2017-07-20 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTESPEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES CITY OF PEARLAND Regular Meeting Thursday, July 20, 2017 — 7:00 p.m. Pearland Westside Library — 2803 Business Center Dr # 101 713-436-0995 I. CALLED TO ORDER Meeting was called to order by Dale Pillow at 7:16pm. In attendance was Tammy McLain, Roshanda Cayette-Contreras, Dale Pillow. (There was not quorum.) Absent: George Geiby, Crystal Carbone, Geoffrey Tonini, Mitali Paul Guess: Andrew Fearn (Pearland Branch Librarian) , Melissa Salnave (Pearland Westside Branch Librarian), Lori Purvis (Brazoria County Library Director) , Monica Montoya (Parks & Recreation Representative) , Margaret Dillie (Pearland Friends Group Rep), and Carol Krenzke (Pearland Westside Library Friends Group Rep). II. CONSENT AGENDA could not be approved since there was not quorum. III. NEW BUSINESS 1. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: a. The numbers for the summer reading program tripled. b. The PWS library has faced a few issues (1) Computer wait times have been lengthy, (2) the program boundary regarding no schools or daycares at the programs without arrangements was challenged, and (3) the level of noise is constantly a problem. Dale Pillow suggested that the time table for a stand- alone building be moved up as these problems are most likely a capacity issue. c. Some of the staff faced threats and derogatory comments on social media regarding a day care being asked to leave one of the summer programs as the attendance violated the library's policy of no schools or daycares at programs without prior arrangements. The threats will be reported to the police and have been reported to Commissioner Adams and the District Attorney. Dale Pillow also suggested a meeting with Commissioner Adams, Commissioner Linder, and City Manager Clay Pearson to discuss the issue further. d. Monica Montoya asked Director Lori Purvis to send hei the concerns and issues from which she will draw up a memo regarding the incidents and issues and circulate to the proper channels Lori and Melissa will send specific instances of capacity problems and issues to be included in that memo. e. Dale suggested that maybe holding the programs at a separate place would temporarily help the capacity issue. She also offered up the Adult Reading Center for over flow computer usage. 2. BUDGET a. Lori will be having a meeting next week about the proposed budget with the commissioners to discuss the county budget b. Regarding the city budget, Lori mentioned that there is a request to work on a work room while Pearland is under construction. Lori, Cara, and Andrew will discuss this but budget has not been approved. 3. PEARLAND LIBRARY UPDATE a. Provided by Lori, Monica, and Andrew. b. It will take approximately six months to complete the construction. The library was closed to the public on August 12t' . There is currently no concern about the timeline. The project is currently only a week or two weeks behind due to the need for steel. The county and city will work for about two weeks to move the books and shelves for renovations. 4. FRIENDS' REPORTS a. Friends of Pearland Library report by Margaret Cast: they are not sure where to put the books that are for sale during the construction. A suggestion was made to also hold accepting donations while the construction is going on. b. Friends of Pearland Westside Library report by Carol Krenzke: the book sale is to be held on September 7th, 8th, and 9th. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. Dale reported that the Brazoria County Library Board and Foundation split. Once the split is official, there will be Board development training. b. Board Issues for future Agendas: i. Include a report from the Director and Clay Pearson about the issues Pearland Westside Library has been facing. ii. Will try to post the agenda on the Pearland Westside page and the scrolling calendar. Meeting adjourned at 8:01pm. 3