R2002-0148 09-23-02 RESOLUTION NO. R2002-148
Section 1. That certain contract by and between the City of Pearland and Turner,
Collie and Braden, Inc., ("T C & B) for Program Management of the Pearland Mobility and
Drainage Bond Program was authorized by the City Council on December 10, 2001.
Section 2. That T C & B has developed work authorization #12 Supplement #1,
which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A."
Section 3. That work authorization #12 Supplement #1 for engineering services
associated with the Pearland Mobility and Drainage Bond Program is hereby approved.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED thisthe 23 dayof Sepl:embe~' ,
A.D., 2002.
yNG ~N~
Supplement No.1
This Work Authorization is made pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Pearland
Mobility & Drainage Bond Program, hereinafter identified as the "Contract," entered into
by and between the City of Pearland ("City"), and Turner Collie & Braden Inc.
PART 1. Work Authorization No. 12 is related to the improvement of Walnut Street
improvements, Veterans to Houston. The Engineer will perform Hydrulics and
Hydrology Studies and Design Services under this Authorization.
PART 2. The maximum amount payable for services under this Work Authorization is
$155,100.00. This amount is based on the following: See attached fee proposals
submitted by: Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Inc. in the amount of $155,100.00 dated
September 6, 2002.
PART 3. Payment to the Engineer for the services established under this Work
Authorization shall be "Lump Sum Basis".
PART 4. This Work Authorization shall become effective on September 24, 2002 and
shall terminate on November 12, 2005, unless extended by a supplemental work
PART 5. This Work Authorization does not waive the parties' responsibilities and
obligations provided under the contract.
PART 6. This Work Authorization is hereby accepted and acknowledged below.
Larry F. Janak, P.E. Bill Eisen
Typed or Printed Name
Typed or Printed Name
Senior Vice President
City Manager
Date Date
Exhibit A - Fee Schedule
Exhibit B - Work Schedule
October 3, 2002
Turner Collie Braden Inc.
PO Box 130089
Houston, Texas 77219
5757 Woodway
Fax 713-780-0838
Job No.:
Transmitted Via:
October 21, 2002
Mr. Bill Eisen
City Manager
City of Pearland
3519 Liberty Drive
Pearland, TX 77581
City of Pearland
Walnut Street Improvements
Work Authorization No. 12 - Supplement No. 1
We are sending you the following:
Fully executed original Work Authorization No. 12, Supplement No. 1, Attachment D
to the above referenced project.
We have retained one original for our use.
Copies To: File
L. ~r[ e.~.
ProJect Manager
Exhibit "A"
Lockwood, Andrews ~_
& Ne'¥vnam, thc,
September 6, 2002
· Mr. james W. Keller, PE
'Turner Collie & Braden, Inc.
P. O. Box 130089
Houston, TX 77219-0089
Pearland Mobility and Drainage Program - Walnut Street
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study, and PS & E
Dear Mr. Keller:
Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) is pleased to provide this proposal for Hydrologic
and Hydraulic Study, and construction Plans, Specification and Estimate (PS & E) for Walnut
Street in Pearland, Texas. Based on our understanding of the project scope (Attachment A-2 &
A-4), we have attached the scope of the services and the fee proposal (See Attachment B) for the
project. We agree to provide the services described for a proposed lump sum fee of $155,100
based on the following fee breakdown.
Basic Services Fee
· Roadway, Drainage, Signing & Pavement Marking $98,700
Additional Services
· Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study $18,400
· Storm Water Pollution Prevention $5,200
· Signal Design $11,200
· Traffic Control Design $13,300
· Construction Phase Service $5,300
Expenses $3,000
Total Fees $155,100
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this proposal for professional services. We look forward
to working with your office on this project. If there are questions, or additional information is
required please do not hesitate to call T. Wayne Holcombe or myself.
~. R~~nd An~, ~F
Project Manager / Team Leader
CC: T. Wayne Holcombe - LAN Transportation Program Coordinator
2925 B!i3rpark IDri¥~Hou_~tr*n, T3.:;ilt'~ 77042 - 713.266.6900
Prepare a comprehensive drainage study of the projects. The drainage study report will be conducted
in two parts:
A. Existing Conditions Analysis
Schedule and attend meetings on a regular basis with City of Pearland/Program
Manager for drainage coordination.
Identify existing drainage outfalls along the projects. A site reconnaissance will be
performed to vehfy drainage outfalls, drainage patterns, and existing cross drainage
structures. Supplemental topographic survey may be required to obtain pertinent
physical features along the drainage outfalls.
Obtain available hydrologic and hydraulic data and computer models 0tEC-1 and
HEC-2) from applicable drainage authorities, to the extent possible, for use in
analysis and determination of existing 5-, 25- and 100-year water surface elevation of
bayous, creeks and ditches along the projects.
Prepare a watershed map and identify existing drainage boundaries. Draihage
boundaries will be obtained using available contour maps and through limited field
Compute peak flows for the existing drainage and proposed systems in accordance
with Brazoria County Drainage District//4 and City of Pearland criteria and
Determine the hydraulic capacity of the existing drainage structures and outfalls
along the project route. The 5-, 25- and 100-year water surface elevations will be
computed at the drainage outfalls.
Determine the profile of the natural ground along each proposed right-of-way, and
the existing roadway profile. This data will be utilized in the development of design
roadway profiles.
Superimpose these profiles on a drawing along with the 5-, 25- and 100-year water
surface elevations. The profile drawing will provide an overall view of the
roadway/existing ground elevations with respect to the various storm design
frequencies for the length of the project. This will enable Project Engineers to
determine the most feasible proposed roadway profile.
Summarize the above items in an interim progress submittal. Drainage areas and
sheet flow will be presented graphically in an exhibit. The plans and profiles will
also be included. Two copies will be submitted for review.
Coordinate with all applicable govemmert agencies including Brazoria County
Drainage District #4 and City of Pearland.
Preliminary Impact Analysis
Determine a hydraulic gradeline starting at the outfall channels for each storm sewer
system in order to obtain a design tailwater for each existing system. The design
tailwater will be the starting basis for the design of the proposed storm sewer system.
Limit the outfalls for drainage areas into existing storm sewer to existing capacity
flows, which will be determined. Alternate flow routes, if feasible, will be looked
into for relieving storm sewer overload. The amount of the total detention storage to
control storm sewer runoff for the design frequency will be determined.
Determine drainage areas and flows for cross drainage systems as part of the
preliminary impact analysis. Sizing of the drainage crossings and hydrologic
information, once determined, will be provided to the Project Engineers.
CalcUlate the cut and fill impact quantities. Determine any impact on the right-of-
way requirements due to the above analysis.
Prepare a preliminary impact analysis, which shall include the preliminary findings of
the proposed cross drainage structures, bridge layouts, storm sewer capacities,
requirement for.line rerouting, preliminary detention storage volume and initial
recommendations on how to mitigate the storm impact on the receiving streams. The
storm sewer, conceptual and generic discussions of alternatives considered, a
comparative cost associated with each alternative, and recommended solution.
Provide eight (8) copies of the drainage study report to Brazoria County Drainage
District #4 and of City of Pearland for review and comment. Recommendations at
this point should be generic and conceptual in nature, mainly for discussions with
Brazoria County Drainage District #4 and of City of Pearland.
Final Impact Analysis
The final impact analysis will be performed on bayous, creeks, and ditches as related to the
City of Pearland and FEMA criteria 5-, 25- and 100-year storm. The impact prediction is
presented as follows:
Finalized drainage areas for the existing and proposed conditions along the project
2. Finalize the hydraulic conveyance capacities of the existing drainage outfalls.
Obtain current hydrologic and hydraulic computer models from government agencies
and review and comment on the models. Current models will be updated to existing
conditionS and submitted to Brazoria County Drainage District #4 and of City of
Peafland as the revised existing condition model.
Analyze existing and proposed drainage system and quantify the increase in 100-year
peak flows resulting from the roadway improvements. Compute existing and
proposed peak flows by using hydraulics and hydrologic methodology and computer
models. The additional lines should be accounted for the increasing percent
Analyze proposed roadway and outfall drainage improvements to quantify impacts to
revised existing conditions model.
Base storage computations on hydrograph calculations and peak flows obtained in
Item B above. A mitigation volume for the 100-year storm will be computed.
Compute right-of-way corridor 100-year floodplain volumes for existing and
proposed roadway elevations. No decrease in 100-year floodplain volumes will be
allowed without adequate off-site mitigation. Hand calculations shall be provided
which quantify the cut and fill within the 100-year floodplain, if any occur. Identify
the additional right-of-way to satisfy floodplain and/or detention requirements.
Prepare conceptual 100-year sheet flow analysis for the project utilizing existing and
proposed conditions. Determine impacts of the proposed vertical alignment on sheet
Provide eight copies of a separate drainage report (signed and sealed by a Licensed
Professional Engineer) to City of Pearland and Brazoria County Drainage.District #4.
(Performed by Separate Work Authorization)
In general, and except as may be modified herein or directed by City of Pearland, engineering
design, plans and specifications and construction procedures will follow the usual practices
of the City of Pearland, will be in conformance with City of Pearland Project Procedures and
Design Criteria Manual and will conform to approved schematic layouts and profiles. The
Project Engineer w/Il perform all requisite engineerhJg design services for the project,
including control surveys, engineering analysis and bri':ge foundation recommendations.
Type of Service
The engineering services to be performed by the Project En~Sneer are those services which
are necessary for the preparation of design construction plans., specifications, and other items
of work related thereto, all of which are hereinat~er referred to as the "Design Phase
Services." Design Phase Services will include but are not limited to the general type and
classifications listed in the following:
A. Field Survey
1. Stake centerlines
The project base line will be co~acidental with, or parallel to, the stationed
"Design Centerline." Base line control points will be established using
5/8-inch iron rods, 36-inches long, at PCs or Pis and PTs of horizontal curves
and at 1,000 foot maximum intervals en tangents. This centerline staking will
be maintained through completion of design and awarding of the construction
contract. The centerline location and profiles of all existing highways,
railroads, streets, and utilities will be mn a~ least 150 feet beyond the
proposed centerline crossing of these facilitk:s.
2. Establish benchmark circuit throughout the pr~qect.
3. Profile and cross section intersecting streets for tie into project.
4. Cross section drainage channels
Tie to existing underground and overhead utilities (location and elevation).
The location of existing underground utilities Will be pre-determined by
probing or by contacting utility companies to expose facilities.
6. Additional Field Surveying as requi.,.ed for final design.
7. Stake soil core holes.
8. Determine type of existing material, pavements, etc.
9. Profile drainage facilities.
10. Measure the hydraulic opening under existing bridges
11. Obtain elevations of manholes and valves of utilities
12. Final control staking for construction contractor
13. Send out right of entry letters and obtain right of entry
Roadway Design Controls
1. Prepare existing and proposed typical sections of all roadway elements
Prepare plan and profile sheets showing horizontal and vertical geometric
design including the following designs:
Refine the horizontal and vertical alignment shown on the preliminary
b. Determine vertical clearance at grade separations and overpasses.
Drainage Design
Prepare overall and detailed drainage area maps and calculations necessary to
perform the design of the storm sewer system, pump stations, roadside
ditches, roadside swales, culvert crossings, detention ponds and stream bridge
crossings. All calculations and drainage areas will be in conformance with
the Drainage Study.
Prepare Drainage Plan and Profile sheets which will include plan and profile
information on storm sewers, roadside ditches, roadside swales, detention
ponds, outfall channels, existing utilities, and cross culverts.
Prepare stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) and layout sheets
showing temporary control measure during each Phase of construction. Also,
prepare permanent sediment filtration ponds as required by Texas Natural
Resources Conservation Commission (TNRCC).
4. Prepare plan and profile drawings showing each culvert crossing.
Perform scour analysis and scour prevention designs on all stream bridges
and conduit outfalls using HEC-RAS.
Miscellaneous Roadway Design
Compute and tabulate construction quantities and prepare construction cost
estimate. In addition to individual quantity summary sheets, checked
quantities for each pay item of work included in the proposal form for the
construction contract shall be tabulated on a general summary sheet. The
general summary sheet or sheets shall conform to standards furnished by the
Program Manager. Estimates will be prepared and submitted with each
review submittal.
2. Prepare roadway details sheets and modify construction standards as required.
Prepare Title Sheet and Index Sheet. The Title Sheet will be in the format
established by the Program Manager. The Index Sheet will include a listing
of the required construction standards approved by City of Pearland.
4. Prepare construction traffic control plans which will include the following:
The sequence of construction and method of handling traffic during
each phase.
The existing and proposed traffic control devices that will be used to
handle traffic dur/ng each construction sequence, including signals,
regulatory sign, warning signs, construction warning sign, guide
signs, route markers, construction pavement markings, channeling
devices, portable changeable message signs, flashing arrow boards,
barricades, barriers; etc.
The proposed traffic control devices (stop signs, signals, flagperson,
etc.) at grade intersections during .each construction sequence.
Where detours or temporary widening are l~rovided, typical cross.
sections will be shown.
Road construction work hours will be developed based on traffic
5. Prepare signing, pavement marking, signal, and illumination plans.
6. Submit 30%, 60%, 90%, and Final Plans for review.
Prepare retaining wall plan and profile sheets and details including the
1. Information shown in the plan view will include:
a. Designation of reference line
b. Beginning and ending of retaining wall stations
c. Offset from reference line
d. Horizontal curve data
F. Utility
e. Total length of wall
f. Face of wall will be indicated
All dimensions and alignment relations (alignment data as necessary)
Soil core locations
Information shown on the profile will include the following:
a. Top of wall elevation
b. Existing and finished ground line elevations
c. Top of footing elevations
d. Limits of measurement for payment
e. Type, limits and anchorage details of railing
Top and bottom of wall profiles and soil core hold data plotted at
correct station and elevation. The plot shall be at the same scale as
the wall profile. Soil core hold data shall be shown. Ground water
elevations and the observation data shall be shown.
Structural details will be prepared for cast-in place cantilever walls and
specialized retaining walls with unique designs. Details will include a bar list
and quantities for contractor's information.
Layouts and Agreements
Prepare layouts and profile of existing utility crossings showing conflict of
utilities with proposed improvements. These utility plans will show the
location, alignment, and grade of each utility crossing, including both aerial
and underground lines, giving the project station, skew, elevations, owner, the
type of line crossed, and all other pertinent data visible in the field or
obtainable from local residents and records. The utility plans will be
submitted on or b~fore the 30% plan submittal date so that all utility company
relocations may be approved prior to awarding of the general construction
Prepare the exhibits, text correspondence and meeting attendance records to
ensure the completion of all necessary utility agreements.
In counsel with the Program Manager, coordinate with utility Companies to
expose potential conflicts and field ties to uncover utilities in potential
conflict areas.
Include the utility companies' construction plans and specifications for the
utility relocations, to be made by the construction contractor, in the plans and
specifications issued by Program Manager for construction of the project in
logical numbered sequence. Tabulate utility quantities in the quantity
summary and bidding documents.
Project Specifications
Prepare project specific specifications and general notes for construction letting,
based on Program Manager provided General Notes library and project
Earthwork Cross Sections
Sections showing existing and proposed sections will be prepared every 100 feet on
tangent sections and every 50 feet on curves for all roadways showing cut and fill
quantities. These cross-sect/on sheets will be plotted to a scale of 1" = 10' both
horizontally and vertically on cross-section sheets of the same size are the plans.
Quantities will be tested for accuracy and reliability prior to including in the plans.
Design Computations
Design computations will be neatly recorded on 8-1/2 inch by 11-inch computation
sheets or standard computer printout, fully titled, numbered, dated, signed and sealed
by the maker, checked and indexed. A copy of these computations, fully checked,
will be submitted with the completed tracings. Computations will be available at all
times for review by City of Pearland and Program Manager. Check prints of
drawings will be maintained at all times and be available for review by City of
Preparation of Supplementary Specifications, Special Provisions, and Contract
Furnish drafts of supplemental specifications and special provisions of the
construction contract, modifying, augmenting, or deleting the provisions of the
Standard Specifications. The Project Engineer will also furnish estimates, proposal
quantities, and all other information and data required to complete the construction
contract documents.
For ali construction contracts, the contract documents will be printed and published
by, bids will be received by, and the award of the contract or the rejection of bids will
be made by City of Pearland with the assistance of the Program Manager.
Assistance During Advertising and Award of Construction Contract
Assist City of Pearland during the bidding process by, attending pre-bid conferences,
attending the bid opening, and assisting in evaluation of proposals as required.
Shop Drawings
Shop detail and construction drawings sub. mitted by the construction contractors will
be reviewed and checked in accordance with accepted standards of professional
practice. These will include structural steel details, reinforcement details, form
details, cofferdams, and details of all other items required to review and evaluate for
compliance of the construction to the standards required. The review shall be
sufficient detail to assure that the materials furnished are of proper size and strength
and conform to the construction plans and specifications.
Bridge Design
1. Prepare Bridge Layouts
Bridge Layouts of each bridge structure will be prepared for the City of
Pearland/Program Manager's review and approval. No bridge design work
will be performed until the Program Manager has given the Eng/neer written
approval of the prelim/nary bridge layout.
Approval and/or permits, in the name of City of Pearland will be obtained, by
the Program Manager, as needed, from TxDOT, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Texas Parks and Wildlife, etc. The Bridge Layout will be
submitted at the earliest possible date in the design schedule to facilitate these
Bridge layout sheets shall have the same vertical and horizontal scale of
1 inch = 40 feet. Sections of existing and proposed structures will have a
scale of I inch =20 feet. Soil core holes Will be positioned and labeled on the
bridge layout pan view. The core hold data will be shown at the correct
station, at the same vertical scale, and the proper elevation.
a. Bridge Layouts Plan View will include the following:
(1) Horizontal curve information and bearing of centerline.
Horizontal, vertical, and template information of all roadways
or railroads crossed.
(3) Beating ofcenterline and reference lines
(4) Skew angles
(5) Slope for header banks and approach fills.
Control stations at beginning and ending of bridge,
intersections, etc.
(7) Approach pavement and crown width.
Bridge roadway width and curbs, face of rail, shoulders, or
(9) Approach slab and curb returns.
Limits ofriprap
Proposed features under structure.
Location of profile grade line.
North arrow.
Typical bridge roadway section including preliminary
proposed beam types and spacings.
Cross slope and superelevations.
Minimum horizontal clearances
Location of soil core holes (Station and offset).
Bent locations and beatings.
Retaining wall locations.
Traffic flow directional arrows.
Bridge Layout profile will include:
Type of foundation.
Finished grade elevations at beginning and end of bridge.
Overall length of structure.
Length, type of spans and units.
Type of railing.
Minimum vertical clearance.
Existing and proposed ground lines.
Grid elevations and stations.
Bent numbers encircled.
Stationing of bridge compatible with grid stations.
Standard title.
Profile grade date.
(13) Limits of type ofriprap.
(14) Soil Core Hole information with penetrometer test data.
Additional layout requirements for waterway structures and bridge
class culverts will be determined from the Drainage Study being
prepared by others.
(1) Design and 100-year peak discharges.
Design and 100-year highwater (HW). (Recoded HW and
date if available.)
Natural and through-bridge velocities for design and 100-year
Bridge Details
Prepare contour plots of ramp bridge goes in order to ensure proper
transition. The template data and vertical alignment necessary to
generate the contour plots will also be prepared.
Final design calculations and final, detail drawings will be made in
accordance with standard requirements of the program. Design
calculations will be furnished to the Program Manager. All
calculations will be checked and each page will be initialed by the
Designer and Checker.
Plans will be in sufficient detail to permit the preparation of complete
shop details for fabrication and erection.
Plan and elevation elements of the bridge (abutments, bents, slabs,
etc.) shall be detailed to ¼ inch equals one foot architect scale to
provide clear legible drawings. Details shall be minimum of 3/8-inch
equals one foot architectural scale. Lettering shall be a minimum size
of 100.
For steel construction;the sizes and overall dimensions of members,
number and arrangement of bolts, maximum bolt spacing, size,
number and spacing of welds and miscellaneous details necessary to
control the preparation of the shop detail plans will be shown. In
concrete construction, the sizes, numbers, arrangements, bends,
length, etc. of reinforcement as necessary for the preparation of shop
ending diagrams and bar lists will be shown.
Bridge Quantities
A list of the checked quantities for each structure will be shown on a separate
bridge quantity sheet. The quantities will be listed separately for eaCh part of
the substructures and superstructures or other appropriate component parts.
JOB NO. 13-11256-12
BASle SERVICES, FUNCTION CODE 162 - S[r~in~ & Pavement MarklnFs I Signals (L~N)
I 2 4 4 S 24 43
2 4 4 12 g 3o