1966-01-27 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES�TVVTM bV A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF PEARLAND, TEXAS,HELD ON JANUARY 27, 1966 AT 7:30 P. M. A regular meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. on January 27, 1966,;by Mayor John Q. Kegley with the f ollowing present: Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Secretary City Engineer City Attorney Public Work's Director John G. Kegley Gene E. Sanders Steven A. Shukanes, Jr. Victor A. Nolen Joe Dan Calvin Basil L. Cogbill. W. A. McClellan Jack McLaren Jack Harrison Escue V. Harris Visitors: Vachel Cotharn, representing the Badger Meter Manufacturing Company; George Powell, representing.the Rockwell Meter Manufacturing Company; Joe Adams, representing the Neptune Meter Manufacturing Company; John W. Mikeska, Westminister Civic Club;. Frank Easley, Westminister' Civic Club; L. E. Dittman; Aubrey Ellis; Frank Lee; Floyd Anderson; C. McCombs; Frances Jamison; Alma Barnes; Susan Bridges; Billy G. Roby; Jim Wallace; Dan O'Connor. The first order -of business was the opening,of,bids on water meters as advertised by the City. The following lids were submitted: Rockwell $31.69 witbout connections. 33.85 with connections. Badger 31.69 without connections. 33.90 with connections. Neptune 31.72 without connections. no quotation with connections. A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman Nolen that the contract for the purchase of 200 or more water meters for the next twelve months be awarded to the Badger Meter Manufacturing Company. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." The Secretary instructed by the Council to return checks to unsuccessful bidder':s representatives in attendance and to refund the Badger Meter Manufacturing check as soon as a properly executed contract is received. A motion was made by Councilman Cogbill, seconded by Councilman Calvin that the minutes of the .special meeting held on January 6, 1966 be', approved. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Cogbill that the minutes of the special meeting held .on January 11, 1966 be Approved. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by -Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Sanders that minutes of the regular meeting held on,January 13, 1966 be tabled until later in the meeting so that further discussion could be held. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Cogbill that the-minutesof a special meeting held on -December 15, 1965 be approved. WHEREUPON, the,que,stion was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen present voted "aye" with no."noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Calvin - that the following invoices and salaries be paid. WHEREUPON, the question 4 was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes.t1 CHECK NO. CODE NAME AMOUNT 702 213 W. A. McClellan (Salary 1-31166) $ 245.22 703 214 Dorothy S. Thompson (Salary 1-31166) 122.70 704 215 Elizabeth A. Peirsol (Salary 1-31166) 112.42 7o5 215 Dorothy L. Cook (Salary 1-31166) 122.70 706 215 Jeanette M. Townsend (Salary 1-31166) 102.15 707 215 Eva Uresti (Salary 1-31166) 17.24 708 216 Clyde Lohr, Sr. (Salary 1-31166) 109.85 709 616 Alfred H. Casey (Salary 1-31166) 227.10 710 617 Donald F. Phillips (Salary 1-31166) 190.10 711 617 Ronald S. Phillips (Salary 1-31166) 196,77 712 617 Leonard J. Toups (Salary 1-31166) 186.20 713 617 Alvis A. Jones (Salary 1-31166) 162.90 714 618 Joe H. Saffle (Salary 1-31166) 47.90 715 618 Mattie M. Davidson (Salary 1-31166) 44.60 716 1017 Escue V. Harris (Salary 1-31166) 210.22 717 1018 Earl L. Bundy (Salary 1-31166) 177.37 718 1019 Lawrence E. Triplett (Salary 1-31166) 152.51 719 1020 Sidney D. Hill (Salary 1-31166) 131.72 720 1300 Imon L. Holleman (Salary 1-31166) 105.95 721 215 Evelyn L. DeWillis (10 hrs extra typing) 13.03 1101 694 Texas Municipal Police Assn. (Membership for Pearland Policemen and 2 Dispatchers) 28.00 1102 678 P. E. Segelquist (171 cases @ $4.00) 684.00 1103 679 R. K. Segelquist (11 cases @ $10.00) 110.00 1104 233 P. E. Segelquist (Postage) 5.00 1105 Void 1106 M. D. Wellhausen (Refund for sewer line after cost was deducted.) 35.24 4310 $ 562.00 65 486.76 54 40.00 1107 234 Milton Farmer, Postmaster - Pearland, Texas (10,000 V postal cards) 1108 4304 National Western Life Insurance Co. (Ins - premium for Alvis A. Jones January 1966) 19.35 1109 Void 1110 Southwestern Bell Tel. Co. (Monthly Statement) 104.50 661 $ 32.20 261 72.20 1111 376 Jack Harrison (Monthly Retainer) 250.00 1112 271 P. L. Marquess (Monthly Retainer) 125.00 1113 718 Marvin Ellis (Monthly Retainer) 10.00 1114 275 William C. Walsh (Monthly Retainer) 50.00 1115 1300 Imon L. Holleman (Car Mileage) 34.02 1116 1300 Clyde Lohr, Sr. (Car Mileage) 30.80 1117 863 Houston Lighting & Power Co. (Christmas, Lighting) 211.43 1118 Houston Natural Gas Corp. (Monthly Statement) 23.35' 1119 L. V. McLearen (Refund of Meter Deposit) 1.00 4305 $10.00 2115 9.00 1120 Bill R. Goff (Refund of Meter Deposit) 1.00 4305 $10.00 2115 9.00 1121 J. H. Lagarde (Refund of Meter Deposit) 5.5o 4305 $10.00 2115 4.50 1122 A. H. Casey - Petty Cash - (Prisoner expense, postage etc.) 31.56 631 $16.56 691 15.00 16 2107 City of Pearland, C. 0. D, Bond Reserve 1963 Series (Certificate of Deposit) 3318.00 A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Nolen that Ordinance No. 122, AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING THE PROCEDURE FOR CAN- DIDATES TO FILE FOR THE OFFICE OF MAYOR, COUNCILMAN AND OTHER OFFICES FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND TEXAS: PROVIDING FOR ELECTION OFFICERS, PLACE AND MANNER OF HOLDING CITY ELECTIONS AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE: be adopted covering the election to be held on the 5th day of April, 1966. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes," A motion was made by Councilman Calvin, seconded by Councilman Cogbill that Ordinance No. 123, Change Ordinance for Ordinance No. 13'be tabled until the next regular council meeting. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." Secretary instructed by the Council to write a letter to County Commissioner Henry Jordan and invite him to attend any regular council meeting at his -' convenience. Mayor Kegley inquired of Attorney Harrison as to the status of his letter to the Texas Municipal League requesting information on an ordinance to control welding shops. Mr. Harrison advised that he would follow up on this request. Mayor Kegley read the following letter from Fire Chief G. H. Haskins: "Mayor & City Council January 25, 1966 City of Pearland Pearland, Texas Gentlemen: The Pearland Fire Department requests fire hydrants be placed at the following places. 1. Galveston Avenue & Alley north of FM 518. 2. Galveston Avenue & Plum Street 3. Grand Boulevard & Jasmine Street. j This will give adequate protection for existing buildings. Yours very truly, G. H. Haskins Chief, Pearland Fire Department" This letter was in response to a request from H. C. Johnston, Trustee of the Pearland Independent School District for additional fire hydrants to be located near the school system. The School District offered to pay for one hydrant if the City would pay for two. A motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Shukanes that: (1). The City install fire hydrants at the above locations, with the one installed at Galveston Road and the alley be at the expense of the School Distriet, as per their verbal proposal, and (2). That any future requests for additional fire hydrants be referred to the Fire Department for their recommendation. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." Mayor Kegley read a letter from the Shadyerest Civic Club listing the names and addresses of their officers for the ensuing year. Secretary instructed to write a letter of thanks, wish them good luck and extend ia welcome to them to attend Council meetings. ^ A motion was made by Mayor Kegley, seconded by Councilman Shukanes that David R. Armbruster, D. 0., Louis Bellview and James Inman be appointed to a two year term on the Planning Commission. A motion was made by Mayor Kegley, seconded by Councilman Sanders that the letter from the State Highway Department regarding relinquishing of control of drainage and curb entrances on State Highways within the city limits be referred to the Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4, the: Drainage District being responsible for the drainage in the City. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." Secretary instructed to inform Drainage District of this motion. A motion was made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Calvin that his motion made in the meeting held on January 13, 1966, adopting the Resolution offered by Councilman Sanders regarding the Longwood Subdivision be withdrawn. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Nolen that in lieu of his Resolution offered in the meeting held on January ' d 13, 1966 that permits be issued and that the completed streets be accept j in accordance with usual city policy; it being further understood that the letter from Longwood Park Subdivision written by Mr. John Waling, and dated January 27, 1966, be accepted as conclusive evidence that the developer and the Phillips Petroleum Company will resolve any hazardous condition existing in the subdivision prior to the acceptance of the streets by the City of Pearland. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." A motion was made by Councilman Shukaw seconded by Councilman Nolen that the minutes of the meeting held on January 13, 1966 be approved. WHEREUPON, ther uestion was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted It with no "noes." City Engineer McLaren explained the engineering problems they were having in properly staking Orange Street for the railroad crossing project. He was instructed by the Council to meet with the City Attorney and work out the problems. Dan O'Connor, a resident of Brookside Village, was recognized and he stated that although he was not a resident of Pearland, he was in the Pearland Independent School District. He read a petition to the Council and stated that this petition would probably be filed with the Council at a later date. A motion was made by Councilman Nolen, seconded by Councilman Cogbill that further discussion cease at this time regarding the sewage treat- ment plant site. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, with Councilmen Nolen, Cogbill, Sanders and Calvin voting "aye, with Councilman Shukanes voting "no." City Attorney Harrison explained that the City Secretary should write a letter to Mr. Herman Proler asking him to sign the release for the 40 ft. right-of-way in accordance with his letter dated November 10, 1965. Attorney Harrison stated that the Special Commissioners' Hearing on the condemnation proceedings against the Alexander Estate resulted in a total award for the plant site and right-of-way in the amount of $22,806.00. After due discussion Councilm�ARd;q,Itt,d at, subject to review of the legal matters involved�ni,ter�naon that all proceedings are in order regarding condemnation proceedings of this date, and since. the City Council has previously offered $3500.00 per acre for the same property, I move that the City accept finds of the Special Commissioners' in the amount of $22,806.00. ($1,900.50 per acre approximately). The motion was seconded by Councilman Nolen. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, Councilmen Sanders, Calvin, Cogbill and Nolen voting "aye" with Councilman Shukanes voting "no." Councilman Shukanes stated for the record that he was opposed to the whole proceedings of the condemnation. A motion was made by Mayor Kegley, seconded by Councilman Calvin that Mrs. Josie Heflin be appointed as Judge for the election to be held on the 5th day of April, 1966 for the Mayor and two Councilmen. The Election Judge to select three assistants and the Chief -of -Police to post proper notices throughout the City in accordance with law governing municipal elections. WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes." The meeting adjourned at 9:45 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this theh day o ,196 7