2008-06-23 PEARLAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDASAGENDA -PUBLIC HEARING OF THE PEARIAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ~"PEOC"~ BOARD Of DIRfCiORS Of THE CITY Of PEaRLPND, iEAAS 10 BE HELD MONDAY, JUNE 40, 4000 Ai 4:10 P.M., 7Y° FLCH)R CONfEREHCE ROOM, CRY HP1L, SS19 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEPkLPNO,iESAS. CIRYCOUNCILMEMBERSMAYPISOBEAIIENDING I. CAlLi00RDER II. PURPOSEOfNEARING: iacooside~useofMaonehalfcenlsalesNxpmceetlsfo~p~opasctlPEOCprojecls, P~oposctl pmjeckwill iaclutleexpendiluasfa~ aoyof Ihefallmuing. Promotion of maoukcN~ing and intlusNal facilitice Rec~lingfaulilies Okhibu0a cenlea SmallwaiehwseanU sloagefacildias f acili0es to p~anak omu and expands businass deuelapmeot Ta~gakd InOaslmcN~e Palls aotl ~alal~ public spaca improvamaols Tau~ism aodmkNaiomenlfacililies Cammemial hcili~s Baospodalioo imp~auemanls IofasOuclual improuemeols Olha~ business+alal~ im piouemaH f acilitice ~alalad to any of the f ongoing piojecls Res¢amh and dauelapmeot facilitks GanaalbusmasspaiNsfoi~esaamhaoddaualopmal SIB ies to assist in ~elail and iodusVy clusk~ daualopmeot III. SiAffREVIEW N. CDI4ENCOMMENTS V BOARDISiAffDISCUSSION VI. AOJOURNMENi ThissikisaccessiMelodceaMetlindivaluals, fo~specialassisknce,suchastheocedfaiok~pete~sPo~ Ne deaf a Bank maleials, please call Janice Vega at 2BI.904.1641 piio~ to ka m¢eling so appmpiiala a~ang¢menls cen ba made. POSTEO~~ 'I dayo6'd~s AD~,4008 ~~3U AM~P~M~ REMOVEO~dayof AD~,4008~