R2008-112 2008-08-11RESOLUTION NO. R2008-112
Section 1. That certain Action Plan for the Community Development Block Grant
Program, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", is hereby authorized and approved.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 11`" day of August, A.D., 2008.
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Exhibit "A"
Resolution No. R2008-112
* ~~ * _~ Second Program
'y°9e ~~~,E~°a~~ Action Plan
The CPMP Second Annual Action Plan includes the F 424 and Narrative Responses to
Action Plan questions that CDBG, HOME, HOPWA, and ESG grantees must respond to
each year in order to be compliant with the Consolidated Planning Regulations. The
Executive Summary narratives are optional.
Narrative Responses
Executive Summalry
The Executive Summary is required. Include the objectives and outcomes
identified in the plan and an evaluation of past performance.
The City of Pearland has identified six major projects for funding in PY 2008. It has
allocated the full 15 percent allowed for public services by selecting four projects;
only 12.26 percent for administration and the remaining 72.72% percent for an
infrastructure project and public facility project. The City solicited applications from
all nonprofits serving Pearland residents and received four applications and funded
all four. In addition, the City received and opted to fund an application to Improve a
day center for mentally disabled residents. Sidewalks, particularly around schools
and public facilities, is a high priority for the City and two sidewalks will be
constructed as one infrastructure project. The sidewalks will be along Veterans and
Old Alvin Roads.
Second Program Year Action Plan
City of Pearland, Texas
Table i -Community Development Block Grant Program,
Prnieafed Ilse of Funds_ PV 2nO8
Pro ects Units of
Measurement mount
Public Services 15% max = 40 391
OSH Pearland Nei hborhood Centers' ESL Tuition Books O1-Peo le: 2 $10,00
OSQ Pearland Neighborhood Centers' Emergency
ssi sta nce O1-People: 5 $10,00
OSE Forgotten Angels' Disabled Residents'
rans ortation O1-People: $7,88
OS dult Reading Center's Literacy Program -facility
im rovements O1-People: 19 $12,50
ubtota/ OZ-Peo /e: 269 $40,38
Publ ic Infrastructure
03L Installing sidewalks along Veterans and Old Alvin
Road O1-People: 1,04
60.5% low-mod
il-Public Facilities/
Linear Feet: 3 800 $178,38
ubtota/ OZ-Peop/e: 1,043
11-Pub/ic Faci/ities/
Linear Feet: 3 800 $178,38
Public Facili
3B mprove Forgotten Angels Day Hab Center for
mental) disabled adults O1-People:45 $17,50
ubtota/ 01-Peo /e:4 $17,50
dministration 20% max = 53 855
21A Contract managers/administrators N/ $33,00
ubtota/ $33,00
Tota/ PY 2008 CDBG OZ-Peo /e: 1 41 $269,27
Below is a list of percentages allocated for each program category:
Ta 61e 7 - Percent of Ollnaatinn fnr Each Cafeanrv
Category Maximum
AI lowed Actual
Public Services 15% 15%
Infrastructure Public Facilities N A 72.74%
Administration 20% 12.26%
This Annual Action Plan outlines the citizen involvement in the planning process, the
need for the services and infrastructure to be accomplished and the proposed
outcomes for each project. The narrative, in conjunction with the CPMP's Projects
Excel file, explain the projects for PY 2008. All projects are within the priorities of
the 5-Year Consolidated Plan, adopted in PY 2007.
Past performance with CDBG funds has been limited. This will be the second year for
the City of Pearland to be a CDBG Entitlement Jurisdiction. Prior to 2007, the City
received CDBG funds as a subrecipient from Brazoria County. The latest construction
Second Program Year Action Plan 2
City of Pearland, Texas
project using Brazoria County CDBG funds was underway when the City became an
Entitlement Jurisdiction. Following 24 CFR 570.510, Brazoria County and the City of
Pearland entered into an agreement to have the Brazoria County CDBG funds
previously allocated to the City as a subrecipient transferred to the City as a new E].
Until the transfer could be approved and completed by HUD, the PY 2007 funds were
frozen and access to them blocked by HUD. The City and County sent the request
for the transfer to their respective HUD Houston Field Office representatives in April,
2008. As of July 14, 2008 no funds have been transferred and the City is still unable
to access the PY 2007 Entitlement funds or reimburse the general fund for the
amount awarded by Brazoria County when the City was a subrecipient. As a result,
subrecipients have proceeded with work but have not been reimbursed and the city-
sponsored infrastructure project is on hold until funds are made available. The
construction project, renovation of the Knapp Senior Center, that was begun while
Pearland was a subrecipient has been completed but the HUD funds are not available
to reimburse the City's general funds for the project.
As soon as the funds are unblocked by HUD, the City will expend all of the
$305,896.93 from Brazoria County for the Knapp Senior Center renovation and all of
the non-infrastructure funds from PY 2007. The Fite Road infrastructure project will
begin as soon as the funds are released and will be completed within 90 to 120 days.
Second Program Year Action Plan
City of Pearland, Texas
General Questions
1. Describe the geographic areas of the jurisdiction (including areas of low
income families and/or racial/minority concentration) in which
assistance will be directed during the next year. Where appropriate, the
jurisdiction should estimate the percentage of funds the jurisdiction
plans to dedicate to target areas.
The City of Pearland is located primarily in Brazoria County, Texas with a portion of
its western edge in Fort Bend County, Texas and a portion of its northwest and
northeast edges in Harris County, Texas. All three counties are CDBG Entitlement
]urisdidions and HOME Participating Jurisdictions. It also abuts Galveston County,
which is not an Entitlement Jurisdiction. The two maps below illustrate the location
of the City, its corporate limits and the location of its low- to moderate-income
Second Program Year Action Plan 4
City of Pearland, Texas
Figure 2 -Low- Mod Income Areas in City of Pearland
/~/ Major Roads
~~ Railroads
/~/ Major Creeks
Eligible Black Gmups Lipper
- HUD designatied target
Q Ciry Limits
Most entitlement jurisdictions throughout the United States are required to have a
concentration of low-mod population of more than 51 percent for target areas.
However, the City of Pearland is an exception and its accepted minimum is 45.6
percent. Thus, the map above illustrates the areas with 45.6 percent or more low-
to moderate-income persons, as defined by HUD.
According to the Texas State Data Center (the official Bureau of the Census state
data center), the January, 2007 population of the City of Pearland was 73,872, up
from 37,640 in 2000. Some growth has been due to annexation, but the majority of
the population increase can be attributed to new subdivisions within the City Limits.
Based on the data provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, there are 4,984 people living within the CDBG Target Areas delineated
in Figure 2 above. Throughout Pearland, HUD estimates 10,294 low- to moderate-
income persons and 3,993 low- to moderate-income households.
2. Describe the basis for allocating investments geographically within the
jurisdiction (or within the EMSA for HOPWA) (91.215(a)(1)) during the
next year and the rationale for assigning the priorities.
The City will be installing sidewalks in two CDBG target areas to link the areas to
adjacent neighborhoods and to provide pedestrian access to Pearland Jr High East,
Pace Center, Alternative Learning Academy, St. Helen's Catholic School & St. Helens
Jr. High Youth Ministry. And the Pearland Recreation Center.
Second Program Year Action Plan 5
City of Pearland, Texas
The City of Pearland reviewed several potential infrastructure projects within the
CDBG Target Areas and prioritized them based on a number of criteria. The first
criterion was the level of improved safety and well-being that would be achieved to
the greatest number of people. Second, the City determined the urgency of the
project. Third, the City reviewed the current Capital Improvement Program and
capital improvement bond plans to determine which projects had adequate funding
and which did not. Finally, the City reviewed the projects in terms of their
annexation history, giving priority to projects in areas recently annexed into the City,
where additional services are needed but were not required in previously
unincorporated areas. Asa result, the City ranked the Veterans and Old Alvin
sidewalks as having the highest priority for PY 2008.
For PY 2008, the two sidewalk projects -one along Veterans to connect the target
area with existing sidewalks, and one along Old Alvin to provide access safe access
to a number of schools -were rated as having the highest priority. Both sidewalks
will facilitate safety for children walking to and from school and for all pedestrians
walking to and from the Pearland Recreation Center. Below is a map of the location
of the sidewalks to be constructed in PY 2008.
Figure 3 -Location of PY 2008 Infrastructure Project
Py 2008 Sidewalks
n~ Major Roads
Eligible Block Groups Clipped by
HUD designatietl target are
Cky Limits
Second Program Year Action Plan 6
City of Pearland, Texas
Table 3 -- Area Benefit Activities By Census Tract Block Group
Project/ Program/Area
Old Alvin Sidewalk
Veterans Sidewalk
Census Low
Tract/ and Percent
Block Mod. Low/Mod
Group* Total Income Income
Pop. Pop. Pop.
660300 BG 1 960 552 57.5%
660900 BG 3 83 79 92.73%
1,043 631 60.5%
3. Describe actions that will take place during the next year to address
obstacles to meeting underserved needs.
The overarching obstacle to meeting underserved needs is money. ey allocating the
entire legally allowed 15 percent of the CDBG award to public services, the City of
Pearland will assist the nonprofit agencies in expanding their services and the
number of clients they can serve.
A second obstacle is capacity. The City of Pearland is committing administrative
resources to providing technical assistance to nonprofits and City departments in
areas of fund procurement, fund management, Board development and strategic
planning. This will not only ensure that more agencies are eligible to apply for CDBG
funds, but that agencies will be able to secure funds from other federal and state
programs and foundations.
The City of Pearland is a new Entitlement ]urlsdiction, having previously been under
the umbrella of the Brazoria County Urban County Program. Though the City is only
eligible for CDBG funds, HUD regulations do not allow the use of Urban County HOME
and ESG funds within Entitlement Cities. Therefore, the City is working with a CHDO
using State of Texas HOME, Housing Trust Fund and other housing funds to serve
Pearland. During PY 2008, the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation will
begin using State of Texas HOME funds for first-time homebuyer's assistance in
4. Identify the federal, state, and local resources expected to be made
available to address the needs identified in the plan. Federal resources
should include Section 8 funds made available to the jurisdiction, Low-
Income Housing Tax Credits, and competitive McKinney-Vento Homeless
Assistance Act funds expected to be available to address priority needs
and specific objectives identified in the strategic plan.
As stated above, the City of Pearland is a new Entitlement Jurisdiction, having
previously been under the umbrella of the Brazoria County Urban County Program.
The City is committed to working with subrecipients of State of Texas HOME, ESG,
Low Income Housing Tax Credit and Housing Trust Fund projects to ensure that the
City is not losing access to such funds now that it is an Entitlement Jurisdiction, no
longer eligible to access Brazoria County HOME and ESG programs. In addition,
Brazoria County Housing Authority (BCHA) has 560 Section 8 Housing Choice
Vouchers for the entire county. The City of Pearland will encourage local apartments
Second Program Year Action Plan 7
City of Pearland, Texas
to accept Section 8 HCV and will refer low-income residents to the BCHA for
enrollment into the Section 8 program.
Currently, there is only one Low Income Housing Tax Credit property in Pearland.
The City will work with any organization that intends to develop additional LIHTC
properties within the City. At this time, however, the City does not know of any
group that is applying to the State to develop Low Income Housing Tax Credit
During PY 2007, the Clty of Pearland began providing technical assistance to a
nonprofit agency interested in developing transitional living centers for homeless
families and youth, SROs for the chronically homeless, Section 202 and Section 811
housing for the elderly and mentally disabled. As an aspect of this, the City is
working with the agency and other nonprofits to determine the interest and capacity
to extract itself from the homeless coalition operating primary in Galveston County
but including Brazoria County in its pro rata share. If Brazoria County agencies opt
to pull away from the existing Galveston-based Gulf Coast Homeless Coalition, it will
have the option of establishing its own coalition or having agencies apply through the
Balance of State application. Agencies serving Pearland are currently discussing
these options and the Texas Homeless Network will provide free technical assistance
regardless of the option selected. In addition to a county-wide interest, agencies in
League Clty (a CDBG Entitlement City) and Fort Bend County (a CDBG/HOME/ESG
Community) have expressed an interest in joining Pearland agencies in a new
coalition. As part of the process, the City will provide capacity-building technical
assistance to those agencies.
Mana ing the Process
1. Identify the lead agency, entity, and agencies responsible for
administering programs covered by the consolidated plan.
The City of Pearland is the lead agency for the CDBG program. The City's Finance
Department will oversee the planning and Implementation of all CDBG-funded
projects. Community development projects, such as parks acquisition/enhancement,
infrastructure and the like, will be managed In-house by the appropriate City
department, while public service projects will be managed by nonprofit subrecipient
agencies. All projects will be monitored by the Finance Department and the contract
management consultant.
2. Identify the significant aspects of the process by which the plan was
developed, and the agencies, groups, organizations, and others who
participated in the process.
The City of Pearland has hired a consultant who is expert in the development of
Consolidated Plans and the management of CDBG programs. Prior to PY 2007, the
consultant met with City staff to determine the needs that they perceived in
Pearland. Management staff from the Planning, Public Works and Parks Departments
as well as City Manager's office were included in the meetings. Each department
was charged with the task of identifying gaps in services and costs to fill those gaps.
Second Program Year Action Plan 8
City of Pearland, Texas
The consultant also met with a number of public service and housing agencies and
hosted two public hearings in the development of the Consolidated Plan.
For PY 2008, using the Consolidated Plan as a basis, the consultant again met with
City staff to determine priorities within the needs outlined in the 5-Year Plan. The
City sent letters to approximately 40 public service and housing agencies in the area,
explaining the CDBG program, inviting them to apply for subrecipient funds and
providing a copy of the grant application. Also Included was an invitation to the first
public hearing and pre-application workshop. The pre-application workshop
immediately followed a public hearing where the City staff and consultant focused on
the CDBG process and asked the attendees for their determination of priority needs
in the areas of housing, special needs populations (including homeless), public
services and community development. The second public hearing focused on the
results of the planning process, giving attendees the opportunity to comment on the
priorities developed and the proposed allocation of funds. This second public hearing
launched the 30-day public comment period for the Annual Action Plan. Both public
hearings were advertised in the first section of the general circulation newspaper for
Pearland. A copy of each ad is included in the attachments. The originals are in the
attachments. The City staff and consultant made two presentations to City Council -
one to approve the priorities and funding recommendations and one to approve the
Annual Action Plan. The City Council agenda is posted for public review before each
meeting and there is a time for citizen comments at each meeting. At that time
residents were afforded the opportunity to speak regarding the plans.
During PY 2007, the City's consultant met one-on-one with several agency
representatives regarding their various needs assessment reports, the numbers of
clients they serve. and what their service priorities are.
3. Describe actions that will take place during the next year to enhance
coordination between public and private housing, health, and social
service agencies.
As this is only the second year for the City of Pearland to receive CDBG funds, the
major issues facing the City are agency awareness and capacity. Therefore, the City
will continue to provide free technical assistance to social service agencies to
increase their awareness of the availability of federal and state funding and to assist
them in building capacity to adequately apply for and secure funding. Additionally,
the City will work with the regional Community Housing Development Organization
(CHDO) and with Brazoria County to enhance coordination for affordable housing
projects and the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program.
During PY 2007, the City's consultant began working with a Pearland nonprofit to
assist it in becoming a CHDO and expanding their scope of services to Include the
construction of Section 202 and 811 housing and the development of a homeless
coalition and transitional living centers. This technical assistance was provided free
of charge as part of the City's CDBG commitment to the community.
Second Program Year Action Plan 9
City of Pearland, Texas
Citizen Participation
1. Provide a summary of the citizen participation process.
The Citizen Participation process will be an on-going element of the CDBG program.
In 2006 when the City of Pearland first considered receiving CDBG funds, a City
Council workshop was held, open to all Pearland residents. Once the CIty became an
Entitlement Jurisdiction, it began a concerted effort to Involve the residents in all of
its planning activities. During PY 2007, the first year of funding, the City provided
information about the program to a number of agencies and individuals. In
preparation for PY 2008, the City hosted two public hearings and apre-application
workshop. Both public hearings and the workshop were advertised in the front
section of the general circulation newspaper. The first hearing, in conjunction with
the workshop, was conducted from 4:00 PM until 5:30 PM to allow the staff of public
service agencies to attend on their work time and residents to attend on their way
home from picking up children from school or on their way home from work. The
second public hearing was conducted at 6:30 PM to allow the greatest participation
by residents. The public hearings included an overview of the CDBG process with
time given to receive the comments of every attendee regarding housing, special
population, community development and fair housing Issues In Pearland. There was
an opportunity for discussion on better ways to collaborate and reach more residents
with services and opportunities to become Involved In CDBG planning. A copy of the
notice and the Power Point presentation are included in the attachments.
The second public hearing was conducted to announce the preliminary priorities and
funding recommendations and to give another opportunity for residents to
participate in the planning process. This second public hearing launched the 30-day
public comment period for the Annual Action Plan. A copy of the notice and Power
Point presentation are included in the attachments.
In addition to the public hearings, the City staff presented the funding
recommendations and, later the Action Plan, to City Council for review, comment and
approval. The City Council agenda is available to the public and anyone wishing to
speak on a topic is welcome. This afforded two more opportunities for residents and
service providers to speak publicly about the needs in Pearland.
The City has attended various meetings of public service agencies and provided
information and contacts for them to share with their staff, volunteers and program
participants regarding the CDBG program. The City Is committed to work with public
service agencies in identifying needs, priorities, funding opportunities and
opportunities to collaborate. One of the most effective avenues to involving
residents in the planning process is through the agencies that serve them.
The Clty Is working to ensure that all agencies and residents understand that
Pearland is a new independent Entitlement Jurisdiction for CDBG, no longer under
the umbrella of Brazoria County's Urban County program. This will aid in generating
more interest for the City's programs and funding.
Pearland will continue to encourage citizen participation, with particular emphasis on
participation by persons of very-low, low, and moderate income and those who are
residents of target areas in which funds are allocated or proposed to be allocated.
Second Program Year Action Plan 10
City of Pearland, Texas
2. Provide a summary of citizen comments or views on the plan.
The residents and service providers attending the public hearings approved of the
City's focus on funding sidewalks for safety reasons. Several comments were made
during public hearings and monitoring of subrecipients regarding the difficulties in
persuading residents in need to access programs. More accessible information is
needed regarding various social service programs in Pearland. One resident, echoed
by one service provider, indicated that there is a need for First-time Homebuyer's
Assistance in Pearland. Since Pearland became a CDBG Entitlement Jurisdiction in PY
2007, residents are no longer able to access the Brazoria County HOME program's
First-time Homebuyer's Assistance. The City of Baytown, Texas was a test case in
the area for a collaboration between a municipal CDBG EJ and its encompassing
Urban County's HOME P] for the county to continue to provide HOME-funded
programs within the CDBG-only city. The U.S. Department of HUD determined that
once a city becomes a CDBG EJ, its residents are no longer eligible to access non-
CDBG HUD entitlement funds from the urban county. In addition to down payment
and closing cost assistance, more affordable housing was determined to be a need in
Pearland. Transportation was again mentioned as a major Issue in Pearland.
Additional comments to be added after 30-day comment period
3. Provide a summary of efforts made to broaden public participation in the
development of the consolidated plan, including outreach to minorities
and non-English speaking persons, as well as persons with disabilities.
As last program year was the first time that the City of Pearland has been involved in
the public participation process, it has relied on the social service agencies to assist
in outreach to the community, particularly minorities, non-English speakers, elderly
and persons with disabilities. The social service agencies were asked to provide
needs assessment surveys to their program participants along with contact
information and notices of public hearings. Information about CDBG and invitations
for public involvement will be placed in the City's quarterly newsletter, ~~In Motion",
which is provided on-line on the City's website and is delivered to households in
The City will continue to attempt to host public hearings in different locations around
the City, particularly in CDBG Target Areas and/or buildings housing subrecipients or
having been funded by CDBG dollars. The City will make Information available at the
public venues and will provide meeting and public hearing notices to agencies to post
for their consumers. As the Mayor and City Council become a more integral part of
the CDBG process, they will be ambassadors into the community to garner more
public participation.
4. Provide a written explanation of comments not accepted and the reasons
why these comments were not accepted.
*Please note that Citizen Comments and Responses may be included as additional files within
the CPMP Tool.
All comments were accepted and considered in developing the Annual Action Plan.
Second Program Year Action Plan 11
City of Pearland, Texas
Institutional Structure
1. Describe actions that will take place during the next year to develop
institutional structure.
The City of Pearland initially assigned the CDBG program to the City Manager's
office. An Assistant City Manager was in charge of the program until it became
operational. -Once the program was In place, it was assigned to a grants and budget
specialist in the Finance Department. To ensure that the HUD regulations are
followed and that the program runs smoothly, the City has contracted with a
consultant who has more than a decade of CDBG experience. The consultant works
closely with the city staff. In addition, a City Grants Accountant in the Finance
Department is handling the accounting processes. This individual has worked with
CDBG accounting and IDIS in other Entitlement Jurisdictions.
During the first year of funding, the City's consultant developed a policies and
procedures manual for the CDBG program and met with all involved staff members
to train them on in-house processes and HUD regulations. Particular attention was
given to labor relations and environmental regulations.
1. Describe actions that will take place during the next year to monitor its
housing and community development projects and ensure long-term
compliance with program requirements and comprehensive planning
The City of Pearland's monitoring strategy is designed to assist staff in fulfilling its
regulatory obligation in monitoring subrecipients, including City departments, as well
as assist subrecipients in best serving their consumers. The primary purpose for this
monitoring strategy is to ensure proper program performance, financial performance
and regulatory compliance in accordance with HUD Regulations. The secondary
purpose is to ensure that the funded agencies are providing the best and most cost
effective services possible and that they are positioned to access additional funding
from non-HUD sources.
Staff will continue to have the responsibility to ensure that each subrecipient,
including each recipient City department, is adhering to their approved scope of
service, budget and schedule of service. Each subrecipient or City department must
also abide by the regulatory guidelines set forth by HUD in providing benefits to low-
moderate income persons and/or eliminating a slum or blighted condition.
The City and its consultant will meet with each subrecipient prior to the release of
CDBG funds to finalize their scopes of services and contracts. Each subrecipient will
sign a contract outlining the scope of services and eligible line items in the budget.
The City and its consultant will conduct a workshop with all subrecipients that will
include a general group session on the necessary reporting forms and the monitoring
process. One-on-one meetings to discuss the individual needs and concerns of each
Second Program Year Action Plan 12
City of Pearland, Texas
subrecipient will follow the general group session.
The monitoring process is an on-going one of planning, implementation,
communication and follow-up. Subrecipients are required to submit reimbursement
requests at least quarterly, and preferably monthly. The reimbursement requests
include required forms with information about the expenditures, beneficiaries and
their eligibility. The City staff will scrutinize each request for fiscal accountability and
beneficiary eligibility as well as general record-keeping as its desk monitoring of all
subrecipients. Under normal circumstances, for this first year of funding, on-site
monitoring will be conducted three times. However, activities that are showing a
potential for becoming ahigh-risk of non-compliance, a more frequent monitoring
schedule is developed based on these factors and the nature of the activity being
Before staff and/or consultants conduct the actual monitoring visit, apre-monitoring
contact will be made with the designated person(s) of the subrecipient agency or
City department to discuss the overall expectations, information to be viewed and
site visits. This will allow staff and consultants opportunity to discuss solutions to
possible problems that may have occurred from past experiences with a particular
subrecipient or City department. The on-site monitoring process will consist of the
monitors examining time records, client files, financial records, equipment and
machinery. The monitors will discuss security measures that a subrecipient or City
department has in place to avoid theft of federally-funded purchases, if applicable.
The monitors will examine all equipment or machinery for the City's identification
number. This is done to ensure that any equipment or machinery purchased with
CDBG funds is being used to meet a national objective and also to ensure that any
equipment purchased with CDBG funds through a subrecipient will be used to meet
said objective.
Monitoring provides a basis for assessing a program's operations and identifying
problems. Another goal of monitoring is to obtain ongoing data for use in
determining program achievement. Evaluations will summarize monitoring findings
and program goals and measure progress toward those goals during the provision of
services. Beneficiary data will be entered into IDIS throughout the year.
The infrastructure and public facilities project will be monitored for Davis-Bacon
Wage Rate compliance as well as quality of work and compliance with state law. For
the infrastructure project, the City will issue a Request for Bids for the project that
will include all of the pertinent scope of services and Davis-Bacon information. The
Finance Department, consultant and Public Works staff will conduct apre-contract a
meeting with the construction contractors, providing them with all Davis-Bacon and
HUD-reporting requirements and forms. The staff will then ensure that the proper
notices regarding Equal Employment Opportunity and Davis-Bacon are posted at the
job site. Depending on the length of the contract, the staff will conduct at least one
interview of each of the contractor's employees to determine if they are being paid
wages at the prevailing rates. The Public Works staff will be responsible for
inspecting the actual construction activities.
The City and consultant will work closely with Forgotten Angels to ensure that the
renovation of their Day Hab Center complies with all labor regulations.
Second Program Year Action Plan 13
City of Pearland, Texas
The Clty of Pearland's CDBG Program must meet all requirements set forth by the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Office of Management
and Budget. The City conducts an independent audit annually to ensure that CDBG
funds are used In accordance with program requirements.
In addition to monitoring the activities of each subrecipient, the City will enter
accomplishments into IDIS and monitor the progress regularly. The City is
developing a comprehensive performance measurement process to track the
performance of each subrecipient and the overall CDBG program. The results of the
performance measurement process will be reported each year in the CAPER.
Lead-based Paint
1. Describe the actions that will take place during the next year to evaluate
and reduce the number of housing units containing lead-based paint
hazards in order to increase the inventory of lead-safe housing available
to extremely low-income, low-income, and moderate-income families,
and how the plan for the reduction of lead-based hazards is related to
the extent of lead poisoning and hazards.
The City of Pearland is not proposing any housing rehabilitation projects that will lead
to the evaluation or reduction of the number of housing units containing lead-based
paint hazards. The City will provide information on lead poisoning to all social
service agencies. The City will encourage the agencies to use the information to
educate their clients and program participants.
Second Program Year Action Plan 14
City of Pearland, Texas
Specific Housing Objectives
*Please also refer to the Housing Needs Table in the Needs.xls workbook.
1. Describe the priorities and specific objectives the jurisdiction hopes to
achieve during the next year.
No nonprofit agencies providing housing rehabilitation or new affordable housing
applied for funding. While housing rehabilitation is a high priority for the 5-year
plan, due to the limited allocation, the City is not including a City-managed
rehabilitation project in this year's Action Plan. However, as part of the
administrative process, the City hopes to work with Brazoria County Housing
Authority to ensure access by Pearland residents to the Section 8 program.
Additionally, the City consultant will continue to meet with a nonprofit interested in
becoming a CHDO and developing a number of affordable housing projects,
particularly Section 202 housing for the elderly and Section 811 housing for the
agency's mentally disabled clientele.
The Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation (SETH) has recently been
awarded State of Texas HOME funds for First-time Homebuyers Assistance and will
be using some of the funds in Pearland. The City is working with SETH in this
Another priority Is the furtherance of fair housing. The City, using Administrative
funds, is currently conducting an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and
a Fair Housing Plan which will be completed early in PY 2008.
2. Describe how Federal, State, and local public and private sector
resources that are reasonably expected to be available will be used to
address identified needs for the period covered by this Action Plan.
The City of Pearland is within the Brazoria County Housing Authority jurisdiction and
the City will encourage more City residents to apply for Section 8 vouchers.
Additionally, since the City is no longer under the jurisdiction of the County's HOME
program, the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation (SETH) will be applying
some of its newly-received State of Texas HOME funds for First Time Homebuyers
Assistance in Pearland.
Second Program Year Action Plan 15
City of Pearland, Texas
Needs of Public Housing
1. Describe the manner in which the plan of the jurisdiction will help
address the needs of public housing and activities it will undertake
during the next year to encourage public housing residents to become
more involved in management and participate in homeownership.
There is no public housing in Pearland and the only Public Housing Authority that
serves the Pearland area, is the Brazoria County Housing Authority, which provides
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers only. As part of the administrative process, the
City will continue to work with Brazoria County Housing Authority to ensure access
by Pearland residents to the Section 8 program. Currently, only one apartment
complex accepts Section 8 vouchers and the City hopes to assist BCHA in educating
other apartment managers about the program and encourage them to accept the
housing choice vouchers.
2. If the public housing agency is designated as "troubled" by HUD or
otherwise is performing poorly, the jurisdiction shall describe the
manner in which it will provide financial or other assistance in improving
its operations to remove such designation during the next year.
Not App/icab/e -Brazoria County Housing Authority is not troub/ed
Barriers to Affordable Housing
1. Describe the actions that will take place during the next year to remove
barriers to affordable housing.
Using the Administrative funds, the City is currently developing its Analysis of
Impediments to Fair Housing Choice and Fair Housing Plan, which includes a section
on barriers to affordable housing. Once the barriers are further determined, the City
will work to provide relief for the developers of affordable housing units.
Additionally, the City will work with the area nonprofits in establishing State of Texas
CHDOs for the development of new affordable housing in or near Pearland.
HOME/ American Dream Down payment Initiative (ADDI)
1. Describe other forms of investment not described in § 92.205(b).
2. If the participating jurisdiction (P]) will use HOME or ADDI funds for
homebuyers, it must state the guidelines for resale or recapture, as
required in § 92.254 of the HOME rule.
Second Program Year Action Plan 16
City of Pearland, Texas
3. If the PJ will use HOME funds to refinance existing debt secured by
multifamily housing that is that is being rehabilitated with HOME
funds, it must state its refinancing guidelines required under §
92.206(b). The guidelines shall describe the conditions under which
the PJ will refinance existing debt. At a minimum these guidelines
a. Demonstrate that rehabilitation is the primary eligible activity and
ensure that this requirement is met by establishing a minimum
level of rehabilitation per unit or a required ratio between
rehabilitation and refinancing.
b. Require a review of management practices to demonstrate that
disinvestments in the property has not occurred; that the long-
term needs of the project can be met; and that the feasibility of
serving the targeted population over an extended affordability
period can be demonstrated.
c. State whether the new investment is being made to maintain
current affordable units, create additional affordable units, or
d. Specify the required period of affordability, whether it is the
minimum 15 years or longer.
e. Specify whether the investment of HOME funds may be
jurisdiction-wide or limited to a specific geographic area, such as a
neighborhood identified in a neighborhood revitalization strategy
under 24 CFR 91.215(e)(2) or a Federally designated
Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community.
f. State that HOME funds cannot be used to refinance multifamily
loans made or insured by any federal program, including CDBG.
4. If the PJ is going to receive American Dream Down payment Initiative
(ADDI) funds, please complete the following narratives:
a. Describe the planned use of the ADDI funds.
b. Describe the P7's plan for conducting targeted outreach to
residents and tenants of public housing and manufactured housing
and to other families assisted by public housing agencies, for the
purposes of ensuring that the ADDI funds are used to provide
down payment assistance for such residents, tenants, and
c. Describe the actions to be taken to ensure the suitability of
families receiving ADDI funds to undertake and maintain
homeownership, such as provision of housing counseling to
Not App/Icab/e -City of Pear/and is not a HOME Participating Jurisdiction
Second Program Year Action Plan 17
City of Pearland, Texas
Specific Homeless Prevention Elements
*Please also refer to the Homeless Needs Table in the Needs.xls workbook.
Sources of Funds-Identify the private and public resources that the
jurisdiction expects to receive during the next year to address homeless
needs and to prevent homelessness. These include the McKinney-Vento
Homeless Assistance Act programs, other special federal, state and local
and private funds targeted to homeless individuals and families with
children, especially the chronically homeless, the HUD formula programs,
and any publicly-owned land or property. Please describe, briefly, the
jurisdiction's plan for the investment and use of funds directed toward
The City of Pearland is not an ESG Participating Jurisdiction and no agency in
Pearland Is receiving Brazoria County or State of Texas ESG funds. The City is within
the service area of the Gulf Coast Homeless Coalition but no homeless agencies
serving Pearland are funded through Supportive Housing, Shelter Plus Care or SRO
Moderate Rehabilitation. The City of Pearland has no shelter or transitional living
Bay Area Turning Point, located in League City, Texas, does provide crisis
intervention, homeless prevention and shelter to victims of domestic violence and
sexual assault living in Pearland. It is estimated that approximately 100 Pearland
residents will access services at Bay Area Turning Point during the next year. This
translates into at least $20,000 In services.
There are 64 shelter beds in Brazoria County, with only 16 in the northern half near
Pearland, all for female victims of domestic violence and their children. The
Salvation Army in Freeport, approximately SO miles from Pearland, is the only shelter
within Brazoria County for men. There are only 5 transitional living beds in Brazoria
County. Funding for these projects come from a variety of non-HUD sources. It can
be expected that approximately 4 of these northern Brazoria County beds will serve
Pearland residents providing a total of $8,000 a month or $96,000 a year in
homeless services to the residents of Pearland.
Gulf Coast Center, the area's MHMR agency does receive McKinney-Vento funds for
permanent housing for the chronically mentally ill homeless but neither project is
located in or near Pearland. The Gulf Coast Center has 15 permanent supportive
housing beds through the Continuum of Care funding process and Pearland residents
are eligible for the program. However, it is anticipated that no Pearland resident will
enroll in the program.
Forgotten Angels provides nine single family group homes for adults with mental
disabilities to prevent them from becoming homeless. Each home houses three to
six individuals and is supported through a variety of private funding sources. The
City's CDBG program will fund the transportation needs of three of the houses. The
agency is investigating the potential of accessing other state and federal funds to
Second Program Year Action Plan 18
City of Pearland, Texas
construct amulti-family supportive housing project for this clientele as well as to
construct a transitional living center for adjudicated youth and those aging out of the
foster care system. The development of these two projects will involve several years
and several sources of funding.
The Pearland Neighborhood Centers provides approximately $200 per household to
250 Pearland households each year for emergency assistance in an attempt to help
prevent homelessness. This translates into $50,000 per year in homeless
2. Homelessness-In a narrative, describe how the action plan will address
the specific objectives of the Strategic Plan and, ultimately, the priority
needs identified. Please also identify potential obstacles to completing
these action steps.
The City of Pearland receives no McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act funds and
no CDBG funds are allocated during this year for services directly to the homeless.
However, the City is providing $10,000 in CDBG funds to Pearland Neighborhood
Centers for emergency rental, utility and pharmaceutical assistance that is a form of
homeless prevention. Pearland Neighborhood Centers will be providing and
additional $40,000 in emergency assistance for homeless prevention to residents of
The City of Pearland, through its administrative allocation, will continue to work with
agencies in Brazoria County to determine their interest in initiating a local homeless
coalition that will apply for Continuum of Care funds or to become part of the Texas
Balance of State application. The City will also educate the Pearland agencies about
the Emergency Shelter Grant program through the State of Texas and will encourage
the agencies that qualify to apply for such funds.
3. Chronic homelessness-The jurisdiction must describe the specific
planned action steps it will take over the next year aimed at eliminating
chronic homelessness by 2012. Again, please identify barriers to
achieving this.
According to the Gulf Coast Homeless Coalition, there have been no Identified
chronically homeless in the Clty of Pearland. However, the City Is committed to
assisting housing and service providers In addressing the issue should it arise. One
of the causes of chronic homelessness is disability and the City of Pearland is
providing CDBG funding to Forgotten Angels, Inc., an agency that provides group
homes for mentally and physically disabled adults. By providing permanent
supportive housing in a group home environment, Forgotten Angels helps in
preventing chronic homelessness. Their nine homes provide supportive housing for
approximately 50 disabled adults. The City is using CDBG funds to provide
transportation to supportive services, medical appointments and other necessary
appointments to those living in three of the group homes.
Second Program Year Action Plan 19
City of Pearland, Texas
The City receives no ESG funds and no Pearland agency receives ESG, SHP, S+C or
SRO Mod Rehab funding. The City will be attending the meetings of the Gulf Coast
Homeless Coalition and encourage those agencies that serve the homeless and/or
chronically mentally III/substance abusers to collaborate with Gulf Coast Center to
secure permanent housing for their clients. Without being an ESG Participating
Jurisdiction and without a local homeless coalition, the City and its agencies have no
real access to any McKinney-Vento funding and without being a HOME Participating
Jurisdiction or a local Housing Authority, the City has no access to providing
subsidies or other options to make housing affordable to the homeless.
4. Homelessness Prevention-The jurisdiction must describe its planned
action steps over the next year to address the individual and families
with children at imminent risk of becoming homeless.
During PY 2008, the City will fund Pearland Neighborhood Centers to provide
emergency assistance to those in danger of homelessness. The assistance will pay
rent for those facing eviction, utilities for those facing utility cut-offs, medications for
those who must choose between paying for housing or prescription drugs. This will
help to prevent homelessness, at least on a short-term basis.
The City will also be working with agencies to educate them on ESG funding and to
encourage them to apply for State of Texas ESG funds.
5. Discharge Coordination Policy-Explain planned activities to implement a
cohesive, community-wide Discharge Coordination Policy, and how, in
the coming year, the community will move toward such a policy.
The City of Pearland does not receive ESG, SHP, S+C or Section 8 SRO funds and
does not have a discharge coordination policy. However, the City falls within the
jurisdiction of the Gulf Coast Homeless Coalition which does have a discharge
coordination policy as outlined in the Exhibit 1 of their annual CofC application and in
the City's 5-Year Consolidated Plan. However, none of the CofC funds are expended
in Pearland.
Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG)
(States only) Describe the process for awarding grants to State recipients,
and a description of how the allocation will be made available to units of
local government.
Not App/icab/e
Second Program Year Action Plan 20
City of Pearland, Texas
Community Development
*Please also refer to the Community Development Table in the Needs.xls workbook.
1. Identify the jurisdiction's priority non-housing community development
needs eligible for assistance by CDBG eligibility category specified in the
Community Development Needs Table (formerly Table 2B), public
facilities, public improvements, public services and economic
The City of Pearland has two primary goals in addressing the community
development needs of the community. The first goal is to provide the allowable 15
percent funding to public service projects. With this goal, the City expects to provide
the extra funds necessary for agencies to better meet the needs of the special
populations and low- to moderate-income residents in Pearland. Though the funds
are limited, these dollars will allow the public service agencies to provide extra
services to expand their continuity of care or to provide existing services to
additional residents of Pearland.
Through public participation, meeting with service providers and reviewing Census
and other data, the City as determined which eligible services have a high, medium
or low priority. The table below, extracted from the CPMP Needs table, lists the
activities and their priorities. Not all of the services, even with a high priority, will be
funded using CDBG dollars, but the City is committed to funding as many eligible
projects that apply through the competitive grant process as possible. Those areas
shaded in green Indicate the City's intention to provide some CDBG funding,
assuming that service providers will apply for the funds and have the capacity to
carry out the activities. As more public service agencies build capacity, more
services may be funded through CDBG.
The table below outlines the public service programs eligible under CDBG, the ones
the City intends to fund during the next five years and the ones that the City will
fund in PY 2008. The City is providing funding to Forgotten for transportation
services; to Pearland Neighborhood Centers and Adult Reading Center for literacy
education and related job skills assistance, leading to improved employment
opportunities; to Pearland Neighborhood Centers for Subsistence Payments.
Second Program Year Action Plan 21
City of Pearland, Texas
Table 4 -Non-Housin Public Service Priorities
' SA' S t l' ~ . Geis. ~!~ ~'» k '~,. ~. A ~+ use ` > . ;}{ ,
~ ~ •I•
~ ~ • - ~ ~
•• • ~
~ ~ • ~ ~
OSF Substance Abuse Services 570.201 e M
OSI Crime Awareness 570.201 e M
OSJ Fair Housin Activities if CDBG then sub'ect to 570.201 e M
OSL Child Care Services 570.201 e M
05M Health Services 570.201 e M
050 Mental Health Services 570.201 e M
05R Homeownershi Assistance not direct 570.204 M
058 Rental Housin Subsidies if HOME not art of 5% 570.204 M
05T Securi De osits if HOME not art of 5% Admin c M
05C Le al Services 570.201E L
OSK Tenan Landlord Counselin 570.201 e L
05P Screenin for Lead-Based Pain Lead Hazards Pcison 570.201 e L
Note: those items in light green are expected to be funded during the 5-year period.
Those in dark green are being funded this year (as per table below).
Table 5 -Public Service Fundin for PY 2007
to be Total to
served be
with served
CDBG in PY 2008
Pro'ect T e Funds Pearland Fundin
Public Services ($40,391 is maximum
05H Nei hborhood Centers ESL Service 20 40 $10,000
05Q Neighborhood Centers Emergency Public
Assistance Service 50 250 $10,000
058/05E Forgotten Angels Transportation for Public
Mentall Disabled Adults Service 9 43 $7,889
05 Adult Reading Center Building Public
Im rovements Service 190 247 $12,500
Total Public Services 269 580 $40,389
The table below outlines the priorities for capital projects and administrative tasks
under the Non-Housing Community Development determination. As with Table 1,
the light green rows are areas that the City expects to fund or provide a certificate of
consistency for other federal funding for, while the dark green rows are the areas to
be funded with PY 2007 CDBG funds.
Second Program Year Action Plan 22
City of Pearland, Texas
Table 6 -Priorities for High and Medium Priority
Ca ital Pro'ects and Administrative Tasks
03A ~ dar Centers 6 tip '
F P ~ .,i ,t :
14, rnz ~Y Y .E 4 4°ia ..Yn~."cL~k sX. .
~ •- ~ ~
~i ~~
03 Public Facilities and Im rovements General 570.201 c H
03D Youth Centers 570.201 c M
03E Nei hborhood Facilities 570.201 c M
03J Water Sewer Im rovements 570.201 c M
03M Child Care Centers 570.201 c M
030 Fire Stations E ui ment 570.201 c M
04 Clearance and Demolition 570.201 d M
06 Interim Assistance 570.201 f M
10 Removal of Architectural Barriers 570.201 k M
12 Construction of Housin 570.201 m M
13 Direct Homeownershi Assistance 570.201 n M
14A Rehab• Sin le-Unit Residential 570.202 M
14I Lead-Based Lead Hazard Test Abate 570.202 M
15 Code Enforcement 570.202 c M
176 CI Infrastructure Develo ment 570.203 a M
19D CDBG Assistance to Institutes of Hi her Education M
Note: those items in light green are expected to be funded during the 5-year period.
Those in dark green are being funded this year (as per table below).
The City of Pearland is funding an infrastructure project during PY 2008, a public
facility renovation and administrative tasks including nonprofit capacity building
activities and the completion of the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice
and the Fair Housing Plan.
Second Program Year Action Plan 23
City of Pearland, Texas
Table 7 -Capital Improvement and Administrative Task Funding
for PY 2008
e People to
be served
with CDBG
Funds Total
People for
PY 2008
03L Installing sidewalks along Veterans and
Old Alvin Roads
Total Infrastructure $178 387
Handlca d Center Public Faci/i
3B Improve Forgotten Angles Day Hab
Center for mentally disabled adults (facility
solely for the use of limited
clientele/ resumed benefit individuals
Total Handica ed Center Public Facilit $17 500
Administration ($53,855 is maximum
21A/19C/21 D General management including
ca aci buildin and com letin FHP
Total Administration $33 000
2. Identify specific long-term and short-term community development
objectives (including economic development activities that create jobs),
developed in accordance with the statutory goals described in section 24
CFR 91.1 and the primary objective of the CDBG program to provide
decent housing and a suitable living environment and expand economic
opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons.
*NOte: Each specific objective developed to address a priority need, must be identified by
number and contain proposed accomplishments, the time period (i.e., one, two, three, or
more years), and annual program year numeric goals the jurisdiction hopes to achieve in
quantitative terms, or in other measurable terms as identified and defined by the
The long-term and short-term objectives for the City of Pearland include objectives
to be funded by CDBG and those to be carried out through other funding
mechanisms, such as the City's 4B Economic Development Corporation and various
regional Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). The City's
primary objectives are:
• Create jobs
• Increase education to qualify for jobs
• Enhance infrastructure (drainage, sidewalks, streets, park space) to
enhance suitable living environment
Second Program Year Action Plan 24
City of Pearland, Texas
• Provide supportive services to disabled, homeless, elderly and low-income
• Provide an environment to support CH DO activities and Low Income
Housing Tax Credit Properties
During PY 2008, the City will be funding projects that increase education, enhance
infrastructure and provide supportive services (transportation and emergency
assistance to the disabled, elderly and low-income.
Tahla R-Prniwetc by National [Ihieetives and [lutcome Cateanries
National National Outcome Categories Numbers to
Objectives be Served
Outcome 1: Outcome 2: Outcome 3:
Availability/ Affordability Sustainability
Objective 1: Infrastructure Providing method 1,043 people
Suitable Living Improvements to of pedestrian
Environment install sidewalks trans ortation
Funding of Public Funding of Public 269 people
Services to Services to
improve provide
availability and affordable
accessibility to services in the
needed areas of:
assistance in the literacy
areas of: literacy education; ESL
education; ESL education;
education; emergency
emergency assistance;
assistance; transportation to
transportation to services for
services far disabled
Objective 2:
Decent Housing
Objective 3:
O ortuni
The Table below, extracted from the CPMP Needs Table, outlines the specific
objectives by matrix code.
Second Program Year Action Plan 25
City of Peariand, Texas
Table 9 - 5-Year and Current Year Objectives for Anticipated Community
Development Activities
Activi Accom lishment Units Goals
5-Year Current
OSA Senior Services O1-Pep le 100
O5B Handica ed Services O1-Pep le 45 9
OSD Youth Services 01-Pep le 450
OSE Trans ortation O1-Pep le 50
OSG Battered & Abused O1-People 45
OS General Public Services/ESL O1-People 150 190
Education Literac Education
OSN Abused & Neglected O1-People 45
OS Subsistence Pa ments O1-Pep le 200 50
03A Senior Centers O1-People 500
11-Public Facilities 1 facilit
03B Handicapped Centers 01-People 50 45
11-Public Facilities lfacilit
03F Parks, Recreational O1-People 500
11-Public Facilities 1 facilit
03I Flood/Drainage O1-People 1,500
11-Public Facilities (Linear 2,000'
03K Street Improvements O1-People 1,550
11-Public Facilities (Linear 1,000'
03L Sidewalks O1-People 3,500 1,043
11-Public Facilities (Linear 5,000' 3,800 feet
Antipoverty Strategy
1. Describe the actions that will take place during the next year to reduce
the number of poverty level families.
The City of Pearland's anti-poverty strategy is not only aimed at lifting existing
residents out of poverty but also preventing others from falling into poverty. Poverty
is a two-edged sword -lack of income and high costs of living. Therefore, the 5-
year strategy is aimed at helping residents increase their incomes and reduce their
Second Program Year Action Plan 26
City of Pearland, Texas
costs of living. During PY 2008, the strategies will be:
Income Strategies: Education is the key to increasing incomes. The City
will fund Pearland Neighborhood Centers to provide funds for tuition and
books for English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. The Adult Reading
Center will receive funds to improve their classroom facility that provides
literacy and basic life skills/job readiness skills to those with limited reading
proficiency. Both programs will provide the education needed to increase the
incomes of the participants.
Though not receiving any CDBG funds, the Pearland Economic Development
Corporation, a 4B Corporation, will continue to provide grants to eligible
companies that are increasing their employment base and infusing new
capital into the community. The City of Pearland and Brazoria County also
give tax abatements to businesses that retain or create at least ten jobs
through capital investments of at least $500,000 for City abatements and
$1,000,000 for County abatements. In addition, the Pearland Economic
Development Corporation participates in the State of Texas Skills
Development Fund to assist the community and technical colleges finance
customized job training for local businesses. Income is linked to employment
opportunities. Below is a table of the major employers in Pearland.
During PY 2007, the City of Pearland entered into an agreement with
University of Houston for the school to construct a campus within the City.
This campus will provide upper division and graduate classes in the curricula
most applicable for the employment base In the area.
Living Costs: Lack of sufficient affordable housing is a major barrier to
reducing the costs of living for low- to moderate-income residents in
Pearland. The City will expend a portion of its administrative budget to
collaborating with Brazoria County, the Southeast Texas Housing Finance
Corporation (SETH) and nonprofits interested in becoming CHDOs who are
positioning themselves to develop new affordable housing units in or in the
immediate vicinity of Pearland.
The City of Pearland is committed to working with the Brazoria County
Housing Authority in its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. By
educating Pearland residents and apartment complexes about the program,
more Pearland citizens will be able to take advantage of Section 8 without
having to relocate to other areas of the county.
The City of Pearland will fund Pearland Neighborhood Centers to provide
emergency assistance and homeless prevention activities in Pearland.
Second Program Year Action Plan 27
City of Pearland, Texas
Non-homeless Special Needs (91.220 (c) and (e))
*Please also refer to the Non-homeless Special Needs Table in the Needs.xls workbook.
1. Describe the priorities and specific objectives the jurisdiction hopes to
achieve for the period covered by the Action Plan.
The City is not in a financial position, given the limited CDBG funds, to support
housing options for any of the special needs populations. However, it places a high
priority on supportive services to these populations. Transportation is one of the
most critical needs for the special needs populations. During PY 2008, the City will
provide $7,889 in public service dollars to Forgotten Angels for transporting disabled
adults who reside in three of their nine group homes. Transportation will be to and
from service providers, medical appointments and other essential services.
Additionally, Forgotten Angels will receive $17,500 of the necessary $35,000 to
upgrade and improve their Day Hab Center for the residents of their group homes.
Forgotten Angels is currently investigating the feasibility of becoming a CHDO and/or
applying for Section 811 funds for the construction of housing for their mentally
disabled clients.
2. Describe how Federal, State, and local public and private sector
resources that are reasonably expected to be available will be used to
address identified needs for the period covered by this Action Plan.
The City of Pearland manages the Knapp Senior Center. During PY 2005/6, the
Center received over $300,000 in CDBG funding from Brazoria County for significant
capital improvements. The CDBG funding was matched with $1,400,000 in City
funds to produce a renovated and expanded center valued at more than $2,500,000
to serve the elderly of Pearland. The project was completed during PY 2007, making
additional services and capacity available during PY 2008.
Forgotten Angels houses 45 to 50 disabled adults in its nine group homes located in
Pearland. They contribute approximately $1,344,000 in housing and services to
Pearland children and adults with intellectual disabilities, many of whom also have
physical disabilities. The agency also provides a day center for their residents, with
a $440,500 budget funded through private donations.
In addition to the nine group homes of Forgotten Angels that are located in Pearland,
there are a number of Harris County and Brazoria County agencies that serve
Pearland, including Texas Rehabilitation Center (physical disabilities), The Gulf Coast
Center (mental illness), Pearland Meals on Wheels (elderly and homebound
disabled), ARC of the Gulf Coast (mentally disabled), Bay Area Council on Drug
Abuse (substance use), Brazoria County Center for Independent Living (all types of
Second Program Year Action Plan 28
City of Pearland, Texas
disability). These agencies do not maintain records on the resources devoted strictly
to the City of Pearland.
Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS
*Please also refer to the HOPWA Table in the Needs.xls workbook.
i. Provide a Brief description of the organization, the area of service, the
name of the program contacts, and a broad overview of the range/ type
of housing activities to be done during the next year.
2. Report on the actions taken during the year that addressed the special
needs of persons who are not homeless but require supportive housing,
and assistance for persons who are homeless.
3. Evaluate the progress in meeting its specific objective of providing
affordable housing, including a comparison of actual outputs and
outcomes to proposed goals and progress made on the other planned
actions indicated in the strategic and action plans. The evaluation can
address any related program adjustments or future plans.
4. Report on annual HOPWA output goals for the number of households
assisted during the year in: (1) short-term rent, mortgage and utility
payments to avoid homelessness; (2) rental assistance programs; and
(3) in housing facilities, such as community residences and SRO
dwellings, where funds are used to develop and/or operate these
facilities. Include any assessment of client outcomes for achieving
housing stability, reduced risks of homelessness and improved access to
5. Report on the use of committed leveraging from other public and private
resources that helped to address needs identified in the plan.
6. Provide an analysis of the extent to which HOPWA funds were
distributed among different categories of housing needs consistent with
the geographic distribution plans identified in its approved Consolidated
7. Describe any barriers (including non-regulatory) encountered, actions in
response to barriers, and recommendations for program improvement.
8. Please describe the expected trends facing the community in meeting the
needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and provide additional
information regarding the administration of services to people with
9. Please note any evaluations, studies or other assessments that will be
conducted on the local HOPWA program during the next year.
Not App/icab/e -City of Pear/and receives no HOPWA funding
Second Program Year Action Plan 29
City of Pearland, Texas
Specific HOPWA Ob"ectives
Describe how Federal, State, and local public and private sector resources
that are reasonably expected to be available will be used to address
identified needs for the period covered by the Action Plan.
Not App/icab/e -City of Pear/and receives no HOPWA funding
Second Program Year Action Plan 30
City of Pearland, Texas
Include any Action Plan information that was not covered by a narrative in
any other section.
Second Program Year Action Plan 31
City of Peariand, Texas
PY 2008 Projects from CPMP Excel file
Copies of Public Notices
Power Point Presentations
Public Services Subrecipient Application packet
Second Program Year Action Plan 32