1969-02-20 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES153 ................ MINUTES. OF, A. SPECIAL. MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND TEXAS, HELD IN THE CITY HALL ANNEX ON FEBRUARY 20, 1969, AT 7:UO P. M. A special meeting of the City Council of the City of Pearland was called to order by Mayor Keller with the following present: Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilman Councilman City Administrator City Secretary Absent; Councilman PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: D. R. Keller Gene E. Sanders E. A. Wasek B. J. Courtright Aubrey G. Ellis Buford D. Waldrop Dorothy L. Cook Dale Watson Mayor Keller stated that the purpose of the special meeting was to discuss garbage service pickup ;with various concerns who have submitted proposals to the City. Also, discuss final plat of Willowcrest Section V. It was agreed that each firm with representatives present would be granted thirty minutes each for questions and answers regarding their r-� proposal. GARBAGE PICKUP PROPOSALS St Regis Sanitary Services submitted a 1.;proposal, however, advised that they would not be able to be present at the meeting. American Refuse Systems, Inc. - A final proposal to the City by this concern was discussed. Final proposal dated 2/20/69 and signed by Tom J. Deane, V. President was discussed. Bennett's Trash Service - A new proposal was submitted by Bennett's Trash Service as follows: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY ADMINISTRATOR Our bid for Garbage and Trash removal for the City of Pearland is as follows: One dollar and eighty cents (1.80) for each and every customer per month. If Bennetts Trash Service is to do the collecting: Our bid is as follows: PROVIDED THE CITY OF PEARLAND FURNISHES LIST: (a) quarterly billing - $2.50 per home per month. (b) 60 day billing - 2.15 per month per home. (c) 30 day billing - 2.30 per home per month. This proposal from Bennett's Trash Service was handed to the Mayor and City Council and corrections noted and initialed. 154 This firm stated that they would furnish a performance bond. Mr. Branch - Mr. Branch appeared but had nothing worked out on a proposal. He was instructed to contact Mr. Waldrop, the City Administrator by February 24, if he wished to offer a proposal. _ .............. .. Billy Edgar Griffin - Griffin Brother's Garbage Service Mr. Griffin stated his firm had no further proposals to make to the City. Powell Sanitation Service Mr. Powell stated that the previous proposal which was submitted to the Company by his firm was based on the City maintaining a dump site. St Regis Sanitary Services Letter from St Regis received dated February 18, 1969, advising that they would not be able to be present at the meeting but would contact the City Administrator on Monday, February 24, 1969. WILLOWCREST SECTION V: Excerpts from the minutes of the Brazoria County Drainage District No. 4 were passed to the Mayor and City Council. These excerpts were labled - "Excerpts of Meetings of Commissioners of Brazoria County Drainage District #4, Pearland, Texas, pertaining to drainage approval of Section 3, Willowcrest Subdivision." and contained various actions of the Drainage District in Willowcrest Subdivision Section 3 and Section 5. Meeting recessed 8:42 P. M. - Reconvened 8:50 P. M. Mr. Frank Barringer, Trustee - Willowcrest Section V appeared before the Council regarding acceptance of final plat for thissection of Willowcrest. Mayor Keller read a letter addressed to Mr. Frank Barringer from City Administrator Waldrop dated February 14, 1969, in which he enclosed a letter from the City Engineer regarding various recommendations regarding this _plat. After a discussion on this matter, it was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Courtright that in as much as we have belatedly received what appears to be complete information regarding the drainage ditch situated on the east side of Woody Road at or near Willowcrest Subdivision, that the letter of February 20, 1969, from the City to Drainage District be rescinded, and that the Drainage District be so notified and requested to meet with the Council at their earliest possible convenience concerning this matter as it now appears that there may be agreements between the Drainage District and interested parties in Willowcrest 5 that the Council had no knowledge or or responsibility for. Motion passed 4 to 0. 155 Council requested City Administrator to send copy of letter to Drainage District to Mr. Barringer, Mr. Bonario and Mr. Bradley. A discussion was held regarding access streets to Willowcrest Section V. Councilman Sanders requested that the City Administrator contact the City Attorney and ascertain the 'following information: 1. Whether or not Mimosa Acres is still a subdivision. 2. If so, can we make the developer install the streets in question. 3. Could the City construct the streets and attach the cost to each lot. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Ellis that letter be sent to,Mr. Barringer, Mr. Bradley and Mr. Bonario advising them of our Attorney's findings and that the City at this time has no solution to offer to the problem regarding the access street situation. Motion passed 4 to 0. It was moved by Councilman Sanders that the City write Mr. Frank Barringer a letter outlining points with which he must comply to bring the development of Willowcrest V to a point of total requirements to the City's requirements'. Such letter and facts pertaining thereto are to be cleared by the City Administrator and City Attorney prior to writing the letter.- Motion died for lack of a second. A meeting with the Drainage District was tentatively schedule for 8:00 A. M. Saturday, February 22, 1969, in the City Hall AGENDA: It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Ellis that the Agenda of this meeting be amended to include a discussion with representatives from Mabry Foundry regarding fire plugs for the water contract presently under construction. Motion passed 4 to 0. A discussion was held regarding the type of fire plugs called for in the specifications for the North Main Street Water Line, Twin Creek Woods and Clear Creek Estates Water System. It was moved by Councilman Sanders that in the construction of the Clear Creek Estates/Twin Creek Woods Water System due to certain mitigating circumstances that the use of Darling B -62-B fire hydrants be allowed. It being understood that this model fire hydrant has not been approved for use in the City of Pearland by the City Engineer. Motion died for lack of a second. GARBAGE SERVICE: Councilman Ellis reported on the approximate cost of the City Sanitary Landfill. Approximately 60 yards per week would take 20 hours. Cost to process would be $8.00 per hour per man and machine,. GARBAGE CONTRACT: 156 It was moved by Councilman Courtright, seconded by Councilman Wasek that we award a one-half year contract effective March 1, 1969, to Bennett's Trash Service for thejcollection of garbage within the City according to his submitted proposal with the stipulation that he provide a $12,500 performance bond. Voting "aye" - Councilman Courtright and Councilman Wasek, voting "no't Councilman Sanders and Councilman Ellis. Tie vote resulted and Mayor Keller voted "aye" to break tie vote. Motion passed 3 to 2. It was moved by Councilman Sanders, seconded by Councilman Ellis that the above motion be postponed until such time as the present contractor can be contacted to see whether he will extend and, if so, under what conditions. Voting "aye" - Councilman Sanders and Councilman Ellis, voting "no" Councilman Courtright and Councilman Wasek. Tie vote resulted and Mayor Keller voted "no" to break tie vote. Motion failed 3 to 2. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned by motion 11:00 P. M. Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the 13 day of A. D. 1969. CITY OF PEARL , TEXAS By: Mayor ATTES . City Secreta/