1982-10-25 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTESNJINITPE.S OF THE. REGULAR P~ETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COM!~SSION OF THE CITY OF _ PEAFtLAND, Z~S, HELD ON OCTbBER 25 T982 AT 7c00 P.M. IN 'THE CITY HALL,__2335 N. TEXAS AV'II~IUE, PEARLAI~ID, TEXAS. ~ - The regular meeting was called to order with the following present: Dan Keller -Chairperson Gail Birdsong -Vice Chairperson Roy Sanchez -Commissioner Mary Hickling -Director **** Guest: Officer James Templin APPROVAL OF NIINUT'ES Minutes of the October 11, 1982 meeting were declared approved as submitted by Chairperson Keller. The Commission agreed. ACTIVITY• Chairperson Keller had rbo report. .Commissioner Birdsong reported that she had taken an opportunity to meet the Commission's attorney, Mr. Town Lay, and that she was pleased that he had been - selected to represent the Pearland Civil Service Commission. Commissioner Sanchez reported that he had been contacted about a possible complaint from the police departsrent. Discussion was then opened concerning the adoption of the Civil Service Act. Officer Templin stated that in the October 13 paychecks, a letter was enclosed from the City Manager stating that the Police Department was operating under Civil Service as of October 1, 1982. Questions-were then raised within the Police Department, according to Officer Templin, about positions being created under Civil Service and being filled without exandnation. After a lengthy discussion, Officer Templin agreed that his question had been answered, and that he now understood that until City Ordinance 450 had been passed and approved, no previous classification had been in existence, and that according to Sec. 27a of 1269m, the Civil Service Act shall be effective within thirty (30) days after the beginning of the next fiscal year of the City, which would bE November 1, 1982 aceon~3ing to City Council. In addition, Sec. 24, of 1269m shows that Police Officers in the actual service of each city at the time of the final passage of this Act, and entitled to Civil Service classification, shall enjoy the status of Civil Service employees without having to take any competitive examinations for the position occupied at the time, provided that Officer has been i7i the service of said city for ~re than six (6) rronths. Chairperson Keller stated that he would write a letter to the Chief of Police Stanford, asking if the position of acting detective coincides with, or is the same as, a Serc~ant. Commissioner Birdsong asked the Director to request an updated list of personnel for the Police Department from Buford Parrish, including the classifications of all the Officers by November 1, 1982 A memorandum concerning Civil Service Commission mail was read aloud, and the Commission agreed that it should be sent to City Manager Ron Wicker,. Chief of Police Stanford, and Buford Parrish. (See copy attached) Chairperson Keller made the miotion to open a Post Office Box in the name of the Civil Service Commission. Notion carried. Director Hickling suggested that the Commission get its own letterhead, and the Commission agreed. Birdsong and Hickling were delegated to look into the mutter. Director Hickling reported that both Keith Bannon and Town Lay had advised the Commission to hire a court reporter for any hearing which might be held in the future. 'loan Lay had asked the- Commission to remember that it's Rules and Regulations, and the R ales and Regulations of the Police Department are the only things which govern what happens to those people....the rules must not be in violation of the law. The Commission agreed that it would be helpful for the attorney, Nir. 'Ibm Lay to be in attendance of the next Civil Service meeting. The next regular m>?eting of the Pearland Civil Service Commission will be held on November 1, 1982. ADJOURN- The meeting was adjourned at 9:29 P.M. Minutes approved as suY.xnitted and/or corrected this the~_day of November, A.D., 1982, by Mary Hickling, Directo Director October 26, 1982 To: Ron Wicker, City Manager Chief of Police Stanford, Buford Parrish Fran: Civil Service Ccarardssion Director of Civil Service Subject: Correspondence It has come to our attention that mail addressed to the Director of Civil Service is being opened as it is received at City Hall. Due to the fact that some of this correspondence is of a personal and confidential nature, even though it may not be marked as such, it is extremely important that the Director is the only person knowledgeable of the contents of this correspondence. Therefore, we are respectfully requesting that in the future all - correspondence addressed to the Director of Civil Service renain unopened. If for some reason this request is unworkable, we would be most happy to participate in establishing a resolution to what we consider to be a potential problem. Respectfully, -- Keller, irperson Civil Service Commission DK/mh cc: Ron Wicker Chief Stanford Buford Parrish