Chairperson Henry Fuertes opened the meeting for the P&Z Regular Meeting at 6:30 P.M.
In attendance were:
P&Z Chairperson Henry Fuertes
P&Z Vice Chairperson Derrell Isenberg
P&Z Commissioner Thomas Echols
P&Z Commissioner Trey Haskins
P&Z Commissioner Jennifer Henrichs
P&Z Commissioner John McDonald
P&Z Commissioner Jenifer Stockdick
Also, present were Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Provins, Assistant City Engineer Francisco
Reyes, Community Development Director Vance Wyly, Community Development Deputy Director
Martin Griggs, Planning Manager Katya Copeland, Senior Planner Florence Buaku, Planner II
Katie Peterson, and Executive Assistant Jennifer Danley.
All items listed under the "Consent Agenda" are considered to be routine and require little or no
deliberation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. These items will be enacted / approved by
one motion unless a commissioner requests separate action on an item, in which event the item
will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered by separate action (ix. Matters
removed from Consent Agenda). Approval of the Consent Agenda enacts the items of legislation.
Consideration and Possible Action - Excused Absences - Excuse the absence of
Commissioner Jennifer Henrichs and Commissioner John McDonald from the August 19,2024,
P&Z Regular Meeting.
Consideration and Possible Action - Approval of Minutes - Approve the P&Z Regular Meeting
minutes from August 19, 2024.
Consideration and Possible Action - PLAT 24-65: Preliminary Plat of Pearland Town Center
Public Hearing: A request by Lucy Magana, Windrose Land Services, applicant, on behalf of CBL
Pearland Town Center Op PropCo and Pearland Town Center LP, owners; for approval of the
preliminary plat and replat of lots 14, 15, and 16 of the Pearland Town Center Planned Unit
Development, on approximately 13.69 acres of land, to wit:
Legal Description: A subdivision of 13.69 acres, being a replat of Lots 14, 15, 16 of the
Amending Plat of Pearland Town Center, Doc No. 2008005836 B.C.P.R situated in the H.T & B.R.
R Survey Section 81, abstract No. 300, City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas.
General Location: South of Broadway Street, East of Kirby Drive and West of Business Center
Drive, Pearland, Texas.
Consideration and Possible Action - PLAT 24-52: Preliminary Plat of the 14500 Furman
Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company applicant on behalf of Burns and McDonnell Project
Investments owner for the approval of a preliminary plat of 14500 Furman Subdivision, creating 2
lots on 9.042 acres located off the intersection of Sam Houston Parkway East and Tom Bass Park
Road to wit:
Legal Description: A tract of land containing 9.042 acres in the DR Drake Subdivision, Abstract
No. 181, In the City of Pearland, Brazoria County, Texas.
General Location: West side of Tom Bass Park Road, 425 feet South of Sam Houston Parkway
East, Pearland, Texas.
Chairperson Fuertes asked for the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice Chairperson
Isenberg made the motion to approve the consent agenda, and Commissioner Echols seconded
the motion.
Motion passed 7-0.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — VARP
24-07: Variance from the 3:1 Maximum Lot Depth to Lot Width Ratio and the Minimum Lot Width
in the Neighborhood Services Zoning District.
Consideration and Possible Action - VARP 24-07: Variance from the 3:1 Maximum Lot Depth
to Lot Width Ratio and the Minimum Lot Width in the Neighborhood Services Zoning District
A request by Garrett Carter of Hankins Development, applicant, on behalf Anthony Giuliani, owner,
for approval of a variance permitted in Section (b)(1) of the Unified Development Code
(UDC), Ordinance No. 2000-T, from the requirements of Section (c) and Section (c)
of the UDC to allow the creation of a lot that is less than the minimum lot width in the Neighborhood
Services district and exceeds the maximum 3:1 lot depth to width ratio, on approximately 9.61 acres
described to wit:
Legal Description: Being a tract or parcel of land containing 9.6135 acres of land, (418,766 Square
feet), out of lot 76, George W. Jenkins Subdivision of the lower one-fourth, (1/4), of the W.D.C. Hall
survey. Abstract no. 70, according to the map or plat recorded in Volume 79, page 616, of Brazoria
County, Texas.
General Location:3205 Dixie Farm Road, Pearland, Texas.
Senior Planner Buaku presented the staff report with exhibits. Mrs. Buaku stated the request is for
two variances one is to request a variance from the minimum lot frontage in the Neighborhood
Services (NS) District and second is a variance from the maximum 3:1 lot depth ratio. Mrs. Buaku
discussed the required lot frontage, the lot depth ratio, and that the plat is composed of four lots
and a flag lot. Mrs. Buaku stated the variance meets most of the criteria of the Unified
Development Code (UDC) and staff is recommending approval.
Applicant, Anthony Giuliani at 3205 Dixie Farm Road, Pearland, Texas, 77581, mentioned that he
needed exactly what was proposed and that they are aiming to keep the lot depth consistent with
the back of the property.
Chairperson Fuertes called for public input.
There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request.
Commissioner Henrichs recused herself from chambers at 6:35 pm. Commissioner Stockdick
seconded the motion. Chairperson Fuertes suggested that the UDC rewrite should address these
types of requests so that they can be decided by staff.
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — VARP
24-07: Variance from the 3:1 Maximum Lot Depth to Lot Width Ratio and the Minimum Lot Width
in the Neighborhood Services Zoning District. Commissioner McDonald made the motion to
approve the variances, and Commissioner Stockdick seconded the motion.
Motion passed 6-0.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — PLAT
24-62: Preliminary Plat of Dixie Farm Commercial Subdivision.
Consideration and Possible Action - PLAT 24-62: Preliminary Plat of Dixie Farm Commercial
A request by Garrett Carter of Hankins Development, applicant, on behalf Anthony Giuliani, owner,
for approval of the preliminary plat of Dixie Farm Commercial Subdivision, creating 4 lots on
approximately 9.6 acres described to wit:
Legal Description: Being a tract or parcel of land containing 9.6135 acres of land, (418,766 Square
feet), out of lot 76, George W. Jenkins Subdivision of the lower one-fourth, (1/4), of the W.D.C. Hall
survey. Abstract no. 70, according to the map or plat recorded in Volume 79, page 616, of Brazoria
County, Texas.
General Location: 3205 Dixie Farm Road, Pearland, Texas.
Senior Planner Buaku presented the staff report with exhibits. Mrs. Buaku stated the request is to
approve a preliminary plat to create four commercial lots in the NS District, which is related to the
previous variance. Mrs. Buaku pointed out that access to the site will be provided by a shared
access easement from Dixie Farm Road. Mrs. Buaku stated that the variances meet all criteria of
the UDC, and staff recommends approval.
Owner, Anthony Giuliani at 3205 Dixie Farm Road, Pearland, Texas, 77581, was in attendance in -
person in Council Chambers to answer any questions for the P&Z Commission.
Chairperson Fuertes called for public input.
There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request.
Chairperson Fuertes asked staff for clarification on the cross -access agreement on the property.
Senior Planner Buaku stated the intent is to have cross access through lot two. Owner, Anthony
Giuliani stated lot two agreed upon purchase to allow cross access through their lot.
Commissioner Echols asked staff that if there would be access from Dixie farm Road to lot one.
Mrs. Buaku stated no that the only access is through shared access easement. Assistant City
Attorney Provins explained the location of access and restrictions will be documented on the final
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — PLAT
24-62: Preliminary Plat of Dixie Farm Commercial Subdivision. Commissioner Haskins made the
motion to approve the preliminary plat and Commissioner Stockdick seconded the motion.
Motion passed 6-0.
Commissioner Henrichs joined the meeting at 6:45 pm.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — VARP
24-06: Variance from the Minimum Lot Width in the SR-12 District (Sharon Cove) and to create a
Dead-end Street that is more than 600 feet long.
Consideration and Possible Action - VARP 24-06: Variance from the Minimum Lot Width in
the SR-12 District (Sharon Cove) and to create a Dead-end Street that is more than 600 feet
Public Hearing: A request by CL Davis and CO, applicant, on behalf of the City of Pearland and
Landowners in the Sharon Cove Subdivision, owners; for approval of a Variance Permitted in
Section (b) (1) from Section (c)(1) and Section of the Unified Development
Code, Ordinance No. 2000-T from the minimum lot width requirement in the Suburban Residential
12 (SR-12) District and the maximum length of a cul-de-sac, to wit:
Legal Description: A subdivision of 9.2452 acres, out of Lots 49 and 50 of the Allison Richey Gulf
Coast Homes CO, Part of Suburban Gardens, Vol, 2 Pages 23-24 B.C.P.R, City of Pearland,
Brazoria County, Texas.
General Location: Southwest corner of Roy Road and Sharon Drive, Pearland, Texas.
Senior Planner Buaku presented the staff report with exhibits. Mrs. Buaku stated that the request
is for approval of a variance from the minimum lot width requirement in the Suburban Residential-
12 (SR-12) District and to extend the maximum length for a dead-end road. Mrs. Buaku discussed
the UDC requirements, the history of the subdivision and property agreement, and the dedicated
Right of Way (ROW) for access to the dead-end road. Mrs. Buaku stated that the variances meet
all the approval criteria of the UDC, and staff recommends approval.
Applicant, Chuck Davis at 1500 Winding Way, Friendswood, Texas 77546, was in attendance in -
person in Council Chambers to answer any questions for the P&Z Commission.
Chairperson Fuertes called for public input.
There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request.
Commissioner McDonald asked staff if the 2006 subdivision agreement was approved by Council.
Assistant City Attorney Provins discussed the subdivision agreement with the P&Z Board.
Commissioner Haskins asked staff if the infrastructure was built and if there was a formal
agreement with the developer to completing the cul-de-sac. Assistance City Attorney Provins
stated the developer's obligation to develop the road and the City's obligation to plat. Chairperson
Fuertes asked staff why a variance was being requested instead of a zone change. Mrs. Buaku
discussed that a variance was a better way of handling the request since all the other lots meet
the requirement. Commissioner Haskins asked for clarification on the lots being platted. Mrs.
Buaku stated that the property will be platted as four separate lots. Commissioner Haskins asked
staff if the lots were developed. Mrs. Buaku stated that most of the lots are vacant, and some
have development.
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — VARP
24-06: Variance from the Minimum Lot Width in the SR-12 District (Sharon Cove) and to create a
Dead-end Street that is more than 600 feet long. Vice Chairperson Isenberg made the motion to
approve the zone change and Commissioner Haskins seconded the motion.
Motion passed 7-0.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — PLAT
24-61: Final Plat of the Sharon Cove Subdivision.
Consideration and Possible Action - PLAT 24-61: Final Plat of the Sharon Cove Subdivision
Public Hearing: A request by CL Davis and CO, applicant, on behalf of the City of Pearland and
Landowners in the Sharon Cove Subdivision, owners; for approval of a final plat of the Sharon Cove
Subdivision, creating 11 lots and dedicating a public right-of-way, on approximately 9.2 acres of
land, to wit:
Legal Description: A subdivision of 9.2452 acres, out of Lots 49 and 50 of the Allison Richey Gulf
Coast Homes CO, Part of Suburban Gardens, Vol, 2 Pages 23-24 B.C.P.R, City of Pearland,
Brazoria County, Texas.
General Location: Southwest corner of Roy Road and Sharon Drive, Pearland, Texas.
Senior Planner Buaku presented the staff report with exhibits. Mrs. Buaku stated that the request
is to create 11 lots and dedicating a 64-foot-wide public right-of-way in the Suburban Residential-
12 (SR-12) District. Mrs. Buaku discussed the plat will formalize the subdivision and fulfill the
City's obligation. Mrs. Buaku pointed out that the final plat meets all the criteria of the UDC, and
staff recommends approval.
Applicant, Chuck Daniels at 1500 Winding Way, Friendswood, Texas 77546, was in attendance
in -person in council chambers to answer any questions for the P&Z Commission.
Chairperson Fuertes called for public input.
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — PLAT
24-61: Final Plat of the Sharon Cove Subdivision. Commissioner McDonald made the motion to
approve the final plat, and Commissioner Stockdick seconded the motion.
Motion passed 7-0.
Chairperson Fuertes read into the record the item on Input and Discussion — Proposed
Amendments to the Unified Development Code Pertaining Tree Preservation Ordinance.
Staff and the P&Z Board discussed how to proceed with the agenda item Proposed Amendments
to the Unified Development Code due to a posting error of the agenda item.
Input and Discussion - Proposed Amendments to the Unified Development Code Pertaining
Tree Preservation Ordinance
Public Hearing: A request by the City of Pearland, applicant, for approval of a proposed
amendment to the Unified Development Code (UDC), Ordinance No. 2000T, in accordance with
Section of the Unified Development Code, to include:
1. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (c), Tree Replacement Requirements, to
amend the mitigation fee.
2. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (c), Tree Replacement Requirements, to
allow waiver of mitigation fee for damaged or diseased trees.
3. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (d), Tree Mitigation Fee Credit, to remove
prohibition on credit for minimum landscape requirements.
4. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (e), Tree credits, to allow preservation
account for 100% of tree mitigation instead of 25%.
5. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (e), Tree credits, to allow planting of
required tree mitigation in residential subdivisions.
6. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (e), Tree credits, to create a credit
schedule for up -sizing proposed planted trees to meet tree mitigation.
7. Amendments to Chapter 4, Section (c), Tree Replacement Requirements, to
establish a mitigation fee cap.
Deputy Director Griggs presented the staff report with exhibits. Mr. Griggs discussed the intention
of the tree preservation ordinance and the additional research done by staff. Mr. Griggs explained
that the tree mitigation fee is calculated by multiplying the number of inches of each protected tree
being removed by the size of the tree, and then by the dollar amount, resulting in the total
mitigation fee.
Mr. Griggs discussed the following proposed amendments:
1. Increase tree preservation credits from 25% to 100% for up -sized landscaping trees,
providing developers greater flexibility.
2. Incentivize larger tree planting with a new credit schedule to encourage the planting of
more mature trees.
3. Allow trees planted in residential developments to count toward mitigation, reducing
reliance on mitigation fees while supporting the city's overall canopy goals.
4. Raise the tree mitigation fee from $200 per inch to $300 per inch, reflecting current
planting costs and inflation.
5. Authorize the Urban Forester to waive fees for trees that are diseased, dead, or pose
an imminent danger, to ensure fairness.
6. Establish a tree mitigation fee cap:
• Option A: Fee will not exceed 95% of the site's tax value.
• Option B: Fee will not exceed 10% of the development's valuation.
Mr. Griggs discussed the tree mitigation fees assessed by the researched cities using a
standardized example project. Mr. Griggs mentioned the fee -in -lieu rates of the different diameter
of trees each of the researched cities protects and most of the cities capture eight inches and
above whereas the City of Pearland captures 12 inches and above. Mr. Griggs provided examples
of tree mitigation fee calculations, including the current and the proposed increased fees, as well
as the fee cap with and without credits applied.
Chairperson Fuertes called for public input.
There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request.
Commissioner McDonald asked staff the urgency of the tree amendment, suggested it could be
addressed during the rewrite of the UDC. Director Wyly stated that staff received specific direction
from Council to pursue this amendment in a timelier manner than the UDC rewrite. Mr. Wyly
discussed the timelines of the UDC rewrite process. Commissioner McDonald asked staff what
percentage of commercial projects are delayed due to tree permitting. Director Wyly stated that
we heard both sides regarding the delay and it would be difficult but not impossible to obtain that
quantitative information. Commissioner McDonald discussed how the City of Pearland ranks at
the bottom compared to other cities and suggested simplifying the ordinance to make it easier to
understand. Mr. Wyly discussed staff's research on the tree ordinance, the creation of a focus
group during the UDC rewrite for a formal update to the tree ordinance, and staff's analysis to
ensure the program emphasizes planning and preservation overpaying a fee. Commissioner
McDonald discussed the issue of the limited number of available lots in the City, how the
ordinance amendments impact small business owners since they fall under the cap and would like
the commission to recommend a solution. Commissioner Haskins asked staff who verifies the tree
inventory on the lot. Mr. Wyly stated there is an Urban Forester on staff and part of the review
process for tree mitigation is a tree survey. Commissioner Haskins discussed the mitigation fee
cap with staff. Commissioner McDonald briefly outlined the development process. Commissioner
Henrichs asked staff if they only mitigate trees that are 12-inch in diameter. Deputy Director
Griggs replied yes. Commissioner Henrichs remarked that the mitigation fee was shockingly high.
Mr. Wyly stated the mitigation example was based on a tree survey of 12-inch trees.
Commissioner Henrichs asked staff how the final plat could be filed without the trees. Mr. Griggs
stated that a note would be added to the final plat, and it would be the responsibility of the review
staff to confirm that the tree was planted. Mr. Wyly discussed the intent of the amendment to the
tree preservation ordinance. Commissioner Stockdick asked staff about the balance of the Tree
Trust Fund and how the fund is used. Mr. Griggs stated the Tree Trust Fund is used for tree
planting throughout the city, educational purposes, and various materials to encourage the
planting and preservation of trees throughout the city. Mr. Griggs added the fund has a balance of
around one million dollars, which is also used to replenish trees with development projects.
Chairperson Fuertes discussed the challenges the development valuation cap poses for
developers and expressed a preference to basing mitigation costs on the diameter of trees.
Chairperson Fuertes also touched on the positive and negative impacts of different tree species
on buildings and infrastructure. Commissioner Haskins ask staff if other cities have mitigation
caps on their trees, and what the limits of those caps are. Mr. Griggs stated that it was difficult to
find cities that had caps on their tree mitigation fees. Commissioner Haskins asked staff if other
city's tree mitigation fees are difficult to understand. Mr. Griggs discussed the three methods for
determining mitigation fees and explained that calculating tree value inch by inch is a newer
approach. Vice Chairperson Isenberg complemented staff and discussed that the tree ordinance
should be more understandable. Commissioner Henrichs stated that staff should work with
owners and developers to preserve trees such as reducing retention or parking requirements
when developing on lots with large trees. Commissioner Echols discussed that the mitigation fee
should be fair across the board and the tree ordinance is complex and restricts development. Mr.
Wyly stated the original intent of the ordinance was to have trees evenly distributed throughout
the community and the fee is higher than necessary to encourage planting versus paying a fee.
Chairperson Fuertes recommended that the city purchase the land where the legacy trees reside
to develop for community use and suggested that the city promote planting larger shade trees in
the parking lots. Commissioner Echols ask staff if there is tree mitigation for residential lots. Mr.
Griggs stated that a residential property does not have tree mitigation as long as a single-family
resident is living on the property and that the mitigation fee is assessed when a vacant lot with
trees is being developed.
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
1. City Council Update Report: Deputy Director Griggs stated that at the September 9,
2024, Council meeting there was a variety of items presented. Mr. Griggs discussed
the first reading of ZONE 24-15, regarding a newly annexed property on Glenview
Drive to be designated as Single -Family Residential-3 (R-3) District. Mr. Griggs
mentioned that the council denied the approval of ZONE 24-13, a zone change from
Single -Family Residential-1 (R-1) District to R-3 District for a property located at Fite
Road. Mr. Griggs stated that CUP 24-19, a request for an accessory dwelling at 2104
West Mary's Creek Lane, was approved with the condition that the accessory dwelling
remain with the family. Mr. Griggs discussed that Council approved CUP 24-20, a
request for a performing arts studio within the Light Industrial (M-1) District located at
Halik Street. Mr. Griggs added that the second reading of the Comprehensive Plan was
approved by a 7-0 vote and will be posted on the city's website after updates that were
recommended by Council.
2. Commissioners Activity Report: None.
3. P&Z Regular Meeting: October 7, 2024.
City Council & P&Z Joint Workshop, October 14, 2024
Chairperson Fuertes adjourned the P&Z Regular meeting at 8:20 P.M.
These minutes were respectfully submitted by:
Jennifer Danley, Executive Assistant
Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected on this 16th day of September 2024.
Henry Fuertes, Planning(& Zoning Chairperson