1982-10-04 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF THE REC~JLAR MEETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARL~AND~ TEXAS, HELD ON OCTOBER 4 1982, AT 705 P M IN THE CITY HALL, 2335 N. TEXAS AVEIVtJE, PEARI,AND, TEXAS. The regular rreeting was called to order with the following present: Gail Birdson - Vice Chairperson Roy Sanchez - Comni"ssioner Mary Hickling - Director Dan Keller was absent, but a quorum was present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Corrections were made to the minutes of September 27, 1982. ACTIVITY• The Commission agreed that there should be no meeting held on October 18, 1982. Director Hickling reported that a tentati~ date had been set for the entrance exam. That date would be November 2, 1982. Commissioners Birdsong and Sanchez asked that the Director check again to make sure everyone is aware that the exam falls on the same date as election day. Commissioner Sanchez made a rrotion that there would be a five (5) day deadline for applications to be accepted for the entrance exam. The Commission agreed. The Commission directed that a copy of the rules and regulations be composed and distributed at the next meeting for discussion. ADJOURN• The rr~eting was adjourned at 8:10 P.M. ~7-'/t Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this the=day of October, A.D., 1982, by Mary Hicltling, Director. i 1 Chairper on -" Director ,"- ,.