R2023-137 2023-06-12RESOLUTION NO. R2023-137 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, authorizing expenditures with Alvin Community College, for fees associated with the Pearland Police Academy’s partnership with the Alvin Community College Law Enforcement Academy, in the additional amount of $54,259.14 (total contract amount of $88,684.14). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council hereby authorizes expenditures, in the amount of $54,259.14 for fees associated with the Pearland Police Academy’s partnership with the Alvin Community College Law Enforcement Academy. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 12th day of June, A.D., 2023. ________________________________ J.KEVIN COLE MAYOR ATTEST: ________________________________ FRANCES AGUILAR, TRMC, MMC CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY DocuSign Envelope ID: BBE0B535-ADAB-44EE-88F4-91B0A63EA115 VC A D E M Y 5404CMIANDUM (0 ALVIN COMMUNFIN COLER.'V LAW AND PV,'ARLAND,TEXAS POLIC14, DEPARTME'NT This Meniorandmn of thidergaNng (MOU) is entered into between AININ C(YMMUNFIN COLLEG'E',T0 WIT'. LAW ENFORCYN4ENT AC'ADEMY(hereinafter known as,",I+,`,A"),and the (TIN OF PEARLAND, 'IT) Wlk T[It', ITA RLAND POLICE I)EIIIARTMEN!" (hereinafter, known as"PP11)"). llmuoi this Memomnlun oF thWerstanding, Peadand Police Deparl,itient and 'the Law EnHircernent Academy at Advin Community College: seck to strer, gthen. thch, parLnership and calbborate to provide die Basic Peace Wheer Certification Coume hAnAg to cadets enrolled in the Ll X PI will bowfit by havhg access to ACCs, uxetnj)lfflrY flC8dCIrIiC dV(%r71111, fiCC118ing preparation, f'acififies, and seasoned insducMrs. R is Me shmed beHcF of both organdations that through this partnership and shared irsouwe% Mudents wild receive Ific higheqt level of training aj,)d set as tiew Ibenc hrriark for Lt` w sr,wcess, Therefore, PP EI and die LEA do hereby agree as Rdlows regarding the provision of flie allorerncril ioried training,jx-ogram, Goeth and Objeefive qffhe llewlne)-sh p: `the gm,,ds and ol�jcctives partnership between 11111) the I,hA are to: * Provide qualky basic peace oRcer Unin5g, par established by'l7exas CouniSsian on Law 1�,nfc,irceinent. 6 WbUsh the ongping partnMp of AaX and PTID to provide an annual Peace (MTker Uume (HPOC) cwhbeWd diirough ACA..,' and provide 25 hours ()I' college credit u),,graduates. * Def me the fist d nnpmukill ities�,,tnd in structknial Ixtyrtiont exchange between ACC and PFID., 0 Improve the educational (wwomrs of eadi pvogtwi, througti conribined iristnictioii and shared resources. ALA,W [",NFORCIINKNT C Acammy AOM Cumm"m On"St R OLES,4"RES]"ONSIBIL I 7'lr,,,S: 71,11le rotes and respansibIties of cadh pay to this Mernoriuiclum SHOWS" H&AA * Schedule, coordinate, and. conduct a1l puice offix,,er training activities, wheri Pff) instrudors, l"acilitics, or equilynent,are kaflized in the traininj,,, activity. 0 Mwmnurd and cmdwAhl all, PPD iris(ruclors flor portions of the 1,F',A, taught by PITI). 6 Ranunmute I-TE) for LEA hours tau glit by PPI) inStrUctcws (At current r"ate, see WNW) * Provide physicUl and cuModial maintenance of LEA hisVuSonal and training spaces. 0 Pr(wide record keeping land reporting oftraiiflng activities,. 9 Provide clerical support for instructors. 0 Prowidc, supery Won of all imtructors We dwy are conducting train ing Mcdons MR 1,11A. 0 Provide clussro,ow, Icsting s,J)"'Jee, skill Wing awas, and Aring range Ar all �,-ipplicable 1,1-.,,A needs, 0 Provide office sp ce, coinputer, printer,and SUJnpfiCS fOr PI'D inStrLICIOI'S. 4 1'rovide timely paymmU (W inshudional fees to 11111) ,forservices rendered. * Provide review and testiag iriaterial, 1"or cadeW as well as pmeMORg LEA and RAN E exani,,,,,. & ISR)rce mul investigate all ACC Student Code of Conduct violations. romp hunce vidi the MUSS AC,`C g6evnnce complait'it proee,s and title IX investigations. @—�acilhwW Vetertins benclits for all eligiblesti.,iderits, Award all graduates of ON agrevinaU whth the HWu Law EnIbruement Aunderny ("erdficate to include all applicable,college Cred4,,s,. Provide specializel MdusuyeredendWid insd-Udir�YWIII M.111IT'aS tCClIAiI'Cd lby IUOLU and needed by the LEA for instruction, Provide deparhmantnHy Sued equipnient needed ffir training of all 11111) cadets attending the basic peace officer courses. ofr • MoVe adVaIlCe T10fiCe (Mil61111111 tc), tjje f)iJ°CCt(,)r (A I'a W Enibruernent Acadony"Ten Wahning space is needed for PRD traijji�jjg'r • Provide (irnely subinksion or an anyzed ji,vojce arvroved prograrn instructional see vices. • Render I'mynient for Wition and fees ofaH P11) cadets enroll.od in the 1,[I,A. • Coordinate required inswedunil resources ui u.4faboralively, provide a rc&rml 1,1],',A to eligible law en�Furcerncmt apencks regricted to agency-giponsu,)red personnel, 1�1ALAw Em;,oRcEMENT lk(j C:ADEMY AMIN COMMIUNITV tOILLEGE • 17ulrnish ACC with A rmRT-ed documentaLK fin,credentialing FIPD inIS(RICION. • ('<),ord 4iale with A("(" LEA staff"tan pmpcQy document and enroll each student. • 1E'n1'brcc and, investigate Cok Conduct volations, • [)OCUmcnt and report all required ctspoos oftlw 11110('pler'l,('011", 1,0+6renl,ents to include docunwnWd he undolhe PM) ITaking 19ovkhr(Andnictmull I"icense, HoN Hiormlev's,Afelloorambom e#'Omlervantflng: To Me emxm pernitted by law die LEA agrees to huld the PPDand the City offlearland harmless fi.an,n any and all clainis arising (nn of nos or onmissions dur6ig any ba,s c peace (dlicer frainilq-,; classes and activities,. To the extent permAd by hw,,the 1111Dagrees to hifld the and]:'he Alvin Con"ununity College hatmIss Hurn any and A A% ading M (9 aus or ornkshns during any basic peace officcr traWng cluses and acHvitim, This section does not apply to, nc�r has any ufled on, Worker's (Anpenmtkm dahms filed agabut PPD, by any P11) pemornm[ resutdng out of ads or amissions during any hash; peace officor trabing classes and acHvitics. '1111; P0311FICKFION PROCESS will follow policy of both. organizations. Ile panks agme that this two niniandum of Understanding is given and accepted upon the, expressed oondithn that it cminot, in any rnannm� be changed, altered, varied, or modified unless, such raimfification, Singe, m akemdmi shall be in writing and cxecuked hyl)oth parties, Ibis h4cmormd-ma of UnderstandOg nmy be aniendec] by mutual written ucknowledgilient. Both parths agree to considzr the needs of hypmgmss cohorts. MOtten notice prior to the Invposed eff ctive dilz ofany Imposed amcnWoU or tem,flnatkx) of tbis Merriorandurn, of'Understm,i d i n g, %vi I I allow Im adequate tnod ificafion needed by either of'the two parties. Peartand Pcillice Depark'nent. will 1,)ill ACC 1,1A for instructor hours worked at current, LEA ratc per hour, The, Alvin, Cotrtrnuriity('oHege Law Enforcement Axademy will OR the Pearland Poke Department Or the'ruition and Iles of students that the PPD js sponsoring in this aca.demy. A? " �(� lAw E N F 0 R,C E a',EN1' ;C A C A 1)F-MY YMmm COMMUNITY 0143 r; g SECTION NAME CREDITS C.aaamtia��t faGaaaa.S �"t�f�f E, .................................................. C.,A E 1-506-rMMPI) 51 48 ectcaa°e Basic Peace Officer I C.ILE 150G.-Ifs 2PPI), 96 Ilafa ftasuc Peace Officer i ..... ..... Cat E 1512-M2 D � 48-lect<ir Basic Peace Officer....... _ ........ CJLE 1 1I M2P'P D 9,6 Ilafa ftagic Peace Officer 1111 ........ ......... ..... ....M .... ......... C:DILE 1'511 1m 3PF�ID 5 litIleCtrare B �c.Peace ace Officer lull _._ ____.___..�.._.__..___.___.._ ___.__._ ............................. .__. ....._ ........................... fILIE 1,51, M 3lPPF) t Ilah Basic Ileace Officer III �JLE 152m� 1PD 5 4 V(,-^�tlrc+ Basic Peace Officer IV _..._ _ ___..... 8 __.__.. _........ .. .— ....._ _..._..___________ ...... Officer........ ........ ......... ._.. ........ ........ ........ _ _._._.._...................................._ ........ __........... CJLE121L1-MIlPPCD 2 16lectaure Basic Firearms CJLl� 1211, li1,PPID � ��Ca4-Ian Basic.Firearms ....... �.. ......... ........ ....... . _,� CDLIE 132.9- +�111'PID 3 32-1 ctaure Basic 6'e_� re Officeir �fhlf 1. ?_m M11 1 I 11 fD -IaE a�sic Pe��.�„ f: r ace Officer 5 752 ,l.ho Ic Ufl Flaaaa14 er ()i'hours, 1-br LEA ini IWauw uaccarUom is 1 2 wiaichi1 be oi'llere(l a:avc r s;cvcr of weeks. Alain Comal"wlutinitry College Pearh d ,police D lmirtment Roblart J. i 3ryy��l s Mar�r Y Y p NkoNi l Y YM' ... ..... . .....__ .._ ........_._._..._„_ ._.........................._.. _... _..._.. ......... _ ....... ... ........... .....,........ Robert J. Exley, Pli,D, A" es tl�c^r esi giicated Si gnees:(aas ricedecl f'itme. i.ltiec