A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order by
Mayor Hawkins at 7:30 P. M. with the following present:
Mayor Lloyd C. Hawkins
Councilman Basil L. Cogbill
Councilman E. A. Wasek
Councilman J. D. Calvin
Councilman Victor A. Nolen
Councilman Aubrey Ellis
City Secretary W. A. McClellan
Visitors: Robert B. Bristow;,- Westminister Civic Club, John W. Mikeska-
Westminister Civic Club, Marie Moore'= The Progress, Gene E. Sanders,
Louis Bellview, N. J. Deisch - Shadycrest, D. R. Kelley- Shadycrest,
T. J. Morris - Clear Creek Civic Club, E. T. Johnson - Westminister,
Dale Watson - Regency Park, B. C. Frascino - Westminister, Bert Jamison,
Frances Jamison, Wm. C. Louden, H. E. Johnston, Frank Easley, Mrs.
G. D. Kerchner - Westminister Civic Club, Mary Easley, Frank Lee and
W. J. Courtright.
The first order of business was the recognition of T. J. Morris,
President of the Clear Creek Estates and Twin Creek Woods Civic Club,
by Mayor Hawkins. Mr. Morris presented the Council two petitions
from his club requesting improvement of the streets within the
Clear Creek and Twin Creek Wood Subdivisions so that they would meet
the minimum specifications of the City of Pearland.
A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman Nolen
that the petitions be signed.into the records of the City. WHEREUPON,
the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted
"aye" with no "noes."
A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin
that the minutes of the meeting held on April 14, 1966 be approved.
WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Council-
men voted "aye" with no "noes."
A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman Nolen
that the list of checks and invoices dated April 28, 1966 be approved.
WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen
voted "aye" with no "noes." .
Councilman Nolen and Calvin reported that they had met twice with the
Friendswood committee on working out some mutual problems but the
plans were still in the planning stage.
Councilman Calvin reported that the Industrial Road fence was still
pending but would be built soon.
Councilman Calvin reported that our part of the Field Enterprise Road
should be graded right away.
A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Cogbill j
that G. H. Haskins be insructed to grade up the Field Enterprise road J
_ at a price of ll¢ per lineal foot. WHEREUPON, the question was asked
and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
City Secretary instructed to write a letter to Mr. Lee Goodman, Civil
Defense Director for Brazoria County and explain our needs for some
maintenance equipment.
Councilman Ellis and Councilman Wasek appointed by the Mayor to check
out the possibility of trading the 1957 Chevrolet for the 1964 Plymouth
which was traded in on the new police car._
Councilman Calvin reported that street lights were needed at the
intersection of Broadway and Austin Streets and the intersection of
F. M. 518 and Shadycrest Drive.
A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin
that the Houston Lighting and Power Company be instructed to install
these lights. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion
carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
Mayor Hawkins appointed the following committee members:
Subdivision -
A. Ellis & V. Nolen j
Budget & Finance
V. Nolen & E. A. Wasek
Signs & Lights,
Street & Bridge
Calvin & Wasek A.
Cogbill, McClellan and Ellis
Calvin and A. Ellis
Fire Dept. Liason
Calvin and Haskins
Civil Defense
Hawkins and Raney
Taxicab Ord.
Mayor Pro Tempro
Planning Com-
Inman, Armbruster, Sims, Idoux & Bellview
House numbering
Planning Commission and Milton Farmer
Electrical Board
Calvin, Veselka, Stripling, Coppinger,
M. Ellis, Corbett and Inspector Lohr.
Plumbing Board
Nolen, M. Ellis, Duke and Inspector
School Water &
Sewer needs
Walsh & Nolen
Park Committee
Mayor, President of Lion's Club,
President of Chamber of Commerce,
Superintendent of Drainage District
and Junior Chamber of Commerce
Electrical Board
Committee for Forms
Sims and M. Ellis
Committee for
Calvin and Stripling
Committee for
Fire Safety
Stripling and M. Ellis '
Assistant Inspector
Dave W. Corbett
Steve Veselka
Garbage Committee Cogbill and Wasek
A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin
that a special meeting be held Thursday night with the Auditor and
Appraiser, P. L. Marquess, to review budget activities to date.
WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Council-
men voted "aye" with no "noes."
A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Cogbill
that Bob Brown be put on the City's payroll as dispatcher at the
regular salary for dispatchers. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and
the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
Gene E. Sanders appeared before the Council for the purpose of requesting
a statement as to the City's intention to extend water and sewer lines,
the type of paving etc., North on Maykawa Road to his property. He
stated that he was considering developing this property into home -
sites. Mayor Hawkins requested the Subdivision Committee to handle
this request.
Mr. Herbert Barney's letter of April 19, 1966 requesting "No Parallel
Parking" signs be placed in front of his business on Main Street was
referred to the Street Committee.
A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman Wasek
that the Equalization Board which was appointed to serve for the
Tax Year 1965 be dismissed. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and
the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
Mayor Hawkins appointed Councilman Cogbill and Councilman Calvin as a
committee to recommend an Equalization Board for the Tax Year 1966.
Councilman Nolen recommended that since the Surety Bond put up by
Dalsco on Sherwood Subdivision was a year old that the Public
Work's Director and City Engineer check out the streets,and if
satisfactory, to release their bond.
City Secretary instructed to place an advertisement in the Progress
for a Building Inspector.
A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin
l� that the city office personnel inquire of builders whether or not
they have appeared before the Civic Club Building Committee of the
subdivision in which they plan to build. WHEREUPON, the question
T was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with
no "noes."
A motion was .made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin
that a resolution be adopted and signed by the present Mayor and
Council thanking the former Mayor and Councilmen for their service
to the City. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion
carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
A letter from Mrs. Rayburn requesting the City to change the name of
Rayburn Lane was referred to Councilman Calvin.
A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman
Nolen that the meeting adjourn. WHEREUPON, the question was asked
and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M.
Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the /`L -day of
A. D. 1966.
City Secretary