1964-08-20 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES74 The regular meeting of the City of Pearland City Council was held bn Thursday Night, August 20, 1964, at the 'City Hall, 14429 Texas Avenue, with the following City Officials and guests present. Mayor 'Pro -Tem John G. Kegley, Aldermen Steven A. Shukanes, Jr., Thomas P. Alexander, Victor A. Nolen,°Gene E. Sanders, Secretary W. A. McClellan and City Attorney Jack Harrison. Guests: David L. Smith, Jr.,'Frank E. Lee, Jr., James E. Bost, Ed Rivers, Paul G. Block, Jack E. Farmer, Louis Bellview, Don J. Nagle, A. R. Fried, Sr., James H. Inman, John Raney and Berry Miller, Sr., Motion _made by Nolen and seconded by Sanders that minutes of meeting held on August 13, 1961, be approved as read. All of " its Aldermen, voted aye no noes. .Motion Carried. Motion made by Shukanes and seconded by Nolen that the following invoices be paid. Al's 1T'derme`n' vot'&'d ssaye" no "noes." Motion carried. CHE.0,H, NO_. NAME City of Pearland AMOUNT 1354 P. E. Segelquist (Reimbursement for chair for Polioe Department). To replace voucher No. 0010 made to Pancamo Furniture Company Segelquist has paid invoice. $ 15.30 1355 0. V. Robinson, County T°easurer (2 prisoners for 8 days) 12.00 1356 The Houston Post (advertising) 114.54 1357 Walsh & McLaren (Field measurements for Willowerest Subdivision and Sleepy Hollow Estates Right of Way 3 tracts land) 145.00 1358 Thomas D. Heaney Engineers, Inc. (Obtaining Easements Off -Site Improvements: Changing Plans Off -Site Improvements) 112.00 1359 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. (July State- ment) 45.46 1360 Alfred Casey (Petty Cash) 25.00 $ 469.30 WATER & SEWER 295 Pearland Garage (Auto Repairs) 11.00 The above check was signed August 6, 1964. 296 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company (July Statement) 25.61 114 S. D. Hill (Salary 8-17-21 57.82 115 Elizabeth Ann Peirsol (Salary 8-17-21) 39.08 116 Evelyn L. DeWillis (Salary -8-17-21) 38.07 $ Mayer Pro -Tem Kegley stated that the budget hearing for the 11.sca:l:' year 1964-1965 would be held with the Chairman of the Budget Committee, Alderman Shukanes, presenting same and answering any questions that may be asked conebrning it. The budget was read in full and after due discussion Nolen made a motion, seconded by Alexander that the budget be adopted. This motion was tabled and the following motion made. Shukanes made a.motion that the assessed value of property be at 60% of the market value and that the tax levy rate be•$0.75 per $100.00 of assessed value"ation be adopted and a tax ordinance be prepared in accordance with rate set by Council. Seconded by Nolen. All Aldermen voted "aye" with no "noes'. Motion carried. Mayor Pro -Tem Kegley called for further discussion on the tabled motion. There being none the vote was called. Voting "aye's, Alexander, Shukanes and Nolen. Voting "no", Sanders. The "ayes" being in majority. Motion carried. Mayor Pro -Tem Kegley made a motion that the Council request the Brazoria County Mosquito Control to increase,spraying,'activities the Pearland area immediately due to the Encephalitis.. Epidemic in Houston. Seconded by Nolen. All Aldermen voted "aye" with no "noes."11 1 Motion carried. in Mr. Berry Miller Sr., presented the Council with a plat showing i paw- the names of persons buried in the "City of Pearland" cemetary with the comment that he was the last surviving Trustee, that a number of good people had been buried there, some of which had done much for Pearland,in it*s early days, also, there were others buried there for the reason they were indigent. He recommended the Council take over the operation of this cemetary, improve and beautify it and use it for its intended purpose under their supervision. Mayor Pro -Tem Kegley thanked Mr. Miller in the name of the City Council and instructed City Attorney JackoHarrison to handle whatever legal steps that might be necessary toocarry out the wish of Mr. Miller. A copy of the original plat is to be placed in the archives of the City. Alexander presented a request on behalf of the First Methodist Church for permission to lay a buried cable and buildoa covered walkway between their buildings across the 201 alley between them. Motion made by Shukanes that the easement be waived for this prupose, seconded by Sanders. All Aldermen voted ."aye" with no "noes." Motion carried. Nolen reported for the Easement and Right-of-way Committee by" , stating that papers had been prepared for easements' --to be given r--- by W. E. Parker, J. E. Little and the Anton Halik Estate. One other about to be completed with others to be worked out`-_b(s soon as possible. Nolen reported for the Subdivision Committee by stating the Engineer would have information for the sewer line to serve Westminister, Sherwood and Nottingham Subdivisions at the time of the next meeting. Gene E. Sanders withdrew his letter of resignation that had been presented to the Council at their meeting of August 13, 1964, until such time as the other Alderman, under the same circumstances, did likewise. Alexander made a motion that the Council notify the Santa Fe Railroad that we were prepared to install approaches on Orange Street for a crossing and for them to get busy with their part. Seconded by Sanders. All Aldermen voted "aye" no "noes." Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrfeted this�7,ay of cy , 1964. Attest: City Secretary