1981-02-16 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON FEBRUARY 16, 1981 AT 7:30 PM IN THE CITY HALL, 2335 N. TEXAS AVENUE, PEARLAND, TEXAS The meeting was called to order with the following present: Mayor Councilman/Mayor Pro Tem Councilman Councilwoman Councilman Councilman City Manager Assistant City Secretary Tom Reid Charles R. Mack Al Lentz Fran Coppinger (Entered 7:35 PM) Carlton McComb Terry Gray Ronald J. Wicker Kay Krouse Absent from the meeting: City Attorney, Bobby J. Williams PURPOSE OF THE MEETING: City Council to discuss three items, then adjourn and move into Workshop Session on proposed amendment to Subdivision Ordinance. CHANGE IN THE ORDER OF BUSINESS CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - ACCESS ROADS AND UTILITY SERVICE TO THE PROPOSED NEW INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL Councilman Lentz and Councilman Gray had been appointed as a committee, working with City Manager Ron Wicker, to meet with representatives of the Pearland Independent School District concerning water and sewer service, drainage, and access to the proposed new school. Councilman Lentz advised the Council of the following: The proposed Middle School will be located immediately behind the existing Inter- mediate School and will house the 5th and 6th grade students. Drainage for this proposed site seems to be adequate; water service would involve constructing lines to tie into existing water lines on Barry Rose Road and Plum Street; sewer service plans need to be worked out. Councilman Lentz said that the committee felt that the major point of concern was access roads, existing and proposed, to the site, with additional problem of adequate right-of-way for access. The School Board will be opening bids for this proposed school next Tuesday, February 24, and they anticipate award of bids at that time. They expect the school to open the Fall of 1982. The committee would like concurrence of Council on what responsibilities the City expects the school to assume and what the City will be responsible for. There was a general discussion by the Council about the time limitations, budget restrict- ions, what the City could do about the existing access roads and right-of-way for the new road leading to the proposed school site. Councilman Lentz said that the committee would be meeting with the school representatives Tuesday night, February 17, 1981, and that they would present the Council's views on the responsibilities of both the City and the school. MEETING RECESSED AT 7:55 PM MEETING RECONVENED AT 8:06 PM Councilman Gray made the following motion: The following responsibilities be adopted, I. Pearland Independent School District Responsibilities: a) The School will be responsible for dedicating all necessary right- of-way along the new road and along Plum Street to accomplish construction 171 or reconstruction of said roads. The School will participate in the purchase of all additional right-of-way necessary to construct or reconstruct road access to the new school site. b) The Pearland Independent School District will be totally respon- sible for the construction of a 41 foot back -of -curb to back -of -curb concrete curb and gutter street as specified in Exhibit A of the City of Pearland, for approximately 1400 feet from the drainage ditch on the south side of Plum Street. c) The Pearland Independent School District will provide all materials for the construction of water and sewer service to the property. d) All drainage necessary to service the new school site must meet the specifications set forth in Exhibit B of the City of Pearland. II. City Responsibilities: a) The City agrees to construct or reconstruct portions of Plum Street and Barry Rose Road and build to the same specifications as required in front of the school property that section of the new road from Barry Rose Road north to the drainage ditch. b) The City agrees to install and connect all water and sewer lines necessary to serve the new school. c) The City will participate equally in all right-of-way necessary to provide roads, drainage, water and sewer. Councilman Lentz seconded the motion and it passed of a vote of 5 to 0. CHANGE IN ORDER OF BUSINESS: REVIEW OF BIDS RECEIVED BID NO. B81-2, JOHN LIZER-OLD ALVIN ROAD INTERSECTION AND AWARD OF BID: The following bids were received under B81-2: BIDDERS BASE BID WORKING DAYS BID Able Services, Inc. $67,027.25 30 Angleton Asphalt Corp. $65,771.20 40 Brown & Root, Inc. $82,697.50 60 Ike Hall, Inc. $84,096.61 60 S & M, Inc. $80,694.97 40 Bill McDonald Corp. $77,680.60 (None shown) Beta Construction Co. $67,803.00 45 City Manager Ronald Wicker recommended that Angleton Asphalt Corporation, lowest bidder, be awarded this bid in the amount of $65,771.20. It was moved by Councilman McComb, seconded by Councilman Lentz that Bid No. B81-2 -- be awarded to Angleton Asphalt Corporation in the amount of $65,771.20 as the lowest bidder, and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract. Motion passed 5 to 0. APPOINTMENTS TO BRAZORIA COUNTY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICTS NOS. 1, 2 & 3 It was moved by Councilman McComb, seconded by Councilman Mack that the following people be appointed to the Brazoria County Municipal Districts Nos. 1, 2 & 3: Gene E. Sanders - MUD #1 Cecil Griffin - MUD #2 Dan R. Keller - MUD #3 Motion passed 5 to 0. 17 ADJOURNED: Meeting adjourned 8:29 PM. Minutes approved as submitted and/or corrected this the day of A.D., 1981. ATTEST: City Secretary Mayor