R2022-176 2022-08-22RESOLUTION NO. R2022-176 A Resolution granting the consent of the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, consenting to the annexation of approximately 49.654 acres, (CR 100 at Harkey Road), into Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 69. WHEREAS, Brazoria County Municip al Utility District No. 69 (the "District") is located wholly within the corporate limits of the City of Pearland, Texas ("City"); and WHEREAS, Section 54.016 of the Texas Water Code provides that land within a city’s corporate boundaries may not be included within a district without the city’s written consent; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Council of the City of Pearland, Texas, gives its written consent to the annexation of 49.654 acres, as more accurately described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto, into the boundaries of Brazoria County Municipal Utility District No. 69, subject to the conditions attached hereto as Exhibit “B,” which conditions apply to all land in the District. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the 22nd day of August, A.D., 2022. ____________________________ J. KEVIN COLE MAYOR ATTEST: _____________________________ FRANCES AGUILAR, TRMC, MMC CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ DARRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY DocuSign Envelope ID: 2BED3E07-4DC7-44A0-AA5C-D8B4A12C4614 ix‘ l*'/xhihrt ,1’age1 of2 Brazona Massey Oaks MUD No.69...221079 R Job Number:4084—MUD2 FIELD NOTES FOR 49.654 ACRES BRAZORIA C()U.\"l‘Y MUD Nu.69 TRACT 2 Being a tract of land containing 49 (154 acres located within the CW.Crroos Survey, /\bstraet—525,Bra7.oriaCounty,Texas and being all ofa called 49,654 acre tract (Tract 2) recorded in the name of MO LB,L P.,a Texas limited partnership in lirazoria County Clerk’s File (B.C .Nurnlicr (No.)2021083487.Said 49,654 acre tract being more particularly described by nretes and bounds as follows (all bearings are referenced to the Texas Coordinate System of 1983 (NAD83),South Central Zone): BEGINNING at a “Railroad Rail“found on the north line ofa called 72.584 acre tract recorded in the name ofMassey Oaks Development 1,1‘.in B...‘\1o,2017051899,for the southwest comer ofsaid 49.654 acre true from which a 5/8—ruchiron rod with Miller Survey Group (MSG)cap found on the east line of a called 33.298 acre tract (Tract 2) recorded in the name oi‘Massey Oaks Development LP and being the northwest comer of said 72.584 acre tract,bears South 87 degrees 17 minutes East,a distance of 12.2 feet; Thence,North 02 degrees 42 minutes 08 seconds West,a distance of2,2l2.44 feet along the west line of said 49.654 acre tract to a 5/8-inch iron rod found at the easterly southeast corner ofa called 1.1852 acre tract recorded in the name ofthe City of Pearland in B.C.C.F.No.2011044376 also being the southwest corner of a called 5.!)I 80 acre tract recorded in the na.me of the City of Pearland in B.C.C.F.No.2009032506 fur the northwest comer of the herein described tract; Thence,South 51 degrees 41 minutes 48 seconds East,a distance of 1,749.17 feet along the southwest line ofsaid 5.6180 acre tract to a 5/'8—irrehiron rod found on the east line of said 49.054 acre tract and marking the southeast eorner of said 5.6180 acre tract for the northeast corner of the herein described tract; Tlrerrcc,South [)2 degrees 42 minutes 08 seconds East,a distance of 1,064.75 feet to a 3/4~inch iron pipe found on the north line of a called 13.655 acre Houston Lighting and Power Fcc Strip rceorded in Volume 114‘),Page 240,in the Brazoria County Deed Records (B.C,D.R.)for the southeast corner of said 49.654 acre tract and the herein Exiiibit Page 2 of2 Thence,with the noith line ofsaid 13.655 acre tract and said 72.584 acre tract,South 87 degrees 17 minutes 52 seconds West,a distance of 1,320.00 feet to the POINT OF BEG INNINC and C0l11d.1I1il‘Ag49.654 acres oflzmd. This document was prepared under 22 TAC 663.21,does not re?ect the results of an on the ground survey,and is not to be used to convey or establish intern s in real property except those rights and interests implied or established by the creation or recon?guration ofthe boundary oft1iepn1itica1 subdivision f0rwhic1\it was prepared. ,"3 1 Anthony . Texas Rog. Miller Survey Group www.mi11ei'surVey.com Texas Firm Reg.10047100 P11:(713)413-1900 March 30,2022 Revised Date:May 3,2022 Revised Date:Ju1y (1,2022 1\/1&8 N017/l1079R CONSENT CONDITIONS 1.The City of Peariand,Texas (the ”Ciiy“),through its City Managar,and thedeveloperonbehalfoftheDistrictshallenterintoandexecuteautilityservicesagreornantinsuhstsniriallytheformrrtirrohadheretoasExlrlbit“J-I,"in spaoity the terms and conditionsforprovidingwaterarrdsewagetreatmentservicestotheDistrict(the ‘Utility Agreement").UpontheDistrict’:creation and confirmation,the District shall assume all the rights,obligations,andinterestsufthradevelopersundertheUtilityAgrearnent,as set forth therein, 2.Followingfinal approval by the City of the ?rst preliminaryplat in the.District,all meetingsof the Districtconductedin accordancewith tho Texas Open Mectings Act shall be held withinthe City's incorporatedlimits. 3.The Districtmay issue bands.including rstiurdirrgbonds,for any pltrposoaautlrorimibylaw,including but not limited to,purchasing,ro?rrancing,designing and constructing,or otherwise acquiring wuterworirssystems,sanitary sewer‘systems,storm sewer systems,and drainage facilities,roads and r-ecr-aationai facilities or parts of such systems or facilities,and to malre any and all necessary purchases,constructions,improvarnents, extcnsions,additions,and reprrirs thereto,and to purchaseor acquire all necessary land,right-of— way,easements,sites,oquipment,buildings,plants,airucturcs,rind facilities therefore,and to operate and maintaintho same,and to soil water‘,sanitary sewer,and other serviceswithin the boundariesof the Disniot.All bondsissued by the Districtshallcomply with thefollowingterms: a)Provide that the I)r'atr'iot reservestho right to redeem said hands on any date subsequent to the ??ceuth (15th)nnrriversaryofthe date of issuancu (or any earlier data at the discretionof the District)without premium,and none of such bonds,other than refundingbonds,will be sold for less than 95%of par;provided that the net effective interestrate on bandsso sold,taking into account any discount or premium as well as the interest rate borneby such bonds,will not exceedtwo percent (2%)above thchighest average interestrate rapcrtod by the Daily Bond Buyer in its weekly "20 Bond index"during the one-month period next preceding the date oftirc sulc of such bonds. b)The Districtshallnotfhnd more tluur24 months capitalizedinterest . in a single bond issue. c)Bond issuance:shall provide for payment of no less than 40%of the principalwithinthefirsthalfof the bondmaturityschedule. d)The District's initial bond debt maturitydata shall not exceed 35 years.Subsequent bondissuancos that cxoocdthe maturity date for consentconditionedordelayed.a)No additionalland may ha annexed into the Districtunlessthe CityCounciladoptsaresolutiongrantingitsconsenttotheannexation,f)Bach yonrtho Districtshallprovide a copy oithe orderestablishingitsadvaiorerntaxraintotheCityDirectorofFinancewithin30daysa?er the Distr'ict’sadoptionof the mic.g)Eachyear the District airallpr-ovir:ia.acopy of its annual auditto theCityFinanceDirectorwithin30daysoft]-re Dian-ir:t'sncceptarrcoofthenndit. ii)The resolutionauthorizingthe Issuancenf the Dislricfs bondsshallcontainapmvislenthatthepledgeofanyrevenuesfromtheoperationcftheDistrict'swnter nnd sewer and/or drainage system nothe payment of the District's bands will lennimatewhenandiftheCityannexe:the District,takes over the assets of the District,and assumesnil ofthe obligationsnfthe Di.-atrict. 4.Beforethe commencement of any constructionwithinthe District,its dinsuloxe,e?icels,or developersand landuwnelswill submit to the City,or to its designated representative,allplanx and speci?cations for the constructioncfwater,sanitary sewer and drainage FacilitiestoservetheDis?ict and obtain the approval cf such plans and speci?cations therefmm.All waterwhile.water meters,?ushing valves.valves,pipes,and appurtenances thereto,installedor usedwithintheDistrict,will conformto the speci?cations of the City.All water service lines andsewerservicelint.-z,ll?stations,and appmtensuoes lherem,installedor used within the DistrictwilleampiywiththeCity's standardplans and speciticsticns as‘amended from time to time.Prior to the constructionof such fwiiitins withinnr by the Dishict,the Districtor its engineerwillgivewrittennoticebyregisteredorcerti?ed mail to the City,stating the date thut suchconstructionwillbecaminencetl.The constmetionof the District'swater,sanitary sewer,anddrainagefacilitieswillbeinaccordancewiththeapprovedplansandspeci?cations and withapplicablestandardsandspeci?cations of the City;and during the progress of the constructionandinstallationofsuchfacilities,the City may make pcrinclle on-the-yound inspections.. 4552202