1982-10-11 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINU'IRS OF THE R~GUL~P;R MEE'IZNG OF -THE CIVIL SERVICE OOIM~SSION OF THE CITY OF " pEARL,AND, TEXAS, HELD ON OCPOBER 11, 1982, AT 7c07 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL, 2335 N. TEXAS AVEN[7E, PEARLAND, TE~{~S. The regular meeting was called to order with the following present Dan Keller -Chairperson Gail Bin3song -Vice Chairperson Roy Sanchez -Commissioner Mary Hickling -Director APPROVAL OF MIN[JTE.S Minutes of the September 27, 1982 meeting were approved as corrected. Chairperson Keller declared the minutes of the October 4, 1982 meeting to be approved as submitted. The Commission agreed. ACrIVITY~ A general discussion of the Civil Service Proposed Rules and Regulations was held. Vice Chairperson Birdsong suggested that the Rules be turned over to Mr. Tom Lay, attorney-for the Ccarnussion, to determine if any changes or corrections will be needed before approval. Director Hickling was instructed to contact Mr. Lay and set up an appointment at his earliest convenience. The next meeting of the Civil Service Commission will be held October 25, 1982. ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at 9:07 P.M. Minutes approved as submitted and,/or corrected this the 25th day of October, A.D., 1982, by Mary Hickling, Director. C~- Chairperson Director