R2001-0129 10-22-01 RESOLUTION NO. R2001-129
WHEREAS, H-GAC Energy Purchasing Corporation (the "Corporation") is a
non-profit political subdivision corporation, as defined in Chapter 303 of the Texas
Local Government Code (to be codified effective September 1, 2001, as
Chapter 304); and
WHEREAS, the Corporation is authorized to negotiate on behalf of its
members for the purchase of electricity, make contracts for the purchase of
electricity, purchase electricity, and take any other action necessary to purchase
electricity for use in the public facilities of the political subdivisions represented by
it; and
WHEREAS, the City of Pearland (the "City") has adopted a resolution
authorizing participation in the Corporation; and
WHEREAS, the Corporation has negotiated and contracted with various
Retail Electric Providers (each a "REP") and has entered into a contract with the
REP referenced in the attached Supply Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Member, as a Buyer, has selected the REP referenced in the
attached Supply Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the Corporation has received and distributed to its members the
initial proposal pricing ("Initial Pricing") of the REP and the Political Subdivision has
reviewed the Initial Pricing, which is incorporated herein by reference; and
WHEREAS, the City acknowledges that the Initial Pricing is not binding on the
REP but will be updated during a subsequent time period to be announced by the
Corporation, at which time final closing pricing (the "Final Pricing") will be announced;
WHEREAS, the City has reviewed a Supply Agreement with the selected REP
(the "Supply Agreement"), a copy of which is presented with this Resolution and is
incorporated herein by reference, and wishes to enter into such agreement provided
that the Final Pricing does not exceed the Initial Proposal Pricing; now, therefore,
Section 1. That the Supply Agreement with the Initial Proposal Pricing
made a part thereof is hereby approved and adopted.
Section 2. The following officers, officials, or employees of the City are
hereby designated as "Authorized Representatives," with full power and authority
to execute the Supply Agreement, so long as the Final Pricing is less than or equal
to the Initial Proposal Pricing, exclusive of any regulated rates subject to change,
which the City has elected, and take all other actions deemed necessary or
appropriate to consummate the transaction authorized by this Resolution.
Printed Name:
Printed Name:
, A.D., 2001.
and ADOPTED this the 22
Transaction Confirmation #: 1-8CGIV
BUYER: City of Pearland
6243 Brookside Rd
Pearland, TX 77581
Phone: 281/652-1668
Fax: 281/652-1707
TXU Energy Services Company
1601 Bryan, 7t~ Floor
Dallas, Texas 75201
The Primary Term for each Premise, identified in Exhibit A, shall commence upon
the date of the first reading of the meter(s) on each respective Premise by the TDSP
after 1/1/2002, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and shall end for each Premise
upon the date of the first reading of the respective Premise meter(s) by the TDSP after
III. DEPOSIT AMOUNT No initial deposit required.
VI. STANDARD SERVICES Toll free number (800) 725-7920) for 24 hour emergency outage and customer
service, available 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on normal business days; Assigned customer
service representative, billing analyst, and assigned professional accotmt manager.
1X. COST PER K.,WH See attached Price Sheet
X. MONTHLYCONTRACT 25% per month for excess usage and
USAGE TOLERANCES 25 % per month for under usage
(see section IV, Calculation and Payment of Charges in the Base Contract for Supply
of Electricity)
Name (Please priht):
Bill Eisen
Seller Signature:
Name (Please print):
Position: Position:
City Manager
Date: Date:
Form Name/Version: OFFER SHEET 110701
DEC 09 20~2 1B:2B F~ T×U ENERGY 713 9~4 4697 TO 92B1652173B P.02726
TXU Energy
This Base Contract for the Supply of F. Jectricity ("Base Contract"), and (i) any other attachments, exhibits or appendices to this Base
Contract (including Exh[bil "A"), to§ether with (ii) any TransaclJon Confirmation for Supply of Electricity ("Transaction Confirmation")
(including, as appropriate, one or more Price Sheets) as may be hereafter agreed to (collectively the "Agreement'), [s entered into by and
between 'rxu ENERGY RETAIL COMPANY LP, a Texas limited partnership ('Seller") and THE CITY OF PEARLAND, a Texas Political
Subdivision ("Buyer"), and shall constitute the agreement for the supply of electricity ta each Point of Delivery designated by an Electric
Service Idenfif. er (hereinafter individually an "ESI ID' or collectively the "ESI ids') of Buyer set forth In Exhibit 'A" attached hereto. A "Price
Sheet(s)" [sa document(s) containing a description of the method for determining charges payable by Buyer to Seller for electricity
suDDlied pursuant to this Agreement for specified ESI IDs. A condition precedent for the effectiveness of this Agreement shall be the
execution of a separate Transaction Confirmation and the appropriate Price Sheet(s), and agreement by the Parties on the terms
contained In Exhibit 'A" to this Base Contra~ Seller and Buyer may hereinafter be referred to Individually as a "Party" and collectively as
the "Parties".
The applicable Tariff(s) for Retai! Delh, ery Service (the "Tariff') of the appropriate transmission and distribution utility (the "TDSP") serving
Buyer's Premises is incorporated herein to t~e same extant as if fully set forth, and the Parties acknowledge that as a matter of law they
are bound by the terms and conditions of the Tariff. All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning as set forttl in the
Tariff. The pro-forms Tar[fi, as adopted by the Public UtilibJ Commission al' Texas (the "PUC'F'), may cun'ently be found at the PUCT's
website al www. puc..s~, to.tx.us, as Appendix IV of the Subsl;antive Rules Applicable to Electric Service Providers.
I. SUBJECT MATTER AND QUANTITY. Seller shall sell and cause delivery of, to the Seller Po~nt al~ Delivery, and Buyer shell p-rchase
and receive, at the TDSP Point of Delivery ~or each ESI iD, and for use only at the associated Premise(s), all of Buyer's non-residential
electricity requirements for the Premise(s). A 'Premise" ia a tract of lend or real estate or related commonly used tracts, including
buildings and other appurtenances thereon, which is listed on Exhibit "A." A Premise may have one or mare TDSP Points of Delivery.
"Seller Point of Delivery" herein shall mean the point where Seller's supplier's conductors are connected tn the TDSP's conductors.
"TDSP" herein shall mean a transmission end/or distribution provider under the jur~dlction of the Public Utility Comrnisslon of Texas
("PUCT") that owns and maintains a transmission or distribution system far the delivery of energy; including a Municipally owned utility or
Rural Electric Cooperative. "TDSP Point of Delivery" herein shall mean the point where TDSP's conductors are connected k3 Buyer's
conductors at or near Buyer's Premises.
II. PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE AND CREDIT REQUIREMENTS. [This Article has been deleted intentionally.]
The "Agreement Term" shall be the time period, as referred to [n the Transaction Confirmation. during which the prices contained in
the Price Sheet(s) are and shall remain in force.
4ol For each Transaction Confirmation then in effect, Seller will invoice Buyer for elect~city delivered to the Premise(s) during each
monthly billing cycle of the Agreement Term, and for any other amounts due from Buyer ~ Seller hereunder in accordance with the
applicable Price Sheet; provided, however, ~n the event Buyer's aggregated consumption under any Transaction Confirmation in any
calendar month exceeds the aggregated calendar-month quantities listed in the applicable Exhibil "A-l" by more than the percentage
specified in such Transaction Conf'~rmation, Seller shall have the option to price such excess quantities at 105.0% of the then current
Retail Market Price. Provided such is not. the result, of a force majeure event or Seller's default hereunder, If Buyer's aggregated
consumption under any Transaction Confirmation in a month is less than the aggregated calendar-month quantities listed in the
applicable Exhibit ~A-I" by more than the percentage specified in such Transaction Confirmation, then, in addition to paying in
accordance with the applicable Price Sheet for those quantities actually taken, Buyer agrees to pay Seller the positive amount, [f any.
calculated as follows: [(100% minus the percentage specified [n such Transaction Confirmation) multiplied by (the aggregated
quantities on the appl[catale Exhibit 'A-I"j for the applicable month minus the aggregated quantifies consumed by Buyer under such
Transaction Confirmation dudng the month), the 'Shortfall Quant[ty~ multiplied by [(the contracled price from the applicable Price
Sheet) minus (g5% of the then curt'ant Retail Market Price for the Shortfall Quantity)]. 'Retail Market Price" for purposes of this
Section 4.1 only shall be: the weighted average of the ERCOT market clear~r~g prlce for energy l=or all congestion zones [n the
applicable monl:h; plus (e) all charges a~soc[eted with (i) Ancillary Se~vices. (ii~ Line Losae~. (111) Unaccounted for Energy. and (iv~
ERCOT administration fees; and (b) any new charges establ{shed by the Independent System O!aerator that load serving Qualified
Scheduling Entities are required to pay. For purposes of this paragraph 4.1, Seller reserves the right to allocate measured carmumptlon
to the calendar month for any ESI IDs not Installed with an interval demand recorder
GIt~ ef Peal'land (2 yaa~).BCTCPS.BBC.C.120982.doc CONFIDENTIAL
I:'ege 1 ~8
Contract/Plan #:
Account Name:
Plan Type:
City of Pearland
Price Sheet - Flat Price
TXU Energy Services
This Price Sheet is only valid in association with and shall remain subject to the Terms and Conditions for Supply of Electricity
("Terms") and Offer for Supply of Electricity referenced above and is contingent upon Customer's acceptance of the Offer prior to the
Offer Expiration Date. This Price Sheet is applicable to the Customer ESI number(s) identified on Exhibit A of the Terms.
Monthly Prices shall equal the sum of (i) the Monthly Standing Charge set forth below; plus (ii) the applicable per kWh charges set
forth below for the electricity; plus (iii) all costs and expenses of any nature whatsoever that are charged by the Transmission and
Distribution Service Provider CTDSP") for the transmission and/or distribution of the electricity, as well as any other charges of the
TDSP that are attributable to the Customer Account numbers, including, without limitation, charges for reactive power; plus (iv) all
other tariffs, rates, riders, fees, and charges, charged by the TDSP or another party, that are mandated, levied, assessed, allowed, or
approved by the Texas Public Utility Commission and all other governmental or regulatory authorities, on or with respect to the
acquisition, sale, delivery, and purchase of the electricity; plus (v) all federal, state, and local taxes, of any nature whatsoever, imposed
by all governmental and regulatory authorities, on or with respect to the acquisition, sale, delivery, and purchase of the electricity,
including Seller's Texas Gross Receipts Tax on the sale of electricity to Buyer; plus (vi) the Over Capacity Charge set forth below, if
applicable; plus (vii) an aggregation fee of $0.00045 per kWh actually consumed by Buyer collected by Seller on behalf of and paid to
HGAC Energy Purchasing Corporation.
Monthly Standing Charge per
service point
All kWh
TDSP Delivery Charges
Tariffs, rates, riders, fees, and
charges other than those included
in TDSP delivery charges above
All applicable taxes
$0.04157 per kWh
$0.0118476 per kWh for delivery, excluding reactive
power, based upon current estimate;* Monthly price will
be based upon actual charges.
To be determined, varies by service point
To be determined, varies by jurisdiction
Over Capacity Charge $0.00 per kW
The costs and expenses charged by the TDSP for delivery services may fluctuate during the Agreement Term, as will other applicable
taxes, tariffs, riders, fees, and charges.
* For reference purposes only. This is the current estimate of the average TDSP standard delivery costs, excluding charges for reactive
power, special metering, or other miscellaneous TDSP charges.
Form Nme/Version: PRICE SHEET FLAT PRICE 110701
Explanation of the Charges on your TXU
Energy Services Bill:
Definitions for the most common Retail Electric Provider (REP) and Transmission
Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) terms found on your electric billing statement
Electric Service — Commercial
• ESI ID - A unique account number assigned by a TDSP for an electric account.
• Meter Reading — This is the reading of kWh used in a one month period. This equates to
your monthly KWH Consumption.
Competitive — Price X Usage:
• Aggregation Fee- Fee accessed for participation in a buying group by a third party
• Gross receipts fee- Fee based upon taxable receipts for the sale of electricity; the fee is
assessed against the retail provider and then charged as a pass through cost to the end use
• Sales Tax - An approved tax collected by the Retail Electric Provider for a specific taxing
entity, however this is not applicable to governmental entities and should be $0.00.
Electric Service — Distribution
TDSP Charges: TDSP charges may be broken into several categories, detailed below.
• Excess Mitigation Credit - represents the portion of excess earnings to be returned to the
end use Customer.
• Distribution Charge (DUOS)- Distribution charges relate to system and discretionary
services associated with facilities below 60 kilovolts. These facilities are used to transform
and move electricity from the point of interconnection of a generation source, or third -party
electric grid facility, to the pomt of interconnection with a retail customer or other third -party
facility, and related processes necessary to perform such transformation and movement.
Distribution does not include activities related to transmission and distribution utility billing
services, additional billing services, transmission and distribution utility metering services,
and transmission and distribution customer services as defined by this section
Customer Charge - charge associated with providing routine customer service and billing
services for a premise account.
• Delivery Point - Delivery charges are from the costs associated by the movement of Electric
Power and Energy through the Company's electric lines and other equipment (including
transformers) from the Point of Supply to the Point of Delivery.
• System Benefit Fund (SBF)- a non-bypassable charge administered by the PUCT to provide
funding for Customer education programs programs to assist low-income electric Customers
and cover tax shortfalls in small communities affected by de -regulation The fee is charged
to electric retail customers based on the amount of kilowatt hours (kWh) of electric energy
used, as measured at the meter and adjusted for voltage level losses.
Transmission Charge (TUOS)- Transmission charges related to system and discretionary
services. These services are associated with facilities at or above 60 kilovolts necessary to
transform and move electricity. This electricity is moved from the point of interconnection of
a generation source or third -party electric grid facility, to the point of interconnection with
distribution, retail customer or other third -party facilities, and related processes necessary to
perform such transformation and movement. Transmission does not include activities related
to transmission and distribution utility billing system services, additional billing services
transmission and distribution utilit) metering system services, and transmission and
distribution utility customer services as defined by this section
• Nuclear Decommissioning Fund (NDF) — charge assessed to cover the eventual cost of
retiring the TDSP's Nuclear Plant Each electric utility owning or leasing an interest in a
nuclear -fueled generating unit mcludes the cost of nuclear decommissioning in the cost of
• Transition Charges (TC) - Charges established pursuant to a financing order issued by the
Public Utilities Commission (PUC).
• Transformer Charge (XFMR) - Costs incurred from maintaining transformers used by
• Competitive Transition Charge (CTC) - Any non -bypassed charge that recovers the
positive excess of the net book value of generation assets over the market value of the assets.
This calculation takes into account all of the electric utility's generation assets, any above
market purchased power costs, and any deferred debit. This debit is related to a utility's
discontinuance of the application of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards Number
71, "Accounting for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation," for generation -related assets
if required by the provisions of PURA, Chapter 39
Tax on TDSP Charges:
• Sales Tax - An approved tax collected by the TDSP for a specific taxing entity, however this
is not applicable to governmental entities and should be $0.00.
Note on TDSP Charges:
Transmission and Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs) submit monthly invoices for
the line and meter -related services they provide. These charges are typically based on
consumption and customer class. All charges are based on rates that have been formally
submitted to and approved by the Public Utilities Commission.
TDSP charges are sent to TXU Energy via 810_02 EDI. After internal validation, TXUE
submits payment for the charges on behalf of the customer Charges are then passed to
the customer during normal invoicing dependant on the customer's rate schedule.
Energy Service Charges, also termed ` Non-Bypassable Charges" (NBCs), are the charges
related directly to the management and delivery of the energy commodity. They are
usually based on the volume consumed (measure in kilowatt-hours, or kWh). For energy
related charges, a customer's Service Agreement is reviewed. The Service Agreement
(or Supply Agreement) is the contract between a customer and TXU Energy. This is the
contract that was negotiated by the H-GAC Energy Purchasing Corp. that also details the
customer's product requested, the time period requested, and the status of the contract.
For Energy Service Charges, the contracts are for electric service. TDSPs must submit
and adhere to their tariff when passing NBC Charges.
TDSP Discretionary Charges
TDSPs (Transmission/Distribution Service Providers) will assess charges for services
beyond normal distribution charges. All charges a TDSP may pass on are detailed within
their full tariffs. Tariffs are submitted by the TDSPs and approved by the PUC.
Discretionary charges are also termed "Service Order Charges". They are related to the
maintenance of the physical infrastructure relating to delivery of the energy to the end
consumer. The rates are usually flat charges for a service performed (meter installation,
meter repair, disconnection, etc.).
Each TDSP may charge a different amount for the same service. The most common
types of discretionary charges follow. Other charges and clarifications of charges may be
found on the tariff.
Attached are examples from:
• Oncor
• Reliant
• CP&L
• Entergy
Oncor (Formerly TXU)
Charge Type
ccount Initiation Charge
ut-of-Cycle Meter Reading Charge:
During Regular Hours
• Outside Regular Hours -
Non -Holiday
• Outside Regular Hours -
onnection Charge:
Self Contained Meter
Other Connections
Disconnect at Meter
During Regular Hours
Reconnect at Meter:
• During Regular Hours -
Regular Route
• During Regular Hours -
Special Route
• Outside Regular Hours - Non
• Outside Regular Hours -
or Seconda Box
or Seconda Box:
Durin• Re• ular Hours
$100.0 1
As Calculate(
• Outside Regular Hours - Non
• Outside Regular Hours -
etail Delive Switchover Chat -se
$155.0 1
$196.0 i
Charge Type
e connection Charge
isconnection Charge
onnection Char• a Existing Meter
o nnection Chars a New Meter
• eturned Check Charge
.•- u- .• 1• �-
. treet Light Removal Charge (served overhead)
. treet Light Removal Charge (served underground)
nside Trouble Service Outage Charge
dvanced Billing Meter Installation Charge
dvanced Non -Billing Meter Installation Charge
"MI-1•� 1 •1 1.
ler month
ase Charge
ase Charge Adder
CPL(Central Power and Light)
Facilities Maintenance Service
edicated Facilities Rent
onnect Fee:
• Self -Contained
riority Connect Fee:
• Self -Contained
• riority Disconnect Fee:
• Self -Contained
Subsurface Box
• Pole/Metering
• outine Reconnection Fee:
• Self -Contained
• Pole or Subsurface
CT Meter
riority Reconnection Fee:
• Self -Contained
• Pole or Subsurface
.pecific Meter Reading Fee
See tarill
See tari
on -Standard Communication Fee:
Clerk ($/hour)
Analyst ($/hour)
Supervisor ($/hour)
• etail Electnc Switchover Fee
WTU(West Texas Utilities)
Charges 'Amount'
acilities Maintenance Service See tari
onnect Fee:
. Self -Contained
• riorit Connect Fee:
. Self -Contained
•riority Disconnect Fee:
. Self -Contained
Subsurface Box
. Pole/Metering
• outine Reconnection Fee:
. Self -Contained
Pole or Subsurface
• riority Reconnection Fee:
. Self -Contained
. Pole or Subsurface
pecific Meter Reading Fee
• Self -Contained
on -Standard Communication Fee:
Clerk ($/hour)
Analyst ($/hour)
Supervisor ($/hour)
• etail Electric Switchover Fee
TNMP(Texas New Mexico Power)
ccount Initiation Charge:
During Normal Business Hours
• When meter installation is
Outside Normal Business Hours
.ervice CaII Charge:
During Business Hours
Outside Normal Business Hours
• Installation of test equipment
requested by REP
During Business Hours:
At Meter
• At Pole, Weatherhead or
Secondary Box
Outside Normal Business Hours:
At Meter
• At Pole, Weatherhead or
Seconda Box
acilities Location Charge:
During Business Hours
Outside Normal Business Hours
emgora Facilities Charge:
Meter alread installed
Meter to be installed
Other situations
ove In Service:
• Standard Move In (2 - 7 Business
Da s
Wasted Tri • Fee
• Same Da or After Hours Move In
• Wasted Tn • Fee
1 •7- -r - • •u- ►•i
• Standard Disconnect (1-5
Business Da s
• Wasted Tri • Fee
•econnect Service after Disconnect for Retail
Customer Non -Pa :
Standard Reconnect
• Wasted Tri • Fee
• After Hours Disconnect
• Wasted Tn • Fee
eter Re -Read or Off-C -
• Standard Read or Re -Read (2-7
Business Da s
• Wasted Trip Fee
elive S stem Service Switchover
acilities Maintenance Service
edicated Facilities Rent
onnect Fee:
• Self -Contained
riority Connect Fee:
• Self -Contained
• riority Disconnect Fee:
• Self -Contained
Subsurface Box
• Pole/Metering
' outine Reconnection Fee:
• Self -Contained
• Pole or Subsurface
• riority Reconnection Fee:
• Self -Contained
• Pole or Subsurface
• pecific Meter Reading Fee
See tar
•etail Electric Switchover Fee
1601 Bryan Street
Dallas, TX 75201
H-GAC Energy Purchasing Corporation
c/o Bob Wooten
3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 500
Houston, Texas 77027-6748
Dear Mr. Wooten,
June 6, 2002
I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the Houston Galveston Area
Council for choosing TXU Energy as your retail electric provider. As you are aware, TXU Energy
is working closely with other market participants, including the Electric Reliability Council of Texas
(ERCOT) and regulated Transmission and Distribution Service Providers (TDSPs), in our efforts
to resolve issues impacting the smooth transition of customers to the new competitive energy
market in Texas. I would like to update you on our progress to date and address your specific
As you can imagine, transforming a historically, regulated power market into a statewide,
competitive power market is a significant undertaking. For a variety of reasons there have been
transitional issues that have impacted billing and the transmission of data among all industry
participants. However, we believe the open market is working, and customers are experiencing
the benefits of reduced energy costs.
As you know, many critical systems required for a seamless transition to the open electric
market have experienced some challenges. We have implemented new processes to
immediately address issues, while continuing to improve systems to provide more accurate and
timely billing in the future.
Among the new challenges is the ability to secure accurate usage and transmission data for
each account. That difficulty has resulted in some bills for a few customers being delayed. The
systems created to manage the transfer of data between and among market participants are
under continual improvement, and we expect resolution of those issues in the very near future.
For the time being, we have dedicated additional staff resources and developed processes to
address specific billing issues.
We have implemented a bill quality control process that requires each bill to pass through four
check points prior to delivery to our customers. Those check points review each statement and
validate billing addresses, tax exempt status, accuracy of consumption information and accuracy
of transmission and distribution charges (T&D) While this process may seem cumbersome, we
are making great progress in our efforts. The feedback we are receiving indicates that the tide is
turning. We are very proud of the efforts of our staff, and expect to be up to our own high
standards very soon.
Please rest assured, TXU Energy does not intend to interrupt service to customers that have not
received bills for electric service in accordance with their contract terms. We have taken steps to
adjust our processes and systems associated with collections, including service interruption due
to non-payment, pending resolution of the billing situations. Any request to terminate service
that is initiated through our systems undergoes enhanced scrutiny to determine the individual
circumstances prior to execution of the disconnect order. We will continue to maintain close
contact with you to insure that no service interruptions result from billing system delays.
We are aware of your situation, and are working closely with our billing group to ensure extra care
and attention to your accounts. I apologize for the inconvenience, and appreciate your patience.
We look forward to providing you with the highest quality of service. Should you have any
questions, please contact our Aggregation and Alliance Manager, Gabe Castro, at 214.812 7251,
or via email at gabriel.castro@txu.com.
f _•e_
Nancy Perry
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
TXU Energy, Large Business
TXU Energy Services
These Terms and Conditions for the Supply of Electricity ("Terms"), together with any Offer for Supply of
Electricity ("Offer") and any other attachments, exhibits or appendices (including, as appropriate, one or more Price Sheets)
as may be hereafter agreed to by Buyer (the term Buyer includes its employees and/or agents as appropriate), and Seller (the
term Seller includes its assignees and/or as appropriate its employees, agents and/or subcontractors), shall constitute the
`Agreement" for the supply of electricity to the Premise(s) of Buyer set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Seller and Buyer
may hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties". "Premise(s)" herein shall mean the
designated (in Exhibit "A") property or facilities and associated metered account(s) identified by an Electric Service Identifier
("ESI"), which is a unique and permanent identifier assigned to each Premise(s). A "Price Sheet(s)" is a document(s)
containing a description of the method for determining charges payable by Buyer to Seller for electricity supplied pursuant to
this Agreement, for specified Premises and shall contain the Offer Price. A condition precedent for the effectiveness of the
Agreement shall be the execution of a separate Offer, and agreement by the Parties on the terms contained in Exhibit "A' and
the appropriate Price Sheet(s).
I. SUBJECT MATTER AND QUANTITY. Seller shall sell and cause delivery, and Buyer shall purchase and receive at the Point
of Delivery, for use only at the Premise(s), Buyer's non-residential electricity requirements set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
"TDSP" herein shall mean a transmission and/or distribution provider under the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of
Texas ("PUCT") that owns and maintains a transmission or distribution system for the delivery of energy; including a Municipally
owned utility or Rural Electric Cooperative. "Point of Delivery" herein shall mean the point where TDSP's conductors are
connected to Buyer's conductors at or near Buyer's Premises.
II. [This Section has been deleted intentionally.]
III. TERM. The "Agreement Term" shall be the time period, as referred to in the Offer, during which the prices contained in
the Price Sheets are and shall remain in force.
IV. AGREEMENT RENEWAL/PRICE RENEGOTIATION. If Buyer and Seller have not agreed to new pricing and terms prior
to thirty calendar days before the expiration of the then current Offer, and Buyer has not arranged for electricity from another
supplier prior to the expiration of such Offer, then, effective upon expiration of the Offer and until Buyer arranges for electricity
with another supplier or under a new Offer with Seller, Seller agrees to sell and deliver and Buyer agrees to purchase and
receive electricity under terms and prices of Seller's then current Standard List Price Offer applicable to businesses of same or
similar nature as Buyer. "Standard List Price Offer" herein shall mean the Seller's price charged to customer's purchasing
electricity without a valid Offer for the Supply of Electricity. The Standard List Price Offer may change from time to time at the
discretion of Seller.
5 1 Seller will invoice Buyer for electricity delivered to the Premise(s) during each monthly billing cycle of the Agreement Term,
and for any other amounts due from Buyer to Seller hereunder, in accordance with the applicable Price Sheet, provided, however,
in the event Buyer is a water district, a municipal utility district, a public utility district, a water control improvement district, all other
types of special districts, or has at the time this Agreement is entered into, twenty five percent (25 0%) or more of its total electric
load is attributable to water pumping Toad, and (a) takes total quantities of electricity (attributable to all Premise(s) hereunder) in
any month that are in excess of one hundred twenty-five percent (125 0%) of the aggregated quantities listed in Exhibit "A",
thenSeller shall have the option to price such excess quantities at 105.0% of the then current retail market value or (b) takes
quantities of electricity in a month that are less than seventy five percent (75.0%) of the aggregated quantities listed in Exhibit "A"
(provided such is not the result of a force majeure event) then, in addition to paying for those quantities actually taken in
accordance with the applicable Price Sheet, Buyer agrees to pay Seller the positive amount, if any, calculated as follows: (75.0%
of the aggregated quantities on Exhibit "A" for the applicable month minus the aggregated quantities actually used by Buyer
during the month, the "Shortfall Quantity") multiplied by (the contracted price from the applicable Price Sheet minus 95.0% of the
then current retail market price for the Shortfall Quantity). "Retail Market Price" for purposes of this paragraph 5.1 only shall be'
the weighted average of the ERCOT market clearing price for energy for each congestion zone in the applicable month; plus (a)
all charges associated with (i) Ancillary Services, (ii) Line Losses, (in) Unaccounted for Energy, and (iv) ERCOT administration
fees' and (b) any new charges established by the Independent System Operator that load serving Qualified Scheduling Entities
are required to pay.
5.2 If Buyer has more than one Premise, the monthly billing cycle may vary for different Premises, and may not coincide with a
calendar month. In the event that an interval demand recorder ("IDR) must be installed at any Premise, if such IDR has not been
installed prior to the commencement of the Agreement Term, Seller reserves the right to calculate prices based upon the
appropriate deemed load profile, as obtained by Seller from the PUCT, until such IDR can be installed.
5.3 Buyer shall pay the invoiced amount on or before the due date specified in the Offer, and/or notify Seller within ten business
days of the invoice date if Buyer disputes any part of the invoice together with Buyer's reasons for disputing the invoice (however,
Buyer's payment of an invoice and/or failure to dispute an invoice by the due date, in and of itself, shall not constitute a waiver
by Buyer of Buyer's right to contest later the correctness of such invoice), but the undisputed part shall remain due and payable.
In the event that Buyer gives notice of such dispute, the Parties shall, for a period of thirty calendar days following Seller's receipt
of that notice, pursue diligent, good faith efforts to resolve the dispute. If the Parties are unable to resolve a disputed invoice
during that thirty day period, Seller may require in the event it is subsequently determined that Buyer should pay Seller all or part
of the disputed amount, that Buyer pay interest on such amount at a rate equal to (i) one percent (1%) per month or (ii) the
highest rate allowed by law, whichever is the lesser, from the date such payment was originally due until the same is paid.
Following resolution of the dispute, any amount found payable (including interest) shall be paid within thirty calendar days. If
Buyer fails to pay any amount due (including any disputed amount withheld which is subsequently found to have been payable)
Seller may, at its option, pursue any or all of the following actions or remedies (a) accrue interest on the unpaid portion at a rate
equal to that described earlier in this paragraph, from the date such payment is due until the same is paid, or (b) transfer Buyer to
the provider of last resort (' POLR"). POLR shall be defined as a retail electric provider that has been designated by the PUCT to
provide a basic standard retail service package to requesting or defaulting customers.
5.4 If Buyer notifies Seller in writing of a justifiable concern regarding the accuracy of an invoice hereunder, Seller shall make
available to Buyer during normal business hours the records in Seller's possession reasonably necessary for Buyer to verify the
accuracy of its bill. Provided, however, neither Party may request any adjustment or correction of any statement or payment
unless written notice of such request for adjustment or correction is furnished within twenty-four (24) months of the date of the
statement or payment for which such adjustment or correction is requested.
5.5 If this Agreement is terminated for any reason (including where Buyer terminates in accordance with Section VII) and Buyer
does not arrange for a new electricity supply agreement with Seller or another supplier, Seller, until Buyer arranges for a new
electric supply agreement with Seller or another supplier, may (in addition to other remedies) charge Buyer for any electricity
used at the Premise(s) after the effective date of the termination and subject to these Terms, at Seller's then current Standard
List Pnce Offer applicable to businesses of same or similar nature as Buyer. This sub -clause shall survive termination of this
5.6 Payments may be made by check, wire transfer, direct debit or electronic data interchange (on terms reasonably
acceptable to both Parties), and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, must be received by the receiving
Party on or before the dates specified in Article II of the Offer. The address to which payments are to be made shall be as set
forth in the Offer. For Buyer to pay Seller other than by check, Buyer needs to obtain required information / agreements with
Seller. If Buyer fails to pay the invoiced amount to Seller by the Due Date, and such amount is not disputed as provided in
Section 5.3 the undisputed invoiced amount will accrue interest at the rate of 12% per year, and, in addition, Seller may pursue,
but is not required to pursue available legal remedies for collection of the unpaid invoice and late -payment interest charges,
including termination of the Agreement in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article VII.
5.7 In the event Buyer ever takes electricity exceeding the Maximum kW for each Premise(s), each time it does so Buyer shall
pay the Over Capacity Charges as stated in the applicable Price Sheet. "Maximum kW' for each Premise is set forth on
Exhibit "A", and shall be recorded at the TDSP Point of Delivery
5.8 Buyer agrees that it shall abide and be bound by the Agreement through the end of the Agreement Term and shall not during
the Agreement Term, claim any right to pricing based upon the Price to Beat. "Price to Beat" shall mean a price for electricity as
determined pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Section 39 202, charged by an affiliated retail electric provider to eligible
6.1 The supply of electricity to Buyer at the TDSP Delivery Point(s) shall be measured by Metering Equipment. 'Metering
Equipment' herein shall mean any and all equipment required for the measurement of demand, energy reactive demand or
reactive energy and the times during which said demand or energy is consumed. Unless the accuracy of the Metering
Equipment is disputed by notice given by either Party to the other the Metering Equipment shall be deemed to be accurate. If
notice is given (unless otherwise agreed) the Metering Equipment shall be examined within a reasonable period by the TDSP
in accordance with the applicable Substantive Rules of the PUCT. If such test finds that the inaccuracy of the registration of
kWh or kW at normal loads exceeds that allowed by ANSI standard C 12 suitable adjustment shall be made in the accounts
rendered by Seller, and, within a reasonable period following that determination, the Metering Equipment shall be re -calibrated
or replaced by the entity that installs, validates, registers, and maintains the physical meter required on a Premise to measure
customer usage. If such test finds the Metering Equipment to be accurate within the said limits, the Metering Equipment shall
be deemed to be accurate and the cost of moving, testing, and replacing the Metering Equipment shall be paid by the Party
who issued the notice. If it is discovered that any reading of the Metering Equipment or translation of the readings into
charges have been incorrect then the amount of money due to and from Seller shall be paid forthwith.
6.2 If appropriate meter reading personnel cannot gain access to read the Metering Equipment, or the Metering Equipment fails
to register correctly the amount of electricity supplied, or the readings are not communicated to Seller in time for whatever reason,
Seller shall reasonably estimate the quantity of the electricity consumed and Buyer shall pay the charges for the estimated
amounts subject to any adjustments which may be necessary following the reading. Buyer shall notify Seller of any dispute or
query regarding the Metering Equipment made by the TDSP. Seller is not responsible for damage to the Metering Equipment
unless caused by Seller's negligence.
7.1 A material breach of this Agreement includes: (a) the failure of either Party to make any payment due to the other Party
pursuant to the terms hereof, provided, however, that notwithstanding the foregoing or anything else to the contrary in this
Agreement, Supplier may not terminate this Agreement for non-payment by Buyer of an undisputed invoiced amount unless
the undisputed invoiced amount remains unpaid for thirty (30) days after the due date; (b) the failure of a Party to comply with
any other material term of this Agreement; (c) a Party becomes or declares that it is insolvent or bankrupt, or becomes or
declares that it is the subject of any proceedings, or is taking any action whatsoever relating to its bankruptcy, liquidation or
insolvency, or is not generally paying its debts as they become due, (d) a Party fails to comply with any federal, state or local
law, regulation, rule or order that causes a material adverse affect upon this Agreement, either Party or either Party's
performance of its obligations described in this Agreement (e) if Buyer enters into another electricity supply agreement for any
Premise(s) with another retail energy provider that covers any period during the Agreement Term; or (f) if Buyer, except as
provided in paragraphs 7.2 and 14.3 below sells, leases, closes or otherwise conveys or assigns any Premise(s) in which the
e lectricity sold hereunder is utilized. If either Party commits a material breach of this Agreement, the non -breaching Party
shall give written notice to the breaching Party that describes the breach in reasonable detail ("Original Notice"). The non -
breaching Party may in its sole discretion and without prejudice to any other right under this Agreement, at law, or in equity,
terminate this Agreement (i) by providing an additional notice if the breaching Party does not pay all amounts due and owing
set forth in the Original Notice within ten calendar days of the date of the Original Notice, or (ii) effective immediately in the
O riginal Notice in the event the breach pertains to (c), (e) or (f) in this paragraph above, or (iii) by providing an additional
n otice if the breaching Party fails to cure any breach other than one related to (a), (c), (e), or (f) in this paragraph above within
thirty calendar days of the date of the Original Notice.
7.2 (a) In the event Buyer sells, closes, or leases a particular Premise, without selling, closing, or leasing all of the
P remises, Buyer shall have the right to delete that particular Premise and the quantities of electricity attributable to that
P remise through the end of the Agreement Term (the "Liquidated Quantities") from this Agreement without terminating the
Agreement (a ' Premise Buyout Option"). If Buyer desires to exercise a Premise Buyout Option with regard to a Premise,
Buyer shall notify Seller in writing at least thirty calendar days prior to the effective date. Upon the exercise of a Premise
Buyout Option, in the event a new owner of the applicable Premise (i) is willing to sign a new contract with Seller upon the
same terms and conditions as Buyer's contract, (ii) is deemed creditworthy by Seller and (iii) the new owner and Seller can
legally enter into such a contract in accordance with the rules and regulations of the PUCT, then the Premise will be deleted
from this Agreement and neither Party will owe any compensation to the other. In the event that the new owner (i) is unwilling
to sign a contract with Seller upon the same terms and conditions, (ii) is not reasonably deemed creditworthy by Seller, or (iii)
the new owner and Seller cannot legally enter into the contract, then Buyer agrees to pay Seller the positive amount, if any,
calculated as follows: the Liquidated Quantities multiplied by (the price that Buyer would have paid for the Liquidated Quantities
through the end of the Agreement Term according to the applicable Price Sheet, minus 95 0% of the then current retail market
price). Buyer shall pay such amount, if any, to Seller within twenty days of the date of liquidation. Exhibit 'A" shall be modified
to reflect the deletion of such Premise and its Liquidated Quantities, and all other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall
remain in full force and effect with respect to the remaining Premises.
(b) In the event Buyer reduces its operations at a Premise, Buyer shall have the right to delete the quantities of
electricity attributable to the reduction in operations at such Premise from the effective date of the reduction through the end of
the Agreement Term (the "Reduced Operations Liquidated Quantities") from this Agreement without terminating the
Agreement. If Buyer desires to exercise such right with regard to a Premise, Buyer shall notify Seller in writing at least thirty
calendar days prior to the effective date. Upon the exercise of such right, Buyer agrees to pay Seller the positive amount if
any, calculated as follows: the Reduced Operations Liquidated Quantities multiplied by (the price that Buyer would have paid for
the Reduced Operations Liquidated Quantities through the end of the Agreement Term according to the applicable Price
Sheet, minus 95.0% of the then current retail market price for the liquidated quantities). Buyer shall pay such amount, if any, to
Seller within twenty days of the date of liquidation. Exhibit "A" shall be modified to reflect the deletion of the liquidated
quantities and all other terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.
(c) Both Parties will work in good faith during the Agreement Term to reasonably accommodate and assist Buyer with
the management of its electricity needs at the Premises. Since it is not possible to foresee the evolution of the deregulated
power industry in Texas, various reasonable options for Buyer to achieve this are evolving and under development by Seller.
For example, if Buyer desires to contract for additional electricity, both Parties will work in good faith to mutually agree upon
the terms and conditions that are economically viable to both Parties. However, notwithstanding the previous language,
n othing contained herein shall be construed as to deny or diminish the economic benefit of this Agreement to either Party, and
n either Party shall be under any obligation whatsoever to agree to a modification that would have such result.
7.3 (a) In the event that this Agreement is terminated by Seller pursuant to Section 7.1,_the Parties agree, that in addition
to all amounts Buyer may owe Seller prior to the termination, Seller's damages shall be the positive amount, if any, calculated as
follows: (all remaining unpurchased quantities of electricity reflected on Exhibit "A" through the end of the Agreement Term)
multiplied by (the price that Buyer would have paid for the unpurchased quantities through the end of the Agreement Term
according to the applicable Price Sheet, minus the current retail market price for the unpurchased quantities at the time of
termination) plus (all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Seller). Such amount shall be immediately due and payable
within thirty calendar days following such termination. The current retail market price in this instance shall mean the price that
S eller would reasonably be able to obtain from a bona -fide third party if entering into a contract with another customer for the
u npurchased quantities, and for the remaining term after the Early Termination Date through the end of the Agreement Term.
S eller shall have a duty to use commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate its damages.
(b) In the event that this Agreement is terminated by Buyer pursuant to Section 7.12he Parties agree, that in addition
to all amounts Seller may owe Buyer prior to the termination, Buyer's damages shall be the positive amount, if any, calculated as
follows: (all remaining unpurchased quantities of electricity reflected on Exhibit "A" through the end of the Agreement Term)
multiplied by (the current retail market price for the unpurchased quantities at the time of termination, minus the price that Buyer
would have paid for the unpurchased quantities through the end of the Agreement Term according to the applicable Price
S heet) plus (all reasonable costs and expenses incurred by Buyer). Such amount shall be immediately due and payable within
thirty calendar days following such termination. The current retail market price in this instance shall mean the price Buyer would
have to pay if entering into a contract with another Retail Electric Provider ('REP") for the same quantities and for the
remaining term after the Early Termination Date through the end of the Agreement Term. The price offered by the POLR, or
any REP s Standard List Price Offer, shall not be used to calculate Buyer's damages. Buyer shall have a duty to use
commercially reasonable efforts to mitigate its damages.
7.4 Buyer may terminate this Agreement, on a prospective basis, in the event of non -appropriation of funding for this
Agreement by Buyer's Governing Body. Buyer agrees, to the full extent allowed by Texas law that if any funds are
appropriated for electricity costs such funds shall be applied first to the cost of electricity provided pursuant to this Agreement.
Buyer agrees to notify the REP in writing of such non -appropriation at the earliest practicable time subsequent to the failure to
appropriate, and as of Buyer's termination date, Seller shall have no further duty to supply Electricity to Buyer and shall move
service for the Accounts to the POLR as established by the PUCT on the date of termination for non -appropriation.
VIII . FORCE MAJEURE. If either Party is unable to perform its obligations in whole or in part due to an event of force
majeure as defined herein, then the obligations of the affected Party shall be suspended to the extent made necessary by
such event. The term 'force majeure' means any cause not within the control of the Party claiming relief, including, but not
limited to, Acts of God, including magnetic disturbances but not including extremes of temperature alone; arrests, orders
directives, restraints and requirements of the government and governmental agencies, either federal or state (excluding
Buyer), civil or military; civil disorder; strikes or labor disputes; failure repair or change of or obstruction in electric power lines
equipment or machinery; the failure of the TDSP to receive, transport, or deliver, or otherwise perform, unless due to the
failure of the Party claiming force majeure to perform such Party's obligations hereunder; an event of force majeure of Seller's
supplier(s) or with Buyer's electrical equipment at Buyer's Premises; or any other cause which by the exercise of reasonable
diligence such Party could not have prevented or is unable to overcome. Any such event of force majeure shall, so far as
possible, be remedied with all reasonable dispatch. It is understood and agreed that the settlement of strikes or lockouts will
be entirely within the discretion of the Party having the difficulty, and that the above requirement of the use of diligence in
restoring normal operating conditions will not require the settlement of strikes or lockouts by acceding to the terms of the
o pposing party when such course is inadvisable in the discretion of the Party having the difficulty. Neither financial distress
n or the inability of either Party to make a profit or avoid a financial loss shall be deemed a force majeure event, nor shall (i)
changes in the market prices of fuel, energy or electricity or (ii) a Party's financial inability to perform its obligations under this
Agreement, constitute an event of Force Majeure hereunder.
9.1 Seller hereby warrants to Buyer that at the time of delivery of electricity hereunder it will have good title and/or the right to
sell such electricity, and that such electricity will be free and clear of all liens and adverse claims Title will pass to Buyer at
9.2 Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, any liability under this Agreement will be limited to direct actual damages as
the sole and exclusive remedy and all other remedies or damages at law or in equity are waived. Neither Party will be liable
for consequential, incidental punitive exemplary or indirect damages, including lost profits or other business interruption
damages, whether in tort or contract, under any indemnity provisions or otherwise in connection with this Agreement. The
limitations imposed on remedies and damage measurement will be without regard to cause, including negligence of any Party,
whether sole, joint concurrent, active or passive; provided no such limitation shall apply to damages resulting from the willful
misconduct or gross negligence of any Party.
X . NOTICES All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be
delivered when deposited in the United States mail (first class, registered or certified), postage prepaid, when deposited with
an overnight delivery service prepaid to the applicable Buyer's address shown in the attached Exhibit "A" and Seller's
address as shown in the Offer, or to such address as either Party may from time to time designate as the address, or in the
case of hand delivery when delivered to a representative of either Party by a representative of the other Party; provided,
however except for payments of amounts due hereunder, either Party may provide such items hereunder by electronic mail or
facsimile to the other Party at the applicable telephone number shown on the current Offer, and further provided, the original
copy of such item shall be sent to the other Party within three business days thereafter.
11.1 This Agreement is subject to all applicable laws, regulations, rules and orders.
11.2 In the event a judicial decision, order, new law or regulation, or a change in any law or regulation, requires a change in
the method by which pnces are calculated under this Agreement, or materially and directly affects a Party's ability to perform
its obligations hereunder, then the Party that is negatively affected shall have the right to notify the other Party within thirty
calendar days after becoming aware of such detrimental change. The Parties shall attempt to negotiate a modification to the
terms of this Agreement so as to mitigate the impact of the event If, after twenty calendar days beyond the date of notice, the
Parties have been unable to negotiate a mutually satisfactory modification to the terms of this Agreement, either Party shall
have the right to terminate this Agreement upon ten calendar days prior written notice to the other Party. If such right to
terminate is not exercised within forty-five calendar days after the date of the original notice hereunder, then the right to
terminate this Agreement shall be waived with respect to the particular event.
11.3 Seller agrees to maintain all necessary certifications and comply with all necessary PUCT and/or ERCOT requirements
in order to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
11.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement, Buyer shall not attempt to utilize, under the provisions of this
Section XI or Section VIII, or in any other manner, its inherent powers as a political subdivision of the State of Texas in order
to circumvent in any way the terms and provisions of this Agreement or the intent of this Agreement.
12 1 The supply of electricity may be disconnected in the event of Force Majeure in respect of this Agreement; or if at TDSP's
discretion it is necessary to do so for any of the following reasons (a) to avoid danger or because failure to disconnect the
supply of electricity would or might involve TDSP being in breach of applicable regulations or laws; or to avoid interference
with the supply of electricity to another person which TDSP reasonably believes may be caused or result from Buyer's
equipment or device used at the Premise(s); or to enable TDSP or TDSP's representatives to inspect, maintain or repair any
part of the equipment or the Distribution System; or in case of accident or other emergency affecting or likely to affect the
Distribution System or any other system through which (directly or indirectly) Seller or TDSP receives or supplies electricity; or
(b) because Buyer's electric connections or systems are deemed by TDSP to present a hazard.
12.2 In the event that the supply of electricity to Buyer's Premises is interrupted due to the material breach by Seller of its
contractual obligations under this Agreement and not due to (i) a force majeure event, (it) as provided in paragraph 12.1
above, or (ui) the failure of Buyer to comply with its obligations under this Agreement, then, in the event Buyer is required to
purchase replacement electricity from a third party during such interruption, Seller shall be liable for the positive amount, if
any, calculated as follows: the quantities so interrupted by Seller multiplied by [the then current retail market price (or the POLR
price if Buyer was unable to purchase electricity from another retail electricity provider) minus the contracted price from the
applicable Pnce Sheet].
13.1 Buyer Responsibility. Buyer assumes full responsibility for electrc energy furnished to Buyer at and on Buyers side of
the Point of Delivery, and agrees, to the full extent allowed by law, to hold harmless Seller, its parent company and all of its
affiliates and all of their respective officers, directors, shareholders associates, employees, servants, and agents (hereinafter
collectively referred to as "Seller Group), from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages, demands, judgments,
causes of action, and suits of any kind (hereinafter collectively referred to "Claims"), including Claims for personal injury,
death, or damages to property occurring on Buyer's side of the Point of Delivery and upon the Premise(s), arising out of or
related to the electric power and energy and/or Buyer's performance under the Agreement.
13.2 Seller Respons b I ty. Buyer acknowledges and understands that (i) Seller never obtains physical possession or control of
the electricity, (ii) Seller does not own nor have control of the electric transmission wires and equipment, and that they are
owned and/or controlled by the TDSP, (iii) all meter reading and repair services will be provided by employees or agents of
the TDSP, (iv) all responsibilities and liabilities of the TDSP are set forth in the tariff regulations as approved by the PUCT, and
(v) the employees and agents of the TDSP are not employees or agents of Seller. Seller shall not have any obligation
whatsoever to indemnify, defend, nor hold harmless Buyer, its parent company and all of its affiliates, and all of their
respective officers directors, shareholders associates, employees, servants, and agents (hereinafter collectively referred to
as 'Buyer Group'), against any Claims, on either side of the Point of Delivery, arising out of or in any way related to the
electricity and/or the delivery thereof, including without limitation the actions of the TDSP and its employees and agents,
except in the event, and only in the event, that such Claims are the direct result of the sole negligence and/or intentionally
wrongful act of an employee or agent under the exclusive control, of Seller.
14.1 TDSPs. Buyer and Seller agree to all terms and conditions (adopted pursuant to statutes, regulations or other lawful
author ty) of the TDSPs that provide electricity delivery services to the Premise(s) or other Buyer facilities, which may from
time to time be amended, are made part of this Agreement.
14.3 Assignment. In the event that Buyer conveys legal title to all of the Premises to the same entity, Buyer may request from
Seller the right to assign its rights and obligations under the Agreement to the new owner of the Premises, and in such event,
Seller shall not unreasonably withhold its consent. Any purported assignment without Seller's prior written consent shall be null
and void. Buyer shall not have any right whatsoever to assign this Agreement to any party that is not the owner of all of the
Premises, and any purported assignment shall be null and void Seller may assign this Agreement to another party, with the
prior wntten consent of Buyer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld Any purported assignment without Buyer's
prior wntten consent shall be null and void. This Agreement shall inure to and be binding upon the Parties hereto, and their
respective successors and assigns.
14.4 Entirety of Agreement It is the intention of the Parties that the Agreement shall contain all terms, conditions, and
protections in any way related to or ansing out of, the sale and purchase of the electricity, and supersedes all prior
agreements, whether written or oral. It is also the intention of the Parties to agree to terms of service different than those that
would otherwise apply under the Substantive Rules of the Public Utility Commission of Texas "Customer Protection Rules for
Retail Electric Service", Sections 25.471 - 25.485, and 25.491 - 25.492. The Parties expressly acknowledge that certain
terms, conditions and protections addressed in such sections 25.472 - 25.485, and 25.491 - 25.492 may not be provided for
or referred to in this Agreement, and, in such event, it is the intent of the Parties that such terms, conditions, and protections
are not applicable to the Parties. Neither Party may assert any claim that any term condition, and/or protection contained in
Sections 25.472 - 25.485 and 25 491 - 25.492 of the Rules is inconsistent with any term, condition, and/or protection
contained in the Agreement and, therefore, applies to the Parties This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in
writing, duly executed by the Parties hereto. Buyer warrants that the information supplied by it pursuant to this Agreement is
true and shall remain so throughout the term of the Agreement unless varied by agreement.
14.5 Waiver of Rights. A waiver by either Party of any breach of this Agreement, or the failure of either Party to enforce any
of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, will not in any way affect, limit or waive that Party's right to enforce and compel
strict compliance with the same or other terms or provisions of this Agreement.
14.6 Third Party Rights. Nothing in this Agreement shall create, or be construed as creating, any express or implied rights in
any person or ent ty other than the Parties.
14.7 Survival. No termination or cancellation of this Agreement will relieve either Party of any obligations under this
Agreement that by their nature survive such termination or cancellation, including, but not limited to, all warranties and
obligations of indemnity
14.8 Further Assurances. Buyer and Seller agree to provide such information, execute and deliver any instruments and
documents and to take such other actions as may be necessary or reasonably requested by the other Party which are not
inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement and which do not involve the assumptions of obligations other than those
provided for in this Agreement, in order to give full effect to this Agreement and to carry out the intent of this Agreement.
14.9 D'stribution System. Distribution System herein shall mean any system for the distribution of electricity through which
the electricity to be provided by Seller to Buyer is provided or passed to the Premise(s). Seller's obligations under this
Agreement are subject to the maximum capacity and any other design feature of Buyer's Premise or Connection. Buyer shall
contact Seller in accordance with all applicable legal requirements, and otherwise reasonably in advance, if Buyer proposes to
make any significant change to Buyer s connection, electric lines or electrical equipment, install or operate generating
equipment or do anything else that could affect the Distribution System or require alterations to Buyer's Connection Each of
the Parties undertakes to comply with Buyer s TDSP's Tariff for Distnbution Service_
14.10 Delivery of Electrcty. Seller does not guarantee against irregularities or interruptions, it being understood that
occasional irregularities and interruptions by the TDSP may occur. Buyer is responsible for installing and maintaining
protective devices as recommended or required by the then current edition of the National Electric Code and other such
devices as are necessary to protect equipment or process during irregular or interrupted service including but not limited to
voltage and wave form irregularities.
14.11 Confident ality. Seller acknowledges that Buyer is a governmental body that is subject to public information laws,
including Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, which requires Buyer to release any information that is defined as or
deemed to be public (the "Public Information Statutes"). Subject to any Public Information Statute or related order, rule or
regulation requiring disclosure Seller and Buyer agree to keep all terms and provisions of this Agreement confidential and not
to disclose the terms of the same to any third parties, provided, however, each Party shall have the right to make such
disclosures, if any, to governmental agencies and to its own agents, attorneys, auditors, accountants and shareholders as may
be reasonably necessary. If disclosure is sought through process of a court, or a state or federal regulatory agency, the Party
from whom the disclosure is sought shall resist disclosure through all reasonable means and shall immediately notify the other
Party to allow it the opportunity to participate in such proceedings.
14.12 Resale of Seller's Electric Service. Buyer may not use supply of electricity provided by Seller except for the purpose
specified in the Price Sheet under which Buyer receives supply of electricity Buyer may not resell or otherwise dispose of
supply of electricity unless as provided by statute or as specifically provided for in the Price Sheet.
14.13 Authorization. At such time as executed Offer and Price Sheet(s) are attached hereto, Buyer authorizes Seller to
become Buyer's new retail electric provider in place of Buyer's current retail electric provider for the duration of the Agreement
Term set forth in the Offer. Buyer authorizes Seller to act as Buyer's agent to effect the change, and Buyer directs its current
retail electnc provider to work with Seller to make this change happen. Buyer represents to Seller that Buyer is legally
authorized to change the retail electric provider for all of the Premises.
14.14 Severability. If any portion of this Agreement, or application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall be held legally
invalid, the remainder shall not be affected and shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law or equity.
14.15 Aggregator Fees. Seller shall bill and collect from Buyer for HGAC Energy Purchasing Corporation (' HGAC")
Aggregation Fees with respect to the purchase of Electricity under these Terms and Conditions ("Aggregation Fees') Seller
shall remit all Aggregation Fee collections received during each calendar month to HGAC on or before the twentieth (20th)
Business Day of the following calendar month. Payments received from Buyer shall be deemed to be payments of Seller and
TDSP charges then due, then of the Aggregation Fee.
14.16 Aggregator Rev.ew. Buyer understands and acknowledges that any deviations from the standard Terms and
Conditions for Supply of Electricity negotiated by HGAC on behalf of Buyer shall be subject to the prior review and consent of
the HGAC.
14.17 Buyer is a Member of the HGAC Energy Purchasing Corporation. Seller is basing the indicative price on the attached
price sheet upon assumptions as to the aggregated load and associated load factor of all Members of the Corporation. A
condition precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement is satisfaction of certain load and load factor criteria as agreed to
between Seller and the HGAC Energy Purchasing Corporation. In the event that such criteria, as established in Section 1.b of
the Agreement between H-GAC Energy Purchasing Corporation and TXU Energy Services, are not satisfied then Seller shall
not sign this Agreement and it shall be null and void ab initio.
14.18 Buyer shall notify seller of any ESIs that have any significant load shifting capabilities so Seller may offer multipart
pricing for that Premise.
The Parties have signed this Terms and Conditions for Supply of Electricity document, acknowledging their
agreement to its provisions as of November 14, 2001.
By: By:
Name: Bill Esen, Name.
Title: City Manager Title:
Date: 11-14-01 Date:
'Buyer" "Seller"