1966-04-24 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF A REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON MARCH 24, 1966 AT 7:30 P. M. A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order by Mayor Kegley at 7:30 P. M. March 24, 1966 in the City Hall with the following present: Mayor John G. Kegley Councilman Steven A. Shukanes, Jr. Councilman Gene E. Sanders Councilman Joe Dan Calvin Councilman Basil.L. Cogbill Councilman Victor A. Nolen City Secretary W. A. McClellan Public Work's 112.42 Director Escue V. Harris Police Chief A. H. Casey City Engineer William Walsh Visitors: Lee Plyler, John Moore - The Houston Post, Billy G. Roby, C. V. Meade, Jr., Joe Koza, N. J. Deisch, Frank Earley, Bill Frascino, C. McComb, Alma Barnes, Frances Jamison, B. J. Courtright, J. E. Little, Ed R. Spradley, Mr. & Mrs. Aubrey Ellis, T. J. Morris, Ken Hutcherson, A. A. Jones, David Smith, Frank Lee, D. L. Raney and Dan L. O'Connor. A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, minutes of the regular meeting held on corrections. WHEREUPON, the question all Councilmen present voted "aye" wit hseconded by Councilman Calvin that March 10, 1966 be approved with was asked and the motion carried, no 'noes." A motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Nolen that minutes of the special meeting held on March 17, 1966 be approved. WHEREUPON the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no 11noes -1' A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin that the following invoices and salaries by approved for payment. WHERE- UPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, Councilmen Calvin, Cogbi_11 and Nolen voting "aye" with Councilmen Shukanes and Sanders voting "aye" also with exception to Construction Fund Checks ##101 through 104 on which they abstained. CHECK NO. CODE AMOUNT 780 213 W. A. McClellan (Salary 3-31-66) $ 244.94 781 214 Dorothy S. Thompson (Salary 3-31;66) 122.70 782 215 Elizabeth A. Peirsol (Salary 3-31-66) 112.42 783 215 Dorothy L. Cook (Salary 3-31-66) 119.70 784 215 Jeanette M. Townsend (Salary 3-31-66) 102.15 785 215 Eve Uresti (Salary 3-31-66) 17.24 786 216 Clyde Lohr, Sr. (Salary 3-31-66) 109.85 787 616 Alfred H. Casey (Salary 3-31-66) 227.10 788 617 Donald F. Phillips (Salary 3-31-66) 190.10 789 617 Ronald S. Phillips (Salary 3-31-66) 196.77 790 617 Leonard J. Toups (Salary 3-31-66) 186.20 791 617 Alvis A. Jones (Salary 3-31-66) 162.90 792 618 Mrs. Robert Palmer (Salary 3-31-66) 40.80 793 618 Mattie M. Davidson (Salary 3-31-66) 44.60 794 1017 Escue V. Harris (Salary 3-31-66) 210.22 795 1018 .Earl L. Bundy (Salary 3-31-66) 177.37 796 1019 Lawrence E. Triplett (Salary 3-31-66) 152.51 797 1020 Sidney D. Hill (Salary 3-31-66) 131.72 798 1300 Imon L. Holleman (Salary 3-31-66) 105.95 1255 678 P. E. Segelquist (142 cases @ $4.00) 568.00 1256 679 R. K. Segelquist (11 warrants) 92.50 1257 233 P. E. Segelquist (Postage Stamps) 10.00 1258 1300 Pearland Lumber Co. (408 yds shell Ind - Road) 940.73 1259 376 Jack Harrison (Monthly Retainer Feb.) 250.00 1260 Void _ 1261 111 John G. Kegley (Ck##1237 Voided— Salary Mayor Kegley) 10.00 1262 1300 Imon L. Holleman (Car Mileage) 49.20 7 1263 1300 Clyde Lohr, Sr. (Car Mileage) 44.00 1264 376 Jack Harrison (Monthly Retainer) 250.00 1265 271 P. L. Marquess (Monthly Retainer) 125.00 1266 718 Marvin Ellis (Monthly Retainer) 10.00 1267 275 William C. Walsh (Monthly Retainer) 50.00 1268 1038 Sinclair Refining Co._(Gasoline) 53.51 1269 Lesikar Insurance Agcy (Workmen's Comp.) 186.15 1021 $ 69.18 621 111.27 221 5.70 1270 Void _ 1271 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. (Monthly Statement) 223.51 1062 $190.13 33.38 1272 236 Association of City Clerks and Secretaries of Texas - Membership dues for City Secretary 5.00 1273 223 Lesikar Insurance Agency (Manufacturer's and Contractor's Liability Policy) 173.00 1274 1300 W. E. Blankenship (Cedar post for Industrial Road) 108.50 1275 4305 Thomas Contracting Co. (Meter Deposit Refund) 15.00 1276 1038 Crown Central Petroleum (Monthly Statement) 77.06 1277 1062 Houston Natural Gas Co. (Monthly Statement) 30.32 17 First City National Bank of Houston, Trust Department - Brazoria County WCID 3 WW & Sewer Tax Bonds Series DTD 4/x/61) 4341 $ 1,000.00 1102 21050-00 1103 6.13 3 056.13 18 First City National Bank of Houston, Trust Department (Brazoria County WCID No. 3 ,! Refunding Bond Series) 13,337.60 4340 $10,000.00 1102 3,318.75 1103 18.85 101 3201 Van Boone, Jr. (Special Commissioners fee City of Pearland vs Alexander Estate) 75.00 103 3201 Bendel S. Rushing (Special Commissioners fee City of P earland vs Alexander Estate) 75.00 102 3201 Carlton McComb (Special Commissioners fee City of Pearland vs Alexander Estate) 75.00 104 3201 Sid Holdredge (Abstracting and amended appraisal, Court testimony, enlarging and color photographic prints) 208.00 A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Shukanes that Mayor Kegley be authorized to execute the contract with the firm of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc..: WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Cogbill that based on the recommendations of the Street and Bridge Committee that the contract with Dalsco, Inc. for street maintenance work be executed. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Sanders that based on the recommendations of the Budget and Finance Committee that the annual audit report covering the period from October 1, 1964 to September 30, 1965 be accepted. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Mayor Kegley, seconded by Councilman Sanders that Chief Casey be given permission to attend the training course for Texas Police Chief's at the Law Enforcement Academy of the Department of Public Safety, Austin, TLxas. This will be held April 18-22, 1966 and an allowance of $125.00 including register-ation fee be allowed. In the event Chief Casey cannot -attend that he be allowed to send one of his men. 4.0 WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye"' with no "noes." A motion was made by Mayor Kegley, seconded by Councilman Nolen that the, City Council approve and adopt the Pearland Police Reserve Association's By-laws, Rules and Regulations. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Mayor Kegley, seconded by Councilman Nolen that 165 shoulder insignia for the Police Department in the amount of $110.00 be approved. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, Councilmen Nolen, Sanders, Shukanes and Calvin voting "aye" with Council- _. man Cogbill abstaining. A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin that the Council accept the final plans for Section 2 Linwood Subdivision, subject to City Engineer receiving the plans and specifications for approval and a letter received from him to City Council that all problems have been resolved to his satisfaction. Developer to make the two water ties between Section 1 and Section 2 which will be across the Old Alvin Road. Also, the City reserve the option to increase the size of the 2" water line to an 8" water line on Orange Street with the City paying for the additional oversizing. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, with all Councilmen present voting "aye" with no "noes." Councilman Sanders absent from the room at this time. A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Nolen that Public Work's Director be -instructed to prepare bid forms and get sealed bidsfrom several contractors for approximately 400 feet of 8" clay pipe line on a 11 ft. cut to replace an existing line of concrete tile. Bids to be opened at a special Council meeting to be held on Thursday night April 7, 1966. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Nolen that the preliminary plat for Section 2 of Sherwood Subdivision be accepted, signed in and referred to the Subdivision Committee for study and recommendations to the Council. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes. A motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Nolen that the motion for final adoption of the Building Code for the City of Pearland be taken from the table, approved and adopted, as corrected, this date. Building Code known as Ordinance No. 116 - BUILDING CODE OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS - AN ORDINANCE TO BE CALLED "BUILDING CODE; OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND CREATING A BUILDING CODE PRESCRIBING DUTIES AND QUALIFICATION OF OFFICIAL; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS DOING OR CAUSING TO BE DONE CONTRACT WORK; PRESCRIBING FEES; PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS: REGULATING QUALITY; TYPE AND KIND OF MATERIAL AND MANNER OF INSTALLATION REFERRING TO SOUTHERN STANDARD BUILDING CODE AND ADOPTING SAME; PROVIDING FOR APPOINTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR AND INSPECTION OF ALL BUILDING. THIS BUILDING CODE INCLUDES METES AND BOUNDS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND. ALL BUILDINGS AND REMODELING MUST HAVE BUILDING PERMITS AND MUST ACQUIRE IT FROM CITY SECRETARY OR TAX DEPARTMENT. ON REMODELING OF HOMES OWNER MUST HAVE ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING INSPECTIONS. THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE IF ALL THREE INSPECTIONS DO NOT EXCEED $1,000. THE BUILDING OFFICIAL MUST INSPECT THE BUILDING BEFORE SLAB IS POURED; AFTER BUILDING DRIES IN SO INSPECTOR CAN SEE CORNER BRACES, COLAR BRACES AND RAFTERS, AND TYPE OF MATERIALS USED. FINAL INSPECTION AFTER JOB IS COAA- PLETED. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Calvin that the tabled motion of March 10, 1966 be taken from the table. "A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman Nolen that the Electrical and Plumbing Inspectors be put on a full time salary d" $325.00 per month with an additional V per mile for travel expense making a total for travel expense of 10� per mile." This to be subject to review in 90 days. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, with Councilmen Shukanes, Sanders, Calvin and Nolen voting "aye" with Councilman Cogbill voting "no.`s 4 A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Sanders that the City advertise for bids for a new Police car to replace the 1964 Plymouth. Plymouth to be traded in less the radio. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted Bayer' with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Sanders ,that the Council authorize a salary increase of $25.00 per month to members of the Police Department; subject to the discretion of Chief Casey. WHERE- UPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, with Councilmen Shukanes, Sanders, Calvin and Nolen voting "aye" with Councilman Cogbill j voting "no." City Secretary instructed to check with the Friendswood City Council to see if they would approve a $25.00 per month increase for the dispatchers. A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Calvin that Public Work's Director be authorized to hire extra help during his peak work loads from time to time. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no "noes" Meeting adjourned at 11:30 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the _Z.�Z day of 1966. Attest: 2 ii City Secretary 0