2019-07-25 LIBRARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Lhl 1__l`1\1P L L 1 Cti ESt. '%9% PEARLAND LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA CITY OF PEARLAND Regular Meeting Thursday, July 25, 2019 — 7.00 p.m. Pearland Library — 3522 Liberty Drive 281-652-1677 I. CALL TO ORDER In attendance: Crystal Carbone, Somarajan Nair, Paula Franklin Marshall, Monica Montoya (City of Pearland), Jessica Williams (Pearland West Side Librarian), Kaitlyn Keever (Tom Reid Librarian), Sue Wheeler (County Library Rep), Dena Hanks, Tammy McClain President Crystal Carbone called the meeting to order at 7.03 pm. II. CONSENT AGENDA No items to discuss. Budget reports to be forwarded for review at next meeting. III. NEW BUSINESS 1 . Brazoria County Library Report- architects have presented two drafts for review. One plan far superior for the needs of the community. August 1 meetings scheduled for revisions. 1. County will relocate tax office to the library. The tax office will be the only other tenant. 2. Author event went well. 200+ attended the event. 3. New partnerships with JJAEP and the Brazoria County Juvenile Detention Center- ran by Angleton ISD curriculum. There is a proposed branch expansion for the detention center being discussed. They are struggling to establish a library. Juvenile board proposed a branch. Currently have 1 ,200 items in the collection and they would like it to grow to 6,000. There could be possibilities for programming in the future. A modified summer reading club, etc. i. 3 programs currently running at JJAEP: School day attendees, week day attendees (students return home on weekends), and detention. Lhl 1__l`1\1P L L 1 Cti ESt. '%9% Stocking the first round with donated books and books from the library book sales. Questions were asked and answered. 2. Friends Group a. Fundraising discussions have been happening. The friends will need 10-20% of the total budget set aside to plan for needs of the library. That currently stands at around 1 .6 million dollars. i. Discussed fundraising options, selling bricks, naming rights, sections of the library such as children's spaces and maker spaces. 3. Branch Reports a. Circulation reports will be available in the next fiscal year. b. Summer reading clubs served over 2,000 at each branch reaching their goal. Totals around 8,500 all together with county programs over the summer. Participation is up 40% over last year in Pearland. c. Lake Jackson has a new manager- Grace Heffernan d. Budget for county was presented to Brazoria County administration with a higher amount due to the rent that is being paid for the west side branch. e. Staff increases will be needed once Pearland West Side library open. f. East Side- Budgets approved by the city. Report was reviewed by the Board. g. West side budget reviewed by the Board. 4. City Liaison (Monica)- Independence park activities have started. Parks and Rec is working with the library to create stories in the park and children's activities. Rentals are also now open for reservations. Food truck Fridays are a big hit and those will be scheduled regularly. Wheelchair basketball is also scheduled. IV. BOARD ISSUES FOR FUTURE LIBRARY AGENDAS NONE V. ADJOURNMENT Chair Crystal Carbone adjourned the meeting at 7.59 pm