R2006-206 12-11-06 RESOLUTION NO. R2006-206 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, ADOPTING A CHARTER FOR THE CITY'S AUDIT COMMITTEE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That Charter for the City's Audit Committee, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, is hereby approved. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 11th day of December, AD., 2006. d~~ MAYOR ATTEST: C APPROVED AS TO FORM: Qa....: k ~ D)\ RIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY '-, EXHIBIT AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER c j A' !2;.O() b - ~o 10 Purpose The primary purpose of the audit committee is to assist City Council and the City Manager in fulfilling oversight responsibilities for financial reporting; external and internal audit processes, and effective internal control systems. The committee shall maintain and foster an avenue of communications among the committee and the auditors, management, legal, and the City's internal audit function. Composition The committee shall consist of at least three members of City Council. The Mayor being one of the members and two council members being appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor shall appoint or confirm the audit committee each June, after the May elections. In order to maintain consistency and a sense of history, council members shall serve 2-year staggered terms. Meetings and Minutes The Committee shall meet at least quarterly and at additional times when necessary. Members of management, City staff and/or others may attend the meeting to provide pertinent information as necessary. A quorum will consist of two members. Agendas for the meetings will be prepared and provided in advance of the meeting, along with appropriate briefing material, as necessary. Minutes may be prepared that document discussion and action steps. Responsibilities and Duties To implement the Committee's purpose, the Committee shall be charged the following functions with the understanding, however, that the Committee is not a rule/policy making board and may not influence a majority vote or make decisions on behalf of the City that bind the City without full review, discussion, and approval of the City Council. The Audit Committee recognizes that City management and staff are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the City's financial statements and disclosures and for maintaining effective internal controls. The Committee also recognizes that the independent auditor is responsible for auditing the City's financial statements. Accordingly, management, staff and the auditor have more knowledge and detailed information about the City's finances. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Audit Committee will be relying, in part, on the expertise of management, staff, and the independent auditor. FINANCIAL REPORTING AND AUDIT . Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor the annual audited statements, related footnotes, and the opinion of the independent auditor with respect to the financial statements and single audit. . Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor the assessment of the quality, not just acceptability, of accounting principles, the reasonableness of judgments and estimates, any material audit adjustments proposed by the auditor and any other matters. . Review with the auditors and management the adequacy of the City's internal controls and the management letter and comments, management's response to such letter as well as any additional material written communication between the auditor and management. . Review with management and the auditor any material conflicts or disagreements between management and the auditor regarding financial reporting, accounting practices, internal controls and to assist in resolving those conflicts or disagreements. . Review with management and the auditor the effect of any regulatory and accounting initiatives and their applications and how it may effect the City's financial statements. . Review and discuss any serious changes in the auditor's work plan or restrictions on the scope of their activities due to serious difficulties or lack of cooperation, data or information encountered during the audit INDEPENDENT AUDITOR OVERSIGHT . Review with management and staff the audit proposal, evaluation and selection process and ultimate recommendation for full City Council approval. . Review with management the evaluation and performance of the auditors, to assess the review and to determine whether to retain or to terminate existing auditor. . Monitor the rotation of the partners in the audit firm currently engaged, or if deemed appropriate, the rotation of audit firms. . Review with the auditor and management the annual audit plan and areas of risk assessment and risk management, including major financial risk exposure and steps taken or to be taken to monitor and control exposures. INTERNAL AUDITOR OVERSIGHT . Receive reports on the proposed scope of the annual internal audit work plan. . Receive reports on the status of significant findings, recommendations, and management's responses based on the annual internal audit work plan. . Receive reports on the status of findings, recommendations, and responses to the annual auditor management letter and comments. . Receive reports on any fraud pursuant to City policy. . Review with management and internal auditor areas of risk and steps taken or to be taken to monitor and control exposures. REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL Report to City Council with respect to material issues that arise out of the committee meetings, the integrity of the City's financial statements, the City's compliance with legal or regulatory compliance or other such matters as the Committee deems appropriate. ANNUAL CHARTER REVIEW Review the committee's charter annually, reassess the adequacy of the charter, and recommend any proposed changes to the City Council. Assess the appropriateness in light of the previous year's experience and in light of new and best practices, new legal or regulatory accounting/auditing requirements. GENERAL AUTHORITY The City Manager may also choose to bring other financial matters or key financial processes to the audit committee as deemed necessary.