R-1965-31-03-30-65 w; Qs fi . ' -- ---- -ORDIIVANC� NO, �� . --- ---- ------- --- -- ---- -------------- ---- ---1`-'�i1�-�'= - ��"---- �3N ORDIlUANC� OF TF�r GITY O� P�ARI�F,ND, TEXAS , recsivinb and anaexing as a gart of �he sa[d City of '_DearlanTl, Texa.s., u�on the request of tnree or more quaiified electors votiag at an alection requesting t.hat such terriCory Yzerein described lae anne;:ed and beco�me a part uF said Gity of Pearland, 3eterrnining that saicl applicatio.t� of duly �ualiiied elsctors an� are qualified to vote in said el�ction in said Peti�ion and E1pplicatior. having been 3u1y presented to tl�e Mayor of ��id Gity oi Pea.rland an3 certified by him in accordaiace wita law and 't:�at such territory oug.ht to b.e anrnexed is aoC aaore t'_naa oae-hal£ miie in width and the Council having e�;arnined saia �'etition and certificatian at a svecial meeting called for that purpose , v✓ith ali r;�embers of the City Council and the Mayor pres�et, and said City Council having cletermined that said tPrritory was adjacent to and oubht to Ue annexe� ta ttie City of � 'a-'earland, and the same having besn 3u1y considere3 and a!i pr•e-req�isit2s r of the law havin� been cornplie3 with, the following inlzabitated territory is hcreby R:�CEIVED an� ANNi..X�.I'i to t'ae City of Pearlard , Te�cas ,. znd dectar'sng an emergency. B.�, IT ORDAINED B�I THE CITN COUNCIL Or Ttii�. CIT`� �F P'EARLAND, TEXASn ]�LTLY ASS�MBI,FD: SECTIC3I�T I: WS�REI�.S , oiz t�� tnirtizth day of Jaxae , .3. D. 1960, tI�ere was fited �uitTi the Ma=�or of the City of Peartanrl, Texas , t�e £ollovring instrurient: TO TI� HONORABL� MAYO�R .AND Ci'Pg COUNCIL OF TH� �ITY O� PEARS.I�ND, Ts.X1aS: � Si�e , the unclersigned, bein� a .r.iajority� of tlie inhalai3:ants , resi�ents , and qualified voters oE t1¢e h�reinafter describ.ed Cerritor�r, whir_h adi:oias the City Li:nits o4 the City oi Pea2la+zd aad is not �oxs than one-hat� miLe 'an width, do ;�er�b}r F,atition your Honoz�able Bo�ly to es;Cena the preseitit City P,i:�its so as to include the foltowing described terr'xtary attaciie� and designated as E�ibit "A", as a part of the City of Pearland, Te�cas , to-�uit: - Z - '� We, and eac� of us, th� vszde�5.i�ned, are �n�abitants, and ressdents oi thE above descr�bed t�rritory and abe duly q�alif�en to vote f�r mer�ers o£ t�e State Legi�la�ar� and have e.�pressed our c�oiee a�� vote by a��a�ing o�r si�nat�res to tlze petic3on unaeY che appropraate �ea�ing listed below. FC3R ANLV��<�A'd'IOI�T AGA%�iSZ AL�TNEXA�'iON �'�lII]_E T. Creg� P.1va Greog t�en Anthony P✓Yrs . �er. 1x` nthony �� S'PA'i'E �F xEX'hS X COZ;iV"EF.Z Oi B��ZO�'I� X. SEFC�2E N'E, �cne un�erss:gne;d autYaorit�, a Notary Public in and for sa3d Sta:.'ce and Coumty, on tnis day �Ersanal.3y alpeaxecl 'v'JiFli� T' . Grego , Aiv�. Gre�� a�:d Ben Antl�ony , we,ll knocM-n to me and w�ho �Fter �eing c�uly suorn, aepose �n� ,s�gr: tk�a� ti3ey and eac3-a. n� them, are inh�bitanLs o� the te�ratory �escri�e:d ira tT�ae a�tachea arsd foregoin� �e-Eition and a-r� dul� qual�fsed to vot� �or mem;c��rs o� �he State I,egaslature, ana Ynave haa xiotic� oi and -an oppor- tunity t.o vote l�is or h:er craosce aa� fiRae �natter oE as�ne<>iiicf sai�a Ler'ratory to 'r.kye Cit� of Pear3aa�d, and tl7at a majority o£ t7a�ile r�ualified to vote, 'haUe voted in �avor o€ bec�?ning a ��ri o£ sa-G �ity or Pe.arS:aa�c�, �ea�a;s:e �S� Willie 'T. Gx2b� /S/ 1�1va :zreg� � �5� t�ea Antlao�ny ��Tr�CRIBED and S"[�OY2I�T T� b�fore a�e by tl�e sasd -2- '��ilii� T . Greg� , A1va. Gre� at�d Ben Anthony , on tY�is �Yte 30 �y �� Su�e . [�. D. 1960o to certiFy which witness my hand and seaZ oE office. /S/ Louise Fulier Notary P�'blic ii�n and fox P�razoria County, Texas. SECi30Iv 2: 3F3at oaz t3ae 3C day of Sune . A. D. 196�, E. T. G�bbons, E�iaya�- o:f the �ity or Pearland, Te�as, certi�ied ta the Ci-�y Council o� th� Ci'ty o€ Pear3and, zexas, tlae iollowinge `="F� S'�'A`].'E �F TE�?15 X C�UZJTY OF BaZAZO�"CA X CITY OF P�ART�A�,� X ------------------- Is E. Te G.ib�oz�s, �ae duly �lecte:a a�a� qu�lifi;ecl T�;��or of �13e Cit�o£ L�earian3, Texas, do hare.by certi£y �tYaat o�n f:±ie 30 day of June _, t�, Do 1�60, ��ere was �iled wi�h me, as Mayo's o� �Ige said City, tYne £ollo�aing ixsstru�-ne�s:ts: 3} PeEi�ion �or An�a;e�at,ion; 2) Certiabcata o€ E12et'son in �he Terrizory So�zgi?t t0 be A71LYe�3za�Q.�.e ' 3) Afz3da-�it shoin�ing a T�J:zjo�i�ty oF �he 32es�.+desa�s og -the Ad,�oixs3ng �erri-�ory Fuvorang AsssaeY>a�i:on. Thav an e�axainatiori of i:he ahove des�ribecl instr_�.unents and pe�i�i.on reveal that an �lection wa.s taeld in the Y�zrein de- scrib�d terri-tory adjo�ninc �Iz,e �i�c� o� Pearlae,id, °�eYas., on the 3Q day o:E 3une . A.. D. 1960,, a.rgd -tnat a araajority of 'the residei�s-ts baho were ana am cyuaTisied to vote for membexs of the St�te Legis,la'ture di(a vo� ir_ favor o� ttae annexatioa �� the terri�ory described ix� the y��.�itian to �t�se Cit� o� �eax-3and, and pro�e_ly �iled attd c�rt�£ied such action �.o me as �Ize L�?a�or o= tlze C�ty ox" P2asland, °Pexas. That tiae al�orre �escriber� vezr�tor_y ad�o.ininq -c�e Ci�y o� Peariand, Fexas, is now l.ec�ally suscep-�ahle of a,izr�exation Lo -3- che Ci�y of Pearla�d, upon �e pa�sage �a� approval or a proper or�inance. /S/ E. �. Gibbons, Mayor, City o� Peazland, Texaa. ATTEST: /S/ V�ctor A. Tiol�n, City Secretary, Ci�y of Peariand, �exas. SECTION 3e All �f the above mentionc-d instruments �aving �een £�le� with the City Secretary of the �:sty oz Pea�land, �y E. �. Gibbons, t�e Mayor �hereo�, �ogetner with Ixis eer�i£icate on this the 30 day ot 7une , A. D. 196Q, the City Council o� the City oF Pearland �au�ng examii�ed the same and havinc� inquireol into tiie fac�.s and cixcm�snstaraces susroun�ing all o:E said proceeclings ana b�ing £ully adcised of the premises, hereby �inds �hat a31 of the s�atenaents �herein con�airze3 are true a�d correct and tlaat '�he proce:da�se initi_ated, proseeuted and c'on- c1�.ded by tYae inhabi�ants oi said territory was, in all respects proper and in ]see�ing with the laws o� tlais State prescribing such proc�dure �nd 'shat �ksere has been peri.o�med and eoiasu,-�mmatec3 every 3egal �rerequisite necessary to a valid and ei�ectual elec�ion anc�. petition ior ann�Yatior< oE sai� territory as a part or the C�ty of Pearlama. SECTI�lV' 4: �.2 Caty Cou�cil fin:ds as a fact t�sat a a�ajority of tYae inhabitaxsts resic?in,* a.n. s:ai,d territory GaIao are qu�lified tc vote �or r.dembers of the State Legisl_ature, faave duly and regt�Yar3y cast tr��ix- vov� iz� iavor of said a,-anexation. S�Ci�IOn 5: That saicl ter-ritoxy described in sa.id �ro- ceedings lies a�jacent �nd c:oi�tiguous to the Cit�r of Pearland and does not a�, any �lace exte:sd one-rxal:E mile or_ �ore in v�ir�th. SECgSON 6c fiizere is hereby received and e:nne<sed as a �art o� the Cityof Pearland, Ta�;as, the �ollowing tetrritory, -4- � �� being the same as c�escribed i�a tlae peti�ion £or annexation Yaerein- above s,et out; S�G�3�N L": TYnat said terr.it:o� and the iat�i:abi�anzs, �3aereot s�all herea�-�er have an� enjoy a11 th� ri�Yat:s, privile:ges ancl obligations incideaat to �ar� ilou�ing wit�a t�ie annexa�tior o� said texrit�rt� and its inc�rpor.ati:on in axid witlain the corporate limits o£ the City o£ Pe,arland. SECs'30iv' 8: The Corporate Li�nits o� •the Gity o€ t�e.arlsnd ase hereby e�tenclPa so as to incl�ade and �hers is I�ereby ineluded ha�hin said Corporate L.s:mi�i�s, tl�� above cz�scribed territor�. BE�TIOI�I 9: `FYiis ordiriarsce si�all �ake effect inmediGtely u�on its passage and a�proval. by -the Mayor anrl theiace €artl� saicl terriLorv shall �e and remain a part o£ th� �it� ot p�arlan.d, _�_ �f- Texas, as �ully �s�d to all inteazts and puryaases a.s if sai� terri�ory ,Nere included �agtYii�+ the Cor�orate Lizriics of ;h� City oS Pearland as originall� ancorporate:d. PASSEs7 on �chis t�ae 3� cl:ay oi ,�une , A. D. 1950. EIPPROVE� on this the 30 day of 3une , A. D.. 1960 . � � ���� ,�'' �' E.�"T'. Gibbon,s, �ayor, City ,�iz��"�: of F2a-rlan:d, Texas � \ � _��� , � � '',✓ ::f`�' �d'� e:s'' �t ,�� `.'��r.er P. ��.le� Cs'cy Secreta�'y, .Clty�¢ tea.�lan , `Pexas � R'tx"Si S`4'AY'� C)F' �.'�`�".FA55 t, Councy cf r_znria � Z, I�. R. SP��ENS, 9'c',. C�eTPc oE tiae :P'".m.'�>F�`�� in nud £ox naid Cou¢ty, do 1�er.b} ae.:i!:y cb-t r.c: Qore�o'rng inn�=uneae aqiEif .vax elul e�ecca�d..do�....................:.._..._......JzY tl�o ,o,a[�,c.uu�encleu[i.on ., 9 .�'' .i e:tliia� . , n �,� �. d 'c .:::.--IAA.. P L..... �U:�......PI....�. � ' . . / 7 ! /� ..:_. .... . .. ool .��Q an pa6e... N� � a. c:.o......... .....//.��...��r..+' ... —�' Hocaxdc iox eald Gouaty. ti:C da� add Tnt", Wit.enn my han3 ¢�d nc:il oF offico. ei Ang:e[en,,evw,R, Y ie.a[ e4�>vm walxcem. H. T�. STiVEP;�.:. i:ii. Ctu.-k 'Gj.a�-.v co�c. 2�n�i��c;:a C�.. ac ae ' ,�L��. �_r„�.,�,� � :-_ : c .. , .. . S�Y�.:::.........�':.-...; :. :i'�%� S�'��,.s� u3�' .��w�h.`"a , 3 /^ , 4��'L��,"n��TA� �S A.+.'ae3�.v^_sL'2 i 1 J �a_rr-.;- �_...^ ^^y.;,. � ^, T LOi: : ��✓=� f'sl:ll'4F.aCi�uw 1'. � a �w �:��x'�?��� , ?��;� ��.v.� e�,�c�:s� a.�,.e� e�.�+�:.�; ?���:;W�z �s r.�� �°i�gr �i =.. �a•;:�.�.�, i:W.cwu , u�.�? �Vs S� i •�,:,r.Wz€�r ��°�u� ��. f:�s� Zi ���r a� ��o n _..��_. ', �:-� F'.:f_R+ $"I"l�i,".Y"":: `�iE. f. ..rE:WfS. Vl:aa.� .:.?:.L' o u.:i �e'�:'eJ'��' '.;'� 513:3',i t...r?��'o �'.�"9� d'�u��1�.4.*'?rv'i's�'3� rs„ ... r.J.v y ._..i.�.«�'w......z"'^'."�?:;>: ,�.y ,: ..::3.E::�.w^5:?. s.^.:.'" fi."T.7:'s�':Y�..,¢.:t{9!'3.a �S ,:s�uL�i�lA�-u.G:. Q._ v'�wn..i�7„{1s". "avl w�3:�E" iE.'n .4:f�j.,^.�1, ,�J'.�, ': 6+� �'c 11;:R?3C-7f�".�.v .:� �'��?"�. ,.`4�3.§"Ti: S ^f^5xi:1.�..^..,�,�, c F,�.u.sy6L:: , v5 G:�. :i-L.*�f,35zy':"wI$;^a C`ei $�'P. �,�'A,�§'w.x..K..l� =�i:�1i:'2 2'."v� _a'n:»t z::c�i,,�' »`i%,:'w+.r:�'o-lU�.e,, .. ' � .T'....� .F�. /..-.���I�f: .; ' .� 'm �L�.bti�. ��'�i�.L'Y���kx .::;.:. .,_ tyf:2.r�Y:..z:3.d`Ri^.�j. (.,F t.r"�..,. �_.r��..�, w Gx,,.S.. ,.a� ...,.. .. .��:...i . �a,.f��u .,�. ,. M. u.i:...a.'.�. :L... :..�:t:.a.a.W4,6a uS'�3.�i jv."..ti.�?; 7�,�:. �i'e,�'i .ve�''> kSl: �.%�uC_.�3"�.'G 'ac� '5�.�f9�3,'w�' .^'".,f,'��.w4�Eta.,:L�zi,i� yi7,:. +"x�:4 ,:�+�:: y �,.' 7"��n�.S?.�r :"nu:.:Lx.a a ru,z 4..;'n:.21 �..:'+.%j ,'�i: S�3RE o- '�`« �_ ��7`L�w� ,....aC�� s:,M.� ,.. .:.5��ti.�.J".3J'11:�"�' wY �.t"'..�. :;?:;o_�^+.?,.u:..'4�a nv i?TM.a S:ti�:�_v c:S';2 'c'c �c. 'y7:'Ga.�..�...�.,£t `sCd' 1;,�_:f..�. '�--m. ...os�"?.'J�£:.'�"�� wii o-�`'r� �i..�m�.ru�..� 6,:��',r.u�;v.$`A'."iT''f� �.�: 'r:i:3uu :a.: :�a^:v::�;:' t3� '..!?:-e..'` ?fdZ).E.:;a.'^ c�_G.::v". s "7�,. . - t3.;:GT'fr Grt,.''SGT"".:v ..�,, _�,. 2:..� . �;.:�1^*...,.`v_x a''�' tiro °.m1i:"p` � J'�-*e:,r,•i?'i?:v:.� .'^a,.}„' _i'��f?i'�.'MT tt�..-^.Ck �,.i:a`ta°. C�'Y"��'n� CA £:�.�,.��, .:.L:i-?.G".'a. V.Gi 'L_�.2 aS o-.i.1a� rV 3."We?t .:e.��,. �;.�'.9.� . r�.a�i�f•. ,:a;:� a�-''...:�.�ac�F�C.� a'�.'3ic.£.3�. .f�i),a �,C .ww3'_�7So ,.c..........'.'e...�.�i ..'..%.Y�u^t�" 3 Sl.�u�..�.�v.f::�, d-xae: i.iif .,&:C �r�a.��_d.'3,.T3Civ� . .�`.�.."2+. m 3.F: .'.,3 v, 4:'h�G.9 4."4" E't;u�;.f i c3C?a.� �.s, m:���iau:.3,�:.i,'�zJ�.:a. L v' Lc.lY .. r�w; ...,a' ,".."�-�� n ..%73:�.^i a '3yi�.:#i '� y::=.:9.?.�ti'� .�...". 7..�,3'�:.a-�"1�4a.� .<: .�. Ait�'ya:i' f?sw:::'aia,81,C�. � -� �' ' �� �,�� ��..�� r-e,2,c :t_ - '_^ . 4� i ow v� s a.�;.+u .r. , �:�� Z'��. � � . . . . "�e;.2^�21.�.:su rn�k�:.4r.<„ _... _ _^"��a ' , . /,°'�"�� ,.,. I�-- 1�'% .,...„ ;\ a'-,rv.� a�C� s rzr.,... ,,.. . . �♦ ��I.. .v.��J ...p �Fb..l e.+:f.T.ti �'nFA.f' V'1fV�i. ..�9� J..F � � p'�'I�� , � ♦s ��v.c? x�.J.2+�1��ti9 � '�Y'✓ti[,19 4 i3Cf,fG' 'o-� '� `v . •�•. ,;y+man� nrT .r n , .:.ay' x�. Eq[�p,c¢ �ag o v.� ' _ .�'r a : �h ,f- _: ,h..uoqi� qn. ania �onvxA� .. . .�..� � .G"" v . . . .....,.,.. } 1 ���,�� �o. n�Gs� Sv, �# -:?q �.'ti.,,�..�^_._... __..__ _.. __..._.... .. kw"'8�`y � ���:J� q'� "_ sc..... . ... ...... \. }� � c� �...., .. � ';9F�3:�IC6F i f. 9'!L� :S ' r4'3 A'. k'HJ%. .b . .� .'r }i �".�+- 1e?. � . 't! . q �: s � _ �:s s::y' i °'iS Cs. ..� <7.�, �,,:icn�. e..[�.;n t� �z .v: xca.sC S .: .-u .reT rnryC�.� ) �Jk3S0'IM � ' e � J ..��.n�, f4 �t: fi}� �S .t` .. �X::. . [ ]"P .s. T,t55 G.1.'2.L2. �t_ .l.t.., 'C ) .^ti:E Sk^A'3'E C.fi '>'F'XAS � A Ct^.t"31V'I'Y OL�' �Rs3ZOE23� X X C3�"w �rr' PEARLAND X 3, E. b. GIBBGNs, ihe �3uly elea�e� amd qual3iAe� �Zayar o� -tl�s C��ty of Pcarlan�l, Yexas, do T-aer_eby ce�ti�fy tha� on tl�� �� d3y a= Juae A_ D. 1'360, there vwas filec? with , :�e, as Nayof of saAd. C3ty, the foilow� ;ng ins:�urze*a�s; 1) Petitioxn �or Anneaation; 2) Cer�if�ca�e af Election in t�e �'errit��-y Sonaght to be P,xanexec,; 3) A€�i�.avi�. show�ing a �ayo�ity oE the Rtisi�lents of tl�e Adjoaning �'errat:ory Favori�g Annexacion_ 2'hat an examainatioaa of t�ne above aescribea irnsLra��c€mera�s anc� �etit�o;� reveal that an electiora was hel� �n the herein de- sc'ri�ea ter'ritory ad�o_ning tY±e �icy af �cablanzd, �'e1>as, on tT:te ==? et�y o� �t: 3- , A. D. 196�, �ncl tYtat a majority of �ka� resacie�xts wlao wer� and are qv.alified co vote for mexnbers �� tlze S�a�e L�aislatz�re dAc� vate 3.n favor oi tl�e �a�±�a��;�ti.on os tYze ierri�.o'rv descr_ibec ��z the x e tation t� tl�e Caty o€ Pear;3�.nd, �nd proper3y rglea anc� certifier�' sa�ch ac�.aon zo �ae as t3�� Mayor a� ' the Citv of Pear�ancl, �e:�as . °3Th�t the aLove d�scxibea territosy adj�ini.�zg t3�e �ity oi Pe�.rlancl, �t:tas, is rao;v lega.11y suscep?ta�le of annexation to ��e C=ty o2 Pearlan�, upon ti�e passage and approval of a nro}�er DZ'.C.1T1313CG-' . � _�����' , ' a.�, e�"��"�*.��'CJ__ �-- E. �`. C-I�3�L7S, Nlayox, CYty o= �,Y^se�5`�': �,�r � r' ya'' Pearlara�, �'exas . � �....,�, / �f /f �� � -�����:�P!'�r� t '� d ```�73.c�o� �. No`le�, City Secret��Y, Cit.y' cf Fea�-Tand, Te�as. -1- . �..»sin .._ '' r..e w....✓ 'd�^�i:/' _,. �S9 .� j�; f �'.�:�.e S .�;� ',��� a.�'"��HXSti1� rE. � � :,+a� .S �: �r�� dJ:'LAA��M�wP�d. r��. :�Jl�'����r��a '�'�^ati ,F'+�;:��T� s*`a'm�-,�'�"s!'�7 . ,...^«�*_,...�..�_...................... .........,:..... ...,_� .m�' ^..i. ^"�'1 ' m p asqma 2W^a r2 i� ...... .Y:f" p n '�"'� :"'""^ F.rv't"'c-,..�;�'. y^:^r. ...,. 1.Y.d.. ....4 „n,v ,1R4..:�,.,..c ,�^a.�:i:":iY��l. S�n."�Y�. t.w�.;.�« �rw�vU��Mv�k:d:s� ';,,�i' M.&«��".`a �,�.a��x:`�' �.�i5a � o-u �'i.2 .z.ae..u,cp ... ...z•zr°'^w,. . .. ,.:..:��'". '" . "n":.°d 'Au..'::,c �.��:.�"W'�t"'..:� k"ca.'��"3..�,+�C.v`.v ��'§Qei�f� .c: .'.x"!^C�,�r"..�'.u.,;7'� C:"f.�i �:,��w`�» 3.5�'i.I�e.��,„R;:i. v..��`Cc`vu . � st ^`1 w i .�r.�.�� �F"i N�r:w� 'h" A "'�s-�.:v^c S s +f^'R uN w:s,�^ r...y M "ir"'�":.z.r�.:.'l�.'�"�: x:u9C�. .� ,Y. .�.�M.. , L`"�:�: s�:,�J m�L-.,>4 w��§.ar..�..u.r'k... -�,. eW.,'�.s�.,�...+i."c 'zza�._..,�...;�`�`�:� u ...:.:�;"n...'. ���:'.I.�s1.....i �'�i� k., r^`:,�';a�r .n?'�:.;..�"hid.`�u,.'��'2,�`a rv��.�,.. �g.:.;t �:.Li;'�� �i.� L4a;'�."�k'.E.c..�.«.3:1 :a��'?.'. E'� .,.+" ,- �.i"�::°:� .,,..�"�.,,y„�w 9',�':3' :""a.:-'4..'�.;, .S"�,5:.;�.��'" �..';& 'rv�".;:�w`+,',.�".nr:y ��k';�;�"�" °Y .�..i:�."�"d'� 1;^�,Sf�.,,''i.'?»=»��+•�;E. '"���Ohu w.rc.u"i."'ul ...r�.s.l:.'�.4'. ...�"fk:r'�� rylir4S C.�?'.'�.'r'=�'nwl1. �'"'.ry+�:„. �'�"e5:ta"."'..r� ;.n,��d.�,a� �.�_���i-��w. � .,� C�'�"�'8 e���� �;K'�; . �; ,.�. "'� x:�.,:.. r.ei . ,.i'lm�'� &.,,ca'�"avN,*,.".�`r, ny;"-a" %i�_ ila:.:."'� C'�",., ,.t3i'r"6' e`��.',..i.f": w,a'�"aw,w-w.. . . ,. ..d'dum .u.��, r-w... .......:rv,... a..e».w . . 1! �,� £ ��'"';.:�,,�,+� e ".�'' SM,m,;;e ;,,„,M �z�„'s�a A �:escription of t?1e territrarw attae:ned a.nd .��arked ;=,xini'�il "�", v"7�, \ 1 �,u_., ...��2Y e".al. u."�"i!�.h�f.�',� ��.yA�i'.W.i. �;C+��.n9u�.�..S..Ca T�uda�.JA�.'R �nm y `.s\,��: . ..�,e: ....,�' ��'i9TM''..� d'v�..G..4?��i5�i .Lia..��..:.<..f.�',)�a,3„�1 .,��'�. .,.v�i..4i�,.�:�'.P...,�u �3"..«, J� �.,�I.+.M. YeJt :��i ?��i'�dR ^�i :iL:2��' ��.X.,4�3"a�:8.y `S,'.d '�...,'�..wv �.' i�d��'�,�'y �L TiC:C+ "'ATirI.R::Y3''a3`''"'..�'d!$°�.,1` �o��,vx..1.""s... a , �it79':�'.u" � °� :.':C:�L"':.��'ia' F.'�,�i"? �" R 3,� r;. "+ ,'�'av"' «w »7a s5�'S�r� 2�1u. �i 3�<u3.�'��, '"„1"b^r.T's'.Csy2�r.r. ,�t^^.r�3Y:t':��� �:t�."�.v..3. �.�..','�::�. ���"io? tV'c.,'n:'a 1:3:�:S�p i�'.:C�":'�w�? 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T. and I�. Survey, Abstract No. 544, Brazoria County, Texas; Thence west continuing along the city Limit line of said L'rookside Village, crossing Eiker Road along the south line of Lot No, 7 and Lot No. 6, H. T. and I3. Survey, Section No. 6, Abstract Na�. 544, Brazoria County, Texas to the east right-of-way line of the O'Day Road of said F,rookside Village; Thence continuing with the city limit line of said Brookside Village north along the Said east right-of-way of the O'Day Road to an intersection with an easterly extension of the south line of Lot No. 4, H. T. and B. Survey Section No. 7, Abstract No. 219, �xazoria County, Texas; Thence continuing with the said city limit line of Brookside Village west crossinb O'Day Road and following the south lines of Lots No. 4, and No. I of the said H. T. an3 :2. Survey, Section No. 7, Abstract Nfl. 219 Brazoria County , Texas, and continuing with a westerly pro- jection of said south line of Lot No. I across the Garden Road of said Brookside Village, to the west right-of-way of sai3 Garden Road; Thence c�ntinuing with the said city limit line o£ Brookside Village south along the west right-of-way line of said Garden Roa3 to the s�utheast oorner af Lmt. No. 24, H. T. and B. Survey Section Ne. 8, Abstract No. 504 ; T:ience continuing with said city limit line of Frookside Village West along the south line of Lot No. 24 and Lot No. I of said H. T. and B. Survey , Section No. 8, Abstract No. 5�4 and continuing with a westerly extension af the south line of said Lots No. 24 and No. I, Abstract No. 504 across Roy Road of said �rookside Village t� the west right-of-way line of said Roy Roa3; Thence continuing with said city limit lins of Brvokside Village South alr�ng the west right-of-way line of said gZoy Road to the south line of Lot No. 44, H. T. and B. Survey, Sectian No. 9, Abstract No. 235, Brazoria County, Texas; T�nance �ontinuing along the said city limit line of Brookside Village West along the said south line c�f said Lot No. 44 to the southwest corner of said Lot No. 44, Abstract No. 235; "MGnct �ke continuing alono the said city limit line of Brookside Village Sonth along the east lines of Lots No, I3 and I4, H. T. and B. Survey, Section No. 9, Abstract No. 235 to the southeast corner of said Lot No. I4; Thence continuing along the said city limit line mf Brookside Village West along the south line of said Lot No. I4 to the east right-of-way line of M� Road of said Brookside Village; Thence continuing along the said city limit line of �rookside Village North along said east right-of-way line of Max Road to an inkersection with an easterly e:sctension of the south line of Lot No. 29, H. T. and B. Survey, Section No. I0, Abstract No. 5�J5, Prazoria County, Texas; Thence continuinb West along the said city limit line of Brookside Village crossing Max Road and continuing along the south lot line of said Lot No, 29, Abstract No, 505, to the southwest corner of said Lot No. 29 and being the most southwesterly corner of the said Brookside Village; Thence continuing along the said city limit line of 3rookside Village 1Vorth along the west lot line of Lots No. 29, 28, 27, and 26, H. ' T. and B. Survezr , Section No. I�, Abetract No. 5�5, Brazoria County, Texas crossuxg'. Brookside R�ad and continuing North along the west boundary line of Sunbraok Place to the coxrsmon county line between f3razoria County, Texas and Narris County, Texas at Clear Creek; Thence in a Southwesterly anrt Westerly direction along the said common county line between said Brazoria and Harris Counties alon� sai3 Clear Creek with its meanders to the common corner between Brazoria County, Harris C�unty, and Fort Bend County all qf the State of Texas; -Z- 7Chence in a Southwesterly direction along the common county line between said Brazoria County and F`ort Bend County to an intersection with the north line �fthe H. T. an3 �. Survey, Abstract No. 28D; Thence East along the North line of said H. T. and �. 5urvey, Abstract Pdo. 280 and continuing East along the north line of the Hennell 5tevens 5urvey, Abstract Na. 545, to the northeast corner of said Hennell Stevens 5urvey, Abstract N�. 545; Thence Nflrth along the west line of the H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract Pdo. 299, the J. S. Talmage Survey, Abstract No. 563, and the H. T. and �. Survey, Abstract N�. 298 to the n�rthwest corner of said Fi. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 298; Thence East along the narth lines af the said H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 298, the R. B. Lyle Survey, Abstract No, 540, and the A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 415to the northeast corner of said A, C. H. and B. Surveq, Abstract No. 415; Thence Sauth along tne east line cf said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 415 to the southwest corner of the John W. Maxey Survey, Abstract No. 721; Thence East along the south line of the said John W. Maxey Survey, Abstract No. 7Z1 and continuing along the north lines of the R. B. Lyle Survey, Abstract N�. 541, and the H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract Na. 29� ta the northeast corner �f said H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 290; Thence South along the east line of said H. T. a�c' B. Survey, Abstract No. 29� to the north line ofthe A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract N�. 402; Thence East along the north line of the said A. C. H. and f3. Survey, Abstract No. 402 to the northeastcorner of said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 402; Thence South along the east line nf said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract N�. 4�2, to the most northerly corner of the Thomas Spsagins 5urvey, Abstract No. 366; Thence S�utheasterly along the Northeast line af said Thomas Spragins Survey, Abstract No. 366, to an intersection with a westerly extension af the north right-of-way line of Connty Road No. 128; Thence East along the Westerly extension of said County Road 128 pass the said George C. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 552, andthe H. T. an3 B. Survey, Abstract No, 292, and continuing with an easterly extension ofthe -3- said north right-of-way line of said County Road No. 128 to an intersection with the common county line between Brazoria County and Galveston County; Thence in a northeasterly direction along said common county line between said Brazoria County and Galveston County to the southeast corner of the present city limits of the Gity a�f Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas; Thence west along the south line of the city limit line of said City of Pearland across Sta'te Highway Noe �5 and continuing west across the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad to the west right-�f-way line of said Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad; Thence continuing along the said city limit line of said City of Pearland northweet along the said west right-of-way line raf said Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad a distance of 76�0 feet for a corner; Thence continuing along the said City limit line of said City of Pearland west approximately 5380 feet across County Road No. 1G4 t� the west right-of-way line of said County Road No. 1�J4; Thence continuing along the said City limit line of said City of Pearland north along the said west right-of-way line of said County Road No. 1G4 to the south right-of-way line of County Road No, 409; Thence continuing along the said City limit line of said City of Pearland west along the south right-of-way line of State Farm-to Market Road No. 518 to the south extension of the west right-of-way line of said Woody Roa3 of said Brookside Village; 'Thence continuing along the said City limit line of said City of Pearland north alon; the south projection of the west right-of-way line of said Woody Road to the place of beginning; Thence continning along the said City limit line of said City of Pearland south along the south projection �f the said west ri�ht-of-way line of said Woo3y Road of said Brookside Village a distance of 100 ft. south of the ��eginning point at the intersection bet�veen the s�uth City limit line of said Brooksi3e Village and the west Cify limit line of said City of Pearland, Texas; Thence west along a line 100 feet south of and parallel to the south line of said Brookside Village, said Brookside Village south line also being along the south lines of Lot No. 8 and Lot Nr�, 6 of Block No, 2 and Lot No> 8 and Lot No. 6 of Block Nr�. 1 of said Herridge-Miller subdivision to a point 100 feet west of the east right-of-way line of the said Eiker I2oad of said Brookside Village; -4- Thence north along a line 1�J0 feet west of and parallel to the said Brookside Village City Limit line, said city limit line also being the east right-of-way line af said Eiker Road to a point 1�J� feet south�� an intersection with an easterly extension o£ the south line of Lot No. 7, Section No. b, H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 544; Thence west al�ng a line 100 feet s�uth of and parallel to the south line of said Lot No. 7, Section N�. 6, H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 544 to a point 1�D0 feet west af the east right-of-way line of said O'Day Road; Thence north alQng a line 10�J feet west of and parallel to the east right-of -way line of said O'Day Road to a point 10�D feet south of the south of the south line of Lot No. 4 an3 Lot Nal H. T. and B. Survey, Section No. 7, Abstract No. 219; Thence west along a line 10�J feet from and parallel to said south line of said Lot No. 4 and Lat No. 1, H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 219, to a point 100 feet east of the west right-of-way line of said Gar�.en Road of said �rookside Village; Thence soutli along a line idD feet east of and parallel to the west right-of-way line of said Garden Road to a point 1�� feet s�outh of an easterly extension of the south line of�'iLot N�. 24, H. T. and B, Survey, Abstract Noe 5�J4; i Thence westlalong a line 100 feet south of and parallel to the south line of said Lot No.� 24, H> T. aad B. Survey No. 504 ta� a point 10�0 £eet east �f the said west right-of-way line of said R�y Road of said Brookside Village; � Thence soutli along a line 100 feet from and parallel to the said west right-of- way line of s�!aid Roy road to a point 1�� feet south oE the south line of Lot No. 44, H. T. and B. Survey Abstract No. 234; Thence west along a line 1D0 feet south of and parallel to the south line of said Lot No. 44, Abstract No. 234 to a point 10�0 {eet south of and 100 feet east of said southwest corner of said Lot No. 44, Abstract No. 234; Thence south along a line 1O�J feet east of and parallel to the eaet line of Lots No. 13 and 14 H. T. and B, 5urvey, Abstract No. 234, t� a point 100feet south of an easterly exten�ion of the south line of said Lot No. 14, H. T. and B . Survey, Abstract No. 234; Thence west along a line 100 feet south of and parallel to the said south line of said Lot No. 14, H. T. and B. Survey,Abstract No. 234to a point 1�0 feet west of the east right-of-way line of Max Road. -5- Thence north along a line 100 feet west �f and parallel to the east right- oF-way line �f said Max Road to a point 1a0 feet south r�f the south line of Lot No. 29> Abstract No. 505; Thence west along a line 100 feet south of and parallel to the south line of sai�l Lot No. 29, Abstract No. 505 to a point 10�J feet west of the west line of Lot No. 30 , Abstract Na. 505; Thence north along a line 1�� feet west of and parallel to the west line of Lots No. 29, 28, 27, and 26, H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No, 505 and continuing north along a line 100 feet west af and parallel t� the west boundary line of 5unbrook Flace to a point 100 £eet sonth of the common county line between said Brazoria County and Harris County at Clear Creek; Thenceja southwesterly an3 westerly direction along a line 100 feet south of and parallel to the said common county line between said Brazoria County and Harris County along said clear Creek with its meanders ta a point 100 feet east of and at right angles from the said comm,on County line between said Brazoria Cvunty and Fort Bend County; Thence along a line 100 feet east of and at right angles from and parallel to said common county line between said Brazoria County and Fort Ben3 County to a point 10�J feet north of and at right angles from the North line of the H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 280; Thence in an easterly direction along a line 1�0 feet north from and parallel to the said North lines of the said H. T. and B. Suxvey , Abstract No. 280, and the Hennell Stevens Survey, Abstract No. 545 to a point 10� feei west of the line of said H. T. and B. Survery, Abstract No. 299; Thence North along ali.ne 100 feet west of and parallel to the west lines of said H. T. and L. Survey, Abstract No 299, the J. S. Talmage Suxvey, Abstract No. 563, and the H. T. and B, Survey, Abstract No. 298to a point 100 feet north of the westerly extension of the north line of said H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 298; Thence east 1�0 feet north of and parallel to the north lines of said H. T. and B. 5urvay, Abstract N�. 298, the R. B. Lyle Survey, Abstract No. 54�, and the A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract 415 to a point 100 feet east of the northerly extension ofthe east line of said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract Na. 415; Thence south I00 feet East of and parallel to the East line of said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract Nr�. 415 to a point 100 feet Nor4h of the Nortn line of said R. B. Lyle Survey, Abstract No. 541; -6- Thence east 100 feet north of and parallel to the north lines of said R. B. Lyle Survey, Abstract No. 541 andthe said H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract ATo. 29� to a point 100 feet east of the northerly extension �f the east line of said H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract Na. 29�; Thence south 100 feet east of and parallel to the sai3 east line of said E3[. T. and B. 5urvey, Abstract No. 290 to a point 1�0 feet north of the north line o£ said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 402; Thence east l�fl feet North of and parallel to the said north line of said A. C. H. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 4D2 to a point 1�� feet east of the northerly extension of the east line of said A. C. H. an3 B. Survey, Abstract No. 4�Z to a point 100 Eeet from and at right angles to the northeast line of the said Thomas 5pragins 5urvey, Abstract No. 366; Thence in a southeasterly direction 100 feet Northeast of and parallel to the said northeast line of the said Thomas Spragins Survey, Abstract No, 366 to a point 1�J0 feet north of the westerly extension of said County Road No. 128; Thence in an easterly directian along a line 100 feet north af a�parallel to the said westerly extension z�f said north right-of-way line of County Road No. 128 pass the said George C. 5mith 5urvey, Abstract No. 552 and the said H. T. and B. Survey, Abstract No. 292 and continuing 100 feet north of and paxallel to the easterly extensi�n of the north right-of-way line of said County Road No. 128 to a point 100 feet west of and at right amgles to the said common county line between said Brazoria County and Galveston County; Tlzence in a northeasterly direction along a line 100 feet from and parallel to said common county line between said Brazoria County and said Galveston County to a point 10�0 feet eouth of and at right angle to an easterly extension of the said present south city limit line of the said City of Pearland; Thence west along a line 100 feet south from and parallel to the said south City limits line of said City af Pearland, Texas across State Highway N�. 35 and continuing west across the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fee Railroad to a point 100 feet west at right angles to the west right-of-way line of the said Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad; Thence northwesterly along a line 100 feet from and parallel to the west right-of-way line of said Gulf Caloradq and Santa Fe Railroad to a point 1�� feet south of and at right angles to the south City limits line of said City of Pearland, Texas; _a_ % Thence west along a line 100 feet from and parallel to the said south City Limits line of said City of Pearlan3 across County Road N�. 104 to a point 100 feet west of the west right-of-way line of said County Road No. 10¢; Thence north along a line 100 feet west of and para31e1 to the west right-of- v✓ay line of said Gounty Roa3 No. 1�4#o a point 100 feet south of the south right-of-way line o£ County Road No. 409; Thence west along a line 7D0 £eet south of and parallel to the said south xight-of-way line of said County Road No. 409 and continuino along a line 1�0 feet south of and parallel to the south right-of-way line of state Farm- to-market Road No. 518 to a point 10�0 feet west of the south extension of the said west right-of-way line of said Woody Road; 7Chence north along a line 100 feet west of and parallel to the said south extension of said Woody Road to a point 100 feet south of the south City limit line of said Brookside Village, said land being a strip lOG feet in �vidth as described. -8- , ;.�, _� � 'o�p �1�"1aa .3c:n,"".�:C'S� "�'.,.+e`a".." 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Gi .. �.�ai'tk�M 4�2,� ��w.`:�r. rw..��.'',' "Fbml...a�'�"2 Ton,v::�"6�»"".u�..'. .Y'�� �+"M;��:'w'"'.✓'::� '4"ai.'>; :.�.µ�...: ':i;� .;y.,�".g::�::L"„'�'��..,. y.;�'� h° . .,}'�..�Gss,e S'�'�` ar.e: -'��.._...,y��V�'�,�M.. . `�.�'""�':+i.�. �.^.+"4t;.a�'�,:u a �a C:..^.'.w:al�k.,�� �� � _ <��. _� TFiE STATE OF TEXAS X X XX COUNTY OF BRAZORIA XX ---------------------------- 2, the undersigned, Secretary of the City o£ Pearland, Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy o£ an ordinance adopted by the C�ty Council of said City at a meeting thereof held the 30th day of June , 1960 � together with an excerpt from the minutes of said meeting, showing the adoption thereo£, as sane appears of record in the ofPicial minutes o£ said City Council on file in my office. WITNESS MY IiAN� AND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID , CITY, this 30th day of March � 1965 ./�'G�(//r ��r-.`� '"I�-c`✓Z�:��� � (SEF.L; W. A. McCLELi'ATT Secretary, City o£ Pearland, Texas ,�-� �—,. - �o�°� ^�oF9�' �3,�049'- S�oP°,.