Ord. 2000M-0052 2008-05-12pUe `10002 'oN aoueulp~p ~o Z•Z•Z• ~ uol~oaS ~o suolsinoad y~IM ~(~iwao}uoo ~oia~s ul 6ulaq aol~ou pue lleo ples `„O„ ~lglyx3 se sasodand Ile ao~ ~oaaay fed a apew pue o~aaay payoe~e 6ulaq uoi~eollgnd ,~o ~Inepl}}e aye `~(ll0 aye ~o ~adedsnnau lelol~o aye ul uol~eollgnd ~(q uanl6 6ulaq aol~ou `sexal `puel~ead ~o ~~I~ aye }o Ilouno~ ~~IO aye pue uolsslwwo~ 6uluoZ pue 6uluueld aye aao~aq play senn 6ulaeaH o!Ignd ~u!of a `8002 `I!adb ~o ~(ep ~S6Z aye uo `Sb~3213HM pue :,,8„ ~Igiyx3 se sasodand Ile ao~ ~oa~ay fed a apew pue o~a~ay payoe~~e dew uol;eool aye ul pa~oldap ~Ileolydea6 aaow pue `„b„ ~iglyx3 se sasodand Ile ao~ ~oaaay }red a apew pue o~aaay payoe}~e ~uawpuawe ao~ suol}eoydde leul6lao ay} ul pagiaosap ~Ile6al 6ulaq ~(~aadoad pies `bola}slp 6uluoz ay} ul a6ueyo a ~o lenadde ao~ `~ll~ ay} }o delN 6uluoZ aye `WOOOZ 'oN aoueulp~O o} ~uawpuawe ao~ uol~eoildde ue palm `aaunno `6ua~S uewaa8 ao~ ~ueolldde `sa}eloossy pue ~ag11O •~l i(.~aa~{ `Sd3213HM '103f 8f1S 3Hl Ol a31b~~32i SNOISI/~Obd 2.~3H1O ONb 31ba 3/~11~3333 Nb `3Sflb~O Jlll~l8b?J3/~3S b `3S(lbl0 SJNI/~bS b JNINIb1N0~ ~dbW lOI~I1Sld JNINOZ 3H1 30 1N3WON3Wb Nb ?JO3 JNIdInO~ld `2~3NM0 `JNO2i1S Nb'W338 2~0~ 1NbOllddb `S31bI0OSSb 4Nb 1b381IJ 2~ Jlbb3~i ~O 1S3f1D32~ 3Hl lb `add) 1~12~1S14 1N3WdOl3n3a 43NNbld Ol ~Z-2~) l~iblSla Z - ~bI1N341S32J JIIIWb~ 3gJNIS 4Nb `~£-2~) lOlblSla £ - lbI1N341S32~ JI~IWb~ 3lJNIS `~9J) lOlblSla llbl3b SS3NISflB ~b2J3N3J WO2i3 `~Z06'800Z 'ON NOllb~~l~ddb~ 3JNb~H~ 3NOZ) `~JlbM~lbbd dNbl2~b3d 4Nb ~133b1S JlbMdbObB) 865 W~ ~O 2~3N2iO0 1S3MH1bON 3Hl lb' 431b0O~ Jl~~bb3N3J) SbX31 `Jl1Nf1O0 blbOZbbB `aNbl2~b3d 30 Jlll~ `S42JO032~ 4334 Jl1Nf1O0 b12~OZbbB 3Hl 30 `5Z 3Jbd `6Z~6 3Wf1~O/~ NI 43Q2iO032~ 4334 3H1 NI Z lOb2~1 Sb Q38R~~S34 dNbl 30 1~b2J1 32iOb 55L'8 6 6 4311b0 Nlblb30 1bHl ~O NO112~Od b JN138 4Nb `866 lOb2~1S8b `Jl3/~2~f1S N33bJ 'f SbWOHl 3H1 NI `aNbl 30 S32~Ob Zb£'£5 JN138 NOIlbOOq `Jll?J3dO2id ~b3?J NIb12J30 30 NOIlbOI~ISSblO 3Hl JNIJNbH~ ~O 3SOd2~fld 3H1 bO~ `SbX31 `aNb~bb3d 30 Jlll~ 3Hl ~O dbW JNINOZ 3H1 `WOOOZ 'ON 30NbNIaiJO JNIaN3Wb `SbX31 `dNb~21b3d ~O JlllO 3Hl 30 IION(1O0 JlllO 3Hl ~O 30NbN1a2~0 Nb ZS-W000Z 'ON 3~Nb~Nld21O ORDINANCE NO. 2000M-52 WHEREAS, on the 1St day of May, 2008, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the City submitted its report and recommendation to the City Council regarding the proposed amendment application by Kerry R. Gilbert and Associates, applicant for Beeman Strong, owner, whereby the Commission recommended approval of the change of classification for the described property from its existing classification of General Business Retail District (GB), Single Family Residential - 3 District (R-3), and Single Family Residential - 2 District (R-2) to Planned Development District (PD), said recommendation attached hereto and made a part hereof for all purposes as Exhibit "D"; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of the report from the Planning and Zoning Commission, the City Council considered this application and the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission at a regular meeting on May 12, 2008; and WHEREAS, the City Council having fully heard the testimony and argument of all interested parties, and having been fully advised in the premises, finds that in the case of the application of Kerry R. Gilbert and Associates, applicant for Beeman Strong, owner, presented which, in the judgment of the City Council, would justify the approval of said application; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section I. The following described property located within the corporate City limits of the City of Pearland, Texas, and presently classified as General Business Retail District (GB), Single Family Residential - 3 District (R-3), and Single Family Residential - 2 District (R-2) is hereby zoned to Planned Development District (PD), in accordance with all conditions and requirements listed in the Planned Development (PD) Document, also known as Exhibit "E" attached hereto and incorporated for all Page 2 of 4 Ord No 2000M-52 ZS-W000Z oN PLO ti;o E abed ulaaay lenoadde ay} y}inn }ua}slsuoo pue 1-OOOZ 'oN aoueulpap }o Z'Z'E'Z uol}oaS }o suolslnoad ay} o} }uensand `~(}l~ ay} ,}o deW }ola}sld 6uluoZ lelol~lo ay} o} }uawpuawe ue pa~eda~d aq o} asneo o} pa}oaalp ~(gaaay sl ~.-e}aaoas ~(}l~ ayl •In uol}oaS ~(}l~ ay} ~o }l}auaq ay} ao} panaasaad aae pue aq lleys `o}away} s}uawpuawe s}l pue aoueulpap sly} aapun ~(}l~ ay} }o cone} ay} ul panaooe aney yolynn `salpawaa pue s}y6ia Ily 'n uoi~oaS }oaaay} suol}~od 6ululewaa ay} }o ~(}lpllen ay} }oa}}e }ou ileys 6ulploy yons pue uolslnoad }uapuadapul pue `}oul}slp `a}eaedas a pawaap aq lleys uol}~od yons `uol}olpsl~nf }ua}adwoo }o }anoo ~(ue ~(q leuol}n}l}suooun ao plienul play uoseaa ~(ue ao} sl aoueulpap sly} ` }o uol}~od ao aseayd `asnelo `aoua}uas `uol}oasgns `uol}oas ~(ue 3l •nl uol;oas saannod aoilod s,~t}l~ ay} ~o aslo~axa Allen .aadoad a sl pue ollgnd ay} }o aae}lane leaaua6 pue `~(}a}es `y}leay ay} sa}owoad ulaaay pa}dope }uawpuawe ay} }ey} saulwaa}ap pue spin} puelaead }o ~(}l~ ay} }o llouno~ ~(}l~ ayl 'III uo!~oaS ~uolsloap pue uol}eaaplsuoo ao} llouno~ ~(}l~ ay} o} pue uolsslwwo~ 6uluoZ pue 6uluueld ay} o} as}}ew sly} ~o uol}e}uasaad pue 6ul}sod ay} ul nnel ~o sa}epuew ay} y}lnn aouelidwoo uaaq sey away} }ey} saulwaa}ap pue spin} aay}an} llouno~ ~(}l~ ayl ~apew uaaq sey a6ueyo pasodoad ay} }o }sa}Dad Allen ou }ey} pue payslldwoooe uaaq aney noel }o sa}lslnba~aad tiessaoau ile }ey} pue an.a} aye }oaaay algweaad ay} ul suol}e}loan ay} }ey} saulwaa}ap pue spin} puelaead ~o ~}l~ ay} ~o llouno~ ~(}l~ ayl 'll uoi}oas (~(enn~laed puelaead pue (}aaa}S ~(ennpeoa8) g ~5 lN~ }o aauao~ }sanny}~oN ay} }e pa}eoo~ ~ileaaua~) sexal `~(}uno~ elaozea8 `puelaead }o ~(}l~ `spaooa~ paaa ~(}uno~ elaoze~8 ay} }o `gZ a6ed ` bZ~ ~ awnlon ul papaooaa paap ay} ul Z }Deal se paglaosap puel }o }oea} aaoe 5518 ~ ~ palleo ule}~ao }ey} }o uol}~od e 6ulaq pue `86~ }oea}sqy `~(anmS uaaa~ ~(' sewoyl ay} ul `puel }o saaoe Z~£'85 :se paglaosap ~(laelnol}~ed avow 6ulaq ~(}~adoad yons `sasodand ZS-W000Z 'ON 3~Nb~Nld2iO Z9-W000Z oN PLO b;o ~ a6ed J13N2~Ollb Jlll~ b3~iO0 'W Nl~lbbd `~ • `~~(~ ~W2~Od Ol Sb a3nObddb x~ _~x ~ 1 ` Nfl ~' ~~'b7~t~t~ ~1S311b bOJIbW al3b WOl 8002 `~eW ~o ~(ep yaZ ~ sly 6uipea~ leui~ pue puooaS uo 431dOdb pUe `a3nO21ddb `a3SSbd b132J S Jl ~ JNfI ~1S311b bOJIbW al3b WOl `~(eW ~o ~(ep y;Z ~ siy~ 6ulpea~ ~sald uo 431dOab pUe `a3nO2~ddb `a3SSbd 8002 ~6uipeaa leui~ pue puooas uo lenoadde pue a6essed ski aa}}e and;oa}}a awooaq Ileys aoueulpaO siul 'lIA uoi;oaS ~(}aadoad pagiaosap anoge uiaaay aye ~o uoi~eoi~isse~oaa ay} ao; pa}uea6 ZS-W000Z 'ON 3~NtJNld2lO r' " 8 a(i •oN uol3eollddy ~ - b1 ~ c. :ales :a~eQ •puel~ead ~oJ paplnad se asanba~ pagl.tosap anoge ay} Jo leno lu .~ Ug ssaaood crow-;~j '~ Z - bC, t~.'~7xd~ (,+~ ~ ~ (-~Z 33NOHd ' j dIZ~31V1S ~ ,V,10 I 0~1Z" $ti ~ V, ~ SS3aQOd ~' ~70$$~..b ~~ ~~ ~ .A..t"a 3WdN /5~ ~N0111/WaOdNI1NV01lddV ~` O'«'~ 3111/4 0~ ~ ~ 'Olb'd S33d :Jl' ~Sft 301dd0 .amleu6lg s,lua6d • ~nleu6lg s,~aunnp eye apo qua o anap pal~~u~ ayJ ISq Jsanba~ ~(qa~a !ldde pue ~aunno sy ss3aaod ilvw 3 ~ - ~ c~1'~xe~ ~]~ -~~~~3NOHd ~dIZ~311I1S X11.10 (saupapln~ pue }ewlod pd aas'paisanbe~ s! 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Gilbert end Aseociatea, applicant for Beeman Strong, owner, for an amendment to Ordlnana No. ZOOOM, the Zonirp Map o(ttn CNy d Pearland, for approval of a change in zoning disMd from dassiflcation General Business Retail District (GB), Single Family Residential - 3 DfsMd (R- 3), and Single Family Residential - 2 DIsMd (R- 2) to Planned Development OisWd (PD), on the following desalted property, to wit: 53.342 acres of land, in the Thomas J. Green Survey, Abstract 198, and being a portion of that certain called 118.755 acre tract of land described as Tract 2 in the deed recorded in Volume 1421, Page 25, of the Brazoria County Deed Records, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas (Generally Located at the Northwest Comer of FM 518 (Broadway Street) and Pearfand Parkway) At said hearing all interest- ed parties shall have the right and opportunity to appear and be heard on the subject. Theresa Grehmann Senior Planner ~ ~o ~ s6ed uoissiwwo~ 6uiuoZ pue 6wuue~d ay} ~o ~~eyaq uo '~auue~d ~oiuag 'uuewye~~ esa~ayl uunuayv,~5 •~/•nsa.~a~ '~t~a~aouig •uoissiwwo~ 6wuoZ pue 6uiuue~d ay} ~q ~enadde ~o~ papuawwooa~ seen }sanba~ a6ueyo auoz ayl '0 - L seen a}on ayl •sai}iuawe pue ~}~ni}oauuoo 6uip~e6a~ Z pue ~ s}uawwo~ ;deoxa '}~oda~ ~e;s 6u»eaH oi~gnd ;uio~ ay} wolf s}uawwoo }}e}S y}inn anadde o; uoi;ow ay; papuawe s66ia ~agwaw uosssiwwo~ uay} pue 's66io ~agwaw uoissiwwo~ ~(q papuooas seen ya~ynn ';sanba~ a6ueyo auoz ay; ~o ~enadde puawwooa~ o; uogow a apew }~eyade~ ~agwaw uoissiwwo~ ~tenn~ed puepead pue (}aa~}g ~(ennpeag) 86g wd ~o ~awo~ }sanny}~oN ay} }e pa}eoo~ ~(pe~aua~ :uoi}eoo~ ~e~aua~ sexal '~}uno~ euoze~8 'puepead ~o ~Ul~ 'sp~ooaa paaa ~uno~ euoze~a ay} ~o 'gZ s6ed ' 6Zti6 awn~on ui pap~ooa~ paap ay} u~ Z }seal se paquosap pue ~o ;oel; a~ae 99L'86l Pails uie}~ao }ey} ~o uoi}~od a 6u~aq pue '866 }oe~}sqy '~(an.ing uaa~~ •~ sewoyl ay} ui 'pue ~o sa~oe Z~b£•E9 :ua;duosep ~e6a~ :}inn o} '~adad paquosap 6uinnopo~ ay} uo '(ad) }au}siQ }uawdo~anea pauue~d o} (Z-a) }ou3sld Z _ lei}uapisaa ~l~iwe~ a~6uig pue '(£-a) }ou;sia £ - ~e~}uapisaa ~(~iwed a~6wg '(8~) }ou}sia ~ie}ab ssauisn8 ~eaaua~ uoi}eo~sse~o wad }ou}sip 6uiuoz ui a6ueyo a ~o ~enadde ~o~ 'puepead ~o ~!~ ay} ~o dew 6uiuoZ ay} 'WOOOZ 'oN aoueuip~p o} }uawpuawe ue ~o} '~auN-o '6ua}g uewaa8 ~o~ 3ueogdde `sa;eioossy pue }~aq~i~ •a ways ~tq ;sanba~ y :6ulMOpo~ ay} pa~apisuoo uoissiwwo~ 6uiuoZ pue 6uiuue~d ay; 'g00Z ' 6Z lady ~0 6ui}saw ~e~n6a~ ~iay; }y a~agwaw ~iouno~ ~!~ pue ~o~(ew a~ge~ouoH Z06-800Z 'oN a6ueyo auoz uo uoi}epuawwooaa :a~ 689L1 Xl 'Pueuead anuo ~C}~agil 669£ s~agwaw ~iouno~ ~I~ pue ~o~(ew a~ge~ouoH 8002 ' 6 ~eW -- w ~a;;a1 uo~;epuawwoaab aotsss~~mmo~ Ruiao~ ~ Sa!aa¢Id ZS-W000Z ~oN aoueuipap aa6}a~ uoi~epuawwooa~ Z'8d ..d.. ~!q!4X~ Planned Development for Pearland Commons Prepared For Trammell Crow Company Kerry R. Gilbert Associates, Inc. April 2008 Exhibit "E" Planned Development Ordinance No. 2000M -52 Pearland Commons Table of Contents I. Introduction 1 A. Description of the Subject Property B. Description of Proposed Development C. Describe the area of land in acreage D. A statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD district established therein 11. Zoning and Land Use 2 A. Describe the existing zoning districts and the boundaries of said districts B. Describe the base zoning district(s) to be overlaid and the acreage of each different district C. The general standards applicable to development within the district 1. Provide the percentage of use in each zoning classification D. The permitted, conditional and accessory uses authorized in the district III. Design standards applicable to the development 4 A. Specific Design Standards 1. Signage 2. Landscaping /Street Trees 3. Fencing 4. Parking and Vehicular Circulation 5. Screening 6. Sidewalks 7. Corridor Overlay District. B. Refer to Design Plan and describe which aspects of plan are precise and which are general. C. A specific list of deviations from standards in the base zoning district(s), together with any standards in the ordinance which are to be varied for development within the PD district. D. All requirements of the Unified Development Code will be met, unless specifically mentioned in this Planned Development. IV. Required dedications of land or public improvements 7 V. A phasing schedule for the project 7 VI. Exhibits A. Project Location B. Site Location C. Survey and Legal Description D. Existing Zoning Map E. Conceptual Development Plan F. Signage Exhibit G. Conceptual Project Identifier Imagery H. Landscape Buffer Exhibit I. Landscape Screening Exhibit J. Lighting Exhibit K. Phasing Plan L. Sample of Representative Images I. Introduction A. Description of the Subject Property Pearland Commons occupies the northwest corner of the intersection of two City of Pearland major thoroughfares. Broadway (F.M. 518) abuts the southern boundary and Pearland Parkway abuts the eastern boundary. The site is situated to the east of an existing 85 foot wide Brazoria Drainage District #4 drainage easement which provides approximately 130 feet of separation from an existing multi family complex and the rear side of a single family residential neighborhood. The site is currently vacant as is the property to the north. Refer to Exhibit A Project Location. B. Description of Proposed Development. Pearland Commons will be developed as a mix of neighborhood service retail establishments in clusters and pad sites that are uniquely designed and situated such that the resulting center conveniently accommodates customers and their vehicles while focusing on internal and external pedestrian activity. Careful attention was given to focal points, open space, pedestrian walkways, building orientation and articulation, buffers and landscaping. Key elements of the overall site plan include: 1. Architectural element including a project identifier at the intersection of Pearland Parkway and Broadway. 2. Primary project entry located on Pearland Parkway near center of the overall site. Project identifier and major landscaping will occur at this entrance. 3. Primary entrance widens into long linear park which will contain a fountain, benches, landscaping, earthen berms and walkways. This feature measures over 85' in width and over 490' in length, providing over an acre of green oasis in the central core of the project. Refer to Exhibit E. 4. More than 20,000 square feet of specialty retail space flanks the linear park internal to the project creating a gathering place that is accessible via pedestrian walkways throughout the project. Internal and external plazas will accompany these specialty restaurant and retail sites providing a perfect complement to the linear park. 5. The linear park terminates near the center of the retail space which will possess an architectural element providing a focal point from the primary project entrance. Special paving treatments at this location will also provide a visual terminus to the linear park. Refer to Exhibit E. 6. The introduction of a curvilinear drive along the front facade of the retail center provides the opportunity to offset and vary the front elevations of the buildings, breaking up the long sight lines and providing a distinct sense of character to the front project elevation. 7. Driveways along Broadway and Pearland Parkway are limited to essential locations and are coordinated with existing driveways and esplanade openings. The one exception to this is the proposed driveway near the northern boundary on Pearland Parkway. This driveway has been situated to line up with Pebble Creek Drive to allow for a new esplanade opening. The location of all of the driveways will ensure traffic entering and exiting the project is accommodated in the most efficient and safe manner as verbally approved by TXDOT and delineated in the TIA. Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 1 8. A 30' wide landscape buffer is provided along the entire frontage of both Broadway and Pearland Parkway. This area will contain landscaping, berms and walkways designed to screen the adjacent parking areas from the abutting roadways with naturally aesthetic appeal. 9. Both the northern and western boundaries of the project will possess minimum 30' wide landscaped buffers landscaped with trees, shrubs and earthen berms, providing screening from adjoining properties. 10. The rear facade of the buildings within the center will be a continuation of the underlying architectural theme of the project consisting of a textured paint treatment coupled with the variation of building depths and offsets in the rear elevations of the various buildings in the center. The landscaping buffer, with a combination of hedges and trees, will enhance the screening of the center along the western property line. 11. Proposed tenants include a 120,000 square foot grocery anchor; more than a half dozen national anchors ranging in size from 7,000 square feet to 88,000 square feet; multiple pad sites occupied by national restaurants, banks, and /or stand alone retail uses; Over 40,000 square feet of specialty and /or in —line retail space. 12. All parking areas will be constructed of concrete rather than asphalt to enhance the quality and longevity of the project. 13. The landscaping and open space requirements are 15% of the total gross area of the project. The proposed landscaping and open space shown on the site plan will be approximately ±18% of the total gross area of the project or 120% of what is required by the City of Pearland standards. C. Describe the area of land in acreage. The total land area is ±53.3 acres. Refer to Exhibit B Site Location and Exhibit C Survey and Legal Description. D. A statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD district established therein. The purpose and intent of the PD district is to facilitate the design and implementation of retail development that is designed to aesthetically and harmoniously complement the adjacent residential and commercial areas. II. Zoning and Land Use A. Describe the existing zoning districts and the boundaries of said districts. The site covers three zoning districts: General Business (GB), R -3, and R -2. At the intersection of Pearland Parkway and Broadway the zoning is GB which the district extends west to Westminster Street. The next portion is zoned R -3 in which the Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 2 Zoning District GB R -3 R -2 Density None listed Low density Low density Lot Area (Min.) 22,500 sq. ft. 6,000 sq. ft. 7,000 sq. ft. Lot Depth (Min.) 125' 90' 90' Lot Width (Min.) 150' 60' 70' Lot Coverage None listed 60% 60% Building Height 45' 35' 35' Building Elevation Variation required Variation required Variation required Front Setback 25' 25' 25' Side Setback 10' or 25' if abut Major Thoroughfare 7'6" interior 15' corner 7'6" interior 15' corner Rear Setback 25' 20' plus a 10' landscape reserve if abut Major Thoroughfare 20' plus a 10' landscape reserve if abut Major Thoroughfare Zoning District Acres GB 20.1 R -3 16.6 R -2 16.6 Total: 53.3 boundary of the district includes the drainage ditch. The remaining portion is zoned R -2 and this district encompasses the remaining acreage along Pearland Parkway and includes the residential neighborhood west of the drainage ditch. Refer to Exhibit D Existing Zoning. B. Describe the base zoning district(s) to be overlaid, together with the boundaries of the district(s), and describe the areas in acreage of each different district. The current zoning districts are listed below, however, the base zoning district for the overlay district is GB (General Business). C. The general standards applicable to development within the district, with or without reference to the base district, including but not limited to: density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and widths, building height, building elevations, coverage, floor area ratio, parking ,access, accessory building, signs, lighting, project phasing or scheduling, management associations, and such other requirements as the City Council may deem necessary in order to implement the Comprehensive Plan and the purposes of the PD district. Pearland Commons is affected by three zoning districts, as referenced above, and the Corridor Overlay District. The Corridor Overlay District affects any tract located along specified major thoroughfares in Pearland. The project complies with the GB and the COD districts. The COD is discussed further in Section III of this document. Other aspects of the project such as the parking, signage, lighting, etc. are discussed further in Section III of this document. The management of the project will be overseen by a professional commercial property manager with expertise in maintenance and continuity of the common areas The phasing plan is discussed further in Section V of this document. Below is a table depicting standards for each of the affected zoning districts. Standards within Zoning Districts Table Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 3 1. Provide the percentage of use in each zoning classification. The land use in the overall project is 100% commercial /retail and will be in accordance with the land uses permitted in GB zone. The detention is located off-site, there is no parkland dedication requirement, and there are no public streets located internally to the project. D. The permitted, conditional and accessory uses authorized in the district, the location of such uses, the residential densities or other measurements of development intensity associated with base districts or phases of the development in conformance with the approved Design Plan. Pearland Commons is a proposed retail project and at this time, the tenants have not been selected. However, the developer does not foresee any uses that would not otherwise be permitted in the GB zoning district. There are no accessory uses associated with this project. III. Design standards applicable to the development A. Design Standards. Specific design standards, including signage, building height, landscaping, fencing, parking, etc., that are applicable to this development are the standards set forth for the GB zoning district which are listed in Chapter 2, Article 4, Division 4, Section 4 of the UDC and the design standards for the Corridor Overlay District, as listed in Chapter 2, Article 4, Division 5, Section 1 of the UDC. Refer to Exhibit E Conceptual Plan. Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 1. Signage: The project complies with the current UDC, with one exception to number of signs allowed per UDC (b)(2) which is discussed further in Section 111 (C) of this document. Refer to Exhibit F Signage Exhibit. The intersection of Broadway and Pearland Parkway will contain an architectural element with a project identifier. Refer to Exhibit G Conceptual Project Identifier Imagery. 2. Landscaping /Street Trees: The project complies with the current UDC. Refer to Exhibit E Concept Plan and Exhibit H Landscape Buffer Exhibit. Final landscaping plan will be prepared to closely resemble Exhibit E and will be approved by City Staff before any permits are issued. 3. Fencing: Fencing is not required for this project due to a 30' landscape buffer between the project and adjacent areas zoned for residential, per the UDC 4. Parking and Vehicular Circulation: The project complies with the current UDC. This section also includes standards of lighting of the parking lot and sidewalks. Refer to Exhibit E Conceptual Plan for general layout of the parking lot and the vehicle circulation plan. 5. Screening: The project complies with the current UDC per the requirements set forth in for the landscape buffer and for the screening along the thoroughfares. Refer to Exhibit H Landscape Buffer Exhibit and Exhibit I Landscape Screening Exhibit. 6. Sidewalks: The sidewalks located along Broadway and Pearland Parkway complies with the width and material standards stated in the current UDC The sidewalks that compose the internal pedestrian circulation, as shown on Exhibit E, will be a minimum of six (6) feet in width and will be a defined sidewalk by utilizing techniques such as staining or painting the concrete or the installation of pavers. Refer to Exhibit E Conceptual Plan for general location and proposed curved alignment of the sidewalks. 7. Corridor Overlay District: The project complies with the current UDC standards for the COD. These standards apply because the project abuts two major thoroughfares, Pearland Parkway and Broadway. Included within these standards are requirements for building articulation and building material. The building articulation is generally depicted on Exhibit E Conceptual Plan. The building material will be complied with on all buildings including the requirement that the exterior walls facing the major thoroughfare be 25% transparent. This transparency requirement will apply to all buildings at 29,999 square feet and less and buildings that are 30,000 square feet and larger will provide at a minimum 15% transparency. Each building labeled on Exhibit E represents an independent structure separated by the appropriate firewall. B. Refer to Design Plan and describe which aspects of plan are precise and which are general. The Design Plan in this document is included for the sole purpose of establishing general design guidelines as to the basic character and physical relationships of the planned uses and facilities. Everything depicted on the Design Plan is general and nothing is precise because the project is not yet designed. The ideas and plans represent the intent of the developer and the quality and character of the development. Adjustments to the Design Plan that do not introduce or remove new public facilities, do not deviate substantially from the Design Plan and otherwise comply with the intent of the various requirements within the Pearland Commons PD and other city ordinances and regulations in effect at the time this document is adopted shall not require separate or additional approvals from City Council or the Planning Zoning Commission. It is essential to the success of the Pearland Commons PD to maintain flexibility in the site plan process in order to respond to ever changing market conditions and retail demand. Images representative of the quality and character of the development are included in Exhibit L. Listed below are criteria to further define the flexibility, or lack thereof, with respect to the Master plan. Open space within the project including the Central park/plaza, landscape buffers around the perimeter of the project and parking lot islands may not be reduced in size by more than 10% without the consent of City Council. In no case will the open space be less than the requirements set forth in the UDC. Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 5 The location of the open space may shift within the project to accommodate specific change in the dimensions of buildings, parking and pad sites so long as the basic concept and intent of the Master plan remains intact. Such shifts shall be less than 100 feet and will not require separate or additional approvals of City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission and will meet the requirements of the UDC. The location of buildings including pad sites may shift or be altered in size, dimension, and number. Such changes may be made without separate or further approvals from the City Council or the Planning and Zoning Commission so long as the basic concept and intent of the Master plan remains intact. C. A specific list of deviations from standards in the base zoning district(s), together with any standards in the ordinance which are to be varied for development within the PD district. There are three base zoning districts in the project, GB, R -3, and R -2. It is the intent of the proposed plan to comply with the standards of the GB zoning district for the entire project with the exception of those items listed below. 1. Signage: Section (b)(2) places a maximum of two multi- user /multi- tenant signs per street frontage separated by a minimum of 600' for an integrated business development. We request an allowance of one (1) additional multi- user /multi- tenant sign along Pearland Parkway due to the large size of the predevelopment, the need for signage for the four (4) specialty retail shops buildings that are located within the central park, ant the amount of frontage the project possesses along Pearland Parkway ±1,900 feet). The multi- user /multi- tenant signs will comply with the 600' distance requirement, maximum height, and maximum, area as stated in the current UDC. The architectural element/project identifier located on the corner of Pearland Parkway and Broadway shall be excluded from all signage counts. The project identifier will depict the name of the project only and will not include any signage for any business or store. We request that signage requirements apply to the PD rather than to the parcels of land within the PD that may fall under separate ownership. Refer to Exhibit F Signage Exhibit. 2. Building Material: Section (d) (2) (c) requires that a minimum of 25% of the exterior wall facing a specified major thoroughfare must be transparent. As seen in many locations, the retail establishments located at the pad sites are being designed and constructed with more transparent (or glass) materials. However, potentially large anchor tenants use primarily masonry for their exterior facade. To do otherwise materially offsets the basic business operations of the large retail anchor. We propose that any building larger than 30,000 square feet be required to have a minimum of 15% transparent material and that buildings 29,999 or less be required to adhere to the 25% transparent material standard. The reduction in transparency does not apply to the pad sites that front Broadway or Pearland Parkway. Refer to Exhibit E. Each building on the exhibit with a label represents an independent structure separated by the appropriate firewall. 3. Lighting Standards: Section requires that Vehicular Circulation Parking Area light pole heights be no taller than the building it serves. While Pearland Commons will comply with all other Lighting Standard requirements under the UDC, we request that light heights within the main parking field for the shopping center be allowed to remain at a uniform height of 39 feet despite the varying building heights of the in -line tenants behind it. Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 6 These lights will be shielded as required and the height uniformity will allow for a more even distribution of light poles which will provide the appropriate safety measures with a pleasing minimalist aesthetic. The UDC has standards to limit the glare and the light level which we will comply with and are stated in Section (h)(1)(a) and (h)(1)(b) of the UDC. Refer to Exhibit J Lighting Exhibit. 4. Side Setback: Section requires a 10' side setback. The plan contemplates buildings that will share a common wall or have abutting walls; however, if parcels are sold to separate owners, then the common wall or abutting walls would prevent the side setback from occurring. We propose that for buildings that have a common wall or abutting walls, the side setback is zero (0). This variance to the side setback is the grouping of anchors, retailers, and grocery market shown on Exhibit E and not to the pad sites along Pearland Parkway and FM 518. D. All requirements of the Unified Development Code will be met, except those specifically mentioned above in Section III C of this Planned Development. IV. Required dedications of land or public improvements Pearland Commons is solely commercial and does not require dedication of land for parkland or public improvements to any roadways, unless required by the TIA or the City. V. A phasing schedule for the project The project is divided into two phases. Phase I will include the grocery store and fuel center along with the pad sites along FM 518, the project identifier at the intersection of Broadway and Pearland Parkway, and the central design feature at the entrance on Pearland Parkway, excluding Retail Specialty A C. These buildings as well as the remainder of Phase II will be added to Pearland Commons as tenant demand dictates with an estimated delay of approximately one year between phases. Refer to Exhibit K Phasing Exhibit. Pearland Commons PD Trammell Crow 7