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'ON NOI1f1lOS321 :sn~oiio~ sn `IuauTaaz~Fl s?Til .Tapun s~olan.Tluoagns ao saa~oidtua `slua~n sl? `.LN~'.LZf1SN0~ aril ~q x.TOn~ dun ~o aaunTZUO~~ad aril of ~u?Iniaa suo?ssTUTO pun s.TOaaa dun ~o `~ilaadoad of sa~ntunp `suosaad of sa?ante? ao~ suT?nia Isurn~n aaunmsuT `IuaTUaaa~~ sail ~o uo?Inanp aril ao~ a?nlu?nu.T pun aanaoad iintis .LNF~.L'II1SN0~ au.I. •3 •alnlS s?Tiro snnn~ spaoaa~ uad0 aril of laafgns auzoaaq iintis `Isanbaa uodn A.I.I~ aril of pagan?sap aq tines .L~~2I.LN0~ aril aapun .LNF~.L'II1SN0~ aril ~q palnaaua~ lanpoad ~iaonn ao sluauznaop aatilo tin pun fun pun salnuzTlsa `slaodaa `salon ~ananS piaTd `suo?s?Woad in?gads `s~uTnnnap sin In~[I saz?u~oaaa ,I,NV.L'If1SN0~ a~I.I. •Q •Intuao~ dI.L u? A.LI~ aul of pallTUTgns aq iintis saig a?uoalaaia sou?nnnaQ paoaa~ tI~' '~tuo ~doa pants u? pall?uTgns aq iintis `sl_TOdaa ina?utiaaloa~ pun slaodaa a~nuTnap `suotlninaina inanlaruls `aiduTnxa ao~ `sluatunaop laoddns aatil0 •spai?punls A.LI~ luaaana of aiq?InduTOa aq Ilntis pasn uo?saan aann~~os atiZ •aiq?InduTOa aaTd~O l~osoaatj~ aq iintis sluauTnaop aaTilo sin pun aiq?Induzoa Q~~olnd aq iintis sunid 'Inuzao~ aTUOalaaia pun ~doa pants tiloq u? sluauznaop uorlarulsuoa InuTd sin ITtugns IlnTis .LN~'.L'IrISNO~ au.I. '~ •IanpuoasTTZT Tuns u? a~n~ua of aa~oiduza AZI~ n a~nanoaua :~filaaatpu? ao ~filaaa?p `lou ii?nn I? InTil saaa~n .LNd.L'II1SN0~ aTiZ •A.LI~ aril ~o Igauaq aril ao~ apnTU sasuadxa ~o IuauTasangTU?aa ~u?laaiioa ao~pun `slunlinsuoa ao `saopuan uTOa3 anion ~o sin?aalnuT ~u?Idaaan `IuauTaizzagtua `slassn ~o uo?larulsap `suo?lansunal ~auouT ~o ~uTlaodaa in3ulnalun ao ~utipuntts?uT `pa~iaonn lou sanoTi ao~ ao patzTao3aad lou saa?Haas ao~ luauT~ind ~utntaaaa `spunk ~o uoT~nradoaddnsTUT `~aa~ao~ `pnna~ ~u~ :aa~oiduTa A.I.I~ n ~o uoTlnuTUZaaI ao~ spunoa~ sT Inul lanpuoas?ui aq of ~uTMOiiO~ aril snapisuoa (~IoogpunTi aa~oiduTa sl? Ti~noatil) A.LI~ aril Inul sa~painnou~ian .LN~'.L'II1SN0~ au.I, 'S '.L~~f02Id aril ~o Isoa palnuT?Isa ~o uo?u?do pairnlap n I?TUgns pun aandaad IlnTis .LN~'.I.'II1SN0~ atiZ •laafoad IuauzanoadTUl ~nnn~iand uaiin~ aril ao~ saaTnaas u~TSap ap?Woad itnus .LN~'.L'If1SN0~ au.I, •~' :saaunlsuTnaaTa ani?wits ao auzns aril. aapun as?aaaxa pinonn snxaZ uT inuo?ssa~oad n Inul tt?pis pun gang ~o aaa~ap aril Til?M aaunpaoaan uT pun spanpunls A.LI~ of saa?Haas inuotssa~oad ~u?nnoiio3 aril tuao~aad tines .LN~'.L'If1SN0~ au.I. .LI~t~.L'IflSi~iO~ ~H.L 30 S~~IA2i~S - I I~iOI.L~~S •(£OOOZ.L# laafoad) laafoad IuauTanoaduTl ~nm~iand uaiin~ aul ao~ saa?Haas u~tsaQ tzTao~aad of .LN~',i'If1SN0~ aril sa~n~ua AZI~ atiZ •(~~.LN~'.I.'I11SN0~~~) 'auI `uolsnoH-saauland + fang pun („AZI~„) punianad ~o ~l?~ aril uaannlaq pun ~q g00Z SZ nnaga,~ uo oluT paaalua s? .L~~2I.I.NO~ SIH.L S~~IA2i~S 'IdI~tOISS~302Id 2103 ,L~~'2I,LI~iO~ £OOOZl ~L00-80 ~Z-800Z uo!In!osa~ ..d.. 3!q!uX3 -Z- '1~.LI~ aTl~ 3o aa~folduza .TO ~ua~~ u~ paaap?suoa aq o~ you s? .LN~'.L'IrISNO~ aTIZ •pauuo~~ad s? ~T uaTLIn1 uT .tauueuT aTl~ pug x~onn unno s~? ~o Io.T~uoa annu llnus pug ~o~a1=~~uoa ~uapuadapuT un sn ~a~ ii~us `.L~d2I.LN0~ sTTI~ o~ ~u~nsand saaTn~as ~uTUZ~o~.Tad u? `.LNF~.L'If1SN0~ aTl~ ~eil~ pua~uT sa?.red tip' •IJ '.L~~'2I.I,NO~ s?Tl~ .Tapun sao~a~.T~uoagns ao `s~ua~~ `saa~folduTa `s.Taag~o s?Tl `.LN~'.L'If1SN0~ aTl~ ~o uo?ssTUZO .TO ~a~ ~ua~?luau aTl~ ~fq pasnea a.re Tla?Tlnn ~o ~u~ `u~TSap u? s.TO.ua .TO `~~Tadoad Niue o~ a~euz~p .TOE `uos.Tad Niue ~o Tl;t?ap .TO o~ ~i.Tnfu? .zoo `saa~ s,~au.TO~t? pue `s~soa ~Tnoa `uo?~~~?~?I ~o sasuadxa IIn ~u?pnlauT `aigt??i ~Ii~~ai s? .I.N~.L'If1SN0~ ua?Tlnn zoo pu?x ~.Iana ~o ,~~?I?cl~il pug `}ms `a~euTep `ssol `uzrela ~u~ uzo.T~ ssaluTreTl `saa~olduTa pue `s~ua~e `s.Taag~o s~? `~.I.l~ aTl~ ploTl pug ~~?uuzapu? IleTls .I.N~.L'If1SN0~ au,I. •,~ •~aa~~a pug aa.TO3 iin3 uT aae .L~~.LNO~ sTTI~ ~q pa.Tmba.T s~TUT?I pug `suoT~?puoa `a~~.Tanoa paamba.T aTl~ ~u?p?nozd saTaTlod ~~Tl~ aauap?na se `(s)~a.TnsuT S~.LN~.I.'If1SN0~ ~Q pans? `.L~F~2I.LN0~ s?Tl~ ~q paambaa se s~uauTasaopua leuuo~ .zo `aaue.Tnsul 3o sa~~aT~?~Ta~ Tl~?nn ~I.I.I~ Tls?uTn~ ii~us .LN~.L'If1SN0~ `.L~~.LNO~ sTTI~ .Tapun saaTnaas ~uiauauTTZTOa o~ aoT.Td •a~e.Tano~ u? a~u~Tl~ Tlans ~o a~ep an?}aa~~a aTl~ o~ .TOT.Td s~~p (0£) ~~Tu~ u~Tl~ .Tan~a~ ou ~~?~ aTl~ ~q pan?aaa~ pug `pa~sanba.T ~dTaaa.T u.Tn~aa `I?euT paT~?~zaa ~q .TO ~a~~u~y~ ~~?~ aTl~ o~ ~faan?lap pu~Tl ~q .TaTI~?a A.I.I~ aTl~ o~ ~uas aq o~ as?you bans `a~e.Tano~ u? a~unu~ Tlans ~o aaT~ou ua~~?inn Tl~?nn pap?Woad uaaq sell ~i.I.l~ aTl~ ~a~~ ~luo pue A.LI~ aTT~ 30 ~uasuoa ua~?ann ao?ad Tl~?nn ~daaxa («a~~aano~ uT a~ueTl~„) s~?ux?I ut ao a~eaanoa uT paanpaa ao/pu~ `palaau~a `pap?on `papuadsns aq you II~TIs a~eaanoa l~u~ a1~~s o~ pasaopua aq IleTls ~a?lod aau~ansuT uae~ •saauauzuzoa xzonn aao~aq ~.I.I~ aTl~ o~ palls?uan~ aq II~TIs s~uauTasaopua pug aaun.Tnsul ~o sa~~aT~?~zaO •uo?~~suaduzo~ ~saa~laom pug aaueansul ~~?I?Q~?'I i~uoTSSa~oad aTl~ ~o uoT~daaxa aTl~ Tl~?n~ `saTaTlod aTl~ aapun paansu? l~uo?~?pp~ ue s~ ~.I.l~ aTl~ apniau? sinus .LN~'.L'If1SN0~ aus •a~nuTnp ~i~Tadoad ao~ 000`000` I $ pun `aauaaanaao Tlana ao~ 000`000` I $ `uosaad auo fun ~o Tl~nap ao ~anfuT ao~ 000`000` I $ ~o s~tTUTI TunuTTUtuT Tl~?nn `sala?Tlan paunno-uou pug `paa?TI `paunno ~uTaanoa aaunansul ~~?I?qn?-I xa~.I, pine al?gouTO~nd an?suaTlaaduzo~ (I,) •~~.Tadoad~o uoT~ana~sap ao o~ a~nurep ~o aauaaanaao Tlana ao~ 000`000` i $ pun `aauaaanaao Tlana ao~ 000`000` T $ `uosaad auo dun 3o Tl~nap ao ,f.znfuT ao~ 000`000` i $ ~o S~TLLITI uTnu.TTUTUz Tl~?nn aaunansul a~nu~nQ ~~Tadoad pine ~~?I?qn?Z InaauaO antsuaTlaaduzo~ (£) •a~n~aa~~n aTl~ u? 000`000` I $ u~Tl~ ssal you ~unouTn un uT aaunansul ~~?i?QeT"I IeuoTSSa~oad (Z) Mnl ~q paambaa sn uoT~nsuadu,TO~ ~saa~laorn (I ) -£- '.L~~.LNO~ s?u1 aapun saa?Haas auk ~u?p?noad anut~uoas?p Tinos .LNV.L'If1SN0~ auk `aa?you ua~~rann cans ~u?niaaaa aa~n ~ia~n?pauiuiI •LZOLL snxa~, `uo~snoH `OOZ a~mS `u~noS doo~I ~satlcl TOOT ~n i?~~ paid?~aaa ~q ao ~iinuosaad .I,NF~.L'IfISNO~ oI as?you ua~rann ~utaantiap ~q -- asnna ~nou~?nn ao u~?nn - - uosnaa fun ao~ .L~d2I.LN0~ s?u~ a~nu?uzaa~ ~inuz `uoi~aaasip aios s~? ~~ `AZI~ auZ •~ AIOI.L~'i~iII~I2I~.L - A I~iOI,L~~S •A.LI~ au~~o ao~ana~uoa ~uapuadapui un sn sn~n~s S~.LNF~.I,'If1SN0~ auk ~aa3~n ~nnn ~iun ui ao (s)~un~insuoa-qns s~? ao .LNd.I.'IfISNO~ au~~o suotssiuzo ao saoaaa ao~ ~~?i?q?suodsaa S~.LNH.L'I11SN0~ anaiiaa you Tinos ~iaon~ S~.LNF~.L'IfISNO~ ~o innoaddn ao aaun~daaa~ `n~ainaa `uoi~aadsut S,AZI~ auk l~u~ saaa~n .LN~'.L'ifISNO~ au.I. •~iaon~ acl~ 3o nna?naa S,A.LI~ auk ~o ssaa~oad auk ~u?uaaauoa pasinpn .LNb'.L'If1SN0~ atl~ daa~i ii?~ A.LI~ au.I. •~iaonn S~.I,N~'.I.'IfISNO~ auk ~o ssaa~oad auk u? ~niap aziuiiuiuz o~ `o~aaa~I~ ~ururn~.zad suotsiaap ~o ~utaapuaa pun suo?~sanb o~ asuodsaa ~duzoad ap?noad pun .LNd.L'I11SN0~ auk ~q sine?uzgns nnatnaa Tinos A.LI~ au.L •g •aa~nunuz ~aafoad a~i~ o~ pa~aaaip aq ii~us ~iaonn a~i~ ~o ~aadsn fun uo A.LI~ a~I~ ~fq uoisiaap n ao uzoa~ uo?~nuuo~ui ao~ s~sanbaa iii' •u?aaatl pa~n~s suo?~?puoa pun suzaa~ Tin u~?nn aaun?iduzoa ao~?uouz Ilnus P~ .L~F~2I.LN0~ s?u~ aa~s?u?uapn o~ ~~?ao~i~nn a~i~ sn~i aa~nunuz ~aafoad a~iZ •.L~F~2I.I.NO~ sr~I~~o uzaa~ a~i~ ~u?anp aa~nunuz ~aafoad n a~nu~isap Iinus ~I.LI~ a~i.I. •d S~I.LI'IIgISI~IOdS~2i S~A,LI~ ~H,L - AI AIOI,L~~S •s?snci ~i~i~uouz n uo pa~~ruzgns aq ii~us saa?onul •aa?onui pai?neap n ~o innoaddn pun ~d?aaaa aa~n s~fnp (0£) ~~?u~ u?u~?~ .LNV.L'II1SN0~ au~ o~ s~uauz~nd a~i~u~ ii~us 1I.LI~ au.I, '~ .LN~'.L"II1SN0~ a~i~ ~fq pa~~?uzgns saaionui pairn~ap pun s~aodaa ssaa~oad ~i~I~uouz uodn pasnq s~uauziin~su? u? .I.N~'.L'IfISNO~ a~I~ ~fnd ii~us A.I.I~ au.I. 'S '00•~Li`OLZ`i$ 30 inns aq; paaaxa Iou ii~us pauuo3aad saa?Haas a~i~ ao~ uor~nsuaduzoa i~Io.L •paaaxg o~ ~oN `~iianoll pun uznS duin-Ins? .L~~'2I.LN0~ s?u~ ao~ ~uauz~ind ~o pou~auz a~iZ •~ l~IOIZ~SI~I~dI~iO~ S~,LI~I~'.L'I11SI~I0~ -III I~IOI,L~~S •s~inp Og I ui pua pun uo?~naaxa uodn ~urpu?q aq ii?~ .L~~'2I.LN0~ s?u.L ~~IA2i~S 30 QORI~d - II 1~IOI,L~~S -~- •sail.znd uloQ ~iq pau~is Iuauzrulsui ualli.in~ ~q ~iuo papuauzn aq ~nuz .L~~'2I.LN0~ siuZ •inao .~o ualli.inn aa~ilia `slan.rluoa ao `suoTlnluasardaa `suoilnilo~au zotrd iin sapas.zadns pun .I.N~'.L'If1SN0~ auI Pun ~.LI~ auI uaannlaq Iuauxaa.~~n aailua aQI sluasaacIa.~ .L~~.LNO~ siti.L ,LI~I~Y~i~~2i0~' ~II.LI~i~ - IA I~tOI.L~~S •sail~nd atil~o Iuauzaa.~~n ~q palaaias aq iiinn o~inn ~fl.~nd p.~i~il n~o uoilntpauz ~q alndsip auI aillas oI `saipauza.z in~ai fun ~ums.~nd aao~aq pun `ulin~ pooh ut ~-~I oI Isag aaa~n sailand a~jl ua~jl `uoilni~o~au Q~nonil paillas aq Iouuna alndsip auI 3I pun `~oaaa~il ~iana.~q auI ao `.L~d2i.LN0~ si~il oI salnia.~ ao ~o Ino sasi.zn alndsip ~ 3i :snnoiio~ sn uoilnipauz oI aa.~~n sailand auI `si~il ~isiiduzoaan oZ •.L~V2I.LN0~ si~il zapun uaannlaq ast.~n ~inuz Inul salndsip dun aniosaz oI sunauz snotlipadxa un aaisap AZI~ P~ .I,NF~.L'II1SN0~ 'uotlan ao~pun alndsip aQI ~iltnn uoilaauuoa ui paunaui sasuadxa pun slsoa `saa~ s~~fau~olln `Isaaalui ~ilim sa~nuznp innlan sIi aanoaa.~ oI paililua aq iinQs uoilan auI ut ~fl~nd ~uiirena.~d aQZ •.L~d2I.LN0~ si~il ~o suual auI u.~ano~ iin~is snxaZ ~o aInIS aQI 3o snnni aQZ •sexaZ `~Iuno~ ni.~oznag ui aq sinus .L~~.LNO~ si~il oI ~urlnia.~ .zo ~o Ino ~utsran alndsip .to uoilan ,sue ao~ anuaA '.LN~',LZf1SN0~ Isure~n ,Clmba ao~pun nnni ui saTpauza.~ pun slQ~ia iii ann~i il~Qs ~I.I.I~ auI uaQl `Z~~,I,NO~ si~il ~o uoisino.zd ~iun saQana~q 2IO.L~d2I.LN0~ au13i .~o~pun asnna ao3 .L~d2I.LN0~ st~il sa~nuiuual A.LI~ au13I 'd •~i.~onn auI ~o uotlaiduxoa aQI .~o~ ~flred aatiloun ~ilim Z~~iZNO~ n olui ~ui.~alua ao `~i.~onn auI ~uilaiduzoa ~o uoildo auI annu sinus ~.LI~ aul `palnuiu.~al st .L~~2I.LN0~ siul Iuana auI uI •~ •~i.zonn ~o adoas aQI uodn pasnq .LN~'.I.ZIISNO~ au1 ~q palaiduzoa saatnias ~o a~nluaaaad auI oI alnuoil.iodoad aq iin~is aign,~nd wins Mans ~o uoilaod aQI `wins aignureuaasn ~fialrugap .zo aa~ paxi~ n uodn pasnq si Ianzluoa siQl .~apun painpaQas uoileaaunuza.~ auI 3I 'Q •.L~F~2I.LN0~ auI aapun .I.NF~.L'I11SN0~ auI ~q paln.zaua~ Ianpozd ~i.~onn .to sluau~naop auI pun parapua.z saain.zas ao~ aaionui paiinlap n A.LI~ auI oI pa.~aniiap sn~i ZN~Z-InSNO~ aril zal~n s~np (09) ~Ixis ui~ilinn Iuauz~ind inui~ a~inuz sinus ~.LI~ aQZ •uoilnuiuual ~o aailou ualli~nn aQI ~o Idtaaaa oI .~oiad pauuo~.zad saain.zas zoo pred aq iinQs .LN~'.I.'If1SN0~ a~jl `uoilnuiux.~al .Mans ~o Iuana auI uI •~ '.L~~.LNO~ aQI ~o uoilnuiuual ~uinnoiio3 ~nP y,S i auI a~o~aq zo uo AZI~ auI ~q patiddns sint.~alnuz pasnun iii Blinn zatila~ol `palaiduioa ~iintlrnd .~o ~iia.~ilua `.L~~'2I.LN0~ aQI -~aP~ .LNF~.L'If1SN0~ auI ~q paln.~aua~ Ianpo.~d ~iaonn ao sluaumaop .za~ilo iii Pun ~u~ pun sal~tutlsa `sl.zoda~ `salon ~anans piard `suoistnoad iniaads `s~utnnn.zp sin A.LI~ aQI oI .zaniiaP sinus .LNF~.L711SN0~ `palnutuual st .L~~'2I.I.NO~ s?uI ~I 'S -s- ind?autzd ~ut~~u~y~ •g•d `uo~i?ureH •~ p?neQ •auI `noH-szau~z~ +~zng .I.N~'.I.'II~SNO~ 80/5Z/ aa6~ueW ~~IO `uas~r3 LLB S~HX~.L `QN~''I2I~'~d 30 A.LI~ •8002 ` a~naga~ ~o ~~p U stuff ,I,~~ZNO~ s?uI palnaaxa an~u sa?I.red auZ o~azau sa?u~d ar~~ ~o ~uasuoa ua~?znn auk uodn ~daaxa aiq~u~?ss~ aq you ii~us .L~~'2I.LN0~ stu.L SI~IOISS~' Qi~i~ S2IOSS~~~fIS -IIIA l~IOI.L~~S •p?~d uaaq sou ~~u~ aa~ ~ua~u?suoa zo `~?~ `aa~ a~~zaxozq a~~~uaazad `uotssiuzuzoa `aa~ trans ~o ~unoure find ar~~ `zanoaaz asinnzau~o zo `uoi~~zap?suoa zo aatzd .L~~2I.LN0~ auk uroz~ ~anpap ~fuuz `uot~azas?p s~? u? pug `~~?i?9~?I ~nOu~?~ .L~~.LNO~ s?u~ a~~u?uua~ ~i~ux A.LI~ auk `asn~ia stuff do uo?~~io?n zo uanazq zo,~ •Z~~ZNO~ auk ~o ~u?~uz zo pz~nnu auk uioz3 ~u?~insaz zo uodn ~ua~u?suoa `uoi~uzap?suoa zau~o dun zo `~?~ `aad a~ezaxozq a~~~uaazad `uoisstuzuzoa `aa~ due `aa~ioiduza aped ~uoq u u~u~ zau~o `uoszad zo ~u~duzoa ~u~ end o~ paaz~n zo p?~d you sou au ~~ul pug `.L~~'2I.LN0~ sire aznaas zo ~?a?ios o~ .LN~'.L'II1SN0~ auk zod ~u?xzonn aa~oiduza aped nuoq ~ u~u~ zau~o `uoszad zo ~u~duzoa ~fu~ pau?e~az zo pa~ioiduxa you sou au ~~ul suzzg~~ .LNd.L'If1SN0~ au.I. 5~~3 .LI~I~Oi~iI.LI~iO~ .LSI~iI~'J~' ,Ll~i~'I~I~AO~ - IIA I~IOI,L~~S Bury+ Partner s ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge Assistant City Manager City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 Proposal No. 08-108e Re: Revised Proposal for Professional Services PS&E for the Cullen Parkway (F.M. 865) Improvements Project (Amended Limits) F.M. 518 to Beltway 8, City of Pearland, Brazoria and Harris Counties, Texas Dear Mickiel: Bury + Partners-Hou, Inc. (Bury) is pleased to present this revised proposal for engineering, environmental, and surveying services in connection with the preparation of construction plans, technical specifications, and estimate (PS&E documents) for proposed paving and drainage improvements to Cullen Parkway (F.M. 865) from F.M. 518 in Pearland north to Beltway 8 in Harris County, Texas. The scope was revised based on comments from City staff in our telephone conversation on January 16, 2008, comments received by email from Trent Epperson and Skipper Jones on January 17 and 21, 2008 respectively, TxDOT comments received by email on February 1, 2008, and clarification request on February 13, 2008. The scope also includes a bridge replacement and waterline extension. Due to funding limitations, the project limits have been amended to reflect the priorities of the City as presented to City Council as Alternative B on December 10 and 17, 2007. The new project includes approximately 1.6 miles of expansion of the existing 2-lane asphalt roadway to a 4-lane concrete divided roadway with a 10-foot shared use trail on the west and a 6-foot sidewalk on the east from the connection at F.M. 518 to the proposed McHard Road extension/C.R. 106/Brookside Road. The project includes a transition to the existing two lane bridge at Clear Creek. Additionally, the east side of Cullen Parkway will be widened from approximately 600-feet south of the Beltway 8 intersection in the northbound direction. This widening will accommodate additional stack length for the left turn movement. Modifications are not planned for the west side of the intersection/southbound lanes due to soundwall requirements and drainage facility considerations. The project also includes lane reconfigurations south of the F.M. 518 intersection to accommodate the widened pavement section, one new 4-lane bridge at Hickory Slough, a new detention pond to be located just south of Clear Creek on the west side of Cullen Parkway, and improvements to the existing detention pond located north and adjacent to Hickory Slough approximately 1700-feet east of Cullen Parkway. The following intersections will BURY+PARTNERS-HOUSTON, INC. 1001 West Loop South, Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77027 TEL (713) 212-0011 FAx (713) 212-0010 Austin • Dallas • Houston • San Antonio • Temple, Texas Fairfax • Williamsburg, Virginia www.burypartners.com Par ners ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 2 be signalized or the signals modified as part of this project: F.M. 518, Freedom Drive, C.R. 403, proposed McHard Road extension, and the Beltway 8 south frontage road. The most recent Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) presented to the City of Pearland (City) dated June 29, 2007 includes the schematic layout, storm sewer design traffic analysis, geotechnical investigation, and bridge layouts. The Hydrology/Hydraulics (H/H) study for the project was submitted as a separate document on July 24, 2007. This proposal is based on the recommendations included in the PER and H/H study with regards to the recommended roadway and drainage improvements except where the roadway profile will be lowered to the 50-year storm event to allow for the reduction in retaining walls along the ahgnment. Additionally the environmental assessment, including environmental clearance, is being handled directly by TxDOT through an outside consultant. The estimated construction cost for the improvements is $18,500,000 based on a 4-lane divided boulevard section with 11-foot lane widths, 10-foot shared use trail, and 6-foot sidewalk. The estimate also includes new signals and/or modifications at major intersections as indicated above and one new replacement bridge. This estimate is predicated on constructing the proposed improvements within the current right-of-way with minimal new takings as reflected in the PER It is our understanding the project will be let and administered by TxDOT through their construction contracting system. All engineering design and other project components such as environmental and surveying will be done in accordance with the latest TxDOT standards and design criteria to ensure TxDOT approval for letting Other applicable standards for the City of Pearland, Brazoria County including Drainage District No. 4, and Harris County including Harris County Flood Control District will be incorporated into the project as appropriate or required. More specifically, the proposed scope of work for the PS&E documents for the Cullen Parkway (F.M. 865) project includes the following: SCOPE OF SERVICES: A. ROADWAY PS&E Basic Services Items: Listed below is a general scope of services for the project. A more specific scope of services in the TxDOT format, revised per TxDOT comments on February 1, 2008 is included as Exhibit A attached to this proposal. art -liners ers [ N G I N E E R I N G SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 3 1. Prepare design plans and technical specifications for proposed paving and drainage improvements for the widening of Cullen Parkway (F.M. 865) from F.M. 518 the proposed McHard Road extension/C.R.106/Brookside Road and including a transition to the existing two lane roadway south of Clear Creek. The existing bridge at Clear Creek will not be replaced as part of this project. The existing section at the Beltway 8 frontage road will be widened southward to provide for additional stack capacity on the northbound lanes. The design includes the proposed 23.7 acre-feet detention pond for the Clear Creek drainage area, as well as improvements to the existing detention pond located approximately 1700- feet east of Cullen Parkway and north/adjacent to Hickory Slough for the Hickory Slough drainage area. The improvements to Cullen Parkway require 18.7 acre-feet of additional storage capacity in the existing Hickory Slough pond Also included is the design of retaining walls necessary to facilitate construction of the widened roadway within the current right-of-way in multiple areas along the alignment. 2. Design an approximately 96-linear foot bridge with retaining walls at Hickory Slough including bridge layouts and structural details. 3. Design signal improvements at the following intersections: a. F.M. 518 - replace existing signals b. Freedom Road - emergency vehicle pre-emption c. C.R. 403 - replace existing signal d. Proposed McHard Road Extension/C.R. 106/Brookside Road - Replace flashing light with new signal e. Beltway 8 - signal modifications f. Wireless Signal Interconnect System for items a through e 4. Design a 10-foot shared use trail and 6-foot sidewalk on the west and east sides of the roadway respectively. 5. Prepare the PS&E documents with the construction milestone to complete Cullen Parkway from C R. 403 to Hawk Road including the intersection of C.R. 403, traffic signalization at C.R. 403, shared use trail and sidewalk by August 1, 2009. 6. Provide layouts and details for signing, pavement markings, illumination and ADA ramps as required. 7. Prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. 8. Prepare a Stormwater Quality Management Plan for Clear Creek detention pond. 9. Prepare traffic control plans for the construction of proposed improvements to Cullen Parkway from F.M. 518 to the Beltway 8 south frontage road in accordance with TxDOT Standards and the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TxMUTCD). 10. Prepare roadway cross -sections and compute embankment/excavation quantities. ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 4 11. Prepare quantity take -offs and an opinion of probable/construction cost for the proposed improvements. 12. Prepare survey control map for the project. 13. Prepare technical specifications and data sheet, special specifications, special provisions, and construction notes. 14. All geometric design shall be in conformance with TxDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, and shall conform to required TxDOT special specifications and special provisions, TxDOT's Roadway Design Manual, AASHTO s Policy on Geometric Design on Highways and Streets, Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Federal Highway Administration, applicable Harris County and Brazoria County standards, and the applicable City of Pearland standards, except where variances are permitted. 15. Prepare and update the project schedule outlining the submittal dates and project completion milestones 16. Coordinate and manage the consultant team activities. 17. Meet and coordinate with the City, Counties, TxDOT, stakeholders, utility owners, as needed to facilitate coordination and approval of the PS&E documents. 18. Prepare for and attend monthly project status meetings with the City. 19. Deliverables shall include PS&E documents submitted to the City and TxDOT at the 30 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent and 100 percent milestones for review comments, and approvals. The 100 percent submittal will include reproducible mylars, as well as Microstation and GEOPAK design files. Special Services Items: 1. Meet and coordinate with the pipeline companies to facilitate the adjustment of existing pipelines required to construct the proposed improvements. Includes review of crossing/adjustment agreements, preparing supporting documentation and exhibits for agreements and site visits to observe adjustments 2. Provide additional design surveying services that includes: a. Prepare right-of-way map and parcel exhibits with legal descriptions reflecting right-of- way takings per the PER b. Provide topographic data for the proposed detention pond located on the west side of Cullen Parkway south of Clear Creek to be used for design purposes. c. Provide topographic and boundary data for the south end of the existing detention pond located 1700-feet east of Cullen Parkway along and north of Hickory Slough to be used artne C N G I N T [RING SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 5 for design of modifications to the pond to facilitate the proposed roadway improvements. d. Stake up to 10 additional soil boring locations. All surveying services will be performed in accordance with TxDOT requirements. These services will be performed by CL Davis & Company in accordance with the attached scope document dated January 21, 2008. 3. Provide Environmental Permitting Services for the project in accordance with TxDOT requirements. These services will be performed by GC Engmeermg, Inc. under subcontract with Bury in accordance with the attached scope document dated January 9, 2008. 4. Attend public hearmg conducted by TxDOT. Also includes preparation, advance meetings with TxDOT, and participation as required. 5. Provide additional geotechnical services in connection with soil borings required for the proposed additional depth storm sewer. EXCLUSIONS: The following services are excluded from this proposal and the scope of work: 1. ROW acquisition documents and acquisition services. 2. Any bidding and construction phase services since this is a TxDOT let contract. 3. Construction phase surveying including primary control staking, as well as construction staking. 4. City and TxDOT requested changes to the PS&E documents outside of the project scope. 5. Environmental assessments and/or wetland delineations in connection with the existing and proposed detention ponds for Clear Creek and Hickory Slough. 6. Stormwater Quality Management Plan for the Hickory Slough detention pond. 7. Items not specifically listed in the scope of work. CITY PROVIDED DOCUMENTS: The City will provide the following documents upon issuance of the notice to proceed: 1. All available record drawings and/or file drawings for Cullen Parkway including roadway and utility plans, as well as all intersecting roadways. L N G I N E [RING SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 6 2. All available environmental reports, drainage reports, geotechnical investigations, traffic studies, etc. for the project area including adjacent areas 3. All available information on planned projects that affect the Cullen Parkway project. 4. All available plans for the existing adjacent land usages including but not limited to commercial development, cemeteries, subdivisions, drainage channels, etc. 5. Any abstracting services required for the project. 6. Information in connection with City owned property that will be used for detention\mitigation sites. 7. TxDOT provided pavement design. B. WATERLINE DESIGN The work scope includes the design of a proposed 12-inch waterline extension along Cullen Parkway that will be incorporated into the roadway PS&E documents prepared for TxDOT letting. The proposed waterline will begin at the existing 24-inch waterline located on the west side of the right-of-way across from the proposed Public Safety Complex and extend northward within the right-of-way to a terminus on the south side of the proposed extension of McHard Road. The proposed waterline will be installed between the proposed retaining wall for the proposed widened pavement section for the Cullen Parkway roadway improvements, and the right-of-way line. The estimated construction cost for the waterline improvements is $807,200 based on the alignment described above. The estimate excludes SWPPP, clearing and grubbing seeding and grading that is included in the roadway improvements estimate, as well as land cost for easements. All engineering design and surveying will be done in accordance with the latest TxDOT and City of Pearland standards and criteria. More specifically, the proposed scope of work for the PS&E documents for the Cullen Parkway waterline extension includes the following: Basic Services Items: 1. Prepare design plans and technical specifications for approximately 7000-linear feet of 12- inch waterline extension from the existing 24-inch waterline at the Public Safety Complex to the proposed extension of McHard Road as described above. The waterline plan and Bur { at tners ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 7 profiles, and detail sheets will be incorporated into the Cullen Parkway roadway improvements PS&E documents. 2. Prepare and incorporate the following into the Cullen Parkway roadway improvements PS&E documents: a. Traffic control plans for the proposed waterline improvements in accordance with TxDOT Standards and the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TxMUTCD). b. Quantity take -offs and an opinion of probable construction cost for the proposed waterline improvements. c. Technical specifications and data sheets, special specifications, special provisions, and construction notes. 3. All geometric design shall be in conformance with TxDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges, and shall conform to required TxDOT special specifications and special provisions, Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, Federal Highway Administration, and the applicable City of Pearland standards. 4. Incorporate the waterline project into the overall roadway project schedule outlining the submittal dates and waterline project completion milestones. 5. Meet and coordinate with the City, TxDOT, stakeholders, utility owners, as needed to facilitate coordination and approval of the waterline design. 6. Deliverables are incorporated into the Cullen Parkway roadway improvements PS&E documents submitted to the City and TxDOT at the 30 percent, 60 percent, 90 percent and 100 percent milestones for review, comments, and approvals. Special Services Items: 1. Prepare parcel exhibits with legal descriptions reflecting waterline easement takings as required. All surveying services will be performed in accordance with City of Pearland and TxDOT requirements. These services will be performed by CL Davis & Company in accordance with the attached scope document dated January 21, 2008. rtigers ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS EXCLUSIONS: Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 8 The following services are excluded from this proposal and the scope of work: 1. ROW acquisition documents and acquisition services. 2. Bid and Construction Phase Services. 3. Items not specifically listed in the scope of work. CITY PROVIDED DOCUMENTS: The City will provide the following documents upon issuance of the notice to proceed: 1. Waterline sizing and modeling data for the proposed waterline. 2. All available record drawings and/or file diawings for Cullen Parkway including roadway and waterline plans. 3. All available environmental reports, drainage reports, geotechnical investigations, traffic studies, etc. for the project area including adjacent areas 4. All available information on planned projects that affect the Cullen Parkway project. 5. All available plans for the existing adjacent land usages including but not limited to commercial development, cemeteries, subdivisions, drainage channels, etc. 6. Any abstracting services required for the project. COMPENSATION: We propose to perform the services for this project for the following fees: Description A. Roadway PS&E 1. Basic Services- Items 1 thru 16 2. Special Services a. Pipeline Company Coordination b. Surveying Services c Environmental Permitting Services for Nationwide Permit 14 d. Public Hearing e. Additional Geotechnical (See Note 1) Fee Type Lump Sum Hourly to Max Hourly to Max Hourly to Max Hourly to Max Hourly to Max Subtotal Fee $1,100,382 15,000 42,200 24,850 $ 5,000 $ 15,000 $1,202,432 art ers C NGINEERING SOLUTIONS B. Waterline Design 1. Basic Services - Items 1 thru 6 2. Special Services - Surveying Services (See Note 1) C. Reimbursable Expenses Items A & B Lump Sum Hourly to Max Subtotal Cost + 10% TOTAL Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 9 $ 57,742 $ 10,000 $ 67,742 $ 25,000 $1,270,174 Notes: 1. Scope and budget must be approved in writing by the City in advance of initiating work under this item. Please note that our fees are based on the project being implemented based on the assumptions of this proposal in regards to its scope, without major changes or unforeseen conditions. Fees shown for the hourly basis elements are for budgeting purposes with a maximum amount shown. In the event that the scope of work requires additional hours to be spent above the budgeted amount, we will discuss this with the City prior to exceeding the budget amount stated above. PREVIOUS WORK We have completed the PER for the entire project from F.M. 518 to Beltway 8 including the schematic layout, as well as the H/H study, traffic forecasts, preliminary signal design, geotechnical investigation, and pass -through financing application under a separate agreement. The fees for these services were as follows: 1. Basic Services - PER and Schematic 2. Special Services a Pass -through application b. Surveying (allowance of $15,000 not used) c. H/H Study d. Traffic Forecasts / Traffic Analysis e. Preliminary Traffic Signal Design f. Geotechnical Services $ 215,000 $ 55,200 $ 126,400 $ 218,000 $ 22,300 $ 30,100 $ 31,700 $ 698,700 s ENGINEEPING SOLUTIONS Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 10 The basic services fee and signal design fee for this phase of the project from F.M. 518 to Clear Creek and the Beltway 8 intersection improvements have been taken into account for development of the PS&E fee proposed to complete this assignment. SCHEDULE: The PS&E documents and associated scope of work will be completed within 180 calendar days of our authorization to proceed (excluding regulatory reviews). A detailed schedule with project tasks identified will be submitted within seven (7) calendar days of authorization. HOURLY RATES/SUBCONSULTANTS: All work to be done on an hourly basis will be completed using the following rates: Principal Senior Project Manager Design Manager Project Engineer Engineering Technician CAD Designer CAD Operator Administrative Assistant Registered Professional Land Surveyor 2-Man Field Party 3-Man Field Party 4-Man Field Party Subconsultants Base Pay Rate/Hour $57.69 $48.07 $38.46 $33.65 $37.23 $32.08 $26.50 $24.83 $41.68 $38.00 $50.50 $63.00 Actual Cost Total Bill Rate/Hour $188.00 $156.00 $125.00 $110.00 $121.00 $105.00 $ 86.00 $ 81.00 $136.00 $124.00 $164.00 $205.00 The rates are actual base pay times an overhead rate of 190 percent with a profit of 12 percent. Bury Partners ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES: Mr. Mickiel G. Hodge City of Pearland Revised February 15, 2008 January 22, 2008 Page 11 Reimbursable expenses include plotting and reproduction for reviews and submittals, mileage, and deliveries and will be invoiced at cost plus 10 percent. A budget of $25,000 has been established for this project. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal, and look forward to working with you on this major assignment. We have reviewed your Standard Agreement for Engineering Services and do not take exception to any terms indicated. The team is ready to begin this project immediately. If you have any questions regarding this proposal, please call. Pam k J. Rossi' .E. Senior Associate/Senior Project Manager cc: Bob D. Boozer, P.E.-Bury I:\Proposals\20081100-125108-108 Cullen Parkway108-108eDAHpro 02-15-08.doc\neb David &'f amilton, P.E. Mana !ing Principal al F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 EXHIBIT A SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER Bury+Partners-Hou Inc. (ENGINEER) shall provide the necessary engineering and technical services for the completion of the plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for the widening of Cullen Parkway(F.M. 865) main lanes from F.M. 518 to the proposed McHard Road extension/C.R. 106/Brookside Road, and a section at Beltway 8 in Harris and Brazoria Counties. The schematic developed by the Bury+Partners team will be utilized as the basis for development of the PS&E. The length of widening along Cullen Parkway in this project is approximately 1.6 miles. The construction plan set for this project will contain the required drawings and details pertaining to grading, paving, bridges, illumination, drainage, and waterline facilities The above -described plan set will be prepared in English units, and shall be suitable for the bidding and award of a contract through the State' s (TxDOT' s) construction contracting system Design services related to the design and plan production for this project will be performed in accordance with the latest available TxDOT manuals from the design collection located on the TxDOT website. The roadway will be designed based on 4R design criteria If a special specification or provision is needed for this project, it shall be approved for statewide use or written in TxDOT's standard format and, to the extent possible, incorporate references to TxDOT test procedures. The ENGINEER will establish a roadway geometric model and perform earthwork and paving quantity calculations using GEOPAK. The CADD and GEOPAK criteria files, which comprises of the geometric model, shall be provided to TxDOT at the completion of the project. This project will be developed using Microstation version 8 and Geopak 2004. Hydraulic designs and calculations for culverts and bridge hydraulics will be performed with a PC -based hydraulic model such as HECRAS, CULVERT, WinStorm, Geopak Drainage, Culvert Master or other hydraulic model approved in advance by the State Manual calculation checks of culvert hydraulics will be performed on specific structures at the request of the district hydraulic engineer. The culverts will be sized to accommodate run-off from the subject roadway and run-off from outside the project limits. Basic Services Items: I. ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES (Function Code 110) A. DATA COLLECTION 1. DATA COLLECTION - The ENGINEER will gather and review available data for Cullen Parkway and adjacent areas and roadways. Data collection should be coordinated with TxDOT's Brazoria C ounty area office. Exhibit A 1 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 2. FIELD RECONNASAINCE - The ENGINEER will perform field investigations to gather information for the further development of the construction plans. It is anticipated that this will require additional trips to the project site to gather photos, coordinate with TxDOT, investigate drainage outfalls, etc. 3. DESIGN CONCEPT CONFERENCE. The ENGINEER, in cooperation with the- - State shall plan attend and document a Design Concept Conference (DCC) Personnel from the State's Houston District will participate The conference will provide for a brainstorming session in which decision makers stakeholders and technical personnel may discuss and agree on: • Roadway and drainage design parameters • Engineering and environmental constraints • Project development schedule • Other issues as identified by the State II. UTILITIES (Function Code 130) The ENGINEER will develop existing utility layouts and verify all existing utilities Utilities will be researched and located in the field. The ENGINEER shall identify and coordinate with all utility companies for relocations required within these construction easements and/or right -of entries. The utility relocation layout sheets are applicable when relocation of existing utilities will be included in the construction plans. Since these sheets will most likely be developed by either a local public agency or utility company, there are no recommended guidelines for the content. The Engineer shall perform their work in accordance with the State's Utility Accommodation Policy, and the Houston District's The TxDOT Utility Cooperative Management Process. The Engineer shall prepare drawings early in the design phase (30%) to be used as exhibits in utility agreements. The exhibits shall be prepared using English umts. The Engineer shall show existing utilities, including those in conflict with construction on this project. The Engineer shall prepare plans to avoid or minimize utility adjustments where feasible. The Engineer shall implement The TxDOT Utility Cooperative Management Process and is responsible for sending out notices, with copies of exhibits and plans, including all milestone submittals. The Engineer shall determine prior to 30 percent milestone submittal if Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) will be required for this project If SUE work is required, the State will perform these services. The Engineer shall compile, maintain and update a Utility Conflict List within its design section. The Engineer shall provide the most current copy of the conflict list to the State at each milestone submittal, and shall be responsible for coordination with utility companies to resolve conflicts. The Utility Conflict List shall identify the owner of the facility, the contact person (with address and telephone number), location of conflict (station and offset), type of facility, expected clearance date, status, effect on construction and type of adjustment necessary. Exhibit A 2 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 { Formatted: Bullets and Numbering F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 A. UTILITY COORDINATION 1. UTILITY MEETINGS — The ENGINEER will organize and attend utility meetings to present plan information and answer questions about the project. 2. UTILITY LAYOUT SHEETS — Utility Layout Sheets will be prepared at a scale of 1"=100' (11"x17' sheet). These plan sheets will clearly indicate the existing utilities located within the roadway corridor. III. ROADWAY DESIGN CONTROLS (Function Code 160) A. MISCELLANEOUS PLANS 1. TITLE SHEET - Project title sheet will be completed as required for the construction plans. 2. INDEX OF SHEETS - The ENGINEER will complete the detailed codex of sheets that shows each sheets location in the plan set, as well as its corresponding sheet number. This index will be updated throughout the submittal process to allow for easier reference during the review process. 3. PROJECT LAYOUT - Project layout sheets will be completed at a scale of 1' =200' that clearly indicate the limits of the entire project 4. BENCHMARK LAYOUT - Benchmark Layout sheets will be completed at a scale of 1'=200 that clearly indicate the benchmark location and associated control information. These sheets will later be sealed by a RPLS for submittal. Exhibit A 3 of 18 Rev.2/ 1 9/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 B. ROADWAY PLANS & GEOMETRY 1. PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTIONS - Proposed typical sections will be completed depicting the improvements to Cullen Parkway. 2. EXISTING TYPICAL SECTIONS - Existing typical sections will be completed depicting the existing conditions of the project roadways, according to information provided by the CITY and State. 3. MA1NLANE ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILES - Mainlane roadway plan and profile sheets will be completed depicting the proposed construction of Cullen Parkway. Roadway plan and profiles tor mainlanes, and cross streets will be prepared at a scale of 1" =100' H and 1 " 10' V. 4. CROSS STREET PLAN AND PROFILES —None anticipated. 5. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT DATA SHEET - A horizontal alignment data sheet will be prepared depicting the horizontal geometric information for the project roadways to be included in the construction plan set. 6. SUPERELEVATION DATA SHEET - The ENGINEER will develop Superelevation Data Sheets to be included in the construction plan set. These sheets will define the pavement cross slopes for individual roadway alignments and describe transition locations and values. 7. CONTOUR LAYOUTS - Contour layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1"=50' for areas of the project requiring grading information. It is anticipated that these sheets will be required in the location of the Hickory Slough Bridge area to more clearly define grading limits 8. REMOVAL PLANS - The ENGINEER shall provide plan sheets of pavement removal to a 1 ' =100' scale Removal sheets shall indicate pavement and other pertinent items to be removed with sufficient detail to assure Contractor will have no problems understanding the intentions. Description of removal item including material shall be included Items shall be dimensioned. 9. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES - The ENGINEER shall coordinate with the CITY to incorporate pedestrian facilities as required. All pedestrian facilities must be designed in accordance with ADAAG, TAS and AASHTO Bike guidelines. Plans will show sidewalk location, alignment information and grade breaks (for sidewalk not adjacent to the back of curb) and information at driveways within the project limits. Sidewalks not adjacent to curbs will be shown on a 1" =40' Plan & Profile sheet (double banked) with all geometric information contained only on these sheets. It is not anticipated that the pedestrian facilities in this Exhibit A 4 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 project will require signage or striping. It is intended that the effort will be involved in developing sidewalk location information only. Geometric computations and sections/details will be included. C. GRADING AND DETAILS 1. CROSS SECTIONS - Design cross sections will be completed at 50-foot stations and other locations as necessary for the determination of cut and fill quantities. These sections will also be used to further refine the design vertical geometry. Cut and fill quantities determined from the design cross sections will be shown on the plan/profile sheets. Cross sections will not be developed as a deliverable for phased TCP. 2. DRIVEWAY DETAILS - Driveway details will be prepared for each driveway along the project corridor. When possible these driveways will be defined in a tabular format Unique driveways will require individual details defining their construction. 3. DRIVEWAY PROFILES —The ENGINEER will develop driveway profiles as required for the project. These profiles will be developed to show driveway tie- back slopes, as well as limits for contractor s information. The Engineer shall be responsible for identifying and delineating temporary construction easements in areas outside the State' s ROW 4. ROADWAY DETAILS - Miscellaneous roadway detail sheets will be developed for the project. The sheets will depict details required that are not defined in TxDOT standard detail sheets Statewide or Houston District standards will be used for the project whenever possible. IV. DRAINAGE (Function Code 161) A. IMPACTS ANALYSIS 1. Drainage Design Recommendations —Tie ENGINEER will use the drainage study and hydrology/hydraulic models entitled Drainage and Impact Analysis Report for Cullen Parkway Widening as the basis for design. The ENGINEER will recommend minimum main lane profile elevations within the 100-year flood plain of Hickory Slough and Clear Creek based on multiple frequency water surface profiles from the 2-year up to and including the 100-year storm events. The ENGINEER will recommend design storm events for hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to meet TxDOT and City of Pearland drainage criteria and maintain consistency with the adjacent area. The ENGINEER shall review the CLOMR for Hickory Slough and Clear Creek and utilize the HECRAS models for modeling the proposed Cullen Parkway mainlane impacts. Exhibit A 5 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 B. SCOUR ANALYSIS 1. It is not anticipated that this project will require a scour analysis. C. STORM SEWER DESIGN The Engineer shall develop design details that minimize the interference with the passage of traffic or incur damage to the highway and local property. The Engineer shall provide layouts drainage area maps, and design of all drainage components. The Engineer shall design all conventional storm drainage and cross drainage in conformance with the latest edition of State Hydraulic Manual Houston District criteria, and any specific program guidance provided by the State. Storm drain design shall be performed using WmStorm or GEOPAK Drainage. Cross drainage design shall be performed using THYSYS, THYSYS CULVERT, HEC 2 or HEC RAS. When oversized storm drains are used for detention, the Engineer shall evaluate the hydraulic gradelme throughout the whole system, within project limits for the design frequency(ies) and make necessary system adjustments for conformance to program criteria. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State any proposed changes to the detention systems. The State will assess the effects of such changes on the comprehensive drainage studies. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State and designers of adjacent projects to check that all proposed drainage systems accommodate the proposed construction phasing plan 1. DRAINAGE AREA MAPS - The ENGINEER shall prepare drainage area maps for proposed cross drainage culverts, major creek crossings (excluding bridge structures designed by others), and proposed storm drain systems These drainage area map sheets shall consist of the drainage areas, runoff coefficients, time of concentration and all other information determined necessary by the ENGINEER. Specific information for storm drain systems shall be Hydraulic Data Sheets as input/output data from WINSTORM. Drainage area maps will be finalized at a scale of 1"=100' . These maps will depict drainage area boundaries and flow direction arrows. Each area will be identified with a umque number to be used to find run-off information from the calculation sheets. 2. RUN-OFF AND INLET COMPUTATIONS - Run-off to each inlet and inlet hydraulic information will be calculated in accordance with TxDOT's Hydraulic Manual and shown on the run-off and inlet computation sheets in WinStorm format. 3. STORM SEWER COMPUTATIONS - Storm sewers will be analyzed and computations will be prepared for the storm sewer design in WinStorm format. Exhibit A 6 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 4. STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILES — Storm Sewer plan and profile sheets will be completed depicting locations of inlets manholes storm sewers, culverts, utilities, channel improvements, and ditch locations and flowlines as required. These sheets will be prepared at a scale of 1" =100' . Storm sewer profiles will be prepared at a scale of 1 ' =100 H and 1' =10' V. Storm sewer profiles will show pipe size and type, slope, existing and proposed ground lines above the pipe pertinent hydraulic information, and locations and sizes of inlets and junctions. 5. LATERAL PROFILES - Lateral profile sheets will be developed for the project storm sewer systems. These sheets will be developed at a scale of 1"=50' H and 1" =10' V. 6. DITCH LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER will prepare a tabular ditch layout schedule that depicts pertinent mformation about the roadside ditch geometry and design. This table will include station, offset flow line elevation, ditch lining material as well as ditch bottom width. The tables will be shown on the drainage plan sheets. 7. DRAINAGE DETAILS - The ENGINEER shall provide drainage design details for ` no n-standard" drainage structures in instances where TxDOT standard details cannot be utilized. The ENGINEER shall use TxDOT standard details where practical. 8. TRENCH PROTECTION DETERMINATION - The ENGINEER will identify areas within the construction of the storm sewer and culvert construction that will require trench protection or special shoring. D. SW3P AND EROSION CONTROL 1. EROSION CONTROL PLANS - Erosion control plans will be prepared for the length of project. Temporary storm water management devices will be needed to minimize the sediment runoff during construction of this project. The anticipated design components to be utilized on this project are silt fence sand bags, rock filter dams sediment traps, and construction exits. One temporary erosion control plan will be developed with notes that indicate that the contractor is responsible for phasing the devices along with the construction sequencing. Permanent erosion control measures will be included on these sheets as well. 2. SW3P - A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SW3P) will be prepared for this job in accordance with TCEQ regulations These sheets will consist of the TxDOT SW3P text sheets that summarize erosion control measures. Exhibit A 7 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 3. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS - Erosion control details will be prepared for any related items that are not covered by TxDOT standard details. E. WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION 1. DETENTION — Based upon the "Drai nage and Impact Analysis Report for Cullen Parkway Widening", it has been determined that detention facilities are required for this project. The ENGINEER shall provide detention facility layouts, profile, and details for constructing a new detention pond for the outfall to Clear Creek and modifications to the detention facility on Hickory Slough The proposed work includes excavation, gradmg, embankment, drainage hydraulic structures and erosion control plans. V. SIGNING, MARKINGS AND SIGNALIZATION (Function Code 162) A. SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1. SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING LAYOUTS - Pavement marking layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1' =100'. Main lane and frontage road signs and markings will be shown all on one plan sheet. Sheets will be prepared for Cullen Parkway main lanes. These layouts will depict striping and delineator type and location, as well as MBGF location, lengths and end treatments. Each sign will have a corresponding number that will relate that sign to the sign summaries. 2. PAVEMENT MARKING DETAILS - Pavement marking details will be prepared for mstances in which the State' s signing and striping standards do not apply or are not appropriate. 3. SMALL SIGN DETAILS - Detail sheets for small signs will be prepared for non-standard signs. This sheet is intended to show the overall dimensions of the signs by determining letter size and spacing. Details will not be to scale. B. SIGNALIZATION Develop final design plans technical specifications, and construction cost estimates for new signals and/or modifications to existing signals at the following locations: • Cullen Parkway at F.M. 518 • Cullen Parkway at Freedom Drive • Cullen Parkway at C.R. 403 (Hughes Ranch Road) • Cullen Parkway at the proposed McHard Road Extension C.R.106 • Cullen Parkway at Beltway 8 Exhibit A 8 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 The work will include design engineering for each of the locations described above. Preliminary design plans shall form the basis for the final design. Detailed drawings will be prepared for review by the City of Pearland and TxDOT, as necessary. 1. TRAFFIC WARRANT STUDIES. The Engineer shall identify and prepare Traffic Signal warrant studies to include traffic counts, for justification the existing, proposed and/or temporary traffic signals at: • Cullen Parkway at F.M. 518 • Cullen Parkway at Freedom Drive • Cullen Parkway at C.R. 403 (Hughes Ranch Road) • Cullen Parkway at the proposed McHard Road Extension C.R.106 • Cullen Parkway at Beltway 8 Based upon the results of the Traffic Warrant Studies, the Engineer shall identify and prepare Traffic Signal Plans for all warranted traffic signal 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LAYOUT - Show intersection layout showmg signal pole/mast arm locations, conduit runs, loop detectors, lanes, and signal head arrangements, etc. Summary tables including all signal bid items should be shown for each signalized intersection. Traffic signal layouts shall be developed on separate sheets from other roadway details with a 1' =20" scale to show intersection layout detail. Signal Layout sheet will show signs and pavement markings as well as intersection geometry. 3. TRAFFIC OPERATION SHEET - Show traffic signal phasing and related information. 4. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DETAILS - Include sheets for any supplemental or non- standard details 5. TRAFFIC SIGNAL STANDARDS - Include applicable standard traffic signal sheets. 6. SIGNAL INTERCONNECT SYSTEM - To achieve improved traffic flow along Cullen Parkway, it is proposed that a wireless interconnect system be provided for the signals The proposed system will be in accordance with City of Pearland and TxDOT standards, as required. Exhibit A 9 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 VI. MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY (Function Code 163) A. RETAINING WALLS The ENGINEER shall prepare retaining wall plans for locations indicated on the schematic layout developed for this project The ENGINEER shall prepare all plans, elevations and details necessary for the construction of the retaining walls. 1. INVESTIGATE WALL TYPE - The ENGINEER will investigate each wall location and determine what the most suitable wall type is for each application. 2. RETAINING WALL LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER shall prepare retaining wall layouts at a max scale of 1"=40'. Th e layouts will show plan and profile views of the retaining wall 3. RETAINING WALL DETAILS — The ENGINEER will prepare structural details for non-proprietary wall designs (i.e. Tie -back soil nailed drill shaft). 4. CONNECTION DETAILS - The ENGINEER will provide connection details for the retaining walls at bridge abutments. B. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE - The ENGINEER will prepare a sequence of construction and traffic handling scheme. This plan will be presented to the TxDOT District Traffic Control Safety Review Committee and to the City to obtain approval. The ENGINEER will be responsible for incorporating the comments of the Safety Review Committee in the traffic control plans. Additional scope of services for items such as public presentations of the traffic handling plan or any additional meetings will be handled through a supplemental agreement to this scope of services. 2. The ENGINEER shall be responsible to coordinate with the State in scheduling a Traffic Control Workshop and submittal of the TCP for Safety Review Team (SRT) approval. The Engineer shall assist the State m coordinating mitigation of impacts to adjacent schools, emergency vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and neighborhoods. 3. TCP TYPICAL SECTIONS - Traffic control typical sections will be prepared for each stage of the construction sequence to clearly delineate the position of the existing traffic with respect to the proposed construction. Temporary traffic barriers and pavement markings will also be shown and dimensioned. 4. TCP OVERVIEW PLANS The ENGINEER will develop overview plans for each stage of traffic control. These plans will act as key maps for each phase of TCP and shall be developed at a 1"=400' s cale Exhibit A 10 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 5. ADVANCED WARNING SIGN LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER will prepare 1' =400' plan layouts of all advance warning signs for Cullen Parkway and all cross streets. 6. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS - Detailed traffic control plans will be prepared at a scale of 1 ' =100 . These plans will be developed based on the State' s approval of the conceptual plans developed at the schematic design level. This plan will describe the maintenance of traffic and sequence of work for each phase of the proposed construction. Detour alignments, location of work areas, temporary paving temporary shoeing, signing, barricades and other details will be required to describe the traffic control plan. The ENGINEER will be required to ensure that proper drainage can be maintained during each phase of construction. 7. DETOUR LAYOUTS - Detour layouts will be prepared showing plan & profiles where required to define the geometry for detours required in the traffic control plans. When widening is required that can be defined based on existing pavement slopes a detour profile will not be prepared. These layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1'=100' H and 1"=10 V. 8. TCP DETAILS - Traffic control details will be developed for items not covered by State standard drawings. 9. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - An Engineer's opinion of construction schedule will be computed in order to determine an approximate duration for each of the phases of construction. C. ILLUMINATION 1. CONTINUOUS LIGHTING LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER shall prepare plans and details for continuous fighting from FM 518 to future McHard Road and C.R.106 and at Beltway 8. Layout sheets for illumination will be prepared at a scale of 1" =100 and include pole locations, types of lightmg. Circuit data, summary of quantities and details necessary to carry out the work Lighting poles, fixtures, and attachment details shall be designed per the Green Ribbon report recommendations, TxDOT criteria and standards. 2. SAFETY LIGHTING - The ENGINEER will indicate safety lighting for at grade intersections along the project corridor. 3. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT PLANS - The ENGINEER shall provide electrical circuit plans and details for the roadway lighting systems within the project limits Exhibit A 11 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 4. POWER SOURCE IDENTIFICATION - The ENGINEER will coordinate with the CITY in identifying power sources conduit runs, and will show them on the project plans. The ENGINEER shall identify potential overhead utility conflicts, and cooldinate with the CITY and the utility company to help resolve the conflicts. D. QUANTITIES AND SUMMARY SHEETS Quantities will be tabulated and summary sheets prepared for the following: Traffic Control (per each phase), Earthwork, Roadway, Retaining Walls, Removal, Pavement markings, Small / Large Signs, Illumination, Erosion Control and SW3P, Drainage related items including inlets, manholes and storm sewer pipes. STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE 1. STANDARDS - The ENGINEER will download the appropriate TxDOT standards for the project from the State s web site. Standards that require modification will be corrected and sealed by the ENGINEER. All other standards will have their title blocks filled out with the applicable project data and printed for inclusion in the final plan set. The ENGINEER will utilize Houston District Standards were applicable. 2. SPECIFICATIONS - A tabulation of applicable specifications, special specifications and special provisions will be prepared for submission with the final PS&E package 3. GENERAL NOTES - The ENGINEER will review general notes provided by the State for applicability to the project The ENGINEER will mark-up a set and return it to the State for their inclusion in the final plan set. The ENGINEER will work with TxDOT to complete the basis of estimate prior to beginning quantity calculations. 4. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE - An engineer's opinion of probable construction cost will be prepared at the 60% and prior to final PS&E submittal, and supplied to the State in Microsoft Excel format. Opimon of probable cost will be broken out for each CSJ, as well as per each bridge class structure VII. PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Function Code 164) 1. INVOICING / PROGRESS REPORTS - The ENGINEER will create monthly invoices and prepare monthly progress reports for submission to the CITY for all requests for payment. Exhibit A 12 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 2. PROJECT SCHEDULE - A detailed project schedule will be developed and updated every month for submittal to the CITY The schedule submittals shall be hard copy and electronic format, e-mail is an acceptable means of submittal. 3. REVIEW MEETINGS - The ENGINEER will meet on a regular basis with both the City and the State to review project progress. It is anticipated that the ENGINEER and the CITY will meet once a month. The ENGINEER shall provide meeting summaries within a timely manner of the meeting to all attendees. 4. INTERNAL MEETINGS - The ENGINEER will have internal meetings with the consultant design team every two weeks for the length of the project. It is assumed that these meetings will include key personnel from each discipline and will be required to discuss and resolve project issues. 5. TxDOT REVIEW SUBMITTALS - The Engineer shall make submittals for TxDOT review, at the 30 60, 90, and 100 percent completion stages and m accordance with the latest State policies and procedures. The submittals shall consist of four (4) 11 'x17' paper sets. The Engineer shall reply to each comment either within the plan set or by separate cover letter. The Engineer shall make all agreed upon changes to the submitted documents before the next scheduled submittal. 6. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - The ENGINEER shall prepare an estimated construction contract time schedule, using the latest version of Primavera or SureTrak software in accordance with the State's Administrative Circular No. 17-93. The schedules shall indicate tasks, subtasks critical dates, milestones, deliverables and review requirements in a format that depicts the interdependence of the various items. The Engineer shall provide assistance to State personnel in interpreting the schedules. 7. SUBCONSULTANT COORDINATION - The ENGINEER shall prepare and execute contracts with sub -consultants, monitor sub -consultants activities (staff and schedule), and review and recommend approval of sub -consultant invoices. 8. QA / QC SUBCONSULTANT ACTIVITIES - The ENGINEER will review and coordinate work of sub -consultants to ensure quality products are delivered to the State. The ENGINEER will also be responsible for the consistency and coordination between plans developed by each sub -consultant on the design team. 9. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT - Construction Phase Services will be considered extra work and ,ay be added as a supplemental agreement Exhibit A 13 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 10. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND FILING - The ENGINEER will prepare, distribute and file written and electronic correspondence The ENGINEER will conduct and document phone calls and conference calls as required during the project to coordinate the work for various team members. The ENGINEER will maintain project files for the length of the project. 11. WORK AUTHORIZATION CLOSEOUT - The ENGINEER shall provide CITY required documentation when notified in writing by the CITY that the project is complete. VIII. BRIDGE DESIGN (Function Code 170) A. BRIDGE LAYOUTS The ENGINEER shall prepare Bridge Layout plans and elevations for all bridge types listed below in accordance with the latest editions of the State' s Bridge Design Manual, Bridge Division Operation and Planning Manual, and Bridge Detailer's Manual. The use of Type IV Beams is preferred No steel spans are anticipated for this project. Prior to commencing with the bridge layouts, the ENGINEER shall prepare a Bridge Type and Cost report that documents the analyses comparing costs for each bridge length versus pavement/embankment/retaining walls, to determine optimum bridge lengths. The report will also provide a cost comparison of different bridge types for each structure. The State will approve this analysis prior to preparation of the bridge layouts. The ENGINEER shall incorporate aesthetic design features of the bridges based on TxDOT and City of Pearland requirements in the final design of bridge elements B. FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND DETAILS 1. The ENGINEER shall make final design calculations and final detail drawings for Hickory Slough Bridge in accordance with standard requirements of the State All bridge design shall be in conformance with the latest edition of the State' s Bridge Design Manual, Bridge Division Operation and Plannmg Manual, Bridge Detailer` s Manual, and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. LRFD design shall not be required for this project The ENGINEER' s designer and checker shall both check all calculations and initial each page The ENGINEER shall submit for review all structural design calculations and quantity calculations at the 95 % submittal. Final design and details shall include the following•. ■ Perform calculations for design of bridge abutments and interior bents. ■ Perform calculations for bridge slab design. Exhibit A 14 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 • Perform calculations to determine elevations of bridge substructures and superstructure elements. • Prepare necessary foundation details and plan sheets. • Prepare plan sheets for abutment and interior bent design. • Prepare framing plan and slab plan sheets. • Compute and prepare tables for slab and bearing seat elevations, dead load deflections, etc. • Design beams and prepare beam design tables. • Prepare bridge summary sheets. • Prepare miscellaneous details as required 2. The ENGINEER shall prepare retaining wall layouts necessary at Hickory Slough 3. The ENGINEER shall prepare bridge quantities, construction cost estimates, specifications and special provisions in accordance with TxDOT procedures. 4. The ENGINEER shall identify and insert, as required, all applicable current TxDOT standards. District Standards and/or miscellaneous details that have been approved for use at other Districts shall be signed, sealed and dated by a Registered/Licensed Engineer in Texas for use in the Houston District. In addition, these details shall be accompanied by the appropriate general notes, special specifications, special provisions and method of payment. C. QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER defined and State approved quality procedures shall be accomplished and documented. D. DEMOLITION / CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING: The ENGINEER shall review and evaluate the need for phased demolition for all structures in the project limits and provide phased removal for the structures Phased demolition of structures may be shown on removal plans and/or traffic control plans. The ENGINEER shall review the as -built plans and perform any necessary analysis to determine the structural integrity of any part of a structure that would remain open to traffic. 1. The ENGINEER shall prepare temporary retaining wall layouts as necessary at Clear Creek and Hickory Slough to allow the stage construction of the structures. Exhibit A 15 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 Special Services Items: I. ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES (Function Code 110) A. ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS The ENGINEER will provide additional geotechnical services in connection with soil borings required for the proposed retaining walls and additional depth storm sewer. The ENGINEER shall be responsible for providing soil pressures, capacities, and settlement for foundation and retaining wall design at each retaining wall location. The ENGINEER will provide geotechnical recommendations for the design of retaining walls B. GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS. The Engineer shall determine the location of proposed soil borings for bridge design, embankment settlement analysis, retaining walls, slope stability and along storm sewer alignment The State will review and provide recommendation for a boring layout submitted by the Engineer showing the general location and depths of the proposed borings. Once the Engineer receives the State' s recommendations they shall perform soil borings (field work), soil testing and prepare the soil borings in accordance with Houston District' s procedures. The Engineer shall prepare a geotechmcal report to include soil boring locations, soil boring logs, signed, sealed and dated for insertion into plans lab test results, design capacity curves including skin friction and point bearings for piling and drilled shaft foundations. H. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT (Function Code: 120) A. PUBLIC HEARING After completion and preliminary approval of the revised Draft Final Environmental Assessment and the approval of the schematic design by the State and FHWA, the ENGINEER will assist TxDOT in preparmg information and exhibits for the public hearing. This hearing will be conducted by TxDOT. III. ENVIRONMENTAL (Function Code: 120) A. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING The ENGINEER will prepare and submit the appropriate Section 404 and 401 Permit along with the required conceptual mitigation plan. Based on a review of the drafty EA for this project it is assumed that a Nationwide Permit 14 (Linear Transportation Projects) will be adequate for this project. An individual permit is not included in the scope of work and would be considered an additional service. Exhibit A 16 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 IV. RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES (Function Code 130) A. ROW MAPS The ENGINEER shall provided design and survey services for preparing right-of- way maps and parcel exhibits with legal descriptions reflecting right-of-way takings required for the project. V. FIELD SURVEYING AND PHOTOGRAMMETRY (Function Code 150) A. FIELD SURVEYING The ENGINEER shall perform additional surveying services to document changes in topography and provide additional information where needed. The Engineer shall provide supplemental field surveying services necessary to verify the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), produce topographic maps, establish the project baseline on the ground, locate and tie existing utilities to the project baseline update topography and to complete/extend the original main lane cross sections if deemed necessary. Coordinate geometry shall be based on and tied into State plane surface coordinate system. During all surveying operations the traffic shall be controlled in accordance with the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -Part IV. It shall be the responsibility of the Engineer to secure permission to enter private property for the purpose of performing any surveying and or soil boring activities. In pursuance of the State's policy with the general public, the Engineer shall not commit acts which will result in damages to private property and the Engineer will make every effort to comply with the wishes and address the concerns of private property owners. 1. GROUND TOPOGRAPHY The Surveyor shall label and describe all structure and surface elements in the actual 3D Micro -Station Planimetric Graphic file. • Provide topographic information for the proposed detention pond located on the Westside of Cullen Parkway south of Clear Creek to be used for design purposes. • Provide topographic information for the south end of the existing detention pond located 1700-feet east of Cullen Parkway along and north of Hickory Slough to be used for design of modifications to the pond. • Obtain topographic information info at top of bank locations in cemeteries and at the commercial sites near the intersection of F.M. 518. Exhibit A 17 of 18 Rev.2/19/2008 F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 ■ Obtain topographic information of newly constructed high school storm sewer at outfall location near right-of-way. 2. ADDITIONAL SURVEYING ■ Boundary Survey on proposed Hickory Slough detention pond site. ■ Stake 10 core boring locations. ■ Setting Benchmark locations along the roadway. ■ Obtain existing bridge pile and column locations to determine the phasing alternatives (i.e.: removing a bridge portion) during construction. I:\Proposal\2008\100-125\08-I08\Exhibit-A Cullen Scope.doc Exhibit A 18 of 18 Rev.2/I9/2008 F cn 0 U a co Cd ox ENGINEERING BUDGET z A A a U 1 U F W z a. Date:2/11 /2008 TECH CAD Admin Hrs/Task Fee/Task l IP 00 0 0 0 4 4 $484.00 • 0 16 16 $1,376.00 • 0 0 0 0 $0 00 l • • • 30.6% 5.6% 22.2% 0.0% 12 28 32 72 $1,816.00 $3,536.00 $3,362.00 Task Total I $8,714.00 • i TECH 0 12 CAD 0 5 12 8 DO 11.7% F • • 1- 1 0 24 24 24 4 2 4 4 16 16 h 16 16 F 4 16 l Admin 0 0 0 0 0 Hrs/Task 43 36 5' 57 0 1---- 57 0 l . 57 0 0 0 106 $12,826.00 32.5% 101 $8,686.00 31.0% 0 $0 00 0.0% 32" 24 Fee/Task I $0.00 $5,266.00 1 $4,208.00 $532.00 1 $6;532.00 $6,532.00 1 $6,532 00 l $3,488.00_i $2338.00 ' l 15 326', Task Total I $37,226.00 TECH CAD Admin • a • ssr 1 )0 6.2% 8 4 8 0 0 6 22 $2,662.00 22.2% • 1. • • • • 0 0 0 8 12 $1,032.00 12.1% • • 0 0 6 0 6 $486.00 6.1% 7TEChfs 1 CA ® $121 $86 $81 FeelTask ,;. 33:` 20 - -- - $2,40800_ 20; ^ $2;50400;; 8 ` $798 00 , 18 i ';' $2,024'00 rI (Total Budget Hours 497 I • Task Total I $11,802.00 MAP EXHIBIT 1 Limits of Project Per Alternative "B" t • 4. k� i , . ::r •;r; • 1) Z 4 le ?l •. ' • 1,... .I. w� ivr3k1 1771.7.C.74 MO a Saw Ho f si r"'i7:: `�1'HtOCiHEtRA$ $ 4WD (CR .� , cal/4.�l • Sea ertkrii' Hit MI; time tory HIgWRY S:4tatt • i ,•C_1,17w±T�� .. 1—ah,i a- - Mitts hitth cHit i nsCta ...: � .a - -- F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 EXHIBIT A SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER Bury+Partners-Hou, Inc. (ENGINEER) shall provide the necessary engineering and technical services for the completion of the plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for the widening of Cullen Parkway(F.M. 865) main lanes from F.M. 518 to the proposed McHard Road extension/C.R. 106/Brookside Road, and a section at Beltway 8 in Harris and Brazoria Counties. The schematic developed by the Bury+Partners team will be utilized as the basis for development of the PS&E. The length of widening along Cullen Parkway in this project is approximately 1.6 miles. The construction plan set for this project will contain the required drawings and details pertaining to grading, paving, bridges, illumination, drainage, and waterline facilities. The above -described plan set will be prepared in English units, and shall be suitable for the bidding and award of a contract through the State's (TxDOT's) construction contracting system. Design services related to the design and plan production for this project will be performed in accordance with the latest available TxDOT manuals from the design collection located on the TxDOT website. The roadway will be designed based on 4R design criteria. If a special specification or provision is needed for this project, it shall be approved for statewide use or written in TxDOT's standard format and, to the extent possible, incorporate references to TxDOT test procedures. The ENGINEER will establish a roadway geometric model and perform earthwork and paving quantity calculations using GEOPAK. The CADD and GEOPAK criteria files, which comprises of the geometric model, shall be provided to TxDOT at the completion of the project. This project will be developed using Microstation version 8 and Geopak 2004. Hydraulic designs and calculations for culverts and bridge hydraulics will be performed with a PC -based hydraulic model such as HECRAS, CULVERT, WinStorm, Geopak Drainage, Culvert Master or other hydraulic model approved in advance by the State Manual calculation checks of culvert hydrauhcs will be performed on specific structures at the request of the district hydraulic engineer. The culverts will be sized to accommodate run-off from the subject roadway and run-off from outside the project limits. Basic Services Items: I. ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES (Function Code 110) A. DATA COLLECTION 1. DATA COLLECTION - The ENGINEER will gather and review available data for Cullen Parkway and adjacent areas and roadways. Data collection should be coordinated with TxDOT's Brazoria County area office. Exhibit A 1 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 2. FIELD RECONNASAINCE - The ENGINEER will perform field investigations to gather information for the further development of the construction plans. It is anticipated that this will require additional trips to the project site to gather photos, coordinate with TxDOT, investigate drainage outfalls etc. 3. DESIGN CONCEPT CONFERENCE. The ENGINEER, in cooperation with the State shall plan, attend and document a Design Concept Conference (DCC) Personnel from the State's Houston District will participate. The conference will provide for a brainstorming session in which decision makers, stakeholders and technical personnel may discuss and agree on: • Roadway and drainage design parameters • Engineering and environmental constraints • Project development schedule • Other issues as identified by the State II. UTILITIES (Function Code 130) The ENGINEER will develop existing utility layouts and verify all existing utilities. Utilities will be researched and located in the field. The ENGINEER shall identify and coordinate with all utility companies for relocations required within these construction easements and/or right -of entries. The utility relocation layout sheets are applicable when relocation of existing utilities will be included in the construction plans. Since these sheets will most likely be developed by either a local public agency or utility company, there are no recommended guidelines for the content. The Engineer shall perform their work in accordance with the State's Utility Accommodation Policy, and the Houston District's The TxDOT Utility Cooperative Management Process. The Engineer shall prepare drawings early in the design phase (30%) to be used as exhibits in utility agreements. The exhibits shall be prepared using English units The Engineer shall show existing utilities, including those In conflict with construction on this project. The Engineer shall prepare plans to avoid or minimize utility adjustments, where feasible. The Engineer shall implement The TxDOT Utility Cooperative Management Process and is responsible for sending out notices, with copies of exhibits and plans, including all milestone submittals. The Engineer shall determine prior to 30 percent milestone submittal if Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) will be required for this project. If SUE work is required, the State will perform these services. The Engineer shall compile, maintain and update a Utility Conflict List within its design section. The Engineer shall provide the most current copy of the conflict list to the State at each milestone submittal, and shall be responsible for coordination with utility companies to resolve conflicts. The Utility Conflict List shall identify the owner of the facility, the contact person (with address and telephone number), location of conflict (station and offset), type of facility, expected clearance date, status, effect on construction and type of adjustment necessary. Exhibit A 2 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 A. UTILITY COORDINATION 1. UTILITY MEETINGS — The ENGINEER will organize and attend utility meetings to present plan information and answer questions about the project. 2. UTILITY LAYOUT SHEETS — Utility Layout Sheets will be prepared at a scale of 1" =100 (11' x17 ' sheet). These plan sheets will clearly indicate the existing utilities located within the roadway corridor. III. ROADWAY DESIGN CONTROLS (Function Code 160) A. MISCELLANEOUS PLANS 1. TITLE SHEET - Project title sheet will be completed as required for the construction plans. 2. INDEX OF SHEETS - The ENGINEER will complete the detailed index of sheets that shows each sheets location in the plan set, as well as its corresponding sheet number. This index will be updated throughout the submittal process to allow for easier reference during the review process. 3. PROJECT LAYOUT - Project layout sheets will be completed at a scale of l' =200' that clearly indicate the limits of the entire project. 4. BENCHMARK LAYOUT - Benchmark Layout sheets will be completed at a scale of 1" =200' that clearly indicate the benchmark location and associated control information. These sheets will later be sealed by a RPLS for submittal. B. ROADWAY PLANS & GEOMETRY 1. PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTIONS - Proposed typical sections will be completed depicting the improvements to Cullen Parkway. 2. EXISTING TYPICAL SECTIONS - Existing typical sections will be completed depicting the existing conditions of the project roadways, according to information provided by the CITY and State. 3. MA1NLANE ROADWAY PLAN AND PROFILES - Mainlane roadway plan and profile sheets will be completed depicting the proposed construction of Cullen Parkway. Roadway plan and profiles for mainlanes, and cross streets will be prepared at a scale of 1" =100' H and 1" =10' V. 4. CROSS STREET PLAN AND PROFILES — None anticipated. Exhibit A 3 of 17 Rev.2/1 1/2008 BURYPARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 5. HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT DATA SHEET - A horizontal alignment data sheet will be prepared depicting the horizontal geometric information for the project roadways to be included in the construction plan set. 6. SUPERELEVATION DATA SHEET - The ENGINEER will develop Superelevation Data Sheets to be included in the construction plan set. These sheets will define the pavement cross slopes for individual roadway alignments and describe transition locations and values. 7. CONTOUR LAYOUTS - Contour layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1" = 50' for areas of the project requiring grading information It is anticipated that these sheets will be required in the location of the Hickory Slough Bridge area to more clearly define grading limits. 8. REMOVAL PLANS - The ENGINEER shall provide plan sheets of pavement removal to a 1 ' =100' scale. Removal sheets shall indicate pavement and other pertinent items to be removed with sufficient detail to assure Contractor will have no problems understanding the intentions. Description of removal item including material shall be included. Items shall be dimensioned. 9. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES - The ENGINEER shall coordinate with the CITY to incorporate pedestrian facilities as required. All pedestrian facilities must be designed in accordance with ADAAG, TAS and AASHTO Bike guidelines. Plans will show sidewalk location, alignment information and grade breaks (for sidewalk not adjacent to the back of curb) and information at driveways within the project limits. Sidewalks not adjacent to curbs will be shown on a 1" =40' Plan & Profile sheet (double banked) with all geometric information contained only on these sheets. It is not anticipated that the pedestrian facilities in this project will require signage or striping. It is intended that the effort will be involved in developing sidewalk location information only Geometric computations and sections/details will be included. C. GRADING AND DETAILS 1. CROSS SECTIONS - Design cross sections will be completed at 50-foot stations and other locations as necessary for the determination of cut and fill quantities. These sections will also be used to further refine the design vertical geometry. Cut and fill quantities determined from the design cross sections will be shown on the plan/profile sheets. Cross sections will not be developed as a deliverable for phased TCP. 2. DRIVEWAY DETAILS - Driveway details will be prepared for each driveway along the project corridor. When possible these driveways will be defined in a tabular format. Unique driveways will require individual details defining their construction. Exhibit A 4 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 3. DRIVEWAY PROFILES — The ENGINEER will develop driveway profiles as required for the project. These profiles will be developed to show driveway tie- back slopes, as well as limits for contractor s information. The Engineer shall be responsible for identifying and delineating temporary construction easements in areas outside the State's ROW 4. ROADWAY DETAILS - Miscellaneous roadway detail sheets will be developed for the project. The sheets will depict details required that are not defined in TxDOT standard detail sheets. Statewide or Houston District standards will be used for the project whenever possible. IV. DRAINAGE (Function Code 161) A. IMPACTS ANALYSIS 1. Drainage Design Recommendations The ENGINEER will use the drainage study and hydrology/hydraulic models entitled Drainage and Impact Analysis Report for Cullen Parkway Widening as the basis for design. The ENGINEER will recommend minimum main lane profile elevations within the 100-year flood plain of Hickory Slough and Clear Creek based on multiple frequency water surface profiles from the 2-year up to and including the 100-year storm events The ENGINEER will recommend design storm events for hydrologic and hydraulic analyses to meet TxDOT and City of Pearland drainage criteria and maintain consistency with the adjacent area. The ENGINEER shall review the CLOMR for Hickory Slough and Clear Creek and utilize the HECRAS models for modeling the proposed Cullen Parkway mainlane impacts. B. SCOUR ANALYSIS 1. It is not anticipated that this project will require a scour analysis. C. STORM SEWER DESIGN The Engineer shall develop design details that minimize the interference with the passage of traffic or incur damage to the highway and local property. The Engineer shall provide layouts, drainage area maps, and design of all drainage components. The Engineer shall design all conventional storm drainage and cross drainage in conformance with the latest edition of State Hydraulic Manual Houston District criteria, and any specific program guidance provided by the State. Storm drain design shall be performed using WinStorm or GEOPAK Drainage. Cross drainage design shall be performed using THYSYS, THYSYS CULVERT, HEC 2 or HEC RAS. When oversized storm drains are used for detention, the Engineer shall evaluate the hydrauhc gradeline throughout the whole system, within project limits, for the design frequency(ies) and make necessary system adjustments for Exhibit A 5 of 17 Rev.2/I 1/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 conformance to program criteria. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State any proposed changes to the detention systems The State will assess the effects of such changes on the comprehensive drainage studies. The Engineer shall coordinate with the State and designers of adjacent projects to check that all proposed drainage systems accommodate the proposed construction phasing plan 1. DRAINAGE AREA MAPS - The ENGINEER shall prepare drainage area maps for proposed cross drainage culverts, major creek crossings (excluding bridge structures designed by others), and proposed storm drain systems. These drainage area map sheets shall consist of the drainage areas, runoff coefficients, time of concentration and all other information determined necessary by the ENGINEER. Specific information for storm drain systems shall be Hydraulic Data Sheets as input/output data from WINSTORM. Drainage area maps will be finalized at a scale of 1" =100' . These maps will depict drainage area boundaries and flow direction arrows Each area will be identified with a unique number to be used to find run-off information from the calculation sheets. 2. RUN-OFF AND INLET COMPUTATIONS - Run-off to each inlet and inlet hydraulic information will be calculated in accordance with TxDOT's Hydraulic Manual and shown on the run-off and inlet computation sheets in WinStorm format. 3. STORM SEWER COMPUTATIONS - Storm sewers will be analyzed and computations will be prepared for the storm sewer design in WinStorm format. 4. STORM SEWER PLAN AND PROFILES - Storm Sewer plan and profile sheets will be completed depicting locations of inlets manholes, storm sewers, culverts, utilities, channel improvements, and ditch locations and flowlmes as required. These sheets will be prepared at a scale of 1 ' =100' . Storm sewer profiles will be prepared at a scale of 1' =100' H and 1 =10 V. Storm sewer profiles will show pipe size and type, slope, existing and proposed ground lines above the pipe, pertinent hydraulic information, and locations and sizes of inlets and junctions. 5. LATERAL PROFILES - Lateral profile sheets will be developed for the project storm sewer systems. These sheets will be developed at a scale of 1" =50 H and 1" =10' V. 6. DITCH LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER will prepare a tabular ditch layout schedule that depicts pertinent information about the roadside ditch geometry and design. This table will include station, offset, flow line elevation, ditch lining material, as well as ditch bottom width. The tables will be shown on the drainage plan sheets. Exhibit A 6 of 17 Rev.2/ 11 /2008 BURY + PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 7. DRAINAGE DETAILS - The ENGINEER shall provide drainage design details for ` non-standard" drainage structures in instances where TxDOT standard details cannot be utilized. The ENGINEER shall use TxDOT standard details where practical. 8. TRENCH PROTECTION DETERMINATION - The ENGINEER will identify areas within the construction of the storm sewer and culvert construction that will require trench protection or special shoring. D. SW3P AND EROSION CONTROL 1. EROSION CONTROL PLANS - Erosion control plans will be prepared for the length of project. Temporary storm water management devices will be needed to minimize the sediment runoff during construction of this project. The anticipated design components to be utilized on this project are silt fence, sand bags, rock filter dams sediment traps, and construction exits. One temporary erosion control plan will be developed with notes that indicate that the contractor is responsible for phasing the devices along with the construction sequencing. Permanent erosion control measures will be included on these sheets as well. 2. SW3P - A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SW3P) will be prepared for this job in accordance with TCEQ regulations. These sheets will consist of the TxDOT SW3P text sheets that summarize erosion control measures. 3. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS - Erosion control details will be prepared for any related items that are not covered by TxDOT standard details. E. WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION 1. DETENTION — Based upon the `Drainage and Impact Analysis Report for Cullen Parkway Widening ' , it has been determined that detention facilities are required for this project. The ENGINEER shall provide detention facility layouts, profile, and details for constructing a new detention pond for the outfall to Clear Creek and modifications to the detention facility on Hickory Slough. The proposed work includes excavation, grading, embankment, drainage, hydraulic structures and erosion control plans. V. SIGNING, MARKINGS AND SIGNALIZATION (Function Code 162) A. SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1. SIGNING AND PAVEMENT MARKING LAYOUTS - Pavement marking layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1 ' =100' . Main lane and frontage road signs and markings will be shown all on one plan sheet Sheets will be prepared for Cullen Parkway main lanes. These layouts will depict striping and delineator Exhibit A 7 of 17 Rev.2/ 11 /2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 type and location, as well as MBGF location, lengths, and end treatments Each sign will have a corresponding number that will relate that sign to the sign summaries. 2. PAVEMENT MARKING DETAILS - Pavement marking details will be prepared for instances in which the State's signing and striping standards do not apply or are not appropriate. 3. SMALL SIGN DETAILS - Detail sheets for small signs will be prepared for non-standard signs. This sheet is intended to show the overall dimensions of the signs by determining letter size and spacing. Details will not be to scale. B. SIGNALIZATION Develop final design plans technical specifications, and construction cost estimates for new signals and/or modifications to existing signals at the following locations• • • • • • Cullen Parkway at F.M. 518 Cullen Parkway at Freedom Drive Cullen Parkway at C.R. 403 (Hughes Ranch Road) Cullen Parkway at the proposed McHard Road Extension C.R.106 Cullen Parkway at Beltway 8 The work will include design engineering for each of the locations described above. Preliminary design plans shall form the basis for the final design. Detailed drawings will be prepared for review by the City of Pearland and TxDOT, as necessary. 1. TRAFFIC WARRANT STUDIES. The Engineer shall identify and prepare Traffic Signal warrant studies to include traffic counts, for justification the existing, proposed and/or temporary traffic signals at: • • • • • Cullen Parkway at F.M. 518 Cullen Parkway at Freedom Drive Cullen Parkway at C.R. 403 (Hughes Ranch Road) Cullen Parkway at the proposed McHard Road Extension C.R.106 Cullen Parkway at Beltway 8 Based upon the results of the Traffic Warrant Studies, the Engineer shall identify and prepare Traffic Signal Plans for all warranted traffic signal 2. TRAFFIC SIGNAL LAYOUT - Show intersection layout showing signal pole/mast arm locations, conduit runs, loop detectors, lanes, and signal head arrangements, etc. Summary tables including all signal bid items should be Exhibit A 8 of 17 Rev.2/I 1/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 shown for each signalized intersection. Traffic signal layouts shall be developed on separate sheets from other roadway details with a 1" =20" scale to show intersection layout detail. Signal Layout sheet will show signs and pavement markings as well as intersection geometry. 3. TRAFFIC OPERATION SHEET - Show traffic signal phasing and related information. 4. TRAFFIC SIGNAL DETAILS - Include sheets for any supplemental or non- standard details. 5. TRAFFIC SIGNAL STANDARDS - Include apphcable standard traffic signal sheets. 6. SIGNAL INTERCONNECT SYSTEM - To achieve improved traffic flow along Cullen Parkway, it is proposed that a wireless interconnect system be provided for the signals. The proposed system will be in accordance with City of Pearland and TxDOT standards, as required. VI. MISCELLANEOUS ROADWAY (Function Code 163) A. RETAINING WALLS The ENGINEER shall prepare retaining wall plans for locations indicated on the schematic layout developed for this project. The ENGINEER shall prepare all plans, elevations, and details necessary for the construction of the retaining walls. 1. INVESTIGATE WALL TYPE - The ENGINEER will investigate each wall location and determine what the most suitable wall type is for each application. 2. RETAINING WALL LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER shall prepare retaining wall layouts at a max scale of 1 ' = 40' . The layouts will show plan and profile views of the retaining wall. 3. RETAINING WALL DETAILS — The ENGINEER will prepare structural details for non-proprietary wall designs (Le. Tie -back, soil nailed drill shaft). 4. CONNECTION DETAILS - The ENGINEER will provide connection details for the retaining walls at bridge abutments. B. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN 1. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE - The ENGINEER will prepare a sequence of construction and traffic handling scheme. This plan will be presented to the TxDOT District Traffic Control Safety Review Committee and to the City to obtain approval. The ENGINEER will be responsible for incorporating the Exhibit A 9 of 17 Rev.2/ 11 /2008 BURY+PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 comments of the Safety Review Committee in the traffic control plans. Additional scope of services for items such as public presentations of the traffic handling plan or any additional meetings will be handled through a supplemental agreement to this scope of services. 2. The ENGINEER shall be responsible to coordinate with the State in scheduling a Traffic Control Workshop and submittal of the TCP for Safety Review Team (SRT) approval. The Engineer shall assist the State in coordinating mitigation of impacts to adjacent schools, emergency vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists and neighborhoods. 3. TCP TYPICAL SECTIONS - Traffic control typical sections will be prepared for each stage of the construction sequence to clearly delineate the position of the existing traffic with respect to the proposed construction. Temporary traffic barriers and pavement markings will also be shown and dimensioned. 4. TCP OVERVIEW PLANS — The ENGINEER will develop overview plans for each stage of traffic control. These plans will act as key maps for each phase of TCP and shall be developed at a 1" =400' scale. 5. ADVANCED WARNING SIGN LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER will prepare 1' =400' plan layouts of all advance warning signs for Cullen Parkway and all cross streets. 6. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS - Detailed traffic control plans will be prepared at a scale of 1' =100' . These plans will be developed based on the State's approval of the conceptual plans developed at the schematic design level. This plan will describe the maintenance of traffic and sequence of work for each phase of the proposed construction. Detour alignments, location of work areas, temporary paving, temporary shoring, signing, barricades and other details will be required to describe the traffic control plan. The ENGINEER will be required to ensure that proper drainage can be maintained during each phase of construction. 7. DETOUR LAYOUTS - Detour layouts will be prepared showing plan & profiles where required to define the geometry for detours required in the traffic control plans. When widening is required that can be defined based on existing pavement slopes a detour profile will not be prepared. These layouts will be prepared at a scale of 1' =100' H and 1' =10' V. 8. TCP DETAILS - Traffic control details will be developed for items not covered by State standard drawings. Exhibit A 10 of 17 Rev.2/ 11 /2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 9. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - An Engineer's opinion of construction schedule will be computed in order to determine an approximate duration for each of the phases of construction. C. ILLUMINATION 1. CONTINUOUS LIGHTING LAYOUTS - The ENGINEER shall prepare plans and details for continuous lighting from FM 518 to future McHard Road and C.R.106 and at Beltway 8. Layout sheets for illumination will be prepared at a scale of 1" =100' and include pole locations, types of hghting Circuit data, summary of quantities and details necessary to carry out the work. Lighting poles, fixtures, and attachment details shall be designed per the Green Ribbon report recommendations, TxDOT criteria and standards 2. SAFETY LIGHTING - The ENGINEER will indicate safety lighting for at grade intersections along the project corridor. 3. ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT PLANS - The ENGINEER shall provide electrical circuit plans and details for the roadway lighting systems within the project limits. 4. POWER SOURCE IDENTIFICATION - The ENGINEER will coordinate with the CITY in identifying power sources conduit runs, and will show them on the project plans. The ENGINEER shall identify potential overhead utility conflicts, and coordinate with the CITY and the utility company to help resolve the conflicts. D. QUANTITIES AND SUMMARY SHEETS Quantities will be tabulated and summary sheets prepared for the following: Traffic Control (per each phase), Earthwork, Roadway, Retaining Walls, Removal, Pavement markings, Small / Large Signs, Illumination, Erosion Control and SW3P, Drainage related items including inlets, manholes and storm sewer pipes. E. STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATE 1. STANDARDS - The ENGINEER will download the appropriate TxDOT standards for the project from the State's web site. Standards that require modification will be corrected and sealed by the ENGINEER. All other standards will have their title blocks filled out with the applicable project data and printed for inclusion in the final plan set. The ENGINEER will utilize Houston District Standards were applicable. 2. SPECIFICATIONS - A tabulation of applicable specifications, special specifications and special provisions will be prepared for submission with the final PS&E package. Exhibit A 11 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 3. GENERAL NOTES - The ENGINEER will review general notes provided by the State for applicability to the project. The ENGINEER will mark-up a set and return it to the State for their inclusion in the final plan set. The ENGINEER will work with TxDOT to complete the basis of estimate prior to beginning quantity calculations. 4. PRELIMINARY COST ESTIMATE - An engineer's opinion of probable construction cost will be prepared at the 60% and prior to final PS&E submittal, and supplied to the State in Microsoft Excel format. Opinion of probable cost will be broken out for each CSJ, as well as per each bridge class structure. VII. PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Function Code 164) 1. INVOICING / PROGRESS REPORTS - The ENGINEER will create monthly invoices and prepare monthly progress reports for submission to the CITY for all requests for payment. 2. PROJECT SCHEDULE - A detailed project schedule will be developed and updated every month for submittal to the CITY. The schedule submittals shall be hard copy and electronic format, e-mail is an acceptable means of submittal. 3. REVIEW MEETINGS - The ENGINEER will meet on a regular basis with both the City and the State to review project progress. It is anticipated that the ENGINEER and the CITY will meet once a month. The ENGINEER shall provide meeting summaries within a timely manner of the meeting to all attendees. 4. INTERNAL MEETINGS - The ENGINEER will have internal meetings with the consultant design team every two weeks for the length of the project. It is assumed that these meetings will include key personnel from each discipline and will be required to discuss and resolve project issues. 5. TxDOT REVIEW SUBMITTALS - The Engineer shall make submittals for TxDOT review, at the 30, 60, 90, and 100 percent completion stages and in accordance with the latest State policies and procedures. The submittals shall consist of four (4) 11"x17' paper sets. The Engineer shall reply to each comment either within the plan set or by separate cover letter. The Engineer shall make all agreed upon changes to the submitted documents before the next scheduled submittal. 6. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - The ENGINEER shall prepare an estimated construction contract time schedule, using the latest version of Primavera or SureTrak software in accordance with the State's Administrative Circular No. Exhibit A 12 of 17 Rev.2/I 1/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 17-93. The schedules shall indicate tasks, subtasks critical dates, milestones, deliverables and review requirements in a format that depicts the interdependence of the various items. The Engineer shall provide assistance to State personnel in interpreting the schedules. 7. SUBCONSULTANT COORDINATION - The ENGINEER shall prepare and execute contracts with sub -consultants, monitor sub -consultants activities (staff and schedule), and review and recommend approval of sub -consultant invoices. 8. QA / QC SUBCONSULTANT ACTIVITIES - The ENGINEER will review and coordinate work of sub -consultants to ensure quality products are delivered to the State. The ENGINEER will also be responsible for the consistency and coordination between plans developed by each sub -consultant on the design team. 9. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT - Construction Phase Services will be considered extra work and ,ay be added as a supplemental agreement 10. PROJECT ADMINISTRATION AND FILING - The ENGINEER will prepare, distribute and file written and electronic correspondence. The ENGINEER will conduct and document phone calls and conference calls as required during the project to coordinate the work for various team members. The ENGINEER will maintain project files for the length of the project. 11. WORK AUTHORIZATION CLOSEOUT - The ENGINEER shall provide CITY required documentation when notified in writing by the CITY that the project is complete. VIII.BRIDGE DESIGN (Function Code 170) A. BRIDGE LAYOUTS The ENGINEER shall prepare Bridge Layout plans and elevations for all bridge types listed below in accordance with the latest editions of the State s Bridge Design Manual Bridge Division Operation and Planning Manual, and Bridge Detailer's Manual. The use of Type IV Beams is preferred. No steel spans are anticipated for this project. Prior to commencing with the bridge layouts, the ENGINEER shall prepare a Bridge Type and Cost report that documents the analyses comparing costs for each bridge length versus pavement/embankment/retaining walls, to determine optimum bridge lengths. The report will also provide a cost comparison of different bridge types for each structure. The State will approve this analysis prior to preparation of the bridge layouts. Exhibit A 13 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY+PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 The ENGINEER shall incorporate aesthetic design features of the bridges based on TxDOT and City of Pearland requirements in the final design of bridge elements. B. FINAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS AND DETAILS 1. The ENGINEER shall make final design calculations and final detail drawings for Hickory Slough Bridge in accordance with standard requirements of the State. All bridge design shall be in conformance with the latest edition of the State's Bridge Design Manual, Bridge Division Operation and Planning Manual, Bridge Detailer's Manual, and AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges. LRFD design shall not be required for this project. The ENGINEER's designer and checker shall both check all calculations and initial each page. The ENGINEER shall submit for review all structural design calculations and quantity calculations at the 95 % submittal. Final design and details shall include the following* • Perform calculations for design of bridge abutments and interior bents. • Perform calculations for bridge slab design. • Perform calculations to determine elevations of bridge substructures and superstructure elements. • Prepare necessary foundation details and plan sheets. • Prepare plan sheets for abutment and interior bent design. • Prepare framing plan and slab plan sheets. • Compute and prepare tables for slab and bearing seat elevations, dead load deflections, etc. • Design beams and prepare beam design tables. • Prepare bridge summary sheets. • Prepare miscellaneous details as required 2. The ENGINEER shall prepare retaining wall layouts necessary at Hickory Slough. 3. The ENGINEER shall prepare bridge quantities, construction cost estimates, specifications and special provisions in accordance with TxDOT procedures. 4. The ENGINEER shall identify and insert, as required, all applicable, current TxDOT standards. District Standards and/or miscellaneous details that have been approved for use at other Districts shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a Registered/Licensed Engineer in Texas for use in the Houston District. In addition, these details shall be accompanied by the appropriate general notes, special specifications, special provisions and method of payment. Exhibit A 14 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY+PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 C. QUALITY ASSURANCE / QUALITY CONTROL ENGINEER defined and State approved quality procedures shall be accomplished and documented. D. DEMOLITION / CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING: The ENGINEER shall review and evaluate the need for phased demolition for all structures in the project limits and provide phased removal for the structures. Phased demolition of structures may be shown on removal plans and/or traffic control plans. The ENGINEER shall review the as -built plans and perform any necessary analysis to determine the structural integrity of any part of a structure that would remain open to traffic. 1. The ENGINEER shall prepare temporary retaining wall layouts as necessary at Clear Creek and Hickory Slough to allow the stage construction of the structures. Special Services Items: I. ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES (Function Code 110) A. ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS The ENGINEER will provide additional geotechnical services in connection with soil bormgs required for the proposed retaining walls and additional depth storm sewer. The ENGINEER shall be responsible for providing soil pressures, capacities, and settlement for foundation and retaining wall design at each retaining wall location. The ENGINEER will provide geotechnical recommendations for the design of retaining walls. B. GEOTECHNICAL BORINGS. The Engineer shall determine the location of proposed soil borings for bridge design, embankment settlement analysis, retaining walls, slope stability and along storm sewer alignment. The State will review and provide recommendation for a boring layout submitted by the Engineer showing the general location and depths of the proposed borings Once the Engineer receives the State's recommendations they shall perform soil borings (field work), soil testing and prepare the soil borings in accordance with Houston District's procedures. The Engineer shall prepare a geotechmcal report to include soil boring locations, soil boring logs, signed, sealed and dated for insertion into plans, lab test results, design capacity curves including skin friction and point bearings for piling and drilled shaft foundations. Exhibit A 15 of 17 Rev.2/11/2008 BURY+PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 II. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT (Function Code: 120) A. PUBLIC HEARING After completion and preliminary approval of the revised Draft Final Environmental Assessment and the approval of the schematic design by the State and FHWA, the ENGINEER will assist TxDOT in preparing information and exhibits for the public hearing. This hearing will be conducted by TxDOT. III. ENVIRONMENTAL (Function Code: 120) A. ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING The ENGINEER will prepare and submit the appropriate Section 404 and 401 Permit along with the required conceptual mitigation plan. Based on a review of the Draft EA for this project it is assumed that a Nationwide Permit 14 (Linear Transportation Projects) will be adequate for this project. An individual permit is not included in the scope of work and would be considered an additional service. IV. RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES (Function Code 130) A. ROW MAPS The ENGINEER shall provided design and survey services for preparing right-of- way maps and parcel exhibits with legal descriptions reflecting right-of-way takings required for the project. V. FIELD SURVEYING AND PHOTOGRAMMETRY (Function Code 150) A. FIELD SURVEYING The ENGINEER shall perform additional surveying services to document changes in topography and provide additional information where needed. The Engineer shall provide supplemental field surveying services necessary to verify the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), produce topographic maps, establish the project baseline on the ground, locate and tie existing utilities to the project baseline, update topography and to complete/extend the original main lane cross sections if deemed necessary. Coordinate geometry shall be based on and tied into State plane surface coordinate system. During all surveying operations the traffic shall be controlled in accordance with the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices -Part IV. Exhibit A It shall be the responsibility of the Engineer to secure permission to enter private property for the purpose of performing any surveying and or soil boring activities. In pursuance of the State's policy with the general public, the Engineer shall not 16 of 17 Rev.2/14/2008 BURY+ PARTNERS F.M. 865 From F.M. 518 To Beltway 8 commit acts which will result in damages to private property and the Engineer will make every effort to comply with the wishes and address the concerns of private property owners. 1. GROUND TOPOGRAPHY The Surveyor shall label and describe all structure and surface elements in the actual 3D Micro -Station Planimetric Graphic file. Provide topographic information for the proposed detention pond located on the Westside of Cullen Parkway south of Clear Creek to be used for design purposes. Provide topographic information for the south end of the existing detention pond located 1700-feet east of Cullen Parkway along and north of Hickory Slough to be used for design of modifications to the pond. Obtain topographic information info at top of bank locations in cemeteries and at the commercial sites near the intersection of F.M. 518. Obtain topographic information of newly constructed high school storm sewer at outfall location near right-of-way. • • • • 2. ADDITIONAL SURVEYING ■ Boundary Survey on proposed Hickory Slough detention pond site. ■ Stake 10 core boring locations Setting Benchmark locations along the roadway. Obtain existing bridge pile and column locations to determine the phasing alternatives (i.e.: removing a bridge portion) during construction. • • I:\Proposal\2008\100-125\08-108\Exhibit-A Cullen Scope_2-1-2008.doc Exhibit A 17 of 17 Rev.2/ 11 /2008 BURY + PARTNERS Construction Cost Estimate Cullen Parkway Bury +Partners-Hou, Inc. BURY +PARTNERS Item: Earthwork CULLEN PARKWAY PROJECT (F.M. 518 TO MCHARD) OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST DATE: January 11, 2008 Quantity Engineer's Estimate Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Excavation Miscellaneous 27,983 C.Y. $8.00 $223,860.00 (Earthwork Total $223,860.00 2 Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SW3P) 3 Landscaping 4 Lighting - conventional 5 Sound wall (12-foot height) 6 Relocation of existing 16" and 24" waterlines 7 Utility relocation / lowering 8 Pipeline Adjustments (3 gas pipelines) 1.6 1.6 1.6 0 200 1 3.0 MI. MI. MI. L.F. L.F. L.S. EA. $60,000.00 $30,000.00 $120, 000.00 $290.00 $115.00 $25,000.00 $300,000.00 $97,800.00 $48,900.00 $195,600.00 $0.00 $23,000.00 $25,000.00 $900,000.00 Demolition 9 Prep ROW 10 Remove existing asphalt pavement and base 11 Driveway removal 12 Remove & relocate signs and mailboxes 13 Remove structures (pipe culvert) 14 Remove existing bridle structures (one bridge) 15 Remove storm sewer manhole 16 Remove storm sewer inlet 17 Remove existing traffic signals and appurtenances Paving 85.5 41,571 4,046 1 3,860 1 0 0 3 STA S .Y. S .Y. LS. L.F. L.S. EA. EA. EA. $5,000.00 $6.00 $5.00 $15,000.00 $12.00 $50,000.00 $400.00 $300.00 $50,000.00 $427,500.00 $249,424.50 $20,230.00 $15,000.00 $46,320.00 $30,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150,000.00 jMisc Total 18 10" concrete pavement (continuously reinforced) 19 1" bond breaker asphalt stabilized base (38 lbs. per S.Y.) 20 6" cement treatment base (plant mix) 21 8" lime treatment/stabilize subgrade 22 8" hydrated lime stabilized subgrade (38.0 lbs. Per S.Y.) 23 6" concrete curb 24 Standard traffic signs, stop sign, street name, and pole 25 10' shared used trail (concrete pavement continuously reinforced) 26 10' shared used trail (6" Lime treatment/stabilize subgrade) 27 5' Sidewalk (with 1' brick pavers) 28 Driveway repair (concrete) 29 Tie to existing concrete pavement 30 Pavement Markings (striping) 79,066 2,189 83,184 83,184 2,189 32,500 1.6 10,400 11,326 4,033 1,528 8 1.6 S .Y. TON S.Y. S .Y. TON L.F. MI. S .Y. S .Y. S.Y.- S.Y. L.S. MI. $42.00 $70.00 $10.00 $2.50 $120.00 $6.00 $18,000.00 $40.00 $4.50 $40.00 $38.00 $2,500.00 $30,000.00 $2,228,774.50 $3,320,772.00 $153,244.00 $831,844.00 $207,961.00 $262,704.00 $195,000.00 $29,340.00 $416,000.00 $50,965.20 $161,304.00 $58,045.00 $21,125.00 $48,900.00 CULLEN PARKWAY PROJECT (F.M. 518 TO MCHARD) OPINION OF PROBABLE CONSTRUCTION COST DATE: January 11, 2008 Item: Engineer's Estimate Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total 31 Construction Traffic Handling (detours) 12,578 S.Y. $50.00 $628,875.00 32 Handicap ramp 26 EA. $1,300.00 $33,800.00 33 Traffic Control Plan 24 MO. $20,000.00 $480,000.00 34 Temporary pavement 4,290 S.Y. $40.00 $171,600.00 Paving Total $7,071,479.20 Drainage 35 24" RCP 1,944 L.F. $60.00 $116,640.00 $9,000.00 36 30" RCP 100 L.F. $90.00 $201,250.00 37 36" RCP 1,610 L.F. $125.00 $12,500.00 38 48" RCP 50 L.F. $250.00 39 5'x4' Box Culvert 2,350 L.F. $315.00 $740,250.00 $782,000.00 40 5'x5' Box Culvert 2,300 L.F. $340.00 41 8'x4' Box Culvert 3,150 L.F. $555.00 $1,748,250.00 $0.00 42 12'x9' Box Culvert 0 L.F. $1,395.00 43 Junction Box 5'x4' 3 EA. $4,000.00 $12,000.00 $8,000.00 44 Junction Box 5'x5' 2 EA. $4,000.00 $18,000.00 45 Junction Box 8'x4' 3 EA. $6,000.00 $0.00 46 Junction Box 12'x9' 0 EA. $12,000.00 47 C-1 Inlet 36 EA. $1,600.00 $57,600.00 $86,400.00 48 E-Inlet 48 EA. $1,800.00 49 Storm Sewer Manhole 24 EA. $2,500.00 $60,000.00 50 Safety End Treatment 8 EA. $650.00 $5,200.00 51 Outfall Structure (with rip rap) 3 EA. $10,000.00 $30,000.00 52 Storm Water Quality 1 L.S. $25,000.00 $25,000.00 53 Rip Rap 1 L.S. $25,000.00 $25,000.00 54 Clear Creek detention pond 18 AC -FT. $40,000.00 $720,000.00 55 Hickory Slough detention pond improvements 1 L.S. $50,000.00 $50,000.00 56 Detention pond appurtenances 1 L.S. $300,000.00 $300,000.00 57 Well Pointing 1,000 L.F. $35.00 $35,000.00 ' 'Drainage Total $5,042,090.00 Structures 58 Bridge @ Clear Creek (structure with rail) 0 EA. $1,337,000.00 $0.00 59 Bridge @ Hickory Slough (structure with rail) 1 EA. $607,000.00 $607,000.00 60 Retaining Wall (concrete - cast in place) 24,650 S.F. $22.00 $542,300.00 S Structures Total $1,149,300.00 Signalization 61 Signals and interconnection (4 intersections) 1.00 L.S. $403,334.00 $403,334.00 S Signalizat on Total $403,334.00 Total Construction = $16,118,837.70 Contingencies (15%) = $2,417,825.66 Total Cost Estimate = $18,536,663.36 Cullen Parkway, 12-inch Waterline Cost Estimate (1/21/2008) Description Quantity Unit Unit cost Cost 24x12 reducer 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000 12-inch valve 14 EA $2,000.00 $28,000 gate 12x12 Tee 6 EA $800.00 $4,800 12x16 Tee 1 EA $1,000.00 $1,000 12x8 Tee 15 EA $500.00 $7,500 (FH) 4 Fire Hydrant Assembly 15 EA $2,800.00 $42,000 12-inch Plug 6 EA $500.00 $3,000 16-inch Plug 1 EA $600.00 $600 12-inch C-900 PVC Pipe 6975 LF $65.00 $453,375 12-inch Welded Stl. Pipe 250 LF $250.00 $62,500 Trench Safety 6375 LF $0.75 $4,781 4-inch Blow Off 1 EA $2,700.00 $2,700 Long Side Taps 5 EA $1,200.00 $6,000 Shortside Taps 9 EA $300.00 $2,700 Subtotal $620,956 30% Contingency $186,287 Total Estimated Construction Cost $807,243 Engineering Fee (10.0%) Surveying for Easement Parcels and Exhibits Total Cost (for Budgeting) Assumptions: 1. Waterline to be constructed within ROW. $0 $0 $807,243 2. The following items are already included in the PS&E documents: - SW3P Clear and Grubbing - Seeding - Grading 3. Waterline plans will be incorporated into the Cullen Parkway Reconstruction project. 4. Open cut installation across Hawk and County Road 403 Budget Roadway PS&E and Waterline Cullen Parkway BURY+ PARTNERS ENGINEERING BUDGET 00 h 0 U Fa 00 F x 0. 5 4 [City of Pearland, Cullen 12-inch Waterline Project Date • 2/11 /2008 KICKOFF & 1-LINE Kickoff Meeting 1-Line Cost estimate 1-Line Drawing Principal/VP SPM/PM PD/PE DE TECH CAD Admin Hrs/Task 12 Fee/Task $1,816.00 28 32 $3,536.00 $3,362.00 Kickoff/1-Line 5 9 16 22 4 16 0 72 Cost including overhead and profit Percent of Total Hours by task $940.00 6.9% $1,404.00 12.5% $1,760.00 22 2% $2,750.00 30.6% $484.00 5.6% $1,376.00 22.2% $0.00 0.0% Task Total $8,714.00 WATERLINE DESIGN Cover Sheet -Public Water Lines Water Distribution Layout Traffic control Plan Layout Construction Notes P lan and Profile P lan and Profile P lan and Profile Details - Inlets, Hydrants, Etc. S ummary and Demo Sheets Erosion and Sedimentation Control Notes & Details Waterline Principal/VP SPM/PM 1 11 • 1 A PD/PE 2 DE 0 0 TECH 1 0 24. 24 2 4 CAD 0 Admin 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HrslTask 0 43 36 5 57 57 57 32 24 15 26 44 38 106 101 0 326 f Fee/Task $0.00 $5,266.00 $4,208.00 $532.00 1 $6,532.00 $6,532.00 i $6,532.00 $3,488.00 $2,338.00 $1,798.00 I Cost including overhead and profit Percent of Total Hours by task $2,068.00 3.4% $4,056.00 8.0% $4,840.00 13 5% $4,750.00 11.7% $12,826.00 32.5% $8,686.00 31.0% $0.00 0.0% Task Total $37,226.00 i P OST PRODUCTION In -House Reviews & Quality Control Check Quantity Take -offs S pecifications & Bid Documents Agency Reviews (TxDOT & Pearland) Final Revisions Post Production Total Principal/VP 1 0 0 0 1 2 SPM/PM 8 0 2 2 16 PD/PE 12 0 DE 0 TECH CAD 4 Admin 0 0 1 25 0 0 16 0 0 0 6 22 8 12 0 6 0 6 Hrs/Task 33 20 20 8 18 99 Fee/Task $4,068.00 $2,408.00 $2,504.00 $798.00 $2,024.00 Cost including overhead and profit Percent of Total Hours by task $376.00 2.0% $2,496.00 16.2% $2,750.00 25 3% $2,000.00 16.2% $2,662.00 22.2% $1,032.00 12.1% $486.00 6.1% Task Total $11,802.00 PrincipalNP SPM/PM. PD/PE DM • TECH CAD Admin Percent of Total Hours Basic Services• 3.6'10 `i0 3% 17 °!° 1 3% 26 6% 0% t2% :Total Budget per Job Title $3 3 4 $7• 950 $9 3 0 500 $15,9' 2 311,094 486 Hourly Rate $188 $156 $110 $125 $121 $86 $81 Total Basic Services Budget > Survey Descriptions and Parcel Exhibits Additional Services > $57,742.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 (Total Budget Hours 497 Basic Services - Subconsultant Signal Design Cullen Parkway GC Engineering, Inc. BURY PARTNERS Cullen Parkway from Beltway 8 to F11/I 518 Traffic Engineering Scope of Services — Final Design January 9, 2008 Summary This task shall include the development of final design plans, technical specifications, and construction cost estimates for new signals and/or modifications to existing signals at the following locations: • • • f Work Plan Cullen Parkway at FM 518 Cullen Parkway at Freedom Drive Cullen Parkway at CR 403 (Hughes Ranch Road) Cullen Parkway at future \4cHard Road and CR106 Cullen Parkway at Beltway 8 The work will include design engineering for each of the locations described above. Preliminary design plans shall form the basis for the ,final design. Detailed drawings will be prepared for review by the City of Pearland and TxDOT, as necessary. 'Hie work envisioned at each location is as follows: Cullen. Parkway at FM518 — The proposed signal layout for this location will likely include new mast arms foundations signals, pedestrian signals, a new controller and cabinet, video detection and associated other materials to complete the installation. Cullen Parkway at Freedom. Drive — This location will include a signal system for emergency vehicle pre-emption to serve the existing fire station on .Freedom Drive as well as proposed police operations at the new Public Safety Building. Cullen Parkway at CR 403 — The signalsystem at this location is relatively new, however with the widening of Cullen. Parkway a new installation will be required to meet the needs of the new geometry of the intersection. Cullen Parkway at CR 106 and Future McHard Road - This location is currently an outdated flashing signal. With completion of McHard. Road to the west, approach volumes and turning movements will increase dramaticall, and a new signal system is proposed for this location. There will be changes in signal -phasing and layout of the signal system from the preliminary plans, due to proposed changes in the Cullen Parkway alignment north of the McHard intersection. Cullen Parkway at Beltway 8 There are only minor changes being proposed for this location, in particular, extension of turn lanes on the Cullen Parkway northbound approach. To the extent that these changes may necessitate modifications to the signal system, the modifications will be incorporated into the signal plans. Signal Interconnect System —.l'o achieve improved traffic flow along Cullen Parkway, it is proposed that the new signals and existing signals between FM 518 and McHard be interconnected The proposed system will he in accordance with City of Peat -land and TxDOT standards, as required. Review Comments/1\'Ieetiugs The Consultant shall attend review meetings as required during the design effort, and respond to comments at each review phase. GCE Cullen Parkway from BW 8 to FM 518 Traffic Engineering Fee Schedule Task 1. Signal Design Final Design Direct Costs Plan Reproduction Labor Rate: Principal Transportation Sr. Transportation Engineer Planner/Engineer Engineer/Planner $143.80 $129.95 $97.39 Technician $42.35 Totals Total Estimated Hours: Total Estimated Cost: Total Estimated Task Cost: 120 120 $17 256.00 Unit Cost $100.00 148 148 $19,232.60 ea 130 130 $12,660.70 Units 2 90 90 $3,811.50 $52,960.80 $200.00 $53,160.80 Note: Billing Rate shown above (Labor Rate) includes direct salary, overhead rate at 155%, and fee at 12% C:\Documents and Settings\dhamilton\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKCF\080211 CullenCost Traffic.xls - 2/11/2008 1 Basic Services - Subconsultant Detention, TCP, Retaining Walls, Lighting and Bridge PS&E Cullen Parkway Klotz Associates, Inc. BURY+ PARTNERS EXHIBIT B SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY ENGINEER KLOTZ ASSOCIATES, INC. CULLEN PARKWAY From: FM 518 (West Broadway) To: Clear Creek PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existing Facility The usual existing road section consists of a 2-lane roadway with open drainage on both sides. The existing usual Right -of -Way is approximately 100 feet. Proposed Facility The scope has been revised to include the section of Cullen from FM 518 to the McHard Road Extension (CR 106/Brookside) including the intersection with McHard Road and then transition back to the existing 2 lane bridge at Clear Creek. We will expand the intersection at Beltway 8 by about 600-feet on the east side only as part of the work scope. The proposed roadway will be a 4-lane divided with a 14-foot raised median 8 foot outside shoulders, curb and gutter and a 5-foot sidewalk on both sides. The proposed ROW will remain approximately 100 feet. The project will be designed according to the 2004 TxDOT Standards and Specifications and Federal Highway Administration guidelines. BASIS OF SCOPE OF SERVICES The Scope of Services to be provided by the Engineer is based on the following assumptions: 1. The project will be an expedited, streamlined effort, with TxDOT reviews at the 30%, 60%, 90%, and final submittals. There will be no Right -of -Way services required. a. The work will cover Broadway to Clear Creek and TCP services at Beltway 8. I. ROUTE AND DESIGN STUDIES (Function Code 110) No Route and Design Services are being provided II. ROW (Function Code 130) No ROW services are being provided. Exhibit B Page 1 of 6 III. FIELD SURVEYING AND PHOTOGRAMMETRY (Function Code 150) Field surveying services are being provided by others IV. ROADWAY DESIGN CONTROLS (Code Function 160) No Roadway Design Controls services are being provided V. DRAINAGE (Function Code 161) a. The Fngineer shall conduct a detailed on -site inspection of the existing Hickory Slough detention pond. b. The Engineer, within 2 weeks of NTP, shall prepare a detailed request to the Client for a topographical survey of the existing Hickory Slough detention pond and a detailed survey of the proposed Clear Creek detention pond site. c. The Engineer shall coordinate with the Client's surveyor as required. d. The Engineer shall refine and update pond requirements for excess runoff mitigation, based on the Client's final design of the roadway. e. The Engineer shall refine and update pond requirements for compensatory storage based on the Client's final design of the roadway. f. The Engineer shall refine and update local runoff requirements based on the new topographical data. g. The Fngineei shall prepare plans and cross sections of the existing Hickory Slough detention pond with any modifications required thereto. h. The Engineer shall prepare plans and cross sections of the proposed Clear Creek detention pond. i. The Engineer shall prepare the necessary details for inflows to the two ponds. j. The Engineer shall prepare the necessary details for outflows from the two ponds. k. The Engineer shall prepare all necessary special details for the two ponds. 1. All work will be done according to TxDOT and City of Pearland criteria. VI. SIGNING, MARKINGS & SIGNALIZATION (Function Code 162) No Signing, Markings & Signalization services are being provided Exhibit B Page 2 of 6 VII. MISCELLANEOUS (Function Code 163) A. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS 1. Sequence of Construction — The Engineer will prepare a sequence of construction fot this project. This will be presented to the District Traffic Control Safety Review Committee and to the City to obtain approval. After review by TxDOT and the City, comments will be incorporated for the final PS&E and the detailed traffic control plans will then be prepared. 2. The Engineer shall describe the type of work to be performed for each phase of sequence of construction and any special instructions (ex: stotin sewer, culverts, bridges, railing, illumination, signals, retaining walls, signing, paving surface sequencing or concrete placement, ROW restrictions, utilities, etc.) that the contractor should be made aware to include limits of construction obliteration, and shifting or detouring of traffic prior to the proceeding phase. 3. The Engineer shall prepare Typical Sections for the Traffic Control Plans (TCP). The Engineer shall include the work limits, the location of channelizing devices, positive barrier, location & direction of traffic, work area, stations, pavement markings, and other information deemed necessary for each phase of sequence of construction. 4. Engineer shall assure that drainage issues have been addressed as a result of changes in horizontal and vertical profiles by specifying the location and size of any temporary drainage structures that may be required. The Engineer shall include the cost for temporary drainage structures as part of the cost for traffic control plans. The Engineer shall determine the hydrology and hydraulics in accordance with standard TxDOT and City of Pearland procedures. When using positive barriers, the Engineer shall check for sight distance from adjacent roads and streets. 5. The Engineer shall identify and insert all current applicable TxDOT standards. District Standards and/or miscellaneous details that have been approved for use at other Districts shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a Registered/Licensed Engineer in Texas for use in the Houston District, with - the pre -approval of the Houston District. In addition, these details shall be - accompanied by the appropriate general notes, special specifications, special provisions, and method of payment. Exhibit B Page 3 of 6 6. The Fngineer shall prepare plans and profiles for the connection from the this work to the existing roadway at Cleat Creek. 7 Compute and Tabulate Quantities — The Engineer shall compute all quantities that are required for pay items for Ttaffc Control, and those quantities identified by the TxDOT and the City as necessary fot inclusion for contractor's information only. B. RETAINING WALL PLANS 1. The Engineer shall prepare retaining wall plans for all locations indicated on the Client's design from FM 518 to Cleat Creek. 2. The Fngineer shall prepare all details necessary for the construction of the retaining walls. 3. All work will be done and follow applicable TxDOT standards and criteria. 4. The Engineer shall identify and insert all current applicable TxDOT standards. District Standards and/or miscellaneous details that have been approved for use at other Districts shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a Registered/Licensed Engineer in Texas for use in the Houston District, with the pre -approval of the Houston District. In addition, these details shall be accompanied by the appropriate general notes, special specifications, special provisions, and method of payment C. CONTINUOUS LIGHTING 1. The Engineer shall prepare plans and details for continuous lighting from FM 518 to Clear Creek. 2. The Engineer shall prepare intersection lighting plans and details as required. 2. The Engineer shall prepare electrical circuit plans. He shall indicate the locations of meters, and source points for the lighting on these plans. 3. All work will be done and follow applicable TxDOT standards and criteria and City of Pearland illumination criteria for parkways. 3. The Engineer shall identify and insert all current applicable TxDOT standards. District Standards and/or miscellaneous details that have been approved for use at other Districts shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a Registered/Licensed Engineer in Texas for use in the Houston District, with the pre -approval of the Houston District. In addition, these details shall be Exhibit B Page 4 of 6 accompanied by the appropriate general notes, special specifications, special provisions, and method of payment. VIII. BRIDGE PS&E (Function Code 170) Hickory Slough 1 The Engineer shall prepare the plans, specifications and construction cost estimates for the construction of a bridge over Hickory Slough 2. The Engineer shall refer to the applicable TxDOT Manuals, Standards and Criteria to prepare structural design and develop detailed structural drawings of all requited details. In addition, the ENGINFER shall perform the following tasks: a. Perform calculations for design of bridge abutments and interior bents. b. Perform calculations for bridge slab design c. Perform calculations to determine elevations of bridge substructures and superstructure elements. d. Prepare necessary foundation details and plan sheets. e. Prepare plan sheets for abutment and interior bent design. f Prepare framing plan and slab plan sheets. g. Compute and prepare tables for slab and bearing seat elevations, dead load deflections, etc. h. Design beams and prepare beam design tables. i. Prepare bridge summary sheets. j. Prepare miscellaneous details as required k. Design aesthetic treatment per TxDOT and City of Pearland requirements. 2. The ENGINEER shall prepare bridge quantities, construction cost estimates, specifications and special provisions in accordance with TxDOT procedures. 3. The ENGINEER shall prepare construction sequencing plans for the bridge to assure the maintenance of traffic across the waterway. These shall be coordinated with the roadway traffic control plans as necessary. 4. The ENGINEER shall identify and insert, as required all applicable, current TxDOT standards District Standards and/or miscellaneo us details that have been approved for use at other Districts shall be signed, sealed, and dated by a Registered/Licensed Engineer in Texas for use in the Houston District. In addition, these details shall be accompanied by the appropriate general notes, special specifications, special provisions and method of payment. Exhibit B Page 5 of 6 IX. DELIVERABLES Deliverable Requirements: 1. All contract documents, including hard copies and electronic files, shall be turned over to the Client at the completion of the project. CADD drawings shall be developed in Microstation format. 2. A 30%, 60%, 90% and 100% (Final) design submittal shall be included. 3 The Fngineer's Estimated Probable Cost of Construction for the items enumeiated above shall be furnished at the 30%, 60%, 90% and Final submittals. 4. Design schedule shall be updated and furnished with each review submittal. 5. Plans shall be de\ eloped to half -scale, 11 "x 17". 6. Construction bid plans submitted in 11 "x 17" Mylar format. Exhibit B Page 6 of 6 ,(eM)ped uallnO .> Abutment Plan and Eleyauon -- I ( _ I o ` �` ' r . ,.. a _.._... 0 4 6 6 0 Itl U BRID(:t, DLsI(lly 1 tttcuory nruugut Finalize Bridge Layout and Borings Plan (Includes Hydraulic Data Sheet) 0 4 6 4 0 0 12 0 20 - Beam Calculations 0 6 0 6 0 4 0 220 Bent Calculations 0 2 _ 1 1 G 6 11 8 0 4 0 57 3 1 58 « d 'Site Inspection and Sunny Coordination Miscellaneous Details 00 0 0 0 0 14 Specifimrions . Special Prot.isiotts and Cost Estimates 0 6 0 8 „ 71�.tg/ FUNCTION CODE 163 ^ \� /° rn 1. __. Bridge Standards " - 0 ax Bridge Quantities 0 6 8 10 0 12 0 12 0 10 0 to 0 45 3 Miscellaneous Details L 4 8 12 > 0 60 0 105 10 Retaining Walls (1850' at Hickon Slough) I 8 12 12 0 12 AcsthcOcs 0 4 4 8 0 0 0 21 0 40 Specifcatons. Special Provisions and Cost Estimates 0 8 8 8 0 8 0 0 6 38 0 6 8 1- 0 12 0 32 0 70 1 78 32 0 0 Bridge Lighting and Details 0 0 0 12 72 -- }§ FUNCTION CODE 163 TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS Management. Meetings K Coordination Construction Sequencing Plans (100 scale) Narralive 'District Traffic Safety Meeting ' nIIcl . Special Detest - Clear Creek o .. Special Details - Hiekor Slough 0 6 0 0 12 0 0 24 0 Standards 0 2 ll 0 2 0 0 10 0 14 12 r Specificarions . Special Provisions and Cost Estimates 0 2 0 0 0 l2 0 0 0 11 Storm Water Oualitg Management Plan (Clear Creek) 0 21 0 24 40 20 0 36 21 168 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 (1 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 --, rig c. }Now ;#;;;: t71 PROJECT �.. ENGINEER tii It 2> 12 5 09 ,c • /ro t fl till 7(> - > \\\\ 4§4/J}eC:• - » >/ - - ` > \\\4 K -�-_ >>K:e>»>a ---z § ra IMMi§ Aemyied ualln0 I MYLAR PLOTS(II" st7". 400 a. $1,50 per plot) PAPER PLOTS (11" s (7"_ 5.000 a SO. 15 per plot) 1.500 $200.00 PHOTO COPIESB 1/2"5 11". 1U110 0 $aSl t 2Oper eopy) $150.00 PHOTO COPIES (11"x 17": 2000 a. $0.15 per cope) 1.000 ___ __ .______ ..._.....-. /un _ Se1inn no 70.00 rt - 6 Electncal Circuit Plans and Quantdies COnSInt10U5 Lig ing CONTINUOUS LI h[ FUNCTION CODE 163 (FC 163) GHTING t1VUKJ J U D-1V ttiw TOTAL FC 163 i i 3 TASK DESCRIPTION PRINCIPAL Bridge Stage Construction Details 2 Tcmporary Signs. Striping. Quantities and Details 0 Tnat➢c Control Quantities 0 Standards 0 I Spccit cario s _ Special Provisions and Cost Estinmtes 0 o,o, 0 g0 0 0 N co N N 0 0, t O O 4- IA, — PROJECT MANAGER 0 0 0 . N O O o .. ,. _-% SENIOR OR STRUCT ENGINEER O N N o 60 N_ o b O n p i J _ ' J PROJECT ENGINEER 0 0 0 0 - - - _ HYDRAULIC ENGINEER 03 AO O O i O O o O N 0 1.1 t� - 3- tm C) >o CO nom ow o - _ �� /0 L d01 z 0 fl: A<' r NN AO 20 N A iJ . 14-3 C �a 0 t7 f} Y i7.: 0 o 0 0 0 CA m0 o 0 --= c- "Ivcmtai YSSTSSv*N1WOV N O CO 03 : Mp p a 1- q J- LABOR HR& & COSTS sx 1-%� - . Cz N 0 hl _ 14/1 AC = uy 7 I 0i N Al w n FIRM NAME: KLOTZ ASSOCIATES Staff Classifications Principal Project Manager Senior Engineer Project Engineer Hydraulic Engineer Graduate Engineer Senior Civil Designer CADD Tech/Designer Clerical Negotiated Overhead Rate in % Negotiated Fixed Fee in % Multiplier (includes direct labor, overhead and fixed fee) Labor Rate FY 08 56.00 52.00 49.00 45.00 45.00 42.00 35.00 30.00 22.00 173% 12% 3.0576 Billing Rate FY 08 $171.23 $159.00 $149.82 $137.59 $137.59 $128.42 $107.02 $91.73 $67.27 Billing Rate Used FY 08 $170.00 $157.00 $149.00 $137.00 $137.00 $126.00 $105.00 $90.00 $68.00 Billing Rate FY 09 Actual rates to be billed not to exceed the maximum shown. Minimum rate to be billed if actual is less. Documentation of hours worked is necessary for reimbursement 'Other Direct Expenses See separate sheet for Other Direct Expenses i U:/RateSchedule.Boilerplate.CPS.xIs Special Services - Subconsultant Surveying Cullen Parkway CL Davis & Company BURY -+ PARTNERS C. L DAVIS & COMPANY LAND SURVEYING 1500 Winding Way Friendswood, Texas 77546 281.482.9490 FAX 281.482.1294 c ldavlsaieldaviscompany.com July 31, 2007 Revised: January 21, 2008 Mr. David Hamilton, P.E. Bury+Partners 1001 West Loop South, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77027 Re: City of Pearland — Cullen Project from Farm Market Road 518 to Clear Creek (Additional Services) Proposal No. 2007-112 Dear Mr. Hamilton: Our proposal for land surveying services for the above referenced project is as follows: 1. Preparation of over-all exhibit showing proposed right-of-way parcels Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 2 hours x 150 $300.00 R.P.L.S. — 21 (tours x 100 $2,100.00 Three-man field crew — 0 hours x 110 . $0.00 CAD — 0 hours x 90 $0.00 Data Clerical — 0 hours x 30 $0.00 Clerical — 0 hours x 55 $0.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $2,400.00 _ 2. Preparation of Route Surveys out of the following tracts: (Fee includes Metes and Bounds Description, 81/2"x II" or 81/2"x 14" sealed survey and monuntentation of parcel) 2007-112 (R1) CofP -Cullen Project from FM 518 to Clear Creek (A-S).doc Mr. David Hamilton, P.E. Proposal No. 2007-1 12 (R I ) January 21, 2008 Page 2 a. 10' strip out of tracts on the east and west side of Cullen between Clear Creek and McHard Road (Estimate 2 parcels) Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 3 hours x 150 $450.00 R.P.L.S. — 16 hours x 100 $1,600.00 Three-man field crew — 8 hours x 110 . $880.00 CAD —16 hours x 90 $1,440.00 Data Clerical — 8 hours x 30 $240.00 Clerical — 3 hours x 55 $165.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $4,775.00 b. Corner Clip at southeast corner of Cullen and C.R. 106 (McHard Road) Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal —1 hour x 150 $150.00 R.P.L.S. — 8 hours 100 $800.00 Three-man field crew — 4 hours x 110 . $440.00 CAD — 3 hours x 90 $270.00 Data Clerical — 3 hours x 30 $90.00 Clerical —1 hour x 55 $55.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $1,805.00 c. 10' strip along Cullen on Pearland Independent School Tract at northwest corner of C.R. 403 and Cullen Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal -1 hour x 150 R.P.L.S. — 8 hours 100 $150.00 $800.00 Three-man field crew — 4 hours x 110 . $440.00 CAD — 3 hours x 90 $270.00 Data Clerical — 3 hours x 30 $90.00 Clerical —1 hour x 55 $55.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $1,805.00 d. 10' strip out of City of Pearland Public Safety Complex Tract on the east side of Cullen Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal —1 hour x 150 $150.00 R.P.L.S. — 8 hours 100 $800.00 Three-man field crew — 4 hours x 110 . $440.00 CAD — 8 hours x 90 $720.00 Data Clerical — 8 hours x 30 $240.00 Clerical —1 hour x 55 $55.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $2,405.00 2007-112 (R1) CofP -Cullen Project from FM 518 to Clear Creek (A-S).doc Mr. David Hamilton, P.G. Proposal No. 2007-1 12 (RI) January 21, 2008 Page 3 e. Corner Clip at southeast corner of Cullen and Freeman Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 1 hour x 150 $150.00 R.P.L.S. — 8 hours 100 $800.00 Three -than field crew — 4 hours x 110 . $440.00 CAD — 3 hours x 90 $270.00 Data Clerical — 3 hours x 30 $90.00 Clerical — 1 hour 55 $55.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $1,805.00 3. Topographic Survey on proposed Detention Pond Site being bounded by Clear Creek on the north, Cullen on the east, existing pipeline on the south and the west line being parallel to Cullen and 400' west of west right-of-way line. (Site heavily wooded, fee based on 200' x 50' grid) *(Tree Survey and preparation of subdivision plat will be required prior to obtaining City of Pearland Building Permit) (Fees for these task are not included in this proposal) Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 4 hours x 150 $600.00 R.P.L.S. — 12 hours x 100 $1,200.00 Three-man field crew — 48 hours x 110 . $5,280.00 CAD — 24 hours x 90 $2,160.00 Data Clerical — 48 hours x 30 $1,440.00 Clerical — 2 hours x 55 $110.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $10, 790.00 4. Topographic Survey on south 400' of proposed Hickory Slough Detention Pond Site Tract being located approximately 1,700' east of Cullen and north of Hickory Slough. (Fee includes extending previous Topographic Survey on Hickory Slough approximately 1,400') Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 4 hours x 150 $600.00 R.P.L.S. — 16 hours 100 $1,600.00 Three -matt field crew — 45 hours x 110 . $4,950.00 CAD — 24 hoursx 90 $2,160.00 Data Clerical — 43 hours x 30 $1,290.00 Clerical — 0 hours x 55 $0.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $10,600.00 2007-112 (R11 CofP -Cullen Proiect from FM 518 to Clear Creek (A-S).doc Mr. David Hamilton, P.E. Proposal No. 2007-1 12 (RI) January 21, 2008 Page 4 5. Boundary Survey on proposed Hickory Slough Detention Pond Site Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 1 hours x 150 R.P.L.S. — 12 hours x 100 Three-man field crew —16 hours x 110 . CAD —6 hours x90 Data Clerical — 15 hours x 30 Clerical — 2 hours x 55 $150.00 $1,200.00 Si, 760.00 $540.00 $450.00 $110.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $4,210.00 6. Preparation of 30 temporary drive way construction easements (Fee includes 8 1/2"x 11" or 8 1/2" x 14" Exhibit and Metes and Bounds Description) (DELETED) 7. Stake 10 core bores Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal —1 hour x 150 R.P.L.S.-4 hours x100 $150.00 $400.00 x 110. $440.00 $450.00 $120.00 Clerical — 1 hour x 55 $55.00 Three -than field crew — 4 hours CAD — 5 hours x 90 Data Clerical — 4 (tours x 30 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $1,615.00 8. Preparation of water line easentents (Total number of easements not known at this time) (Fee based on hourly rates not to exceed the following hours) Fee based on the following levels of efforts: Principal — 7 hours x 150 $1,050.00 R.P.L.S. — 40 hours x 100 $4,000.00 Three-man field crew — 0 hours x 110 . $0.00 CAD — 50 hours x 90 $4,500.00 Data Clerical — 0 hours x 30 $0.00 Clerical — 8 hours x 55 $440.00 Subtotal (Not to exceed) $9,990.00 Total Amount of Proposal (Not to exceed) $52,200.00 2007-112 (RI) CofP -Cullen Project from FM 518 to Clear Creek (A-S).doc Mr. David Hamilton, P.E. Proposal No. 2007-112 (RI) January 21, 2008 Page 5 The following items will be invoiced at cost: • Reproductions • Submittal fee(s) to governmental agencies • Delivery service • Electronic Mail • Abstracting Any changes or revisions in the scope of the project after authorization to proceed will be billed on an hourly basis as described below: • Principal $150.00 • Registered Professional Land Surveyor (RPLS) $100.00 • Technical/CAD $90.00 • Three-man field crew $110.00 • Data Collector $30.00 • Clerical $55.00 All surveying services are under the_ jurisdiction of the Texas Board of Land Surveying: 7701 North Lamar, Suite 400; Austin Texas 78752; phone number: 512-452-9427. Any complaints about surveying services should be sent to the above address to the attention of Complaints Officer of the Board. Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal and we look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Approved & Accepted C. L. Davis, R.P.L.S. Mr. David Hamilton, P.E. Date Bury+Partners 2007-112 (Rll CofP -Cullen Project from FM 518 to Clear Creek (A-S).doc Special Services - Subconsultant Environmental Permitting Cullen Parkway GC Engineering, Inc. BURY-- PARTNERS Cullen Parkway from Clear Creek to Fn'1 518 Brazoria County, Texas Environmental Permitting Scope of Services January 9, 2008 Introduction Based on the Environmental Assessment for FM 865 from Almeda-Genoa Road to FM 518 performed by the TxDO'f in May 2007 (LA), the proposed project will result in effects to potentially jurisdictional waters of the U.S. including wetlands. It was estimated in the EA that approximately 0.65 acres of water of the U.S and wetlands are present N; ithin the right-of-way of the project area, of which approximately 0.49 acres in six locations could he affected. Work Plan - Section 404/401 Permit Review of the EA indicates Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S., including wetlands are present within the project area and that a Section 404 permit will be required. GCE will prepare the appropriate Section. 404 and 401 Permit along with the required conceptual mitigation plan for submittal to the Corps of Engineers (USACE) for approval consideration The permit submitted will include the wetland delineation of the proposed site performed by others. CCE will also attend two (2) meetings with the regulatory agencies, including site verification with. the USACE, during the permit approval process. This scope also assumes a Nationwide permit 14 (linear transportation projects) will be adequate to address the Section 404 needs associated with the proposed. project. If the proposed project does not fallwithin the limits of a nationwide permit and requires an individual permit, GCE will provide this as an additional sen ice. GCE will coordinate a site visit v; ith the U.S Arm} Corp of Engineers to confirm the findings and the sizes of jurisdictional waters. This task includes the following tasks: (1) verification . of the permitting requirements of the proposed project; (2) preparation and submittal of the Section 404 permit application to the Corps of Engineers; (3) attendance of up to three (3) meetings with the regulatory agencies and on -site meetings with agency personnel., as needed; and (4) preparation and furnishing of additional information as may be requested by the regulatory agencies. Additional Services of GCE not included: 1. Beyond I rojec.t Limits -- If work needs to be conducted on items beyond those quantified and budgeted within the above scope of sen ices, it will be considered as 1 2 GCE' tMP% additional services. This includes. but is not limited to, study length and width for environmental fieldwork. Tree Mitigation Preparation of a tree mitigation plan would be a separate scope of work. Hazardous \iaterials Phase 1l Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) in accordance ith ASTM standards for additional ROW not identified within Task 4; subsurface investigations, including soil and groundwater sampling. Topographic survey work, ground control or aerial photogrammetry. Wetland mitigation site selection, studies, and design. 7. Based on the available information, it is understood that the proposed storm water detention pond at Clear Creek and Cullen Road does not impact jurisdictional N.etlands If wetland delineation and permitting is deemed necessary, a supplementary .scope will be piepaied. 111.110. 2 Cullen Parkway from BW 8 to FM 518 Environmental Permitting Fee Schedule Labor Rate: Principal Engineer $129.95 Senior Environmental Planner $112.25 Engineer/Planner $97.39 Totals Task 1. USACE Verification and Permit Preparation Permit Preparation 80 Site Verification Meeting w/Agency 16 Pre -permit submittal meeting 8 Coordination Meetings (5) 40 Total Estimated Hours:144 Total Estimated Cost: $18,712.80 Direct Costs Misc Report Preparation Fees 'otal Estimated Task Cost (not to exceed):: Unit Cost $25.00 16 16 8 8 40 $4,490.00 per report 16 $1,558.24 $24,761.04 $80.00 $24,841.04 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST (not to exceed): $24,841.04 Note: 1.) Staff Labor to be billed on an hourly basis. 2.) Billing rate shown above (Labor Rate) includes direct salary, overhead at 155%, and fee at 12% C:\Documents and Settings\dhamilton\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLKCF\080211 Cullen Env Cost.xls - 2/11/2008 Page 1 of 1