R97-33 05-19-97 RESOLUTION NO. R97-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, UPDATING THE CITY'S EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND A REPEALER CLAUSE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the updated provisions of the City's Emergency Operations Plan, as submitted by the Emergency Management Coordinator, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. Savings. All rights and remedies which have accrued in favor of the City under this Resolution and amendments thereto shall be and are preserved for the benefit of the City. Section 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid, unconstitutional or otherwise unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct, and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof. Section 4. Repealer. All resolutions and parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, but only to the extent of such conflict. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the/~--'//day of ~~-- , A.D., 1997. , /r~ TOM REID MAYOR RESOLUTION NO. R97-33 ATTEST: APP VED AS TO FORM: 2 CITY OF PEARLAND MUNICIPAL CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER RELIEF COMMITTEE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR Mayor Tom Reid, 2716 Stratford - Home Phone 485-3560 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR David L. Smith, 2714 Green Tee Drive - Home Phone 485-2092 Business Phone 489-0589, Radio No. 600 (Police Frequency)CAR PHONE 725-0301, PGR. 281-472-5637 Ce11.#281-433-4115 DEPUTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR/FIRE MARSHAL Larry Steed, 3505 Longherridge - Home Phone 485-9764, Business Phone 485-2411, Radio No. 300 (.Police Frequency), Pager No. 281-472-5603 CHIEF OF POLICE Mike Hogg, 705 Coffee Lake Rd. Mailing address, P.O. 386, Home Phone 331-3805, Business Phone 485-4361, Radio No. 400 (Police Frequency) PAGER NO. 281-472-5682 ASSISTANT CHIEF OF POLICE J.C. Doyle, 2705 Pinehill Dr. South Pearland, TX. Home Phone 997-9772, Business Phone 485-4361, Radio No. 401, Pager # 281-472-5683 FIRE CHIEF John Munsch, 2111 YuponCircle - Home Phone 485-4803, Business Phone 507-5703, Radio No. 305, Pager No. 281-472- 5615 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF Paul Jamison, 2910 Hamm Rd, Home Phone 485-4461, Business Phone 434-9898, Radio No. 306, Pager No. 281-472-5607 DIVISION DIRECTOR PLANNING, PUBLIC WORKS AND PARKS AND RECREATION Richard Burdine, 2354 Farriers Bend Drive, Friendswood,Tx. Business Phone 485-2411 ext 262, Radio No. 103, Cellular Phone 713/299-3215 DIReCtOR O~ ~NAN~ David Castillo, 3512 East Broadway #702 - Home Phone 997-0143 Business #485-2411, Cellular #281-413-0912, Pgr#281-472-5634 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Ronny McWhirter, 1109 Union Valley - Home # 485-3898, Office-485-5580, Radio # 200, Car# 299-3214 Pgr. 281-472-5645 SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS AND DRAINAGE Joe Almaraz, 2214 Bunkerhill - Home Phone 485-8111, Business No. 485-5580, Radio No. 550 Pgr 281-472-5670 COMMUNICATIONS Bob Libby, 2414 Meadow Green - Home Phone 485-5126, Business No. 485-4361, Radio No. 996 - Pgr 281-472-5642 John Knight, 2210 Willow - Home Phone 997-0399, Business No. 485-2411, Radio No. 995 Pgr 281-472-5632 TRANSPORTATION MANAGER Mike Joyce, 2403 Parkview - Home Phone 485-9773, Business Phone 485-5580, Radio No. 950 Cellular Phone 299-2874 Pgr 281-472-5660 SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER AND SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Cecil Bowery, 1101 Valerie, Pasadena - Home Phone 472-2298 Business Phone 485-5580, Radio No. 250 Pgr 281-472-5646 SUPERINTENDENT OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT Robert Tobin, 3510 E. Broadway, # 709 - Home Phone 485-8210 Business Phone 485-5580, Radio No. 225 Pgr 281-472-5663 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC HEALTH Dr. David Armbruster, 3301 Windsor - Home Phone 485-2830, Business Phone 485-3226 DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (MANAGEMENT) Pat Henderson, 2304 Peach Court - Home Phone 485-3479 Business Phone 485-6953, Radio No. 601 Pgr 281-472-5638 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF EMERGENC~ MEDICAL SERVICES (MANAGEMENT) Keith Bonner, 2214 Willow - Home Phone 485-8973, Radio No. 602, Pgr 281-472-5640 DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES (MEDICAL) Ralph W. Love, D.O., 3414 Scenic Elm - Houston, Tx 77059 Home Phone-.286-5605, Business Phone 929-6200 PEARLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT - MAINTENANCE SUPT. Bill Holden - Home Phone 494-5950, Business Phone 485-4545 Mobile No. 254-8113 ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF MAINTENANCE Keith Hales, Business Phone No. 485-4545, Home Phone No. 485-3836, Mobile Phone No. 254-8514 WELFARE Ed Hersh - 3908 Ashwood Drive, Home Phone 489-4403, Business Phone 485-2411 Ext. 242, Radio No. 800, Car Phone 824-7361 Pager #281-472-5621 David Melaas (Parks Superintendent) - Home Phone 485-8996 DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Mary Hickling, 5003 Rockland - Home Phone 485-5692, Business 485-2411, Pager # 281-472-5619, Mobile Phone 281-732-1961 CITY ATTORNEY Amy Motes Mc Cullough, 2501 N. Rachel Ct. Pearland - Home Phone 992-5665 Pager No. 281-472-5628 - Business Phone 485- 2411, Mobile Phone 703-9020 CITY MANAGER Paul Grohman, 2108 Kildare - Home Phone 922-6238, Business Phone 485-2411 & 485-1717 Cellular Phone 299-2792- Radio No. 100, Pager No. 281-472-5617 ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER Richard Burdine, 2354 Farriers Bend Drive, Friendswood, Tx. Business Phone 485-2411 Ext 262 Radio No. 103, Cellular Phone No. 713/299-3215 CAPT. HARRELL TRACY, COMMD. OFFICER BRAZORIA COUNTY SALVATION ARMY FAX NO. JACK MCCANN, BRAZORIA CO. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR COURTHOUSE RESIDENCE STEWART & STEVENSON, DAVE CURRY REPAIR 409-233-5429 409-223-7120 713-331-6101, EXT. 1201 409-345-3255 671-'6100 EXT 111 SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, JAMES P. SCHLEIDER, OFFICE PHONE RESIDENCE ASST. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, DR. BONNY CAIN, HOME PHONE 437-6391 OFFICE NO. BUSES FOR EVACUATION CONTACT - DAVID CHRISTENSEN OFFICE NO. HOME PHONE PAGER .MOBILE WHEN EMERGENCY SHELTERS ARE NEEDED CONTACT, DIRECTOR OF MAINTENANCE- BILL HOLDEN - OFFICE PHONE RESIDENCE MOBILE PHONE OR 485-3203 485-7697 437-6391 485-3203 485-3562 485-1200 708-6094 252-5508 485-4545 494-5950 254-8513 ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF MAINTENANCE - KEITH HALES - OFFICE PHONE 485-4545 RESIDENCE 485-3836 MOBILE PHONE 254-8514 TOM RYAN, DPS LIAISON OFFICER 681-1761 UTILITIES ENTEX GAS CO. (ANSWER 24 HOURS) JOHN DAVIS (RESIDENCE) CLARENCE PIERCE (RESIDENCE) HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER CO. BOB BLACKWELL (RESIDENCE) GEORGIANNA NICHOLS 331-4449 585-3667 585-5740 331-8887 481-1489 388-3620 TEXAS-NEW MEXICO, KEN KONCABA, MGR. EMERGENCy NUMBER 482-7941 482-7941 RADIO AND T.V. STATIONS TO ClVE INFORMATION TO: KTRH 630-3600 JOE IZBRAND (NEWS DIRECTOR) KTEK 388-1110 ANYONE CHANNEL 13 663-4600 ERNIE DESOTA OR .RICHARD LONGORIA CHANNEL 11 521-4384 ASSIGNMENT DESK AMATEUR RADIO OPERATORS IN PEARLAND: CRAIG BOEGLER DARRELL GRAY CALVIN STARR RICKY BROUSSARD CATHY VENABLE BARBARA COLE DAREN CARTER RAY BLAYLOCK HOME WORK WB5TSN 485-1834 222-7643 AA5QR 485-2941 485-4001 KA5AAW 482-5589 N5JEQ 997-1134 997-1000 N5ROH 489-0394 KBSLCN 485T3835 WASLGF 485-2240 WB5PJH 485-4901 MISCELLANEOUS PHONE NUMBERS: TONY HODGES, EMERGENCy SERVICES COORDINATOR AMERICAN RED CROSS, 135 HOSPITAL DRIVE ARTHUR MAYFIELD, DISASTER CHAIRMAN AMERICAN RED CROSS (RESIDENCE - ROSHARON) RAY BEALL/JO FLINT, HOUSTON RED CROSS BACK-UP SOUTH MEMORIAL PARK FUNERAL HOME MARIO CAMARGO, EAGER NIDAY FUNERAL HOME, 4136 BROADWAy, HOUSTON - JIM BROWN, MANAGER 409-849-6439 (24 HOURS) 595-3673 526-8300 485-2711 997-2677 644-3831 Dan Cano , BRAZORIA DRAINAGE DISTRICT #4 SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE, TRICIA HOLLAND, PAGER NUMBER RESIDENCE NUMBER GTE - SWITCHBOARD EMERGENCy REPAIR INTERCONNECT COMMUNICATIONS (ICC) 485-14~4 567-7902 687-6888 485-7511 1-800-527-0529 1'800-272-0040 690'4900 AT&T HARRIS MAULDEN, RADIO REPAIR (ALTERNATE) 1-800-526-2000 485-7458 ANNEX G LAW ENFORCEMENT I. AUTHORITY See Basic Plan II. PURPOSE This annex prgvides for proper coordination of law enforcement activities to insure the safety of life and property during emergency situations. III. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS Situation During times of emergency law enforcement agencies will be called upon to expand their operations. Pea~l~nd Brazoria/Harris County has several state and federal agenczes which can provide support to local agencies as needed. B. Assumptions Local law enforcement personnel will generally be able to provide adequate police control through existzng mutual-aid agreements. If local capabilities are exceeded, support will be available from any of several state and federal law enforcement groups. IV. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS A. General Emergeecy operations for law enforcement agencies will simply be an expansion of their normal daily responsibilities. These responsibilities include maintenance of law and order, traffic c6ntrol, and crowd control. Local agencies will have the primary responsibility for routine law enforcement and support groups will asszst in traffic and crowd control. B. Phases of Management 1J Mitigation a. Provide continuous plan review and updating 2. Preparedness a. Prepare plans for traffic control G-1 b, Develop adequate communications systems for emergencies c. Provide training of primary and auxiliary personnel 3. Response a. Maintain law and order b. Operate a local warning system (See Annex A, Warning) c. Provide mobile units for warning purposes (See Annex A, Warning) . d. Provide security for key facilities e. Patrol evacuated areas f. Provide back-up communications for shelter operations g. Support other public safety operations h. Provide traffic and crowd control i. Issue passes to restricted areas 4. Recovery a. Continue response operations b. Assist in damage assessment V. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES A. General The organizational arrangements followed on a day-to-day basis will also be adhered to during an emergency. B. Task Assignments 1. Pearland Police Department a. Coordinate all law enforcement activities in Pearland b. Maintain law and order c. Provide security for key facilities resources and the disaster area d. Provide protection of property in damaged areas e. Provide traffic ~ontrol f. Provide crowd control G-2 g. Coordinate warning and communications (See Annexes A & B) h. Support for shelter/mass care operations (See Annex C) i. Support radiological protection activities (See Annex D) j. Assist evacuation (See Annex E) k. Support for health/medical and rescue operations (See Annexes H&R) 1. Assist in hazardous materials incidents (Se~ Annex Q) m. Preparation of appropriate mutual aid agreements n. Support other public safety activities 2. Local Public Works a. Position traffic control devices (i.e., barricades, covers etc. VI. DIRECTION AND CONTROL Routine operations will be handled by standard procedures. During major emergency or disaster situations, which require Pearland /Brazoria and Harris County. EOC activation, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer will be responsible for coordinating all emergency law enforcement operations within the jurisdiction from the Pearland /Brazoria and Harris County EOC. An on-scene command post(s) may be established at the site(s) of'disaster situation in conjunction with other responding agencies, such as fire services,.and the senior law enforcement person on-scene will be in charge of law enforcement activities and report to the Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the EOC. The Chief Law Enforcement Officer will establish and maintain communications with the on-scene command post and direct emergency operations from the EOC in coordination with other responding agency representatives at the EOC. If local capabilities are exceeded, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer will request outside assistance from the person in overall charge of the EOC. Outside assistance may be provided from mutual aid agreements, state or federal sources. VII. INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS See Appendix 5 for Increased Readiness Actions. G-3 VIII. CONTINUITY OF GOVERNI~NT Lines of succession to each department head are according to the standing operating procedures established by each department. All record logs will be preserved at the Pearland Police Department until such disaster is over and then all 'records will be forwarded to the Mayor/MOO Coordinator for permanent keeping. A. Passes IX. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT Experience has indicated that there are cases where special passes are needed in a disaster area and if discretion and common sense are not used, a community can become paralyzed with over- enforcement or disaster relief action can be seriously hampered with under-enforcement. Only under extraordinary circumstances will passes be required after a disaster. The decision to require passes will rest upon the Emergency Management Director, and the order for requiring passes will be issued from the EOC. The law enforcement agencies will be responsible for issuing passes upon the direction of the EOC. A sample permanent "Official Vehicle" pass is shown in Appendix 1 and a Disaster Area Permit in Appendix 2. An effort has been made to issue in advance "Official Vehicle" cards to essential city personnel and key industries. The following vehicles and their occupants are exempt from pass requirements; Marked utility company vehicles (power, phone, gas companies, etc.), military and government vehicles, marked city and county vehicles (water, sewer, trucks, etc.), relief agencies (Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.). Common sense dictates that many emergency passes are already in existence (press cards, medical personnel, etc.). These passes will be honored, unless a reasonable question arises as to their authenticity. If such questions should arise, the part7 should be routed to the nearest law enforcement d · agency for consz eration of a temporary pass Communications The law enforcement communications network is shown in Appendix 3. t The Pearland Police Department will operate a base statmon in he EOC Communications Center during response operations. An internal recall roster will be maintained. Resources A listing of available law enforcement resources is found in Appendix 4. G-4 Key Facilities A listing of facilities designated for police protection during an emergency is found in Appendix 5. X. ANNEX DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE It is the responsibility of each law enforcement agency to insure its own operational capabilities· The Police Chief will continue the planning of all law enforcement operations related to emergency management operations and ensure the maintenance of this annex· Each agency will develop SOP's that address assigned tasks· XI. REFERENCES A. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1981. Guide for Increasing Local Government Civil Defense Readiness of International Crises. CPG 1-7. National Governor's Association, 1979. Domestic Terrorism. FEMA, 1977. Law and order training for Civil Defense Emergency, Part A. SM-2. FEMA, 1977. Law and order Training for.. Civil Defense Emergency, Part B. I6-2.1. G-5 Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix APPENDICES 1 ............................................ Vehicle Pass 2 .................................... Disaste~ Area Permit 3 ............................................... Resources 4 .......................................... Key Facilities 5 ............................ Increased Readiness Actions May 30, Date 1997 Ch f ~~ G-6 APPENDIX 1 TO ANNEX G VEHICLE PASS VEHICLE PASS DISASTER AREA PERMIT PASS NUMBER: DATE ISSUED: NAME: ADDRESS: MAKE OF CAR: LICENSE PLATE NUMBER: AREA RESTRICTIONS: DRIVERS SIGNATURE DATE APPROVING OFFICER DATE G-7 APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX G DISASTER AREA' PERMIT Vehicle control into a cordon area has always been of concern to the local law enforcement officials during periods of emergency crisis or a disaster. In an attempt to control this problem a DISASTER AREA PERMIT has been developed by this office to be used during these events. The intent of this Disaster Area Permit is to assist the' officer in determining who is authorized to enter the cordon area. Only persons who have been issued a permit will .be allowed access into the cordon area. The distribution of this permit will be through the Office of Emergency The decision to use this Management or at the field command post. permit will be based on the'type of crisis and duration of the event. If the decision is made to utilize the permit, a verbal communique will be issued through two-way communications to other agencies involved in the recovery. Verification of a particular permit may be requested by an officer through either the command post or Office of Emergency Management. VerifIcation of the permit may be obtained by g%v%ng the verification number (example: 0013). The person who is receiving the request will transmit the following information back to the officer requesting verification: 1. Name 2. Address 3. Make of car and license plate number 4. Date of issuance In the event an officer may wish to expel a person from the cordon area, it is requested that this officer notify the command post or Office or Emergency Management of this decision, in order that the verification number can be removed from the log book. The ~ecipients of a Disaster Area Permit will fall into these categories: 1. Persons living within the cordon area. 2. Persons requesting admittance into the cordon area to assist friends and/or relatives. 3. Emergency personnel not driving a marked vehicle. G-8 4. Persons not listed above, but with approval of a field supervisor at the command post. With the development of this Disaster Area Permit control of vehicle traffic into the cordon area can be maintained. This type of control method will lessen the possibility of unauthorized persons and certainly restrict the possibility of looting. Any questions concerning the use of this permit may be directed to the Office of Emergency Management. G-9 APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX G LAW ENFORCEMENT RESOURCES 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cars w/Public Address and Siren System Marked Units Unmarked Units Generators (Portable) Total Manpower Mobile Radios Video Taping Units -VHF VHS Regular (1) vHs -c (2) 8mm (3) TX.Hwy Office CITY 46 46 16 1 48 57 6 Sheriffs Patrol G-10 MAKE APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX G "CONT'D" POLICE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE INVENTORY UNMARKED UNITS UNIT # YEAR LICENSE PLATE FORD CROWN VICTORIA CHEV CAPRICE CHEV CAPRICE ~ CHEV LUM!NA CHEV LUMINA FORD TAURUS GMC 1500 FORD F150XLT JEEP GRAND WAGONEER GMC C204X4 GMC C20 4X4 FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD ECONOLINE 150 FORD MUSTANG CHEVY LUMINA C104 1986 152-MEF C129 1992 GDL-92R C132 1993 KZD-20M C136 1993 KHK-08R C137 1993 KH~-93N C143 1994 PGM-52P P103 1983 LY-9360 P135 1994 JL-0975 U102 1985 LXV-92T P148 1984 670-060 P147 1984 670-059 C161 1995· RWN-96B C163 1996 SGS-33L U109 1995 C162 1984 SGS-08S Cl16 1990 FMT-94T CHEV CAPRICE FORD CROWN VICTORIA CHEV CAPRICE CHEV CAPRICE CHEV CAPRICE CHEV CAPRICE CHEV CAPRICE FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORDsCROWN VICTORIA FORD'CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA MARKED UNITS Cl13 C124 C125 C128 C131 C133 C135 C140 C141 C142 C144 C145 C146 C147 C148 C150 C151 C152 C153 C154 C155 C156 C157 C158 C159 C164 1989 557-996 1991 592-903 1992 612-990 1992 612-991 1992 612-988 1993 632-423 1993 632-422 1994 668-602 1994 661-140 1994 661-141 1994 662-954 1995 670-945 1995 670-944 1995 670-943 1995 670-942 1995 670-940 1995 670-939 1995 670-939 1995 670-937 1995 670-936 1995 670-935 1995 670-934 1995 670-933 1995 670-932 1995 670-931 1996 690-268 G-11 FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA DODGE 250 CHEV C20 CHEVY VAN - C.A.R.T. CHEVY PICKUP FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA FORD CROWN VICTORIA C165 C166 C167 P106 U103 TL101 TLll8 C169 C170 C171 C173 C174 C175 C176 C177 C178 C179 C180 C181 C182 1996 1996 1996 1985 1991 1981 1984 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 690-269 690-271 690-270 536-786 593-329 645889 669220 704100 704101 704102 G-12 NUMBER 400 401 403 404 410 412 413 414 415 420' 421 422 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX G "CON ' D" LIST OF OFFICERS & CALL NUMBERS NAME NUMBER Chief 'Ho~g Asst. Chief Doyle Lt. Walters Lt. Chapman Sgt Webb Sgt Caballero Sgt Fraser Sgt Moncrief Sgt Cowan Cpl Wagner Cpl Murdock Cpl Spires Ofc Atkins Ofc Colson Ofc Radney Ofc Johnson Ofc Anderson Ofc Zepeda Dectective Alvarado Ofc Harding Dectective Bort Ofc Lasagna Ofc Thomas Ofc Uresti Dectective Moody 444 446 447 449 450 451 452 453 454 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 Dectective Garza Ofc Smith Ofc Castillo Ofc Hoffman Ofc Corley Ofc Homeyer Ofc Alsbrooks Ofc Holleman Ofc Carson Ofc Elton Ofc Herrera Ofc Barnett Ofc Lopez Ofc Vance Ofc Mashue Ofc Randall Ofc Nichols Ofc Mayville Ofc Fleming Ofc Beavers Ofc Matherne Ofc Morton G-13 APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX G KEY FACILITIES ESSENTIAL OPERATIONS Organization Officers Needed Employees Employees & Dependents G-14 APPENDIX 5 ~0 ANNEX G INCREASED I~AD~N~SS ACTIONS A. Condition 1: Hazardous Conditions are Imminent. 1. Begin traffic control procedures for evacuation movement. 2.' Mobilize all Law enforcement personnel. B. Condition 2: Situation having definite characteristics developing into a hazardous condition. 1. Alert auxiliary personnel. 2. Pl'ace off-duty personnel on stand-by. 3. Alert personnel of possible emergency duty. C. Condition 3: Situation exist that could develop into a hazardous condition. 1. Alert all key personnel. 2. Check readiness of law enforcement equipment, supplies, facilities. 3. Correct deficiencies in equipment and/or facilities. D. Condition 4: Disaster reported. ~. Review and update law enforcement SOP. 2. Review assignment of all personnel. of and G-15 ANNEX K PUBLIC WORKS I. AUTHORITY See Basic Plan II. PURPOSE' The purpose of this annex is to provide public works service plans for emergencies when extra measures must be taken to protect lives and property. , III. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS A. Situation The City of Pearland is subject to a number of emergency disaster circumstances that could occur local%y and would create a need for emergency public works servzces. Assumptions 1. All public works equipment and personnel will be available to cope with any anticipated disaster. 2. Without assistance, the public works department does not have sufficient resources to cope with a major disaster. 3. Local contractors have resources to assist public works recovery efforts. 4. Assistance may be available from outside the jurisdiction through mutual aid and other existing agreements. 5. Minor repair and restoration of essential services and vital facilities is possible and such that public works can reasonably be expected to accomplish this task. 6. Public works will be able to accomplish debris clearance in an emergency. IV. CONCEPT 'OF OPERATIONS General Overall responsibility for providing public works services during emergencies rests with the Emergency Operations Committee. The Public Works Director will manage his resources and equipment and coordinate public works activities through the Emergency Operating Center. K-1 B. Phases of Management Mitigation a. Train personnel in emergency procedures. b. Work with city government to ensure that ordinances are created to protect public works systems. c. Identify vulnerabilities in public works. d. Provide input into after-action reviews to improve preparedness, response, and recovery capabilities. e. Work with planning commission to ensure that new constructions do not increase hazard or vulnerability threat. f. Work with city government to improve building codes. Preparedness a. Ensure that storm sewers are in good repair. b. Ensure that debris removal equipment is in good repair. c. Ensure that adequate barrier and road block materials and equipment are available. d. Review and update all utility and public works maps of jurisdiction, e. Review emergency staffing plans. f. Secure all equipment against damage. g. Organize damage survey teams. h. Place standby equipment in operational readiness. i. Coordinate communications procedures with EOC. j. Review contingency plans and coordinate task assignments with other agencies and. volunteer groups. k. Develop procedures to support accomplishment of task outlined in annex. K-2 Response a. Survey disaster areas and evaluate engineering estimates. b. Maintain contact with EOC. in terms of c. Assess damage. d. Repair EOC facilities and equipment, as necessary. e. Clear roads, effect emergency repair bf water and sewer systems, as necessary. f. Barricade damage areas, as directed. g. Call out private contractors and other assistance, as necessary. h. Assist in search and rescue operations, as directed. Recovery a. Repair public works and buildings. b. Support decontamination work, as necessary. c. participate in compiling after-action report and critiques· Make necessary changes and improvements in emergency management plan. d. Make recommendations to city government about changes in planning, zoning, and building code ordinances to mitigate impact of future disasters. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES General During emergencies public work activities will be managed b the Public Works Director through the existing ~[visions with support provided by the Parks and Recreation Department. Task Assignments 1. Public Works Director a. Coordinate emergency public works activities. b. Train personnel in emergency procedures. K-3 contractors who can c. Identify local private provide backup support. d. Develop resource lists. e. Review and update Annex K. and restoration of essential services and f. Repair vital facilities. g. Participate in deveiopmen~ and e~ecution of emergency preparedness exercises. Develop and maintain mutual aid necessary. City Engineering Consultant a. Provide training of damage survey teams. b. Provide engineering services and advice. c. Assist damage assessment team. d. Safeguard vital engineering records. e. Maintain contact with EOC. Street & Drainage Superintendent agreements as a. Maintain reasonable stock piles of emergency paving materials. b. Emergency repair of essential streets, bridges, and storm drain systems. c. Debris removal from public rights-of-way, storm drains, and in or around those structures where public safety and/or health are endangered. d. Assist in decontamination- e. Place barricades when needed for public safety. f. Support in the collection and disposal of refuge. g. Assist in search and rescue operations as needed. h. Assist in utilities in emergency repairs. i. Provide equipment as needed. j. Maintain contact with EOC. K-4 1. Building Official a. Advise in emergency repairs structures.' b. c. ,d. Collection and disposal of refuse. Support EOC with available resources. of essential city Assist in damage assessment. Enforce building codes. Inspect shelter sites for structural capabilities. e. Maintain contact with EOC. Water & Sewer Superintendent a. Establish and maintain emergency power. b. Maintain two-way radio capabilities. c. Maintain and support other emergency communications as determined by the EOC. d. Maintain contact with EOC. e. Provide and maintain Sanitation Services, Parks and Recreation Director a. Provide available personnel and equipment to support street superlntendent- b. Assist during debris removal and catalogue any salvaged unclaimed property removed. c. Establish security and storage areas for salvaged unclaimed property, d. Release or transfer stored property when directed by proper authority- VI. DIRECTION AND CONTROL The usual supervisors will exercise operational control of public works forces with the Public Works Director maintaining overall management of equipment and personnel. The director. will set priorities for resources and coordinate activities with the EOC. When the EOC is activated, the Public Works Director will be K-5 part of the EOC team. The Public Works Director will coordinate the call up and deployment of mutual aid forces and volunteer/auxiliarY forces. Mutual aid forces will operate under the direct supervision of their own supervisors while volunteer/auxiliarY forces will work under the supervision of the Public Works Director- VII. INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS See Appendix 5 for Increased Readiness ActiOns. VIII. CONTINUIT~ OF GOVERNMENT Lines of succession within each division and department will be according to the established standing operating procedures. All essential records shall be safeguarded at pearland City hall in the vault, 1. 'Mayor/EmergencY Operations Committee 2. Director of Public Works 3. public Works Superintendents IX. ADMINISTRATION AND SUPPORT Administration 1. The timely and efficient response of public works forces will require extraordinarY coordination between field forces and the EOC. priorities assigned by the Public Works Director will facilitate an orderly use of public work forces. 2. The public Works Director shall develop procedures for the emergency hiring of private contractors and individuals to assist in response and recoverY. B. Supply and Support 1. During periods of increased readiness, supplies should be stockpiled to the extent that independent operations could be sustained for at least four days. A pre- planned list will be prepared with stock-level requirements- K-6 Emergency requests shall be coordinated with the EOC. Subject to the approval of the Emergency Management Director, the Public Works Director is authorize~ to purchase equipment, supplies, and personnel services as necessary to support response and recovery efforts- Adequate records. of all purchases will be maintained. Transportation and Equipment 1. During periods of increased readiness, full fuel loads, extra fuel tanks and appropriate check- outs of essential transportation and heaVy equipment will be accomplished- The EOC will be provided with a list of available equipment (See Appendix 1). 2. Any request for additional heavy equipment will be relayed to the EOC where outside support will be pursued. Communications The public works communications network is in Appendix 2. An internal recall roster will be maintained. Resources A listing of available equipment is found in Appendix 1. Key Facilities A listing of facilities designated restoration is found in Appendix 32 for priority G. 'Records All records generated during the emergency will be collected and filed in an orderly fashion so a chronologY of events can be reviewed for future planning, settlement of claims, and lessons learned. X. ANNEX DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE The Public Works Director will be responsible for the development and maintenance of this annex with the support from organizations specified in SECTION V. Each department will develop SOPs that address assigned tasks. K-7 XT. REFERENCES Brouillet, John R. The Department of Public Works: A Community Emergency Organization. Columbus: Disaster Research Center, Ohio State University, 1968. B. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987, Hazardous Materials, NRT - 1. C. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 1981. A climatological Oil Spill Planning Guide, No.' ~, P & P - 10. D. FEMA 1980. Decontamination Considerations for Architects and Engineers, TR-71. E. FEMA.1981. Design Guidelines for Flood Damage Reduction. FEMA - 15. FEMA 1981. Disaster Operations: Governments, CPG 1-6. A handbook for Local FEMA 1981. Industrial Protection Guide. TD-8. FEMA 1982. Local Government Emergency Planning CPG 1-8. K-8 APPENDICES ; . . Resource Inventory Appendix 1 ............. Communications Network Appendix 2 .............. .' K~y Facilities Appendix 3 ................. · Public Works Unit Call Numbers Appendix 4 ......... .increased Readiness Actions Appendix 5 ............ May 30, 1997 Date Assistant City Manager City of pearland K-9 APPENDIX i TO ANNEX K PUBLIC WORKS RESOURCE INVENTORE UNIT NO. MODEL B100 C102 C130 C134 EG101 EG103 EP100 EP101 EP102 EP103 EP104 EP105 EP106 M100 M101 M102 M103 M104 M105 M106 M107 M108 M109 Mll0 Mlll MR100 MR101 MR102 MR103 MR104' MR105 MR106 P101 P104 P105 P107 P108 P109 Pll0 Plll Pl14 Pl16 LOWES PLY CHEV BUICK CUMMINS GENERAC CUMMINS CUMMINS GR. FURY CAPRICE CENTURY 87AOl192-S CUMMINS GMC JOY D0100Q221-B1HA ROSCOE SN-740 COLEMA}I AB25CH HYSTER H80C KOMATSU D31P-17A GRADALL GW-394-G3WD VERMEER 1250 JOHN DEERE 270 JOHN DEERE 1200 KUBOTA G1900 SWEEPSTER RHFA CUB CADET 1320 KUBOTA G1800 JOHN DEERE JDF-935 KUBOTA G1900 EXS20KC ATM70 ATM72 F250 RN55L-MRA RN55L-MRA RN55L RN55L-MRA C-10 B-2000 B-2000 1500 RANGER EX-MARK DEWEZE DEWEZE FORD TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA TOYOTA CHEV MAZDA MAZDA CHEV FORD DESCRIPTION BOAT, FLATBOTTOM 4DR SEDAN 4DR SEDAN 4DR SEDAN AUX. GENERATOR AUX. GENERATOR-12KW WATER WELL AUX- ENG- WATER WELL AUX. ENG. BOOSTER PUMP AUX ENG WATER WELL AUX ENG BOOSTER PUMP AUX ENG WATER WELL AUX ENG BOOSTER PUMP AUX ENG AIR COMPRESSOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MACHINE ROLLER W/JITTER ARROW MACH/TRAILER FORK LIFT 8000 LBS DOZER ALL WHEEL DRIVE BRUSH CHIPPER CORE AERATOR 3/4"X 72" BUNKER RAKETOR GARDEN TRACTOR SWEEPER, 6'PTO DRIVEN MOWER, RIDING 38" GARDEN TRACTOR MOWER, RIDING 76" DECK GARDEN TRACTOR MOWER, RIDING MOWER, RIDING 70" MOWER, RIDING 72" 4WD BRUSH TRUCK PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP K-10 Pl17 FORD F-150 Pl18 CHEV C1500 Pl19 CHEV W/T-1500 P120 CHEV S-10 P121 CHEV S-10 P122 CHEV S-10 P124 FORD F-150 P125 FORD F-150 P126 FORD F-15~ P128 FORD F-150 P129 FORD F-150 P130 FORD F-150 P131 FORD F-150 P132 CHEV W/T-1500 P133 CHEV W/T-1500 P134 FORD F-150 P136 FORD F-150 P137 FORD F-150 P138 CHEV W/T-1500 P139 FORD F-150 P140 FORD F-150 P142 FORD RANGER P143 FORD F-250 P144 FORD F-150 P145 FORD F-350 P146 FORD F-250 R100 SHOPMADE R101 BRUTUS R103 SHOPMADE R105 PARKER LIGHT ANGLE R106 T.F. INC. GN-24-20ED R107 PARKER UTILITY TH103 FORD F-8000 TH104 FORD LTS-9000 TH105 FORD LTS-9000 TH107 FORD F-800 TH109 INTERNAT. 4700 TL103 FORD F-350 TL106 FORD F-350 TL108 DODGE D350 TL109 FORD F-150 TLll0 CHEV 3500 TLlll FORD F-250 TLll3 FORD F-250 TLll4 GMC 2500 TLll5 GMC 2500 TM101 FORD F-600 TM105 FORD F-700 TM106 FORD F-800 TM107 FORD F-800 TM108 FORD F-7000 TM109 FORD F-7000 TR100 JOHN DEERE 1050 TR101 KUBOTA L-295 PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP PICK-UP 3/4 TON PICK-UP 1/2 TON PICK-UP CREW CAB PICK-UP 3/4 TON 3 AXLE TRAILER 16' TRAILER TRAILER, SINGLE AXLE 10' TRAILER TRAILER, GOOSE NECK 18' TILT TRAILER VAC/JET TRUCK DUMP TRUCK 14 YD. DUMP TRUCK 14 YD. BRUSH TRUCK W/PICKER DUMP TRUCK 6/8 YD. 1 TON SM DUMP TRUCK 1 TON FIELD SERV. TR. 1 TON FIELD SERV. TR. PICK-UP 1 TON FLATBED UTILITY TRUCK UTILITY TRUCK SERVICE TR 3/4 TON SERVICE TR 3/4 TON WRENCH TRUCK 35'l-MAN LIFT DUMP TRUCK DUMP TRUCK DUMP TRUCK DUMP TRUCK TRACTOR W/MOWER TRACTOR EDGER ATTACHED K-11 TR102 TR103 TR104 TR105 TR106 TR107 TR108 TR109 TRll0 TRlll TRll2 TRll3 TRll4 TRll5 TRll6 TRll7 U101 CASE 885 JOHN DEERE JD-544-A CASE 885 M.F. 31 CASE 580-C CASE 580-D I.H. 884 CASE 580-K FORD 5900 FORD 555C FORD 6610-EA414-C FORD 4630/DA41WX CASE 580SUPER K CASE 580SUPER K JOHN DEERE 5300 JOHN DEERE 5200 GMC SUBURBAN TRACTOR W/MOWER FRT END LOADER TRACTOR W/GROOM MOWER TRACTOR BACKHOE/FRT- END LOADER BACKHOE/FRT- END LOADER TRACTOR BACKHOE/FRT END LOADER TRACTOR W/SIDE MOWER BACKHOE/FRT- END LOADER TRACTOR W/BOOM MOWER TRACTORW/72" MOWER BACKHOE/FRT END LOADER BACKHOE/FRT END LOADER BACKHOE/LOADER 4-WD TRACTOR, TURF 4-DR SEDAN WAGON K-12 APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX K PUBLIC WORKS COMMUNICATION NETWORK + ICITY OF PEARLAND ] EMERGENCY OPERATION CENTER + ^ + ^ + ^ PEARLAND [ DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS + ^ + +++++++++++ ^ + + ^ + + ^ + ~ ^ + + + PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ^+++[ENGINEERING CONSULTANT[ ^ + ~ + WATER & SEWER ^ + STREET &-DRAINAGE ^ + HEALTH & HUMANE ^^^ + ~ ~ SANITATION +++[BUILDING OFFICIAL] GARAGE + +' ~ ~ + + + ~ ~ +++[PARKS& RECREATION] +++++++++++++++++ TELEPHONE ................. RADIO K-13 APPENDIX 3 TO ANNEX K KEY FACILITIES # ESSENTIAL OPERATIONS LOCATIONS 1. Direction and Control Pearland Emergency Operating Center 2. Communication Services Southwestern Bell Telephone A.T.&T. 3. Law Enforcement Services Pearland Police Department Fire Services Pearland Volunteer Fire Department Utility Services Pearland Water Plant Pearland Wastewater Treatment Plant K-14 100 101 102 103 105 107 108 109 110 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 211 212 213 220 221 222 223 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 250 251 252 253 254 255 260 APPENDIX 4 TO ANNEX K PUBLIC WORKS UNIT CALL NUMBERS GROHMAN, PAUL ERWIN, GLENN HARGROVE, JOHN BURDINE, RICHARD LONG, C.R. STUBBS, CHARLIE BORCHES, JEB LEAHY, SHERI TALBOTT, DOUG MCWHIRTER, RONNY HENDERSON, PHILLIP ARREDONDO, FELIPE HALE, BUTCH DELEON, JOHN MCMULLIN, GARY RAMOS, STEVEN CAMERON, DANNY SANCHEZ, CESAR LANG, DAVID FARLOW, JASON FAJKUS, DARRYL SMITH, ROBERT VACANT HENRY, WENDY PLOTTS, KEVIN HARRIST, JOHN TOBIN, ROBERT GUILLEN, DANIEL BEATY, BRYAN JENKINS, CALVIN KENNARD, CLAY FORD, DENNIS FREILEY, BLAIR RIVERA, NESTOR JACKSON, JERRY HAVELKA, ED MCCART, WILLIAM LENDERMAIN, RAY WHISENANT, BOBBY BOWERY, CECIL MORENO, DOMINGO GILBERT, DAVID MILLER, JOHN TORRES, JAMES FELTS, DAVID MEDARIS, LORI 513 ARREDONDO, FELIPE 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 850 900 901 902 906 950 951 952 953 995 996 HERSCH,' ED MELAAS, DAVID PAULUS, RON JONES, RONALD PALOMARES, DANNY GALLARDO, VICTOR BYRD, ALBERT SWINT, RICHARD LEATHERWOOD, HOWARD CORRALES, BENNY ARREDONDO, RENE GUYNES, DON FERGUSON, TOM TUMLINSON, GENE RAMOS, MARIO JOYCE, MIKE HENRY, RICKY MCGINLEY, JEFF SALDANA, ROBERT KNIGHT, JOHN LIBBY, BOB SHOP KENT, FRANKIE S.C. HARRIST, LAURIE 150 HALL, TIM 151 COBB, STANLEY K-15 261 262 263 264 265 300 500 501 502 503 505 506 507 508 509 MEDARIS, MICHAEL BOWEN, STEVE MORENO, JOSE LUNA, TED STANG, BEN STEED, LARRY ALMARAZ, JOE HERNANDEZ, CARLOS GUEL, JOSE ARZOLA, JOE MONTALVO, JESSE RENTERIA, RAMON MONTES, RICARDO ONTIVEROS, JERONIMO BARRERA, SIGIFREDO,JR APPENDIX 4 OF ANNEX K INCREASED READINESS ACTIONS A. CONDITION 1 - HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS IMMINENT. 1. MOBILIZE EMERGENCY WORK CREW. B. CONDITION 2 - HAVE A DEVELOPING HAZARDOUS CONDITION. 1. ALERT ALL PERSONNEL OF POSSIBLE EMERGENCY DUTY. 2. PLACE ALL OFF DUTY PERSONNEL' ON STAND-BY. C. CONDITION 3 - SITUATIONS EXIST THAT COULD DEVELOP INTO A HAZARDOUS CONDITION. 1. CORRECT ALL DEFICIENCIES FACILITIES. 2. ALERT ALL KEY PERSONNEL. CONDITION 4 - BEGINNING OF POSSIBLE DISASTER. IN EQUIPMENT AND/OR 1. REVIEW AND UPDATE PUBLIC WORKS ANNEXES AND SOP'S. 2. REVIEW ASSIGNMENTS OF ALL PERSONNEL. 3. CONDUCT TEST A/~D READINESS OF EQUIPMENT. 4. CHECK READINESS OF ALL FACILITIES. ALL EMERGENCY K-16