R2024-104 2024-06-10RESOLUTION NO. R2024-104 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, consenting to the annexation of approximately 79.42 acres (CR 100 at Harkey Road) into the boundaries of Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 69. WHEREAS, Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 69 (the "District") is located wholly within the corporate limits of the City of Pearland, Texas ("City"); and WHEREAS, Section 54.016 of the Texas Water Code provides that land within a city’s corporate boundaries may not be included within a district without the city’s written consent; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, gives its written consent to the annexation of 79.42 acres, as more accurately described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto, into the boundaries of Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 69, subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” which conditions apply to all land in the District. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 10th day of June, A.D., 2024. ____________________________ J.KEVIN COLE MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________ FRANCES AGUILAR, TRMC, MMC CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY DocuSign Envelope ID: D6EAE7F1-30BF-4217-9CD4-7632633BE2F2 Exhibit?l}rl’age 1 0152Pages County:Brazoria Project:Massey Oaks MUD \To.69 1\11.S.(1.Nr1.:31155 Job Number:4084-MUD 3 FIELD NOTES FOR 79.42 ACRES BRAZORIA COUNTY MUI)N0.69 TRACT 3 Being a tract of land containimy 79.42 ac1es located within the H l &B R R.CO Survey Section 32,Abst1act 525 [ha/min County.Tcxas and being all 0121called 79.42 acre ttact recorded 1n the name 01 M0 Iraet 3,L..,P Cire 11,L.P.in Btazoria County Clerk‘s File (B.C,C.P.)Number (No)2023007585.Said79.42 acre tract being more particularly described by motes and bounds as follows (all bearings are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 (NADSS),South Central Zone): BEGINNING at 3/4-ineh iron pipe found at the southeast corne1 ot‘a called 49.654 acre Tract 2 recorded in the name ot'MO LB,L.P.in 13.C.C.l’.No.20211083487,same being the southwest corner ofthe herein described tract in the no11’hline (1121 called 13.655 acre tract recorded in the name of Houston Lighting and Power Co.under Volume 1149,Page 240 of the Brazoria County Deed Records (B.(1.1).R.); THENCE,North 02 degrees 42 minutes 08 seconds West,with the East line 01'said 49.654 acre tract,at a distance 011,064.75 feet passing the northeast corner of said 49,654 acre tract and the southeast comer ofa called 5.6180 acre tract (Parcel 3) as described in an instrument to the City of Pearland,recorded under H.C.C.1".No. 2009032506,continuing along the east line of said 5.6180 acre tract.at a distance of 1250.29feet passing the northeast corner ofsaid 5,6180 acre tract and the southeast comer a called 25.062 acre tract described as Tract 1,recorded in the name of M0 LB, L.I’..recorded under B,C.C.F.No.2021083487,continuing along the east line of said 25.062 acre tract,for a total distance 012,658.88 feet to the Nonhwest corner ot‘the herein described tract,the common South corner 0121called 250 acre tract recorded in the name ol'Kirk 1).Savage and Jamie L.Savage under B.C.C.F.No.2011015028 and a called one acre tract recorded in the name ofEnrique L.Ruiz and I’lorinda Ruiz,under B,C.C.F.No.2008037125,said point lying on the common North line ofsaid 247.91 acre tract and the survey line 01's (1 HT.&B.RR.Co.Survey,Section 32,Abstract No. 525,some being the South survey line ofI-l.'l'.&B.RR.CO.Survey,Section 25, Abstract No.245 and the South subdivision line QUIT.&BR.R.R.Co.SFC.25.a subdivision per plat recorded under Volume 2,Page 10 ofthe Brazoria County Plat 'l‘lIENCE,North 87 degrees 18 minutes 24 seconds East,along and with the commonNorthlineofsaid79.42 acre tract and said Hfl‘.&R.RR.Co,Survey,Section 32.Abstract No.525,same being the connnon South line of said SEC 25 subdivision and thesurveylineofsaidH.T.&13.RR.CO.Survey,Section 25,Abstract No.24531 distance Exhibit A ,Pngezdi’zlmges of 1.30177feel to ill:Nolthcasl corned of Ihc herein described iract and n Nunheasicrly come:of said 7942 acre tract; THENCE,Somh 02 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds Easy alnng and with an East line of said 79.42 acre mac!and the wcsl lint:Ufa culled 78.39?acre Imct recaid=d in Lliename ochKeever,LLC,under B.C,C.F ND.2020012372 for a Iota!distant):of 2,627 34 fed to an angle point in the East line of the herein described traet,same being the Soulhwcsl comer ofsaid 78,393 acre tracl and the Northwesl seiner til-n called 0 2:290aere tract rwm‘ded in the name oflhe City of Pearland,undcr B.C.C.F.No.2009005797; THENCE.South 02 degrees 37 minutes 29 seconds East,along the West line ufsuid 0.3290 acre tract It dtstanee 0f27.44 feet to an angle peint hat the Southeast corner of the hereindescribed ttaet and the Southwest comer of said 0.3290 acre tract,same being the Northwest earner of a ealled 9.7750 acre tract of land (Parcel 7)reenrdedin the name or the City of Pearland under B.C.C.F.No.2012055902.said point also being the Nettheast cot-net ofa called 0.8902 eeie traet reedrdetl in the name of the City ocharland under No.2009045975; THENCE,$0th 87 degrees 07 minutes 33 seconds West.along and with the Seuth line of said 79.42 acre lmcl,same parlially being the North line of said 0.3902 acre tlaCL the Nonh line era ealled 3.518 acre tract recorded in the name of Btaznt-ia County Municipal Utility Distriet No.s9,underB.C.C.F No.2021057788,and the North line ofsaid 13.655 acre tract,a distaneeat 1,300.50 feel to the POINT or BEGINNING and containing 79.42 acres of land. This documcm was pmpured under 22 TAC 603]l ,does no!rc?eci the results of an on the ground survey,and is not to be used to convey or establish intelesls in teal propeny except those rights and interests implied m established by the ereatien er recon?guration ol'lhe boundary cfthc polllical subdivisiun for which it was prepamda /.i 7 l 2% Anthony R.Pcautick,R.P.L.S. Texas Registration Na.5047 7L Miller Sllrvey 1 DCCM Texas Firm Registration No.10047100Dwg;3084-MUD-BDY779AZACRESMay1.2023 l l l i EXHIBIT I u I: __ié__ CONSENT CONDITIONS 1.The City of Pontiaad,Tom (the "cum,through its City Manager.and umdweinperonbehalfof(he Dian-intshall enter into and execute a utilityservicesagreemenl inaahilanh'allythe farm attached heretoas Exhibit"1-1,"to speoily lha terms and wadltieneforunwillingwaterandaewagetenementaminestotheDistrlnl(Ill:‘Ulllily Agteetaent‘),UpontheDian-Naematlonand continuation,the Districtshall aasumaall tho lighea,obligations,andinlamlaafihadavelapexauudartlaeUtilityligament,as set faith therein. 2.Fallnwiag ?lm]appmval by tha City of the ?rst preliminaryplat in lite,District,allmeelituaoftheDistrictnominatedinucwiaancewithIllaTexasOpenMeetingsAntshallbeheldwiliu'nthe City’sinmxpwntndlimits. 3.The Districtmay issue bonda.including raiimding bands,for any purpose!authorizedby law,ineiux?ng but not limited to.nulnhaalxig.lefulaueing,designing and mum-acting.or otherwiseaaquirlng waienuarka syalems,sanitary newer systems.storm sewer ayalams,and dmiaage facilities,road:and recreational facilities or parts of each ayammaor facilities,and to make any and all neoasaaxypurchases,eansn-untlnna,impmvemanla,exteneiana.additions.and repairs timeta,and to purchaseor acqullaall necessaryland,right-of- way,aunementa,aitea.equipment.building?.pilnle,alracmtea‘and faailitieamm and in upstate and maintainthe same,and to nailwater.aaainarysewer,and other uexviceswithin the haunderiesof the District,All bondsissued bythe Dianlntshallcoiaplywill)thefollowingtei'ma: a)hovide that lha Distn'otmauve:the tight to redeemsaid bands an any date subsequentto the ?fteenth (15th)mammaryoflha date of issuance(or any earlier date at the divmtion of tile District)withoutpremium,and none at"such heads,olher than tefundingbands,will he soldfol'lesathan95%of par.pmvided that the net e?‘aoiive lat/mat me an bandsso sold.taking into manual any disoeuuter premium as well as the interestrate homeby aunh bonda,will not exceedtwo pervent (2%)above llia‘hlghea:averagainlarealmm rapamd by the Dg‘y Bgd Buyer in in weekly "20 Bond Index"during lilo nnamoulh period next preceding the daleoftlie saleof sunk bonds. 2:)The Districtshallnot ?uid mom lllanz4monlhaoapilali‘udintexaat . in a single band iaaue‘- a)Bondieaaanaesahallprovidefor payment of nu less than 40%at the principal withinthe?rst halfof thebandmunnilyschedule d)The District‘s initial lmnd debl maturity date anal!not mused 35 yemi Subsequent bondlasaanenathat exceedthe maturity dale for conditionedor delayed.ie)No addillnnallandmay be nnnemi intntheDiaulnt unionsthe CityCounciladaptsaresolutionmatingincan-mannatheannexationi)Eachyear the District shallprovidea may a!the orderestablishingitsallmamtaxrainintheCityDirect/Jrof Financewithin30daysa?er the Dianial'aadaptionni‘thamla.a)Eachyear the Dialrlctallaiiprovides copyof ita annualauditto theCityFinanceDirectorwithin30daysafthnDistrict’snoceplanae oftheaudit. l l l i -v 4;:5”,: it)The resolutionauthorizingthe immuneof the District’sbondsaheilauntulnupmvlelnnthattirepledgeofanytevenuea(tomtheoperational‘the Distria‘ewater end ”warned/or drainage system no lite payment of the District‘sbands will terminatewhenandit’the City ennexenthe District,lakes ever the assetsoftheDistrict,and assumes all nfttie nbiigulienenftite District. 4.Befom the eommcement'of any wnstmetionwlthinthe District,its directors,ui?eeie,ur developersand landownerswiii submit to the City,or to ita designatedreptbmntx?ve,all plan:and speai?uelinusfor the nomination of water,unitary sewer and drainagetheilltlestoservetheDistxlutandobtaintheapprovalofaunt:plane and speei?oetluns ihere?'nm.All waterwills.water meters.?ushing valves,valvea,pipes.Ind appmenmee therein,Walled or usedwithintheDistrict,will eontbrmto the epeci?oetinnsof the City.All water service lines andsewerserviceliner,its stations,and epwneneneeetherein.Installedor used within the DistrictwillnamelywiththeCity's standardplane and~speuitloattons35'amended fmm time to time.Prior to the constructionof such feciiih'nrwithinor by the District,the Districter its engineerwillgivewrittennoticebyregisteredorcettiliedmailtotheCity,stating the dm that suchconstructionwillbewmmmcedrTheoanetmetimzoftheDietrlut'swater,sanitary sewer,andduinegefacilitieswillbeinaomtdenuuwiththeapprovedpleasandspeci?uatitme end withappilwbleetandanieandepeul?aetions of the City;and during the mgreee of the constitutiveandhumiliationofsueli?icillliee,the Citymay make periudie cn-theyunnd lnepoclitms. 4552201