�IT affid��r�s t��at i�e h�s not er���E�o��ec� ot� rctait�eci at��� �or����aa�y ��r• �crs�ot�. otfl�er thai� a bsar�a fide einplo��ee w��e��•ki���� f��r tl�� CONSUL ta 5olicit �r se�ur�; this � ON`I�RAC and ihat he l�as e�ot p�id c�r a��reed tc� Eaat� ���� com�jat��� ��r pca�soti_ o�het� tha�7 a bona t e���plc��ee. ant fee, cc�mr��issie,il, p���etnta�e t3i i�:e. uift. c��� a�7� �ther eo��siderati�ri�. contin��ent L�pc�r7 00� res�i[tir��� frc�n�7 t���c a�i�ar�l t�r makir�� of� thc C���TI:,�'1C'�1�. ]=c�r breach ��� �-i�latic��� �f tllis cl�usc. th� CITY n�ati� tcriiiiilat� this C�l��[�RAC�I� ���itht�ut li��t�ilitv, and i�� its discretic���, ❑la�� e�eduet trc���i tfie CCINT�Z�C�1� ��'i�e or co��tsic�cs or ot6�e� reco�er. the full amc�imt of sucf� f��c_ cc,r��mission. perc�:nia;�e brokera��i: �ee. y,ift. oE contin`,�nt fee tl�at has beea� �aid. SECT1!�N 1'ill- SRJCCESSORS Ai�'D ASSI(�.NS I C(��;1�IiAC'l slaal� ne�t he assi���i�al7le e�cepC �����r� the ��,�ritte�7 cc�s�scnt of�th�: ��artECS 17cr�to. � � The parties have exeeuted this CONT�2ACT this� day of '/� , 2a I fl. , CITY Bill Eisen, City Manager � C SUL�FANT Tolunati=-5��`�«� E«�7in�ers.���c. .<1�ril I �, 20l Q T��t'E[ f'rp}�osal'��: E'l�)-007�'[�e�.�.? C it} or Pcarl���,cl .i.� 1 t) Lib�a I7i�i� e P�arland, T:� ; 7i-�t� Eia�ai�: TBatte�7#s�l�i+`ri ci.pear4c:ilc�.t�.us .-�ttia: ;�[s. Tei Batt�n�elci, P.E, PRO�POS.-�L FOR CO\STRtiCTiO\ �I.�TERI_�,�. TFSTI�G SER�'ICES I`rT�RI�I SID�. SC_C)PE QiF �'UTliRE RESER�"OIR BR�,ZO�I� �Oi1'�iTY", TE�aS Dear iw.Is. B�ittc��field: Tal�ina�.�-�`s'oi7y� Envineers, Inc. (T��'EI) ap�reciates the op�ortunity to s�zbmit this pro�osal to pro��ide corlst�uctio�7 371aterial t�sting s�i f�or the m�r3tiQnecl pro�peet. �l'� uncierstat�d the coi3tract c€ut «�as ext�nded tp 300 days; therefare, «�e ktave re3�iscd otir prt��osa] �ICeordil�,=ly. Tliis }�ro�os{t� ot��lin�;s a s�c��e of ser��ic�s, unit rates anci ai� zstim�ted cost of services. y Scope of Ser The scope oC serr�ices ca�°ei in th�s ��� it�cl����es, but are t�ot limited to tf�e. ft711c��� ing: • Field c�e��sity ;' maist��r� testin�; bacl:till, fi�l for side slope and ei��t�anl:meilt � C��7�L�lt sta�iilized s�nd deilsit;f and co«lpi stren�tll. bacE�fill � Relateti lavot�aic�ry testitl� anc� sample �ick-iip sei :�1� se� ices a��d proce�Iures � ��rill� l�e perfo� it� accordanc� ���it�� ihz Ci�Y ot' Pearl���nd sc�l�d�ile pf fees c�ated 3129/20�6 ai�d ti��i11 be Follotivec3 as o�itlined ii� the general n�te� S�Ct1011 O� �Fle S71Cj C�C}CL11172[l�. Estii�zated C'ost af Ser��ices ���e esti«l��tte t���: cost of sen�ice� to �e �lOb,6-10 far tC�e praject. S�e att�checi es�i¢7�at�d cast of s�:r��iccs for a 1�3�e�t�: c���� �l c�C the east. :�cttial billin�s mti�- �. ar�� as cai�structiot� pa•o�r�sse�. �t't �r il] not �:�ceed th� esti�l�ated tctal ����ithotit prior �� ap��rt��,�al. l'���ertiellt ch�tr��s ���ill be effect for �11 11o�Ei•s ��•ark ii1 e�c�ss of 8���r ciay and� aIl 1����n•� �r o�l �r�ccke��ci� ar7d holi�ia���s. C}��ertime ���ill b� c3larged at a rate of l,� ti�n�s the �ro�c�s�d horu•l�� rate Eisteci in tt�e Citv oC P�arl��«�i Sch�d�zC� oF F�es. .�ll 5ei���.�ice�,� perfoei��ec� tlzat eeq��ir� a due to failu��es ���ill be t11e r�;spo�7�ihi[it�� ot tl�� �ontractoa anci C}�e c�«tractc�r ltiill b�;ar that e��pei�se�. �S)?{Cl S. Sany HG�uSlon Pkwy kV.. SusCe IOl), Hpust�,n, TX 77Q31 f7V.iY 7??-7fl6-4 F�.r t713J 7??-1)31'3 �I r�e r� �F�P�,�l� �:� : E��u-c�����iz<<.? a�ril I �. 2010 �1�2 � Prapasal Accent;�nce If this }�rn��c�sa� ine��s ���ith � o�fr appro� please senc� �a� ��ur stand�rd condract a�reern�.nt. �'�'c can b�i7i�1 ��os ��itli ��a�tr t�erba� authc�rization. Clasina Remarlcs :�;Jair�. ���e ��ould l�ke t� cxpress ozir appreciacio» f�7r th�: t����oa°tunic�.� to siibn tllis �raposal and lnc�k for�� arci zo ser��in� vou on this prc�ject. Sir�►cer�lv. TaLL�� �'�'-4�'OtiG EltiGI\EEI�S, INC. � ° �G�,��-a— Doa�� ��'eslo�w Vic� �'resident Enclosurzs: �stimat�c� Cos� of Ser� iees Tolunay-Wong Er�g�neers, In�c. �STIMAT�Q CC}ST �C7F SERUICES CQ�]STRIJCT[ON MAT�RIALS TESTING PRQP�SAL INTERIM SIDE SLOPE OF FllTURE RESERVOIR BRAZORtA COU�JTY, TEXAS Qa�e: April 15, 201Q Proposal Na: P'10-0077F�ev.1 Fee Code Fie1d Services 8 Yechnician, NICET dl ( Earthwork Testi�ac� a�2d 5amp�e Pick-UpJ 3 �'roject Engineer. P.E. su6fotal 1001 1d04 �aos 1D14 Laboratory Seruices Atterberg Limits PerGe�t Passing Na. 2U0 Sieve MoiskurelDensity �elatians Cemenk Stabilizec� Sand Cylinders subfofal Yotal �sfimate Quanti Unit Fee �71z s ��.ao 80 $ $4.1�0 �Jnit Totaf �haur � 94,�60.00 hour S �,720.fl0 $ 100,880.fl� 4a � 45.00 each S 1,80f7.{�0 2Q S 35.00 each $ i00.00 2a � 150.00 eac� S 3.0O�.Ofl 5 � 52.00 each S 26U.00 $ 5,76Q.00 $ 10fi,640.00 nof�: -�his is an estimate, anc9 actual billings may �ary with canstructian prc�gress. Page 1 of �