Chairman Dennis Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:33 AM.
Heather Campo Board Member
Heather Baker Board Member
Dennis Allen Board Member
Dennis Jackson Chairman
Ryan Dixon Board Member
Nancy Bankson Board Member
Carry Capers Director, Parks & Recreation
Kevin Carter Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation
Amy Coykendall Executive Assistant
Randi Wyatt Senior Programming
Lindsey Taylor Special Events
Taylor York Special Events
Jakob Roedel Guest, Pearland Disc Golf
Richard Vaughan Forever Parks
Heather Baker motion to approve. Dennis Allen seconded. Approved as written at 8:35
People are enjoying what is happening; Encouraged to keep doing what we are doing.
Nancy Bankson- Asked about the signs at Southdown Park. Signs being replaced. Carry
Capers let her know that they are being repaired with a warranty. Kevin Carter stated that
they should be coming in sooner-the smaller ones first, and the larger at later date. Nancy
states that they love the playground due to the covered aspect of the playground.
Heather Campo— Fourth of July was amazing. Concerts in the park were fun.
Heather Baker- Parks is a topic of conversation in many different places. Fourth of July was
amazing- heard nothing but great this heard. Shadow Creek is excited about the things to
come. Discussed growing membership with the RCN. Recently joined. DFNC- seeing a lot
more of their social media and is excited to be seeing it.
Dennis Jackson- Fourth of July was a great event. Looking forward to the Fall events- being
asked about the trick of treat trail. Heather Baker has been telling people to apply for booths.
Dennis Jackson is ready to see the costumes- his son will be Ant Man. Has signed his son
up for swim lessons. He asked about how they clean the pool.
Ryan Dixon- Fourth of July event was awesome, and it was great to see all the people out.
He likes to hang out at Centennial Park- he says people would complain about the nets.
Carry Capers told him about an app, he made the complaint there with pictures, and he got
a response very quickly, including additional issues. Whoever runs the app is doing a great
Richard- Forever Parks- He is at the RCN every day to walk- he meets a lot of people. A lot
of the people he speaks to love it here- it's very clean. Forever Parks is going well- raising
money. Pretty close to getting all the funding to complete the inclusive playground. The
Mayor wants to do another inclusive playground, so that could be the next project. States
that Jeff Webb is the president, and he is always coming up with good ideas. Raised about
$10,000 with "100 Causes"- a group to help other nonprofits raise funds. You go onto the
site, review companies for at least 30 seconds and you raise money with the reviews-from
$2-$75 per review. Raised over $20,000 over the last 2 years. Recommends it for other
non-profits. Dennis Jackson asked if it was an app or website. Richard explained the
process to locate the company and to sign up. He says make sure to do it the way they
state because they do check, and you can lose money- he lost out last year because
someone did not do that.
Dennis Jackson wanted to recognize a citizen, Jakob. Jakob has been running events for
the last 80 weeks and is looking forward to running more events at Centennial Park. They
did a tournament in January at Tom Bass Park.
Moving to staff presentations at 8:49 am.
Carry Capers introduced Randi Wyatt from the Senior Center. Randi passed out the activity
calendar for the month and has pictures to show the board. Senior center members love to
dress up. Dress up for everything and eat for everything. Fee is $25/year for Pearland
residents. 200-250 people per day. 2-6 field trips per month. Raised about $1000 for Forever
Parks Foundation at 2 meetings so far this year. Discussed Lunch and Learn- lunch provided
by companies that come and discuss the business (Epic Plumbing). Utilize grounds for
community engagement. Randi asked if anyone had questions. Richard spoke about the
rotary club. He recognized many people that are part of the walking club. Actions helped with
frozen/hot meals during COVID- continued now for those who are uncomfortable being in
groups. Dennis Jackson asked if they still offer the pickup and drop off for those who want to
come to the center. They do. He also asked about other services that are provided with
assisted living. Heather Baker asked about the biggest obstacle for seniors being involved.
Randi says it is awareness- there is a lot of word of mouth, but the seniors are just not out
and about. Post on social media, Facebook(Knapp Connected), and Pearland website. Ryan
Dixon- mentioned that there was growth post COVID- are you seeing capacity issues? Quite
a few of the spaces are at capacity. Peak hours are 9am-12 pm. Shifting a lot of programming
to afternoon to assist with that and not much of an impact to staffing and budget. Still have
to turn people around at time- socials have a cap, much register for a class ahead of time,
waitlist. Carry stated that Randi and her team are tracking data very well. Through
partnerships trying out drop-in events with other facilities. There is a need on the other side
of town. Heather Baker states that she lives by Watercress, says that the people in that area
would eat that center up. Asked if there is a plan sooner rather than later to bring that up.
Carry stated that the main plan is to track data and then look into funding, which will trigger
other areas to bring in the prospect. Dennis Jackson states that it would be a good idea to
have a senior center in that area. Randi said that they have an activity director and are very
active, but the people KAC focuses on the people who live alone, or family is not close by.
Heather Baker asked if there were volunteer opportunities for citizens to help at the centers.
Carry asked if there is an option for volunteer instructor to help. Randi says there are currently
some, but they are always welcome. There are always opportunities have volunteers to come
in. Carry asked if there was an opportunity for the Parks board to go to the KAP. Heather
Baker asked about the calendar being digital- she wants to become more involved. Randi
will get her email to send to her.
Carry introduced the Special Events upcoming events and Lindsey Taylor, the Community
Events, and Taylor York, special events specialist. Lindsey provided invitation to Parks Board
for the Sunset Cinema (Hocus Pocus) on 10/9 and the Trick or Treat Trail, 10/31 (only cost
to organizations to be involved is the candy purchase 5-6,000 pcs.) Carry stated that next
week there will be a big push for Sunset Cinema. Asked the Parks Board to help promotes.
Applications are open for trick or treat trail. Special Events will come back to discuss the tree
lighting. Lindsey stated there will be VIP parking for trick or treat trail, and if they would like
VIP parking passes, they can email Amy. Kevin Carter asked about the possibly capacity.
Lindsey stated that the consistent feedback from last year, the trail was too condensed so
they will utilize as much as they can. Hope is to have 100-150 vendors. Ryan Dixon asked if
there is pumpkin carving along the trail. Carry stated that there is a costume contest
previously, but because children miss the trail previously, they are working on doing an online
costume contest where there is a vote by likes and the winner will be announced there. At
sunset cinema there will be a pumpkin carving contest. Lindsey stated that there was an idea
on a pumpkin roll at the hill and would like to have that happen in the future. Taylor stated
that there is an idea for booth decorating competition. Dennis Jackson asked if the sunset
cinema is just a one-time thing or if there will be other events. Lindsey said that there would
be one-two more in FY23. There is discussion to make a "travelling sunset cinema". Taylor
stated that the Sunday date was strategic because the following day is a staff in-service day.
Carry Capers gave upcoming details- Parks sign standards. There is not consistent branding
among the parks, so that you can recognize which are City parks vs HOA parks- regulatory
signs, wayfinding, maps, rules, etc. Designs are done. Waiting on the quote from the
consultant. Revenue strategy- shift in parks and recreation- a lot of partnerships. 2006/2007
city council and Parks board discussion about the agreements with non-profits. But there is
not much revenue coming to Parks, how can these agreements be modified to benefit
everyone. Comprehensive look at what we are offering and reevaluating how we can make
it more accessible for everyone in the community. Will keep the board up to date as we move
forward. Ryan Dixon asked if the organizations must report revenue. Carry Capers says they
must provide rosters and reports. Ryan Dixon asked if we have considered long term
conditions. Carry stated that is being discussed and how we can bring in more revenue by
adjusting agreements. Heather Baker brought up that PISD partnership shares cost for
repairs and not all the others share that. Dennis Jackson asked if we are looking at updating
multiple contracts. Carry discussed the options and how each agreement is being looked at
individually. Dennis asked if the agreements need to be reviewed by City Council. Carry
stated no. Richard asked who has some of the agreements. Carry stated Pearland Aquatics,
RSA, Pearland girls' soccer, Ling Ling, boot camps in the parks, water polo clubs. PISD is
an interlocal agreement, which is a different level of the other usage agreements. Carry
stated they are looking at the PISD agreement to make it more mutually beneficial. Dennis
Allen asked about the skate park. PIC workshop coming up on 10/17- once date is published
will send out to the Parks Board. What is part of the bond and what is not.
Inclusive playground- both contracts have been awarded. Lonestar recreation si ready to
break ground now and not in November when originally planned. Early October dirt will start
moving. Equipment will start arriving in November. Customized pieces will arrive in Februa`ry.
If everything goes to plan, Opening in early March.
Centennial park restroom- being renovated to increase stall capacity. Vandal resistant
features. With the updates, there will be storage that will be lost. Design for new building in
the works currently.
Shadow Creek Ranch- phase 2 complete. Scoreboard is installed, waiting for electrical to be
finished. Then training for staff will happen. Fencing next step. Additional need for softball
fields. Field will have turf changed to artificial.
Chiller system for RCN- equipment will arrive mid-November. Utilize annual facility closure
to complete.
Contractual maintenance for neighborhood parks- contract awarded about a month ago to
Brightview. Company currently going through internal changes and a bunch of rain
happened. They are not meeting our standards. Sent all crews and Kevin Carter to clean up
the parks. One of the mowers blew seals because the grass was so tall. Staying on top of
them moving forward. Dennis Jackson asked if there were penalties in the contract since it
is early in the contract for them to not being doing the work. Carry stated that it is per work,
and we do not pay if work is not done. Contract ends in November.
Second Baptist church meeting for Christmas tree lighting- they plan on growing the event.
One of the biggest challenges is the power available. Cost to provide generators, but it is
expensive. Reaching out to companies for sponsorships for the generators. Bringing up to
the board in case they know of anyone who would be interested and to let Carry know so she
can reach out to them. Heather Baker asked about the level of sponsorship. Carry stated that
the cost is about $40,000, so whether it is one or multiple sponsors that is the target. Dennis
Allen asked if Parks has considered solar for these events or to be used at the parks. Carry
stated it has been looked into, but the Solar is not reliable and is challenging. Possibly would
not have all the power needed for the lights. Heather Baker stated that the cost and biggest
expense is with the battery bank. Ryan Dixon asked if Parks looked into Generac. Heather
Baker stated that there could be an issue would be end of the year for the donations. Carry
stated that it is tax deductible donation. Richard stated adding in the sponsorships to
contracts sent out to bring in the funds.
VII. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION — Election of Officers of the Board
Dennis Jackson asked if Zach replied to the email that went out regarding the elections.
Heather asked about the appointment of board members. Carry stated that there are two
chair members who are up for re-appointment in 2022. Renewals will happen in November.
Dennis Jackson did not want to move forward with Zach not being present. He motioned to
push back to October meeting, Dennis Allena and Ryan Dixon seconded the motion.
Dennis Allen made a motion to adjourn. Ryan Dixon seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Chairman Dennis Jackson adjourned the meeting at 9:50 am.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Carry Capers, rector
mutes :pprov.d as sub itted and/or corrected this 13th day of October 2022.
Dennis acksr. 'hairman