1967-08-24 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES2'00 Hi JTSS 0F A R mm.AR romETie' 0P' TS' ciT ' 0P' PP. AR .A } ,' ZmXAS 2' CITY' COUNCIL HELD ON AUGUST 24, 1967, AT 7:3o P. M. IN THE CITY HALL A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order by Mayor Hawkins with the following present: Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Secretary City Attorney City Engineer L. C. Hawkins B. J. Courtright Aubrey Ellis E. A. Wasek Dale Watson Gene E. Sanders W. A. McClellan C. J. Galli, Jr. Wm Walsh Visitors: John W. Mikeska, Mrs. J. E. Jamison, F. Jamison, A. C. Schupp, L. E. Dittmann, Leonard W. Shoemaker, P. D., R. L. Kruse, James Matlock, R. D. Savage, Hamilton Haskins, Ginger-Wasek, Harold Sanders and A. W. Storrs. A motion was made by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Ellis that the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 10, 1967 be approved with corrections. 'WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." Council- man Sanders absent at this time. A motion was made by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the check list dated August 24, 1967 covering salaries and invoices be approved for payment as well as. the supplemental check list of same date. WHEREUPON, the question was asked andsthe motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no"'noes." Councilman Sanders absent at this time. Following discussion of the final plat for Sherwood Subdivision, Section_~ Courtright that Sherwood Subdivision Section I p o City. WHEREUPON., the question was asked and the motion failed, with Councilmen Courtright and Watson voting "aye" and Councilmen Ellis and Wasek voting "no." Mayor Ha}'kins voting to break the tie, voted "no." Mayor Hawkins explained his "no'! vote by saying he did so until we know where the money is coming from to construct Westminister Drive as shown on the plat. Mayor Hawkins called for a special meeting on Thursday Night August 31, 1967 ~t 7:30 P. M. in the City Hall for the purpose of discussing the financing of this {}oftion of Westminister Drive with the Developer of Section II, Sherwood Subdivision. A motion was made by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the Field Village preliminary plat be approved subject to the marking out of the last.sentence in parenthesis under "notes" and with the provision that the area marked ~'park" on the plat become a city dedication and open to public use. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." Councilman Sanders absent at this time. NOTE: acknowledged that the 3~ ft right-of-way shown on the plat between A. R. Freid and K. F. Cardenas did not exist. Secretary instructed to contact Mr. 0. R. Van Ness and request his assistance in preparation of a trailer park ordinance. Preceding the opening of the bids for th~ tone alert radios for the Fire'Dep~rtment, Councilman Courtright stated that the specifications for the basic price for the units should ~ead "operation from a 11~ volt AC, 12 Volt DC and a self contained battery." Mr. Leonard Shumaker, Engineer for Allen Fields Village Subdivision Bids opened for tone alert radios as follows: Art Simon - Federal Sign and Signal Corporation Cash~er's Check $121.70 enclosed with bid. Lot Price - l~units - $2,434.00. Motorola - Cashier's Check $1~0.00 enclosed with bid. Lot Price - 1~ units - $2,922.~0. Mico RadiosCompany - Cashier's Check $9~.00 enclosed with bid. Lot Price - 1~ units - $1,884. o. R. D. "Doc" Savage Company - Cashier's Check 12~.00 enclosed with bid. Lot Price - t~ units - $2,402.00. A motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Courtright that the bids be received as read with Mico Radio Company as apparent low bidder and that the bids b~ examined by COuncilman Courtright and Chief Haskins and any other authorities that they may require and to inform this Council which, in their opinion, is the best and lowest bid. This information to be given at the next regular Council meeting. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes~" A motion was made by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Ellis that Ordinance No. 137 - caption only - be read the second time. Said caption reading as follows: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER Tt~ PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN TH~ CORPORATE LIMITS OF Tt~E CITY OF PEARLAND, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE: AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREUPON, the 'question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." Councilman Wasek and Councilman Sanders absent from the council chambers at this time. A motion was made BY Councilman Sanders, seconded by CouncilmAn Wasek that the City Attorney and City Auditor be directed to explore the legality of the City of Pearland operating without a personal property tax, and if the conclusion is that such operation is illegal, then the same two parties in conjunction with the Tax Assessor and Collector are to implement the means of initiating this tax for the current tax year. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, with Councilmen Watson, Wasek and Sanders voting "aye"and Councilman Courtright voting "no." Councilman Ellis abstaining. A motion was made by Councilman Courtright, seOonded by Councilman Sanders that the meeting adjourn. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." Meeting adjourned at 10:0~ P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the//day of J~~.~ , A. D. 1967. Attest: City Secretary