1969-02-22 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES157 MINUTES 0F A SFECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F T~!CITY] OF PEARLAND, 'i XAS ,D iN' CmTY' AN X' 0N'FES Y' SS ' m9 9, s:mg' Ak ' A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Pearland was called to order by Mayor Keller with the following present: Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Administrator & Acting Secretary. D. R. Keller Gene E. Sanders E. A. Wasek B. J. Courtright Aubrey G. Ellis D&~e Watson Buford D. Waldrop Others present: Drainage District Commissioner Halik, Johnston and Griffin, Lloyd Yost, Superintendent - Drainage District No. 4, Pete Bonario, W. B. Bradley, Frank Barringer, Gary Heater and Mr. Haney. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: The special meeting was for the purpose of discussing with the Drainage District Commissioners, Mr. Bonario, Mr. Bradley, Mr. Barringer and Mr. Haney, Willowcrest Section V. INVOCATION: The invocation was given by Mayor Keller. WILLOWCREST SECTION V: Mayor Keller read a letter dated 2-21-69 addressed to Lloyd Yost which explained the Council's action at a special 'meeting on February 20, 1969. A discussion was held regarding the drainage ditch on the east side of Woody Road, being the drainage ditch on the east side of Woody Road, being the west side of Willowcrest Subdivision. Commissioner Halik stated that this was a City ditch and road, therefore, th~ DrYnags District would do what the City wanted to do. Councilman Sanders stated that the City's previous action was taken because the City was not aware of any agreements between the Drainage District and the interested parties in Wiliowcrest Subdivision. Meeting recessed 9:16 A. M.' Meeting reconvened 9:38 A. M. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Courtright that at the recommendation of the Bnazoria County Drainage District No. 4 we do declare that we recognize that for orderly growth and feasible drainage of the area the open ditch along the east side of Woody Road from and including the intersection of Lynn Street and said Woody Road to Orange Street (White Garner Road~, as shown on Willowcrest Subdivision Plat, be tiled in the requirements of the Drainage District. Motion passed 3 to 2. Councilman Ellis and Councilman Wasek opposed. Councilman Sanders asked if the Drainage District had recommended that tile be placed in the ditch. Commissioner Johnston stated that the Drainage District did recommend that the ditch be tiled. Councilman Watson stated for therecord that he would have voted for the previous motion had he known the exact recommendation. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Courtright that in conjunction with the request of the Drainage District and at such time as is required the City authorize its Engineer to size the tile and set the grade stakes and fulfill any other requirements of the Drainage District as pertains to the drainage ditch on the east side of Woody Road being the west side of Willowcrest Section ~. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Ellis opposed. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the final plat of Willowcrest Section V not be considered because nothing has been resolved concerning the access problem as set forth in letters of February 6, 1969, and February 6, 1969, from the City Administrator to Frank Barringer, Trustee of Willowcrest Section V. Motion passed ~ to 0. Amended Motion~ w It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the final ~lat of Willowcrest Section V not be considered for approval because nothing has been resolved concerning the access problem as set forth in letters of February 6, 1969, and February 21, 1969, from the City Administrator to Frank Barringer, Trustee of Willowcrest Section V. Motion passed ~ to 0. A discussion was held regarding the access problem to Willowcrest Section V. It was moved by Councilman Sanders that when all requirements of the Engineer's letter of February 13, 1969, are met that the final plat of Section 5, Willowcrest Subdivision be approved as to form and internal requirements but that any construction within this section of Subdivision be delayed until such time, as suitable to the City, ingress and egress arrangement have been made for Lynn and Cunningham Streets within this Section V of the Subdivision. Also, the construction will be delayed until the drainage problem as previously acted on in this meeting, is satisfied. Motion died for lack of second. Counc~:lman Sanders stated that it was the consensus of the Council that the previous motion was not in order because of the earlier adopted motion" which stated the final approval of Willowcrest Subdivision Section V would not be considered for final approval at this meeting. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Watson that in order to clear the access problem to Section V, Willowcrest Subdivision, that Woody Road from Orange Street to and including the intersection of Lynn Street be surfaced to County Road specifications and that the expense for same be borne on a 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 basis between the abutting property owners and the City. The responsibility for financial arrange- i59 ments concerning the 2/3 participation by other than the City be arranged by the interested parties t~ the City's satisfaction. The City's 1/3 expense will only be borne if in effect the County road specifications call for black topping. Motion passed 4 to 1. Councilman Courtright opposed. Mr. Barringer asked if an escrow account would be set up in case the west side abutting property owner would not put his money up at this time. Meeting recessed 10~37 ~. M. I~econvened 12~18 P.M. Councilman Courtright absent. Mr. Barringer pPoposed that in consideration of the motion concerning the 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, participation in the cost of surfacing Woody Road from Lynn Street to Orange, he could not go on Woody Road and make any improvements. He proposed that he would participate in the amount of $~,000 to the City of Pearland to get the street (Woody Road) black topped provided the City will do it or make an effort to do it by the time he completes Section ~ so there will be access to this section. He stated that, as in the past, he would furnish the drain tile for the ditch on the east side of Woody Road from and including the intersection of Lynn Street to Orange, provided the City will approve the final plat of Willowcrest Subdivision Section V. It was moved by Councilman Ellis, seconded by Councilman Wasek that the City accept Mr. Barringer's proposal as outlined above providing he has fulfilled all requirements of the City Engineer's letter of February 6, 1969, and that Mr. Barringer pay his $~,000 in advance and further, that the drain tile on the east side of Woody Road from ahd including the intersection of Lynn Street to Orange will be installed prior to the City taking any physical action on construction of the above portion of Woody Road. Motion passed 4 to O. CoUncilman Courtright absent at this time. Mr. Barringer presented a check in the amount of $~,000. Adjourn~ Meeting adjourned by motion 12:40 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the ~ A. D. 1969. day of, ~ ty S~