Ord. 2000CUP-01 2007-11-19 pue :"0,, l!q!LlX3 se s8sodJnd lie JOJ J08J8Ll lJed e 8pew pue Ol8J8Ll p8Ll~elle UO!lepU8WWO~8J p!es 'l!WJ8d 8Sn leuO!l!pU08 8Lll JO leAoJdde p8pU8WWO~8J UO!SS!WW08 8Lll Aq8J8LlM 'SJ8UMO 'd!LlSJ8UlJed P8l!W!l J8lU88 UMO.1 puepe8d Aq UO!le~!Idde l!WJ8d 8Sn leuO!l!pU08 p8sodoJd 8Lll 6u!pJe68J l!~un08 Al!8 8Lll Ol UO!lepU8WWO~8J pue lJOd8J Sl! p8n!wqns Al!8 8Lll JO UO!SS!WW08 6u!uoZ pue 6u!UUeld 8Lll 'LOOZ; 'J8qOPO JO Aep 4PS 8Lll uo 'SV'3~3HM pue :.1OOOZ; 'oN 8~UeU!pJO JO Z;'Z;'Z;' ~ UO!P8S JO SUO!s!AOJd Lll!M Al!WJOJuo~ PPlS U! 6U!8q 8~!lOU pue lIe~ p!es '"8,, l!q!LlX3 se s8sodJnd lie JOJ J08J8Ll lJed e 8pew pue Ol8J8Ll p8Ll~ene 6U!8q UO!le~!lqnd JO l!Aeptjd.e 8Lll 'Al!8 8Lll JO J8dedsM8u lep!JJo 8Lll U! UO!le~!Iqnd Aq U8A!6 6U!8q 8~!lOU 'Sex8.1 'puepe8d JO Al!8 8Lll JO Ipun08 Al!8 8Lll pue UO!SS!WW08 6u!uoZ pue 6u!Uueld 8Lll 8JOJ8q Pl8Ll seM 6upe8H ~!Iqnd lU!Or e 'LOOZ; 'J8qOpO JO Aep 419 ~ 8Lll uo 'SV'3~3HM pue :"8,, l!q!LlX3 se s8sodJnd lie JOJ J08J8Ll lJed e 8pew pue Ol8J8Ll p8Ll~ene dew UO!le~OI 8Lll U! p8P!d8P Alle~!LldeJ6 8JOW pue '"\;;/,, l!q!LlX3 se s8sodJnd lie JOJ J08J8Ll lJed e 8pew pue Ol8J8Ll p8Ll~ene lU8wpU8we JOJ SUO!le~!ldde leu!6po 8Lll U! p8qp~S8p Alle681 6U!8q AlJ8doJd p!es 'AlJ8doJd U!elJ8~ JOJ l!WJ8d 8Sn leuO!l!pU08 e JOJ UO!le~!Idde ue p81!J 'SJ8UMO 'd!LlSJ8UlJed P8l!W!l J8lU88 UMO.1 puepe8d 'SV'3~3HM ".l~3r8nS 3H.l 0.1 a3.lV'13~ SNOISIAO~d ~3H.lO aNV' 3.lV'a 3AI.l~3.:1.:13 NV' '3SnV'1~ ^.l1l18V'~3A3S V' '3SnV'1~ S~NIAV'S V' ~NINIV'.lNO~ ~S~3NMO 'dIHS~3N.l~V'd a3.lllJlJIl ~3.lN3~ NMO.l aNV'1~V'3d .:10 .lS3n03~ 3H.l .lV' '[SMOllV' dn~ 3H.l .lV'H.l S3sn 3H.l .l~3SNI] MOllV' 0.1 '(Z9~-LOOZ "ON NOI.lV'~llddV' 3~NV'H~ 3NOZ) '(3AI~a ~3.lN3~ SS3NIsn8 .:10 3a1S .lS3M 3H.l NO aNV' '3AI~a ^8~1)t .:10 3a1S .lSV'3 3H.l NO '.l33~.lS ^V'MaV'0~8 .:10 3a1S H.lnOS 3H.l NO a3.lV'~01 ^ llV'~3N3~) SV'X3.l '^.lNnO~ V'1~0ZV'~8 'aNV'1~V'3d .:10 ^.ll~ '~S NOI.l~3S 'OOE .l~V'~.lS8V' '^3A~nS ^NV'dIJlJO~ "~"~"8 '8 ".l"H 3H.l NI a3.lV'n.lIS aNV' 'SV'X3.l '^.lNnO~ V'1~0ZV'~8 .:10 sa~0~3~ .lV'ld 3H.l .:10 v~6S00LOOZ ~381J1JnN 311.:1 ~3aNn a3a~0~3~ SV' S3~~V' OOS9"Ev~ .:10 NOISIAla8ns V' '~3.lN3~ NMO.l aNV'1~V'3d .:10 .lno aNV'l .:10 S3~~V' V996"ZV~ ~N138 NOI.lV'~Ol '^.l~3dO~d lV'3~ NIV'.l~3~ ~O.:l .l11JlJ~3d 3sn lV'NOl.llaNO~ V' ~NIAO~ddV' 'SV'X3.l 'aNV'1~V'3d .:10 ^.ll~ 3H.l .:10 11~Nno~ ^.ll~ 3H.l .:10 3~NV'Nla~0 NV' ~-dn~oooz "ON 3~NV'Nla~0 ~-dn:::>OOOl oN pJO P JO l aBed JO UOrlJOd JO 'aSeJLld 'asnep 'a:::>UalUaS 'UO!pasqns 'UO!paS AUe JI "AI UO!I:>as "sJaMod a:::>!Iod S,Al!8 aLll JO aspJaxa P!leA JadoJd e S! pue :::>!Iqnd aLll JO aJeJI8M leJ8Ua6 pue 'AlaJes 'LllleaLl aLll SalOWoJd palUeJ6 u!aJ8Ll leAOJdde aLll leLll saU!WJalap pue SPU!J puepead JO Al!8 aLll JO IPun08 Al!8 aLl1. "III UO!I:>as .UO!SP8P pue UO!leJ8PlsuO:::> JOJ Ipun08 Al!8 aLll Ol pue UO!SS!WW08 6u!uoZ pue 6u!UUeld aLll Ol Janew S!Lll JO uO!lelU8SaJd pue 6u!lSod aLll U! Mel JO salepuew aLll Lll!M a:::>ue!ldwo:::> uaaq sell aJaLllleLll saU!WJalap pue SPU!J J8LllJnJ Ipun08 All8 aLl1. .paLlS!ldwo:::>:::>e uaaq aAeLl Mel JO S8l!S!nbaJaJd AJessa:::>au lie leLll pue anJl aJe J08JaLl alqwe8Jd aLll U! suollelpaJ aLll leLll S8U!WJalap pue SPU!J puepead JO Al!8 aLll JO Ipun08 All8 8Ll1. "II uO!l:>as (aApo Jalua8 ssau!sns JO 8P!S lsaM aLll uo pue 'aApo AqJ!>1 JO aplS lse3 aLll uo 'l88JlS AeMpeOJS JO ap!s Lllnos aLll uo p8le:::>ol AlleJaua8) sexa1. 'AlUn08 epozeJS 'puepead JO Al!8 '~g uo!pas 'om: peJlsqV' 'AaA.Jns Auedw08 "~r~rs ~ "l.'H aLll U! palenl!S pue 'sexa1. 'Alun08 epozeJS JO SpJo:::>aCl leld aLll JO v~6900LOOG JaqwnN al!:l Japun papJo:::>aJ se saJ:::>e OOS9.f:v~ JO UO!S!A!pqns e 'JalU88 UM01. puepead JO lno puel JO saJ:::>e v996.Gv~ :se p8qp:::>S8p Apeln:::>!lJed 8JOW 6U!8q AlJ8doJd Ll:::>ns [p8Molle S8sn] MOlle Ol l!WJ8d 8Sn leuO!l!pU08 e p8lUeJ6 Aq8J8Ll S! 's8sodJnd lie JOJ p8leJodJo:::>u! pue Ol8J8Ll p84:::>ene "3,, l!q!4X3 se UMOU)j oSle '(Od) PPlS!O luawdol8A80 P8uueld se P8!J!SSep AIlU8S8Jd pue 'sex81 'puepe8d JO Al!8 84l JO Sl!W!I 8leJodJo:::> 84l U!4l!M p8le:::>01 AlJadoJd p8qp:::>S8p 6u!MOIIOJ 841 "I uO!I:>as :SVX31 'aNV1~V3d ::10 All:> 3Hl ::10 11:>NnO:> All:> 3Hl A8 a3NIVa~0 11 38 'aJoJaJ8Lll'MOU ~uo!le:::>!Idde p!es JO leAOJdde 8Lll AJ!lSnf PlnoM 'IPun08 Al!8 8Lll JO lU8w6pnf 84l U! '4:::>!4M palU8SaJd 'SJ8UMO 'dlLlSJaulJed P8l!W!l J8lU88 UM01. puepead JO UO!le:::>!Idde a4l JO ase:::> aLll U! leLll SPU!J 'sas!waJd aLll ul paS!Ape AllnJ uaaq 6ulAeLl pue 'sa!lJed palsaJalU! lie JO lUawn6Je pue Auowllsal aLll pJea4 AllnJ 6U!Ae4 Ipun08 Al!8 a4l 'SV3~3HM pue ~LOOZ 'z ~ J8qW8AON UO 6u!l88W Jeln68J e le UO!SS!WW08 6u!uoZ pue 6u!uUeld 84l JO UO!lepU8WWO:::>8J 84l pue uone:::>!Idde S!4l p8J8P!SUO:::> Ipun08 Al!8 84l 'UO!SS!WW08 5u!uoZ pue 5u!UUeld 84l WOJJ lJOd8J 84l JO ld!8:::>8J uodn 'S"3~3HM ~-dnoooo~ "ON 30N\fNla~O ~-dnJOOOZ oN pJO V JO ~ aBed C10AV'l^J HU~ "",","'I'I'I'f'" !~~:':'~""""""""""'\;:\ \~(.. )~} ....'<".\.. .....0 { -,-~:.;.., .... )):", -'" :.ytf:;"';;j'-\0 "." #/1." lCf'l7\1'"'' j'U"...'I"'" :.lS3.l.l V' 'LOOG "0 'V' 'JeqweAoN JO Aep 416 ~ eLll S!Lll 8NI0V'3C1 A lNO pue .lSClI~ NO 03^OClddV' pue 03SSV'd peA!eM AqeJeLl S! ewes eLll pue 'eq suo!se:J:Jo eleJedes (G) OMl uo peeJ eq Ol e:Jueu!pJo S!Lll 5up!nbeJ elnJ eLllleLll pue 'eJnseew A:Jue5Jewe ue se peldope eq lIeLls e:Jueu!pJo s!LllleLll pue :AJueZ!lp eLll JO eJeJleM pue AleJes 'LllleeLl eLll uodn AlpeJ!p sJeeq 'eJoJeJeLll 'pue :J!lqnd eLll JO meueq eLll Ol seJnu! esn puel JO UO!leln5eJ eLllleLll seU!WJelep pue SPU!J IPun08 eLl.l "k)ua6JaW3 lO uO!leJel:>aa "II^ uO!l:>as 'leAOJdde pue e5essed Sl! Jeije eA!peJJe ewo:Jeq lIeLls e:Jueu!pJO S!Lll "I^ uO!l:>as 'Al!8 eLll JO meueq eLll JOJ peAJeseJd eJe pue eq lIeLls 'OleJeLll sluewpuewe Sl! pue e:Jueu!pJO S!Lll Jepun Al!8 eLll JO JOAeJ eLll U! penJJ:Je eAeLl Ll:J!LlM 'se!peweJ pue SlLl5p IIV' "^ uO!l:>as joeJeLll SUO!lJOd 5u!u!eweJ eLll JO Al!P!leA eLll peJJe lOU lIeLls 5u!PIOLl Ll:Jns pue UO!s!AOJd luepuedepu! pue 'PU!lS!P 'eleJedes e peweep eq lIeLls UO!lJod Ll:Jns 'UO!P!pspn[ lueledwo:J JO lJno:J Aue Aq leuO!lnmSUo:Jun JO p!leAU! PleLl uoseeJ Aue JOJ S! e:Jueu!pJO S!Lll ~-dnoooo~ "ON 30NVNla~O ~-dn8000l oN pJO V !O V aBed A3NClO.LlV' A1.18 C13>l08 "L^J NIClClV'O ~' V~C3 :L^JClO.::l 01. SV' 03^OClddV' ~-dnoooo~ .ON 30NVNla~O --t-.:o ()j 'ts\;:r().(j(fJ' ~~.S b\ q.l"L\.~~SS3~aaV 11'v'lN-3 . ( )X'v'~ C. -e. 'vh - QJ> h (<-r../ L. )3NOHd ( ~ SL L dlZ ><-1-. 31'v'lS 11'-'41\ c:JA:I iHJ"118 ~^ \ ~ c-- "'of") \:11.,.. ~ I )1t 10 ah~ SS3t:iOaV '5 31 ~d.l \:j C{ "(!I-wcL 3 t^J'v'N : NOl.l V'Wt:iO~NIINV':)llddV' l"e -L,(}or; dWJ "l:;eJIUOO Japun ^~adOJd aljl selj le4l AJ,Jed aljl lOU 'Uo!l!3oildde aLlI 10 leUjwqns alll 10 aWll a4I Ie JaUMO ^~adoJd IUaJJno alll aq Isnl/ll . SS3t:iOaV 11'v'lN-3 ( )X'v'~ S?~CCL Q-etl( b1d()3NOHd c1)'t \-tJa dlZ. -lei:) 31\11S V~(} !Q.('1kJSA.l18 . '1-':; ~~<~ cv- ,"lei ,,'t: or CH SS3t:iaaV . . \ S \ Q'-\,--::>.' CIA ['J (.\J ""l ~W 3t^JVN 'uolleol/dde S!41 01 40elle pue Jaded JO Iaaljs al8Jedas e uo ISH aseald 'SJ8UMO ~adoJd aldmnw aJe 8Ja4111 :",NOI.L V'W~O:JNI t:i3NMO A.L~3dOtJd :)10018 :101 :UO!S!^!pqnS 0~1S I: 1;. I ,,) , i 1 --.N' YVJ \..N . (\l _'-::. Q --e, '-G ~, b - {.,~. (7 :"ON luno::J::J\f xel :UO!18::JolleJ8U88 JO SS8JPP\f :uof:JeWJ01UI ^1JadoJd :1:::l!J1S!O Bu!uoZ :J.uaJJn:.:> . (asn pasodoJd 1511) "'-'\A OQ-C "3'^-A-tJ,~' :JOJ :j.sanbat:i :J.!WJ8d aSn leuollfpuO:':> WOo"pU8peadJOAlP" MMM X81 GOH-Z99-~8G 89H-Z9g-~gG ~8gLL sex8i 'PU8lJS8d (J81Ua8 ^l!UnWLUO:)) a^!1a AjJaqn 8l9€ lUawdola^'~a ^l!unwwo:) puepead 10 ^1!8 uOJ:j.eo!lddV' JO ~ aBed (dn~) .LJW~3d 3Sn l'tNOI.lJaNO~ "V ~O::l NOLL 't~lldd'V I--dn:.:>oooz 'ON aoueu!pJO UO!JeO!lddv "v" J!Q!4X3 3+M N ~Z- LOOZdn:> 'oN l!wJad asn IBUO!l!PUO:> lOO~ 'S JaqwaAoN UO paJedaJd del^J I laa:l 0017 I I I I I OO~ 0 .LS 3NlWSVr o ~ OJ o ~ .LS Wn1d 3 Cl z \ ~-dnOOOOl 'oN aoueu!pJO dew UO!Jeool ..8.. J!Q!4X3 . dVW NOI1V~Ol \ \~ w ~ en .LS 3NIWSVr M \ \ \ ~ 3 I- Z \-- ~ 1 \ ~ j ~ ~ -1 -.l '// -.l '7/ I- \ '/7, en -.l 77 0 \ I- -, / '" z \ w "'. A.lH3dOHd =! 5 \ 1:>3rans 15 \ <t \ en z \ '\ '\ '\ -\ I- \ en z \ <( :!l z I I I I w ~ z g en ::l o ::I: Z .LS 3~N'o'HO 3 \ \ .LS 3~N'o'HO M 1 SBX9l. JO al~S..'onqnd AJBlON " .ia4silQnd 'sUOWW3" uu L(;(>G ~.l.okep 0.:10 ew aJoJaq Ot UJOMS pUB eqlJosqns . '.~<of. OG' el~a 'oN ~ '. .. oz . . alBa . . 'ON OZ alBa .ON . .. OZ alBa .ON - '~O'OG L ..// alBa ./ .ON :SMOIIO~ sa 'sanss! I lOj 'sagunlY.) UOISa^IB~) plrt! . . ." SIllBH ;B!lOZllJg ul U.QRll\llOJ!3 [eJauall JO JadlldSMau e 'SM3N 1:13.l1:10d31:13Hl U! . paljs!lqndsaM papuadde };qaJalj OO!lOu a4111141 ~!Poo };qaJalj 'MOJJoUII p};on '1 Sa!lunoO s!JJBH pUt! e!Jo~J8 i. sBxal: JO alBIS Published Oct. 31 and Nov. 7, 2007. NOTICE OF A JOINT PUB. LIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS CONDITIONAL USE PER- MIT NO. CUP2007-21 Notice is hereby given that on November 19, 2007, at 6:30 p.m., the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Pear/and, in Brazoria, Harris and Fort Bend Counties, Texas, will con- duct a joint public hearing in the Council Chambers of City H~I, located at 3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland, Texas, on the request of LEGALS I I Barbara Lee, applicant for Lynn Nichols, owner, for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a 'gaming establishment" facility in the Old Townsite General Business District (OT-GB), on the following described properly, to wit: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 5, Pear/and, City of Pear/and, Brazoria County, Texas (Generally Located on the East Side of SH 35 (Main Street), and on the South Side of Plum Street) At said hearing all interest- ed parties shall have the right and opportunity to appear and be heard on the subject. Isfrheresa Grahmann Senior Planner ./ e -[;((Je' dn~ sBxai JO aIBIS.'O!lqnd AielON . .ia4sllQnd 'sUOWW3' uuV eJntrl "'-:~-rl'; Lo',oz' , , fiCl[J/ 'JO AEp (' SIYl aw SJoJaq OI.UJOMS pUB aq!lOsqns ' '.~- :SMOIIOJ se 'sanss," / . JOJ 'Sa!lun08 uOlsaAIBB' puB, . S!lffiH ;RIJOzeJ8 U! UORR)nOJ)O [IlJauall jO JadRdsMau R 'SM3N 1:I3l.l:10d31:13Hl U! . pa4s!lqnd'seM papuadde I\qaJa4 aO!lou a41le,lIl Aj.!~ao I\qaJa4 'MOJJ9J,1\J phOn ~J Sa!IUnoO S!lJBH pUB B!JO~J8 (. sex8l: JO alelS LHSLL sBxal'pUBIJBad ?lJBd ,qlnoS tOvl sMaN Jal-lod~~ pUBpead a41 NOIIV:>I.lsnd :10 lIAVOI:l:lV. Published Oct. 31 and Nov. 7, 2007 . NOTICE OF A JOINT PUB. LIC HEARING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE PLANNING A'ND ZONING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND. TEXAS CONDITIONAL USE PER. MIT NO. CUP2007-21 I LEGALS Notice is hereby given that on November 19, 2007, at 6:30 p.m., the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Pearland, in Brazoria, Harris and Fort Bend Counties, Texas, will con- duct a joint public hearing in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland, Texas, on the request of Barbara Lee, applicant for Lynn Nichols, owner, for approval of a Conditional Use Permit for a 'gaming establishmenf facility in the Old Townsite General Business District (OT-GB), on the following described property, to wit: Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 5, Pearland, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas (Generally Located on the East Side of SH 35 (Main Street), and on the South Side of Plum Street) At said hearing all interest- ed parties shall have the right and opportunity to appear and be heard on the subject. Isrrheresa Grahmann Senior Planner ~ jO ~ aBed UO!SS!WW08 6U!UOZ pue 6U!UUeld '^leJe~U!S 'UO!SS!WW08 6U!UOZ pue 6U!UUeld e4l ^q le^oJdde J01 pepueWWO~eJ seM l!WJed esn leUO!l!pUO~ 034.1 'e^oJdde Ol UO!lOW e4l lSU!e6e pelO^ uepo08 JeqweV\J UO!SS!WW08 '~- 9 pessed e^oJdde Ol UO!lOW 034.1 'ezo>l JeqweV\J UO!SS!WW08 ^q pepuo~es seM 4~!4M 'l!WJed esn leUO!l!pUO~ e4l10 le^oJdde pueWWo~eJ Ol UO!lOW e epew s66!O JeqweV\J UO!SS!WW08 leeJlS wnld 10 ep!s 4lnoS e4l uo pue '(leeJlS u!eV\J) 9S HS 10 ep!s lse3 e4l uo pele~ol ^lIeJeue8 :UO!le~01IeJeue8 sexe.1'^lUn08 epozeJ8 'puepeed 10 ^l!8 'puepeed '9 >I~018 '9 pue '9 'v'S SlOl :UO!ldp~seo le6el :l!M Ol'^lJedoJd peqp~sep 6U!M01I01 e4l uo '(88-.10) PPlS!O sseu!sn8 leJeue8 el!SUMo.1 Pia e4l U! ^l!IPe1 uluew4s!lqelse 6u!we6" e J01 l!wJed esn leuo!l!pU08 e 10 le^oJdde J01 lSenbeJ e4l peJep!suo~ UO!SS!WW08 6u!uoZ pue 6u!UUeld e4l'LOOl'6~ Jeqwe^oN 10 6u!leeW Jeln6eJ J!e4l l'v' :SJeqweV\J Ipun08 ^l!8 pue Jo^eV\J elqeJOuoH leeJlS wnld 10 ep!s 4lnOS e4l uo pue '(leeJlS u!eV\J) 9S HS 10 ep!s lse3 e4l uo pele~ol ^lIeJeUe8 '(88-.10) PPlS!O sseu!sn8 leJeue8 el!SUMo.1 Pia e4l U! ^l!lPe1 uluew4s!lqelse 6u!we6" e J01 l!WJed esn leuO!l!pU08 e 10 le^oJdde J01 'JeUMO 'SI04~!N UU^l J01lUe~!Idde 'eel eJeqJe8 ^q lSenbeJ e '~l-LOOl 'oN l!wJed esn leuO!l!pU08 uo UO!lepUewwo~eCl :eCl ~89LL X.1 'puepeed e^PO ^lJeq!l 6 ~9S sJeqweV\J l!~un08 ^l!8 pue Jo^eV\J elqeJouoH LOOl'6 ~ Jeqwe^oN Jana, uO!Jepuawwo:JaH UO!SS!ffiUIOJ gll!llOZ ~ gll!lfilRld ~-dn::> 000<: 'ON aoueulPJO UOISSIWWO::> Z'Bd WOJ:::j Jaual UOIJepuawwooa~ ..0.. P-QILJX3