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MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 13 ,1989 P.M., IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM ON THE SECOND FLOOR -0F CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS.. The regular meeting was called to order with the following people in attendance: .James Gilbert - Chairman Jim Wood - Commissioner Mary Hickling - Director ************ APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Gilbert-moved to accept the minutes of the February 9, 1989 meeting. The motion was seconded by-Jim Wood. Motion carried 2-0. ACTIVITY Chairman Gilbert moved to accept as information, the written resignations of Fred Slowik and Jim Templin. Jim Wood seconded the motion. The motion carried 2-0. Chief Garner made a presentation to the Commission concerning the restructuring ~ of the Classification Plan which would include the position of Corporal:"~hief Garner also made a request that the Commission give consideration to changing their~~choice of "Commission appointed" physician from Medical Screening to a Charles B. Covert, M.D., P.A. The Commission instructed Director Hickling to provide them with additional information before making a decision. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this the day of December, A.D., by Mary Hickling, Director. Chair ** INSERT - Chief Garner made a presentation to the Commission concerning the restructuring of the Classification Plan which would include the position of Corporal. The COmmiSSlOn agreed unanimously to recommend ,~., to the Council, the approval of the Classification Plan to include f 18 patrolman, 4 Corporals, 4 Sergeants, 2 Lieutenants and 1 Captain. THESE MINUTES WERE AMENDED IN THE FEBRUARY 13, 1990 CIVIL SERVICE MEETING. _' iG~,~ ti~ PEAq~9 ,,.` ~ v ~: TEXAS Ciil ~ ~( O c~rrll~n ~~ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION P.O. Box 818 Pearland, Texas 77588-0818 (713) 485-Q411 ON JUNE 13, 1989, THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND HEARD A REQUEST FROM CHIEF RANDY GARNER FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF CORPORAL. THE REQUEST WAS APPROVED BY A QUORUM OF THE COMMISSION AND REFERRED TO COUNCIL FOR RATIFICATION. r , ES GILBERT,, CHAIRMAN IM WOOD, COM ISSIONER (not present at June 13, 198.9 meeting) .TOM ALEXANDER COMMISSIONER {~ RECEIVED NOV 2 8 X989 PEARLAND POLIO DLPARTMSNT MEMORANDUM T0: Mary Hicklinq, Civil erivice DATE: 11-28-$9 rector FROM: Chief R. Garner R~: Request for promatio al list I would like to request the names of those officers that are listed on the promotional list for the position of Corporal. As you know council approved four Corporal positions. Therefore I will need three names for each position or as many names as may be eligible for these positions, if less than three per position. ,--., RECEIVED NOV 2 8 1989 .: aMwM --.-M--flit-~~,-~~~~N SM~.Mr'i~r.-~Ji-..~~M_-~!'u,~-~~W ys.~i~.~a~~~~-1-~- _:..:~y wry- Hicking, Civil service ~~i3~s-li-2i-89 airectos _ ,..mss - ie-E R. ~. -4arner 8~- Corporal groao#~ions / -Paaa~-over Thia .la ,t~o- no~ti,fy you....that i ..aa ~raeaetl~ng.,4Efisaer Kasen Lo+rer~y aa~- O# f iee~r> Paa~~ ~lnde~aaon~ -to- tM, rawk . =of -Ceac~s-a~1, - .a~a provided •~by- the Civii ~e~cw-lie _~coaa~lss-#s>a.~. he Pear-~lasd city coons! 1. ~As1s ~~ 1 f f l,l tw~~ o~f tM- fon~~::poa i t~-i-ons .. trhst >we~ce ~approved~ .by--Cow~ci 1, ._lheae -two ,®f•f ices raw![sd ..~rne_ a~W tvo on the receatl~y ada~ia~iateared proAStional- ~e-xa~n~rt.oe. and both had a,. ~aaa~ieg s~aare ~t.hat ,ex~aeeded 7~ -percent correct respo~naed to the quest-#ene sa~k~_. T#~ls docwe-nt- #a -ta.: furt~~her lnft~~- .rau >~hat i have chosen to ,pas~s~-over tl~e new ~~ peraowa -that a~c~~rived~:ow- the el#gibility_ 1#at ~by v#rtue .oE:-the-~ 30i~,.r~ule. These two - of f ices t SBN! 452-78-765& i 888~i a71-46-1633 } did• r~o - c~crecti~y =aaswr =a••-~•4~a•L~-_of 3~0 percewt of --the .q~ueat~#ona asked. dvr,ing .the e~ aed s~aare-red sia~ri f #ei~1y .€ewet queat~#ona correotly ,t~haa those iwdiwi~oa~a 1i~tedabove t~55 t - and 5~l . 5~~, respecti~re-ly) . The deciaian to .pass--o~rer tbeae seat ,part~i~o.pa~a.:, Ls in no: way tntaeadad~ .to ref-feet <~posaly os hew .~as --iad~ivie~a~s. My deciai~on on •thia- utter would have -been the aaa~e, becatuse•-of he: aide dlac~epawcy iw -teat encores, ircegard•lesa of the particular officers. Onr Departae~rt- #.a and- has been under~l~ as grey-t deal _ of change over last several years - in ores to -puefeaaioaaliz6_ _ and adv~ee our agency. To that- end•, I wa~-t to -insure that we - presets. Daly .: the •.~est qua l # f ied nd i v i~dua is -to auperv# aor y positions. currently the only se~thod offered- to:.ua _by~ ciw•il pervice ~ Law to- ake these -#wces~tiowal decisions a~ a- yr itten exat~lnation. I auat therefore carefully sarutini-se the scores attained in. this process f;e order- to--saNce-good adsin•atrati~ve decsi•oas. in the above-case, the ac©re spread ie near-ly 24 points between tfie -two high aco era a-nd -~tNe next tvo indiv#duala on the list. ?his represents a statiati~ca~l~ly aigrtiticax~t differenoe -arKl it would not be acadea-ically val-id ,to rake such a proaotlor~ barsed on- these- loM-acoraa. 11a aentlonetl 8bove, i auat insure--that we have-the beet poaaible supervisors in this Depar-taeet. I cannot raeo~end a•~-y f~ndw~dua3._for proaotion-that correctly anaveted only slightly better than half> of the gnesti©ns as~Ced< on the p=o~wtional exaai~natlon. i~urther, to .salts a- ~pr•os~ti©n- based r^ on such inadequate scores disini-rhea ttte~ effort- of those that , - worked~to_attainan aeadesically paas~ing score. l-gain, I -would life to reinforce that this 1a not intemled to reflect -po®r-1y on those offiaera that -i --have ~.~w,F.~ Gov z s ~~ chosen to pass-over for the zeasons enu~aerated aboWe. In fact, I have personally spoken to both individuals and was impressed with their acceptance and understanding of my reasons for making this decision. After my discussions with them I believe that neither officer would want to accept- such a position under these circumstances, but would rather be in a position to demonstrate their true abilities through attainment of an academically acceptable score. This, in itself, demonstrates the conscientious character of both of these individuals. After your consideration of this decision, i request that any remaining names on the promotional fiat for the position of Corporal be submitted to me as soon as possible. i understand that section 143.036 requires that those individuals that have been passed over for the first time be returned to the eligibility list until they have been promoted or passed over on three occasions. Sincerely, ~..._... R.L. c3a r Chief of Police Pearland Police Department ,,_. CC: File Nancy Lee Rob Harding RECEIVED NOV 2 9 ti989 ,-~ PBARLAND POLICR DBPARTMSNT MRMORAHDUIi TO: Mary Hicklinq, Civil Service DATL: 11-29-89 Director FROH: Chief R. Garner RN: Pass Over This letter is to inform you that I am once again passing over both Robert Harding and Nancy Lee for promotion to Corporal for the same reasons as enumerated in my memo of i1-28-89. This will be the second pass-over of these names that were resubmited to me under the current eligibility list. The names of Harding and Lee were returned to the eligibility list as required by section 193.036 of the Texas Local Government Code after being passed over the first time on 11-28-89. After Considering this decision I again ask for any remaining names on the Promotional eligibility list for the position of Corporal after this second pass-over. ,-- REC~IVEQ NOV 3 0 19$~ !*:k >~arY-~H~tk~~l~g,.:C-i-vi1. ~v#ce .•4s~ 11-~0-89 rector. ::111=s -~ef.:..tE.. _c3arner i1~r - pass fiver ~'h1 s _,.l ette r a s _~ bo . •i,:rfoE~ your ,:ghat I a~ , ~a~e ..aga A Pa~a•;i~g..ow:r # aabs~rt ~1asaing. aa~ •y .Ls~ for: psa~ava: to ~poral - iii the sale-,: reas~-as ,•as swws:re~ted ~i~s ~:aY.M.asao..,of li--38-89. phis ~ri ll• be .-the- ,th~la~ . that -~rete -aasW~ited ..to ,:ae-•.uAdtr •#~~ ~~ 8~14,g1.# 1 ist~. she Aases~ of- Har~lag a~ -Lee weze- ~re~tu~ned. ,a-o ~ alig.i,,p pity; :.lis,t: as regvir~ei by se~t~on ,143.-836 ~of-the • taxes Local.:. t3overnaent Cade a~f_ter .be~ln4 -pssse~ :over. t-he.., f.#ra-+t- tine - vrs- -13-18-g9. •,a~ • the sevowa ..t~iae -0n i1-~9-84 . llccord nq - to sect iaa 113.436- of the "Texas Local aover~naent ,Cole, any pe so~r_ passed ©var ~hsee--t~i~aes withoet ~°i~n9 appo~#-at~ed to ~a poa_ition la dropped: f:coi the diq<ibil.ty fist. l~s Ghis is the ~-third ~~pass-over _,€or -ai of. l~he Haase that. , reasiaed -on the eurrer-t el igibtl i~t~ l i-st for tie pc>s,it ow of-Cor~porai, the lie•t ..has-.:nov. been ~eshausted. 3 the:cef~e request that you anounce--an eaaaaiaat4on:.tor:.ahe. position of-poral ...for the purl-ose.®~f-creating a sew proot-larval eligibility list for the two re~.in-i~rg vaearuves. 6~cpedlency 1n •thls -natter .voald be greatly appreciated. RECEIVEQ NOV 3 0 1989 .-~ P~EhRL~ Pl~L3Ci ,:DNp1R~!li11Z~... _ . --i'o: Nancy Lee -. DETS:~ 11-30-89 FROM: Chief R. ca~rner R8: Pasa Over .Nancy, as I indicated to you-in our~a3acusslona and in the letter I provided to•you on Tuesday, i hawe #orvarded the prosotionai peas-aver letters to the• Civil Service Director. The process is~-occurring-exactly ~~how I -explained it ta~you. i have attached the letters that were aub~ti-tted. to the ~Dizect©r for -your infcraation. I sight -also -inform you that you• do have a right to ask the coaaission~•for a hearing under - ... sections 143-.036 and 143~05?, if -you wars to .feel .tha .sy decision in this-latter was unjust. lifter careful consideration and-•unanisous input frog all of the senbers of the command staff I-believe that this- -decision is -i~n the beat interest of the entira -Departtent. ~-- I would again like to express ^y appreciation-for your understanding in•this natter. i•~believe that-our continual goals for iaproveaent and greater pzofessiona•lism will be advanced-•by these actions. Should you- have any questions-abou-t these aa~tters, please contact•me-at -your earliest convenience. .,. f •. RECEIVED NDV 3 0 1989 PSARLAiiD•~ POi.ICS D~ARS'MSItl~• . ~tORA~iaUM 1'O: Robert Harding ~DA4'S: i1-30-89 Fi~Ol~t: Chief R. darner •~R=: Paaa Over Rob, Aa i indlcatad to -you- in- out d~iacueaions and in~ the letter i-provided to you on Tuesday, i have forwarded the proaotiona~l pass--over letters to the Civil Service Directoz. The=process is occurring exactly-how i explained it to you. i have attached the letters that were aubaritted to the Director for •yoar ~inforaation.- I~~•aight also -~infora you -that you do have a right to ask the cosa~iaaion--for a heaacing under - sectio~na 143: 036. and _.13.057,.-. if you were to --feel that... ay decision in this- softer was un~ust. After cars f u l cons iderat i on and unaa~ iaous input - f r.oa a l l of the ae~ebera of the cosaand• staff I believe that -this decision 4a in the best interest of-the entire Departaent. I would again-like to express ay appreciation for your '^ understanding-in-this natter. I believe that our continual goals for iaproveaent and• greater profeaaionallsa• will be advanced -by ~ these act ions . Should you have any questions about ~ these •~rtt~ra, please contact ae at your earliest convenience. ~ .