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R2006-161 10-09-06
A3NClOll V All8 C13>t08 "V\1 NIClClVO ---rtJ"W - .~G :V\IC10.::l Ol SV 03^OClddV :lS3ll V JO Aep 416 alH S!Lll 03ldOOV pue 03^OClddV '03SSVd "sa::Wuas 6u!l~k)aJ pue alSeM P!IOS JOJ sexal JO luawa6eueV\l alseM Lll!M peJluO~ e lsane Ol AJelaJ~as Al!8 aLll pue aln~axa Ol pazpoLllne AqaJaLl S! aau6!sap S!LI JO Ja6eueV\l Al!8 aLllleLll "Z uO!l:>as "pa^oJdde pue pazpoLllne AqaJaLl S! 'sasodJnd lie JOJ JoaJaLl lJed e apew pue "V" l!q!LlX3 se OlaJaLl paLl~ene S! LI~!LlM JO ^do~ e 'sexal JO luawa6eueV\l alseM pue puepead JO Al!8 aLll uaaMlaq pue Aq peJluO~ u!elJa~ leLll . ~ uO!l:>as :S"X31 'ON"lH"3d:lO Al.1~ 3H1:lO 11~NnO~ Al.1~ 3H1 A8 03^10S3H 1138 .S"X31 :10 1N3W39"N"W 31S"M H1IM 1~VH1NO~ 9Nn~A~3H ON" 31S"M onos " OlNI H31N3 01 33N91S30 SIH HO H39"N"W Al.1~ 3H1 9NIZIHOH1n" 'S"X31 'ONVlH"3d :10 Al.1~ 3H1 :10 11~NnO~ Al.1~ 3H1 :10 NOl1nlOS3H " ~9 ~-900ZH .ON NOl1nlOS3H :lOP'SA -1""'luo:) llu!p,(oa'lllB!IUap!Sa'll pUB IB!:uaWwo:)\8l>99c:8saI0Il\dwa.L\ (-S'lV::>O'l\Jal(ooPl 1"3I"lO.)(){J\'.:> I Hun I~Huap!sa~ ~ JO suo!l~Jado 8u!da~){~snoq A.mU~plO Ol A.reUlOlSn~ ~.m q~!llA\ S:}lSl1M :}Z!Sl:}AO l:}lpO pUR 'Slll1d Olnl1 ':}lUl!wtl] 'spoon :}l!l{M. :3JS8A\ A)(IDg "~O"Z "j:}P!AOld :}:l!Al:}S Il1!:ll:}l.UWO;) 11 JO S~:l!Aj:}S UlO.y ~uHIns~l S!lq:}p s:}pnpx~ AIIl1:ly!:l:}ds pUR '~u:}I U! l:}:}J (17) mOJ URlp l:}ll1:}~ :}1l1 q:lrqM sqUlH s:}pnpx:} AIIl1:ly!:l:}ds "qsrug" Ull:}l:}lf.L ":}lSl1.M. U~~ln ~u!pnpu! 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The data represent the price of No. 2 diesel fuel with a sulfur level no higher than 0.05 percent by weight, except in those States exempt from the Environmental Protection Agency's low-sulfur requirements for on-highway diesel fuel use. The data are subjected to automated edit checks during data collection and data processing which flag two levels of price changes. These flagged data are verified with each respondent during the phone interview. The data are again edited prior to computing regional and U.S. averages. The average survey response rate for 2004 was 99.1%. The U.S. weighted average price is calculated by weighting each regional average price by the volume of on-highway No. 2 diesel fuel sold in that region, as determined by other EIA surveys. The average prices are published by 5:00 P.M. Monday, except on government holidays, in which case the data are released on Tuesday (but still represent Monday's price). These data are made available through EIA's hotline (202-586-6966), EIA's web page, and through EIA's E-mail notification, regular and wireless . Further details on sampling methodology for the On-highway Diesel Fuel Price Survey can be found by returning to the previous page (Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices) and clicking on the blue tab "Sample Documentation." Need Help? phone:202-586-8800 email:infoctr@eia.doe.gov Specialized Services from NEIC For Technical Problems phone:202-586-8959 email:wmaster@eia.doe.gov Energy Information Administration,El 30 1000 Independence Avenue,SW Washington,DC 20585 Home I Petroleum I Gasoline I Diesel I Propane I Natural Gas I Electricity I Coal I Nuclear Renewables I Alternative Fuels I Prices I States I International I Country Analysis Briefs Environment I Analyses I Forecasts I Processes I Sectors http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/data_collection methodology.html 9/28/2006 Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices Page 1 of 2 0 ,:', (-6e.ia ) . ., ....' Tht.„. -,..--„„,,,, - Weekly Retail �bn Higllv±: D�e�s0I,Pdrices� --" Home > Petroleum > Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices Weekly Retail On-Highway'Diesel Prices Dollars per gallon,including all taxes Prices for Last 53 Weeks (html) / (text Change Change Spreadsheet of from from Complete Diesel 9/11/2006 9/18/2006 9/25/2006 week ago year ago Historical Data (.xls) Diesel Fuel Taxes U.S. 2.857 2.713 2.595 -0.118 -0.203 States in each Regior East Coast 2.826 2.699 2.600 -0.099 -0.208 Data Collection New England 2.955 2.832 2.730 -0.102 -0.129 Methodology Central Atlantic 2.958 2.844 2.746 -0.098 -0.129 Sample Design Lower Atlantic Documentation 2.757 2.625 2.526 -0.099 -0.249 This Week in Distillal Midwest 2.787 2.624 2.506 -0.118 -0.233 Sign-up for email Gulf Coast 2.770 2.636 2.526 -0.110 -0.230 notification Rocky Mountain 3.236 3.052 2.827 -0.225 -0.111 Printer Friendly West Coast 3.137 3.014 2.892 -0.122 -0.086 Version California 3.125 3.002 2.910 -0.092 -0.121 Click on a Region to view graph of that Region U.S. East Coast New England Central Atlantic Lower Atlantic Midwest Gulf Coast Rocky Mountain West Coast California http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/diesel.asp 9/28/2006 Weekly Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices Page 2 of 2 Weekly U.S Retail On-Highway Diesel Prices 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.90 2.80 O 2.70 To 2.60 • 2.50 a 2.40 e 2.30 • 2.20 O 2.10 a 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 or-P.4 - 1.60 1.50 1.40 1.30 , . . . . . In u) LD Ln u, (n CD [n CD 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 C. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 00 O N N zt f0 c0 O N N Co c0 Source: Energy Information Administration Need Help? phone:202-586-8800 email:infoctr@eia.doe.gov Specialized Services from NEIC Energy Information Administration,El 30 1000 Independence Avenue,SW Washington,DC 20585 Home I Petroleum I Gasoline I Diesel I Propane I Natural Gas I Electricity I Coal I Nuclear Renewables I Alternative Fuels I Prices I States I International I Country Analysis Briefs Forecasts Processes I Sectors http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/diesel.asp 9/28/2006 Page 1 of 2 On-highway diesel prices, by week and PADD (Self Service Cash Price in Dollars per Gallon, Including Taxes) Diesel Prices Web URL: http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/diesel.asp US NATL EAST NEW CENT LOWER GULF ROCKY WEST DATE AVG COAST ENGLAND ATL ATL MIDWEST COAST MTN COAST CA PADD PADD PADD PADD PADD PADD PADD PADD I IA IB IC II III IV V 060925 2.595 2. 600 2.730 2.746 2.526 2.506 2.526 2.827 2.892 2.910 060918 2.713 2.699 2.832 2.844 2. 625 2.624 2.636 3.052 3.014 3.002 060911 2.857 2.826 2. 955 2.958 2.757 2.787 2.770 3.236 3.137 3.125 060904 2.967 2.911 3.009 3.032 2.850 2.937 2.872 3.318 3.199 3.175 060828 3.027 2.955 3.035 3.074 2.897 3.026 2. 923 3.346 3.229 3.200 060821 3.033 2.953 3.049 3.078 2.890 3.041 2.923 3.349 3.237 3.221 060814 3.065 3.017 3.077 3.130 2.964 3.065 2. 974 3.311 3.218 3.220 060807 3.055 3.026 3.061 3.104 2.989 3.070 2. 988 3.208 3.113 3.130 060731 2.980 2. 958 2. 991 3.030 2.924 2.988 2.925 3.052 3.066 3.093 060724 2.946 2. 925 2.972 3.002 2.888 2. 951 2.895 2. 987 3.047 3.097 060717 2.926 2.906 2. 970 2. 992 2.864 2. 927 2.868 2. 960 3.051 3.097 060710 2. 918 2.887 2. 947 2.963 2.849 2.919 2.866 2. 966 3.060 3.113 060703 2.898 2.874 2.948 2.951 2.834 2.887 2.845 2.958 3.056 3.119 060626 2.867 2.864 2. 952 2. 956 2.816 2.819 2.822 2.960 3.068 3.140 060619 2.915 2.907 2. 960 2.990 2.867 2.873 2.859 3.018 3.117 3.185 060612 2.918 2. 909 2.979 2.997 2.866 2.874 2.848 3.041 3.149 3.217 060605 2.890 2.881 2. 969 2. 992 2.825 2.837 2.805 3.043 3.159 3.227 060529 2.882 2.873 2. 966 2.987 2.815 2.824 2.798 3.044 3. 161 3.227 060522 2.888 2.877 2. 982 2. 987 2.820 2.836 2.801 3.024 3.175 3.234 060515 2.920 2. 907 3.003 3.014 2.853 2.870 2.829 3.074 3.192 3.242 060508 2.897 2.884 2. 972 2.983 2.834 2.841 2.814 3.054 3.180 3.244 060501 2.896 2.892 2. 979 2. 987 2.843 2.853 2.832 3.012 3.098 3.163 060424 2.876 2.888 2.961 2. 978 2.843 2.847 2.817 2.903 3.026 3.103 060417 2.765 2.788 2.865 2.876 2.743 2.735 2.725 2.756 2.881 2.933 060410 2.654 2. 676 2.769 2.767 2. 629 2.614 2. 601 2. 680 2.812 2.881 060403 2. 617 2. 639 2.731 2.727 2.593 2.578 2.579 2. 629 2.753 2.812 060327 2.565 2.586 2.700 2. 681 2.536 2.523 2.528 2. 601 2. 698 2.727 060320 2.581 2. 606 2.702 2.697 2.558 2.533 2.552 2. 608 2.716 2.738 060313 2.543 2.567 2. 687 2.681 2.507 2.491 2.497 2.566 2.725 2.747 060306 2.545 2.571 2. 656 2. 682 2.516 2.500 2.499 2.545 2.711 2.739 060227 2.471 2.493 2.593 2.593 2.441 2.417 2.443 2.509 2. 623 2.688 060220 2.455 2.487 2.593 2.580 2.437 2.398 2.427 2.497 2.594 2.674 060213 2.476 2.509 2. 617 2.591 2.464 2.419 2.447 2.500 2. 621 2.709 060206 2.499 2.536 2. 659 2. 618 2.490 2.445 2.463 2.503 2. 645 2.739 060130 2.489 2.530 2. 661 2. 618 2.481 2.431 2.455 2.474 2.640 2.733 060123 2.472 2.516 2. 668 2. 610 2.462 2.423 2.432 2. 435 2. 608 2. 674 060116 2.449 2.489 2. 663 2.605 2.424 2.408 2.415 2.411 2.565 2.603 060109 2.485 2.528 2. 676 2.626 2.473 2.451 2.453 2.421 2.577 2.601 060102 2.442 2.481 2. 645 2.590 2.420 2.412 2.414 2.392 2.519 2.538 051226 2.448 2.481 2. 643 2.599 2.416 2.420 2.421 2.410 2.523 2.543 051219 2.462 2.499 2. 647 2. 609 2.438 2.443 2.435 2.410 2.505 2.521 051212 2.436 2.458 2.598 2.577 2.393 2.409 2.429 2.401 2.500 2.465 051205 2.425 2.428 2.591 2.569 2.354 2.390 2.411 2.471 2.538 2.486 051128 2.479 2.467 2. 619 2.604 2.394 2.442 2.456 2.591 2. 617 2.559 051121 2.513 2.491 2. 652 2.615 2.423 2.477 2.491 2. 654 2. 652 2.599 051114 2. 602 2.565 2. 699 2. 689 2.500 2.575 2.585 2.766 2.738 2.717 051107 2. 698 2. 657 2.744 2.755 2. 608 2. 671 2. 679 2. 907 2.821 2.797 051031 2.876 2.784 2.834 2.848 2.753 2.907 2.846 3.079 2.951 2.936 051024 3.157 3.051 2.873 2. 940 3.115 3.235 3.146 3.232 3.142 3.152 051017 3.148 3.116 2. 913 2. 966 3.199 3.144 3.177 3.178 3.178 3.210 http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/dslpriwk.txt 9/28/2006 • Page 2 of 2 051010 3.150 3.160 2. 947 2.990 3.252 3.123 3.182 3.143 3.167 3.240 051003 3.144 3.198 3.012 3.040 3.283 3.083 3.185 3.079 3.174 3.262 050926 2.798 2.808 2.859 2.875 2.775 2.739 2.756 2.938 2. 978 3.031 Need Help? phone: 202-586-8800 email: infoctr@eia.doe.gov Energy Information Administration, EI 30 1000 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20585 http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/dslpriwk.txt 9/28/2006 Wt;;F;C:1 WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 3520 Pansy Pasadena,Texas 77505 (281)487-5000 (281)998-1580 Fax May 19,2006 Mr. Bill Eisen City Manager City of'Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 Dear Mr. Eisen; I want to thank you, the Mayor, and Council for your patience through these negotiations. It has taken a little time,but as I have said in the past, this is a large contract and needs this kind of attention. Waste Management has considered your request for a 5 year fixed price and a 2 year fixed price with no more than 4% increase in years 3, 4, and 5 taking into consideration the amendments that you furnished us. The following proposal 2 numbers for years 3, 4, and 5, are merely a projection based on an annual CPI at 3.5%. They do not include a fuel increase. Our attachment to the first proposal submitted will remain in effect with these proposals. Proposal 1: Concerning the 5 year fixed price, we will not be able to give the city a fixed price for 5 years. There are two reasons for our concern. The first is the volatile market of fuel. Fuel and related products is a large part of cost in the transportation industry. The second item pertains to an annual CPI escalator. Again with such a volatile economy, with fuel being one of the underlying factors, and the forecast for major storms over the next ten years, and the storms of 2005, which is causing labor shortages and increased labor rates throughout the south central and south east regions of the United States, we have to have this escalator based on the CPI as indicated in our first proposal. Proposal 2: We will be able to give you a 2-year proposal including the amendments, with certain legal issues to be ironed out by the attorneys. This proposal is fixed for years 1 and 2 and will not have a cap of 4 % for CPIU for years 3, 4 and 5 as outlined in your amendments. Although we will have to have a fuel clause,these numbers do not-reflect any increase in fuel. From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green® Think.Waste Manaaement_ • Years 1 and 2 - $18.35 Net to WM-$14.75 Year three $18.99 Net to WM-$15.29 Year four $19.66 Net to WM- $15.86 Year five $20.34 Net to WM- $16.44 The following represents the first proposal's numbers we presented, which we will still honor. Please keep in mind that this proposal stair stepped the city's charge over 5 years giving us the profit margin in year 5 that we would normally get in year one. CPI was calculated at 3.5% for the projected numbers. I might add that fuel already has increased by$.30 per gallon since the first proposal submission. Current price per home per month $12.08 Net to WM- $9.42 First year price $13.28 Net to WM- $10.44 Second year price $14.41 Net to WM- $11.40 Third year price $15.63 Net to WM- $12.44 Fourth year price $16.18 Net to WM- $12.90 Fifth year price $16.75 Net to WM- $13.39 I am also enclosing our first proposal, so it is readily available. Again let me and Waste Management thank you again for this opportunity and,as always, if you have any questions please contact me. Sincerely, Thane T.Harrison Director of Governmental Affairs tfl:? o WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 3520 Pansy Pasadena,Texas 77505 (281)487-5000 (281)998-1580 Fax February 10, 2006 Mr. Bill Eisen City Manager City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 Dear Mr. Eisen; The City of Pearland and Waste Management have enjoyed a close and positive relationship over the last 10 years. The city has been responsive to our needs and we feel that we have done the same responding to theirs. Excellent service and community involvement is what we are about, and we hope that the city feels they have experienced this, throughout the relationship.. We would like to see this relationship continue, so we want to offer the city a proposal that we think is fair to both parties. Since 1996, when we started the current agreement, the CPI-U Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, as referenced in the agreement, has increased by 23.7%. Fuel prices have increased dramatically making up only one-tenth of one percent of this CPI-U. The price per gallon has increased by 385% over this period. We also use substantial amounts of motor oil,hydraulic oil, and grease which to have also dramatically increased. Our cost of fuel, on a per home basis,has increased by$.61 per home or a 5.5% increase over the original price. This price at the beginning of the agreement was $11.17 per home. Today we are at $12.08 per home or an 8.1% increase. This is predominately because of the extension 5 years ago which virtually froze our price. As can be seen the CPI and fuel have increased by 29.2% since inception 10 years ago. Keep in mind that the revenue to us, is $1.00 off the price, for administrative billing and processing cost, with 15% taken from the remainder for a franchise fee. Our current price of$12.08 is actually a net of$9.42 per home to us. Commercial and Permanent Roll-Off are at 18% franchise fee to the city. The current total Billing and processing fee is $20,657.00 per month and the total franchise fee for all three systems,Residential, Commercial and Roll-off is $57,093.00 per month. Per our agreement, we also send $5,000.00 monthly to Keep Pearland Beautiful for promotion of recycling and environmental education. This is a great organization that is doing great things for the community. It has been a pleasure working with them throughout the years. From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green° Think Waste Management. I , We would like to propose a 5 year agreement with an option for an additional 5 years. Our first year price to the city would be$13.29 per home with a net to us of$10.45. The second and third years we would propose the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria CPI-U plus an additional 5%. Years 4 and 5 would be CPI-U only. Additionally we would propose integrating into the agreement a few items that are not in the current agreement, attached for your review. As can be seen in the main body of this letter,we have not kept pace with our rising cost. Our proposal shows that we are asking for 10%up front and years 2 and 3 trying to catch up with our cost. With the current growth in the city, we will have to add a new residential route truck each year. When we started out 10 years ago these vehicles were $75,000.00, today they are $159,000.00 each. We have done a good job keeping up with this growth and feel we are well equipped to continue it. We ask for your consideration of our proposal to the Mayor and City Council and look forward to any questions that may arise. We thank you for the Partnership we have enjoyed with the City of Pearland for so many years and look forward to it continuing. Sincerely, Thane T. Harrison Director of Governmental Affairs ATTACHMENT TO FEBRUARY 10, 2006 LETTER 1. In addition to rate increases for CPI, Waste Management shall be entitled to increase such rates from time to time during the term of the agreement, and upon 30 days written notice to the City, to offset any change in conditions which increases Waste Management's costs, including, but not limited to, increases in taxes, tariffs, changes in ordinances, or changes in federal, state or local law, rules or regulations. In addition, Waste Management shall be entitled to adjust the rates charged hereunder to reflect any change in the cost of diesel fuel as determined by reference to the index published by the U.S. Department of Energy for the "Gulf States" area. 2. The agreement shall specifically exclude storm, flood, hurricane, and other disaster or acts of God debris, and Waste Management shall not be required to collect any such storm debris. 3. The agreement shall provide that a party's performance or obligations may be suspended for force majeure events, including, but not limited to, (i) acts of God, including hurricanes, tornadoes, or flood, (ii) an order of any court or administrative agency, not also the result of the willful misconduct or negligent action of the party relying thereon, preventing performance, or(iii) any change in law which prevents performance under the agreement. Waste Management requests the City review Waste Management's form of municipal contract for use in connection with the renewal contract, in order to clarify certain matters contained in the existing agreement. Waste Management can provide such form contract to the City upon request. C:\Documents and Settings\tliatris\Loca]Settings\T Page 1 emporary Internet Files to February 10 20061etter.doc • '111- PE AND u_` r- MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Bill Eisen, City Manager DATE: April 10, 2006 SUBJECT: Updates Garbage Contract Claire and I met last week with Thane Harrison of Waste Management to begin negotiation of the contract extension. Prior to the meeting, Claire had reviewed other City's garbage contracts in the area and suggested some proposed additions to our agreement that would more clearly define responsibilities of Waste Management, expand the materials picked up in the recycling program, and establish penalties for non-compliance. These issues were proposed to Thane along with increases in the Performance Bond required in the agreement that was approved 10 years ago. Thane agreed to take these issues to decision-makers in his company for approval. A key issue in discussions will be beginning rates and the right to adjust them. I requested that Thane provide financial information regarding income and expenses associated with the Pearland contract. To date, the company has only provided general information regarding selected cost factors. Another rate-related issue is the company's request to automatically adjust rates for both increases in the CPI and fuel costs. The City staff suggested that the contract require that WM would commit to no rate changes for 24 months, and then have to justify any change in rates by submitting both cost and revenue data. Thane's response to this appeared to be that automatic increases are essential. He did,however, agree to request a rate from the company based upon the City staff proposal. Two members of the City Council expressed concern to me about the company getting automatic increases for both fuel costs and CPI changes because the CPI already includes a fuel component. This issue was raised with Thane who took the position that fuel cost is only a minor part of the CPI, but is a major component of the company's costs. While there may be some truth to that,the entire CPI has little or no relevance to garbage collection because it includes factors like housing costs and groceries. Thane did mention that there is a garbage cost index that could be used. I continue to believe that automatic increases are not in the City's best interest, but if automatic increases are allowed, this garbage cost index may be a more logical basis, if it is developed by an independent organization. Thane promised to get back with me the week of April 17. I will keep you informed _) regarding future negotiations. • 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE•PEARLAND,TEXAS 77581-5416 • 281-652-1600•www.ci.pearland.tx.us « , 4. 281 998 1560 WASTE MANAGEMENT _ 01:18 47-p m 04-06-2006•- 2113 , • • AMENDMENTS TO CONTRACT II. Definition of Terms Administrative Fee Green Waste Tree Limbs Missed Collection Franchise Fee III. Equipment a. Add during peak and non peak seasons in sentence one b. Contractor shall provide at all times, well maintained vehicles and and keep them in good repair, clean and sani equipment excessive emissions. 3', free of leaks and c. Contractor shall contain, enclose,or tie all waste and refuse in a manner that prevents spilling, leaking or blowing. Contractor shall be responsible for immediate clean-up of all leakage,spillage,and blown debris,resulting from Contractor's vehicles or equipment d. Contractor shall operate all vehicles and equipment in compliance with all laws and manufacturer's specifications. IV. Office Hours a. Contractor agrees to keep said phones available for calls.from8:00 am to 6:30 pm on all regular business days including holidays and 8am— 12pm on Saturdays other regular business days with sufficient competent personnel to handle calls and inquiries during the aforementioned hours. XVIII Complaints—(ADD MISSED COLLECTIONS) Contractor shall give immediate and courteous attention to all customer inquiries or requests about solid waste collection services Contractor shall have staff on-call or after-hours for problems and emergencies Contractor shall maintain a log of all calls(inquiries, missed collections, complaints)that includes 1)the date and time of notification, 2)address and subdivision of occurrence/complaint;3)manner of resolutions and/or collections;4) time of resolution and/or collection Contractor shall provide a working copy of the Daily Log Call to the City by • 4:00 pm each Monday for the preceding weeks calls. M>ssed Collections Contractor shall notify the City by 3:30 pm when a scheduled collection route will not be completed before 5:00 pm. Contractor shall notify the City immediately upon discovering a street,portion of a route,or a complete route was not collected as scheduled. When notification of a missed collection is received before 2:00 pm, Contractor shall dispatch a truck and provide the collection before 6:30 pm on the same day 4 When notification of a missed collection is received by the Contractor after 2:00 pm,contractor shall provide collection within the next 24 hours. When notification of a missed collection is received after 2:00 pm on the day preceding a `281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT - 01 19.04 p ' 04-06-2006 3/13 holiday, the Contractor shall provide collection within the first five hours working day. of the next Complaints Contractor shall notify the City within 4 hours of received and the planed resolution. Service complaintsany service complaint property image,equipment leaks, include such things as unsaib operations, poor service,rude and discourteous service, Pe ns, suspicious behavior, etc. Contractor shall provide the City a full explanation in writing of the disposition of any complaint involving property damage within 3 working days following disposition ADD SECTION ON SPILLS or add to Section on COLLECTION Contractor shall exercise care to prevent spilling,scattering, solid waste during the collection process. Contractor shallpickupand dropping waste that has littered the area of collection before leavin tphe and cleauo all immediately pickup and cleanup all waste and garbage g area. Contractor shall from torn bags, etc. XVI Hours and Schedule Should a change in a routing schedule be necessary, approval from the City at least(30)days prior to implementation Contractor change receive collection route. Should a routing scheduled change ceanyContractorshallin a notify residents in the affected area of the change in schedule orouting and the anticipated affect on the collection time. Notification shall be by door hangers and letters mailed to affected residents. V. Collection a. Need to address each separately(household-waste,lawn trimmin s an waste, bundled waste,and tree limbs,appliances) g d' bulky b. Household waste shall be placed no more than 6 feet from the curb line of a public street in front of or adjacent to the residential unit. c. Contractor shall collect an unlimited number of bags from each resident on any collection day d. Contractor shall collect all items placed at the curb that are in compliance on the first pass by the home e. The Contractor shall TAG items placed for collection that are not collectable under the terms of this Contract. Contractor shall promptly notify the City within 24-hours by phone,email or FAX of the address where the tagged item is located. E Contractor shall be responsible for providing solid waste and recyclable collection services to households affected by collection impediments such as house repair/construction,street repair/construction, vehicles parked in the street,and/or utility Pepair/construction. Contractor shall notify such impediments that routinely hinder collection at City of' g. Should there be a limit of amount of b specific locations. limbs on each pass_such as r'�'waste, bundled waste and tree collection day. to 1 S cubic years from any one resident each , '281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT - 01.19:22p. ' 04--06-2006- - 4113 • ADD SECTION ON HOUSE SIDE SERVICE Contractor shall be willing to enter into se wanting to provide house side collection to residents ae mated with ivisj Contractor shall negotiate the fee for house side collection with each HOA House Side Service Contracts shall be Contractor only. Contractor and HOA shall agreements between the HOA and the specifications. negotiate service,billing,and payment E. Residential Recycling Contractor shall provide each resident an 18-gallon container/bin for the storage and collection ofrecyclables Contractor shall provide a replacement bin when a bin is lost,stolen, missing, or damaged within 10 working days of request Is cost still$6.00. Contractor shall provide a second bin to residents requesting a second bin for the above fee. Residents shall be encouraged to separate and set-out recyclabes, but neither the City nor the Contractor shall mandate arm. Contractor shall collect recyclable materials placed on ton inp of or next e tothe recycling container. Contractor shall leave unacceptable materials in the container. Contractor shall return the empty bin to the original location,except from leaving empty containers on public streets Recyclingmaterials -(Need to clarify recyclables and impact on rates) Add:mail-order catalogs,white paper,glossy paper, computer a p ° envelopes, Plastic containers No.1 and No.2. and bi-metal cans. VI. Right to Alter Recyclables Collected Restate as follows: Contractor may request to alter the List no more than once a year. Requests shall be made in writin the impact of dele ' g, specify the reason for the request, fee. Contractor ting/adding the items on collection,processing,and household shall notify each resident by US Mail of any change in the List of Recyclable Materials ADD SPECIAL COLLECTIONS • At the City's request Contractor shall provide special collections, such as Christer Trees Recycling Event Phone Books(collect 2 months each year) Citywide Litter Collection Event—Annual Trash-Off XV. Contractor's Duties a. Add -on a quarterly basis at end of A. , 281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT = _ 01.19.37 p m • U4-''06-21:106 5 H 3 ADD PROCESSING AND DISPOSAL SECTION Contractor shall identify and provide the City with a list of the designated Disposal and Processing Facilities that will be accepting waste and recyclables collected under the terms of this contract. Each disposal facility and processing facility shall be legally authorized and permitted under all applicable federal, state and local laws. The charge for disposal or processing shall be included in the Unit Price specified in the fee. ADD SECTION ON PERMITS,PENALTIES,AND FINES The Contractor shall pay any and all fines or penalties assessed against by any organization having jurisdiction for the Contractor's violations off City applicable laws, codes,regulations or orders arising in connection with Contractors performance of services hereunder The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all licenses,permits, and certificates required by any statute,ordinance,rule,or regulation of any regulatory body having jurisdiction over the conduct of the Contractor's operations herein. DC. Reports(Replace with) } a. Contractor chall be responsible for maintaining and submitting monthly and annual reports. Monthly reports shall be submitted to the City no later than 20 days following the end of the reporting period. Reports will have the information specified below and be in an easily understood and legible formant. Monthly reports shall include the following: i. Summary Letter—Cover letter that describes the month's problems, accomplishments,trends,observations,and other pertinent information. ii. Amount of Waste and Recyclable Collected—Spreadsheet listing amounts(in tons/pounds)of solid waste collected and recyclables collected by type iii. Daily Call Log iv. Call Summaries 1. from each subdivision 2. classified by type of call(missed collection, complaint,inquiry) v. Recyclable Set-Out Rates—spreadsheets listing subdivisions and percent of households that set out recyclables for collection and total city. Set- out rates shall be provided on a quarterly basis. vi. Deliver to: Attn:Claire Manthei vii. Contractor shall provide the City with access at reasonable times and for reasonable purposes,to examine,audit,review,and/or obtain copies of the papers, books,accounts,documents, and other records pertaining to the contract. viii. Contractor's failure to submit reports by the 20th days following the reporting period shall be considered in default of this contract and shall be subject to penalties or termination of this contract. • , '281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT 0/ 19.54 p m • 04=06-2006 6/13 ADD SECTION ON INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The relationship of the contractor to the C' no'princi al- City shall be that of an independent contractor, and p agent or employer-employee relationship Contract. By entering between the parties is created by this ring into this Contract with the City, Contractor acknowledges that it will, in the performance of its duties under this Contract, be acting and that no officer,agent or employee of the Contractor will for as independentacontractor of City and that no officer, any purpose an employee benefitsfthe agent or employee of the Contractor is entitled to any of the Privileges of a City employee or officer under any the State of Texas or the Charter and ordinances of the City of Pearland ion of the statutes of ADD SECTION ON HUMAN RESOURCES AND LABOR FORCE A. Employees 1. Contractor shall assure that employees Serve the public in a courteous, helpful, and impartial manner. 2. Contractor shall outfit each employee or contract laborer in uniforms that clearly identifies him/her as a representative of the Contractor. The name of supervisory employees and drivers shall be clearly visible on the front. 3. Contractor shall provide each employee with appropriate safety equipment. 4. Contractor shall assure that all employees or contract laborers are properly trained in safe operations and have sufficient skill, ability, and experience to properlyerfo the duties to which they are assigned. P rm 3. Contractor shall conduct background checks on all employees, and shall request background checks be conducted laborers to e by personnel services providing temporary contract nsure that no employee or contract laborer has been convicted of a felony or any offense that designates individuals as sex offenders. 6. Contractor shall employ superintendents, foremen, and workers who are careful, competent,and fully qualified to perform the duties or tasks assigned to them. 7. Contractor shall provide a written report to the City outlining complete details of any allegation of a Contractor's employee(s) or contract laborer(s) who was wanton, discourteous, belligerent, profane, or in any way intimidating, verbally. Contractor's report shall also includehee stand physically titleof thor e employee/laborer and disciplinary action taken. 8. The City shall have the right to request that an employee be barred from further work for the Contractor in connection with this Contract for reasons including: wanton, discourteous, belligerent, or unsafe behavior. The City's and shall describe the reasons for the request. Upon receipt of the shall be in writingh Contractor shall comply � po � City'srequest, the the City, immediately by removing the individual from duties within • 281 OH1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT _ 01.20.13 p rn 04-06-2000 - 7/13 . B. SUbCOnliadOrS 1. The Contractor shall not subcontract any task under this Contract without the written consent of the City. The Contractor shall submit a list of potential subcontractors for advance approval by the City. 2. Subcontractors shall be considered employees of the Contractor under the terms of this Contract The Contractor shall properly supervise and instruct subcontractors to assure that the subcontractor complies with all requirements of this Contract in performing any work hereunder. VII. Bonds and Insurance a. Any subcontractors hired by the Contractor shall maintain insurance coverage equal to that required of the Contractor. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to assure compliance with this provision. The City of Pearland accepts no responsibility arising from the conduct or lack of conduct,of subcontractors b. The City of Pearland shall be named as an additional insured with respect to GL and Auto Liability c. All liability policies shall contain no cross liability exclusions or insured versus insured restrictions d. A waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Pearland shall be contained in the WC's and all•liability policies ■ All insurance policies shall be endorsed to require the insurer to immediately notify The City of Pearland of any material change in the insurance coverage. All insurance policies shall be endorsed to the effect that The City of Pearland will receive at least thirty(30)days written notice prior to cancellation or non- renewal of the insurance. a All insurance policies, which name The City of Pearland as an additional insured, must be endorsed to read as primary coverage regardless of the application of other insurance. • Required limits may be satisfied by any combination of r' liability insurances. PY and umbrella • Contractor may maintain reasonable and customary deductibles • Insurance must be purchased from insurers having a minimum AmBest rating of"A7". All insurance must be written on forms filed with and approved by the Texas Department of Insurance. Certificates of Insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or its authorized agent and shall contain provisions representing and warranting the following: • • Sets forth all endorsements and insurance a coverages according to requirements and instructions contained herein.It Shall specifically set forth the notice-of-cancellation or termination provisions to The City of Pearland. .•281 B98 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT • - 01 20.29 p rn-' 04-06.2005 8/d 3 .- . Upon request, Contractor shall furnish The City of Pearland with certified insurance policies. copies of all A valid certificate of insurance verifying each of the coverages required above shall be issued directly to the City of Pearland 30 days prior to the effective date of the contract by the successful contractor's insurance agent of record or insurance company. The certificate of insurance shall be sent to: Finance/Purchasing 3519 Liberty. Pearland,TX Contractor shall furnish a faithful:performance bond in the amount of$600,000 30 days prior to the effective date of the contract. The City will adjust the amount annually to reflect the total of the last 2 months billings. XIII COMPENSATION 1. The initial unit price set forth in this Contract shall be guaranteed for a five- year period,October 1, 2006 through September 30,2011 3. The Contractor may petitions the City,after a 24-month period,for a Unit Price Adjustment on the basis of unusual charges in the Contractor's cost of operations, such as revised laws, ordinances,or regulations,changes in location of disposal site or changes in disposal charges,changes in fuel costs,etc. The Contractor shall provide adequate supporting documentation as requested by the City to support such a request. Documentation must include a pro-forma for the operations of the City of Pearland,which demonstrates the need for an increase. 4. The Contractor shall not requests a UPA that exceeds 4%of the previous year's rate for the specified services. 5. The City Council shall approve or disapprove Unit Price Adjustments requested by the Contractor. 6. ADD SECTION ON MONITORING AND NON-PERFORMANCE A. Performance Monitoring 1. Contractor shall be responsible for supervising and monitoring all work specified in this contract for compliance with specifications. 2. The City shall adminioar and monitor Contractor activities and performance with field monitoring and inspections. The City shall closely monitor and document missed collections and complaints of property damage,poor service,and discourteous service from City calls as well as from Contactor reports. 3. The City shall have the right to monitor or inspect all collection, processing/disposal operations pertaining to this contract. and 4. Contractor shall have a representative available to meet with City staff as needed to discuss performance,problems,and resolutions. 5. Contractor shall provide, within three working days after a explanations of non-compliance and action taken to rectify the problem uest bye City, B. Non-Performance . • 281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT 01.20:47 p m 04-06-2006 9/13 - • I. Failure to remedy the cause of the complaint City shall be considered a breach of the contract and,�by eithera customer or the damages under the provisions of purpose of computing from payments due or to become this section, it is agreed that the City as Penalties for Non-Performance. Penalties shay be adjusted the Contractor �amounts may deduct specified below the same percentage as any upward or downward per unit price increase or decrease. 2. Notification ofNon-Performance and Penalties for Non-Performance. The City shall notify the Contractor of non-compliance City's plan to assess Penalty, for Non Performance within seven businessnd days of the occurrence. b. The City shall submit a Summary of Offenses and Penalties for Non- Performance and the deduction in payment with the monthly Rouse Count. 3. Penalties for Non-Perform a. Failure to complete all waste and recycling collections and all routes 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. between $1,000'per occurrence. b. Failure to correct a missed solid waste or recycling collection asspecified contract. in this $200 each occurrence. c. Failure to clean up spilled wee or recyclables resulting from loading or transporting within one hour after receiving notification from the resident or the City. $100 each incident. d. Failure to provide solid waste or recycling collection at the same residential unit two or more times within a thirty-day period. $I 50 each occurrence over one(1). e. Failure to tag non-complying waste, recyclables, or brush materials with the reason for non-collection marked on the tag, or du e e to provide City a copy of the tag within 24 hours of all such instances so that the situation can be resolved. $50 for each failure to tag. $50 for each failure to provide City the address receiving a tag. f Failure to submit an accurate monthly accounting complaint reports in the specified format). (invoice, monthly reports and Non-payment until an accurate monthly accounting is submitted. i :;uamnoop luoo sill;ur zoj papteoad,fit 33e.13II0o acp�o strumatp���Id<uoo o;iol Aq IIaetB s;uawannbu,�ue to � p°q 30 lad aql no ami1s4 !AlpolosJsgss 3poAt aq;;no Aura O a asps rag2o 10 `lthu usq yua gosm am Igo�ao oaaq seq a°;se,quoJ aq; lBq'i aouaprng 4a0nt aq;pauopuegs seq Jo;oat;uo3 aq; aauop?eg - :suot;eaado 2m pom mnoaxa 4 odoad 03 3uatudtnba pus Jogs' ;napglns ;utstu pas aptnoad o; .o;ouigao3 alp jo ailed - anz<; ag; M suopsaado 3lionn aouamtuoo `•3�IIop aq;ut pat}toads 03 aoloer;uo3 ag; jo amps3 _ :utataIr£q panaasgo ao pauuojaad aq o;pannbaa suoptpuoo pus';aamaa& `s3usuanoa 'sUopsWfgo quo Lun anaasgo ao tamped 03 ao3onuuo3 jo amiu3 - pataptsuoo aq tsar uot; wed u`I No uE 'uot;allaon$o ao3 spunoi8 � ! o ;au 3n a it,I nexa 3o Atmit Aq Tulittolloj ata .q sty 2apun aoueauo�.tod s�aa;o uo 03p TIBBSjo Sc o� amp pasodard aq;o;aopd a � � amain; �$oz ,t;i0 ail; `IIo!3Bmmaa;jo �[nv3 P Mons arm 0;stte,I ao;os puo3 aq;3I '0A110410111 o q IIua�pasodoid aq; 'IInJap Irons samo 2o;�}Q rp 4ro. ° alp 03 mud s&sp (0£) a Via; jo amp pasodoad aq3 puma,taco`IIopdo a �� �I .� as;� 8 0; uousmuua� S�°I<°3 step (09)Aixts I os s;!3e �I�aql, •aOpou aq;jo 3dtaoaa pasodoad aq3 Pue;Ins�aP���uruoos-aq ;ou Eat amp t� -aoue�a;jo amp q.T�P 1OI c13uo0 aq;03 aopou A� j aq; `anaoo ;Im�ap 8 qons molls •III ua s!jo fre uu03aad 20 aAaasgO 03 SIIE3 tO;�IIO a °� mil tapan sar;np s�3o Re •uopoas ns l moon usgs ao; uoo Aq #R►sjaa g � ui paptnoad Sc 7oaiag; aopou 8uptta3aa amp gnejap trans amo o;103osaluo)aq;Aq aml!e3 pm?ao0e1 noj aq;£q llmgap jo plat a ut aura aapun saowas 3o aoneutropad s1ao;oepu� ajeutuua; .hem ,C; amp io3 uolWutuuaZ 'I io£q nop aiauay 'd no pang Saea�S-a •su°gst30Sau Armorjst38s '�S i jo o paid s.ao A. lcuo•i ipp us ao3 trap�q3 punka Asm' �3 3t�nip q Asxnm o;aoud ALL 'nt atues aq;ure;IItsm;snmt a paw/told se s�fap II°�0ait0o ° u03 3ontmo3 stg3 ut 3 alp aouspioaoe u!pact paxauae a�0;saowas o i to ds SOW ow AqI saran; ua�rani uodn `2°3aequ° P `��aq; atp `sao!eaas aria&egos oinbaa Q 3sanby *.I°WIa3 aq;$uunp s;tmcl a;eiodaoa sq o;uipps �°goa qui '3Oex3uo) scg3 ui 203 papcnwad se papua;xa sO PST I O1559[U saxaIIII'O ; s o •ct &mpua pus 900Z`I mgo3�9atouacucuoo`sisa,��atn�3 ssalun I roc`0£ Was ao g30 pound s aq liana rain;Ma 't NMI 'AIX i £1101 900Z-90,V0 W d 10:1 Z L O - _- 1N3W3JVNVW 31SVM OBS 1 B86 18Z- 281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT • - 01.21 16 p.m•• 04-06-2006 11 /13 - Indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized the Contract or any funds due therefrom for the benefit of any creditor fo f any other purpose. r c. Upon the effective date of termination as contained in the notice,shall, unless the notice directs otherwise, immediately discontinue all service in connection with this Contract. d. Within thirty(30)days after the date of termination,the Contractor shall submit a statement to the City showing in detail the services performed under this Contract to the date of termination, The City agrees to compensate the Contractor for that portion of the prescribed charges for which the services were actually performed under this Contract and not previously paid. e. In addition to, or in lieu of, the termination procedure set forth above, the City may take any or all of the following actions in the event of a default by the Contractor. - If the City determines, and notifies the Contractor, that such default poses an immediate threat to the health or safety of any person or to any interest, and if the Contractor has not cured such default within twenty-four (24)hours after receipt of such notice,the or cause to be performed all orthe City shall have the right to perform part work necessary In the event that the City performs such work,or causedtit to be performed, the Contractor shall compensate the City for the cost thereof The City shall have the right to deduct any such compensation due to the City from any sums otherwise due and owing to the Contractor. - The City may withhold all or part of any sums which would otherwise be due to the Contractor,but that relate to such default, default is cured or if such default cannot be cured,forever. such time as such • 281 B96 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT =01.21.31 p m - '04-06-200a _ :_ _12/13 • • - In the event that the Contractor shall fail to perform any of the material provisions of this Contract, the City shall promptly notify the Contractor of its noncompliance, stating with particularity the facts relating thereto and the period of time the Contractor has to comply. Thereafter, if the event or condition is not corrected or otherwise made to comply with the terms of this agreement within the period of time specified by the City,the same shall constitute an act of noncompliance. For such act, the City may deduct from the consideration to be paid to the.Contractor an amount described in Penalties for Non-Perfarmance. This remedy is hereby expressly made cumulative of other remedies available to the City, at law or in equity, for the breach of this Contract. 2. Service on Contractor's Surety(Performance Bond) a. A copy of the notice of termination, in whole or in part,shall be served on the Contractor's Surety when work is terminated for any cause or causes. When the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall discontinue the work or such part thereof as the City shall designate, whereupon the Surety may, at its option, assume the Contract or that portion thereof which the City has ordered the Contractor to discontinue and may perform the same or may, with the written consent of the City, sublet the work or that portion of the work as is taken over, provided, however, that the Surety shall exercise its option and begin performance of the work,if at all,within two(2)weeks after the written notice to discontinue the work has been served upon the Contractor and upon the Surety or its authorized agent. The Surety,in such event, shall assume the Contractor's place in all respects and shall be bound by all tennis and conditions of this Contract. Surety shall be paid by the City for all work performed by the Surety in accordance with the terms of this Contract. b. In case the Surety does not,within the hereinabove specified time, assume the Contract responsibilities, or that portion thereof which the City has ordered the Contractor to discontinue, the City shall have the power to perform and complete, by contract or otherwise, as it may determine, the work herein described or such part thereof as it may deem necessary, and the Contractor agrees that the City shall have the right to procure equipment, labor, and materials necessary for the completion of the work The City shall not be required to obtain the lowest proposal for the work of completing the Contract, but the expense to the City for same shall be the actual cost to the City of such work. b.In case such expenses shall exceed that amount which would have been payable under the Contract if the same had been fully completed by the Contractor,then the Contractor and its Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the City on notice from the City of the excess due. When any particular part of the work is being carried on by the City, by contract or otherwise, under the provisions of this Contract, the Contractor shall 281 998 1580 WASTE MANAGEMENT ni.21.50 p.m' 04-08-2006 13 113 , continue the remainder of the work in conformity with the terms of the Contract. c.B. Termination by the Contractor for City's Default The Contractor may terminate its performance under this Contract only in the event of default by the City and a failure by the City to cure such default after receiving notice thereof Default by the City shall occur if the City fails to observe any of its material duties under this Contract. Should such a default occur, the Contractor may deliver a written notice to the City describing such default, specifying the provisions of the Contract under which the Contractor considers the City to be in default,giving sufficient details of the alleged breach to enable the City to cure and the proposed date of termination. Such date may not be sooner than ninety (90) days following receipt of the notice. The Contractor,at its sole option,may extend the proposed date of termination to a later date. If prior to the proposed date of termination the City cures such default,then the proposed termination shall be ineffective. If the City fails to cure such default prior to the proposed date of termination, then the Contractor may terminate its performance under this Contract as of such date. EMERGENCY SERVICES The City contracts with a vendor for disaster relief services. However, the City reserves the right to request Contractor to collect and dispose of increased volumes Wilting from a estate jif emer encv which may include natural disasters, hurricanes, tornado,flood,etc. Contractor, shall at the City's request, provide additional vehicles personnel for removal of solid waste and debris ' equipment, and ency. Contractor shall provide the City a detailed Emergencyip an of Action that shalate of lgdetail resources available for solid waste and debris removal. Contractor shall have personnel on standby and shall meet with the City 24 hours after the state of emergency to develop an implementation plan. Contractor shall receive compensation as outlined for below for Emergency Services Only. (this does not include normal storms,wind,rain) If the City has been ordered to evacuate and it coincides with collection days, then the Contractor is still to provide service to collect the solid waste and get it off the street before Contractor can leave area. (DOES WASTE MANAGEMENT HAVE AN ESSENTIAL PERSONNEL POLICY????) r y • RESOLUTION NO. R2000-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO AN ADDENDUM TO THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTEAND RECYCLING CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC. FOR THE ADDITION OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM AND THE EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL FIVE (5) YEARS COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1, 2001. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain Addendum to Commercial and Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Contract by and between the City of Pearland and Waste Management, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, for the addition of a Green Waste Recycling Program and the extension of the contract for an additional five (5) years commencing on October 1 , 2001, is hereby • authorized and approved. Section 2. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Secretary to attest, the attached addendum and counterparts thereof. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 22nd day of May , A.D., 2000. TOM REID MAYOR ATTEST: i UNG Y SEA ETARY• 1 RESOLUTION NO. R2000-67 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 644-4 DARRIN COKER CITY ATTORNEY 2 ADDENDUM TO CITY OF PEARLAND EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING CONTRACT (Exhibit "A"to Resolution No. R2000-67)' This Agreement is entered into this 43 day of MaY , 2000, by and between the CITY OF PEARLAND,BRAZORIA COUNTY,TEXAS(hereinafter"City") and WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC., a Texas corporation (hereinafter"Contractor"). WHEREAS, a Solid Waste and Recycling Contract was executed between City and Contractor for services to begin October 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Contract authorizes the parties to extend the initial five (5)year term of the contract for an additional five-year term beginning October 1, 2001; and WHEREAS, Contractor and City both desire to extend the existing contract for an additional five (5)year term; and • WHEREAS, Contractor has proposed the implementation of a green waste program for all residential solid waste customers; and WHEREAS,City desires to implement a green waste program by which Contractor shall once each week collect green waste from each residential unit within the City. WITNESSETH : NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Section 11 of the agreement is amended to add the following definition: Green waste-Green waste shall include, but not be limited to,grass, leaves,tree trimmings, branches, tree trunks, or similar plant refuse. 2. Contractor agrees, at no cost to the customer, to implement a green waste recycling program for all residential solid waste customers. Contractor shall, once each week,collect from each Residential Unit within the City,green waste material,provided such materials are placed in translucent(semi-clear)bags,the weight of which shall not exceed thirty-five(35) pounds. Branches, brush, and similar woody material must be bundled and tied in lengths not exceeding five (5) feet and having diameters not exceeding eighteen (18) inches, the weight of which shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. It is understood that green waste collection routes may be temporarily delayed during periods of peak volumes. 3. Contractor and City hereby agree that the existing contract between the parties be extended for an additional five (5) year term beginning October 1, 2001, and expiring five (5) years later on September 30, 2006. • r 4. Contractor agrees to the following terms regarding rate increases: • Contractor agrees to forego its CPI increase for the fourth year of the existing agreement covering the period from October 1, 1999, through September 30, 2000. • Contractor may submit a CPI increase for the final year of the existing agreement beginning on October 1, 2000, and ending on September 30, 2001. • Contractor agrees to lower residential rates twenty cents ($0.20) beginning October 2001, and further agrees to maintain said residential rate until September 30, 2004. 5. The effect of this Addendum is limited to the terms above and all other terms of the original Agreement endure as previously agreed. This Agreement may only be amended,modified, or supplemented by written agreement and signed by all parties. 7. Upon completion of Contractor's obligations pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor shall no longer have any rights or obligations hereunder regarding the collection of solid waste and recycling within the City of Pearland. 8. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in this Agreement will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent(except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law),and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. 9. Nothing herein is intended to supersede or waive any City or County ordinance or regulation pertaining to such construction. 10. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement is prohibitive or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such provision or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement. 11. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 12. This Agreement and all obligations created hereunder shall be performable in Brazoria County, Texas. 13. In enforcing the performance of the provisions of this Agreement, all parties shall have the right to the exercise of all procedures available under the law including, but not without limiting the generality thereof, a writ of mandamus to command performance of any provision. No waiver of any breach or default of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent waiver or default. If any party hereto is the prevailing party in any legal proceedings against any signatory on this Agreement brought under or with relation to this Agreement, such prevailing party shall 2 additionally be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney's fees from any non- prevailing party to such proceedings. 14. Resolution No. R2000-67 and incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. 15. To accomplish execution of this Agreement, it may be executed in multiple counterparts. 16. CONTRACTOR HEREBY RELEASES, ACQUITS, AND FOREVER DISCHARGES THE CITY AND COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS FROM ANYAND ALL CLAIMS,DEMANDS,RIGHTS OR CAUSES OF ACTION OF WHATSOEVER CHARACTER OR NATURE, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES, ARISING FROM OR BY REASON OF ANYAND ALL BODILY OR PERSONAL INJURIES, INCLUDING DEATH AND MENTAL ANGUISH, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND THE CONSEQUENCES THEREOF WHICH MAY BE SUSTAINED BY CONTRACTOR, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS, AS A RESULT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, UNLESS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OR COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY AND COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY AND ALL COST, LIABILITY, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE OF ANY NATURE AND HOWSOEVER CAUSED, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS'FEES,CLAIMED OR RECOVERED BYANYONE BY REASON OF INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY CAUSED BY OR RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF CONTRACTOR, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS, ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION,EXPIRATION,OR CANCELLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and signatures on the date first above mentioned. WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. a Texas corporation B . Printed Name: It 4.4 V '57Lk 7'O Title:, lt '1"lcrf. MAReg .oj/f.4r. ATTEST: CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS a Texas municipal corporation ) By: Byte eG. oun rea Glen R. Erwin �.... City cretary City Manager 3 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZORIA § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Glen R.Erwin,known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS !t3"11 DAY OF May , A.D., 20 00 . Ljn(Lthia,(A. C144,01tA/4 Notary Public, State of Texas MEUSSA.HARWS � •' �lotary Public,Staff at7exes � 1 My Commissiont= Printed Name: ���s�4 t'ta�f S 'teen July 19,2003 My Commission Expires: 7 tq"03 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF 6RA'204 a § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared ti I 51-4 re , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. , GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS /7l TLIDAY OF CIG,0648Y2.- , A.D., 2OeO . iry Pub!, i -ex_i_ff:LeN YOUNG LORFING tinted Name: YOGtiVa La&/n/,( ( ti jy'Notary Public,state of Texas VP ram 4}° Commission Expire9 4-3-01 My Commission Expires: 0-S - Zoo/ 4 RESOLUTION NO. R96-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF TEXAS, INC.,TO COLLECT, PROCESS,AND DISPOSE OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE AND/OR RECYCLABLES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City may, pursuant to its police powers, enter into an exclusive contract with a provider of solid waste removal; and WHEREAS, said agreement will provide Pearland citizens more efficient and cost-effective solid waste removal services; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain contract, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, authorizing the City Manager to enter into an exclusive commercial and residential solid waste and recycling:contract with Waste Management of Texas, Inc., to collect, process, and dispose of residential and commercial refuse and/or recyclables within the corporate limits of the City, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Secretary to attest, Exhibit "A" and any counterparts thereof. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the C 'E-Le. day of . 2YAe, 4-1) TOM REID MAYOR 1 n RESOLUTION NO. R96-48 ATTEST: YO A DA C. BEM Z CITY SECRETARY APPRO D AS TO FORM: huh Y M ES cCULLOUGH CITY A ORNEY 2 EXHIBIT-"A" CITY OF PEARLAND EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING CONTRACT This Contract made and entered into at Pearland, Texas, as of the 1st day of October, 1996, by and between the City of Pearland, Texas,.a municipal corporation of Brazoria County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "CITY ", and Waste Management of Texas, Inc., a Texas corporation doing business as Waste Management of Southeast Texas, its successors and assigns hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: Scope of Work and Contract The work to be done by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Contract consists of collecting and processing or disposing, at its own cost and expense, Residential Refuse and/or Recyclables collected from every Residential Unit, and Commercial Refuse collected from every Large or Small Commercial Unit (including also industrial and institutional units) within the corporate limits of CITY as the present and future boundaries exist, and the furnishing of all labor, methods or processes, tools, equipment, and transportation necessary to meet the requirements of this Contract. II. Definition of Terms • Whenever in this Contract the following terms are used, they shall be defined as follows: Administrative Authority - City Manager. Bags - Sacks designed to store refuse with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. Total weight of a Bag and its contents shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. Bulky Waste - Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, other white goods, furniture, and similar items. Bundle - Trees, shrub and brush trimmings not exceeding four feet (4') in length or fifty (50) pounds in weight. Commercial Refuse - All Garbage, Rubbish, and Bulky Waste generated by a commercial or industrial unit excluding Hazardous Waste or construction debris except for such incidental quantities as are regulatorily acceptable and are agreed to by CONTRACTOR. Commercial Refuse Collection - Non-Residential Refuse collected from commercial or industrial establishments. 1 • Commercial Refuse Pick-Up Residentially - Commercial Refuse placed in a can,container, Bag, or Bundle. Cans or containers shall not be larger than thirty-five (35) gallons or fifty (50) pounds in weight. No more than six (6) thirty-five (35) gallon cans, Bundles, Bags, or combinations thereof shall be put out for each pick-up, and service shall be of the same type as a Residential Unit. Commercial Unit / Small - Any multifamily dwellings or commercial/industrial_business establishments within the corporate limits of CITY which are ordinarily incapable of generating volumes of garbage, trash, and Rubbish in excess of those volumes described in above paragraph. Commercial Unit/Large - Any multifamily dwelling,commercial/industrial establishment, or other non-single family residential establishment ordinarily capable of generating a larger volume of garbage or Rubbish in excess of that volume described in small commercial collection. Contractor - The person, corporation, or partnership performing solid waste collection and Disposal along with recycling collection and processing under Contract with CITY. Curbside - Each Bag or Bundle shall be placed at curbside for collection. Curbside refers to that portion of the right-of-way adjacent to and not exceeding five (5) feet from paved or traveled CITY roadways, including alleys. Containers, Bags, or Bundles shall be placed within five (5) feet of the roadway, as practicable without interfering with or endangering the movement of vehicles or pedestrians. If construction work is being performed in the right-of-way, then containers, Bags, and Bundles shall be placed as close as practicable to an access point for the collection vehicle. Dismount - Dismount shall mean that the driver of a collection vehicle will get out of the vehicle. Disposal - All Refuse for disposal shall be hauled to approved sites or facilities legally approved to accept it for treatment or disposal. All recovered materials must be processed at a certified recovered materials processing facility. Dumpster - A metal container at least two (2) cubic yards in size, with an attached lid, and specifically designed for use with a front-end loading packer truck. Garbage - All normal and usual household and institutional waste products that are placed in approved containers or Bags for collection purposes and are usually a mixture of putrescible,non-putrescible,combustible,and incombustible materials,such as organic wastes from food preparation and consumption, wrapping and packaging materials, metal, glass and plastic containers, and other items. Glass Containers - Glass Containers shall mean waste and scrap glass in various colors (i.e., flint or clear, green, and amber) which have been rinsed and are reasonably clean. The glass shall not be broken nor contain: - metals such as aluminum caps, steel lids, lead collars or light bulb filament; - ceramics such as cups, dishes and ovenware; 2 - stones and dirt; - plate or window glass; • - heat-resistant glass, such as Pyrex; or - lead-based glass such as crystal or television tubes. Hauling - All Refuse hauled by CONTRACTOR shall be so contained, tied, or enclosed that leaking, spilling, or blowing are prevented. Hazardous Waste - Any chemical compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the State of Texas "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal, State, or local laws or ordinances. Non-Discrimination - CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any person because of race, sex, age, creed, color, religion, or national origin. Notification - CITY shall notify all residential customers about complaint procedures, rates, regulations, and days for scheduled Recyclables collection. Old Newspaper ("ONP") - ONP shall mean newspaper containing less than five percent (5%) paper other than news and not more than the normal percentage of rotogravure and colored sections. Papers should not be tied or strapped together. ONP should be neatly stacked or in a brown bag alongside of or on top of or under the recycling collection bin. Plastic Bottles - Plastic Bottles shall mean plastic milk or water jugs (high density polyethylene or HDPE) - no colored plastic. Caps shall be removed and the bottles rinsed and reasonably clean before placing in the recycling container. Point of Contact - All dealings, contacts, etc., between CONTRACTOR and CITY shall be directed by CONTRACTOR to the City Manager of CITY. Recvclables - Includes ONP, UBC, Glass Containers, and Plastic Bottles. Refuse - Includes, but is not limited to, all Residential Refuse and Commercial Refuse. Residential Refuse - All Garbage, Rubbish, Bulky Waste, and all other items that may be deposited in a sanitary landfill generated by an occupant of a Residential Unit, excluding Hazardous Waste except for such incidental quantities as are regulatorily acceptable. Residential Unit - A dwelling within the corporate limits of CITY occupied by a person or group of persons comprising not more than four (4) families. A Residential Unit shall be deemed occupied when either water or domestic light and power service are being supplied thereto. A condominium dwelling, whether of single or multi-level construction, or separate single-family dwelling units, including mobile homes, shall be treated as a Residential Unit, except that each single-family dwelling within any such dwelling or construction shall be billed separately as a Residential Unit. Upon request of CONTRACTOR,from time to time CITY shall provide CONTRACTOR with timely information (identity and address) on all Residential Units obtained from its or others' water billing records. 3 r /'1 Roll-Off Container - A large metal container, open or closed top, that can be rolled on to the back of a truck. Sizes of Roll-Off Containers are generally 20, 30, or 40 cubic yards. Roll-Off Container Service - All materials disposed of under Roll-Off Container service may be Commercial Refuse and any other Refuse that may be deposited in a sanitary landfill, and that is suitable for a Roll-Off Container. This excludes Hazardous Waste. • Rubbish - All waste wood, wood products, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches thereof, chips, shavings, sawdust, printed matter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded mattresses, used and discarded clothing, used and discarded shoes and boots, combustible waste pulp and other products, such as are used for packaging or wrapping, crockery and glass, ashes, cinders, floor sweepings, mineral or metallic substances, soil, dirt, concrete, lumber, and bricks. Steel Cans - Steel Cans shall mean all steel containers with the exception of hazardous material and paint containers. Steel Cans shall be empty, rinsed and reasonably cleaned, and placed singly in the recycling bin. Used Beverage Cans ("UBC") - UBC shall mean all-aluminum beverage containers which are placed singly, empty, and reasonably clean in the bin for recycling. Ill. Equipment CONTRACTOR will furnish, during the period of this Contract, a sufficient number of packer and Roll-Off Container type trucks with sufficient operators and workmen for each,.to collect and dispose of all Refuse in CITY from commercial and industrial customers; and a sufficient number of recycling-type trucks, with sufficient operators and workmen for each, to collect Recyclables in CITY from residential-type customers, and adequate equipment to process said Recyclables. All equipment must be in good working order and equipment may be inspected and approved by CITY before the execution of the Contract. All equipment shall bear the name of CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's local telephone number which shall be displayed on such equipment in a clear, legible manner. All Dumpsters and Roll-Off Containers requested by commercial customers shall be maintained by CONTRACTOR in good condition. Dumpsters will be changed as needed to maintain all health and safety concerns free of charge. All other container movement will be as agreed by the CONTRACTOR and commercial customer. IV. Office Hours CONTRACTOR shall maintain an office at some fixed location and shall maintain a local telephone at such office listed in the telephone directory in the name of its company, and shall at all times between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. of each day, excepting Saturday afternoons, Sundays, and holidays, have some responsible person at such office with whom the public, the Administrative Authority, or other responsible CITY official or employee may communicate, discuss, and refer any complaint arising in connection with such services. 4 Complaints shall be investigated promptly and appropriate action taken. The telephone for CONTRACTOR shall be on a toll-free exchange to all residents of CITY and listed in each telephone directory in which each portion of CITY is included. V. Collection It is hereby agreed, understood, and contracted that the CONTRACTOR shall do and perform the following acts: A. Residential collection and Disposal. CONTRACTOR shall pick up all Bags and Bundles of Residential Refuse from every Residential Unit in CITY, twice each week, except where a CITY observed holiday occurs during such a week, in which event the pick-up scheduled for that day will be postponed until the next scheduled pick-up, and except for emergencies resulting from Acts of God or where proper payment has not been received. Each Bag, Bundle, or Bulky Material shall be placed at Curbside for collection. Major appliances that contain refrigerant must be drained and tagged by a certified refrigerant recycler prior to Disposal. It shall be the responsibility of the Residential Unit to place his Refuse at the proper Curbside location on his regularly scheduled pick-up days at or before 7:00 A.M. on weekdays and 9:00 A.M. on Saturdays, and to comply with the following: a. Only Refuse in Bags of the usual size shall be picked up, not to exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight. b. Moving boxes must be broken down. c. Limbs must be cut and bundled so as not to exceed over four feet (4') in length or over fifty (50) pounds in weight. d. Soil, dirt, concrete, lumber, grass-dirt, bricks, or similar materials are to be placed in Bundles in such quantity so the weight of the can, container, Bag, or Bundle shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. e. Disabled persons registered at City Hall shall receive garage door collection services twice per week at the same rate charged customers receiving residential and recycling collection services. B. City service specifications. Service to facilities owned and/or operated by.the City of Pearland shall be provided at no cost to the CITY. Facilities for which service shall be provided at no cost include but are not limited to: City Hall, Public Works Facility, Independence Park (including swimming pool and pavilion), Public Safety Building, Melvin Knapp Activity Building, Animal 5 Shelter, City Barn/Fire Station, EMS Building/Recycling Center and any other like facilities _ acquired by the CITY during the terms of the contract. Service shall be at a frequency and container size specified by the City Manager. CONTRACTOR shall provide service to the following City Events: Community Clean Up Days, twice per year (roadside bag-it program); CITY annual picnic and annual Easter egg hunt. Bags should be picked up within three (3) working days. C. Small commercial collection and Disposal. CONTRACTOR shall once or twice each week provide "Curbside" pick-up from each small commercial establishment in the CITY and dispose of the contents of SIX (6) Garbage or Rubbish containers not to exceed THIRTY-TWO (32) gallons in size nor FIFTY (50) pounds in weight, and TWO (2) Bundles of grass, brush, and tree limbs, provided such items are bagged or securely tied to prevent spillage. Tree limbs and brush must be trimmed and cut to lengths not to exceed FOUR (4) feet and tied in Bundles not to exceed FIFTY (50) pounds in weight. It shall be the responsibility of the commercial customer serviced residentially to place his Refuse at the proper Curbside location on his regularly scheduled pick-up day(s) at or before 7:00 A.M. on weekdays and 9:00 A.M. on Saturdays and to comply with the following: a. Only Refuse in Bags of the usual size shall be picked up, not to exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight. b. Moving boxes must be broken down. c. Limbs must be cut and bundled so as not to exceed over four feet (4') in length or over fifty (50) pounds in weight. d. Soil, dirt, concrete, lumber, grass-dirt, bricks, or similar materials are to be placed in cans, containers, or Bundles in such quantity so the weight of the can, container, or Bundles shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. D. Large commercial collection and Disposal for permanent or temporary service. CONTRACTOR shall make at least two (2) weekly collections at all commercial establishments subject to the terms of this Contract and at sufficient additional intervals necessary to perform adequate services and to protect the environment, unless otherwise approved in advance by the CITY, provided however, where the Refuse is exclusively non- putrescible in nature, once weekly collections are permitted. Where a CITY observed holiday occurs during such a week,the pick-up scheduled for that day will be performed the day before or the day after said holiday. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to perform during emergencies resulting from Acts of God or where proper payment has not been received. Dumpster will be located at a place convenient and safely serviceable to CONTRACTOR and the commercial customer. 6 CONTRACTOR or CITY shall not be responsible for damage which is not negligently or willfully caused by CONTRACTOR to any private pavement or accompanying sub-surface, or any drive approach connecting said private pavement to public street or alley, of any route reasonably necessary to perform the services herein contracted, provided CONTRACTOR has an agreement with the customer containing a provision to this effect. No commercial container or Dumpster should be overloaded to the point where the lid or covers will not close. CONTRACTOR may decline to empty an overloaded container until the customer unloads the container to the point where the lid or covers will close, or until other mutually agreeable arrangements have been made. E. Residential recycling collection, processing, and reporting. CONTRACTOR shall pick up all residential Recyclables from every building used for residential purposes in CITY, once each week, except when a holiday occurs during such week (in which event the pick-up scheduled for that day shall be postponed until the next scheduled pick-up), and except for emergencies resulting from Acts of God or where proper payment has not been received. CONTRACTOR will provide service to Clean Pearland's recycling station at no charge. Residential Recyclables are: old newsprint,magazines, used beverage containers, Plastic Bottles, Steel Cans, Glass Containers, and any other recyclable materials,the addition of which is agreed by CONTRACTOR and CITY. CONTRACTOR shall utilize a plastic bin(s) for resident's use in the collection of Recyclables. The recycling bins shall remain the property of CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall replace a recycling bin at no charge to the resident if the recycling bin has been damaged through no fault of the resident. If a resident loses his recycling bin, a replacement bin can be purchased by the resident at a price of Six Dollars ($6.00) per bin. CONTRACTOR will deliver replacement bins to residents. CONTRACTOR will prepare annual TNRCC reports which will include information on recycling activities and waste collection volumes. CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with a copy of these reports. VI. Right to Alter Recyclables Collected If, at any time,the CITY or CONTRACTOR determines that additional recyclable materials are economically feasible to include in the recycling program, CITY or CONTRACTOR reserves the right to negotiate the addition of said items to the list of recyclable materials and a corresponding adjustment in the compensation will be negotiated. Likewise, if any item becomes infeasible to continue in the recycling program due to lack of volume, lack of adequate market pricing, or poor quality of items received, CITY or CONTRACTOR reserves the right to exclude or discontinue said item from the recycling program with the consent of both parties. CONTRACTOR does not guarantee the existence of a market or any buyer at any time for recyclable materials. 7 ^• VII. . Right to Propose Pilot Programs The CITY and CONTRACTOR may agree at any time to engage in a pilot program to justify the benefits and feasibility of such program to the CITY and CONTRACTOR. If such program is deemed successful, the CITY and CONTRACTOR may negotiate terms and compensation, if necessary. VIII. Bonds and Insurance CONTRACTOR shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of the Contract, workmen's compensation insurance in accordance with the Workmen's Compensation statutes of the State of Texas, and public liability, employer's liability, and property damage insurance, including contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provisions of the Contract in a form acceptable to the CITY ATTORNEY for the benefit of the third persons who,may be injured or damaged as a result of any negligent operations or other wrongful conduct of said CONTRACTOR in the performance of his work under the Contract. All insurance shall be by an insurance company and for policy limits acceptable to CITY. Prior to the commencement of the Contract,CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish CITY certificates of insurance to the effect that such insurance has been procured and is in force. Notice of cancellation of such policies shall be given to CITY not less than thirty(30) days prior to the cancellation date. For the purpose of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall carry the following types of insurance in at least the limits as specified below: COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY Workmen's Compensation statutory • Employer's Liability $ 5,000,000 Bodily Injury Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $ 5,000,000 aggregate Property Damage Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $ 5,000,000 aggregate Automobile Bodily Injury $ 5,000,000 each person Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Automobile Property Damage $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Liability Fire Damage $ 2,000,000 any one fire 8 Excess Umbrella Liability $ 5;000,000 each occurrence CITY shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss, or damage happening or occurring in the performance of the work under this Contract and CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY and its officers and employees in the event of any and all liability arising therefrom if and to the extent caused by CONTRACTOR's negligence or wilful breach hereof. CONTRACTOR shall furnish and maintain a faithful performance bond during the full term of the Contract in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) as a • guarantee that it will faithfully perform the Contract. Said bond shall be issued by a duly authorized corporate surety company authorized to do business in the State of Texas. Said bond shall be made payable to CITY or as may be provided by law, and be subject to the approval of the CITY ATTORNEY as to form and the City Manager as to surety. Said bonds shall remain in force for the entire length of the Contract. IX. Reports CONTRACTOR shall submit periodic reports and special reports to the Administrative Authority as may be deemed reasonable. CONTRACTOR shall, through its billing procedure, show the name of each customer, the address thereof, and the type of service provided. CITY may review CONTRACTOR'S records and reports on service during regular office hours. X. Assignment This Contract shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the CITY COUNCIL nor shall any subcontractor be recognized or dealt with by the CITY COUNCIL or any of the persons chargeable with the enforcement of the Contract. Xl. Defaults The breach of any of the terms and/or conditions of this Contract on the part of CONTRACTOR which are not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice from CITY, unless performance is prevented by Acts of God, or in the event of bankruptcy proceedings by CONTRACTOR, shall be grounds for cancellation by CITY. Upon such termination, CITY shall be at liberty to re-let the work to other parties or to undertake directly the performance of said work. In either case, CONTRACTOR and his surety shall be liable for any excess cost occasioned to CITY over and above that which would have been due and payable to CONTRACTOR under the terms of the Contract. Termination of the Contract as herein provided shall not terminate, suspend, or affect the liability of CONTRACTOR or the surety upon the bond. 9 If CITY fails to pay amounts owing to CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR may terminate this Contract not less than THIRTY (30) days following CONTRACTOR's written notice thereof to CITY. XII. Compliance with All Laws CONTRACTOR agrees to conform to and abide by all of the rules, regulations, and ordinances of CITY governing the picking up, hauling, processing and/or disposing of Recyclables and Refuse. CONTRACTOR agrees to conform to and abide by all of the valid rules, regulations, and ordinances of any city or other jurisdiction through which Recyclables and/or Refuse may be hauled, processed, or disposed of, governing the picking up, hauling, processing, and/or Disposal of said Recyclables or Refuse. CONTRACTOR agrees, when Recyclables and/or Refuse is hauled to or through the unincorporated territory of any county, to conform to and abide by all the rules, regulations, and ordinances of any county governing the picking up, hauling, processing, and/or disposal of said Recyclables or Refuse. CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by all the laws of the State of Texas governing the picking up, hauling, processing, and/or disposal of Recyclables and Refuse. XIII. Compensation A. Residential and Recycling CITY agrees to pay and CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept for the Curbside collection of Recyclables and solid waste the rate of Eleven Dollars and Seventeen Cents ($11.17) per Residential Unit as full compensation for (1) doing all of the work contemplated and embraced in the Contract, (2) all loss or damages arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid or from the acts of the elements or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the CITY, (3) all risks of every description connected with the work, (4) all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and (5) well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and according to the terms of this Contract. The City shall retain One Dollar ($1 .00) per month per account as a processing fee for billing and collection. The City shall retain fifteen percent (1 5%) of the gross collection minus the processing fee as a franchise fee. Residential Collection for Residential Refuse (Bag only) and Bulky Materials $11.17/Month for no limit twice per week Residential Refuse and once per week recycling per residence. 10 Gross Collection Fee $ 11.17 less Processing Fee for Billing & Collections 1 .00 NET COLLECTION FEE $ 10.17 -less Franchise Fee (15% of Net Collection Fee) 1.53 Payment to CONTRACTOR $ 8.64 CONTRACTOR further agrees to process, store, or market the Recyclables to an end user. The processing shall include: removal of contaminates from newspapers; separation of glass by color; separation and flattening of aluminum cans; and separation and baling of Plastic Bottles. The CITY shall receive a monthly payment of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for promotion of recycling activities and environmental education. Payment by CONTRACTOR to CITY, or to tax exempt entity under contract to CITY to provide the aforementioned services and designated in writing by CITY to receive the monthly payment from CONTRACTOR directly, shall be made within THIRTY (30) days following the month in which residential recycling services were rendered. The policy pertaining to delinquent notices for Residential Refuse billing and charges for delinquent payment for Residential Refuse billing shall be the same as the one for delinquent water utility billing under the CITY's utility billing policy then in effect. The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR monthly, at the rate specified above, for each residence billed and serviced during that month. Such payment shall be made by the TWENTIETH (20th) day of the month for which the billing is due. Residential Collection for Non-Bundled Brush and Bulky Materials One man crew and truck $ 85.00 per hour Two man crew and truck $110.00 per hour Three man crew and truck $135.00 per hour B. Commercial • As compensation for collecting Commercial Refuse, CITY agrees to pay and CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept a minimum of TWO (2) cubic yards per pickup with the monthly charges as follows: Small Commercial Collection for small businesses that need no Dumpster service such as: Dry Cleaners, Doctors or Real Estate Offices, Barber Shops, Beauty Shops, Etc.: 11 $18.47/Month for once a week pickup with curb service for businesses that do not generate putrescible waste. $26.32/Month for twice a week pickup with curb service. (Maximum of five (5) thirty-two (32) gallon containers.) Monthly Fee for Commercial or Business Container Pickup: FREQUENCY PER WEEK SIZE IX 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 2CY $ 46.48 $ 67.77 3CY $ 56.57 $ 85.69 4CY $ 65.53 $100.25 $134.99 6CY $ 81.22 $133.86 $169.87 $225.95 $282.01 $338.08 8CY $ 95.78 $164.10 $225.95 $300.70 $375.46 $450.21 Casters (per month) $ 10.00 Container roll-out (per occurrence) $ 11.00 Locking device or lock (monthly) $ 5.00 Dismount fee (per occurrence) $ 5.00 Commercial Recycling Front-Load: Six (6) cubic yard serviced once per week $ 55.00 Six (6) cubic yard serviced,twice per week $105.00 Extra Dump Rates: Two (2) cubic yard $ 27.14 Three (3) cubic yard $ 31.48 Four (4) cubic yard $ 33.64 • Six (6) cubic yard $ 37.99 Eight (8) cubic yard $ 43.42 Sludge Removal: Haul per Box $125.00 Disposal Fee per Manifested Cubic Yard $ 7.50 Fee for Trash Compactor: 28 Cubic Yard Compactor per Pickup $298.00 40 Cubic Yard Compactor per Pickup $315.00 Front Load Compacted Refuse per Cubic Yard $ 7.22 12 • Catastrophic Events: Rates for service provided during cleanup from catastrophic events: 1. Fees for use of Roll-Off Containers and Disposal of waste placed in them: Rental Fee $100.00/Month 20 cubic yard $256.00 30 cubic yard $282.50 40 cubic yard $309.00 2. Fees for pickup of Bulky Materials: One man crew and truck $ 85.00 per hour Two man crew and truck $110.00 per hour Three man crew and truck $135.00 per hour CONTRACTOR shall bill the CITY for services on a monthly basis. CONTRACTOR shall bill the CITY for services on a monthly basis. Payment shall be remitted by the CITY within twenty (20) days from receipt of invoice. The CITY shall retain eighteen percent(18%) of the gross billing as a franchise fee. Sludge removal for CITY shall not be subject to the 18% franchise fee. CITY shall not bill CONTRACTOR's customers for provision of Roll-Off Containers utilized in the collection of construction debris or recyclable cardboard compactor containers, nor shall provision of such services by CONTRACTOR be subject to the 18% franchise fee. XIV. Term The initial term of this Contract shall be for the period commencing on and including the 1st day of October, 1996, and expiring five (5)years later on September 30, 2001. After the expiration of the initial five-year term, the Contract shall be extended for an additional FIVE (5) year term unless non-renewal notice of no less than NINETY (90) days is given by either party (by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested) prior to the expiration date. Except as otherwise allowed by this Contract, the CONTRACTOR and the CITY hereby agree that the collection fees for such garbage collection and Disposal, as stated above, shall be binding upon both parties for the first TWO (2) years of this Contract and shall be subject to review and negotiation on an annual basis thereafter. In the event the CONTRACTOR determines that an increase in such collection fees is required after TWO (2) years due to escalation of the CONTRACTOR's cost in providing such service,then the CONTRACTOR shall submit in writing, to the CITY, its proposal for increased fees and all supporting data related thereto. 13 • • After the second year of this Contract, CONTRACTOR may submit to the CITY, in writing, a proposal for increased fees based on the Galveston/Houston Consumer Price Index (CPI), ' landfill increases, or unusual cost increases caused by the passage of laws, ordinances, or regulations set forth by local, state, and/or federal agencies. The CPI increase for years 3, 4, and 5 shall not exceed four percent (4%). At any time, the CONTRACTOR may submit to the CITY, in writing, a proposal_with supporting documentation for increased collection fees based on unusual cost increases caused by the passage of laws, ordinances, regulations, or mandates of the City, State, or Federal governments. If the CITY fails to approve such proposed fees on or before THIRTY (30) days after such proposal has been submitted to the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to terminate this Contract by giving THIRTY (30) days written notice to the CITY. XV. Contractor's Duties For and in consideration of the payments and agreements herein mentioned to be made and performed by CITY and under the conditions expressed in the bonds bearing even date with this Contract and hereunder annexed, CONTRACTOR agrees with CITY, at its own cost and expense, to collect and dispose of Refuse, and to collect and process residential Recyclables in CITY in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. Furthermore, CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the materials and services as listed below: A. Develop an educational mailout to cover the Curbside recycling program (when, where, why, how, do's, and don'ts), regular solid waste programs, "Don't Bag It" program, and composting program. B. CONTRACTOR's Public Sector Services Representative will be actively involved in the Clean Pearland programs throughout the year. C. Provide "Waste in Place" or "Waste: A Hidden Resource" curriculum guide to each school. D. Give joint presentations annually to elementary schools. E. Attend and give presentations to various adult groups to encourage recycling, the "Don't Bag It" program, and backyard composting. XVI. Hours CONTRACTOR shall pick-up Residential Refuse and Recyclables throughout CITY and shall service all Residential Units wherever located in CITY. Refuse and recycle services shall be extended between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. only, except upon mutual agreement by CITY and CONTRACTOR that an exception is necessary in order to complete collection on an existing collection route due to unusual circumstances. If Saturday residential or small commercial collection is scheduled, the hours shall be between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 14 CONTRACTOR shall pick-up Commercial Refuse throughout CITY and shall service all commercial customers wherever located in CITY. Commercial Refuse service shall be extended between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. only, except upon mutual agreement by CITY and CONTRACTOR that an exception is necessary in order to complete collection on an existing collection route due to unusual circumstances. CITY may direct CONTRACTOR to delay collection to no later than 7:00 A.M. at locations where commercial collection activities disturb the peace in immediately adjacent residential areas in violation of CITY ordinances. Collection routes shall be established by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit a map designating the collection routes to CITY for its approval. CONTRACTOR shall be required to publish collection routes in the local newspapers or in any other CITY approved manner prior to beginning the Contract. CONTRACTOR may, from time to time, propose to CITY for approval, changes in routes or days of collection. XVII. Holidays The following shall be holidays for the purposes of this Contract: New Years Day Labor Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Christmas Day CONTRACTOR may decide to observe any or all of the above mentioned holidays by suspension of collection service on the holiday, but such decision in no manner relieves CONTRACTOR of his obligation to provide Residential Refuse collection service at least once per week for those weeks in which a holiday occurs. XVIII. Complaints All complaints shall be made directly to CONTRACTOR and shall be given prompt and courteous attention. In the case of alleged missed scheduled collections, CONTRACTOR shall investigate and, if such allegations are verified, shall arrange for the collection of refuse not collected within TWENTY-FOUR (24) hours after the complaint is received. CONTRACTOR shall provide on or about the TENTH (10th) day of each month a list of complaints and resolutions. XIX. Force Majeure Neither CITY nor CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for delays caused by Acts of God, government laws or regulations, war, epidemic, strikes or lockouts, riots, power failure, or other causes beyond its control, provided, however, that either party shall have the right to terminate this Contract on THIRTY (30) days notice if the delay does not abate within a period of NINETY (90) days. 15 XX. Superfund Indemnification The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the CITY from all liability (including attorney's fees) for removal or remedial actions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (also known as Superfund) or comparable state law incurred as the result of the Disposal under the Contract after the date hereof of the CITY's waste materials at a facility (defined below). For purposes of this indemnification, "facility" shall mean those disposal facilities owned by the CONTRACTOR or owned by a company under common ownership and control of the CONTRACTOR. XXI. Notices Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given to the parties when mailed, postage prepaid, to the parties at the following respective addresses. When to the CITY: The City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581-5416 When to the CONTRACTOR: Waste Management of Southeast Texas 1555 FM 517 West Dickinson, Texas 77539-0337 16 XXII. Exclusive Except for provisions of Roll-Off Containers utilized in the collection of construction debris and recyclable cardboard compactor containers, CONTRACTOR shall have the sole and exclusive permit to provide residential recycling services and residential, commercial, and industrial collection, removal, and Disposal services within the corporate limits of CITY (including without limitation any areas incorporated by CITY during the term hereof) as those services have been specifically defined in this Contract. In witness hereof, CONTRACTOR and CITY have executed this Contract this day of , e7/amb2{►1996. CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Paul rohman City Manager ATTEST: A L. Yola %a :enitez City Se• retary WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS (AJC-P—Ec. A/1 William P. Gibson President & General Manager ATTEST: Q��.maQJ1�,7 ce( Ja s W. Koch Sales Manager 17 1'1 f 1 7' /.....„ ?_144.<r Ltu 00P © ide 0 Z fl *TEXAS* 3519 liberty Drive • Peariand, Texas 77581-5416 (713) 485-2411 • fax (713) 485-8764 AGENDA ITEM To: Mayor and City Council Through: Paul Grohman, City Manager From: Richard Burdine,Assistant City Manager f ip Subject: Sanitation Contract Date: September 20, 1996 On February 26, 1996,the City Council authorized the city manager to enter into an agreement with LS&R Consulting Group to assist staff in development of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for Sanitation Services and to evaluate vendors' Po proposals once received. A committee of Bob Stephens with LS&R, Delores Fenwick and Stella Roberts from Clean Pearland, and I worked closely on the RFP. The RFP was released to potential vendors on June 12 and five proposals were received and opened on July 12, 1996. Based on the initial financial analysis(copy attached), we began negotiations with the vendors having the most competitive proposals, Browning- Ferris Inc. (BFI) and Waste Management of Texas, Inc. (Waste Management), the current vendor. In negotiations, we pursued keeping our current rates the same for as long as possible and then limiting future increases as much as possible. The follow-up proposal of Waste Management was superior to that of BFI with rates frozen for two years and then increases based on the Consumer Price Index(CPI) for the Houston area, but capped at no more than 4%per year. Waste Management also increased their franchise fee over the original proposal. The attached contract has been thoroughly reviewed by City stag our consultant and Waste Management stag and is acceptable to all parties. I recommend award of proposal to Waste Management of Texas, Inc. and City Council authorization of the city manager to execute the contract on the City's behalf. nancial Analysis of Solid Waste Management Bids and Related Services ty of Peariand ( I ) , /23/96 J _ - BFI Waste Management • Sanifill Western Waste/USA Waste Bay Area Waste Rate Amount Bate Amount Rate Amount. Rate Amount Rate Amount Service Area i dajrs/wk pick up n/a 11.41 85,107.19 7.72+0.97 64,818.71 , n/a n/a (add-on for bulk collection) days/wk pick up 12.20 90,999.80 10.98 81,899.82 7.52+0.97 63,326.91 12.58 93,834.22 14.57 108,677.63 (add-on for bulk collection) (assumes 6 day/wk (assumes 6 day/wk Dtlonai Elements pick up schedule) pickup schedule) leperate Greenwaste 1.92 negotiable 2.65 1.15. 2.00 (does not Include 15%) (does not include 15%) • iid9e1.1isp al> 4 > 10.23/cy 9,897.53 337.09/haul. 10,871.15 14.09/cy 13,632.08 20.00/cy 19,350.00 350.00/haul 11,287.50 (does not include 15%) ) iiiiiiiii.WINER :ontainer Size/Frequency . 2yd-1 x/wk 25.99 883.66 29.00 986.00 44.82 1,523.88 52.00 1,768.00 45.45 1,545.30 2yd-2x/wk 51.99 415.92 51.50 412.00 88.64 709.12 87.00 696.00 79.95 639.60 3yd-1 x/wk 37.05 2,223.00 41.00 2,460.00 63.49 3,809.40 55.00 3,300.00 47.75 2,865.00 3yd-2x/wk 74.08 2,074.24 79.00 2,212.00 125.48 3,513.44 97.00 . 2,716.00 82.52 2,310.56 4yd-1 x/wk 48.00 864.00 45.00 810.00 70.71 1,272.78 60.00 1,080.00 53.77 967.86 4yd-2x/wk 96.00 1,632.00 89.00 1,513.00 139.43 2,370.31 113.00 1,921.00 92.87 1,578.79 4yd-3xfwk 144.38 3,031.98 123.00 2,583.00 206.15 4,329.15 177.00 3,717.00 134.27 2,819.67 6yd-1 x/wk 52.29 156.87 63.00 189.00 92.62 277.86 76.00 228.00 65.00 195.00 6yd-2x/wk 104.57 2,718.82 123.50 3,211.00 182.25 4,738.50 140.00 3,640.00 124.80 3,244.80 6yd-3x/wk 156.86 5,960.68 169.87 - 6,455.06 268.89 10,217.82 219.00 8,322.00 174.25 6,621.50 6yd-4x/wk 209.13 3,764.34 225.95 4,067.10 352.55 6,345.90 289.00 5,202.00 203.27 3,658.86 6yd-5x/wk 261.43 261.43 282.01 282.01 433.22 433.22 358.00 358.00 254.75 254.75 ' 6yd-6x/wk 313.70 313.70 338.08 338.08 510.90 510.90 422.00 422.00 305.62 305.62 • 8yd-1 x/wk 64.93 1,168.74 82.00 1,476.00 117.52 2,115.36 85.00 1,530.00 80.22 1,443.96 „• 8yd-2x/wk 129.87 3,896.10 160.00 4,800.00 235.03 7,050.90 158.00 4,740.00 144.35 4,330.50 8yd-3x/wk 194.80 4,480.40 225.95 5,196.85 352.55 8,108.65 232.00 5,336.00 197.52 4,542.96 ' 8yd-4x/wk 259.73 1,038.92 300.70 1,202.80 470.06 1,880.24 302.00 1,208.00 272.27 1,089.08 )I 8yd-5x/wk 324.67 3,246.70 375.46 3,754.60 587.58 5,875.80 374.00 3,740.00 310.22 3,102.20 8yd-6x/wk 389.60 779.20 450.21 900.42 705.10 1,410.20 447.00 894.00 352.77 705.54 land Pick up ' 1x/wk 13.801 966.00 , 15.00I 1,050.00 n/a n/a 17.001 1,190.00 2x%vk 20.70 1,200.60 26.32 1,526.56 n/a n/a 24.00 - 1,392.00 • italifiaitfitWingin es common to all bids Notes? r<> . Res,corn9&sludge . 139,808.03 135,619.89 143,452.42 164,002.22 162,186.68 1 Assumes 6 day/week pick up. ss: 2 Sludge fee assumes 30cy each load. -$1 per acct (7,459.00) (7,459.00) (7,459.00) (7,459.00) (7,459.00) Fee may be lower If loads not full.'' -15%admin chg Resident (10,806.63) (9,709.67) (7,287.12) (11,266.33) (13,202.43) Commercl (5,075.31) (5,588.99) (8,673.06) (6,628.43) (5,507.16) Recycling (5.000.001 (5.000.00) (5.000.00) (5.000.00) (5.000.001 t monthly fee 111-377.09 107-862 23 115.033 24 .33_648.g.._ =018 N- Notes 2 1 1,2 2 • , WAIL WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 3520 Pansy Pasadena,Texas 77505 (281)487-5000 (281)998-1580 Fax February 10, 2006 Mr. Bill Eisen City Manager City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 Dear Mr. Eisen; The City of Pearland and Waste Management have enjoyed a close and positive relationship over the last 10 years. The city has been responsive to our needs and we feel that we have done the same responding to theirs. Excellent service and community involvement is what we are about, and we hope that the city feels they have experienced this, throughout the relationship. We would like to see this relationship continue, so we want to offer the city a proposal that we think is fair to both parties. Since 1996, when we started the current agreement, the CPI-U Houston-Galveston-Brazoria, as referenced in the agreement,has increased by 23.7%. Fuel prices have increased dramatically making up only one-tenth of one percent of this CPI-U. The price per gallon has increased by 385% over this period. We also use substantial amounts of motor oil, hydraulic oil, and grease which to have also dramatically increased. Our cost of fuel, on a per home basis, has increased by$.61 per home or a 5.5% increase over the original price. This price at the beginning of the agreement was $11.17 per home. Today we are at$12.08 per home or an 8.1%increase. This is predominately because of the extension 5 years,ago which virtually froze our price. As can be seen the CPI and fuel have increased by 29.2% since inception 10 years ago. Keep in mind that the revenue to us, is $1.00 off the price, for administrative billing and processing cost, with 15%taken from the remainder for a franchise fee. Our current price of$12.08 is actually a net of$9.42 per home to us. Commercial and Permanent Roll-Off are at 18% franchise fee to the city. The current total Billing and processing fee is $20,657.00 per month and the total franchise fee for all three systems, Residential, Commercial and Roll-off is $57,093.00 per month. Per our agreement, we also send $5,000.00 monthly to Keep Pearland Beautiful for promotion of recycling and environmental education. This is a great organization that is doing great things for the community. It has been a pleasure working with them throughout the years. From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green° Think Waste Management. i Printed on 100%post-consumer recycled 000er. We would like to propose a 5 year agreement with an option for an additional 5 years. Our first year price to the city would be$13.29 per home with a net to us of$10.45. The second and third years we would propose the Houston-Galveston-Brazoria CPI-U plus an additional 5%. Years 4 and 5 would be CPI-U only. Additionally we would propose integrating into the agreement a few items that are not in the current agreement, attached for your review. As can be seen in the main body of this letter,we have not kept pace with our rising cost. Our proposal shows that we are asking for 10%up front and years 2 and 3 trying to catch up with our cost. With the current growth in the city, we will have to add a new residential route truck each year. When we started out 10 years ago these vehicles were $75,000.00, today they are $159,000.00 each. We have done a good job keeping up with this growth and feel we are well equipped to continue it. We ask for your consideration of our proposal to the Mayor and City Council and look forward to any questions that may arise. We thank you for the Partnership we have enjoyed with the City of Pearland for so many years and look forward to it continuing. Sincerely, Thane T. Harrison 5� Director of Governmental Affairs WI* WASTE MANAGEMENT WASTE MANAGEMENT 3520 Pansy Pasadena,Texas 77505 (281)487-5000 (281)998-1580 Fax Attachment to February 10, 2006 Letter 1. In addition to rate increases for CPI, Waste Management shall be entitled to increase such rates from time to time during the term of the agreement, and upon 30 days written notice to the City, to offset any change in conditions which increases Waste Management's cost, including,but not limited to, increases in taxes, tariffs, changes in ordinances, or changes in federal, state or local law, rules or regulations. In addition, Waste Management shall be entitled to adjust the rates charged hereunder to reflect any change in the cost of diesel fuel as determined by reference to the index published by the U.S. Department of Energy for the "Gulf States"area. 2. The agreement shall specifically exclude storm, flood, hurricane, and other disaster or acts of God debris, and Waste Management shall not be required to collect any such storm debris. 3. The agreement shall provide that a party's performance or obligations may be suspended for force majeure events, including,but not limited to, (i) acts of God, including hurricanes, tornadoes, or flood, (ii) an order of any court or administrative agency,not also the result of the willful misconduct or negligent action of the party relying thereon,preventing performance, or(iii) any change in law which prevents performance under the agreement. Waste Management requests the City review Waste Management's form of municipal contract for use in connection with the renewal contract, in order to clarify certain matters contained in the existing agreement. Waste Management can provide such form contract to the City upon request. From everyday collection to environmental protection, Think Green® Think Waste Management. )Panted on 100%post-consumer recycled paper. • RESOLUTION NO. R2000-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO AN ADDENDUM TO THE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTEAND RECYCLING CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC. FOR THE ADDITION OF A GREEN WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM AND THE EXTENSION OF THE CONTRACT FOR AN ADDITIONAL FIVE (5) YEARS COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1, 2001. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain Addendum to Commercial and Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Contract by and between the City of Pearland and Waste Management, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, for the addition of a Green Waste Recycling Program and the extension of the contract for an additional five (5) years commencing on October 1 , 2001, is hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Secretary to attest, the attached addendum and counterparts thereof. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 22nd day of May , A.D., 2000. D5-441, TOM REID MAYOR ATTEST: ,..�_JJ/, Aridr .'. ,� ,✓ _ SUNG % ' 'N TYSELETARY / 1 RESOLUTION NO. R2000-67 APPROVED AS TO FORM: 061A"--- DARRIN COKER CITY ATTORNEY 2 • ADDENDUM TO CITY OF PEARLAND EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING CONTRACT (Exhibit"A" to Resolution No. R2000-67) This Agreement is entered into this a day of May , 2000, by and between the CITY OF PEARLAND,BRAZORIA COUNTY,TEXAS(hereinafter"City") and WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC., a Texas corporation (hereinafter"Contractor"). WHEREAS,a Solid Waste and Recycling Contract was executed between City and Contractor for services to begin October 1, 1996; and WHEREAS, Section 14 of the Contract authorizes the parties to extend the initial five (5)year term of the contract for an additional five-year term beginning October 1, 2001; and WHEREAS, Contractor and City both desire to extend the existing contract for an additional five (5) year term; and WHEREAS, Contractor has proposed the implementation of a green waste program for all residential solid waste customers; and WHEREAS, City desires to implement a green waste program by which Contractor shall once each week collect green waste from each residential unit within the City. WITNESSETH : NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. Section II of the agreement is amended to add the following definition: Green waste-Green waste shall include,but not be limited to,grass,leaves,tree trimmings, branches, tree trunks, or similar plant refuse. 2. Contractor agrees, at no cost to the customer, to implement a green waste recycling program for all residential solid waste customers. Contractor shall,once each week, collect from each Residential Unit within the City,green waste material,provided such-materials are placed in translucent(semi-clear) bags,the weight of which shall not exceed thirty-five(35) pounds. Branches, brush, and similar woody material must be bundled and tied in lengths not exceeding five (5) feet and having diameters not exceeding eighteen (18) inches, the weight of which shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. It is understood that green waste collection routes may be temporarily delayed during periods of peak volumes. 3. Contractor and City hereby agree that the existing contract between the parties be extended for an additional five (5) year term beginning October 1, 2001, and expiring five (5) years later on September 30, 2006. • 4. Contractor agrees to the following terms regarding rate increases: • Contractor agrees to forego its CPI increase for the fourth year of the existing agreement covering the period from October 1, 1999, through September 30, 2000. • Contractor may submit a CPI increase for the final year of the existing agreement Ve.c.e:ee: beginning on October 1, 2000, and ending on September 30, 2001. • Contractor agrees to lower residential rates twenty cents ($0.20) beginning 7(0 October 2001, and further agrees to maintain said residential rate until September 30, 2004. V 5. The effect of this Addendum is limited to the terms above and all other terms of the original Agreement endure as previously agreed. This Agreement may only be amended,modified, or supplemented by written agreement and signed by all parties. 7. Upon completion of Contractor's obligations pursuant to this Agreement,Contractor shall no longer have any rights or obligations hereunder regarding the collection of solid waste and recycling within the City of Pearland. 8. No assignment by a party hereto of any rights under or interests in this Agreement will be binding on another party hereto without the written consent of the party sought to be bound; and specifically but without limitation moneys that may become due and moneys that are due may not be assigned without such consent (except to the extent that the effect of this restriction may be limited by law),and unless specifically stated to the contrary in any written consent to an assignment no assignment will release or discharge the assignor from any duty or responsibility under this Agreement. 9. Nothing herein is intended to supersede or waive any City or County ordinance or regulation pertaining to such construction. 10. Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Agreement is prohibitive or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such provision or invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement. 11. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Texas. 12. This Agreement and all obligations created hereunder shall be performable in Brazoria County, Texas. 13. In enforcing the performance of the provisions of this Agreement, all parties shall have the right to the exercise of all procedures available under the law including, but-not without limiting the generality thereof, a writ of mandamus to command performance of any provision. No waiver of any breach or default of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed a waiver of any subsequent waiver or default. If any party hereto is the prevailing party in any legal proceedings against any signatory on this Agreement brought under or with relation to this Agreement, such prevailing party shall 2 additionally be entitled to recover court costs and reasonable attorney's fees from any non- prevailing party to such proceedings. 14. Resolution No. R2000-67 and incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. 15. To accomplish execution of this Agreement, it may be executed in multiple counterparts. 16. CONTRACTOR HEREBY RELEASES, ACQUITS, AND FOREVER DISCHARGES THE CITY AND COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS,DEMANDS,RIGHTS OR CAUSES OF ACTION OF WHATSOEVER CHARACTER OR NATURE, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES, ARISING FROM OR BY REASON OF ANY AND ALL BODILY OR PERSONAL INJURIES, INCLUDING DEATH AND MENTAL ANGUISH, DAMAGE TO PROPERTY AND THE CONSEQUENCES THEREOF WHICH MAY BE SUSTAINED BY CONTRACTOR, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS, AS A RESULT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, UNLESS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY OR COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP AND HOLD HARMLESS THE CITY AND COUNTY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY AND ALL COST, LIABILITY, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE OF ANY NATURE AND HOWSOEVER CAUSED, INCLUDING ATTORNEYS'FEES,CLAIMED OR RECOVERED BYANYONE BY REASON OF INJURY TO OR DEATH OF ANY PERSON OR PERSONS OR DAMAGE TO OR DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY CAUSED BY OR RESULTING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF CONTRACTOR, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS, ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. THE PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE THE TERMINATION,EXPIRATION,OR CANCELLATION OF THIS AGREEMENT. In witness whereof,the parties have hereunto set their hands and signatures on the date first above mentioned. WASTE MANAGEMENT, INC. a Texas corporation B . Printed Name: w4e Title:f Ut'lc fl.e 4.0Weepsfoloc. ATTEST: CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS . a Texas municipal corporation oun Glen R. Erwin City cretary City Manager 3 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZORIA § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared Glen R. Erwin, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS ,23`4 DAY OF May , A.D., 20 00 . Lina..e.QAA4A_ Ci4e0liLtR; Notary Public, State of Texas MELISSA RABBIS Notary Pubt(c,Stafs if Texas 1491 My Commission Expires Printed Name: Melt s.sa gar?IS aF :�' July 19,2003 My Commission Expires: 7' tel-03 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF 6RA'2•4{� § BEFORE ME, the undersigned Notary Public, on this day personally appeared M I t£ tru MP , known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS /y DAY OF • Gfa/,5 .- , A.D., 20Oy . ,ti`�,,�����`���t� `, ��� ry Publi , of ex r4N YOUNG LORFING kw. rinted Name: DUNG La 1(.k , „ Notary Public,State of Texas 4 . 013 4 i Commission Expires - - y..�. 2� My Commission Expires: Zo*/ • • RESOLUTION NO. R96-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO ENTER INTO AN EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING CONTRACT WITH WASTE MANAGEMENT OF TEXAS, INC.,TO COLLECT, PROCESS,AND DISPOSE OF RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL REFUSE AND/OR RECYCLABLES WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY. WHEREAS, the City may, pursuant to its police powers, enter into an exclusive contract with a provider of solid waste removal; and WHEREAS, said agreement will provide Pearland citizens more efficient and cost-effective solid waste removal services; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That certain contract, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for all purposes, authorizing the City Manager to enter into an exclusive commercial and residential solid waste and recycling contract with Waste Management of Texas, Inc., to collect, process, and dispose of residential and commercial refuse and/or recyclables within the corporate limits of the City, is • hereby authorized and approved. Section 2. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Secretary to attest, Exhibit "A" and any counterparts thereof. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 4314e_ day of , A.D., 1996. TOM REID MAYOR RESOLUTION NO. R96-48 ATTEST: YO A DA C. BENI Z CITY SECRETARY APPRO D AS TO FORM: ea1 h Y M ES cCULLOUGH CITY A ORNEY 2 n EXHIBIT 'le CITY OF PEARLAND EXCLUSIVE COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING CONTRACT This Contract made and entered into at Pearland, Texas, as of the 1st day of October, 1996, by and between the City of Pearland, Texas, a municipal corporation of Brazoria County, Texas, hereinafter referred to as "CITY ", and Waste Management of Texas, Inc., a Texas corporation doing business as Waste Management of Southeast Texas, its successors and assigns hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR". WITNESSETH: Scope of Work and Contract The work to be done by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Contract consists of collecting and processing or disposing, at its own cost and expense, Residential Refuse and/or Recyclables collected from every Residential Unit, and Commercial Refuse collected from every Large or Small Commercial Unit (including also industrial and institutional units) within the corporate limits of CITY as the present and future boundaries exist, and the furnishing of all labor, methods or processes, tools, equipment, and transportation necessary to meet the requirements of this Contract. • II. Definition of Terms • Whenever in this Contract the following terms are used, they shall be defined as follows: Administrative Authority - City Manager. Bags - Sacks designed to store refuse with sufficient wall strength to maintain physical integrity when lifted by the top. Total weight of a Bag and its contents shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. Bulky Waste - Stoves, refrigerators, water tanks, washing machines, other white goods, furniture, and similar items. Bundle - Trees, shrub and brush trimmings not exceeding four feet (4') in length or fifty (50) pounds in weight. Commercial Refuse - All Garbage, Rubbish, and Bulky Waste generated by a commercial or industrial unit excluding Hazardous Waste or construction debris except for such incidental quantities as are regulatorily acceptable and are agreed to by CONTRACTOR. Commercial Refuse Collection - Non-Residential Refuse collected from commercial or industrial establishments. 1 Commercial Refuse Pick-Up Residentially - Commercial Refuse placed in a can,container, Bag, or Bundle. Cans or containers shall not be larger than thirty-five (35) gallons or fifty (50) pounds in weight. No more than six (6) thirty-five (35) gallon cans, Bundles, Bags, or combinations thereof shall be put out for each pick-up, and service shall be of the same type as a Residential Unit. Commercial Unit / Small - Any multifamily dwellings or commercial/industrial business establishments within the corporate limits of CITY which are ordinarily incapable of generating volumes of garbage, trash, and Rubbish in excess of those volumes described in above paragraph. Commercial Unit/Large - Any multifamily dwelling, commercial/industrial establishment, or other non-single family residential establishment ordinarily capable of generating a larger volume of garbage or Rubbish in excess of that volume described in small commercial collection. Contractor - The person, corporation, or partnership performing solid waste collection and Disposal along with recycling collection and processing under Contract with CITY. Curbside - Each Bag or Bundle shall be placed at curbside for collection. Curbside refers to that portion of the right-of-way adjacent to and not exceeding five (5) feet from paved or traveled CITY roadways, including alleys. Containers, Bags, or Bundles shall be placed within five (5) feet of the roadway, as practicable without interfering with or endangering the movement of vehicles or pedestrians. If construction work is being performed in the right-of-way, then containers, Bags, and Bundles shall be placed as close as practicable to an access point for the collection vehicle. Dismount - Dismount shall mean that the driver of a collection vehicle will get out of the vehicle. Disposal - All Refuse for disposal shall be hauled to approved sites or facilities legally approved to accept it for treatment or disposal. All recovered materials must be processed at a certified recovered materials processing facility. Dumaster - A metal container at least two (2) cubic yards in size, with an attached lid, and specifically designed for use with a front-end loading packer truck. Garbage - All normal and usual household and institutional waste products that are placed in approved containers or Bags for collection purposes and are usually a mixture of putrescible,non-putrescible,combustible,and incombustible materials,such as organic wastes from food preparation and consumption, wrapping and packaging materials, metal, glass and plastic containers, and other items. Glass Containers - Glass Containers shall mean waste and scrap glass in various colors (i.e., flint or clear, green, and amber) which have been rinsed and are reasonably clean. The glass shall not be broken nor contain: - metals such as aluminum caps, steel lids, lead collars or light bulb filament; - ceramics such as cups, dishes and ovenware; 2 - stones and dirt; - plate or window glass; - heat-resistant glass, such as Pyrex; or - lead-based glass such as crystal or television tubes. Hauling - All Refuse hauled by CONTRACTOR shall be so contained, tied, or enclosed that leaking, spilling, or blowing are prevented. Hazardous Waste - Any chemical compound, mixture, substance, or article which is designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or appropriate agency of the State of Texas "hazardous" as that term is defined by or pursuant to Federal, State, or local laws or ordinances. Non-Discrimination - CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any person because of race, sex, age, creed, color, religion, or national origin. Notification - CITY shall notify all residential customers about complaint procedures, rates, regulations, and days for scheduled Recyclables collection. Old Newspaper ("ONP") - ONP shall mean newspaper containing less than five percent (5%) paper other than news and not more than the normal percentage of rotogravure and colored sections. Papers should not be tied or strapped together. ONP should be neatly stacked or in a brown bag alongside of or on top of or under the recycling collection bin. Plastic Bottles - Plastic Bottles shall.mean plastic milk or water jugs (high density polyethylene or HDPE) - no colored plastic. Caps shall be removed and the bottles rinsed and reasonably clean before placing in the recycling container. Point of Contact - All dealings, contacts, etc., between CONTRACTOR and CITY shall be directed by CONTRACTOR to the City Manager of CITY. Recvclables - Includes ONP, UBC, Glass Containers, and Plastic Bottles. Refuse - Includes, but is not limited to, all Residential Refuse and Commercial Refuse. Residential Refuse - All Garbage, Rubbish, Bulky Waste, and all other items that may be deposited in a sanitary landfill generated by an occupant of a Residential Unit, excluding Hazardous Waste except for such incidental quantities as are regulatorily acceptable. Residential Unit - A dwelling within the corporate limits of CITY occupied by a person or group of persons comprising not more than four (4) families. A Residential Unit shall be deemed occupied when either water or domestic light and power service are being supplied thereto. A condominium dwelling, whether of single or multi-level construction, or separate single-family dwelling units, including mobile homes, shall be treated as a Residential Unit, except that each single-family dwelling within any such dwelling or construction shall be billed separately as a Residential Unit. Upon request of CONTRACTOR,from time to time CITY shall provide CONTRACTOR with timely information (identity and address) on all Residential Units obtained from its or others' water billing records. 3 Roll-Off Container - A large metal container, open or closed top, that can be rolled on to the back of a truck. Sizes of Roll-Off Containers are generally 20, 30, or 40 cubic yards. Roll-Off Container Service - All materials disposed of under Roll-Off Container service may be Commercial Refuse and any other Refuse that may be deposited in a sanitary landfill, and that is suitable for a Roll-Off Container. This excludes Hazardous Waste. Rubbish - All waste wood, wood products, tree trimmings, grass cuttings, dead plants, weeds, leaves, dead trees or branches thereof, chips, shavings, sawdust, printed matter, paper, pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded mattresses, used and discarded clothing, used and discarded shoes and boots, combustible waste pulp and other products, such as are used for packaging or wrapping, crockery and glass, ashes, cinders, floor sweepings, mineral or metallic substances, soil, dirt, concrete, lumber, and bricks. Steel Cans - Steel Cans shall mean all steel containers with the exception of hazardous material and paint containers. Steel Cans shall be empty, rinsed and reasonably cleaned, and placed singly in the recycling bin. Used Beverage Cans ("UBC1 - UBC shall mean all-aluminum beverage containers which are placed singly, empty, and reasonably clean in the bin for recycling. III. Equipment CONTRACTOR will furnish, during the period of this Contract, a sufficient number of packer and Roll-Off Container type trucks with sufficient operators and workmen for each,to collect and dispose of all Refuse in CITY from commercial and industrial customers; and a sufficient number of recycling-type trucks, with sufficient operators and workmen for each, to collect Recyclables in CITY from residential-type customers, and adequate equipment to process said Recyclables. All equipment must be in good working order and equipment may be-inspected and approved by CITY before the execution of the Contract. All equipment shall bear the name of CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's local telephone number which shall be displayed on such equipment in a clear, legible manner. All Dumpsters and Roll-Off Containers requested by commercial customers shall be maintained by CONTRACTOR in good condition. Dumpsters will be changed as needed to • maintain all health and safety concerns free of charge. All other container movement will be as agreed by the CONTRACTOR and commercial customer. IV, Office Hours CONTRACTOR shall maintain an office at some fixed location and shall maintain a local telephone at such office listed in the telephone directory in the name of its company, and shall at all times between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. of each day, excepting Saturday afternoons, Sundays, and holidays, have some responsible person at such office with whom the public, the Administrative Authority, or other responsible CITY official or employee may communicate, discuss, and refer any complaint arising in connection with such services. 4 Complaints shall be investigated promptly and appropriate action taken. The telephone for CONTRACTOR shall be on a toll-free exchange to all residents of CITY and listed in each telephone directory in which each portion of CITY is included. V. Collection It is hereby agreed, understood, and contracted that the CONTRACTOR shall do and perform the following acts: A. Residential collection and Disposal. • CONTRACTOR shall pick up all Bags and Bundles of Residential Refuse from every Residential Unit in CITY, twice each week, except where a CITY observed holiday occurs during such a week, in which event the pick-up scheduled for that day will be postponed until the next scheduled pick-up, and except for emergencies resulting from Acts of God or where proper payment has not been received. Each Bag, Bundle, or Bulky Material shall be placed at Curbside for collection. Major appliances that contain refrigerant must be drained and tagged by a certified refrigerant recycler prior to Disposal. It shall be the responsibility of the Residential Unit to place his Refuse at the proper Curbside location on his regularly scheduled pick-up days at or before 7:00 A.M. on weekdays and 9:00 A.M. on Saturdays, and to comply with the following: a. Only Refuse in Bags of the usual size shall be picked up, not to exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight. b. Moving boxes must be broken down. c. Limbs must be cut and bundled so as not to exceed over four feet (4') in length or over fifty (50) pounds in weight. d. Soil, dirt, concrete, lumber, grass-dirt, bricks, or similar materials are to be placed in Bundles in such quantity so the weight of the can, container, Bag, or Bundle shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. e. Disabled persons registered at City Hall shall receive garage door collection services twice per week at the same rate charged customers receiving residential and recycling collection services. B. City service specifications. Service to facilities owned and/or operated by the City of Pearland shall be provided at no cost to the CITY. Facilities for which service shall be provided at no cost include but are not limited to: City Hall, Public Works Facility, Independence Park (including swimming pool and pavilion), Public Safety Building, Melvin Knapp Activity Building, Animal 5 Shelter, City Barn/Fire Station, EMS Building/Recycling Center and any other like facilities acquired by the CITY during the terms of the contract. Service shall be at a frequency and container size specified by the City Manager. CONTRACTOR shall provide service to the following City Events: Community Clean Up Days, twice per year (roadside bag-it program); CITY annual picnic and annual Easter egg hunt. Bags should be picked up within three (3) working days. C. Small commercial collection and Disposal. CONTRACTOR shall once or twice each week provide "Curbside" pick-up from each small commercial establishment in the CITY and dispose of the contents of SIX (6) Garbage or Rubbish containers not to exceed THIRTY-TWO (32) gallons in size nor FIFTY (50) pounds in weight, and TWO (2) Bundles of grass, brush, and tree limbs, provided such items are bagged or securely tied to prevent spillage. Tree limbs and brush must be trimmed and cut to lengths not to exceed FOUR (4) feet and tied in Bundles not to exceed FIFTY (50) pounds in weight. It shall be the responsibility of the commercial customer serviced residentially to place his Refuse at the proper Curbside location on his regularly scheduled pick-up day(s) at or before 7:00 A.M. on weekdays and 9:00 A.M. on Saturdays and to comply with the following: a. Only Refuse in Bags of the usual size shall be picked up, not to exceed fifty (50) pounds in weight. b. Moving boxes must be broken down. c. Limbs must be cut and bundled so as not to exceed over four feet (4') in length or over fifty (50) pounds in weight. d. Soil, dirt, concrete, lumber, grass-dirt, bricks, or similar materials are to be placed in cans, containers, or Bundles in such quantity so the weight of the can, container, or Bundles shall not exceed fifty (50) pounds. D. Large commercial collection and Disposal for permanent or temporary service. CONTRACTOR shall make at least two (2) weekly collections at all commercial establishments subject to the terms of this Contract and at sufficient additional intervals necessary to perform adequate services and to protect the environment, unless otherwise approved in advance by the CITY, provided however, where the Refuse is exclusively non- putrescible in nature, once weekly collections are permitted. Where a CITY observed holiday occurs during such a week,the pick-up scheduled for that day will be performed the day before or the day after said holiday. CONTRACTOR shall not be required to perform during emergencies resulting from Acts of God or where proper payment has not been received. Dumpster will be located at a place convenient and safely serviceable to CONTRACTOR and the commercial customer. 6 CONTRACTOR or CITY shall not be responsible for damage which is not negligently or willfully caused by CONTRACTOR to any private pavement or accompanying sub-surface, or any drive approach connecting said private pavement to public street or alley, of any route reasonably necessary to perform the services herein contracted, provided CONTRACTOR has an agreement with the customer containing a provision to this effect. No commercial container or Dumpster should be overloaded to the point where the lid or covers will not close. CONTRACTOR may decline to empty an overloaded container until the customer unloads the container to the point where the lid or covers will close, or until other mutually agreeable arrangements have been made. E. Residential recycling collection, processing, and reporting. CONTRACTOR shall pick up all residential Recyclables from every building used for residential purposes in CITY, once each week, except when a holiday occurs during such week (in which event the pick-up scheduled for that day shall be postponed until the next scheduled pick-up), and except for emergencies resulting from Acts of God or where proper payment has not been received. CONTRACTOR will provide service to Clean Pearland's recycling station at no charge. Residential Recyclables are: old newsprint, magazines, used beverage containers, Plastic Bottles, Steel Cans, Glass Containers, and any other recyclable materials,the addition of which is agreed by CONTRACTOR and CITY. CONTRACTOR shall utilize a plastic bin(s) for resident's use in the collection of Recyclables. The recycling bins shall remain the property of CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall replace a recycling bin at no charge to the resident if the recycling bin has been damaged through no fault of the resident. If a resident loses his recycling bin, a replacement bin can be purchased by the resident at a price of Six Dollars ($6.00) per bin. CONTRACTOR will deliver replacement bins to residents. CONTRACTOR will prepare annual TNRCC reports which will include information on recycling activities and waste collection volumes. CONTRACTOR shall provide the CITY with a copy of these reports. VI. Right to Alter Recyclables Collected If, at any time,the CITY or CONTRACTOR determines that additional recyclable materials are economically feasible to include in the recycling program, CITY or CONTRACTOR reserves the right to negotiate the addition of said items to the list of recyclable materials and a corresponding adjustment in the compensation will be negotiated. Likewise, if any item becomes infeasible to continue in the recycling program due to lack of volume, lack of adequate market pricing, or poor quality of items received, CITY or CONTRACTOR reserves the right to exclude or discontinue said item from the recycling program with the consent of both parties. CONTRACTOR does not guarantee the existence of a market or any buyer at any time for recyclable materials. 7 VII. Right to Propose Pilot Programs The CITY and CONTRACTOR may agree at any time to engage in a pilot program to justify the benefits and feasibility of such program to the CITY and CONTRACTOR. If such program is deemed successful, the CITY and CONTRACTOR may negotiate terms and compensation, if necessary. VIII. • Bonds and Insurance CONTRACTOR shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of the Contract, workmen's compensation insurance in accordance with the Workmen's Compensation statutes of the State of Texas, and public liability, employer's liability, and property damage insurance, including contractual liability coverage for the indemnity provisions of the Contract in a form acceptable to the CITY ATTORNEY for the benefit of the third persons who may be injured or damaged as a result of any negligent operations or other wrongful conduct of said CONTRACTOR in the performance of his work under the Contract. All insurance shall be by an insurance company and for policy limits acceptable to CITY. Prior to the commencement of the Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees to furnish CITY certificates of insurance to the effect that such insurance has been procured and is in force. Notice of cancellation of such policies shall be given to CITY not less than thirty (30) days prior to the cancellation date. For the purpose of this Contract, CONTRACTOR shall carry the following types of insurance in at least the limits as specified below: COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY Workmen's Compensation statutory Employer's.Liability $ 5,000,000 Bodily Injury Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $ 5,000,000 aggregate. Property Damage Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Except Automobile $ 5,000,000 aggregate Automobile Bodily Injury $ 5,000,000 each person Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Automobile Property Damage $ 5,000,000 each occurrence Liability Fire Damage $ 2,000,000 any one fire 8 14, Excess Umbrella Liability $ 5,000,000 each occurrence CITY shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss, or damage happening or occurring in the performance of the work under this Contract and CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and hold harmless CITY and its officers and employees in the event of any and all liability arising therefrom if and to the extent caused by CONTRACTOR's negligence or wilful breach hereof. CONTRACTOR shall furnish and maintain a faithful performance bond during the full term of the Contract in the amount of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000) as a guarantee that it wilt faithfully perform the Contract. Said bond shall be issued by a duly authorized corporate surety company authorized to do business in the State of Texas. Said bond shall be made payable to CITY or as may be provided by law, and be subject to the approval of the CITY ATTORNEY as to form and the City Manager as to surety. Said bonds shall remain in force for the entire length of the Contract. IX. Reports CONTRACTOR shall submit periodic reports and special reports to the Administrative Authority as may be deemed reasonable. CONTRACTOR shall, through its billing procedure, show the name of each customer, the address thereof, and the type of service provided. CITY may review CONTRACTOR'S records and reports on service during regular office hours. X. Assignment This Contract shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the CITY COUNCIL nor shall any subcontractor be recognized or dealt with by the CITY COUNCIL or any of the persons chargeable with the enforcement of the Contract. XI. Defaults The breach of any of the terms and/or conditions of this Contract on the part of CONTRACTOR which are not remedied within thirty (30) days after notice from CITY, unless performance is prevented by Acts of God, or in the event of bankruptcy proceedings by CONTRACTOR, shall be grounds for cancellation by CITY. Upon such termination, CITY shall be at liberty to re-let the work to other parties or to undertake directly the performance of said work. In either case, CONTRACTOR and his surety shall be liable for any excess cost occasioned to CITY over and above that which would have been due and payable to CONTRACTOR under the terms of the Contract. Termination of the Contract as herein provided shall not terminate, suspend, or affect the liability of CONTRACTOR or the surety upon the bond. 9 /"• If CITY fails to pay amounts owing to CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR may terminate this Contract not less than THIRTY (30) days following CONTRACTOR's written notice thereof to CITY. X11. Compliance with All Laws CONTRACTOR agrees to conform to and abide by all of the rules, regulations, and ordinances of CITY governing the picking up, hauling, processing and/or disposing of Recyclables and Refuse. CONTRACTOR agrees to conform to and abide by all of the valid rules, regulations, and ordinances of any city or other jurisdiction through which Recyclables and/or Refuse may be hauled, processed, or disposed of, governing the picking up, hauling, processing, and/or Disposal of said Recyclables or Refuse. CONTRACTOR agrees, when Recyclables and/or Refuse is hauled to or through the unincorporated territory of any county, to conform to and abide by all the rules, regulations, and ordinances of any county governing the picking up, hauling, processing, and/or disposal of said Recyclables or Refuse. CONTRACTOR agrees to abide by all the laws of the State of Texas governing the picking up, hauling, processing, and/or disposal of Recyclables and Refuse. X11I. Compensation A. Residential and Recycling CITY agrees to pay and CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept for the Curbside collection of Recyclables and solid waste the rate of Eleven Dollars and Seventeen .Cents ($11 .17) per Residential Unit as full compensation for (1) doing all of the work contemplated and embraced in the Contract, (2) all loss or damages arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid or from the acts of the elements or from any unforeseen difficulties or obstructions which may arise or be encountered in the prosecution of the work until its acceptance by the CITY, (3) all risks of every description connected with the work, (4) all expenses incurred by or in consequence of the suspension or discontinuance of work, and (5) well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and according to the terms of this Contract. The City shall retain One Dollar ($1.00) per month per account as a processing fee for billing and collection. The City shall retain fifteen percent (15%) of the gross collection minus the processing fee as a franchise fee. Residential Collection for Residential Refuse (Bag only) and Bulky Materials $11.17/Month for no limit twice per week Residential Refuse and once per week recycling per residence. 10 Gross Collection Fee $ 11.17 less Processing Fee for Billing & Collections 1.00 NET COLLECTION FEE $ 10.17 -less Franchise Fee (15% of Net Collection Fee) 1.53 Payment to CONTRACTOR $ 8.64 CONTRACTOR further agrees to process, store, or market the Recyclables to an end user. The processing shall include: removal of contaminates from newspapers; separation of glass by color; separation and flattening of aluminum cans; and separation and baling of Plastic Bottles. The CITY shall receive a monthly payment of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for promotion of recycling activities and environmental education. Payment by CONTRACTOR to CITY, or to tax exempt entity under contract to CITY to provide the aforementioned services and designated in writing by CITY to receive the monthly payment from CONTRACTOR directly, shall be made within THIRTY (30) days following the month in which residential recycling services were rendered. The policy pertaining to delinquent notices for Residential Refuse billing and charges for delinquent payment for Residential Refuse billing shall be the same as the one for delinquent water utility billing under the CITY's utility billing policy then in effect. The CITY shall pay the CONTRACTOR monthly, at the rate specified above, for each residence billed and serviced during that month. Such payment shall be made by the TWENTIETH (20th) day of the month for which the billing is due. Residential Collection for Non-Bundled Brush and Bulky Materials One man crew and truck $ 85.00 per hour Two man crew and truck $110.00 per hour Three man crew and truck $135.00 per hour B. Commercial As compensation for collecting Commercial Refuse, CITY agrees to pay and CONTRACTOR agrees to receive and accept a minimum of TWO (2) cubic yards per pickup with the monthly charges as follows: Small Commercial Collection for small businesses that need no Dumpster service such as: Dry Cleaners, Doctors or Real Estate Offices, Barber Shops, Beauty Shops, Etc.: 11 $18.47/Month for once a week pickup with curb service for businesses that do not generate putrescible waste. $26.32/Month for twice a week pickup with curb service. (Maximum of five (5) thirty-two (32) gallon containers.) Monthly Fee for Commercial or Business Container Pickup: FREQUENCY PER WEEK SIZE 1 X 2X 3X 4X 5X 6X 2CY $ 46.48 $ 67.77 3CY $ 56.57 $ 85.69 4CY $ 65.53 $100.25 $134.99 6CY $ 81.22 $133.86 $169.87 $225.95 $282.01 $338.08 8CY $ 95.78 $164.10 $225.95 $300.70 - $375.46 $450.21 Casters (per month) $ 10.00 Container roll-out (per occurrence) $ 11.00 Locking device or lock (monthly) $ 5.00 Dismount fee (per occurrence) $ 5.00 Commercial Recycling Front-Load: Six (6) cubic yard serviced once per week $ 55.00 Six (6) cubic yard serviced twice per week $105.00 Extra Dump Rates: Two (2) cubic yard $ 27.14 Three (3) cubic yard $ 31.48 Four (4) cubic yard $ 33.64 Six (6) cubic yard $ 37.99 Eight (8) cubic yard $ 43.42 Sludge Removal: Haul per Box $125.00 Disposal Fee per Manifested Cubic Yard $ 7.50 Fee for Trash Compactor: 28 Cubic Yard Compactor per Pickup $298.00 40 Cubic Yard Compactor per Pickup $315.00 Front Load Compacted Refuse per Cubic Yard $ 7.22 12 Catastrophic Events: Rates for service provided during cleanup from catastrophic events: 1. Fees for use of Roll-Off Containers and Disposal of waste placed in them: Rental Fee $100.00/Month 20 cubic yard $256.00 30 cubic yard $282.50 40 cubic yard $309.00 2. Fees for pickup of Bulky Materials: One man crew and truck $ 85.00 per hour • Two man crew and truck $110.00 per hour Three man crew and truck $135.00 per hour CONTRACTOR shall bill the CITY for services on a monthly basis. CONTRACTOR shall bill the CITY for services on a monthly basis. Payment shall be remitted by the CITY within twenty (20) days from receipt of invoice. The CITY shall retain eighteen percent(18%) of the gross billing as a franchise fee. Sludge removal for CITY shall not be subject to the 18% franchise fee. CITY shall not bill CONTRACTOR's customers for provision of Roll-Off Containers utilized in the collection of construction debris or recyclable cardboard compactor containers, nor shall provision of such services by CONTRACTOR be subject to the 18% franchise fee. XIV. Term The initial term of this Contract shall be for the period commencing on and including the 1st day of October, 1996, and expiring five (5) years later on September 30, 2001 . After the expiration of the initial five-year term, the Contract shall be extended for an additional FIVE (5) year term unless non-renewal notice of no less than NINETY (90) days is given by either party (by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested) prior to the expiration date. Except as otherwise allowed by this Contract, the CONTRACTOR and the CITY hereby agree that the collection fees for such garbage collection and Disposal, as stated above, shall be binding upon both parties for the first TWO (2) years of this Contract and shall be subject to review and negotiation on an annual basis thereafter. In the event the CONTRACTOR determines that an increase in such collection fees is required after TWO (2) years due to escalation of the CONTRACTOR's cost in providing such service,then the CONTRACTOR shall submit in writing, to the CITY, its proposal for increased fees and all supporting data related thereto. 13 After the second year of this Contract, CONTRACTOR may submit to the CITY,in writing, a proposal for increased fees based on the Galveston/Houston Consumer Price Index (CPI), landfill increases, or unusual cost increases caused by the passage of laws, ordinances, or regulations set forth by local, state, and/or federal agencies. The CPI increase for years 3, 4, and 5 shall not exceed four percent (4%). At any time, the CONTRACTOR may submit to the CITY, in writing, a proposal with supporting documentation for increased collection fees based on unusual cost increases caused by the passage of laws, ordinances, regulations, or mandates of the City, State, or Federal governments. If the CITY fails to approve such proposed fees on or before THIRTY (30) days after such proposal has been submitted to the CITY, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to terminate this Contract by giving THIRTY (30) days written notice to the CITY. XV. Contractor's Duties For and in consideration of the payments and agreements herein mentioned to be made and performed by CITY and under the conditions expressed in the bonds bearing even date with this Contract and hereunder annexed, CONTRACTOR agrees with CITY, at its own cost and expense, to collect and dispose of Refuse, and to collect and process residential Recyclables in CITY in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Contract. Furthermore, CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the materials and services as listed below: A. Develop an educational mailout to cover the Curbside recycling program (when, where, why, how, do's, and don'ts), regular solid waste programs, "Don't Bag It" program, and composting program. B. CONTRACTOR's Public Sector Services Representative will be actively involved in the Clean Pearland programs throughout the year. C. Provide "Waste in Place" or "Waste: A Hidden Resource" curriculum guide to each school. D. Give joint presentations annually to elementary schools. E. Attend and give presentations to various adult groups to encourage recycling, the "Don't Bag It" program, and backyard composting. XVI. Hours CONTRACTOR shall pick-up Residential Refuse and Recyclables throughout CITY and shall service all Residential Units wherever located in CITY. Refuse and recycle services shall be extended between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. only, except upon mutual agreement by CITY and CONTRACTOR that an exception is necessary in order to complete collection on an existing collection route due to unusual circumstances. If Saturday residential or small commercial collection is scheduled, the hours shall be between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 14 CONTRACTOR shall pick-up Commercial Refuse throughout CITY and shall service all commercial customers wherever located in CITY. Commercial Refuse service shall be extended between the hours of 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. only, except upon mutual agreement by CITY and CONTRACTOR that an exception is necessary in order to complete collection on an existing collection route due to unusual circumstances. CITY may direct CONTRACTOR to delay collection to no later than 7:00 A.M. at locations where commercial collection ' activities disturb the peace in immediately adjacent residential areas in violation of CITY ordinances. Collection routes shall be established by CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR shall submit a map designating the collection routes to CITY for its approval. CONTRACTOR shall be required to publish collection routes in the local newspapers or in any other CITY approved manner prior to beginning the Contract. CONTRACTOR may, from time to time, propose to CITY for approval, changes in routes or days of collection. XVII. Holidays The following shall be holidays for the purposes of this Contract: New Years Day Labor Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day Independence Day Christmas Day CONTRACTOR may decide to observe any or all of the above mentioned holidays by suspension of collection service on the holiday, but such decision in no manner relieves CONTRACTOR of his obligation to provide Residential Refuse collection service at least once per week for those weeks in which a holiday occurs. XVIII. . Complaints All complaints shall be made directly to CONTRACTOR and shall be given prompt and courteous attention. In the case of alleged missed scheduled collections, CONTRACTOR shall investigate and, if such allegations are verified, shall arrange for the collection of refuse not collected within TWENTY-FOUR (24) hours after the complaint is received. CONTRACTOR shall provide on or about the TENTH (10th) day of each month a list of complaints and resolutions. XIX. Force Majeure Neither CITY nor CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for delays caused by Acts of God, government laws or regulations, war, epidemic, strikes or lockouts, riots, power failure, or other causes beyond its control, provided, however, that either party shall have the right to terminate this Contract on THIRTY (30) days notice if the delay does not abate within a period of NINETY (90) days. 15 XX. Superfund Indemnification The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the CITY from all liability (including attorney's fees) for removal or remedial actions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (also known as Superfund) or comparable state law incurred as the result of the Disposal under the Contract after the date hereof of the CITY's waste materials at a facility (defined below). For purposes of this indemnification, "facility" shall mean those disposal facilities owned by the CONTRACTOR or owned by a company under common ownership and control of the CONTRACTOR. XXI. Notices Any notices required to be given hereunder shall be deemed given to the parties when mailed, postage prepaid, to the parties at the following respective addresses. When to the CITY: The City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581-5416 When to the CONTRACTOR: Waste Management of Southeast Texas 1555 FM 517 West Dickinson, Texas 77539-0337 • • 16 ' , • XXII. Exclusive Except for provisions of Roll-Off Containers utilized in the collection of construction debris and recyclable cardboard compactor containers, CONTRACTOR shall have the sole and exclusive permit to provide residential recycling services and residential, commercial, and industrial collection, removal, and Disposal services within the corporate limits of CITY (including without limitation any areas incorporated by CITY during the term hereof) as those services have been specifically defined in this Contract. In witness hereof, CONTRACTOR and CITY have executed this Contract this f day of 0 ave,ike,ift 996. CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS Paul rohman City Manager ATTEST: Yola f a =enitez City Se.retary WASTE MANAGEMENT OF SOUTHEAST TEXAS 6(A&L. ,, William P. Gibson President & General Manager ATTEST: QG� .cd Ja s W. Koch Sales Manager . 17 . ,....... p. s�PEARS .,ill u ©11 p@affiland 0 v *�. �* 3519 liberty Drive • Pearland, Texas 77581-5416 FXp`S (713) 485-2411 • Fax (713) 485-8764 • ACJNDA ITEM To: Mayor and City Council Through: Paul Grohman, City Manager I From: Richard Burdine,Assistant City Manager ;i Subject: Sanitation Contract Date: September 20, 1996 On February 26, 1996,the City Council authorized the city manager to enter into an agreement with LS&R Consulting Group to assist staff in development of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for Sanitation Services and to evaluate vendors' proposals once received. A committee of Bob Stephens with LS&R, Delores Fenwick and Stella Roberts from Clean Pearland, and I worked closely on the RFP. . The RFP was released to potential vendors on June 12 and five proposals were received and opened on July 12, 1996. Based on the initial financial analysis (copy attached), we began negotiations with the vendors having the most competitive proposals, Browning- Ferris Inc. (BFI) and Waste Management of Texas, Inc. (Waste Management), the current vendor. In negotiations, we pursued keeping our current rates the same for as long as possible and then limiting future increases as much as possible. The follow-up proposal of Waste Management was superior to that of BFI with rates frozen for two years and then increases based on the Consumer Price Index(CPI)for the Houston area, but capped at no more than 4%per year. Waste Management also increased their franchise fee over the original proposal. The attached contract has been thoroughly reviewed by City staff, our consultant and Waste Management staff, and is acceptable to all parties. I recommend award of proposal to Waste Management of Texas, Inc. and City Council authorization of the city manager to execute the contract on the City's behalf. nancial Analysis of Sc iste Management Bids and Related Services ty of Pearland '/23/96 .. BFI Waste Management Sanifill Western Waste/IJSA Waste Bay Area Waste Sate Amount Sate Amount Rats Amount Sate Amount Sate Amount Service Area { iry,ti.ig • i days/wk pick up n/a 11.41 85,107.19 7.72+0.97 64,818.71 , n/a n/a (add-on for bulk collectior) I days/wk pick up 12.20 90,999.80 10.98 81,899.82 7.52+0.97 63,326.91 12.58 93,834.22 14.57 108,677.63 (add-on for bulk collectio J (assumes 6 day/wk (assumes 6 day/wk ptlonal Elements pick up schedule) pick up schedule) ieperate Greenwaste 1.92 negotigble 2.65 1.15. 2.00 (does not include 15%) (does not include 15%) • udgeDisposa`:: i i i. 10.23/cy 9,897.53 337.09/haul, 10,871.15 14.09/cy 13,632.08 20.00/cy 19,350,00 350.00/haul 11,287.50 (does not include 15%) :ontainer Size/Frequency . 2yd-1x/wk 25.99 883.66 29.00 986.00 44.82 1,523.88 52.00 1,768.00 45.45 1,545.30 2yd-2xlwk 51.99 415.92 51.50 412.00 88.64 709.12 87.00 696.00 79.95 639.60 3yd-1x/wk 37.05 2,223.00 41.00 2,460.00 63.49 3,809.40 55.00 3,300.00 47.75 2,865.00 3yd-2x/wk 74.08 2,074.24 79.00 2,212.00 125.48 3,513.44 97.00 - 2,716.00 82.52 2,310.56 4yd-1 x/wk 48.00 864.00 45.00 810.00 70.71 1,272.78 60.00 1,080.00 53.77 967.86 4yd-2x/wk 96.00 1,632.00 89.00 1,513.00 139.43 2,370.31 113.00 1,921.00 92.87 1,578.79 4yd-3x/wk 144.38 3,031.98 123.00 2,583.00 206.15 4,329.15 177.00 3,717.00 134.27 2,819.67 6yd-1 x/w4c . 52.29 156.87 63.00 189.00 92.62 277.86 76.00 228.00 65.00 195.00 6yd-2x/wk 104.57 2,718.82 123.50 3,211.00 182.25 4,738.50 140.00 3,640.00 124.80 3,244.80 6yd-3x/w4c 156.86 5,960.68 169.87 6,455.06 268.69 10,217.82 219.00 8,322.00 174.25 6,621.50 6yd-4x/wk 209.13 3,764.34 225.95 4,067.10 352.55 6,345.90 289.00 5,202.00 203.27 3,658.86 6yd-5x/wk 261.43 261.43 282.01 282.01 433.22 433.22 358.00 358.00 254.75 254.75 6yd-6xlwk .313.70 313.70 338.08 338.08 510.90 510.90 422.00 422.00 305.62 305.62 8yd-1 x/wk 64.93 1,168.74 82.00 1,476.00 117.52 2,115.36 85.00 1,530.00 80.22 1,443.96 8yd-2x/wk 129.87 3,896.10 160.00 4,800.00 235.03 7,050.90 158.00 4,740.00 144.35 4,330.50 8yd-3x1wk 194.80 4,480.40 225.95 5,196.85 352.55 8,108,65 232.00 5,336.00 197.52 4,542.96 8yd-4x/wk 259.73 1,038.92 300.70 1,202.80 470.06 1,880.24 302.00 1,208.00 272.27 1,089.08 ) 8yd-5x/wk 324.67 3,246.70 375.46 3,754.60 587.58 5,875.80 374.00 3,740.00 310.22 3,102.20 8yd-6x/wk 389.60 779.20 450.21 900.42 705.10 1,410.20 447.00 894.00 352.77 705.54 Viand Pick up 2x/wk 20.701 1,200.60 26.32I 1,526.56 n/a n/a 24.001 1,392.00 yes common to all bidsess>'s>is"> Res,com'I&sludge . 139,808.03 135,619.89 143,452.42 164,002.22 162,186.68 1 Assumes 6-day/week pick up. ss:. . oad. -$1 per acct (7,459.00) (7,459.00) (7,459.00) (7,459.00) (7,459.00) 2 Fee gmay be owee fee r�loads not full. 30cy each I -15%admin chg Resident (10,896.63) (9,709.67) (7,287.12) (11,266.33) (13,202.43) Commercl (5,075.31) (5,588.99) (8,673.06) (6,628.43) (5,507.16 Recycling (5.000.00) (5.000.00) (5.000.00) (5.000.001 (5.000.00) t monthly fee 111.377.09 107#02.23 115.033.24 133 648 45 131.010_09 Notes 2 1 1,2 2