1969-02-27 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTESX60 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND TEXAS, HELD IN THE CITY HALL ANNEX ON FEBRUARY 27, 1969, AT 7:35 P. M. A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pearland was called to order by Mayor Keller with the following present: Mayor D. R. Keller Councilman E. A. Wasek Councilman B. J. Courtright Councilman Aubrey G. Ellis Councilman Dale Watson Councilman Gene E. Sanders (Entered 7:57 P. M.) City Administrator Buford D. Waldrop City Secretary Dorothy L. Cook INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Chaplain James Matlock. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved by Councilman Wasek, seconded by Councilman Courtright that the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 13, 1969, be approved with corrections. Motion passed 4 to 0. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the following checks be approved for payment: Interest & Sinking Fund # 45 Water & Sewer Payroll #2379 thru # 2383 General Fund Payroll # 2358 thru # 2378 General Fund Expense # 403 thru #429 (#406 & #418 void) Water & Sewer Expense #3996 thru #4000 Motion passed 4 to 0. Meeting recessed 7:45 P. M. - Reconvened 7:48 P. M. MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT: Mayor Keller announced that John "Mickey" Mark was appointed to fill the vacancy on the Planning Commission. This appointment was ratified by the City Council. Motion was made bynCouncilman Wasek, seconded by Councilman Ellis to ratify the appointment of Mickey Mark to the Planning Commission. Motion passed 4 to 0. City of Pearland vs James Young: Mayor Keller stated that the above case was in t -tial and would go to the jury tomorrow morning. Mayor Keller and City Administrator Waldrop attended a meeting in Angleton of some thirteen city representatives from Brazoria County. 161 Mayor Sellman of Freeport was elected chairman of the group. Candiates: Mayor Keller announced that the following had filed for Council positions: POSITION NO. 1 CECIL W. GRIFFIN POSITION NO. 3 CARLTON MC COMB POSITION NO. 5 NONE For Charter Commissioner: WILLIAM START BARBER JAMES 0. DE SHAZER DENNIS FRAUENBERGER JERRY N. SPENCER DR. RICE CORSE THOMAS L. REEVES WILLIAM T. MC CLELLAND THOMAS J. MORRIS GLENN M. CHANEY COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Sanders entered Councilm,-Chambers 7:57 P. M. Twin Creek Woods/Clear Creek Estates Tap Fees: A discussion was held by the Council regarding water tap fees to be charged in the Twin Creek Woods/Clear Creek Estates area. Mr. Cecil Griffin of the Twin Creek Woods/Clear Creek Estates Civic Club was present at the meeting and requested that the City have some uniform policy regarding what the people will need to do to tie onto the City's water system. Hee stated that the meters in Twin Creek Woods were located -in the front and and majority of the meters in Clear Creek Estates were located in the back of the lots. It was moved by Councilman Courtright,.seconded by Councilman Watson that all customers in the Twin Creek Woods/Clear Creek Estates area be required to pay the full water tap fee pursuant to previous Council action on September 28, 1967, which stated by motion that effective November 1, 1967, on opening the City Hall and after due notification is posted for 30 days that the City of P°earlandr water tap fees be increased to $120.00 and a motion that the permits as of this date in the area promised water and sewer service under the terms of the bond issue of 1964 as outlined on the bond brochure (re4 shaded area on map) be excluded from this increase. Also, that these customers be required to tie on in accordance with Water Ordinance No. 152. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Sanders opposed. Council Policy For Record: If, after we accept the water lines in Clear Creek Estates/Twin Creek Woods/North Main Street, which will be in the near future, we will notify the people by letter that we have accepted the lines and stating that they have one year to tie onto such lines and pay their tap fee. Those already tied on would have one year to pay their tap fee. 162 OrP decenting Councilman to this policy for record - Councilman Sanders. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilman Sanders requested City Administrator to check with the Griffin Brother's Garbage Service to see whether or not they would make a pick- up on March 1, 1969. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Ellis that in regard to the relationship in the past between the Griffin Brother's Garbage Service and the City, that said firm be allowed to operate commercial pick-up service for sixty days with no additional permit required. It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Watson that the above motion be postponed until Item 6 of the Agenda be acted on. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis and Councilman Sanders opposed. Street Lights: It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the following street lights be installed in Turner Addition, Section II provided the developer will pay for two year's service. Orange Street and Cheryl Drive Curve of Cheryl Drive Said lights to be installed on metal standards at the request of the developer. Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the City install two additional street lights in McGinnis Subdivision at the following locations: 1. Willits Drive at the dead-end going west. (1700 block) 2. McGinnis Drive at Taylor Lane. These lights to be installed on existing wooden poles and the City to bear the expense of these lights. Motions passed 3 to 2. Councilman Courtright and Councilman Wasek opposed. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Ellis in regards to the street lights in McGinnis Subdivision, that an additional street light be authorized at the hairpin curve on Taylor Lane. Said street light to be installed under the same conditions as the above motion. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman Courtright and Councilman Wasek opposed. Colony Park Subdivision - (Subdivision Committee Report); It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the following action be taken on the exceptions outlined in letter from developer dated February 26, 1969: "On Page 2, the error the City Engineer is referring to is on an orienting sketch that is not drawn to scale. The line will be laid as shown on Page 1. In event, if it pleases the Council, the developer will grant (give) easement." We need to get the easement now. "On Page 3, the error will be corrected on the in place drawings to be } 16 l submitted when the job is completed. The lino will be to the grade and depth as shown (47.69)•" This change should be made on these drawings. "On page 5, we request that the layout submitted be adapted as the whole subdivision could be served by one plus ,,using the 5.00 foot radius method but as you recommended I had changed to two in the sub -committee meeting. The FHA uses the 600 foot lot coverage and we had to use their method. No, Mullins Lane and Standish Lane move as engineer_requested. Plymouth Lane okey as drawn. "On Page 8, I believe that the depressed drown would serve City and developer better as the 8" storm sewer would be subjected to silting and plugging. We will use the balance of the City Engineer's recommendation en the storm sewer line." Two eight inch lines should be installed. "The balance of the City Engineer's recommendations have been adopted by the new and revised sheets." -.We need detail on asphalt approaches, Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the City Engineer be authorized to draw plans and specifications for the water line from Corrigan Subddvision to Colony Park Estates. Motion passed 5 to 0. ....... i...... .. Change n Agenda: Mayor Keller requested that the first three items on the Agenda under old business be considered at this time. No Councilman objected and the order of business was changed as Mayor Keller requested. Meeting recessed at 9:00 P. M. Meeting Reconvad at 9:13 P. M. FIRE STATION BIDS: 69 - City Administrator opened bids on the Fire Station as follows: DESCRIPTION CINCO RANGER DIAMOND STEEL BASE BID ALTERNATE: CENTRAL SUBSTATIONS UNIT TOTAL ADDENDUM: SQ. FT. BID DAYS BID SECURITY $ 31,881.00 $ 36,706.00 $ 35,696.00 21,108.00 22,962.00 22,824.00 5,386.50 6,872.00 6,436.00 10,773.00 13,7L+4.00 12,872.00 3.95 sq ft 16' bay with 3.90 1212 OH Door 30 units 60 days 2,732.00 3/15/69 1,580.00 1,900.00 2,000.00 WORKING DAYS 90 days none indicated 110 days 164 It was moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Courtright that we receive these bids and refer for tabulation to the City Administrator, Fire Chief and Commissioners with special meeting to award bids be called by the Mayor at the earliest possible date but not later than the next regular meeting. Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Watson that once the abo�_e mentioned committee has tabulated these bids and reaches a point where they are ready to make a recommendation to the Council that the City Administrator be directed to thoroughly check all phases of this project with the Bonding Attorneys. Motion passed 5 to 0. AWARDING OF BIDS - FIRE TRUCK 69-2: City Administrator recommended that the contract for the fire truck be awarded to Central Fire Truck Corporation of Manchester, Mo. as the lowest and best bid, and that the Council authorize two additional items - Slll compartment at a total cost of $516.00 and one 12" preconnected line with quarter turn valve controlled at panel at a total cost of $S9.00. City Administrator read a letter signed by the Fire Chief, Trustees and Fire Truck Committeeman stating that the recommendation of the City Administrator was their recommendation also. It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Ellis that the fire truck bid be awarded to Central Fire Truck Corporation on an alternate bid basis of $17,475.36 to include the two additional items. This is in accordance with the recommendation of the City Administrator, Fire Chief, Trustees of the Fire Department, and the Fire Truck Committeemen. Bid Security checks to be returned to un- successful bidders. Motion passed 5 to 0. PICKUP TRUCK BIDS - 69-3: Bids were opened by the City Administrator as follows: Vendor Bid Security Del Date Unit Price Ext. Price J. Mark's Chev. (CE 10734) $210.00 45 days $ 2,056.00 $4,112.00 Osborne -Apple Ford F-100 197.00 30 days 1,971.97 3,943-94 Mosart Keller Bid Disqualified - failed to include bid security. It was moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Courtright that the bids be referred to the City Administrator and Public Work's Director and upon their determination of the lowest and best bidder that they be authorized to order the trucks. Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Watson, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the color of the truck be white. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Sanders opposed. COMMITTEE REPORTS (CONTINUED): Subdivision Ordinance: 165 It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the subdivision Ordinance be amended as follows: No subdivision plat or drawings will be accepted for review or approval which does not bear a seal of a State of—Texas registered engineer and any plat or drawing stamped by registered surveyor will not be accepted and further, that all street approaches will be of the same material as streets inside subdivision. Motion passed 5 to 0. Building Coder It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the Building Code be amended as follows: Final approval be withheld on all structures, either public or private, built,,on streets where open ditches now exist until reinforced concrete pipe has been installed along the entire front of the lot shown on the drawings. Also, any person, or persons constructing buildings on corner lots will be required to furnish reinforced concrete the on both sides. Pipe to be sized by City Engineer and installed by City. On state highways or city streets where dual rows of pipe are required the City will furnish one row. A motion was made by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Courtright that any action on the above motion be withheld until such time as we can have a recommendation from the Drainage District No. 4 Commissioners in an official session. Motion passed 3 to 2. 'Councilman Ellis and Council- man Watson opposed. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Courtright that in the future the Drainage District be sent a copy of all approved minutes of the Pearland City Council. Motion passed 5 to 0. Road Maintenance Plan: City Administrator advised the Council that he would becomingto the Council shortly with a road maintenance program. City Engineer: It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Watson that all connections with the present City Engineer be severed immediately. Motion failed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis, Councilman Wasek and Councilman Courtright opposed. r CITY BARN: City Administrator reported that the City Attorney had checked out the lease agreement with Diversified Corporation. It was moved jpy Councilman Wasek, seconded by Councilman Sanders that the Mayor be authorized to execute this agreement. Motion passed 5 to 0. CHANGE ORDERS - WPC TEX 455: 166 It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the City Engineer be authorized to issue change orders doing away with lift station on Regal Oaks Drive and oversizing line on Mary's Creek East to Shadycrest Drive. These change orders to be issued contingent on approval by the TeXas Water Quality Board. Motion passed 4 to 0. Councilman Watson abstained due to his not being clear on the question. City Administrator read a letter dated February 22, 1969 from the Mainland Construction Company regarding tying onto the sewer line north of East Broadway.. CITIZENS: Mrs. B. M. Jamison - Request 2/21/69 - "I would like if at all possible to meet with the City fathers of Pearland to discuss the transcript for the 1968 bonds. Any time after next Wednesday night." Mayor Keller called on Mrs. Jamison, however, Mrs. Jamison stated that she was not prepared to speak. Mayor Keller asked the Council if they wanted a special meeting to discuss this matter. No comment was heard from the Council. Mayor Keller then read two letters regarding the transcript of the 1968 bond issue. One was a letter from Mr. Fainter, Assistant to the Attorney General of Texas. This letter dated 1/30/69 was addressed to Mr. Mays of Vincent, Elkins, Weems & Searls. He also read,a copy of a letter dated 2/6/69 addressed to M. & Mrs. B. M. Jamison from Ogden Bass, District Attorney of Brazoria County. Shadybend Drive Dedications: City Administrator stated that we have received the documents and the City Attorney had checked these instruments and recommended that they be accepted by the Council. It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Sanders that we accept these dedications contingent upon signed agreements by the dedicating parties regarding street surfacing. Such agreement to be drawn by the City Attorney as per previous agreement in the minutes of February 13, 1969. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Courtright opposed. Garbage Pickup Service Contract: It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Watson that the Mayor be authorized to execute the contract with the Bennett's Trash Service for collection of garbage. Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Watson that the City of Pearland's garbage dump be closed to commercial garbage service operators unless and until explicit and exact arrangments have been made with the City Council. Motion passed 5 to 0. Motion previously withheld until this part of the meeting was discussed. A 167 It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Ellis that in regard to the relationship inl;the past between the Griffin Brothers and the City, that said firm be allowed to operate commercial pick up service for sixty days with no additional permit required. Motion failed 4 to 0. Councilman Sanders abstained. Revised Electrical Ordinance: It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Courtright that action of the proposed electrical ordinance be postponed until the next regular Council meeting. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Wasek opposed. Dog Ordinance - #173 & #174: It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Watson that the second reading "of Ordinance No. 173 and No. 1�4 be postponed until the next regular Council meeting. Also, that copy of the Friendswood Dog Ordinance be sent to each Council member. Councilman Watson absent at this time. Motion passed 4 to 0. NEW BUSINESS• Schematic Drawings For Extension of City Hall: r` It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Watson that the schematic drawings of the extension of the City Hall be approved with changes. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Courtright opposed. ADJOURN; Meeting adjourned by motion 12:40 A. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this theday of s A. D. 1969. CITY 0 PEARLAND By: Mayor ATTES U"Ity Secretar