R2010-023 - 2010-02-22RESOLUTiQf� NO. R201�-23 A F�ESOLU�ION f)F THE Cf7Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY qF P�ARLAND, TEXA�, AU`I'HpRIZING TH� GITY 11,IIAN/•'�GER QR HIS D�ESI�G�JEE T� ENTER IMTO AN AF�CHITECTURAL SERVICES AGR�EMEN�' ASSOCIATED WITH THE EXISTING PD FACILITY. �BE IT RESOLVEQ BY TF�E GITY C�UNCIL 4F THE CI�'Y OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. T�hat certain architectural services agreement by and between the City of Pearland and HBL Architects, a copy of which is attached hereto as ExhibM� "A" and made a part hereof for alV purposes, is hereby authorized and appro�ed, Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute ar�d fhe City Secretary ta attest an architectural serv�ces agreement with HBL Arehitects. PASSED, APPRGVED and ADQPTED this the 22� day of February, A.D., 24�10. � T�M R�ID MAYO R ATTEST: /� .1i,►! 11 �' ./I . /I .� _ � i I � f . .� . ,�� / � • �! - i�it��,��;�., - ,�_. �`..��.: ;x= :�_ .. � APPROUEa AS TO FORM: �� � aARRIN M. C4KER Cf7Y ATTOf�NEY Exhib�t 1e t1�� ��SO�Ut10R ��. f2�'�'��-Z� C0�lTR.�CT FOR �'�t+CIFESSlC3:�.�L SE�Z`1�ICES TH1S CO��TR�CI �s �;nter�d int�� on Feb1`L1���� ?3, ._'Ol� b�� aTa�j b�t���een the Ci�� c�t Pearlar�d ("CIT�""} and HALL BARhTUM LUCCI A�CHITECTS ("COtiS�: l."I�:1'� TJle CIT�' �t����«�s tlie C��'SLiLT.�I�TT tc� p�rf�r���� f'rofe�sionxl Arc�iit�ctur�l S�rr�ic�� on tll� CITS� UT I'1.:.�I�.L.��?�U Polic� De��art�n�nt Ret�o� �tions a�x��l ,acjditioi�s. (Fr«ject � FAU905}. SECT'l0\ � - �ER�7�:F5 OF TI�E C4?�'SC}LTANT T�l7e C4)I`�SULTA'��T shall ��ertorm the follo����iY��s prol�ssio�lal s�r��iees t�� C��l�' staudar�ls ��nd ii� �lc�cE,e�anee ���itl� the d���a�e� ��t� care and �}:ill that �� ��1•c�f'essional i�3 Te�as ���uld e�erii�e ui��ier 1��� S�1171� C?C 511]]1��iT C:11"CL11Z7ti1�13CeS: .A. T�l�e CO'��SL'�L���.�i�,iT sE�all pz�e����idc ai•cllilect��u•al fiea���i�e� i�� �c��It�ecti���n ��itl� tlle I)ESIG\' []�F THE UL� �'OL10E DEF.�►RT'�1EN 1T RE?'�O�',4TI�'.\`� .�ir'I3 .�►�DIT�()NS, 2073 �'ETERA:�S �1RI1'E, FE.�R�.AND, TE�.��. 5ee E�hit,it :A. �ittache�l. f�r � clet�iled SC'Q�'�: fJF ��'(�RI� a�1d PR(}.1ECT schccitale. T�7z PROJEC7 sched�ale 511a11 be sL�l�mitted iil di��ita] �tlr� k�arc� �o�ti farrn ia� t11� �'1i������ott Project fot� ���iT�d�1�s 9t»�a���t, B. Tli�e C'O�SL'LTA1`��l� shall ��r��3are �T�c� s�a�mit � det�il�d o��iniot� r�f estin��ted cc�st c7i�thL 9'�ZC�.1�,C"l. C. T11e C��NSUL']�A�:T �c1:��ar��led�es that th� CI��' f ihi•ou��El its e���pla� ee liaildbool:) coiisieler•s th� fol�lo�air�� to ��e m�sconduct t�1at is ��r�t�i�ds f��i� tee c�i� � CI�I��' ei�7��lc�}�ee: An�� i�r�al�d. forger��� n7isa�a��ro��riaFic�r� c�f iizilds. ��ecei�-in�� �7���m��lt fot� �zr��iees i�at perfc�rEi3ed c�a fc�i• ��o�ii°s i7c�t ��o� ���isl�al�c�lin� c�r ��ntet�th���l reporting c�f� �i7oi�e�� tratls�ctions. destru�tiQ��i� of ass��s. e�i��ezrlc�l�e»i� �cce�ti�i��.� ��lai���ials c7f � �ran7 ti����d�rs. oz caiasliliants. and�'��r cc�lleciing ��ein7t�ritrsement oi� e;�pe�lses 131�de �'or the L3c:neft oi` the C1T'1�. Tl�e CO'�SL�I l��'�A�I� a��rees that it ���i11 not. dit�ectl�� c�r ine6irectl�,: c�icoti�ra�e a CI�1` emplo� ee t� eE7�a�e ial �uch mis�co�ld�yct. D. Tl�e C`C���S[;LT.�?�:�T sh��ll �ubn�it �l� �i�l��l co��stx�t�etyo�� �'�ctu��er3�s i�i b�th l�ard �c�p�� t�nd elerti foi��t�at. Pl�t�s �h�all he :�1�toCAI� cr�m}��ti�rle ��1�1 �11 otl�er der�;l���le��ts s}�all lae ?��icros�7ft O�fi�e cn�t����ti�ile. Thc so#t���ar�e � used sllall he �ci�l��pr�t'r��Be to ctirr�nt CIT�' stanr���-ds. C)tller st�j3}����t doct�����r1ts. for e�ai�lple. st���ECtural calculatic���s, cl�raana�c r������i�ts ��nd �eot�clul�c��l r�pc�rts. ��ll�ll l,e subrnittcd i�� l���rd cc����� c�nl� .�ll R�:cord D������i�»s �le��r��7ic f�il�s shall ��e sul�t»itted to the CITY i» TII= fc�r E. The CC)\ �L!I.T.A��I reco�4e�izes tll�t £31� cira« int��. s��ecial p�'��� isio��s. field sur�� e� iz�t��. rcp�rts. cstimai�s and r�i�� ���d alE ��tller ci�c�z�7�e�7ts ��� ���ork prod«ct ��e�lerated b�� th� CC�NSL�L"I u���er tl�e CC��TRACT sh��il be dcli���ered to thE C:17���' upon�re���ie�t, sl��ill be�o�11� s���iject t� tl�� (�}�er� Rc�cords L����s of this State. F. �T�l�� CC�'`:Sl_�E_TA'.���] sha11 prc�c«re t�r�d u�ai��t�in i�7r th� duratic�n c}f this .�������e��le��t, i�7�lr�•ance as��inst elai�ms fc�r it�jurQes ti� ��er�c���s. �a���at�e� to prc����r���. (�l' �4I7�' �I']'Ol`S C311C� 01171S5➢C?175 ]'���tlll� �(l T�lt� �)tl'jC1]'lll��]C� C7f �311� �'+C�f� �V� �l]� �C)NSt� LT��ti3�. its a�e��ts. �EnE�lo��e�5 ���� �t�l�cc��7ta��ctors «�7cl�a� tlzi� :���reei�zez�t. as i��llc�« s: ( 1) �'h�<7rl;ers� C�c�tl�p���s�tic�n a� reyt�ir�ed �i� 1��� . (?) F'rotessi���aP ].ialiilit� In��ul�at7ce in an amc�uilt �zot less thar� �l.{Y(l�l.UOfl i►� tf7� ����� (�) C'oi�l��r�hen�i��e G�.��eral Lial�ilit�.� ar�c1 �'ro}�ert� Uaina�,e 1r7surar7ce ���ith �i�ii�ii7�ti��1 li�tl4is c�f �1.C10(?.0�0 i�or injur�� o�r de�th of� an�� on� per�;�si�. $1.0O(1.U0O fi��� ��ch oec«rrer7c�_ a��d ��.C9O(}_U(.]0 f�r �;ach acc�irre»ec af c�a��l���e to or destructioi� of E3r�pe��t���. {-}) C��mprcll��ISi��e .��at�»��bile �lnd Trtrcl� I.iabidit� [�IS�a�����ce cc��cri���� o��71ec3. hir�ci. ��nd non-o�rt�ed �ehicics. �iith �3jinin��u1� limits oi �].C10(}.0[}{7 f��r icljur� o�� cjeath of ai7ti ane person. �l.Uf1Q.�l(�0 f��z� eacl� aecu��r��l�e�. anc�i �].�J��_[��)(1 f�+r prap�rt�� cfa��l��ssr�. �I h� CO'vS��L�] ��.NT sllall i»clu�{e tf�c C'IT'�' a� an adclitit�nal i�isux�ed ���7de�� tlle policies. n�ith t17e e�cepliai� �f the Pt•�fessic�i�al Li�bilit� Ins�lrance ���d ��'orkers� C��npes7�atiort. Cei of� Insur���ce a�id e�7dorsert�ei�ts sf1a11 17e furnisl��ec� �tc� tl7e CITZ" b�f�or� �,a�c�rk col�lta�er�c�s. �acll insura��ce ��olie� s1�a11 be ee�cic�rsetC to state tl�t�t cc���era�e sh�ill nc�t �ie sus�ended. � oidcd. ca��celec�. ane�fc�r redu�.ed in cc���era��� c�r �n limits ( in �o��era�e'�) eyce�7t ���iif� ��ric�e ���ritlen eonse���� c�f tl�� � 1TZ' an�� c�ral�� a�ter tk��e C 1�I has �,een pre���ided �� ith r��i�itte�l ryot�c� c�f s�ic17 Cl��r��� in Co��e������. suc17 nnt�c� to ti�e 5cilt to t�l� �IT7' eitl��z� ���� Izan�� c�eli��ei•w� to tl�e Cit� \Iat�a+�ret• c�r �i� �crtifieci mail. r�eturn i 1•e�1t�ested�. anci 1 l�� the Cit�� iti� 1`e�r er tf�a�1 tl�irt� {,�C}) da��s f�ri��r t� tl��_ effeetir�� dtite �f such Chan�?e i�� Co� et•a`�e. Pric�r tc� eo��1i71cnci��4.� ser��ices �andcs� tliis C'C)IvTR�1CT. CC�I�SUZ.T.�NT sl1�11 ft�rnish C`IT`�' 4aith C�rtificates �f ]n�tn o�� f�rr«tial endo►�sements as re�uired ��� tl7is CQ1.L'Tkr�CT, isstiec� l�� t01tiESL1L�fAP� 1_`S i�asu���rfs1. as e���de�ac:e tl�at pnlici�s ��r��idin� tl�� requir�c� co��c�ra��e. eonc3itic»ls. an� li�»its re�eiii�ec� t7�� tllas C'�7NTRt�,CT a�•� in f�ill l'or a�1d cfteei, G. Tl�e CC1;�'S�'LT.��I�T �hall i�7�e��li�ii��� �nd ho�c� the CITY. its ��fticers. a��ents. �ti�d en���lt����es. hart�lless f�����n a���• cl�im, fc��s. aam���e. s�ri�. ���7d 1ia�rilit�,� of ���er1� �:ind tE3r �� CONS�L'].�1�:�1?���T is le��ll�� ]iahle. in�ltbc�iii�� al� e�;pen�es c�f lati{�atiz�n. �t�urt costs. at�d �ttt�rne��'S 1ee�. #a�� ii�pur�° to c�r �����th «f ��i��� pers���. t'nr dan�a�.�e to �ni� propert��. ��r et•rc�r5 in desi����. an� of ��l�ic17 �ir� ce3us�d b�� th� ��e�31i���:��t �ct c�r �1n3is�ioiy E�1`tl�e C'Q\SL�LTANT. I�is nfiicers. e�z�plc�r �i��e3�t�. or s��lac��ntractc�i ��nder t�tis C�Ui���I��.�C'T. , �1. All parties ir��e�lci thal the CC)\�l_�1�TA'.`�'"T. in p�rt��rit�i��� ��3�� ices pEa��suaut tc� tli��is C�C��TF�.�.C�T. 5��all act ��s ar7 inc�e�encient ce�►�tl•act��r �uld' �h�l�� l�a��e cantrtzl 01� its �m�� ti��of�k ��nc1 tll� �z����i�el• ii� ��llich it i� ��erf�z�med. Th� CO?�SL'I.�]�:�N��� is �Z��ot tc� be eor�sider�ed ��� a���� c�r �mplc���ee of tl7� CITY. SEC'TIOi II - �'G�tIaI) (�F SE}��'IC� Tk�i, C(_�'�'TR:�C�f� ���ill b� Liincjin�� upo�l �xe�.utin►� and ei�c� u����r� c:���1}�letiz,n c���th�; co�lstr���:ti��� r4lat�t� ��ork r�oi ti7 e�:ceecl 7�nc�i�ths tif�ter e�ecictic�n oi�tl�is cun�r�ct. SECTI()� I�I - C4NSLTL"I'r�]tiT'S C'Q:�li'�'NSATI(}h .�. Tll� T�I�thc�d c�i� ��ar�3�len�t for this C'(�i�,'�1 ��,•'�C7 is L�71VIP ST�I►►�. Tat�l cc�i��pensatro�i for tlle ser•ti�ice5 }aerfoi•mec3 shall l�e � 148,7SO.U0� f3. fl�lle CITS" �h��ll �y��� tl�� CC)\SL1L"I�;�?�TT irl ii�stallmer}ts ��asec] ��}�c�n montk�l� ��rc����•ess r���c�rt� a��� c�eta3il�� if3ti�oie�s suhn�itted k�. t��e CO�:SI: L�I :�'��I C. Thc ��I1 sl�all rr,�i4�� }?�� tc� tl�� CO''��I�LT:=�\T •,tiitl�in t��irt�� (>[I�i �ia;�s alter recei}�t and ��ppr����al �i� a cietaileci iaa� oice. ln����i�e5 �1��11 be subin�tt�.� c�n a 137011tf]]�� �i31$j5. SECTI(}\ I�' - TFIE CITI �'"S FtESPQ�SIBILITIES r�. The C'I3 shall desi�c�at� a�roject �nana��r dtarinw� the ter��� ot'this C�Iti��I�R.ACT. Tl�e ��roj�ct m�ar7a�er l�as the �uCl7c�� ic� ac�r�li� tl7is CONTRaC� �nc� shal] n7oi�itc�r c��m171ianc� r��ith a01 te�ry�ls a��cfi �c,�l�itic�i�� 5tat�d 7��rei��. �'�ll �-cqucsts for ii�f�e�rff�tatioa� �i E�r a i��cisio�� �� the C1T�' c��7 t3i�� aspect c�� tlle ��ark slla3l be directccl ta tile }�roject mana<��er. � B. 'I�he C��1��' sl��all re��i���� sul�inittals b�� th� CON�SI_�LT,�1;`�T a� ��ri���ide ����e�t��pt �°es����n�e t�� c�uesti�n� an� re��c�e�°i�l� ��f ���ecsi��e,ns �7e� ti7ercto_ �o mi��iinize d�elar in �h� prc��ress of the CiO�'�SULTAI�T'S ���7rk. The �'IT�'' ���ill kee�7 thc: �'(��'SL'LTA�;T ac���esecl ce?nc�r��7i��� t��e prc��r��ess �a�� tl�e C�TY'S re� iew�� of the ���r4�. �I k�� �'(�i'�iSL�L�I�1�I`�'��I a±�rees that the CITY'S ins��ec�i�n_ l�e���t��t�.. aece��ta��c� c�rr ���prc�����] ai' C(�i��SL�LT�NT"� n�o��k �k�al] ��e�t relie��e CC7ti�L'L l:1� I':� res}�ansitiilit� for errors cn• omissions i�t�tlle C()NSL?I_T,��N I ar i1s 5ub-c����sttltant{s) ti»• i17 a���� ��a�� a1`fe�t titie COi`ti!SLlL1�,�����I"s status as ai� illde}����d�rit co�lt��actor of�tl�e C"f 1��'. SE�'TI()�+ �% - T�Ri�1I1�.4T1�ON ,���. T1�e CI�I at its sc71� �3isc�-etion, i�la�� t�r�7�ii7ate this COI�TRr�C'T 1'�r an�� rcasc�ll - - r��it1� na� ���itll��it �a�z�e -- 1�r� d�li�e�°in<r n�r�itt�n �ic�ti�� t�� C�'�'S[�I._T.�'�?T ��:•��itiall�� or ho� �ert�trecl� �nail at 3701 KIRBY, SUITE 1166, HC)USTO�, `T�XAS 77(�9$. Immecji�tel� airt�r rec�i� i�14� su41� �� -, _,_ 17i�tic�e. the C;C�'�SL��I.I:=�":T sl�all dis�:����tinue pra��idir��� t��� scr��ic�s �mc�cr this C(}�;TIi:�C�[ F3. ]l` t1�5s C�Q'tiTR.-�C�T is tcri»i�iatec�. CO\S��I_.1 sll�ll delr�ei• to tl��: C[ 1 1' alE dra�i�is���ts. speci<�I ��ro�.�isions_ ii�elcl s«r��e�� nc�tec. re��c�rts. c�ti�z�ates r�n�l ar��� �n� all c�thzr c�c7cuments or �tc�rl� prc�duct ��ener�ted ��� the CO]'�'Si.�LT:-1�iT u��cjer thc �U'�;�T�Z.aCT. �r�tirel�� c�d� }�7rtiall�� c�smpl�ted. tn��et]�e�` ���ith alI �l�ll�s�� �nat�Z�ials su�3�,lied b}� thi C�I�1�' o» c7r beior� tlle 1;`� �fa�� follc����i�l� tez•minatic�n ��f t4ie C'�)\1���.�C'I�. . C'. Ii� tlle e��nt c�i� suc11 ter3ninati�n. the C��;S[_'LT.�?��"I� s��all �e ����ic1 fo�� ser� ���rfc7r�i�ed p��ic�r tti i��eeipt oi� t��� r� n«tiEe oi� t�rrnr�latic�n. Th� CIT1' sl���ll ���a�:c fi��a[ }7a��»��i�� �ii�hit7 si�t�� (E�C}) r�a��s �tt�r �he CC)'�'SL'�l.�l�,��'�'T ha5 �le6i�ered to the CIT�' a c��tt�iled �n�.�c��ce t'oT se� ices re�IC�erzd z���d t13e d��ctunen�s or �rorl: E�rc7citzct ��c���ratecE 1��� il�� C'�NSL�L� �and�r thc C'O��T1�,��T. � F�. If tl�e r����tmeratic�r� sehec�ul�d ��t7ci�r tl�is cc�ni3•Q�ci is based �ap���l a fE��d fe� �r ��e�init�l�� �s�:erta��l�hle :�t�t��. �h� ���rtic��� c�i� stich s��E�� �a����able slla�l l�c prap��rtion�te to �hi pe���.enta��e of ser��i�;es co3n��leted �a�� th� CC)�5L?L��A'`�T base�l t�}�o�1 t11e Sco�ae of »����k. � l�, ln tl�e e��e»t tlii� CQ1�I�R�,CT is t�ri��ia�ated. the CITY sh��l] ha��e t��e c�ptio�� ��f� c�m��letin��� the �� orl:. c�r ente��in�� i��to a CONTRAC �I� �� �nc�til�e�� ��art�� far th�e ct���l��let�ol� c�f tt�e ���,�e�rk. F. �1` tl�e C: � te�7»irlai�e� tl�is C�?�'TR.ACT f�r c{i��sc and��c�r ��` th� CQi��TRAC�(�R U���acyles an�� prc�� i�ir�n of tl�is C(�1\TRr�C'�1�. th�il tkle CI�I�`�' s��all llati�e a11 i•ights ar���i ���en�edie� i�� ]��� �i���lor e����itr� a�ainst C�OI��S��LT�1'�°1 'r'zll��e for a�1�- a��iot� n�� disp�ite arisi����� E�ut c�1� c�r� relaiin� ta t11is C�J�'TR.�CT sha�l be in �rt�zoria C oui7t� .�Tesas. "1 l�c la�� s o1' tl�e Stat� ot' Teras sk�ali �o��er zE�e tcr�tls o�� tl�a� �CJI`�TTRACT. Tlle pre�.�c�iliz7�� ����t�� in t��e �cti�7n skj�ll l�e e��tptle�l to recc���er its actual dai�ia��s n�itki ir�terest. attc�rr7e�'s fees. costs an� ��pem�es incu� in ccym��etion n�ith the c�isE3ut� a�Id:'Qi� aeti���. C'O]'`�SL�L a�nd C`]T4' desire an e�:��editiE�us ���zaa�s t� i��:s�l��e at�� �is��tites tl7at ��Ia�� aris� �iet����een undcr tl�i� CC�TtiI�I�.�C�T. T� ace�t���alish tl�is_ tlle p�rties a����e tc� z�tiediatic�n ��s f�ll����s: If' � dis��ute �rises o��t c�f c�r r�l�tes tf� t��is C{�?��I R��CT. c�r th� b�r��sc�� th�reaf. an�� if tll� dis��,ute ctlns�c�t �,� settlec� thro����l�� ��e�Fc�tiatic�n. tl7ee� t�he 9iaT•ties flti�ree tu��t to tr�� in ��e���cl iaith. a�ac� �b�fori ��ursui�l� �x��� leg�l re���ec�ie�. to s�tt9e tk7e dis��ute 1»� rtte�i3tion o� a tl�irc� �iart� �r�llt� �� l�e �el�cte� ��� a��r�zt�ze�lt c�f'th�. ���rti�s. SECTIC)N �'I — Ei�vTIRE :�.(s�2EE'�'IE��T This CO1��T�.�1CT �•���t�esc�lt5 t11�c: entire a��reeitl�c�it l�et�r�:�n the CI�I��'' �t�d the C(�h;5� �is�d sup�rscdcti all �tir���r ne��oti�ti«ns. e�e�7resee�tatic7i�s. c�r contt�acts. eitl7ee tir��ittcn c�r oral. 1 Eris C{�NTRACT ma�� be a»�enc�ed on�� 1��� n�rElteK� ii���truF��em�t si«ned h� hc�th partie5. --�- SECTIOh' �'II — CQ�'ENA�T .�►G�INS`� CONTII�'GENT FEES Tlle C�1�SL�LTAI�?T a�"1ira7�s tliat I��, l�as nc�t em��lo��ed or retai���d a�7�� con���a���' c��� pers��l. c�tl��:a� tf�an � L�ona fide e��7��@o���e ��-orkie» tor tlle CONSL�LT�,NT to sc�licit ar secu��e tllis COI�?TFZACT. and tl�at he f�as nc�t paid or agreed to g�ay an�- ��t1Z�3ai1}' c�r person. c�ther than a k�ona ficie em��lo�-ee. ar�ti fee. coi�vl�ission. p�rrenta�c brokera�e 1ee. ��ift. or a�l� other eonsir�eratic�n. a;ontinge3�t �ipc�n r�r r�s�altin� fi�om tl�� a��,ard a�• n�aki»� o#� t1�e CO]\iTRAC`Z . FoT• �i•each or �iol��tion c�ftllis cla��se. th�e CIT�' mad� tei•minate this CONTRACT ���ithc�ut liabilit�. a�Id in its disc�•eti�n. n��� deduct fi the C�?�TTF�AC'l� p��ice QY• constderat�o�l. n� c�lhea ise reco��er. t13e ftill ai�7c�unt of st�ch fee. coralmissio�l, percenta�e �rn��ra�� fee. gift. �r cc�nii�i;�e�It fee that�h�s been paid. SEC'TIaN �'III- SUCCFS��R� AND A,SSiGNS Tlli�s CON`Z�RA�'T s}�all not be assi�zlal�le e�ce�t u���n the ��-rittei� c����ent c�f the pa� ller�et�. Tl�e paa ��a�'e ezecuted t11is CC7NTRACT' tl�is day c,f . 2(�l �. ,�-, �^, , ,' C1T�' - PE�RLAl�.iD. TE�,AS �-� � '�- �` 1�'� � 1�-��,��'� CO�,ISULTANT � �'�� � r�-k -�- Exhibit "A" Res�lutior� No. F�201 C7-�3 Fcl�r4i�r1� 1 1. ?C1l (1 Tr�nt E��perst�ia. Prc�j�ct Dirr�tc��� Citv r�tf i'carlan�l ;�1t1 Libcrt� I7r. E'c�zrlancl. TX 77i�;1 E�e: Propo�Eti t��r Ps�c-Dc�i<�n �nsl .�rci�itccttu�sll � En��in��rin�� Sc�'� i��-�s — C(����1I�1�`�1T�` T�EV"LLOP�9FV�T RELQCAT]O;�: ����i�h incluc�c� C)Vc6 I�D� Rci7r����tic��ls. 2{�7 ��, ct�:r�n4 Do'.. P�Garls�nd. �cxa; Trcnt. HBL ,�r�:hitccts is pl�ased t�� pres�nt th�w p�°opostt� f��r ���chitcctur�l �� �n�in�erinti� s�r��iccs ti�r th�c C'C)\�i\[L'`1T�' DL�- EL(�['i1F'�T RL-LOC.ATIl�1� tc� bi: 9c�calc�l at tl�c rcfcr�ilccel a�ldi•css in Prarl��ncl. T�xa�. Th� ;co��c i��cludcs limitcel �sitc �tl�� �luprn�»t n«t i�icludint� p�r�;in�� �rp�1��5io�i h��t incl��din�> la��dsc<iE�in�� �i tl7c fr��»t i�l thc buili�in��: i��nc�� ���i��n oi�tl7c �,�;istin�� sin��l� �t�r�� 01� Pi�blic 5�ifct�� B�iil�jin11 o��alp��r��imat�ll' 1�.O��JfI s���aare i'cct �u�d �7t �l cost oftli�: ���nr�; aoiti�ipatcc� Ca h� a���i��c��ii�7�t�:1�� SI.�OU.OU�). For �h� pur��l�sc o1 this pt`oE�o;a1. H$L .�rchitccts �� ill t�c id�ntifccd ati HF3L.�'� ancl Th� C'ih c�f Pcarl�lncl a� Thc Cit��. :4. SC'CIP� fJF SER�'ICES 1. Prc-il�sign Se�•a�iees (Ce�mpletecl) $ 0.00 HBL.�. alott17 ���ith Tl�e City'. ���a��c cst3blisl�cd ���,�erall �ro�ils f«r thc ��rc�jc�t in f� F��7sit�ilit�� Stud�,� c�aicd Nc�� �mbcr 16. _'CICI�?. 2. .arrl�itcet��ral S �ti�itseer 5err iccs �,13$,7�0.00 HBL."� ���ell �yr���ide c��o�l��l�te c3esit�n �ti��d canlra�t ��dr��inistr�ik�ic�« scr��ic�s for thc r�nc�� of the buildin��. Thc i'olli����i�ia� ��re tk�c phasc�; of arc:ltit��:t��r��l �n��in�crin�� c��5i��iy 5c��� ices w�«d thcir rclati� c percc�7t��c �af thc tc�ta] f��: ��. 5�h������tic D�si�i�,'U�si�r�� Uwr�clnE�Qt��nt Ph�s�: � -18.562.l�0 I3as�d un ti�� �,i and it�l����m��tiun �oilta'rncd ii7 thc Fcasibalitv Stucl�. HB�.=� ��ill ��rc�i�rc. ft�r aE�E�rn��] bv "i�h� C'it�. Dc4it�n Dc��cic�g�r��tint [�c�ceimc��ts consisti�7« t�f dra���i»���. o�iili�lc ��,ccificQiti��ns� �3�d c�thcr ci��cu�»�:nt�; t�� li� z��ld dcsrribc th� �izc a�7d char��ct�r ��t�tk�c Penj�cl as tt� arr9�it�ctlaral, s�r�E�t�n���l. �nk�t�rials �i�d a�z�� oth�:r cict�7cnts as i������ hc �pE�ropE�iat�:. l3BL:�, ���ill ��rc,�nt an cstimaic ol �:���s�1rucki���� c��st c�i'[hc pr��E:7c�s�d ��ri�jcct. Ii� addition, 1-[F3L�� ��ill pru�ic�� th� fi�llc���in��: ,�tt�nd �'r�-Dc�, cl����nlcnt t»ccten� ��o�cl aii���r�ss p�7i��t� ��f �larilj�atii�n rc����r�jin�.� ihc ��rc�jcci Ol�t��in ancl rc�'r���,� appli�ablc Cilr° stan�i�ar�d� and ��u���clincs lor �ie;o��n (D�;i���n Critci'ia l���anu��l. ��niticc� D�� cloE�t��rnt Cu�tc) 4�r7cj ��ro� idc dc,i���� th�u tncct; C'it4 �odc�. Fa�ol€t�ti� encctin��s ���ith C'iit� �tal�l`to ��cr�cicy�3 tlro� ti�tal �1�:E3arli��cnt la���7iEts. T'rc�i�u�c �tnei s�a�i�»it tlu (;) wcts of I�c;i��n �7c�cic���m�ilt De�c�iiiico��s inclu�lin�, �7utli�l�� S�p�ciiir��tic��7s. ���st E�ti«tat� autl S�hcc3��lc ta� tE�c Cit�� staf�i' 9i�r rcr�i�ti�� and a��j�r�7��a1. i_b�}°�`�� p�la�n rc� ir���) Comp�7��cnt� i�7rlucic: Flo��r �7�ls�i��. Strti�tura�L �1r�hit�cti�r�l. n�iEP. �i1 I'rot�ctic�n an� IandscaE�it���. E:�tcri�or cic��adio�js. E�i rcncl�ri�t�s t�nc� colc�r ��alcttc. k3uildin�r s� �ti��n� �tnd dctElils. ii rcquii��:d. 1v7l�:ri��r cic��ation�. ea�c���urk a�7i� mill�rork cVc� atic�ns. R��}7��n�1 is� ���9�iti�1�� to all Cit�� r��mm�nt, on pl�ns. l�. C�}n�tructi��n I)c�t�ur��cnt� Pha:�� $ =��,562.�6} F3�s�d �an t��c a����r�����d D�,i��n D�c���lt��i�»c�7t [�o�ut»c�jts ancj an�� i�urihcr a�ju,t��icnts in tl�c �co��� c�r ����alit�� ��f th� P�r�ject or in tll� c��l�trueCit��i t�u€3��L_k authorizc�� b��'nc� Cit��. HBL.� shal�l �arw�»r�. for �����ru�al 1��� Th� Cit��. C�c�i�stru�tic�n I7��c��tn�nt� c��i�istin�, c�t� Drvti�ia7�x:� a�ic� S��ccitic���i��ns �,cttir�il 1��rth i�� cl�t��il tl3c rc��uircn�cnt. ti�rtEac �u��str��ctioil c�f�thc Prajcct. HBLA slaall ��d��i�c Th� Cit�� uf an� <�c�jti��tm�nts to pr���i�ti�as E�rcl���iiil�rl° Lsii�t7�teti ��f �tmsC3�tictio» c��s[ indicatcd bti� c17����Fcs i�t r�ql�ii-�m�nt; or �T4r�ci�al ��i�rk��t t�anclitic��B�. I IBLA s�ti��ll a:��4ist Thc Cit�� in cc��nn��cti��n �i ith Thc Cil�'s re�����nsibulit�� 1�t�r tllin��� cloci�mcnts rc���iii� tk�r th�: a��E�t�o���71 of ��o�,��:a�nn�m�nt���l ziutho�ritics hati�9n�� juri�di�titi7n c���cr ihc Pl�ojcct. In �r��fid6ti�7a7, �]BLA ���il] ��rs��� id� thc tE�llo����n��: �'rcE�arc com����:t� �C��nste�uctiuj� Dt�e��mcntti �ncl 5pccilicE�tio��s and su�bmit thrc� (?1 sc[s t�� Cat}' stnf�f 1�7r Co��c ��nci ����1craY rc� ie��� anel �ip��ru���il (9U°�o ��la�� rcr�i��cl. .�itc�7c3 foll��w�-�tp ����ct�in��s �� itlt Ti��� 1��lartihr�l. Cit�,' Eri��in�:�i�. P�a�lili���, ��nci C�liicf F�uiic�in�� Offi�o��l (C'BU1. Stibmit'fin�� i�c�t' p�cE tihall inclticle submuttin�� sct, c�# C'��7s�ru�tio�i [�oc��amcnts. i�lcluc{i���� rc��isi�»ls mei�c a, a rc�ult o1` 9(}° �, rct i�crr . ��4 rcquir�d it�r: Cc7mn�unity Dc��cl�7pment 1t�r to� I'laii Rc��ic��� 'Ic�r Pcrmit. C o�-rcct pl�n�; ��� rcflc�t iw;u�;s �7otcd 17�,� I�c��ic��� Ic�r P�ri��it. �ind A�c���ir� si��n�tturc nt'Cit��� Etti<�i��ccr an�l CBO. Subm�it ��la�ns to T��as D�:partmcnt uf Li�cn;ir��7 anc�l Rc���ilatic�ns {TDLi�} ��r Rc;�isi2rcd Acces�ibi6'it�� S�3ciialist ( RA5} f��r ac��ssi��i1i�r rc� ic�� �tnd re� is� }�l�i�s if �-c��tEio�cd ic�r r���ic��� c€�ini��cnts, Sut�n�it ��laf�s ii�r Lii�r��ti Cc��ic Fic� ie�� tu7d re� isc �ilzins if rcqt�ircd ior r� � ii:« commcnts. c. Bi�ciin�� ��ir��otiati��ri Pl�as� $ 693F�.Od� ��BL.�. Foll���ti�i�7�� T1��� Cit��'s a�-�����c����u] r�t`tllc Ccm�truction Doclu»cnts �rnd ot�lhc lat�sl t�p�cj�l�d �stimatc c���� cc�nstructioi� cE�st. �� ill �� ark �4�ith �i�lt� Cit� in c�btainin�� I,iels or scalcd c�»np�titi� c pz�e�E�s.�sals. and �� i11 zlssi;t Thc Cit�,� ita ������rdin�� 4inci r�� i�n�io��� ���ntr�ict� ior cc»�str�f�ti<�i�. In addi�i��ra, HF�Lr`� ���ill a�ro��ic�e thc f�c�llal��io���: €'ror ic�� Notir�c to Bic�dcq`� (\T�) i�� tl�c I�rojcct �laa�a��ce� (C`it}• i; r��p��n5i��l� ti�+r ad� crtisin��). R�,pr��duc� and disscn�snat4 hid :�cts Ac� L)o�{��c. .AGC. AI�C_ ,�mf��C a���3 [���o (?) sct to thc �C�it}� [P11�1 ( 1'y. ['�n'ch�t;in�� 41 1 t�ncl� ia��crestcd hrdt�cr;]. I�i�h�ibutc (ii7cludiil� thc sa�c ��11 pl��«s t�ti intcrest�d t�iddcrs Kc��� t�ccoa�ci c�t�E�lE�i7 17c�lcici��s list. C'hair prc-hidd t�ic�tin�� ��nci attcnc� tllt F3ic1 Op�a�int�. Rc����,nd in ���rititl� to c����stions �ro��i l�i�lcicrs and �?r�p��rc aoc{dcnda as ncccss�ar��. As�i�t ���itka dcsi�n �f'Bid Pr�7��os�r1. I'r���<i� .�r�l�itc�t��, i�c���mmcnd�iti�m c�t ..v���arci Ltittcr th��t incli�dcs thc to11i7���in�: Chcck f��r it��3th crror:� att�� r�cue7cilc ��n� rnathcn�iatical discr���anci��;. Rc��i���� tor ui�bbil��nccd ��id itc�t��. C'crti�icc� Bid �ahuEat�on. R�� i��� c�l��cmtr�tcic�r�s rctcr�it«� ��ri7� �d��j. Rcc��m�l��:n�cE���tiu��l to a������d. A�tcaic� Cit�,' C��7��niil mc�tin�� and ¢�c«�m�i7�ni�atoun fi�r ���,��arci ��f C'c�tttr���t lE�r (_�i�n��structiur�. �3ncl �'rt�duce ancl ira�lsinit tc� scl�ct�d c��tttr��c��7r ti� c i>) Mets ot pr�pcct m�i����a�ly rezd�.� for e�:�:c�ttii����� �1 ilkl C�it� 1�:'��ticc ��1` Ff�t��71 to Ai��.�rd (N{�I). d. Cun,tructio❑ Adminitit�-��tion I'ha;c $ 27,75().i)0 I IB�..A sl�all E�ru��idc ��dini�liyti���i�an of thc C�c`�ntr�ct I�c�r C�7i7str`uctil�t� as s�t t��rth i�y .�I�, C)i�eum�nt B 1-�1. Staiularc� Fe�rm of .���rcc���ci�'t �3� tn e�r� C��� ncr ��nd Arcl�itcrL currcnt a� ��f thc �1ate �f this A�,�rccmcnt. I IRLa�s r�,pc»7�ibilitr� t� pt'c��,�ic�c Ra,ic S�rGiccs lur th� Co��str�tcti�n F'i���s� uncicr thi� :a�rrccm�i�t cc�nim�»�cti ���ith tli� ��.���at�d of thc Cont��aet 1�7r Cotislru�tion and t�r���ir�tdt�� �it tl�� carl�icr ��f th� i�s«a��cc t�� Tb�c Ci�� t�E th� tinz�l Ccrkiticatc for Pavmcnt ��r (7(} da��s �ft�r tll� �latc ��I�S��bsQzmtial Com�3le�ic��7 c�f th� 1��c�rk. - - In ��d�liti�n. F CBL.� ���ill ��ro� id�: th� i��llc��k in��: F'tiCl�ll�ltl; �1'C-� 011S11'11l''�lC�t] ]11il:CIlI11� �111C� CO11ljUCI 1'���Ll�%1C 1l�tl'���' CiDIlS�fLIC[IUIl �71"i�i�rCCSti C]1C�1711�r�. f'rc���idc C��nstructi���� ;�d9nini�tratii�n: R�� i�:��. 1���� and ����prQ� �uhn�ittals. �hc,E� �ra���itlgs. Rc�ucst 1��r Inf�ormatean. etc.. Rc� ic��� Co��airurti�»7 \�tat�ri��ls T�stin;� r�pc�rts. Rt�r�i���� ��nd app��u��c ��p��lic��ti�n�; fe�r ������mcut. Cc7c�rc�ii�<it� »ith Cuilstr«c[ion ?�.��lz�n����c�� c�r Pr��j�ct !��lana��c�� ��n al] FZ�c��i�st t��r Chan��c I'rc�k�osa�s. C'hant�� C7rdcr�. ctc.. ioyel��c�9n<� ia7�rintai�yin�� � l�t� oCall such dc�cumc��ts. Pr���i�c c3ir�:ction i�,r qucstioa�� ancl concca�ns i'r�n�� thc contractt�r ancl C�c�nstr��rtil7r� P'ro,j�ct \��lai�a�ficr in �-ctiolutian c�f ��r��blcmti, I'ri�` idc Ficld :�cn iccs fc�r c��tirc cnn,tructiott ��eric�d: IiQL.�'s C�msti�ucti�an Atli���iili�ir��tor t� r��o�c�uct a�it� ��isit a mi�ri����dr�� of c,nc f I� tin�� p�.r «'c�k� iitcl��clin�� ul�s�e����tion c�f �lincicr��r��ui�i3 7�ij������ inst�llati��n. mcchanical��cic�t�ric�1���71u��il�i�t�T cc�1 �r-up. cciliiti�T c��r�r-u��ti. ai�cl ii�7i�hcs itlst�lltaai�»l. Pro� idc sitc � i;it rcpcart t�� Pt��jcct :�-Ian��4�er ���cckl�. ��ncl C'�nduct Sul��t�anti�l C`�����pl�t�c�n ]n�E�cction. c���rEli�7atc ���ith C��nStriuctit�n ti�fan����r� Pr�ajcct ����ina��cr to crc��tc puuc:h ]ist, sui��ta�iti�atc that itcrns not�td �r� �eo�t�plct�r�. ���d is��GC 5��bsta�tti�3] Cc�mE�lct�a�n C��rtiiicat�. c. Proj�ct C1�1s�-���it Pl�asc � fr,93$.Of] HE3L.� sl�all pr����id� �ci��7ini5tr�tio�t c�l�thc� ��'�Zrrant�� E�ro� id��l bv th� G�a7�i�til Cc�ntr��cto��. ii�cludin�� issuanec n1`1�'�rra�lt�� 17cparts and r���9�1�� ��f cl�s�-out dc7c�om�nts. In adc�itic�n, HF3LA ��•il1 E���o� thc fi�llc�« in��: P'o'o�, iilc l'l'��rr�int�� Aclministra[i�,i� Scr�i�:cs �ltu thc cntio�c �4'�rraiit�° Pcrit�d. HF3Lr1 ���ill issttw 4'�'�rra��C4� Rcpc�r�s �ulc{ rcti ic�� iicros z�f't�r illc Cc����ra�tc�r h�5 �lc�titic�� th� CitS� tl���t tk7�sc itct�ls ar� cc�m��lctc. - Pr�n�ide s�uPPart s�r���ec� �� n�etleel duei��w2 the ��r��jcct clo�5e-caut E,rc�cc�s, C�bfain and re� i�ti�� elo�:�-c���it su�i�niitt�] ti th� Cc�ntractc�r t��r cc�mplct�ncs� bct��r�: trarlsrnittit��;� tc� tk�c Cit}� ��,�Ilich incl��dc bi�t arc 3�ot liil�itcc� t�. C'�7i��ractor�� ���:c� linc� ��tici ��s-��iltilt n��t�s- �`,'are�oi�t� ii�tc�rntiatic?�7. \�t�tce�i�] Saf'ctti�` Data Shcct (1�tSC�SI. C)E�cratin4� !�1�ii7ts.�l;, it�lct-uE� z�nci tcstie7�� rcEiorts. .��-l�uilt rccorc� drt�1� inE�s iiti� cli��it��l i�nci B7��rc1 r����w f��rm��t. ancl 1ss�a� Fi�l,rl Cc�il��yl�ti�m an�C .�cc���t��n�c lcuc�� tn tl�c C�it�� rcc�7mmcnditl� acccpta��c�. B, .-�DD17'lO�,�L SI:R'►�ICES ,�dditic�n�71 s��`��ic�s �ltall i�3�l��dc �in� �� ��rl� lhat as r�qtic�t�:�j l��w` �Ghc� C'ih� hc�°��nd thc scopc ��1'tl�is ��ec�����s��l. �dditic�iial ;er��i�cs ���il] rcc�uirc tl��: C mt�'s ���eitt�n autl�ari��ati��n and �f���ll b� hullccl .it h��url�,� r�tcti zi; discus�ccl iji S�ction 17. CC��9f'f:�S;4TIC�N. C. C(?tiSt'LT.��,'T' SI?R1'ICES C�m,tiltant �1ccl��nical �lc�trical Plumhin��� En��i��c�rin�� 5�r4 irc; aloia�� t{ ith I_aticjsraE�e Archit�rtt�r� ancl C'o�t L ��rc inclucled irl thc Prs������al ��3�d th� tccs ti�r thc�;c scr� is:cs arc i�7cliidcd in :�.� Archit�ct�iir��l �. EniTinc���in�= Scro�iecs in Scciion C7. CC)'��9PL-\S�T1C�N. ?��� oth�r c��nsultant s�r��ic�s ar�� in�lliiie�l ii� tllis E�r Sl�otild an�.� othc�' cons��ltai�t s�r� iccs. ;uch ��s. Stru�tur�31 Eii��9nccrin�� ii,r unii�t'csecn cirtiun�st��nc�s �sri�in�� durin�r ��c�i41n ��r consu�ucti��n. Land S�u������inir ��r��icl� fu� Eirc��aration ol��� Tc������rziE�hir �inci Boa��nzlarr� Sur��c��. ��tatcr'ia1s Tc�tin�� cc���sttltanl s�r����s. �r �r��l'tir C�i�il L scd`��i�cs fc�r ci�:�i��n of r�a�d����l�,��or ri�rht-ut-�z �v i�i�s�rc���c�»cnt�. bc ec��uir�d �rul G��-�pro���d in �ti�ritin��. ti«ch � sci'��iccs ����i91 bL billcd as ��c3cji�(ir�nal Sci i�cs as cl�scril7cd i�� Sccti��t� F3. I?. C()1IPE:�S,��TIU\ Fcc; 1or �cr� i�:c; c3cscril�c�1 in S�ctic�n :� �'� C(Sri7E�c t�t�S�:r� icc; �'� Cc�n�ultant Scr� itc,) �� il] b� hill�d uionthlr b�� perccnt�l���� ��1�c��mplctiun uf e��ch ��h�r;c a� 1al�lo����: .�.1 PrE���rammin«Fcasi�ilit�,� Stud�� d��tcd Ncik���»i��i 1Ci. ?(}(}� C`o�l���lbt� :�.? Architcctur��l fi Ln��inccrin�� Ser� icc;: C. C'ontiult�nt Scrt icc�: E. Rceinhur;ablc F���cnscs T���11 ����; �.>>��,���: � l 3f3.750.i�(} tiot u�vc! � � a,aa�.00 �l.�s,7so.o� F�:cs ti�r scrti�iccs dcs�ri���d i�i 5��rtiun A b'� C(Sco��c ��t�Sc���.�icc� c� C`�7t�s��lt�nt Scr� ii�s} <�rc b�t��c� cai� thc ti�llo���in�� E�r��j�ct ��arat�»:tcrs: Lit�iitcd si[c dc��cl�7pi��c��t th�Et c3o�s no�t includc E�ai c�a�ansi��i� l7ut c�c�cs ii��:l��d� la��dtica�ain�= at tY�� ti z�f'tl�c ��iuilcling; r���c����tion ��f�thc ��xi�tin�� tiin�rl�: stor�� flld PuL�l4c S�7i�t�, [3uil��ii��� of �G����rc��im�ltelti� 1�.�OC) �qtiarc fcct arld �tt � e��s� ��rGthc ����rk anti�ipatcd tc� hc appr���in�atcl� S 1.��[}.(1U0. Tk�� C'c�st t�t tl�c ����,�E�k ;hall l�� tltc toAal c���t r��'. to th� c�tent thc p���ojcct �s nod c��n��7lctcc�. t1�c csti��iatcci c��s; t�� Thc C"it� ��i �sll �lcn�cnls ot�thc Project d�;i`�n�:cl and ,�,ccilit�i ��v I ICiLA. Th� C'ost ��f thc 1'4'c�rk sl��ll tic ��E�E�ro��c�3 1��� Th� Cit��. Si��niti�ant cf��i��T�:s t�� thc ��r�jcct E�ao•aa»�t�a�s ma� r�sult i�� thc nc��otiati��n of chan«cs ic� ccim��� n5��ti��n. �it the �a���ir�nins, ��f a E�17a;c onl��. Billi���� r�3lcs t���r a�l�litiona] s�r��iecs �rc as f'��(]a�� s: P<u Projc�t �-9aitiatcr Pi��jcct .Ar�:hii�:cf�; Pr��lcssioital St�ttf Scc��ct�lrial Stal�t� Adcliti��nal C��i�sultant� '� 1 �{.l.d�d} h��iir 51 ;(1.1:1i} k7t�iu� S 1 1 �3.0(1.����uw� S S�1.U{M� I'�c�ur S (;{l.O(} iiour c��st .� 1.1C} if �7�jiil b�' f 1BL.-� E. REIlfE3L'RS.-�BLE E\PL\SES f�cimblu ����ci�sc�. billcc� al �t�st � 1.1�). ti��ill includr all rc��rudtieti��i �7ro��idcd P���� �o� c�ut�icic 1�r�»_ pho[cti��,ra�,hir matcri.�ls and dcr�cl��pi�i;� c�p�i7;c. �ncl a proictisi��nal r�nc�c��iri�� ii�rct�t�cst�d. '�1iCca��=� �� ill k�c I,illcd at tl�� currca7t �]RS �r��E�� �°atc. !��ii�l�il� and lc�n�� c�i5tancc p9�oa�c c��llti. t���c;. s��cciaf mailin���, au�d c���li���rics� ai�cl in-hc�uwe rcE�rf�ducut�ri; �3r� ���ta�idcrtid ����ss �11on�� �l�t�rg�: ancl nill 1��� hillec� at a�o;�. I-1F3LA ���ill a,sisl Tiic C'itr� in huc���ctin�� t���sc �r�7�nscs. alc�n�� ti� itk� uthcr c.r�7c��sc� �4�Itich arc Tltic Cit��'� resE7c7f�sil�ilit�'. Rcin7hu9��ablc c�:��cn5�� sl�all nut �aci�ci3 510.�)fJO.[�0 ���ithout T��c Cit���s n �pp��t�4 �l. Prio�ton� n�ild i��cl��i3c the it�llo�� in�t: � scts � S D []I) � sCts 9�l° u 3 se�ts 1[9�°��� (Tk7is ia�clud�s p�rmi� s�ts� ? s�.ts c«n�ri�u� t�i��t� CC1P � ,ets ccrostruction COP. F']a1� EZoc�e»s � SL'�5 �C)I]StCU�l�ull � 1��;t di4�ital ic�r biddcrs tea purcl�z�;c. F. CIT'S"S RESP(l`�S1B1L1'T� It is TE�c C�it}'�> rts�c�rtsihili�t�.� to ��ri��id� �n �ZSb�stl�s rcp��s��t �e���l r ���1�� ��sE�cstos 1�roia7 th� ��iilc�in� ��ric�r to ct�ns�r��ctian. 1�-'c ar� cicitcd ahout u�oi�ki���� ���it1� �,�ou. City 5�t�i�i�ai�d th� ���l�st�ci I)ca�artt3�c�its a� to��cth�i r��c plan f�or t17c rcnnr ��tions. Ii'tk�is ��i iz�ccts til�ith y�ae�r ��p��ro��al. plcasc �i��n ao�d e�ct�n �thc t�i t� c�ru� o�fi�i��. .� co��}� is }�rr���ic�ec3 f'�r yo��ir rccards. 5ineercl�'. H�11 B�rnum Luccl�csi Architccis ��+ Stcphca� A. L�ac�hcsi. A1.� �,�i�:c Presid�nt __ _ � -t�°----4�— . Bill �isen, City �/lanager ���:;:aruary 22, 201 � �ate l�hc Tcxas B����rcl ��1�.�,r�l�it�ctur,il Eti���min�i �;� C�u��cial�7p�. S��it� ?-��U. :austin. Tc�:a� 7�7f1��-_��)-�? tcic}7h��ne �17� 3�j-yOOf), i�atij��eis��ict��}n u���r in�lir��c��aals li�;cnscd ����cicr t6�c `T'cr�l; Architcct; �����i�ta��tion La��. :-�rticl� ?-l{)A, S'TC'S.