R99-072 09-27-99 RESOLUTION NO. R99-72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO AMEND THE CONTRACT WITH VERNON HENRY & ASSOCIATES FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain contract amendment by and between the City of Pearland and Vernon Henry & Associates, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary to attest the original of the attached contract amendment with Vernon Henry & Associates, for and on behalf of the City of Pearland, for additional services required to complete the City's Comprehensive Plan. PASSED, APPROVED and , A.D., 1999. ADOPTED this the ~'7~/'n day of TOM REID MAYOR ET~"~ APPROVED AS TO FORM: 'ATTEST: DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE' ;~O CONThACT R LAND PLANNING SERVICES DATED MAY 11, 1997 BETWEEN VERNON G. HENRY AND ASSOCIATES, INC. (CONSULTANT) ..... AND THE CITY'.,.O.F.p.e, ARLAND, TEXAS (CUENT) I. BACKQROUND The erigi~i contract defined a scope of services that aF;ified three pha.ses of work - I ) Data Collection and Analysis, 2) Plan Development, and 3) Plan Review and Implementation. Also included was the Client's expressed desire to complete the project withiD a seven month time period from mid May to early r',ecem~r, 1997. Due Ioa variety of unforeseen circumstances and substantial lenSthen~g of the original project schedule, the Consultant has incurred fees for additional services aaao¢iatcd wkh Phases I and 2 and will incur additional fees to complete Phase 3. This contract addendure identifies the additional services and estimated increase in Consultant fees. All terms and condilio~s of ~e original contract will apply except as. modified heroin. I!. SCOPE OF SERVICES Additional services required to complete Phases I and 2 i. Revisions to clamor-specific plans, graphics and texts resulting ~'om expansion of the Plannans Area (i.¢. latc~t EI'J ag~cm~R with City of Houston) and ~;l~axt~ iu the City'~ corporate limit (i.e. annexations) ' :Z. Assimilating, reforrnatting and enhancing the Client's computertzecl drawing flies and maps for use ia the Plan. Additional services r¢qul. red to complete Pha~: 3 1. Prepare for and attend additional meetings with t.he City CounCil and Planning and Zoning Commission to include four workshops and two public beings. 1.,.Prepare for and attend ~ additiona! meeting with the P~i~ and Recreation Board. 3. Incorporate the Shadow Creek Ranch Dcvelopmcnt into =!cmcnt-sFc[f~c plans, ~aphic~, and texts, 4. Address Client*desi~ revisions to fl'.e Plan resulting from changes in the priorities and concerns orffie council, commission, Boatel and s~affsince 1997. Iil. CONSULTANT FEES AND REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Fees The fees for the Consultant's additional services will be charged on an hourly basis at the same rates listed in the original contract. The Consultant estimates that the total fe~s for the services oudined abov4: will not exceed $15,000. That amount will not be exceeded without prior authorizatinn by the Client. ViOe Prosatlanta: Mary Lou Henry, A.LC.R Michael L, lisa, A.S.L.A. Start Winter. A I C, P 51~ POSt Oak BIrd., Suite 205, Houston, Texas 77027 (713) 627-8666 Fax: (713) 627-7665 Reimbursable Expenses R~imbursab[~ expenses will continue to be charged at the Consultant's costs plus [ Mileage incurred for the use of sta.ff automobiles will continue to be charged at the r'&te of $0.32 per mile. Exl~mes for additiun~l grvices are estimated not to exceed. $1,000. ACCEF1FEO ASSOCIATES, INC. PROVIDED ACCEPTE BY CLIENT BY SEPTEMBER 30, 1999. ' .'F"'/"/..,"""' en~;0~ Hwu?~/~'.i~CLPZ~ ~ Mary Lou Henry, F.A.I.C.P. Pvresident '~ Executive Vice R'csident . THI$ 15'rN DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1999 FOR VERNON G. HENRY AND As indicated b;~' my signature I~k~w, I certify lhHt | urn authorized to execute this contract on behalf of the City of Pearland, Pearland, Texas, ACCEPTED FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND: BY Ci_tv .Ma_naqer Title Glen Ee:~i.n Typed or Printed Name .Sep~emher. 28, lqqq D~e ~Ya-~/pear ~p ~m add l.d~ -2- TOTAL P.04 September 15, 1999 Mr. Alan Mueiler Special Projects Coordinator City of Pearlanct 3523 Lil~rty Dr. P~arland, Texas 77~61 Re: Additional Services Peadud Comprehensive Plan P. nolo~n~d b our proposed contract amendment to cover additional services incurred to complete the Comprehensive Plan. As you probably recall, we began this task in Spring, 1997, with the expectation tc complete it by the end of that same year. Our budget was influenced by that understanding. But ~ you well know, things changed. To date we have incurred fees of almost $60,000 above our original contract amount; although, not all of that amount is attributable to the City. Having already gone through two ~erle~ of Plan Review meetings with the Cmmcil and now needing a third series. we ask that our total budget be increased by .$15,000, not only to cover ~e work still ahead but to also partly defray several past additional costs. Thee include revisions to main, texts and Faphk;-~ b~uul~ht on by chan~¢~ in the ETI and corporate limit as well as addeel work needed to tailize the City's computgriz~ tns~ m~s. Having invested substanuai time aacl resources in u~ating me ctty's comprc!~nslve Plan, we appreciate your efforts to fmaliy complete the project. Very truly yours, Vernon G. I4~ry. AICP, CP-~ President pcm.hu~,~mdtcr e~at:' n~i Vice Presiclents; Mary Lou Henry, A.I.C.R Miohael L. Ilse, A.S.L.A, Stan Winter, A.I.C.P. 515 Post Oak Blvcl.. Suite 205. Houston, T~xas 77027 (713) 627-8~66 Fax; (713) 627-7666 Memo To: Via: From: Date: Subject: Mayor and Council Members Glen Erwin Alan Mueller September 21, 1999 Comprehensive Plan - Consultant Contract Amendment As you may recall, the original contract with Vernon Henry and Associates anticipated the Plan to be completed by December 1997. Due to circumstances beyond the consultant's control, this schedule was not met. To finish out the project, the consultant has submitted a proposal of $15,000 plus approximately $1,000 in expenses to complete the comprehensive plan project. The original contract was funded from the Capital Projects Fund. I recommend that this additional expenditure also be expended from this Fund. There is an anticipated October 1, 1999, fund balance of $154,060 plus an additional $225,675 is anticipated to be transferred to this Fund in FY 2000 as an undesignated transfer for projects. Adequate funds are available in the fund to for this expenditure. Please contact me if need additional information. C: David Castillo