R2010-011 - 2010-02-08RES�LUTION NO. R2010-1'1 A RESQLIJTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T'HE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHOR�Z�NG A CONTRAC� FOR GONSTRUCTION MANAGEME�JT AND iNSPECTIO�J SERV�CES ASS�GIATE�D WITH THE KNAPP ROAC►!SH 35 UTILITY RELOCATIONS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GITY GOUNCIL O� THE CITY QF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain cantract for construction managemer�t and inspectior� seruices associated with the Knapp Road 1 SH 335 utility relocations, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for a41 purposes, is hereby autharized and approved. Se�tion 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby aut�orized to exec��e and the C�ty Secretary to �ttest a con€ract for constructic�n manag�mer,t and inspectian services assaciated with the Knapp Road ! S�f 335 utili�y relocations. PASSED, APPRQVED and AD�PTED this the 8 day o# February, A.D., 2d�10. . � T�M REID NIAYQR . / � ,� . l/� � .�,-`. �.r � �� . - f 'r ■ J � �' / r�� � ,! :'�,�� �°.>': �, ; `:� : ,�,: `:X= i . .�� . �'. APPR4VED A� TQ FQRM: ��� � � �ARRIN M. GQKER CITY ATT�RNEY �xhibit "A" Resolution No. R2010-11 CQNTR��CT F[)R PROFESSIOi4,�,L. SERE'�CES THIS CONTR�CT is eiltereci into oil �ebr"uary 8, 2010 by ancl t7ct���ecn tll� City c�f P�ar�az�d (���PTY") �Eiti LJA En�ineerin� � St�i ("�CO�'SULT,^.NT""). The C�ITY e�l�,a��es t11e CC�NSU�.TANT t� perfc,r7�q Go�rsfi�uction :���ana�er��eiit ���d Constt•uction Inspectian Ser��ices fc�r a pr�ject krao«�n and desco'ik�ecl as ���ap�� Roacl �— L�l��c_�b��stei` F�ic� D��ti �r — Litt �t��tic�ns and Lltilities �,rojec.t and c��rciinatio�� ���itll TxI)O`�' toi Utility Rel�cati�i�s in SI Rc�ad���ay lmprc�verlleilt Prc�ject (l�rUject ��'67'���}}}. �ECTI��' I - SER�'ICES �F THE CONSULT;�NT Tr�e ��NSC7LT,�.NT sllal� pet'fE�i't�l the lollo«�in� professi�i�al se� ta CITY standat ai�c� i�l a�cc�reian�� ti� it17 the d��r�e of care a�Yd skil�l that a pi in Texas ���ould �xer�ise unc�er tlle �3m� or sittlilar circuc�lst��nces: A. �'I�e CO�SULT.�NT sh�ll ��rform C"onstrtictir�n �1an�i�,einzi�lt and Const�uction [ilspectioti Serw ices for [l�ta�� FZoad — Blockbust�r Ri�:e De� er — Lift S�a[i�ns anc� Utiflities pi and c�ac�rdi�r�tion ��•ith TxDOT foa� litilitv R�.l�cati��ls in 5H3� Roa�i«�tty� Ii�lprn��el�2erlt �i See E�:hib�� A. �att�clled. fcr�� � cletailed S�'OP� OF WORK. `T'lle PRO.TE�T sche�ul�; shall corrfom� to tlle eo�lst��uction s�h��lule. B. Th� C'�NS�LJLTA�T acl,nc�t��leci�,�es that the CIT�' {�llr�u��h its eanplaS�ee hancll��c�k) co��sid�is thc follc�r,ti°ir�� to be misc��nduct tha� hs grounds for tei of a CIT`� etnplo_ye�: r3�1y fraud, '��r�ety, lrrisap�yropriatiota ot� fuilcis, reeeiti i��y� p�yr���i�t fe�r ser� iees not �ei'lc�i �r ton c��tirs �lot r� orhed, misllanc�lin�� ��� ur�t� rcporti�ig c�f n7onzy trans�ctions� c�estruc�ion ot' �assets, en�L��z�le��lent, �cce}�tin;� m��teri�ils c�f vallie fra�n ti-ziid�rs Ot' COI15lA1T�I1tS, �311CI:Ol' eol�ectin;� rein�laursen�e�ii of ex�enses mE�cie toi t11� �enetit c�t �he CIT�'. The Cp�iSULT.aNT ��rees th�t it «�ill nQt, �lircctly o�• �a�directly; e��couraa4 � CIT'�' en�pdayee tc? en��a���e in s�ach rniscc�nduct. �. ITQ�� CQ`�1SULTANT recc����izes tl�at �11 cira�� in�s. spec�ial prc�visio�s, tield stu��e�,� n�nt�s, re�orts, estimates and ���v ar�c� all othcr cic�cu���cnts or ���c�rl: pr�,duct ��ener��te�i bv the CC)�SULT.�NT und�r tl�e� CC�NTRACT" shall �e d��li�-er�cl tcr the CITY upo�l rec��iest, sl�tall becc�rtYe s�ibjeet to th� O��en Recc�i L��vs c�fthis St�te. D. Tll� CC��SL�LT.4�,iT sh<�ll prt�c�u and maintaa�� fE�r the duratic>n of this ��reett�ealt� il�su��ai7ce a�ainst cl�irt��� for injuries t� pers�ils, dE��n����s to prop�� c�r any er�'ors �nd r�r��issic�ns relatin� tc� th� pe��fe�r��lanee c�f am� «�nrk b�� tk�e CC)NSLJLT.-�\iT, its a`�e�tts. enlplr��yee� or sub�c���tr�tcEOrs under tlti� :�`�i a� 1��ll0�� s: ( l) ti1�t�rl:e� Com�e��sation �y re��iirec� �i��� I��1� . (?) I'r�7fe�sio�ial Liabilitv [i�sur����� in 1t1 �tt����unt itc�t l�.ss tliatt �1.�7C1{1,000 iil t11e aggi�e�L�tc. (3) Cam�rehensi�.e Ge��cral Li�l�ility and F'rc�perty D�may,� Insuratice �.�ith miilimu�n li�nits ��f �I.Q[1{1,�J00 fc�z� iitjury ��r deatl7 ot aoati� c,ne �ea�son. S l.000.0�J(1 f�i each occuiz and � l,C}OU,O(3f} foe� �acll �c�w�t°�:ttce af ciama;�e tc� c�r c�estructic�t� oFprc�perte�. (=�) Cotnpreh�r�si��� Aut���e�bil� �nd Truck Li�bility Insur�nce c�ti�erin� o���ne�l, l�ireci, a��c� ❑o�1-c�4vr�ed ��ehicles, 4e�ith n�inin��uz� lirr�its of � 1.(100,�QC70 tor inj«ry �r de�t�i c�f �ny oale �ersoi S 1.�00[7.Ofl0 f�t' e�c�l c�ceue7•ence. a��d S 1.(}f)(),C}0(} for pi damage. The C4NSULTA�IT shall i»clucfe �fte CIT�' �is a�i additional ins�ircel wlciee the �oliei�s, ��.�itt� 7he e�ce�tion c�t tlie Prc�tessi��nal Liabilit�� [il��9rance �r�d 11-orke��s' C1�m�e�IS�ti�t�, Cei`tific�tes of In�su� �nc� endo��sei��ents sh�Ll be fui to t11e CIT�' befoi n�orR coiniilences. Each i�isura��cz �olicy sh�ll be endr�l to state titat ca��ei sha11 r�c�t be suspzndeci, ti�aided. canceied. �ncl�or ��cduce�i ii� co��ci'a�e o�' in limits {"CE��n��e in C�c���er��e") e�ce}�t �ti�it9� pric�r ti��ritteil conticnt ot the �CIT`i' anci onl5- �fter tht CIT4'' has Ueen pr���ic�ed t� �.��ritte�� n�tiee c�f such Cttan;�e in Co�era`�e, sueh notice tc� be se►�t t� t'he CIT�' eith�:z• bti• ha�ld c�eli�et tc� khe City� iw�anager �r by certiti�d nrail, return rzceipt r�c�uested, �n�l receit�ed by the Citv no fevti�ei• th�n thietv (30) �iays prac�r tc� the e-ft�ectiv� date of such Chang�: in ���'ei'��e, Prior tcr cc�in�7le��ein� s�r� utlder this C��TI�ACT', CONSUL�'.��T �h�ll Fiti�nish CITI' ti�- Ccrtiticates o1� �ns��r��nc�� or fo��na] encl�r as rec�uirecl by this COi�lTRAC:T. i5suec3 b� C'QNSI.E[.TA\'T�5 �nsur�r(s), �s e�-ide��ce that pc�lici�s p�•ovic�in� �lle re�3uuireci cc��er co�lciitions, �IZd liinits required by' this �ONTRA�"T ai�e ii�z �ull fc�rce a��d eff�ci. E. The C�tiS[JLTA:`�1T sh�ill ii�demnify� a�1d I�c�ld tk�e CIT�", its t�ftice��s. a�z��ts. �t�d er�iployees, t�annless fi�t�i�� 1n_v cl�im, loss, dama�re, s�it, a�7cl lilbilit�� ol� e�ery ki��d t�r ���hi�l7 CQNSULTA�T is lc�7ll�' 9iak�le, incl�ac�iiz��� all erpenscs af liti��ti��l, courC cc�sts, �i�d attof7ley's fecs, foi` i�tjury� to ��� death of �ny �erson, f�r cia�Bl��,� to �ny ��`o���:rty. or err�E°s in clesi��n, anW� of� ��°}7ick� are caused t�v tE7z ne��li��ent ��:t or orrrissio�l ot t�le C�C7NSULT',4�T, hi� otti��rs, etl���lc�v�ees, agent:�, c�r su�co�itractor�s uilci�:r tl�ris C�NTI��.CT, F. AlL p�i iilterid tl��t tf��: COi�'SLiLT�.N�T, in pei services p�rrsua�lt t� tlii�s C0�ITRACT, s11�11 act as �a�� i�lciepenciee7t coiltraet�, �tt�d sltall h��.�e co��tre�l c�f its t����n �a�ork and tk�� �l�az�r3e�• in ��`i7ich it is perFc�r Tlie C'Oi���ULTANT is ��o� to be coc�sidered tin ��4,ent �r emE�layec of the CIT1`. SECTI4i�' II - �'�R10D OF SCR�"I�CE T�lis CONTRA,CT �vill b� biE���in;� upoi7 �kecuti�in �nc�j end u��c��a cc��iipletion csf the �onstr2ictil�n r�l�tc�d «��t'k not tc� exc��d tl�irt�` m�inths aftea� ese�;tikti�i� of this ec�i�tE�act. SECTIO� I[I - CONSULTANT'S C01�PENS.�,TIO\' A. Tl�e z��ethod c,f �aym�nt ��t� this CONTR���CT shall he c�n an ho��u�lv �asis at � tixecl hourlv� r�t�: �s ic3cntitied orr EYhibit $ attaciled lieretc�, plus a Fixec� Fe�. B. The Fi�ecl Fec: sl�all be established �s an amouglt ec�ua[ t� ter� pereent (10°,0) of the l�boi• c��st trc��n a�c;ri��cl ct�tntla�ncin� �ti'ith the exe�:�ztion c�f �1►e ec�nti-�ct until Sut�stanti�l C�n��l�.tiot7 or 2 I�1 d�ys atter the �iate ��f t��e t�c�tic� tc� c�miner��:c �����rk fa�� the cc�nstructian �:ontract, lvhic}1��-ez' occurs first. The Fi:�eti Fee sh311 eontinue frar a pc:ric�d r��t tc� ex�,e�d si�tyr (Ga) days past tS�e ab«v� date tc� Final �Carr�pletic�n anci Project C`Lose ��ut. C. The City sh�[1 hol�d 10`',�0 of the Fixed Fee a�s ��etai��7gc� utttil seape itet»� ii7 Eshibit �+,. Sectio« 1-8 �re cc�n��l�te�i anci the ti�al pi p�y�nent inclucl�in� a baCa���i��� c11a�l�,:e c���c�cr zet�oin+� aut all unus�e� c�u�a�itities fQr tE�e co�istru�tic�rt eonteact ha�-e been �processecE. At that titne, tflti Consultant shall be entitl�ed ta i«�lude iFi th� mc�nthlu ciet�ilecl in��c�ice the amount ot�the Eixec� Fee �'etait�ed. D. In t�le e���e�Yt �he P�°oject consti°uctic�n ���e�ds tk�e �;orlti duration �f ? 10 days tc�� Subst�nti�l Co�nlpletion, the o� cost tc� t11� Citv sE��ll �z b4lseci on th� fixed hour°lv rat�.s zs id�:ntitieci ott Exhibit B�vEth nc� ��dditic�nal Fixed �'ee. E. The Cc�nsultant shall be entitle� t� incluc{c in tlle t���?o�thly cietaileci in��t�ice the Fi �ecl F�� for se�►'��iees �et'foi`ttled clurin� the Wai I'eri�d c�etineel in Exl��bit r"�, Secti�n 9 tii�ith nn t l�e1cC l�v the Citti�. F. T�tal co�ilpens�tic�il for t�lie se«� iees pel�toi-�71ed sh�ll i3ot exceecl ��37.�?�.3E�. G. The CITY sh�11 pti�� the CC)NSULTAN�T in ir�st�a(lni�nts k��sec{ upo�l r17c�nthl}r prc��i-ess re�e�rts 3ncl detaileci invc�iees �ul�lli�ttecl by t9�e �C)i`JSIJ�.T��i�IT. H. Th�. CIT4' sl�a1C n�l�ke p�}��lients tc� th� C`OVSULT.�i�1T ���ithan tliii (�C�} d7ys aft�a� r�.�:ei}�t ailcl �pp�'cr�.��l ot a det7ilecl i�li���iee. In��oiees s�1�11 �e s�eibi e,E� � monthlv 1���sis. SECTIOiV IL� - THE CIT1"'S [tESP(lvS[BILITIES �. T'kle CITY s�lall desi�n�tz a�rc�ject il�an��;;er c{tn tf�e tei�n ot t11is CONT�ZAC'T. Thc project t�lana��er h�s Ehe autki��eily t� adi��inister this CO\TR:�CT �sid sh��ll mc�t�itor cadllpliance ���ith alI terl��s �nci ca��ditic�ils statcd i�c�'�:it�. A�I requ4sts f�r info�7n�tion fi•or» c�r a c��ciSiE�n bv tlle Cl�'�" an ��3�y �sp��:t c�f the ���ork s}1a11 be �lirected t� the pr�ject n��sl��er. I3. ��he ClT4' sf��ll i�er izti�• submitt��l5 b�, the C(�`�iSULT;a:�IT �t�td prc�� idc ��rompt � tc7 �uesti��ns and rend�rin�� �f decisiott5 f�ertainin�� thei'etc�. to minimize ctela� in Eltz pru�,�ress oi� tl�e CO\SL��.T:-�tiT'S ��oe�:. TIZe CITY �t•ill l:eep t��e COti;SULT�4NT �d�, i�sed eonccrnin� th� ��r���t°4ss of thz �IT'l`'S r���ie���.� �f the 1�ark. Tb�e C�Q�NSULT�-11�]T a� tl�at tllc �'IT1�"S inspectiar�. re��ie�4�. SECTION �' - TER��[I`r':�TIQ�i :�. �The C`ITZ', at its sole disa;t'�tio��, mav C�rma�iate this C�NTRA�C�' for ac�v reaso�l- -`vith ��- �� ithout c�use -- hy deli��e��i��� �vritten r�otQCe to C�1�'S[JLTAti1�` personally a�� by ceirtifi�c� t��ail �i 29?� B�'iar`p�i Dr., S�iite 6f}t�. H�usteri� T'e:tas 77(�=�?. li�lmediately atter recei�-in<� suck� ���ritten ti�ti�:�, the C�1`r�SLLT�\�T sh�ll dise«ntinue pro� idin�4 the sei under this CO�TR.�CT. B. If this CC�\TTRr�CZ is tertnin�teci, COi�ISli�.T�NT ��izli cteli�c:�• t� thz CITY all dra�.���inbs, special pi•o�.�isic�ns, tielcl sui i�otes, repoi etitita�atcs� a��ci �nyy and afll otller docutn�itts or 4�-ork E�rc�cluet ge��e�'1tic� by the CQNSULT:�.I�T uncier the �C3NTRA�'T, e��tirely ��r partially cninpleted. tc��e[her e�-ith all unused mat�i'i�Is su�pl�ed by the CiTY c�m o�r b�t�c�re the 15 cl�y fe�Llo���irr� tct7�lit���tion of the C�NTR�CT. �C'. In t��e et of such tei�7iination. the C��SL7LTANT sh�ll b�: pryicl for ser pe��f�i ��rior to r�c�i�t of the ti�'ritte�l r�otice c�f ternli�iation. The C[TY` shall mak�; titt�tl pay�all�nt ���ithiil siYt}� (60) days after the CONS�'LTANT �tas deli���t•ed tcr t11e CITY � �letaile�i iin�c�ice for seiti�i��s i and th� c�oc��i��lents or 1�i��►��C prodtict �eneratecl by the C(�`dSULTANT wlder ihe CO�TRACT. D. If khe a�en�uner�ti�n scllectuled under this contract is basecl u�ao1� a tixed t�ee or cletinitel�- �tseei•taia�at�l� su►�1. the. pc�rtion c�f suel� su�71 �ayable sllall be pi to t11e pei•�:ent�;e �f s�;i��ices �ompleted by the CC)i�iSULTANT k�lsecl u��n tl�e scc�pe of «��ork. E. In d1e ���ent this CG1tiTRA�`�' is termi����t�d. the CIT'r' sll�ll ha��e th�: ��ptic�n af �c�mpletin�� the �� c�rk, oi enterin�� int�� � CO\TR:4CT u�itll �j��other partv fr�r tklc �;or�n��letian c�t� the �ti�orl.. F. If t11� CIT1' t�r�ninites thi� CO�ITR�CT' ti�i causc anct; or if the CC}NTRACTOR b�•ca�h�s asly prc���isi�n c�f this CC7iv�T�,�,CT, t11er� the C[�`"k' silall h���e all ri�,llts ar�d rem�.dics in lak�� and/or �c�uit�,� a�ziinst C'ONSL�L�t�.dvT, ��4nuc for �nr' <tction car dispt�te ari�Qtl� ��ut crf� or i�el��tin� tc? tlais C��ITRACT slla�l be in B� Co�ntv. Texas. Tlle I�lvs oi' tl�e 5t�te ofi Texas slla�l ��o��c��i thc t��•ntis c��� this CONT���CT. The pre��ailislti� ��i� in tl�e �ctinrti sh�ll bL ��ltitled to r��a��er its a�ctual �i����a���5 ��,�itl� interest. �at��rner��� fe�s, costs and expe�ises i�icurred io1 cpt�me�tic�n ��,°ithr t��7� c{ispute a�Id'or �caic���. CC�i'�iSULTANT �nd CITY desire aY�� ex�editio��s �t7eans to reso��, e��y disp�ites that �17a�� �rise ka�tti� un�ler this CC)NTR.ACT. To accc�►nplisl� tl7is, the pa► a�,�i�e� to mediatt�n ��s follc7« s: If �, clisp��te �rises c�u�t of c�� relates to this CO\iT1ZACT, ar tt�e bteach tl�er�o#: ����d if the dispute c�ntaot be settlec{ tlli•ou�h �ie��otiation, tl�eol tE3� p�i a��i tir-st tt7 tiy i�7 y�o�xi laith, and ��ef'c�re pursuii�<� �ny le�,��l rzn�edies, to seitle tk�e dis�ute l�y n►ec�iat�c�iY «f a t��ird p�rty �t ho «•i11 be s�lzcteti by ��,�reeiilent �f�the p�trti�s. SECTION VI - EitiTII�E A(�REEI�IENT T�iis CON�I'R:ACT re�i•esent� thc ci�tirc a�i•ec��1���t b�ri��e��n ti�c CITI' and tl�e CONSULTANT and supersedes all priar ne��tiations, rep���sentations, c�r ce�ntracts, either S�, ritten c�r �r�L This C'C1�11�R�CT may be a�nezide�i �nly by 1�'i i�nsti �i;,���eci by bt�th parties. SECTI�\ VII - COVE�:�NT A(�:���ST CONTI\GE�`T FEES �T`f�e CQNSULTANT aftii th�t h� has not em�loyec{ �r retaine� anv co�i7p���a�� �r �eesoii, otll�r rl�an a hoil� ficCe emplc�yee „o1 fc�r the CQ�SULT:��JT . tc� solicit ai secure this CC)NTR�.CT, ancl that lt�: iaas r�e,t ��ic� ��' ��i•cec� t� ���v �t�y corn�3��1 ui• per•so1�. �t�er• t11a�1 a bo�l� ticle empl�iyce, any° fee, cc�mm�ssic?n. percen�a�e brc�k�r�ge fze, ��ift, or ai�r� atlje�� co�isidei ec�nting��li u�o�i oi re�ulting ta�c�r17 the a�v�F�ci or mahi�l� o� the CO�vTIZ:`tCT. �o�� bre��cEi or viol�ti�n ot` tl�is �lausc, th� CIZY a�lav t�z7�lin�te this C�NTR.�CT ���ith�7u¢ lia�ility. aiid in its dis�:retion, i��ay ci�ciuct �i the C{�N�Rt1C'T pi or �;onsicierati�n, ar otliei��.�isz rec�vei�. the fi�ll a�nount of` suc� fee, e��il�inissiot�, perce�ita;� brol:�ra��e fee, ��i�t, e�c cantin��i�t E'e�e that ��as bee�i pai�l. SEC`�T'IO'ti VIII- S�iCCESSQRS .�'dD ASSIGNS Tkais CONTRAC'T skroall i Me assi�nable eYCept u}�o�n the �a�r�tten consent c�f the �parti�s hei Tl1e E�arties ha�-e e�:ectag�ci t�3is CONTR:�,CT this $th d�v c,f February . ?�1� . �-' - C TY OF EaRLA1D, T�XAS 8i�1 Eisen, City Manager _ �%"�:�_� �� : �%�- � - --- 'SL1LT:��1T �_, EXHEBIT A � �� ��� . ���� �� r �� A, . � ��� 4�� �.;� �N � � � ���� ��� J ��� � �� � 1 'c`- � �'[�^�'� (.. r � � �' � � C��VSTRUCTIUN MA�IAGEMENT SC�PE �F SERVICES FOR Knapp Road - B�ockbuster Rice Dryer -�ift Stations and Utilities and Coordinatian with TxDOT for U�ility Relocations in SH 35 Roadway Irnprovement Praject Pro�ect #W6?993 BASIC SERVICES; Construction Manager(s} shall render the following pr�fessional s�rvices to the C7WN�R in eona�ecti�an with the construction of the �roject. 1. �Pre-Construction 1.'I . Provide re�riew of pl�ns, specifications, co�ntr�ct docurnents a�d vali�ity of Engineer of Record's project dur�tion. 1.2. Ghair Pre-Gonstruction Meeting 1.2.T. Schedul� and co�du�t t�e pre-constructian meeting; record and disseminate minutes from pre-consdruction meeting. 1.2.2. Set communications pra#ocol and contract administration procedures. 1.2.3. Provide agenda for meeting ta cover: Key r�ilestone dat�5, p�y application procedures, schedule, public natific�tion issues ancE �rocedures, utility coord�natian issues, traffic control, permitting, property owner notifcation and coordination, tem�arary facilities, etc, 2. Consfr�ction Adm�n�stratian and Mar�agement Servic�s 2.1. Act as the City's on-site rep�esent�ti�e arad prova�e overall project aversight. 2.2. Meetings: Schedule �nd co�duct construction progr�ss me�tings; record m�inute� from consfiructian progress meetings and distribute to City Praject M�nager, Design Engineer and contract�r throughout the duratic�rt of the project. 2.2.1. Schedule meetings every tuva uveeks, minimurro, tca rev�ew the #o�lowing: work progress a�d schedule, out�tanding issues, s�bmittals, shop drawings ar�d changes to the work. 2.2.2. Goordinate additional meetings as necessary to discuss and resalve problerns anc� provEde guidance in a timely manner. �.2.2.1. Coordinatelrnonitar the follawir�g: utility relc�cation activiti�s for co�npliance, utility cnst�llatian verification, rep�orting, recc�rd ma�nagerr�ent ar,d as-built drawings. Attend all utility co�rdinatian, construction, and sc�eduling rr�eetings. Obtain copy of ROW permit and pri�ts from Public Works in flrder to mc�nitor progress of utility relocation per permitlplan. 2.3. Ma�age Corastruction 2.3.1. All fi�aF docurnentation is required as an electronicldig�tal farmat. 2,3.2. As fi�ld problems arise, notify th� D�sign Engineer and City Project Manager of propased �olutians ta resolve �ro�0ems. 2.3.3. Review and update as-built documents regular9y with contractor. 2.3.4. Monitar and ensure ad�erence to approved project baseline schedule. Revie�nr contractor's schedule montl�ly, �nsure compliance with C�ty's intended schedule, and pravide recommendations as needed to retain and regain schedule i� needed. 2,3.5. Recomm�nd alternate praject sequencinglscheduling to keep project on schedule. 2.3.6. Prepare u summary report of ce�nstruction activities wi�h oa�tstanding issues outlined for review. Monthly progress intormation associated with the project wial be subr�itted to the City for reuiew and approvaf. 2.3.7. Record weather condotic�ns on jnbsite daily. 2.4. Crordinate work of con#ractar with exterr�al agenci�s and utiVity cor�panies. Coordinate contractor's operations with regard to �ther City cantracts and constr�action as well as with property owners for planned ser�hce outages, street clasures, ar�d aceess con�ro� issues to properties including notifications. 2.4.1. Verify c�onstruction con�ormance and corrwp�iance with TCEQ, f�01 and NUT. 2.4.2. Uerify constr�actron conformance with permitted activities such as: Cify of Pearland Permits„ U.S. ,Army Gorps of Engineers p�rmits, TxD(�T roadway pe�mits, and any F��ilraad agreements. 2.5. Maintain reco�rds of a91 decisians, actions and activities wi�h regard to construction aperations (i.e. Change Qr�ers, RFIs and responses, Subrmittal� ar�d responses, Reques# far Proposals, correspondence, SWP'PP inspections.) 3, Canstructson Inspection Services 3.1. Pravide full-time on-site technical observation of Cc�nkractor'� aetivities to veri#y and ensure �II work materi�ls, str�uct�ares, equipment and workmanship comply with th� Contract �ocuments including Addenda, and Change C�rders. Verify and ensure thak Contractor maintains good construction practices and pr�fes�ianal s�andards prevailrng in �he local City, County, and State of Texas. 3.1.1. Notify th� City Project Mar��ger if Cantrac�or's work is raot in cr��mpliance with the Gontract Documents or specifications. Notify the City Projecf Manager and Design Enguneer of any failure of the Contractor to take measures to repair and bring work ir� cornpliance. 3.1.2. I��ue Advi�ory Natices #o Con�ractor for work that is not in compliance with approve� construc�ion documents. 3.`�.3. Issue Non-Compliance Reparts to Cankractor if non- confQrming wnrk is not brought into compliance or if plan of actian ta bring wor� into campliance is �ot conducted bn timely manner. 3.1.4. Anspect and abserve fF�e materials and equ�pment being incorporated into the wor9� to assure that they are handled, stored and installed in accordance with th�: Cantract Docum�nts and sp�cifications. Report to the Cqty Project Manager regarding these activities, 3.2. Id�ntify, record and natify �esign Engiu�eer of any problems or faflures to rr�eet perfarrnance requirernents in a timely manraer ta mir�imize del�y ir� the progress of the project, rnake recommendation(s) for appropria�e solution to the City Project Manager and Design �ngineer. 3.3. Prepare and maintain daily progress log, photographs and records fflr t�amover at cor�pletian of project. Pravide a copy of daily progress lo� thak includes quantities ins#al�9ed that day to the Gity Project Manager on a weekly basis. 3.4. Ver�fy cor�,tractar has obtained necessary permits and is maintaining any Traffic Control, public notificatio� and S�orm Water Pollution F'�evention Plans, facilitbes, equipm�nt or ar� in accordance with co�tract documents. 3.5. Attend and participate iru progress meetings. 3.6. Gather for your records: names, addresses, telephone nu�bers and email of all eontractors, subcontractors, sub cor�sultants and rraajor suppliers of material and equipment. 3.7. Immediately notify the City Project Manager and Design Engir�eer in the event of an on-site accident. Record and note conditions, aetivities and witr�esses ta the �vent. 3.8. Maintain F�esalution Log and respond ta citizen complaints. 3.9. Consult with City Project Manager and [3esigr� Engineer in advance of schec�uled major work operatians, tests, insp�ctions or s#art of important phases of project. 4. Pay App9ications 4.1. Procluce and prepare independent progress based pay applications on a mora#hly basis for al� wark in� cornpliance with contract docume�ts. Review and verify q�antities provided by contractor. 4.1. �. Re�iew work conducted daily on daily inspectiora reports and materi�l inst�lled meas�rements submitted by cflntractor; Meet weekly with contractor to verify +nrork conducted and bid �tem quantiti�s; meet monthly to review pay estimate and quantities with contractor 4.fi.2. Review progress pay appiicataon with Desigrt Engineer for appro�al or revision prior to su�mittal �� City. 4.1.�. Finalize pay application with signatures from Contraetor, Enc�ineer and Gonstruction Manager certifying quankities and amounts. 4.1.4, �rovide City P� Manager with on� original with aG'I origirroal signatures for prc�cessing and payment by the 10 day follawing the cut off dake for pay applicatior,s. 4.1.5. Track and rec�rd requests for rair� o� other delay5 with potential to a�d to Contract Tirne daily and monthly. 4.1 a6. Provide an independent quantity forecast bid items to identify potential quantity over-runs as part of p�ay estiur��te �eview. 4.2. Upc+n completion of the work, prepare a final progress �ayment inclt�ding a balancing change order zeroing aut all unused quantities. Identify and add additional quantities and make any approved changes to �he Contract Time. 4.2.1. Rev�ew and caordinate v+rith D�sign Engineer to provide Engia�eer's recommendation for Substantia:l Completion c�r Fin�l Acceptance. (See Close�out Section) 5. Document Gantrol 5.1, Receiue, route, track and log all Cantractor �corr�munncations, Submi#tal5, Change Orders, RFIs, Pay Applications and Citizen Com�laintlResol�ution Log. Communicate with Confractar the status of ��Eamittal reviews. Create and keep a submittal and RF4 log showing status. Notify City Project Manager, �onkractor and Design Er�g�neer of time critical iss�es. �.2. Respand to RFIs when such response does not cequire the Engineer's opini�r� or expertise or direction from City. 5.3. Asse�`nble and maintain notes, eomm�nts, sketches �nd s�pportive data relative �o the Pr�ject to facilitate the revision af drawings to conforrr� to the final as-built coraditior�s. Review Contractor's record keeping �eriodically to ensure completeness, timeliness and progress. 6. Change Orders 6.1. Prepare and issue request for proposals in a tim�ly manroer. Pravide RFF and contr�ctor proposal fc�r additional work ta City PrQject Manager and Design Engineer for review and approval, Log and track st�kus of RFP and Responses frorr� Contractor, City and Design Engineer. 6.2. Provide recommendation on tech�nical rnatters as an advocate for the Cety. Evaluate Contractor's response/prQposal �ar merit, cost, tirne, accuracy and price practicafity. f�egotiate with Cantractor on City°s behalf if required. 6.3. Pr�pare Ghange �rder and docur�rentation includir�g signatur�s of Ct�ntractar, Engineer and Gonstruction Manager for delivery to Gity. 7. Testing Laboratory and Results 7.1. Coardinate testing laboratory acti�ities with Contractor"s acti�ities. Revie+,v test reports for compl�ance with Contract Doc�ments. Log, track �nd r�tain t�st reports fc�r fil�. R�vi�w results with Contractor. Monikor any corrective actio� and re-testing for corr�pliance. �laira�ain compliar�ce with City's specificatians 7.�.1. Review lab test repQrts and log any failures. 7.1.2. Rewiew invoicin� from Labo�atary to daily activities. 8. Project Completion and Close o�t 8.1. A. Provide list of deliverables f�r substarrotial completion walk throughlinspection. Schedule and conduct project walk #hrQUgh upan receipt of Corutractor's natificatio� of substanti�l campletian. Include City proje�t IV3anager, Desig� Engineer and others as c�irected. Pre�are a list of non-confc�rming work based on visual inspections. Record �nd monitor contractor's carrective efforts and scheda�Ye. Schedule final completio�n ins�ection for any remaining corrections. B. Coordinate arud obtain Design Engi�eer's sealed completion and Fina9 Acceptance letter. 8.2. Review and compile any 4peration and Mainten�nce documents requ�red from t�e Cantractor — forward to Engineer for revi�w. Collect �oc�tractor's closeout documents to review far completeness and accuracy, i�ncluding; affidavits of f�nal payme�nt, final pay estimates, as �uilt recards, redlines and drawings. 4nce receiv�d, f�rward to Design Engineer al�ng with ar�y supporting dacumentation. 8.2.1. Upon completion of ciose out items, provid� recommendatioru for City's Substantial �ompletionfFinal Accept�nce cer�ificate. 8.2.2. Provide �ndexed project files and redlines to City. 8.3. Canduct Praject Close-�ut Meeting. 8.4. f'repare and recommend final payment applicatio�. Prepare jc�b record logs transmittals, and correspondence reports in an organized file for delivery to City. 8.5. Cc�nsult woth City on any potential Warr�n#y items requiring repair or replacement. 9. Warranty Period 9.1. Schedule, arrange and coflrdinate a One Year Walk-through of the project to review status of the work 30 days prior ta expkration of the �r�e Year Maintenar�ce period. 9.2. Pravide staff to cor�duct and partic6pate in the warranky insp�c�ions. 9.3. Praduce lis� af wark r�ok conforming far pr�senkation to the City Proj�c# Mana�er, Desigr� Engineer arrd C�ntractor. LJA Enc�inee�ing & Surveying, Inc. �►�� 2929 Briarpark Drive �hong 713.953.520Q Suike 600 Fax 713.953.5d26 Houston, Texas 77fl42-3703 www.ljaengineeri�rog.com January 27, 201 D �Ms. Teresa B�ttenfield, PE A$sistant Dire�tor Projects Department Cify of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, TX 77581 PROPQSA� Re: Proposa� for Cons#ruction M�r�agement and Inspectimn Senrices far the City of F'earland Knapp Roati - Blockbuster, Rice Dryer, Lift Stations and Utilities Praject and Coord�natian w�th TxDOT for Utility Relocatians in SH35 Raadway lmprovement Praje�t (Project W67993� �.JA Pr�pasal No. 10-Q552 Dear Ms. �3attenfield: L�4A Engineering & Surveying, Inc. (LJA) is pleased to provide professional cc�nstructiQn management and inspection services far the City of Pearland ta the extent desired by the City of Pearland for Knapp Road � Blockbuster, Rice D�yer, Lift Statia�s and Utilities Project and Coordination with TxDOT for Utility Relocatior�s irr SH35 Roadway Improvement Pra9ect (Peoject N�799�). pur scope of seruices will inelude the items listed in Exhibit A. L,IA proposes to perform these services an a time and materials basis in accordance with the attached rate schedule. The project fee is not to exceed $337,525.36. Shoulc� you have any questians, please cor�tac� rne at 713.953.520{}. Sincerely, �� Jeffiery C. UeLeor�, �PE Project Manager , �, 11 ��--`a`°,�,� c� - James �. N1oehlman, P� � - Senior V��e Presid�nt JC�IJEMIdI � p 4PROPO5AU20101Ciry of Pearland116-0552 pro.doc R,: l�nit Nurrtber �ao� 3012 3016 6000 6001 6002 6003 6��4 6005 6�1Q 6�11 6012 6020 6021 6022 6023 6024 6�25 6026 6030 8031 6032 604p 6041 6050 F�051 �Q52 6053 £fl64 6055 6056 8060 6061 6Q62 6063 sa�o 607� 6072 6p73 6fJ74 6080 6081 B[]8� 6090 6D91 6�92 sa�� B PLdT M PLC?T V RLOT C PL�7T B G�DPY M COPY CD QV[� A�TAGHMEIVT "A"' LJA Unit Pricing List Unit Name �'rint Room - Bon� Plo# �r�nk Room - Myla� Plat Print Room - Vellum Plot Print Roorn - Clear Cover Print Roqm - 8.5x11 Plain V'Jhita Cover �rint Roorri - 1�x17 Plain WFrite Cover Prant Raom - LJA Blank Gover Stock Prdnt Room - LJA Calor C�ver Stack Print Rocam - Laminate Tat�s Print Ro�m - 8.5x11 BW Copy Print Room - 8.5x14 BW Capy Print Room - 11x17 BW Gopy P�'ink Room - 8,5x1' � Color Copy F�rint Roorn - 8.�xt4 Color Gopy Prir�t Rooim - 11x17 Color Copy Frir�t Room - Bond Color Paper �dat #�rint Roorn - Glossy Color Paper Plot Print Room - Matte Color Paper Piot Pri�,C Room - Clear Aeetate Plot Prir�t Room - Sm GBC Bind Prir�t Roorn - Med GBC �ind i'ri�rt Raom - Lg GBC Bind P�int Roam - 8.5xti 1 Laminate Print Room - 11x17 Laminate P�rint F�aom - 1/2" Binder Print Room - 1" Binder Prirrf Roam - 1 112" Binder Print Room - 2" Bpr�der Print Roam - 3" B�nder Print Room - 4" B�nder Prin� Room - 5" Binc�er Prin� Room - Sm Wir� Bind Print Roam - Med Wire Bir�d Print Room - Lg Wire Bind Prini Room - XLg Wire Bind Prini Room - 8.5x11 SW Scarr Prin1 Room - 8.5x14 BW Scan Print Room - 11x17 BW Scan Print Room - Scan ta File Print Room - Scan ta TIF and PDF Print Roc�m - Trimrr�ing Charge Print Room - Fold Charge Print Room - Stamp C�arge Print Rc�orn - Map Pockets print Roorn - Screw Posts Pr'rnt Room - Gator Bc�ard Print Room - Foam Board Band �'lot - Oce Myfar Plot - Oce Vellum Plot - Oce Color Plot - C}ce Ausfin sona copy - oC� Mylar Copy - �ce Qigital Files (C�) Digital FiEes (DVD) R�te $a.15 $1.50 $1.50 $(}.5(] $0.25 $0.5b $0.4Q $�.$5 $0.35 �0.05 �0.08 $�.10 $6.60 �0.80 �1.2� �3.50 �4.D0 �4.ao �7.0� $0,75 �1.00 �1.25 �1.25 �200 $3.00 $3.f�� y5.40 �6.00 $9.00 p17.QQ $25.00 �2.25 �3.00 �3.75 �4.00} �fl.30 $�.35 $0.60 ��.ao $ �d .50 �25.00 $0.25 525.QO �D.50 �u2.Q0 �5.50 53.50 $0.15 �1.50 51.50 $2.�0 $0.15 �1.50 $5.00 $10.Ot} sq ft sq ft s� ft each each each each each eacF� each each each ea�h e�ch each sq ft sq ft sq ft sq ft each each each each each each each each e�ch each each each each each each each each each each each each hour each F�aur each each sq ft sq ft sq ft sq fi sq ft s� fl sq ft sq ft each each ,ti:lDepartment ManuallUn�t PricinglLJA Frint Room Proce List as of 020209�Is 3126l2009 ATTAC'�IU�ENT "B" SCHEDULE QF HOURLY RATES (Includes Cost Plus Fuxed Fee) Billabie Rates Department F�e�c� {VP, Dept. 1�lanager, Sr. Pf�9) Project Manager Engineer (Grad. Eng., Ei7, A��rf, �'roj. Coord.) Sr. Planner Planner Sr, Landscape Architect Landscape Archifect Designer Resident Project Representative GIS I�evelo�er GIS Analyst Svrvey T�c�nscian �roje�t Surveyor CR[3D Qperator (�CADD Tec}�niciar�) Clerical {Construction Admin. Assistant) Hiqhest $193.6fl $165.00 $11 fl,OQ $132.00 $110.0(} $132.00 $1�Q.OQ $ 94.60 $105.44 $132.0� $ 77.fl0 $ 88.fl0 $t07.�(l $ 81.40 $ 77.0� CADD Svstem Intergraph CADD system will be blled at a rate of $25.OQ/hour plus operator tirr�e. Pr9ncipals Principals will be billed at a rate of $� 7�.00fh�ur. Senic�r Consultants Senior consultants will be billed at a rate of $20Q.40lhour. Expert Witness Expert witness duties wifl be billed at a rate of $350.00Ihour. Survevinq Services Field party rate includes per�onnellsu}aenrision, normal equipmen# and su�plies. Client requested overtime sha�i be 1.5 times standard rate. Survey Field Crew GPS Rabotic Total Skatic�n All Terrain Vehicle $13�.OUIHoue $ 50.O�IHour $ 25.ODIHour $ 50.00l�ay Mileaqe Charqes Mileage shall be charged at the current IRS rate at t�me cost is incurred. MisceEla�eous Delivery and cell phone expenses related to this praject will be billed at cast. Any additional expenses not specifically cov�red in this Rate Sheet shall be bidled at eost p�us �D%. CJ tPROF�JSAL120141Cir� of PearlancAHauriy Rate Attachment 8(10-0552} H:ghest.dac Revised 1i5109 ATTACHMENT"A" LJA Unit Pricing List Unit Number Unit Name Rate 3009 Print Room-Bond Plot $0.15 sq ft 3012 Print Room-Mylar Plot $1.50 sq ft 3016 . Print Room-Vellum Plot $1.50 sq ft 6000 Print Room-Clear Cover $0.50 each 6001 Print Room-8.5x11 Plain White Cover $0.25 each 6002 Print Room-11x17 Plain White Cover $0.50 each 6003 Print Room-LJA Blank Cover Stock $0.40 each 6004 Print Room-LJA Color Cover Stock $0.85 each 6005 Print Room-Laminate Tabs $0.35 each 6010 - Print Room-8.5x11 BW Copy $0.05 each 6011 Print Room-8.5x14 BW Copy $0.08 each 6012 Print Room-11x17 BW Copy $0.10 each 6020 Print Room-8.5x11 Color Copy $0.60 each 6021 Print Room-8.5x14 Color Copy $0.80 each • 6022 Print Room-11x17 Color Copy $1.20 each 6023 Print Room-Bond Color Paper Plot $3.50 sq ft • 6024 Print Room-Glossy Color Paper Plot $4.00 sq ft 6025 Print Room-Matte Color Paper Plot $4.00 sq ft 6026 Print Room-Clear Acetate Plot $7.00 sq ft 6030 Print Room-Sm GBC Bind $0.75 each 6031 Print Room-Med GBC Bind $1.00 each 6032 Print Room-Lg GBC Bind $1.25 each 6040 Print Room-8.5x11 Laminate $1.25 each 6041 Print Room-11x17 Laminate $2.00 each 6050 Print Room-1/2"Binder $3.00 each 6051 Print Room-1"Binder $3.00 each 6052 Print Room-1 1/2"Binder $5.00 each 6053 Print Room-2"Binder $6.00 each 6054 Print Room-3"Binder $9.00 each • 6055 Print Room-4"Binder $17.00 each 6056 Print Room-5"Binder $25.00 each 6060 • Print Room-Sm Wire Bind $2.25 each 6061 Print Room-Med Wire Bind $3.00 each 6062 Print Room-Lg Wire Bind $3.75 each 6063 Print Room-XLg Wire Bind $4.00 each 6070 Print Room-8.5x11 BW Scan $0.30 each 6071 Print Room-8.5x14 BW Scan $0.35 each 6072 Print Room-11x17 BW Scan $0.60 each 6073 Print Room-Scan to File $1.00 each 6074 Print Room-Scan to TIF and PDF $1.50 each 6080 Print Room-Trimming Charge $25.00 hour 6081 Print Room- Fold Charge $0.25 each 6082 Print Room-Stamp Charge $25.00 hour 6090 Print Room-Map Pockets $0.50 each 6091 Print Room-Screw Posts $2.00 each 6092 Print Room-Gator Board $5.50 sq ft 6093 Print Room-Foam Board $3.50 sq ft B PLOT Bond Plot-Oce $0.15 sq ft M PLOT Mylar Plot-Oce $1.50 sq ft V PLOT Vellum Plot-Oce $1.50 sq ft C PLOT Color Plot-Oce Austin $2.00 sq ft B COPY Band Copy-Oce $0.15 sq ft M COPY Mylar Copy-Oce $1.50 sq ft CD Digital Files(CD) $5.00 each DVD Digital Files(DVD) $10.00 each J:\Department Manual\Unit Pricing\LJA Print Room Price List as cf 020209U1s 3/26/2009 1 � i� � � i� N LL1 � 7 a � c m � � a� c� , L � � � �' � N � G7 � = y y � � � � � � � � � � � � (D � M � C � � � � v t�j O � � Y F- ' U � O ` v d � Q� � u1 •� � /� Q �. �..f � i I �� G n U � �, �, u� 0 o t 0 M N U � Vi Q v C - n Y' LL a� 0 � � � O — e � �` � '�.�o � ��,N m W tr3 Q � � � a ; W ; �i,� .� s��'.m, i tui Q �i�l �'. �UO�I h