Chairperson Derrell Isenberg opened the meeting for the P&Z Regular Meeting at 6:30 P.M.
In attendance were:
P&Z Chairperson Darrell Isenberg
P&Z Vice Chairperson Jennifer Henrichs
P&Z Commissioner Henry Fuertes
P&Z Commissioner John McDonald
P&Z Commissioner Angela McCathran
Also, present were Deputy City Attorney Lawrence Provins, Director of Engineering and Public
Works Lorenzo Wingate, Assistant Director of Capital Projects Fabiola De Carvalho, City Engineer
Rajendra Shrestha, Community Development Director Vance Wyly, Community Development
Deputy Director Martin Griggs, Planner II Patrick Bauer, and Executive Assistant Jennifer Danley.
All items listed under the "Consent Agenda" are considered to be routine and require little or no
deliberation by the Planning & Zoning Commission. These items will be enacted / approved by
one motion unless a commissioner requests separate action on an item, in which event the
item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered by separate action (ix. Matters
removed from Consent Agenda). Approval of the Consent Agenda enacts the items of
Consideration and Possible Action - Excused Absences - Excuse the absence of
Commissioner Jennifer Henrichs from the June 3, 2024, P&Z Regular Meeting.
Consideration and Possible Action - Approval of Minutes - Approve the P&Z Regular Meeting
minutes from June 3, 2024.
Chairperson Isenberg asked for the motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner
McDonald made the motion to approve the consent agenda, and Commissioner Fuertes seconded
the motion.
Motion passed 5-0.
Commissioner Fuertes recused himself from the P&Z Regular Meeting at 6:33 pm.
Chairperson Isenberg read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — Zone
Change Application: ZONE 24-09.
Consideration and Possible Action - Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-09
Public Hearing: A request by Andrew Lang, BGE, Inc., applicant, on behalf of MO Tract 3, LP,
owner, for approval of amendments to the Massey Oaks Planned Development, on approximately
79.42 acres of land, to wit:
Legal Description: Being a 79.42-acre tract of land situated in the H. T. & B. R. R. CO. Survey,
Section 32, Abstract No. 525 of Brazoria County, Texas and being out of a called 247.91- acre
tract of land described in an instrument to RMJ Miller Real Estate Holdings, LTD., recorded under
Brazoria County Clerk' s File No. 2001055633 and corrected under Brazoria County Clerk's File
No. 2002020349.
General Location: South of Old Massey Ranch Road, East of the Future Harkey Road and West
of McLean Road.
Planner II Bauer presented the staff report with exhibits. Mr. Bauer stated that this is a zone
application for an amendment to the Massey Oaks Planned Development (PD) District to change
the base zoning of the entire PD to the Single -Family Residential-4 (R-4) District and to make
changes to the proposed site plan. Mr. Bauer discussed that staff have not received public
comments in favor of or against the request, the history and current zoning of the property, and
the proposed amendments to the site plan. Mr. Bauer mentioned that the proposal includes 200
single-family detached lots, a City of Pearland emergency services site, a park, and detention. Mr.
Bauer discussed the addition of a north and south lake feature to the center of the development
with a walking trail. Mr. Bauer stated that the request meets all seven criteria of the Unified
Development Code (UDC), and staff recommends approval with the following conditions:
1. Prior to final approval by City Council, a requirement for large shade trees to be provided
along the frontage of each single-family lot shall be added to the document. The
requirement shall require large shade trees with a minimum two-inch (2") caliper measured
at twelve inches (12") above the root ball shall be provided, with the total caliper inches
equal to at least one inch (1 ") for each forty feet (40') of frontage.
2. Prior to final approval by City Council, a six-foot (6') sidewalk/trail around the entirety of
the North Lake and South Lake as shown on the site plan shall be shown on the
Landscaping Amenities Plan.
Applicant, Andrew Lang of BGE, Inc. at 10777 Westheimer Road, Suite 500, Houston, Texas
77042, was in attendance in -person in Council Chambers to present to P&Z Board. Mr. Lang
discussed the changes to the site plan, the amenities of the development, the landscaping plan
and fencing, and the elevation of the single-family homes. Mr. Lang stated he was available for
any questions from the P&Z Board.
Chairperson Isenberg called for public input.
Owner of Gromax Development, Paul Groman at 2116 Kildare Drive, Pearland, Texas 77581,
stated that Gromax is the adjacent property owner to the northwest of the proposed development
and is in favor of the development. Mr. Groman stated the change to a single-family development
is a positive change to the area.
Commissioner McDonald asked staff about the advantages of removing the townhomes from the
development and converting it into a single-family development. Deputy Director Griggs stated
that there was more diversity to the product types with the original plan development, but the
applicant's team were unable to bring forward another developer. Commissioner McDonald asked
staff that according to approval criteria three what superior development is being provided. Mr.
Griggs discussed the additional amenities, the landscaping standards that go above and beyond
Commissioner McDonald & Director Wingate discussed importance of keeping the P&Z
Commissioners informed about how each OPproject a|ignevviththeyom|nofthmComprehensive
P|aO, and suggestions for improving the delivery ofC|P projects to the P&Z Commissioners. Vice
Chairperson Henrichs stated that being on the drainage bond Committee she was aware of
drainage projects that were on the C|P list and agreed that map with the locations ofC|P
projects vvoV|d be helpful. City Engineer Ghneetha explained that the C|P series ie presented to
the Council throughout the year, but it is not currently shared with the P&Z Commission. Deputy
Director Griggs discussed that this is an opportunity to provide feedback and to remind staff to
focus on what the audience needs to know such as providing maps and how the projecttieabaok
to the plans of the City. Commissioner McDonald suggested that additional time should be
allocated for reviewing the C|Pprojects andarnphooizedthonewdforgnouherinvo|mamentofthm
P&Z Commissioners in the process. Commissioner Fuertes discussed the previous and current
process of the P&Z Commissioners receiving CIP information. Vice Chairperson Henrichs
discussed the soccer field expansion at Hickory Slough Park, emphasizing that the fields should
be accessible to all youth of Pearland. Commissioner Fuertes and Mr. Wingate discussed CIP
projects for facilities, parks, road and intersection improvements, and water treatment upgrades.
Chairperson Isenberg mentioned not knowing the new projects on the provided iDf0[rD8UoD and
the P&ZCommission involvement inthe C|Pprocess.
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
Chairperson Isenberg read into the record the items on Consideration and Posaib|eAodon—Five
Year Capital Improvement Program 2O25-2029. Commissioner McDonald made the motion to
recommend approval and Vice Chairperson Henrichs seconded the motion.
Motion passed 5-0
1. City Council Update Report: Deputy Director Griggs otatmdthatat8leJUno1O.2U24,
City Council Regular Meeting, City Council denied ZONE 24-06 a Zone Change for
General CO00encio| (GC) to Single -Family Residential-4 (F-4) District located et2502
Hatfield Road with a vote of 0-7 otthe first reading.
2. Commissioners Activity Report: The Commissioners discussed suggestions to be more
involved with the C|Pprocess.
3. Next P&ZRegular Meeting: July 1.2O24.
Chairperson Isenberg adjourned the F&ZRegular meeting at7:48 P.M.
These minutes were respectfully submitted by:
JnnniferDanlev Executive Assistant
the requirements, and the increased trees in the public and private spaces. Commissioner
McDonald asked staff if they are to consider the parts overall or separate. Mr. Griggs stated there
are two different developers and to look at the whole development. Commissioner McDonald
asked if the developer agreed with the staff's recommended conditions. Greg Coleman of Beazer
Homes at 14340 Northwest Freeway, Houston Texas 77040, stated yes. Commissioner
McDonald asked the developer the reason why they couldn't connect the walking trails. Mr. Lang
stated they considered a connection bridge but the challenges with Brazoria County Drainage
District 4 (BCDD4), CenterPoint Energy, and Kinder Morgan stated they would not consider any of
those connections. Mr. Lang discussed they would be meeting the landscaping and sidewalk
requirements of the Overlay District. Vice Chairperson Henrichs stated that she does not have
any issues with the changes to the product. Chairperson Isenberg asked staff if the city has an
ordinance that requires two trees on every lot. Mr. Griggs discussed the Single -Family
landscaping requirements and the Massy Oaks tree deviations.
There was no further discussion from Staff, P&Z Commission or Public input.
Chairperson Isenberg read into the record the item on Consideration and Possible Action — Zone
Change Application: ZONE 24-09. Commissioner Henrichs made the motion to approve the zone
change, and Commissioner McCathran seconded the motion.
Commissioner McDonald made the motion to amend the Zone Change Application: ZONE 24-09
to include staff conditions for an additional large shade tree and additional trail segments, and
Vice Chairperson Henrichs seconded the amended motion.
Chairperson Isenberg called for the vote on the motion to amend.
Amended motion passed 4-0.
Chairperson Isenberg called for the vote on the amended motion.
Motion passed 4-0.
Commissioner Fuertes rejoined the P&Z Regular Meeting at 7:02 pm.
Chairperson Isenberg read into the record the items on Consideration and Possible Action — Five
Year Capital Improvement Program 2025-2029.
Consideration and Possible Action - Five Year Capital Improvement Program 2025-2029
Public Hearing: The City of Pearland's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) has been developed
in order to further our commitment to the citizens of Pearland by working to meet today's needs,
as well as those of the future. The development of the CIP is a continuous process and,
consequently, should be viewed as a working document. Therefore, while the list covers a five-
year planning horizon and a projected priority, it is revised every year in order to accommodate
new projects and reflect changing needs.
Director Wingate presented the staff report with exhibits. He presented a five-year Capital
Improvement Program (CIP) Summary that included drainage, facilities, parks, streets, and water
Chairperson Isenberg called for public input.
There were no persons wishing to speak for or against the proposed request.
Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected on this 1st day of July 2024
Derrell Isenberg, Planning Zoning Chairperson