2022-11-11 PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION AND BEAUTIFICATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING MINUTESMINUTES -REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND PARKS, RECREATION & BEAUTIFICATION BOARD, HELD ON THURSDAY, November 11, 2022, AT 8:30 am, AT PEARLAND RECREATION CENTER & NATATORIUM. I.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dennis Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:30 am. II.BOARD ROLL CALL Nancy Bankson Heather Baker Heather Campo Dennis Jackson Ill. IV. V. Ryan Dixon Carry Capers Kevin Carter STAFF Amy Coykendall Andre Walker Citizen Comments No Citizens attended. Approval of Minutes Board Member Vice-chairman Board Member- Virtual Chairman Board Member Director, Parks & Recreation Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation Executive Assistant Customer Service Supervisor Motioned to approve heather baker, Ryan Dixon seconded. Approved with Dennis Allen's adjustments "under article 5-Board Report I wanted to bring clarity to what is stated. Here's the changes I am presenting for what is stated: "One of the things the survey showed was that 56% of the community said that there were not enough splash pads." Also, under article 9-My comments concerning Heather Baker's appointment to Vice Chair. " ... involved within the city council meetings." Board report Ryan Dixon-Curiou/ how the REI event went over the weekend. Dennis Jackson's perspective it went great. There was room for more vendors. Nancy Bankson-She went to the REI event. She agrees that there was room for more vendors, and it was good to see food trucks which attracts families to the park. There was plenty of parking. Since she was not able to attend the last meeting, she wanted to say she attended the groundbreaking, so she is excited about that. Kevin Carter stated we are still shooting for March opening Heather Campo-She was not able to go to the event but looking forward to going next year. Heather Baker-The REI event was cool and was impressed with the turnout for the first year-lots of room for growth. She is curious about the count of people who attended. There were a lot of people who stopped by the booth who were excited about events, and new Pearland citizens. She had someone inquire about sand volleyball courts, and she was not sure where there were any. Kevin Carter stated that there is one at Southdown and two at Shadow Creek Ranch. Dennis Jackson clarified that the gentleman wanted to know why there was not any at Independence Park specifically. Kevin said there was a discussion previously and it is on the radar. Heather met Kelly Moody at the REI event. She went to TOT and that it was amazing-so many people! Kudos to Lindsey and Taylor for putting that together. She was at the police booth and all their candy was gone. Heather asked about board shirts. Dennis Jackson took his son to TOTT. He liked how it was more spread out, seemed like there was more vendors this year. He went to the REI event, and it was wonderful. The parking was great. He likes sitting at the booths because so many random people come up to talk to you. He had booklets to give out-Pearland in Action and visitors guide. One question that was asked a lot was about volunteering, so they sent them to the website. A suggestion he is making is maybe putting links for volunteering in the Pearland in Motion or other booklets. Heather Baker said there were specific events people were asking about. Had many people say they are just getting back out after COVID. Dennis asked on clarification for the PISD membership discount rates. He wanted to have the website verified as the prices did not seem correct based on the conversation with one lady. VI.Staff Presentation-Andre Walker Ryan Dixon wanted clarification on what Xplor is. Andre explained that it is the registration software utilized by RCN. Heather Baker asked if the reporting includes emails. She wanted to know if they communicated with Constant Contact. Andre discussed Q2 plans for "Free the Front Desk" initiative-which is a kiosk-and an app. He discussed the plans for both items, and that they will be coming in phases. There will be an update coming for members to pay via ACH and NFT, with PayPal also being looked into as a form of payment. There are opportunities there to provide the services to those who need it. Dennis Jackson asked if there was an option similar to the Free the Front Desk initiative being used now. There will be an ability to track how many people and who are in the classes where we can only know that people are in the building now. Dennis also asked if we did not currently have the option for EFT now. Andre stated we do not at this time, only credit card. Ryan Dixon asked about tap-to-pay or NFC tags, and Andre said that there are ways to offer that, and he would like to internally if we cannot do it. Kevin asked if they members will be scanning into the class/room similar to scanning in when coming into the building. Currently in the testing phase. Kevin asked how these updates involve the marketing plans to attract more memberships. Andre said that is something that was recently found out during training that it was something that we were not utilizing to its full potential yet. There is the ability to allow us to track conversion rates. VII.DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION -December Meeting Dennis Jackson motioned to cancel December meeting, reconvene in January. Ryan Dixon and Heather Baker seconded the motion. VIII.DISCUSSION-Tree Lighting and Parade Details Official information will be coming out shortly for tree lighting. VIP parking passes will be mailed out. VIP lots are on Liberty. Would like to acknowledge the Board and their families, please arrive and check in no later than 6: 15 pm. New this year is the Blitzen's Bazaar, 9 am-9 pm on December 2 nd • Arrival of Santa will be about 8:00 pm. Fireworks immediately after tree lighting. Street closures start at 5:30 pm. The Board and their families are invited to ride in parade. Please arrive no later than 4 pm at City Hall to be shuttled to the parade staging area. Parking for general is at First Baptist. Water and light snacks will be available. Please RSVP with Amy by November 17 th if they would like to participate. Ryan Dixon asked about December 2nd transitioning from daytime vendors to nighttime events. Kevin explained the layout plans for Independence for that day. Dennis Jackson said he is looking forward to it, and that it is a nice return to normalcy. Ryan Dixon was asked by a community member about a consideration for New Year's. Kevin said that we do not have any plans with our department at this time. Nancy Bankson said her daughter was memorized by the fireworks last year. IX.DIRECTOR REPORT Kevin Carter thanked the Board for attending the events and thanking people for attending the events and their time and effort to come out. The inclusive park update: we are ready for the first pour of concrete before the next rain. Kevin discussed the TRAPS rodeo events. There were over 300 people who attended the event and discussed the events/competitions held for the Parks. The asphalt for I dependence park has been laid down and hope to have it completed by Christmas events. Staff has been preparing for facility closure second week of December, and what some of the plans for reorganization and cleaning are. Kevin let the board know that Kelly Moody has accepted the position of Resource Development Manager. He talked about her history with the Forever Parks Foundation, and that he is excited for her to join the City and Department. She will be starting on November 14th. Dennis Jackson and Heather Baker met her at the REI event, her husband works for NASA. Ryan Dixon mentioned there is a group that does tennis training, he asked if we were familiar with the group. He talked to them recently, and they bring quite a bit of equipment with them. He asked if there was somewhere they could store their equipment. Kevin said that storage facility is full, but they can look into possibly temporary storage or other access in future phases. He said that they can reach out to Sydawnie Douglas to see if there is something we can do or discuss their needs. X.ADJOURNMENT Ryan Dixon made a motion to adjourn. Nancy Bankson seconded the motion. Motion passed. Chairman Jackson adjourned the meeting at 9:28 am. These minutes respectfully submitted by: