1977-12-12 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON DECEMBER 12, 1977, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE CITY HALL, 2335 N. TEXAS AVENUE, PEARLAND. TEXAS. The meeting was called to order with the following present: ( Mayor Carlton McComb Councilman Harry Farley Councilman Dennis Frauenberger Councilman Terry Gray i Councilman Tom Reid Councilman Morris Wilson City Manager William E. Wolff City Attorney Bobby. J. Williams City Secretary Dorothy L. Cook INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The invocation was given by Councilman Farley. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Councilman Reid. i APPROVAL OF MINUTES: It was moved by Councilman Reid, seconded by Councilman Wilson that the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 28, 1977 be approved as submitted. Motion passed 5 to 0. MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT: Mayor McComb read a letter dated December 5, 1977 from Mr. Poorman, District Engineer for the Texas Department of Highways, advising that a traffic and engineering investigation had been made and a preliminary investigation indicated that traffic signals are warranted at Corrigan Drive. Mr. Poorman suggested the realignment of Corrigan Drive to meet F.M. 518 opposite Woody. Mayor McComb advised that he has asked the Street Department to study the feasibility of realigning Woody to meet F.M. 518 opposite Corrigan Drive. COUNCIL ACTIVITY REPORTS: Councilman Gray reported that work on the subdivision ordinance modifications has come to a conclusion; however, the Committee had not had time to get the paper work completed so the item could be placed on the agenda of this meeting. Mayor McComb advised that he would call a workshop meeting on this modification before it was placed on the regular agenda. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS: None r-^ CITIZENS: David Stock of 3409 Windsor in Pearland spoke in opposition to any additional apartment projects in the City of Pearland. He asked the City Council to deny permits on the proposed apartment project to be located on Old Alvin Road adjacent to the Park Apartments. Mrs. Jeanne Bodine, President of the Westminister Civic Club spoke in opposition to any additional apartment projects in the City. She advised the City Council that in the past there have been apartment projects let on pieces of property not zoned for multi -family. These were changed after due process, IM and she asked that this land be changed also in the opposite direction. She asked that an ordinance be passed that would prohibit additional multi -family projects until our ratio has dropped to an arbitrary figure of 15%. Mr. Lawrence Meleski, President of Sherwood Civic Club, spoke in opposition to any additional apartment projects in the City. He stated that the impact on the school system should be considered. Mr. Bill Keele, President of the Regency Park Civic Club, spoke in opposition to any additional apartment projects. Mr. Keele, speaking for himself, stated that he was not sure that the Southern Standard Building Code was adequate for apartments and one answer might be a committee of citizens who know what they are doing to set down specifications that must be met on multi -family units. This would drive the cost of apartments up; however, the construction would be such that in 25 years they would still be in good condition. He advised that some of the apartments already constructed, as well as some under construction, have no eye appeal. He advised that he felt that if the requirements were more stringent that we would get a better quality of multi -family units. J. W. Rubright of 5107 Carmona Lane in Pearland advised that he felt a study committee should be appointed to study the long range affect of apartments on the community. In the meantime, he felt that a moratorium on apartments should be instigated until the problem is solved. Councilman Farley stated that he felt that we should review our existing ordinances for three different aspects: (1) Do our ordinances represent density within apartment units that is consistent with residential units; (2) Are the fire codes adequate so that they present the residents of an apartment complex the same protection that single family residents have; (3) Are our building requirements that which we desire. Councilman Farley advised that we would work with any committee in an effort to accomplish these goals. Councilman Gray stated that it has been 23 months since we have had any requests for apartments and he felt the primary reason was that the developers are aware of the opposition by the community to such projects. Councilman Frauenberger stated that he felt that the codes should be reviewed for density and upgrading of fire protection. Councilman Reid stated that he felt that private ownership and a transition between two levels of restricted areas should be maintained. Councilman Wilson advised that he would be willing to work with Councilman Farley to upgrade the codes. Mayor McComb advised the audience that if it were not for zoning, the apartments would outnumber us about 5 to 1. Mr. Lou Lonzi spoke about the volunteer youth program in Brazoria County. He advised that the purpose of this program was to try and divert young people from the juvenile justice system. This is a local counciling type program to try to keep the young people from having to go to Angleton or a State institution for correction. MEETING RECESSED AT 8:25 P.M. - RECONVENED AT 8:40 P.M. DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARINGS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: APPOINTMENT - PARK BOARD: It was moved by Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Reid that Frank Ravet be appointed as a member of the Park Board to replace Joe Martin who resigned. Motion passed 5 to 0. Mayor McComb administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Ravet. AUDIT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30. 1977: Mr. Charles Fitch of Lairson, Young & Fitch presented the audit for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1977. Mr. Fitch complimented the accounting department headed by Mrs. Dorothy Thompson, Treasurer on the records and advised the Council that the City was in excellent financial condition. It was moved by Councilman Wilson, seconded by Councilman Farley that the Audit presented by the firm of Lairson, Young $ Fitch be received into the records of the City. Motion passed 5 to 0. RESOLUTION NO. R77-31, A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING REPRESENTATIVE TO HGAC GENERAL MEMBERSHIP BODY: It was moved by Councilman Farley, seconded by Councilman Wilson that Resolution No. R77-31 be passed and approved on first and only reading. Said Resolution No. R77-31 reads in caption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. R77-31 DESIGNATION OF REPRESENTATIVE HOUSTON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP BODY 1978. Voting "Aye" - Councilman Frauenberger, Councilman Gray, Councilman Farley, Councilman Reid, and Councilman Wilson. Voting "No" - None. Motion passed 5 to 0. OFFICIAL BALLOT OF TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION JOINT INSURANCE FUND: The following names were submitted as trustees of the TML Workmen's Compensation Fund: Bill B. Storey, Richard Brown, and Carl White. Mr. Parrish explained that write in candidates could be submitted; however, he recommended that the City Council cast its votes for the three named on the ballot. It was moved by Councilman Reid, seconded by Councilman Frauenberger that it be resolved by the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, to cast its ballots for TML Compensation Joint Fund Trustees as follows: Bill B. Storey, Richard ''l' Brown, and Carl White Voting "Aye" - Councilman Wilson, Councilman Reid, Councilman Farley, Councilman Gray, and Councilman Frauenberger. Voting "No" - None. Motion passed 5 to 0. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER FOR THE CITY OF PEARLAND: Mayor McComb stated that the Sun Progress, the City's officially named newspaper, was no longer in existence and that the City needed to serve 30 days notice of cancellation under our contract with this paper and take steps to obtain proposals from other newspapers .of the area for legal publications. It was moved by Councilman Frauenberger, seconded by Councilman Farley that the present contract with the Sun Progress be terminated by giving 30 days notice as required in the contract, and that we obtain proposals from local newspapers interested in serving as the City's official newspaper. Motion passed 5 to 0. OTHER BUSINESS: MEETING RECESSED AT 8:SS P.M. FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION ON LEGAL AND PERSONNEL TEXAS OPEN MEETINGS LAW SECTION 2 - SUBSECTION (e) and (g). RECONVENED AT 9:50 P.M. TO OPEN SESSION. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 9:51 P.M. Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this the 1,17, day of 1977. Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary