R2007-072 2007-05-14 RESOLUTION NO. R2007 -72 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BELTWAY 8/SH 288 EAST UTILITIES PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain contract for engineering services associated with the Beltway 8/SH 288 East Utilities Project, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. That the City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute and the City Secretary to attest a contract for engineering services associated with the Beltway 8/SH 288 Utilities Project. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 14th day 0 TOM REID MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ()~ . /(.~ DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY R2007 -72 File No. 07 -0035 CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is entered into on ~4~~-~_.n.n__' 2007 by and between the City of Pearl and ("CITY") and Pate Engineers, Inc.. ("CONSULTANT"). The CITY engages the CONSULTANT to perform Engineering Design Services for the samtary sewer, water line, force main and lift station at Beltway 8 and SH 288. (Project # H'67()72) SECTION I - SERVICES OF THE CONSllLT ANT The CONSUL I' ANT shall perform the following professional services to CITY standards and in accordance with the degree of care and skill that a professional in Texas would exercise under the same or similar circumstances: A. The CONSULTANT shall provide Construction Materials Testing ServIces. See Exhibit A, attached, for a detailed SCOPE OF WORK and PROJLCT,cheduk -rhe PROJECT schedule shall be submitted in digital and hard copy form in the Microsoft Project for Windows format. B. The CONSULT ANT shall prepare and submit a detailed opmion of estimated cost of the PROJECT. C The CONSULTANT acknowledges that the CITY (through its cmplo\ee handbook) considers the following to be misconduct that is grounds for termination of a CITY employee: Any fraud, forgery, 111Isappropnation of funds, receIving payment for services not performed or for hours not worked. mishandling or untruthful reporting of money transactions. destructIon of assets, embezzlement, accepting materials of value from vendors. or consultants. andor collecting reimbursement of expenses made for the benefit of the CITY. The CONSULTANT agrees that it will not, directly or indirectly: encourage a CITY employee to engage in such misconduct. D The CONSULTANT shall submit all final construction documents In both hard copy and electronic format. Plans shall be AutoCAD compatible and all other documents shall be Microsoft Office compatible. The software \erSlOn used shall be compatible to current CITY standards. Other support documents. for e'\amp1c. structural calculations, drainage reports and geotechnical reports. shall be submitted in hard copy only. All Record Drawings electronic files shall be submitted to the CITY in TIF format. E. The CONSULTANT recognizes that all drawings, special proVIsions. field survey notes, reports, estimates and any and all other documents or \\011 product generated by the CONSULTANT under the CONTRACT shall be deli\ered 10 the CITY upon request, shall become subject to the Open Records I ,<l\VS or thIS State. F The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain fl.)[ the duration o!' this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons. damages to property. or any errors and omissions relating to the performance or am \\orl-. hI, the CONSULTANT, its agents, employees or subcontractors under this /\greemenL as f()l1ows: ( 1) Workers' Compensation as required b)' law. (2) Professional Liability Insurance in an amount not less than ~ \()(i() (J()() 111 the aggregate. (3) Comprehensive General Liability and Property Damage insurance \vith minimum limits of $1 ,OOO,GOO for injury or death of am one person. $1,000,000 for each occurrence, and S 1.000.()OO for each oeCLllTel1Ce of damage to or destruction of property. (4) Comprehensive Automobile and Truck Llahlllt\ Insurance con:ring owned, hired, and non-owned vehicles. \\ith 1111111111UI11 lii11lh of $1,000,000 for injury or death of anyone person. S IJI()().()()() Ill! each occurrence, and $1,000,000 for property damage. The CONSULTANT shall include the CITY as an additional lnsurl'd under the policies, with the exception of the ProfeSSional Liabilit\ lnsuranc(' and v\orker-s' Compensation. Certificates of Insurance and endorsements shall hl' furnished to the CIT'{ before work commences. Each insurance poliCY shall bl' endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided. canceled. and or reduced In coverage or in limits CChange in Coverage") o:cept \VIth pnOl written consent or the CITY and only after the CITY has been proyiued with \\ nttel1 notln' or such Change in Coverage, such notice to be sent to the CITY either h\ hand dcll\cry to the City Manager or by certified mail, return recelpt requested. and rccci\ d by the City no fewer than thirty (30) days prior to the etTectlH' date or "lIch Change 111 Coverage. Prior to commenc111g services Ulluer lhl'\ ('( )Ni R;\CT. CONSULTANT shall furnish CITY \vith Certiricates of Insurance. or llmnal cnuorsements as required by this CONTRACT Issued b\ ('( )NSC 11/\NrS insurer(s), as evidence that policies providing the required eo\era~c. (C111dltions. and limits required by this CONTRACT arc in full f~)ln~ and ciTed G The CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold the CITY. its oITICClS. agent-. and employees, harmless from any claim, loss. damage. suit. and Ilahi! It \ or every kind for which CONSULTANT is legally lIable. lIlcludlIl;; all e'.penses or litigation. court costs, and attorney's fees.. l~)r 1I1Jurv to or death 01 am p,:lson for damage to any property, or errors in design, am of \VIm'\; are caused tw the negligent act or omission of the CONSUL,TANT. his officers. cmplowes agl~nts. or subcontractors under this CONTRACT -') - I l. All parties intend that the CONSULTAN'L in perfornllnt' sen Ice:" pursuant to this CONTRACT. shall act as an independent contractor and shall \1,,\,.: control uf Its own work and the manner in which it is performed [he ('( }NSl q.1 ANT I', Iwt to be considered an agent or employee of the CIT\ SECTION II - PERIOD OF SERVICE rhls CONTRACT \Vi]] be bmdmg upon executIon and end upon cOlllpiclion 01 PiOlcct SECTION 111- CONSlILTANT'S COMPENSATION A rhc method of payment f~)f this CONTRACI IS lump sum / no! to ('\{'('ed raft'. Total compensation t~)r the services perfOllTled shall he till' sum ofSl~l),OHO.()O. B 'rhe CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT in insta!lmcnh hased upun monthlv progress reports and detailed invoices submitted b~ tll,,: C()\>i~)( I ! /\Ni C The CITY shall make payments to the CONS\ iL I:\NI \\1111111 llmlv (:;O! davs alter receipt and approval of a detailed i11\olcC ImOlel:S siwl! h\.'sllhl1llth-,J on a month Iv basis SECTION IV - THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES A The CITY shall designate a project manager dur!1lt~ til,.' term p!thi'- C( ))\j]R/\CT The projCct manager has the authority to administer this ('( l!\ ! RACi and shall monitor com pi iance \vith all terms and cond I ti ons sta kd herem i\ 11 I'\-'lj ll\-,sts !\)f information from or a decision by the CIT'l nil a11\ asp(.'ct of IlK' \vml shall be directed to the project manager. B The CITY shall reVle\\ submittals by the CClj\<SlIi.I/\Nl and prmllk prompt response to questions and rendering of deCISions perla!l1illl}. thcreto Io 111il1lml/C delay in the progress of the CONSULT/\Nl 'S \\prJ..: I hl' CIll v\i1l k,:cp the CONSI!LTANT advised concerning the pro~les" 01 the ('j ! 'y' <.:, IC\ lei\ of the work. The CONSULTANT agrees that the (ll Y'S Ill>lhTtlOll Inle\\, acceptance or approval of CONSUll /\i'JI I') \\orl "Iwll nol n:IIC\C ('( )NSLJ I .'rANTS responsibility for errors or omISSiOil~, \if t1k; ('( )'<Sl I i!\ N r or its sub-consultant(s) or in any wav affect the (\)!~S[ Il /\'< I '.s,talw; as an independent contractor of the CIT'!' SECTION \' - TERMINATION A The CITY. at Its sole discretion.. may terrnmatc this C< INI RA( I 1,)1' an: reason - - with or \vithout cause -- by delivering \\flUen notle,; tll c< Sl:ll /\NT personally or bv certified mail at 13333 Nor!fmest Jrce\\<l\, Sulte ,J()(J, llollston. 'Ix, 77040, Immediately after receiving such \\Titkn !lotlee the C< )~~Sl il I i\NT shall dIscontinue providing the services under tlm c'UNll<;\C! ., -.) - B I I' this CONTRACT IS terminated, CONSl] I, I /\!\if shal (kll \ L:I to the ('ll'{ all dra\vings, specwl provisions, field survey noles, reports, \..'qil1l~lle', and am and all other documents or work product generakd h the' (< )~'JSI ! !/\"~i under the CONTRACT entirely or partially completed. tugelher \\Itb .11! unused materials suppiled bv the CIT'!' on or before the 1<1, dd\ r()llo\\!ll~I !,."nllll1atinl1 or the ('ONTRACI C In the event of such termination, the CONSi'l ! .\N I sh:dl 'paid for '.;en ices perf,-mned prior to receipt of the \\T111en notice or \\.'rl11lil::t:Oll !Ill' ('IIY shall make final payment \vithm sixty (6()) days after the CC )N"-;I II IV<1 hac; dcll\ered to the CITY a detailed Invoice for services rendered and ll1,." documents or work product generated by the CONSUl TANT under the C( 11</\(' ! I). I I' the remuneration scheduled under thIS contract I', h:l''l'd lIpUl1 a 1'1 xed ICe or definitely ascertainable slim. the portion of sUlh ",11111 pa\ahk shall be proportIOnate to the percentage of SCr\ICl:S completed h\ till: CONSl il/\NT based upon the scope of \vork. L In the e\en! thiS C'ONTRACT 1S tcnninakd. thl' CI IV "h~lil 11:1\,1.' the option or completing the work.. or entenng into a C()N! !~i\Ci \\J!ll anoti1i:r part\ fllr the completloll of the work. f. if the ('IiY terminates thIS (,ONTR/\CT lor Cilll:"l' and or !/'l!ll (,\ IN IR/\CTOR. breaches any prOVision of thiS CONTRACT !hen th\.: (I j \ :;i1;ill hil\C illl rights and rellledles ill Im\ and or eqUity against ('( )i'.SUI I ;\1\ I \\'IlUl' for aliI, action or dispuk arising out of or relating 10 tlm Cr )]\11 j{\c I sbli hl' iil !3ra/oria Countv Tcxas. Thc l<lvvS of the State ofll.:'\as shall govern th\: terms or this CONTRACT The prevailing party III the action '.;11:111 he l'lll!tled to recover its actual damages \Vlth mterest. attorney' s fees l'US\', and l":pl'lhe" Jill urred In connection with the di:..pute andor actIon ('( n,<sl ill /\01 I and C! 1'1 lkslre an expeditiOUS means to resolve am' dispUll'S that ma\ :m:..,: hCI\\CCil unde'! this CONTRACT ! 0 accolllpiIsh this. the partic:.. a~lrl'\.: 10 mcdullon as fullo\\s If a dlSpute arises out of or relates to ihis CUNil\!\(! or th\.., hreach thereoL and If the dispute cannot be settled through negotlatlOJL iill:!'1 the parties a~re\.' Ilrq to try in good faitlL and b~fore pursLllng al1\ Ic~!(ll re11ledil's. to "culc 111\: dISpute l)\ mediation ora third part\ who will b~ sell'cll'd h\ agl'."Cllll'l1l ()llhL~ parlll'.... SEC'TIO;\i VI - E'\TIRE AGREE'\IE'\T This C()NrRACI represents the entlre agreement bC!\\l'Cn lhc C! [') and the' ('( ).\;Slil IANT and supersedes all prior negotiations. representations. or ('{1111.racts. elthu \\ rille!] O! oral ihis CONTR/\CT ma\ be amended only bv written instrument Signed Iw hoth p,lI'lie', -4- SECTIO~ VII -- (,OVE~ANT AGAINST CONTINGf::V11. FES The CONSULl/\NT affirms that he has not emrlovl..'d or reLillh.:d <\11\ COlllpa:i\ or p~~rs()n other than a bona fide employee worKing for the C( )N'i\ I 1.\ N I 1\< SOIICi\ or secure thIS CONTRi\Cl, and that hl~ has not paId or agreed to pay am CiJl1lpam or pcrC;U1L (llhel' than a bona ridc cmployec, am fee commlssiOlL percentage brokc:rage ii.:,~ !21ft 01 am other consideration,. contmgent upon or resultll1g ['rol11 the ,mard i.)!' nuking or till: C( )~~ IRi\CI For breach or \iolatlon of thIS clause, the ell Y llla\ terminate till" C( )~nR\( I \\ ithout liabllit\. . ' and in its discretion. may deduct from 111\:' C'UNTRi\CT price d[ l'Olhlder:lllUIL or otlllT\vise recovcr. thc rull amount of such fec, commission. pereentagl: hrokerage Il:<': ~'I it or contingent fee that has been paid. SECTION VIII- SlCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This CONTRAC'] shal! not he assignable c\:ccpt upon the '-'.TIHen (onsen! 01' the partlcs hereto The partll~S have c\:eclIkd thiS CON/RAe'j tlm 14 da\ o} ~1ay . _"20()7 '\: CITY OF PI/\RL\ND II Xi\S Bill Eisen, City Manager CONSUI.TANT .:, PATE ~ ENGINEERS May 1, 2007 Mr. Trent Epperson Projects Director City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 Reference: Proposal for Design Engineering Services for Sanitary Sewer, Water Line, Force Main and Lift Station at Beltway 8 and SH 288 PATE Job No. 1717-002-00; Proposal No. PWH-2007-P-17 Dear Mr. Epperson: Pate Engineers, Inc. (PATE) is pleased to present this proposal to perform engineering services for design of sanitm-y sewer, water line and lift station/force main facilities near Beltway 8 and SH 288. These facilities will serve the area south of Beltway 8 and west ofSH 288. Our services will include the following: Preliminarv - Phase I Prepare a Preliminary Engineering Letter Report (PELR) to include review of the previously prepared PER and make recommendations regarding possible alternate lift station location( s) to allow for reduction of the sanitary sewer depth. Phase I will be completed within 90 calendar days after NTP. Desi2n - Phase II 1. Prepare plan and profile drawings for the proposed sanitary sewer, water line and force main. These drawings will be prepared at a 1 :20 scale on 24" x 36" sheets. 2. Prepare plans and specifications for the proposed lift station. 3. Phase II design will be completed with 180 calendar days after acceptance of the Phase I PELR. 4. Submit plans, specifications and estimate for review by the City at 60%,90% and 100%. 5. Obtain necessary approvals and signatures for the bid documents. 6. Obtain a permit from TxDOT for the SH 288 crossing. 7. Prepare an engineer's estimate of probable construction cost based on calculated quantities and items outlined in the Bid Proposal. 8. Provide assistance to the City during the bidding phase to include: )> Assist in advertising the project and distributing contract documents. )> Make plan sets available for purchase to prospective bidders. )> Prepare and distribute any addenda. )> Maintain a Plan Holder's list );- Attend the pre-bid conference HOUSTON' 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 . Houston. Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll free: 866.533.PATE (7283) \^IWW.pateeng.com Mr. Trent Epperson May 1,2007 Page 2 9. Prepare a Bid Tabulation and make a contractor recommendation based on the results of the bids received and other information provided by the City with the bid results. 10. Conduct monthly design progress meetings. Provide an agenda and prepare meeting notes including required Action and Decision items. Construction Phase - Phase III 1. Conduct thc pre-construction conference. 2. Prepare all construction contract addenda, as required. 3. Provide design clarifications and recommendations to assist the City in resolving field problems relating to construction (RFI, RFP CO). 4. Review and take appropriate action upon shop drawings being furnished by the construction contractor. Determine if shop drawings, samples and other submittals are in general conformance with the requirements ofthe contract documents. Notify the City of any non-conformance issues. 5. Prepare revisions to the contract documents (i. e., change orders) at no charge to the City when such change orders are required to make clarifications, correct discrepancies, errors or omissions to the contract documents. 6. When requested by the City, evaluate contractor changes and cost proposals and recommend action to the City. 7. Conduct monthly construction progress meetings. Provide an agenda, prepare meeting notes including required Action and Decision items. 8. Review monthly payment applications. 9. Make periodic site visits to the Proj ect site to observe the progress and quality of the executed work. 10. Attend Substantial and final Project walkthrough. 11. Prepare "record drawings" indicating changes to the contract drawings and showing significant changes made to the work during the construction of the Project. Such changes will be based upon marked-up "record drawings" furnished to PATE by the construction contractor. Deliver mylar and electronic files to the City. Additional Services 1. Perform topographic and boundary survey services along the proposed alignment. This work will be completed within 90 calendar days after NTP. 2. Provide abstracting services to obtain propelty ownership information along the approved route for use by the City when obtaining necessary utility easements and the lift station site. Prepare an abstract map identifying water and sewer line easements and temporary construction easements required to construct the facilities. All adjacent parcels owned by the same owner and having common land use are to be combined as one parcel. 3. Prepare metes and bounds descriptions and exhibits for easements as required along the approved route. 4. Provide geotechnical services for soil borings/logs and other pertinent information at 500 foot intervals and critical locations such as deep sections along the approved HOUSTON' 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 . Houston, Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com Mr. Trent Epperson May 1, 2007 Page 3 route. 5. Prepare a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The site assessment shall be prepared in accordance with the most current, applicable ASTM-1527 -05 standard for the preparation of real estate site assessments. 6. Prepare a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (P JD) report in accordance with The Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and in accordance with Corps of Engineers, Galveston District guidance for wetland identification and delineation, including all recent NW changes. 7. Participate in additional meetings (beyond the monthly progress meetings and meetings included in the basic services), as directed by the City, such as public hearing and easement acquisition. An allowance has been included in additional serVIces. The conceptual construction cost estimate for the proj eet is $2,3 14,000. A Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost is attached, We propose to perform Phases I, II and III Basic Services for fees as shown below, billable monthly based on percentage of work complete: Preliminary Engineering Letter Report Plans and Specifications Construction Phase Services Total Basic Services $ 14,900 $125,400 $ 18.700 $159,000 Lump Sum Lump Sum Hourly Total Basic Services are 6.87% ofthe estimated construction cost. We propose to perform the above Scope of Services identified in Additional Services for the following fees, either lump sum, each or hourly as identified, billable monthly based on work completed. 1. Topographic and Boundary survey 2. Metes and bounds description and exhibits for water and sewer easements: - Estimated 15 easements at $1,1 00 each - Estimated 15 Temporary Construction Easements at $900 each 3. Tie-in soil borings 4. Centerline Construction Control Staking 5. Geotechnical services 6. Phase I ESA 7. Wetlands Delineation, USACE Verification (only if required) 8. Special meetings and Additional Expenses Total Additional Services $ 25,000 Lump Sum $ 16,500 Lump Sum Each $ 13,500 Lump Sum Each $ 3,500 Lump Sum $ 4,800 Lump Sum $ 34,095 Lump Sum $ 6,050 Lump Sum $ 2,750 Reimbursable $ 2,000 Reimbursable $108,195 HOUSTON' 13333 Northwest Freeway. Suite 300 . Houston, Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll Free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com Mr. Trent Epperson May 1, 2007 Page 4 Total Additional Services are 4.68% ofthe estimated constmction cost. The work on Item 2, easements, will be invoiced only for easements actually required to constmct this project. The actual number may vary depending on parcels identified during the boundary survey process. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to the City. If you need additional information in support ofthis proposal, please do not hesitate to call Paul Wallick at 713- 462w3178. Very tmly yours, eff E. Ross, P .E. Senior Vice President Enclosures Paul C. Wallick, P.E. Senior Project Manager 1:\1700\171700200 City of Pearl and Water. Sewer and Lift Station\Proposal plans & specs rev 3 4.26.07.doc , HOUSTON. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 . Houston, Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com CITY OF PEARLAND WATER,SEWER AND LIFT STATION MANHOUR ESTIMATE PATE ENGlNEERS,INC. 412l1l007 PRlN PM DM DE DES TECH CLER TOTAL R--;.;ro. COST Preliminm En inl:Cldne: Letter ReP-Ol't 2 12 4 36 6 40 16 S 2,000 S 14.900 PRlN PM DM DE DES TECH CLER TOTAL :Renro. COST Shed No. Plans llnd SDe~lfication' I C(n:erShc(:t 0.5 0.5 0.5 I 2 4.5 $ 600 2 Sheet Index 0.5 O.~ 0.5 I 2 4.5 $ 600 3 General NOICS and LcJlcOO - W & S I I 4 2 4 12 S 1400 4 GenClfll Noles and Lcrrend - Lift Station I I 4 2 4 12 S 1400 5-& Shoe. La'..... I I . 2 6 II S 1300 9 -12 Construction Control Mall 2 2 I 2 8 15 S 1&00 13 - 32 PI,,, & Profile Shee.s t5001Shccl ",)1"=20' -20 ,h. 10 10 &0 20 360 4&0 $ 48900 33 - 36 Storm WAter Pollution P,oevcntion P Jan 0.5 0.5 9 6 12 2& $ 3000 37 Storm Waler Pollution Prevention Details 0.5 0.5 4 6 12 23 $ 2500 3& -40 Civil Details - ARV CBsinCl'_ MH Std. Details I I 12 6 12 32 $ 3600 41 Lift Slation SilC Plan Oradinct Drslnapc I I 12 2 16 32 $ 3500 42 Civil Misc. Details I I 5 2 12 21 $ 2300 43 Civil Misc. Details 1 I 6 2 12 22 $ 2400 44 Mechanical - LS nlan & elevation I 1 6 2 12 22 $ 2400 45 Medmnical - LS Details 2 2 6 2 12 24 $ 2800 46 StruclUTill- LS Ian & elevation 2 2 6 2 12 24 $ 2 &00 47 Struchnal . LS Details 2 2 6 2 12 24 S 2800 43 Structural - LS DCLails 2 2 6 2 2 14 $ 1&00 49-56 E1cctrical . 8 2 2 16 2 40 6l S 6600 I Dcsh:rn Der.<,ils Ca!cnlaliona Cost Estimate 2 12 14 S 1700 Proiect Man~oen1el1t fScon<'_ One line IlI'1"lrlllCtioll meelinos nti!1c 4 4 12 4 24 $ 3300 Client Review I Conuncllt Rc.sIX'oLl!-C (90'/. 100%) l 8 10 $ 1300 SPECIFICATIONS {PROJECT MANUAL! Front EndIBid Shoot 4 12 8 24 S 2900 C,viVMochalli~VStnl(:tJ.lrnl 4 20 12 36 S 4100 Etcd:rical 2 8 , 18 $ 2000 In-H<Juse Reviews & Qualitv Control Checks 90% & 100%' 4 R 4 6 4 4 26 S 4500 Final Revisions I 8 12 1& 16 54 $ 6400 Tx DOT Pennit@ SH 2Sg 2 12 14 $ 1,700 PJC~Bid Conference l 2 4 S 600 TOIAI Hours 4 4& 62 289 92 556 44 JO~I SubtotAl Co.d $792 $& 936 $11 160 $33293 SIO 598 SS2042 $4,118 $ 121000 ExntnUi S 4,400 $ 4,400 Tolal Production Cosl S US 400 Hours/Sheet 19 Conslruction Phale SeNiecs PRIN PM DM DE DES TECH CLER TOTAL ReDfo. COST Pre_Construftion MectitlP 2 2 $ 600 Prol~ct Mcctione:s 4 2 S 900 SiteYhit5 2 16 S 2.000 Submittals 2 32 S 3.700 Pr.r>n~Te Sunnorl Dah' for RFIIRFP/CO 2 2 g S 1,600 Evaluate Contnclor PronOJRr~CO 2 3 $ I.lOO SllbUftntill.VFtnlll Comnletiol\ lite vi.its 2 6 S 1000 Retard Drawim!$ 2 8 6 32 g S 2,000 S 7700 ToWCPS S Ig700 PROJECT FEES TOTAL S 159 000 J:\1700\171100200 Ci'Ly 01 Peorlend Watef, Sewer end lift StaHon\P 8. S Dulgn Budget-lrenI4.23.07 PATE ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF PEARLAND WASTEWATER SERVICE ALTERNATIVE NO.3 - SANITARY SEWER ITEMS PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST April 26, 2007 CONSTRUCTION: ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Quantity Unit Cost TOTAL 1 Mobilization (7%\ LS 1 $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000 2 SWppp (3%) LS 1 $ 30 000.00 $ 30,000 3 Surface Restoration SY 23,305 $ 1.50 $ 35 000 4 Groundwater Control LF 6,000 $ 20.00 $ 120 000 5 Deen Well Groudwater Control LF 2.400 $ 45.00 $ 108,000 6 Std, SanitarY Sewer Manhole EA 15 $ 1 800.00 $ 27,000 7 Extra Death on San Swr Manhole (8' - 12'\ VF 38 $ 90.00 $ 3,500 8 Extra Depth on San Swr Manhole 112'>) VF 110 $ 110.00 $ 11,800 9 Corrosion Resistant Manhole (COH Spec) EA 1 $ 6,000.00 $ 6000 10 Extra Death on Corrosion Resistent Manhole (8' . 12'\ VF 4 $ 105.00 $ 500 11 Exlra Death on Corrosion Resistant Manhole (12'>\ VF 20 $ 120.00 $ 2,400 12 Extra Depth on Stacks VF 160 $ 65.00 $ 10,300 13 Trench Safety LF 8400 $ 1.00 $ 8400 14 Service Connections EA 12 $ 2,500.00 $ 30,000 156" Sanltarv Sewer (all deaths\ LF 920 $ 30.00 $ 27 600 16 6" Sanitary Sewer (Bore & Jack wi steel casino\ LF $ 100.00 $ 17 6" Force Main {all deaths\ LF 500 $ 85.00 $ 42,500 18 6" Force Main (Bore & Jack wi steel casina\ LF 550 $ 100.00 $ 55,000 19 8" Sanitary Sewer (all deoths\ LF 4,570 $ 45.00 $ 205 700 20 8" Sanitary Sewer (Bore & Jack wI steel casinos) LF 140 $ 105.00 $ 14,700 21 10" Sanltarv Sewer (all deaths\ LF 1,570 $ 150.00 $ 235,500 22 10" Sanitary Sewer !Bore & Jack wi steel casina\ LF 140 $ 160.00 $ 22,400 23 lift Station LS 1 $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000 24 Connection to Existina Manhole LS 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 Subtotal: $1 315,300 25% ContinQency $328,825 Total of Probable Construction Costs $1.644 125 J:\1700\171700200 CUy o( Pearland Water, Sewer and Lift Stalion\Prelim Probable Project Casl 4.25.07 PATE ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF PEARLAND WASTEWATER SERVICE ALTERNATIVE NO.3 - WATER ITEMS PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST April 26, 2007 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Quantity Unit Cost TOTAL 1 Mobilization (7%) LS 1 $ 38,000.00 $ 3S.000 2 SWppp (3%) LS 1 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000 3 Surface Restoration Sy 21,250 $ 1.50 $ 31.875 4 Trench Safetv LF 7,650 $ 1.00 $ 7,650 5 6" Master Water Meter (COH Spec) EA 1 $ 30,000,00 $ 30,000 6 Service Connections wilh Meter EA 12 $ 2.000,00 $ 24,000 7 S" Water Line (all depths) LF 7,100 $ 30.00 $ 213,000 8 8" Water Line (augered wi steel casing) LF 280 $ 110.00 $ 30.S00 9 12" Water Line (all depths) LF 590 $ 45.00 $ 26.550 10 12" Water Line (augered wi steel casing) LF 550 $ 120.00 $ 66,000 11 TS&V (12" x 8"\ EA 1 $ 4,500,00 $ 4,500 12 Fire Hydrant Assembly EA 23 $ 2,000.00 $ 46.000 13 2" Blow-Off Valve LS 1 $ 2.000.00 $ 2,000 Subtotal: $ 536,375 25% Continengency $ 133.500 Total of Probable Construction Costs $ 669.875 CONSTRUCTION' TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $2.314,000 J:\1700\171700200 Cily of Peanand Waler, Sewer and Lift StalionlPrelim Prollable Project Cosl 4.25.07 PATE. ENGINEERS May I, 2007 Mr. Trent Epperson Projects Director City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 (' ~ "no"'" ) 4 Lf.) ! Reference: Proposal for Design Engineering Services for Sanitary Sewer, Water Line, Force Main and Lift Station at Bcltway 8 and SH 288 PATE Job No. 1717-002-00; Proposal No. PWH-2007-P-17 Dear Mr. Epperson: Pate Engineers, Inc. (PATE) is pleased to present this proposal to perform engineering services for design of sanitary sewer, water line and lift station/force main facilities near Beltway 8 and SH 288. These facilities will serve the area south of Beltway 8 and west ofSH 288. Our services will include the following: Preliminary - Phase I Prepare a Preliminary Engineering Letter Report (PELRl to include review of the previously prepared PER and make recommendations regarding possible alternate lift station location(s) to allow for reduction of the sanitary sewer depth. Phase I will be completed within 90 calendar days after NTP. Design - Phase II I. Prepare plan and profile drawings for the proposed sanitary sewer, water line and force main. These drawings will be prepared at a 1 :20 scale on 24" x 36" sheets. 2. Prepare plans and specifications for the proposed lift station. 3. Phase II design will be completed with 180 calendar days after acceptance of the Phase I PELR. 4. Submit plans, specifications and estimate for review by thc City at 60%.90% and 100%. 5. Obtain necessary approvals and signatures for the bid documents. 6. Obtain a permit from TxDOT for the SH 288 crossing. 7. Prepare an engineer's estimate of probable construction cost based on calculated quantities and items outlined in the Bid Proposal. 8. Provide assistance to the City during the bidding phase to include: , Assist in advertising the project and distributing contract documents. , Make plan sets available for purchase to prospective bidders. , Prepare and distribute any addenda. ,. Maintain a Plan lIolder's list )r Attend the pre-bid conference HOUSTON' 13333 Northwest Freeway. Suite 300 . Houston. Texas 77040 . T: 713462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll Free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com Mr. Trent Epperson May I, 2007 Page 2 9. Prepare a Bid Tabulation and make a contractor recommendation based on the results of the bids received and other information provided by the City with the bid results. 10. Conduct monthly design progress meetings. Provide an agenda and prepare meeting notes including required Action and Decision items. Construction Phase - Phase III 1. Conduct the pre-construction conference. 2. Prepare all construction contract addenda. as required. 3. Provide design clarifications and recommendations to assist the City in resolving field problems relating to construction (RFL RFP CO). 4. Review and take appropriate action upon shop drawings being furnished by the construction contractor. Determine if shop drawings. samples and other submittals are in general conformance with the requirements of the contract documents. Notify the City of any non-conformance issues. 5. Prepare revisions to the contract documents (i. e., change orders) at no charge to the City when such change orders are required to make clarifications, correct discrepancies, errors or omissions to the contract documents. 6. When requested by the City, evaluate contractor changes and cost proposals and recommend action to the City. 7. Conduct monthly construction progress meetings. Provide an agenda, prepare meeting notcs including required Action and Decision Items. 8. Review monthly payment applications. 9. Make periodic site visits to the Project site to observe the progress and quality of the executed work. 10. Attend Substantial and final Project walkthrough. 11. Prepare "record drawings" indicating changes to the contract drawings and showing significant changes made to the work during the construction of the Project. Such changes will be based upon marked-up "record drawings" furnished to PATE by the construction contractor. Deliver mylar and electronic files to the City. Additional Services 1. Perform topographic and boundary survey services along the proposed alignment. This work will be completed within 90 calendar days after NTP. 2. Provide abstracting services to obtain property ownership information along the approved route for use by the City when obtaining necessary utility easements and the lift station site. Prepare an abstract map identifying water and sewer line easements and temporary construction easements required to construct the facilities. All adjacent parcels owned by the same owner and having common land use are to be combined as one parcel. 3. Prepare metes and bounds descriptions and exhibits for easements as required along the approved route. 4. Provide geotechnical services for soil borings/logs and other pertinent information at 500 foot intervals and critical locations such as deep sections along the approved HOUSTON. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 . Houston, Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll Free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com Mr. Trent Epperson May], 2007 Page 3 route. 5. Prepare a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. The site assessment shall be prepared in accordance with the most current, applicable ASTM-1527-05 standard for the preparation of real estate site assessments. 6. Prepare a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) report in accordance with The Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and in accordance with Corps of Engineers, Galveston District guidance for wetland identification and delineation, including all recent NW changes. 7. Participate in additional meetings (beyond the monthly progress meetings and meetings included in the basic services), as directed by the City. such as public hearing and easement acquisition. An allowance has been included in additional serVIces. The conceptual construction cost estimate for the project is $2.314,000. A Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost is attached. We propose to perform Phases I. II and III Basic Services for fees as shown below, billable monthly based on percentage of work complete: Preliminary Engineering Letter Report Plans and Specifications Construction Phase Services Total Basic Services $ 14,900 $125,400 $ 18.700 $159,000 Lump Sum Lump Sum Hourly Total Basic Services are 6.87% of the estimated construction cost. We propose to perform the above Scope of Services identified in Additional Services for the following fees, either lump sum, each or hourly as identified, billable monthly based on work completed. 1. 2. Topographic and Boundary survey Metes and bounds description and exhibits for water and sewer easements: - Estimated 15 easements at $1, I 00 each - Estimated 15 Temporary Construction Easements at $900 each Tie-in soil borings Centerline Construction Control Staking Geotechnical services Phase I ESA Wetlands Delineation, USACE Verification (only if required) Special meetings and Additional Expenses Total Additional Services $ 25,000 Lump Sum 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. $ 16.500 Lump Swn Each $ 13.500 Lump Swn Each $ 3,500 Lump Sum $ 4,800 Lump Sum $ 34,095 Lump Sum $ 6.050 Lump Sum $ 2,750 Reimbursable $ 2.000 Reimbursable $108.195 HOUSTON' 13333 Northwest Freeway. Suite 300 . Houston. Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll Free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com Mr. Trent Epperson May I, 2007 Page 4 Total Additional Services are 4.68% of the estimated construction cost. The work on Item 2, easements, will be invoiced only for easements actually required to construct this project. The actual number may vary depending on parcels identified during the boundary survey process. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to the City. If you need additional information in support of this proposal, please do not hesitate to call Paul Wallick at 713- 462-3178. Very truly yours, PATE ENGINEERS, INC. ./ 'j /r:'(~~' . ~7 ~ / :&' . . ,.{t~ /1 . / /<JeffE. Ross, P.E. Senior Vice President Enclosures Paul C. Wallick, P.E. Senior Project Manager J:\1700\171700200 City of Pearl and Water, Sewer and Lift Station\Proposal plans & specs rev -' 4.26 07.doc HOUSTON. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 . Houston, Texas 77040 . T: 713.462.3178 F: 713.462.1631 Toll Free: 866.533.PATE (7283) www.pateeng.com CITY OF PEARLAND WATER, SEWER AND LIFT STATION MANHOUR ESTIMA TE PATE ENGINEERS, INC. 4/23/2007 PRIN PM OM DE DES TECH CLER TOTAL RC)fO. COST Preliminary Engineering Letter Report 2 12 4 Vi " 411 16 $ 2.()()() $ 14,900 PRIN PM OM DE DES TECH CLER TOTAL R-;;:;-ro. COST Sheet No. Plans and Specifications I Cover Shed (J:, (I _" ():, I 2 45 S 600 2 Sheet Indc'i: D,."' (j:; 0," I 2 .Li $ 600 , G..:neral Notes ;lad Lc 'end - W &: S I I 4 2 4 12 S J.400 4 G'::Ill'Tol !'\ot;.;s and LC!.!(:l1d - LiB Station I I 4 4 \2 $ 1.400 .'i-X Sheet LO.\'Olll I I I 2 " II $ 1.300 9 - 12 Construction Control \1.:1) 2 2 I , K I.'; $ UWO 13 - 32 Plan 8:. Profile Sheets (:,()()'/Shcd ~(( I "=20') - 20 sht III 10 SO 20 J(il) 4XO $ 4S,Y(JO 33 - 36 Staml Water Pollutton Prevention Pl::m OS (J:'i " I, 12 )X $ 3.000 37 Storm Water Pollution Pn::\cntion Details 0_"' os 4 " 12 23 $ 2.'\00 )R - 40 Civil Details - ARV. Casin". t\.lI-L Std, Details I [ 12 " I' 32 $ 3.600 41 Lift Station Site Plan. Gradin '. Oraina 'e I I 12 , [6 32 $ 3.500 42 Civil !\1isc. Details [ I , 2 12 21 $ 2.300 43 Civil Mise Details [ I " 2 12 n $ 2A()O 44 l\.kchanlc:\1 - LS J!an & dc\ alion [ I " 2 12 '2 $ 2.4()() 45 Mcchanical - LS Det:lils 2 2 r, 2 12 24 $ 2.X()() 46 Structural - LS )!an & elevation , 2 (, 2 12 H S 2.XOO 47 Structural - 1.5 Ddails 2 2 (, 2 12 H S BOO 4X Structural - LS Details 2 2 " 2 2 14 , 1.XOO 49 - 56 Ekctrical-X 2 2 I" 2 411 (ll S 6.hO() I Dcsi 'n Details. Calculations. Cost Estimate 2 11 14 $ 1,700 Proiect Management (Scope. One line .,roJucllon Ineetilles. mise) 4 4 12 4 24 $ :UOO Client Re\'ie\\ i COlllment Res JOnse (l)()(~;,. I()O'\,) 2 X III S 1.300 I I SPECIFICATIONS (PROJECT MANlAI.) Front End/Bid Sheel 4 12 X 24 $ 2,90{) Ci vi I/MechanicallStruChlral 4 20 12 3(i $ 4,100 Electrical 2 S X IX $ 2.0()() In-House Re\'ic\\s & OUalit\, Control Checks (900/<,. & I {)(n;,) 4 X 4 I, 4 4 26 $ 4,5()O Final Revisions X 12 IX [6 5-1 $ hAOO T:x DOT Pen11itd SH 2XX 2 12 14 $ 1.700 Pn:-Bid Conference 2 2 4 S 600 Totalllours 4 4X 62 2XlJ ()2 ;'i;'i() H IO')1 Subtotal Cost $792 SX.lJXh SI Ll(iO $::;::;.20::; SIO.59X $.'i2.042 S-LlIX $ 121.00{) Expenses $ 4AOO $ 4.400 Total Production Cost $ 125,400 II ours/Sheet 19 Construction Phase Serviees PRIN PM D:\1 DE DES IEClI CLER TOTAL Relro. COST Pre-Construction :\-leetino 2 2 S 600 Pro'ect Meetino-s 4 2 $ 900 Site Visits 2 [I, $ 2,000 Submittals 2 '2 $ 3,700 Prenare Sunnort Data for RFIIRFP/CO 2 2 X $ 1,600 Evaluate Contractor Pronosals/CO 2 X $ 1,200 Substantial/Final Comnletion site visits 2 I, $ 1,000 Record Dra\\'ings 2 X I, .,2 X $ 2.00() $ 7,700 Total CPS $ 18,700 PROJECT FEES TOTAL $ 159,000 J\1700\171700200 City of Pearland Water, Sewer and Lift Station\P & S Design Budget-trent 4.23 07 PATE ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF PEARLAND WASTEWATER SERVICE ALTERNATIVE NO.3 - SANITARY SEWER ITEMS PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST April 26, 2007 CONSTRUCTION: ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Quantity Unit Cost TOTAL 1 Mobilization 17%) LS 1 $ 67,000.00 $ 67,000 2 SWPPP (3%) LS 1 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000 3 Surface Restoration SY 23,305 $ 1.50 $ 35,000 4 Groundwater Control LF 6,000 $ 20.00 $ 120,000 5 Deep Well Groudwater Control LF 2,400 $ 45.00 $ 108,000 6 Std. Sanitary Sewer Manhole EA 15 $ 1,800.00 $ 27,000 7 Extra Depth on San Swr Manhole 18' - 12') VF 38 $ 90.00 $ 3,500 8 Extra Depth on San Swr Manhole 112'>} VF 110 $ 110.00 $ 11,800 9 Corrosion Resistant Manhole ICOH Spec} EA 1 $ 6,000.00 $ 6,000 10 Extra Depth on Corrosion Resistant Manhole 18' - 12') VF 4 $ 105.00 $ 500 11 Extra Depth on Corrosion Resistant Manhole (12'>) VF 20 $ 120.00 $ 2,400 12 Extra Depth on Stacks VF 160 $ 6500 $ 10,300 13 Trench Safety LF 8,400 $ 1.00 $ 8,400 14 Service Connections EA 12 $ 2,500.00 $ 30,000 156" Sanitary Sewer (all depths) LF 920 $ 30.00 $ 27,600 16 6" Sanitary Sewer (Bore & Jack wi steel casinq) LF $ 100.00 $ - 176" Force Main (all deaths) LF 500 $ 8500 $ 42,500 18 6" Force Main (Bore & Jack wi steel casino) LF 550 $ 100.00 $ 55,000 19 8" Sanitary Sewer (all depths) LF 4,570 $ 4500 $ 205,700 20 8" Sanitary Sewer (Bore & Jack wi steel casinqs) LF 140 $ 105.00 $ 14,700 21 10" Sanitary Sewer (all depths) LF 1,570 $ 150.00 $ 235,500 22 10" Sanitary Sewer (Bore & Jack wi steel casino) LF 140 $ 160.00 $ 22,400 23 Lift Station LS 1 $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000 24 Connection to Existing Manhole LS 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 Subtotal: $1,315,300 25% Contingency $328,825 Total of Probable Construction Costs $1,644,125 J:\1700l 171700200 City of Pearland Water, Sewer and Lift Station\Prelim Probable Project Cost 4.25.07 PATE ENGINEERS, INC. CITY OF PEARLAND WASTEWATER SERVICE ALTERNATIVE NO.3 - WATER ITEMS PRELIMINARY OPINION OF PROBABLE PROJECT COST April 26, 2007 CONSTRUCTION: ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Quantity Unit Cost TOTAL 1 Mobilization (7%) LS 1 $ 38,000.00 $ 38,000 2 SWPPP (3%) LS 1 $ 16,000.00 $ 16,000 3 Surface Restoration SY 21,250 $ 1.50 $ 31,875 4 Trench Safety LF 7,650 $ 1.00 $ 7,650 5 6" Master Water Meter (COH Spec) EA 1 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000 6 Service Connections with Meter EA 12 $ 2,000.00 $ 24,000 7 8" Water Line (all depths) LF 7,100 $ 30.00 $ 213,000 8 8" Water Line (augered wi steel casing) LF 280 $ 110.00 $ 30,800 9 12" Water Line (all depths) LF 590 $ 45.00 $ 26,550 10 12" Water Line (augered wi steel casing) LF 550 $ 120.00 $ 66,000 11 TS&V (12" x 8") EA 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500 12 Fire Hydrant Assembly EA 23 $ 2,000.00 $ 46,000 13 2" Blow-Off Valve LS 1 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 Subtotal: $ 536,375 25% Continengency $ 133,500 Total of Probable Construction Costs $ 669,875 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $2,314,000 J:\1700\171700200 City of Pearland Water, Sewer and Lift StationlPrelim Probable Project Cost 4.25.07 PATE. SURVEYORS division of Pate Engineers. Inc. INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Paul Wallick FROM: Summer Adams DATE: April 26, 2007 Revised REFERENCE: City of Pearland Water & Sanitary Lines @ Tom Bass Park Harris County, Texas Project Area: The alignment starts at the existing water well located on the on the west side of SH 288 south of Beltway 8, heads east across SH 288, runs north and south along the ditch on the west side of Tom Bass Park, then runs east along the north side of Tom Bass Park for a total project length of approximately 8400 L. F. SCOPE OF WORK: 1. Establish Primary H & V Control as needed 2. Establish site specific control required for data collection. 3. Collect utilities and ground topography for design. Collect cross sections @ 100' intervals or equivalent. 4. Collect RO.W. and Boundary points as needed for Boundary/RO.W. Resolution. 5. Resolve RO.W. and adjacent boundary lines that parallel or abut the proposed waterline. 6. Preparation of Permanent Waterline Easement Documents. 7. Preparation of Temporary Construction Easement Documents 8. Tie in location of :t18 bore holes 9. Centerline Control Staking for construction Page 1 of 2 HOUSTON' 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300. Houston. 1 exos 77040 . T 713.462.3178 F 7: 3462.3015 Toll Free: 866.533.F A TF (7283) www.poteeng.com PATE. SURVEYORS division of Pate Engineers, Inc. Deliverables: 1. Rough plot of topographic data collected. 2. ACAD electronic drawing files of Control and R.O.W. resolution. 3. ASCII data file containing all collect and calculated points. 4. Copy of all hand written field notes. 5. Metes and bounds descriptions and exhibits required for Waterline Easement acquisition on all tracts. Scope Items 1-6 Lump Sum Fee Quote of $25,000.00 Waterline Easement Descriptions & Exhibits will be billed $1,100.00 each Temporary Construction Easement Descriptions & Exhibits will be billed $900.00 each Bore Hole Location Lump Sum Fee Quote of $3,500.00 Centerline Control Staking Lump Sum Fee Quote of $4,800.00 (not cleared) $4,000.00 (cleared) Page 2 of 2 HOUSTON. 13333 Northwest Freeway. Suite 300. Houston. 1 exos 77040 . T: 713.462.3! 7fj F 713462.3015 Toll Free' 866.53:U ATE (7283) www.poteeng.conl Tolunay-Wong ~ Engineers, Inc. I 071 0 S. Sam Houston Pkwy W., Suite 100 * Houston, TX 77031 * 713-722-7064 * Fax 713-722-0319 March 26, 2007 TWEI Proposal No: P07-G097 Mr. Paul C. Wallick, P.E. Pate Engineers, Inc. 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77040 PROPOSAL FOR GEOTECHNICAL STUDY SANITARY SEWER AND LIFT STATION SAM HOUSTON P ARKW A Y Al~""D STATE IDGHWAY 288 PEARLAND,TEXAS Dear Mr. Wallick: We appreciate the opportunity to submit our proposal to conduct a geotechnical study for the referenced sanitary sewer project. The project consists of approximately 8400 If of sanitary sewers and a lift station site located in Pearland, Texas. The project alignments were provided in an e-mail transmittal dated March 20, 2007. We prepared our proposal using the site layout provided and our site reconnaissance on March 22, 2007. We understand that pipe sizes will vary generally between 6-in. and lO-in. diameter and invert depths will vary generally between 6-ft and 34-ft, but typically within the upper 6-ft to 20-ft depths. Tunneling methods may be used to construct portions of the alignment. The lift station will bear at about 35-ft to 36-ft depth. Based on field observations, most of the alignment located east of the drainage ditch may be accessed through Tom Bass Park, with portions of the alignment requiring clearing or offsetting boring locations. Access to boring locations on the western side of the drainage ditch (located east of State HWY 288) could not be established. TWEI requests assistance with right-of-entry for the locations west of the drainage ditch. Buggy-mounted drilling equipment will be required because of access restrictions along the drainage ditch, rough teITain, and to mitigate multiple mobilizations. Scope of Services Our scope of services covered in the geotechnical portion of this proposal will consist of field exploration (prior to drilling equipment mobilization and after drilling equipment mobilization), laboratory testing, and the preparation of a geotechnical engineering report. Field Exploration. We propose to drill eighteen (18) soil borings along the utility alignments to evaluate the soil and groundwater conditions. TWEI requests that the centerline of the alignment or the boring locations be marked prior to mobilizing drilling equipment to the site and that site access be provided. TWEI requests that the actual invert depths, pipe sizes, construction methods, and other pertinent design data be provide as soon as it is available. The following table presents a breakdown of the proposed soil borings and depths. A total of 520 f1 of drilling is included. \ \ Tll' liMe i\Geolecl7l1ica I\Proposals1200 7\P07 -G097IPO 7 -G09 7 doc Mr. Paul C. Wallick, P.E. Pate Engineers, Inc. March 26, 2007 Page 2 Minimum Number Proposed Borings & Piezometers I Project Alignment required Borings & Piezometers Distribution 8400 If 6-in. to ] O-in. diameter sanitary I Borings ~ 18 (4 @ ]5',2 @ 20',3 @25', 4 @30', sewer, 6-ft to 34-ft deep J!iezometers - 4 2 @ 35', 2 @ 45', ]@65') Lift Station, 36-ft deep (1 @ ]5', ] @ 20, ] @ 30', I @ 65') We will transport representative portions of the recovered samples to our soil mechanics laboratory for testing. We will backfill the open boreholes, after obtaining water level readings, on the day following drilling. In addition to the requested boring program, we will install four (4) piezometers along the alignment for extended groundwater monitoring. Water level readings in piezometers will be taken at one day and 30 days after initial installation. Laboratorv Testin!l. We will perform soil mechanics laboratory tests to measure physical and engineering properties of selected representative soil samples. The testing will generally include measurement of the shear strength, total unit weight, in situ moisture content, plasticity characteristics of the soils, and amount of material finer than the No. 200 sieve. All laboratory tests will be perfonned in general accordance with appropriate ASTM standards. We will keep the samples for 30 days after the fmal report is issued. We will discard the samples after that time. Engineering Report. We will prepare an engineering report that will present our findings and provide you with geoteclmical design recommendations including: . General geology of the site, General geologic faulting in the area, and a recommendation for additional geologic studies (Phase I and/or Phase II), if required, Existing pavement thickness, if encountered Subsurface stratigraphy and groundwater levels, Potential contamination, if present, Potential construction dewatering, Sanitary sewer bedding and backfill criteria, . . . . ~ 3V( q'l C; \ . \ -*3~ 1 OqS- . . . Sanitary sewer excavation and retention, Lift Station excavation and retention . . Uplift and design lateral earth pressure parameters, and Subgrade preparation and fill requirements for pavement repair, ifrequired. . Fee Our fee to provide geoteclmical engineering services is $30,995.00 and will not be exceeded without your prior authorization. We will invoice our services monthly according to the percentage completed. The fee assumes that Pate will provide a site map with the alignments clearly marked and that TWEI and Pate will select the boring locations prior to mobilization of drilling equipment, Pate will provide right-of- entry, buggy-mounted drilling equipment will be used to access the boring locations, and mobilizing to the job site one time. If underground obstructions are encountered and consequently stand by time (crew time and vehicle time), and soil sampling is required, or if additional rig mobilizations are required. TWEJ Proposal No: P07-G097 Mr. Paul C. Wallick, P.E. Pate Engineers, Inc. March 26, 2007 Page 3 additional fees will be added. The fee does not include environmental screening of the recovered samples or environmental sampling or testing protocol. Schedule We can typically mobilize our field crew within four to five work days after authorization to proceed is received, the boring locations or centerline have been marked, and the underground utilities have been cleared. We can complete the field work in about six to seven work days. Laboratory testing will take about fifteen work days to complete. We will issue our geotechnical report about forty-five work days after field operations are completed, provided we have all necessary design information. We will work with you and your design team to provide timely information to permit design to proceed. Closio!! Remarks Thank you for selecting Tolunay- Wong Engineers, Inc. as your geotechnical consultant. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to serving you on this project. Sincerely, TOLUNAY-WONG ENGINEERS, INC. ~~:s. Jenell S. Strachan, P.E. Accepted by: Name: Date: Attachment: Exhibit A - Terms for Geotechnical Engineering Services TWEI Proposal No.: P07-G097 EXHIBIT A TERMS FOR GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES THE AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is made by and between TOLUNA Y- WONG ENGINEERS, INC., hereinafter referred to as GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, and the CLIENT of the at1ached PROPOSAL. This AGREEMENT between the parties consists of these TERMS, the attached PROPOSAL and any exhibits or attachments noted in the PROPOSAl will constitute the entirc AGREEMENT Any changes to this AGREEMENT must be mutually agreed to in writing. STANDARD OF CARE The CLIENT recognizes that subsurface conditions vary from those observed at locations where borings, surveys, or explorations are made, and that site conditions may change with time. Data, interpretations, and recommendations by the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will be based solely on information available to the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER is responsible for those data, interpretations, and recommendations, but will not be responsible for other parties' interpretations or use ofthe information developed. Services performed by the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT are expected by the CLIENT to be conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the engineering profession practicing contemporaneously under similar conditions in the locality of the project. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. SITE ACCESS AND SITE CONDITIONS CLIENT will grant or obtain free access to the site for all equipment and personnel necessary for the GEOTECHJ\'1CAL ENGTh.'EER to perform the work set forth in this AGREEMENT. The CLIENT will notifY any and all possessors of the project site that CLIENT has granted GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER free access to the site. The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site, but it is understood by CLIENT that. in the normal course of work some damage may occur and the correction of such damage is not part of this AGREEMENT unless so specified in the PROPOSAL. SAMPLE DISPOSAL The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will dispose of all soil and rock samples 30 days after submission of report covering those samples. Further storage or transfer ofsanlples can be made at Client's expense upon CLIENT'S prior written request. All hazardous materials will be returned to CLlENT for disposal, unless other arrangements have bcen made by CLIENT. CONSTRUCTION MONITORING If the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER is retained by the CLlENT to provide a site representative for the purpose of monitoring specific portions of the construction work as set forth in the PROPOSAL then this phrase applies. For the specified assignment, the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will report observations and professional opinions to the CLIENT. No action of thc GEOTECHNICAl ENGINEER or GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's site representative can be construed a:; altering my AGREEMENT between the CLlENT and others. The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will report any observed work to the CLIENT which, in the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's professional opinion, does not conform with plans and specifications. The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER has no right to reject or stop work of any agent of the CLIENT. Such rights are reserved solely for the CLIENT. Furthermore, the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's presence on site does not in any way guarantee the completion or quality of the performance of the work of any party retained by the CLIENT to provide construction related services. The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will not be responsible for and will not have control or charge of specific means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by any agent or AGREEMENT of the CLIENT, or safety precautions and programs incident thereto. BILLING AND PA YMENT CLIENT will pay GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER the lump sum amount indicated in the PROPOSAL or, ifno lump sum amount is indicated, in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, as shown in the PROPOSAL and its at1acJmlents. Invoices will be submitted to CLIENT by GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, and will be due and payable upon presentation. [fCLIENT objects to aJl or any portion of any invoice, CLlENT will so notifY GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER in writing within fourteen ([ 4) calendar days of the invoice date, identifY the cause of disagreement, and pay when due that portion of the invoice not in dispute. The parties will inmlediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion of the invoice. In the absence of written notification described above, the balance as stated on the invoice will be paid. Page 1 of2 Invoices are delinquent ifpayment has not been received within thirty (30) days from date of invoice. CLIENT will pay an additional charge of \-1/2 (1.5) percent per month (or the maximum percentage allowed by law, whichever is lower) on any delinquent amount, excepting any portion of the invoiced amount in dispute and resolved in favor of CLIENT. Payment thereafter will first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal unpaid amount. All time spent and expenses incurred (including any attorney's fees) in connection with collection of any delinquent amount will be paid by the CLIENT to GEOTECHNlCAL ENGINEER per GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's current fee schedule. In the event CLIENT fails to pay GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER within sixty (60) days after invoices are rendered, CLIENT agrees that GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will have the right to consider the failure to pay the GEOTECHNlCAL ENGINEER's invoice as a breach of this AGREEMENT. TERMINA TlON The AGREEMENT may be terminated by either party seven (7) days after written notice. In the event of termination, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER will be paid for services performed prior to the date of termination. INDEMNIFICA TlON Except for the gross negligence or intentional misconduct of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER, CLIENT will indemnify and hold the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER hannless fTom any claim by or liability from a third party for injury or loss, arising out of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's performance of the services described in this AGREEJ\1ENT This indemnity shall not limit, restrict or prevent CLIENT from asserting any claims for liability against the GEOTECH]\TICAL ENGINEER, under anyone or more theories of recovery, including breach of contract, negligence, strict or statutory liability or any otJler cause of action LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The CLIENT will limit any and all liability or claim for damages, eost of defense, or expenses to be levied against GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER to a sum not to exceed $50,000, or the amount of his fee, whichever is greater, on account of any design defect, error, omission, or professional negligence. The CLIENT agrees to notify any contractor who perform work in connection with the study prepared by the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER of such limitation of liability and require a like limitation on their part in favor of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. In the event the CLIENT fails to obtain a like limitation of liability provision, the liability of the CLIENT and the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER to such contractor shall be allocated between the CLIENT and the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER such that the aggregate liability of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER to all parties, including the CLIENT, shall not to exceed $50,000 or the amount of the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's fee, whichever is greater. The GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, except as set forth above. DISCOVERY OF UNANTICIPATED HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CLIENT warrants a reasonable effort to inform GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER of known or suspected hazardous materials on or near the project sitc. Hazardous materials may exist at a site where there is no reason to believe they could or should be prescnt. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER and CLIENT agree that the discovery of hazardous materials constitutes a changed condition mandating a renegotiation of the scope of work or termination of services. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER and CLIENT also agree that the discovery of hazardous materials may make it necessary for GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER to take immediate measures to protect health and safety. CLIENT agrees to compensate GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER for any equipment decontamination or other ccsts incident to the discovery of hazardous waste. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER agrees to notify CLIENT when hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials are encountered. CLIENT agrees to make any disclosures required by law to the appropriate governing agencies. CLIENT also agrees to hold GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER harmless for any and all consequences of disclosure made by GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER which are required by governing law. In the event the project site is not owned by CLIENT, CLIENT recognizes that it is the CLIENT's responsibility to inform the property owner of the discovery of hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials. Not withstanding any other provisions of the AGREEMENT, CLIENT waives any claim against GEOTECHNlCAL ENGrNEER, and to the maximum extent permitted by law, agrees to defend, indemnify, and save GEOTECtINICAL ENGINEER harmless from any claim, liability, and/or defense costs for injury or loss arising from GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER's discovery of hazardous materials or suspected hazardous materials including any costs created by delay of the project and any costs associated witJ] possible reduction of the property's value. CLIENT will be responsible for ultimate disposal of any samples secured by the GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER which are found to be contaminated. GOVERNING LAW AND SURVIVAL The law of the State of Texas will govern the validity of these TERMS, their interpretation and perfonnance. If any ofthe provisions contained in this AGREEJ\1ENT are held illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the enforceability oftJle remaining provisions will not be impaired. Limitations ofliability and indemnities will survive termination of the AGREEMENT for any cause. Page 2 of2 F rom-TOLUNAY-WONG 713 777 0341 T-S90 POOl /004 F-284 T 0 1 una y - \V 0 n g ~~ E n gin e e r :; , I n c . Mar-27-2007 17:20 March 27, 2007 TWEI Proposal No. P07-E022 Mr. Paul Wallick, P.E. PATE ENGINEERS 13333 Northwest Freeway, Suite 300 Houston, Texas 77040 PHO~: FAt'\.: (713) 462-3178 (713) 462-1631 PROPOSAL FOR ENVIRO~1\1ENTAL SERVICES SA<~ITARY SEWER AND LIFT STATION SAM HOUSTON PARKWAY AND STATE HIGHWAY 288 PEARLAND, HAURIS COUNTY, TEXAS Dear Mr. Wallick, Tal LlI1ay- Wong Engineers, Inc., (TWEl) is pleased to submit the following proposal to provide environmental services for the above-referenced project. Backg."ound The project consists of new sanitary sewers and a !in station site located in Pearland, Harris County, Texas. The project alignments were provided in an e~mail transmittal dated March 20, 2007. \V c prepared our proposal using the site layout provided and our site reconnaissance on March 22,2007. We understand that pipe sizes \\'ill vary generally between 6-in. and 10-in. diameter and invert depths will vary generally between 6-ft and 34-ft, but typicaUy within the upper 6-ft to 20- ftt depths. Tmmeling methods may be \.lsed to construct p0l1ions of the alignment. The lift station will bear at about 35-ft to 36-ft depth. Based on field observations and information provided by Pate Engineers, most of the alignment is located east of the westernmost drainage ditch located in Tom Bass Park and traverses through Tom Bass Park. The westem portion of the alignment is situated west of the westernmost drainage ditch, parallels State Highway 288, and crosses State Highway 288 in the area north of Clear Creek and south of ihe Sam Houston Parkway. TWEI requests assistance with right-of-entry for the locations west of the drainage ditch. I 10710 S. Sam Houston Pkw)' W, Suite ]00, Housron. TX 77031 (7[3) 722-7064 Fax (713) 722-0319 I Mar-27-2007 17:20 From-TOLUNAY-WONG 713 777 0341 T-690 P 002/004 r-Z~4 Mr. Paul Wallick TWEI Proposal No. P07-E022 March 27, 2007 Page 2 Objective The objective of this investigation is to discover, document and r:::port potential environmental concerns regarding the subject alignment by providing a Phase I ES,A, with an optional Wetlands and Water Bodies Determination. Scope of Work Task 1 - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment. TWEI will provide the necessary personnel and equipment to successfully conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment according to the ASTM 1527-05 standard and other applicable guidelines: 1. A historical review of prior owners of the alignment and surrounding properties. A review of records available from past and current landO\vners and interviews with pertinent individuals, 2. A historical review of land use, including review of city directories, fire insurance maps, historical aerial photographs, soil conservation maps, or other available historical data to determine if their land usage or business practices could have contributed to a negative environmental impact along thl;: alignment. 3. Contact Federal, State and Local regLllatory agencies to identify records that could indicate negative environmental impact along the alignment. Agencies that may be contacted include the Texas Railroad Commission, EPA, TCEQ, local fire dcpartrnent(s), and Harris COlmty Pollution Control Division. 4. Conduct interviews with owners or oCCllpants adjacent to the alignment including commercial businesses that typically use hazardous chemicals or petroleum substances, selected or representative commercial establishments that do not typically use hazardous chemicals or petrolelLm substances, facJities identified in regulatory records, and industrial facilities. 5. Site reconnaissance to evaluate topography and visibly observe conditions along the alignment and surrounding properties that may suggest recognized environmental conditions (REes); drums with unlmown contents, underground storage tanks, waste dump areas, stained areas, stressed vegetation, etc. 6. Upon completion of information gathering and review of other applicable data, TWEI will prepare a report stating the findings of the Phase I ESA. Included in the report Mar-27-2007 17:20 From-iOLUNAY-WONG 713 777 C341 j-08U ~ UUj/UU4 r-'~4 Mr. Paul Wallick T\VEI Proposall'\o. P07-E022 March 27,2007 Page 3 will be conclusions and recommendations as to the evidence of the potential for recognized environmental conditions along the alig;rrrnent at the time of the investigation. The Phase I ESA will not include sampling for potential asbestos containing building materials (ACBM), lead-based paint, soils, groundwater, chain-of-title searches, or a Phase I Fault Study. Task 2 - Wetlands and Water Bodies Determination (Optional). TWEI will conduct a wetlands and water bodies determination (preliminary JUllsdictional Determination) to defme the locations of wetlands and water bodies within and adjacent to the alignment. A site reconnaissance will be performed to identify plant species, soil types, and hydrology that may indicate the presence of wetlands. We will conduct shovel tests to identify hydric soil indicators and evidence of soil saturation, and will document plant species: soil data, and hydrology on wetland data sheets. During this phase, we will provide a map of sllspected wetlands areas along with estimated acreage, as applicable. If water bodies are crossed, we will inspect for indicators of the ordinary high water mark to estimate this value. We will also query HCFCD, FEMA, and TSARP data sources. The Wetlands and Water Bodies Deterrnination will be submitted as a separate report. Task 3 - Reportin~. Upon completion of information gathering and interpretation of the applicable data, TWEI will prepare a report(s) stating the findings of the various tasks. The report will summarize the findings and conclusions of supporting reports that must also be developed as standalone documents, such as the Wetlands and Water Bodies Detelmination Report. Included in the report will be conclusions and recommendations as to the evidence of or the potential for environmental impairment ofthe alignment. Schedule: TWEI can begin work on this project within two days following authOlization to proceed. We can complete the tasks stated in the Scope of Work within 30 to 35 workin2 davs after receiving a clearance to proceed. Proposed Project Costs: TWEI proposes to successfully complete the non-optional tasks for a lump sum price of $5,500.00. If the optional task is included, the price for the optional task is $2,500.00. The cost breakdown for each service item is as follows: Mar-27-2007 17:20 From-TOLUNAY-WONG 713 777 0341 1-6~U ~ UU4fUU4 r-~~4 Mr. Paul Wallick TWEI Proposal :\0. P07-E022 March 27, 2007 Page 4 $2,500.00 $8,000.00 ~l.l --- (p,OSD d.B1fib Phase I ESA wi Report Wetlands and Water Body Determination w/Standalone Repon and USACE Desktop Review and Concurrence (Opti.onal) Total $5,500.00 Limitations: The proposal presented, including the Scope of Work and schedule, are contingent upon the following assumptions: . TWEI will have necessary access to the alignment. . The client will provide TWEI with site plans or other pertinent information regarding the alignment. Closin2 Remarks If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (713) 722- 7064 or bye-mail atkross@tweinc.com. We look forward to providing our services to you and the successful completion of this project on time and within budget. Sincerely, TOLUNAY-WONG JENGINEERS, INC. t?~ Project Manager Environmental Services Division ?~ /k ~~ Paul R. Wild Vice President Environmental Servict::s Division TWEI PROPOSAL NUMBER: P07-E022 PROPOSAL ACCEPTANCE BLOCK: Pate Engineers Authorized Representative: Printed Name: Date: