1994-01-17 Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board Minutes January 1994 Minutes MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 17 , 1994 , AT 7 : 00 P.M. , AT THE PEARLAND COMMUNITY CENTER, 3523 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND TEXAS . The meeting was called to order at 7 : 00 p.m. , with the following present: Bill Chase Chairman Bari Scherrer Chairman Pro-tem James Skipper Secretary Retta Absher Board Member Nell Fuller Board Member Michelle Lilie Board Member Tootie McComb Board Member Bob Pond Board Member Gary Walters Board Member D. A. Miller Council Liaison Ed Hersh Parks & Recreation Director Sherry Reed Parks & Recreation Secretary Others in attendance: Tom Reid, Centennial Commission Chairman, and Dick Gregg, Jr. , City Attorney. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Bob Pond made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 15 , 1993 Board Meeting as presented, Bari Scherrer seconded the motion. Motion passed 9 - 0 . STAFF REPORTS: Centennial Park (McLean Park) Project- Ed Hersh reported that staff has reviewed the plans, and directed the consultants to make technical changes on the plans and specifications. Tootie McComb questioned whether the plans indicated two ball fields or four ball fields. Ed answered that the master plan reflects four ball fields. At the time the park master plan was designed, the City anticipated losing the ball field at Independence Park, therefore, a third field would replace that field. Four fields will make Pearland attractive for hosting tournaments. Furthermore, construction of four fields at this time is less expensive than adding one or two fields at a future date. The ultimate decision will be made when bids are submitted. Grant Application for Independence Park- Ed Hersh stated that the City of Pearland's request for a grant application to provide a hike and bike trail system at Independence Park had not been funded. There was a limited amount of money allocated, and our project did not make the final selection. The City anticipates re- submitting a grant application for a trail system in the park and is awaiting instructions from the State. Softball Update- Ed Hersh reported that softball continues to go very well . Sunday a new Co-Ed League began, and tonight, we started a new Men's League. The Tuesday Women's , Thursday Men's and Friday Women's continue to play, and pending weather, they should wrap up sometime this month. There are several teams already committed to a Wednesday night League, which will probably get started in about two weeks. We are still getting calls about starting leagues, and those will increase as the weather gets warmer. Tootie McComb questioned whether there was a Friday night League, and how late they played. Ed reported that all week night games begin at 6: 30 P. M. , except the Friday League which had requested 7 : 00 P. M. Hyde Park- Ed Hersh reported that City Council awarded a contract to Vernon Henry and Associates to prepare a master concept plan for Hyde Park. This is a small park located in the Banberry Crossing subdivision. In the fiscal year, which began in October, Council had appropriated $15 , 000 . 00 for the initial development of that park. It will be developed in phases . The people in that Homeowner's Association have been very patient and extremely supportive, and they have agreed to help fund that project. They have already committed $7 , 500 .00 , and by June they expect to have $10,000. 00. These funds will be designated for visible entities, such as landscaping. When the concept plans come back from the consultants , the plans will be brought to the Park Board. Ed further reported that included in this contract with Vernon Henry were two other projects. By combining three projects into one , the City received a more competitive price from the consultants, than doing them one at a time. The consultants will be developing a plan that will allow for future development adjacent to City Hall , the Chamber, and on the backside of City Hall , adjacent to Shadycrest School . We have talked with the School Superintendent and he is very supportive of this project. He has appointed Dr. Chase as the school liaison on this project. The plan will also include a tree planting plan for 200 trees funded by a SBA grant which the City received. -2- Ed Hersh stated that the other part of this contract is for City entrance signs . This is a project the Centennial Commission is also interested in. The City will have to work with private landowner's for placing these signs on their property, as signs can not be placed on right-of-ways. Nell Fuller questioned the size of the sign. Ed replied that he was not sure of the size limitation, however, the City will be work under the ordinance guidelines . Tootie McComb stated the signs that were up now had been taken care of by the Chamber of Commerce, and wondered why the Parks Department had taken on this project. Ed stated that it was a combination of several reasons, and since the Parks Department is involved with maintenance and beautification, we were requested to pursue it. Nell Fuller brought up the question of the possible location of the signs. Ed stated that at the present time, not knowing what the signs would look like, it was difficult to determine a location, but that the ideal locations will be close to the City's boundaries : FM 518 coming from Friendswood; coming in from Hwy 288; on Hwy 35 coming from Alvin; Hwy 35 coming from Houston; and possibly Dixie Farm Road. James Skipper stated there was an advantage for Dixie Farm Road, since an area of land is owned by the City of Pearland. Tootie McComb stressed consistency of signs. Nell Fuller stated interest in placing Centennial signs at these entrance locations to let the people know of Pearland's celebration. Ed Hersh stated this issue was one that needs to be referred to Tom Reid and his Centennial Commission. James Skipper questioned whether the signs would be up for the Centennial celebration, and Ed said that it would depend on funding. Bill Chase asked about the $30 , 000 . 00 grant. Ed explained that the money would be used for buying, planting, and maintaining trees . It is a federal grant through the SBA program, and there are certain stipulations and guidelines that go along with this grant. Tootie McComb brought up the question of planting trees at the Park. Ed stated that this was an ongoing grant and that future grants will be applied for that purpose. Financial Report- Tootie McComb asked at what date the audit on the Parks Department would be completed. Ed Hersh responded that the Parks Department audit would be completed at the same time the other City Department's were completed. Activity Report- Tootie McComb brought up the question of where the custodians are who clean the building. Bari Scherrer responded that she was at the Community Center at least once a week, and that there were people cleaning all of the time. PARK BOARD CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: None. -3- COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: A. Centennial Committee Update: Tom Reid gave an update on Centennial events, and also, on behalf of the Commission, presented the Chairman of the Parks Board, a Centennial Calendar in appreciation for the support the Parks Board has given to the Centennial Committee. B. Board Functions Presentation , City Attorney Dick Gregg, Jr. City Attorney Dick Gregg, Jr. , addressed the powers , duties , and responsibilities of the Park Board. There was a question and answer period. COMMUNICATIONS: None. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: Tree Lighting Ceremony: Ed Hersh reported that the Tree Lighting Ceremony was a success with approximately 500 people attending, and that Santa Claus had arrived by helicopter. Ed also gave special thanks to Bari Scherrer who coordinated the refreshments . Ed also reported that there was television coverage of the event, on Channel 2 . Independence Park Projects: Ed Hersh updated the Board on several projects that are going on in the Park. The Parks Crew has installed bollards in the parking areas to prevent cars from driving on the grass. Staff has also installed screening around the dumpsters, the electrical panels, and the lift station. Independence Pool: Ed Hersh told the Board that staff was working on the pool operations. Lori Seaman will be returning as Pool Manager, and we have also hired an Assistant Pool Manager. The rest of the staff will be hired within the next few weeks. In the Aquatic area, we are looking at a learn-to-swim program and a water aerobics class for senior citizens. -4- Winter Registration: Ed Hersh reported that enrollment for classes has been phenomenal . It has exceeded all expectations . As of today there were over 500 persons enrolled in classes, and this number is expected to increase with Karate registration being held Tuesday night, January 18 , 1994 . Staff is busy working on Spring and Summer programs, which will include a Summer Day Camp. We will also be adding a Recreation Superintendent, that will help in programming. We are in the interviewing process, and by the next meeting Ed Hersh reported that he should be able to give an update on the decision that will be made, and when that person will be on board. Arbor Day Celebration: Ed Hersh issued an invitation to the Board to be present on Friday, January 21 , 1994 , 10 : 00 A.M. , for an Arbor Day Celebration. There will be a tree planting on the side of the Library wall . Planning and Zoning Board/Council Workshop: Ed Hersh told the board that J. T. Dunkin made a presentation of the Park Master Plan to the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council . The Planning & Zoning Commission will take action on this at a later date. OTHER BUSINESS: Nell Fuller stated that Bill Burger would be getting in touch with Ed Hersh on where the horses will be permitted to go in the park after the Centennial Parade. Nell Fuller mentioned once again, that she would like to see the Parks, Recreation and Beautification Board participate in the Centennial Parade. Bill Chase said he would try to get a committee together to look into that project. D. A. Miller discussed the road issue between the City and the School District. Tootie McComb questioned the price of printing the Spring brochure. Ed Hersh stated the cost to print was $3 , 100 . 00 . Discussion was held on the benefits the brochure has brought to the Parks and Recreation programs , and other City events. Tootie McComb questioned when the monthly meeting would be held. Bill Chase stated that he could not meet on Saturdays , and that Mondays were an ideal time, but if there were other suggestions for another day, it is open to consideration. The next meeting is scheduled for the third Monday night in February. ADJOURNMENT: Bob Pond made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Gary Walters. -5- 40. Motion passed to adjourn 9 - 0. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this 2,15tday of Fe/ rLAo ✓' tf , A.D. , 1994. C /53:LI eLe- Bill Chase, Chairman ATTEST: J mes Skipper, ecretary -6- AS Ilk Ilk MONTHLY REVENUE REPORT CITY OF PEARLAND PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MONTH OF JANUARY 1994 FY 1993-1994 10/93-1/94 REVENUE SOURCES THIS MONTH YEAR-TO-DATE 10/92-1/94 PARK PROGRAM (9572) $13,831.00 I $19,552.75 I $5,955.75 COMM CENTER RENTAL (9574) $3,853.70 f $11,029.90 I $5,235.00 BBQ SHELTER (9594) $0.00 $150.00 $0.00, PAVILION (9579) $855.001 $1,105.00 $0.00I I SWIMMING POOL (9576) $0.001 $0.00 $0.001 Y.M.C.A. (9577) $0.00. $0.00 $0.00I POOL RENTAL (9578) $0.00r $0.00 $0.00, POOL LOCKERS RENTAL (9599) $0.00) $0.00i $0.00 POOL CONCESSIONS (9583) $0.00 $69.17 $188.95 COMM. CTR CONCESSIONS (9585) $252.00 I $840.15 $0.00, `COFFEE (9582) $0.00 1 $0.00 $20.00 SENIOR CITIZENS (9575) $235.00 $1,144.00, $1,193.15 RETURNED CHECK (0460) $0.00, $30.00 $0.00 RETURNED CHECK (8574) $0.00 I $15.001 $0.00 DONATIONS $0.00 $100.00 $50.00 TOTALS: $19,026.70 ; $33,990.971 $12,642.85 ACTIVITY REPORT JANUARY, 1994 DATE WEEKDAY GROUP ATTENDANCE NOTE: * = REDUCED RATE, ** = NO CHARGE, K = KNAPP BLDG 1 -01 -94 SATURDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 1 -02-94 SUNDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 1 -03-94 MONDAY EXT. HOMEMAKERS 18 K: GIRL SCOUTS 16 CHRISTIAN HELPING HANDS 12 1 -04-94 TUESDAY JAZZERCISE 17 BABYSITTING 4 K: ACTIONS MEAL 26 1 -05-94 WEDNESDAY K: GIRL SCOUTS 10 K: ACTIONS MEAL 44 1 -06-94 THURSDAY JAZZERCISE 23 BABYSITTING 6 K: BOY SCOUTS 12 LEAGUE/WOMEN VOTERS 12 K: BOY SCOUTS 12 1 SCHOOL BD/COUNCIL 3 K: ACTIONS MEAL 26 1 -07-94 FRIDAY JAZZERCISE 16 BABYSITTING 0 SENIORS DANCE 108 K: ACTIONS MEAL 36 1 -08-94 SATURDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 1 -09-94 SUNDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 1 -10-94 MONDAY , NO EVENTS SCHEDULED K:ACTIONS MEAL 43 1 -11 -94 TUESDAY JAZZERCISE 20 BABYSITTING 4 K: BROWNIE TROOP 17 K: ACTIONS MEAL 27 1 -12-94 WEDNESDAY MATT ZEPEDA & P.D. 17 K: GIRL SCOUTS 10 1 1K: ACTIONS MEAL 30 1-13-94 THURSDAY JAZZERCISE 11 BABYSITTING 1 BOYSCOUTS 12 BOYSCOUTS 12 K: ACTIONS MEAL 25 1 -14-94 FRIDAY JAZZERCISE 13 BABYSITTING 0 K: ACTIONS MEAL 40 1-15-94 SATURDAY GO TEXAN CASINO PTY 250 1 -16-94 SUNDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 1-17-94 MONDAY PEARLAND EXTENSION 18 K: GIRL SCOUTS 16 PARK BOARD MEETING 13 K:ACTIONS MEAL 47 1-18-94 TUESDAY JAZZERCISE 15 BABYSITTING 0 PEARLAND HISTORICAL SOC. 25 KARATE, BEG. KARATE, ADV. TOTAL 40 K: ACTIONS MEAL 31 1 -19-94 WEDNESDAY K: GIRL SCOUTS 10 K: ACTIONS MEAL 54 1-20-94 THURSDAY JAZZERCISE 15 BABYSITTING 0 K: BOYSCOUTS 12 K: BOYSCOUTS 12 K: ACTIONS MEAL 35 1-21 -94 FRIDAY JAZZERCISE 10 BABYSITTING 0 K: 50+ SINGLES 30 K: ACTIONS MEAL 49 1-22-94 SATURDAY GUTHRIE WEDDING 150 1 -23-94 SUNDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED 1-24-94 MONDAY KID KAPERS 9 TUMB TOTS I 9 TUMB TOTS II 9 TIME TO TAP 8 BALLET, 3-4 YRS 11 K: AARP DEF. DRIVING 19 COUNTRY CRAFTS 6 JAZZ 13 INT. GYM., 5-7 YRS 5 DRILL TEAM 6 BEG. GYM., 5-7 YRS 7 CHEERLEADING 15 INT. GYM., 8-12 YRS 4 CALLIGRAPHY 14 AEROBICS 20 AEROBICS 18 K: ACTIONS MEAL 52 1 -25-94 TUESDAY KIDDIE COLLEGE 4 JAZZERCISE 20 K: AARP DEF. DRIVING 19 TUMB TOTS I 8 TUMB TOTS II 8 TUMB TOTS I 7 PARENT TOT TIME 17 JAZZ, 3-4 YRS 6 TUMB TOTS II 11 INT. GYM., 8-12 YRS 6 STREET JAZZ 15 ADV. GYM. 10 KARATE, BEG. 501 KARATE, ADV. 90 K: BROWNIE TROOP 17 OIL PAINTING 9 COOKING WITH TARAIZ 3 K: ACTIONS MEAL 27 r 1-26-94 WEDNESDAY KID KAPERS 8 INT. DESIGN 5 K: GIRL SCOUTS 10 BALLET, 5-7 YRS 13 TUMB TOTS II 11 CREATIVE COOKING 8 BALLET, 8-10 YRS 4 INT. GYM., 5-7 YRS 8 BEG. GYM., 5-7 YRS 14 MODERN DANCE 3 AEROBICS 21 AEROBICS 18 K: ACTIONS MEAL 50 1 -27-94 THURSDAY KIDDIE COLLEGE 4 JAZZERCISE 17 INT. DESIGN 12 PARENT TOT TIME 13 TUMB TOTS II 9 BEG. GYM., 8-10-YRS 8 DRAWING WITH PASTELS, KIDS 12 TUMB TOTS I 9 K: BOYSCOUTS 12 DRAW WITH PASTELS, ADULTS 4 INT. DESIGN 9 VALENTINE COOKIE CLASS 10 BALLROOM DANCING 18 BALLROOM DANCING 20 K: ACTIONS MEAL 32 1-28-94 FRIDAY JAZZERCISE 16 BEG. GYM., 5-7 YRS 6 BOY SCOUT BANQUET 135 TUMB TOTS I 11 K: ACTIONS MEAL 39 1-29-94 SATURDAY CPR CLASS 32 1-30-94 SUNDAY NO EVENTS SCHEDULED • C . • 0114 Auk 1 -31 -94 MONDAY KID KAPERS 9 TUMB TOTS I 8 TUMB TOTS II 9 TIME TO TAP 9 BALLET, 3-4 YRS 10 COUNTRY CRAFTS 6 JAZZ 12 INT. GYM., 5-7 YRS 6 DRILL TEAM 7 BEG. GYM., 5-7 YRS 8 CHEERLEADING 15 INT. GYM., 8-12 YRS 7 CALLIGRAPHY 13 AEROBICS 22 AEROBICS 20 K: ACTIONS MEAL 50 TOTAL ATTENDANCE 2879 SOFTBALL LEAGUE PARTICIPATION FY 1993/94 FY 1992/93 LEAGUES/TEAMS LEAGUES/TEAMS 3 MENS/16 TEAMS 2 MENS/13 TEAMS 2 WOM/10 TEAMS 1 MENS CHURCH/7 TEAMS 1 CO-ED/6TEAMS 1 CO-ED/9 TEAMS 1 CHURCH CO-ED/8 TEAMS TOTAL 6 LGES/32 TEAMS 5 LGES/37 TEAMS