Chairman Dennis Jackson called the meeting to order at 8:37am.
N ancy Bankson
S amira Areshia
Zachary Boyer
Heather Baker
S ydawnie Douglass
Carry Capers
Dennis Allen
Dennis Jackson
Ryan Dixon
Kevin Carter (virtually)
Board Member
Executive Assistant, Parks & Recreation
Board Member
Recreation Program Manager, Parks & Recreation
Director Parks & Recreation
Board Member
Board Member
Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation
Charles, a citizen of Pearland, stopped by the meeting to provide his opinion. He wanted
to make sure that the Parks Board understood as an advisory board, he would like for the
P arks Board to advocate more heavily for the Parks & Recreation Department. He
provided insight as to why Parks are so important especially after seeing its importance
surge during covid. He would like the Parks Board to communicate publicly and privately
with City Council to communicate the importance and needs of the City and Parks.
Chairman Jackson thanked Charles for stopping by and providing his insights.
Minutes were presented to the board for review.
A motion was made by Boyer to approve the March minutes. Baker seconded the motion.
Chairman Jackson asked if there was any discussion on the Minutes to which no one
replied. The motion was approved.
Allen — Went to the library's opening; thought it was done well. Tried to attend one of the
Concerts in the Parks but was unable to due to weather, but he is looking forward to future
events. He is trying to be more active in the Parks community
Baker — Agreed the library opening was great. Heard good things about the library and
how excited everyone about the space and using it Excited about the social media post
about Parks Etiquette signs being put up. Heard some citizen complaints about off -leash
and aggressive dogs at Shadow Creek Trails, so she is happy that it is being addressed
through the signs. Citizen s Academy had the Pear Run this past weekend with good
participation. Talked about City Council Meeting where the Natatorium was mentioned by
a councilmember regarding the money being dumped into natatorium and PISD being
behind on payments Would like to change council's opinion and bring up positive things
and believes it is something that needs to be worked on when advocating with council.
Boyer — Thought library opening was fantastic. Thanked Baker's organization for their
work with the Pear Run. Called attention to one item on the agenda regarding Skate
P ark/BMX Park and mentioned there is a petition floating around with over 1,000
signatures on it and is looking forward to bringing that to the Board.
Bankson — Went to the West Pearland Library's opening. Mentioned she was also present
for the ribbon -cutting when the Westside Library's had opened Excited to see the
progress and amazing facilities. Mentioned there were a lot of people at ribbon cutting.
Jackson — Wasn t able to make it to the ribbon cutting but was able to visit the library and
said it was amazing. City Council passed the remaining amount for the all-inclusive
playground to finish it and at the same meeting, the playground was named after our state
representative Ed Thompson Was able to advocate for the inclusive playground parks
department and shadow creek development. Mentioned the board is trying to advocate
for the parks department. Talked about Forever Parks Foundation and the upcoming golf
tournament to support the Parks in Pearland.
Capers brought attention to the new board member Ryan Dixon who recently started and
asked him to introduce himself to the board and provide anything to report. He has been
living in Pearland for 6 years, does environmental work around the Houston area, and
steps a lot of time at Centennial and sometimes Independence Park. He enjoys the Parks
system and believes it is very important for the community. He looks forward to
participating in our Board and help where needed
Capers discussed the Skate Park/BMX Park.
Mentioned Boyer reached out to her and asked about the status and background of the
Skate Park. Neither her nor Carter had a lot of information/records. Happy that it was
brought back up to her. Talked about Sk8 Pearland raising about $1600 for the skate park
and how the Forever Parks Foundation is hanging onto that money for them. Capers
presented rendings to the Board. Mentioned it is difficult to go out and start fundraising
when the location of where this park would go is undetermined. Mentioned one of the
things identified in the 2020 Parks Master Plan was the need for a few things including
BMX Racetrack, skate park, pump track, etc. Capers mentioned the land next to the Rec
Center/Natatorium owned by Pearland ISD and how there will be a Fire Department
across the park and a facility that has long operating hours with a lot of activity in area.
Asked if the board wants to take action on this. Jackson asked Boyer to give more
background on the petition that has been started. Baker mentioned if Pearland ISD is
behind on payments is doing a land swap in exchange for money they owe an option.
Capers said yes, there have been conversations with Pearland ISD about whether they
want to continue with the interlocal agreement so if they do then land swapped can be
considered. Jackson asked if this would be a part of the interlocal agreement. Capers said
it would be separate and has been done before. Boyer mentioned the petition has
thousands of signatures It shows that citizens do have an interest in this He mentioned
there has been an update to the petition. City Council seems to be for moving towards a
skate park and the mayor believes it is a great idea for the kids. Reached out to some
non -profits such as the Tony Hawk Foundation has mentioned they are interested but
need plans and location Boyer suggested locations such as middle of town by the Rec
Center or Centennial. Mentioned drainage and infrastructure is something to consider.
Jackson asked if the organization is just hoping for the City to donate the land and they
will fundraise to build the park or are they hoping the City will also help fund the park.
Boyer said they are hoping the City can donate the land or give the land to the Parks
department and the nonprofit can build the park Capers mentioned finding the right
location is important for the skate park and then the extreme park can be considered with
the development being done in phases. There are elements that would need to look at,
cost recovery type of location and after all of that is done, then we can start a strategic
fundraising effort and look at grants - it would be a community effort. Allen asked if
amount of acreage needed has been determined yet. Carter said 2 acres and Capers said
for the extreme park and skate park, it would be about 3 acres. Baker asked if anything
similar to these nearby. Boyer and Capers provided a few locations and examples Baker
said the reason why she asked this was because she recalls that Council was looking for
a major event that would put Pearland on the map. Capers mentioned talking with the
developers and they mentioned National or Regional Tournament and statistics will be
provided. The CVB might be able to provide funds for this project and there would be lots
of groups involved. Baker mentioned that she likes the idea of the location next to the
P arks & Recreation building because of the close proximity to Independence Park.
Jackson said it feels like they are talking about two different things. One is the extreme
park and the other is the skate/bmx park and if it can just be one thing together and is the
location big enough for this. Jackson was wondering If they were still willing to fund those
other things. Jackson also asked if the organizers behind the petition and fundraising of
the skate park be willing to allocate their funds for this extreme park. Boyer said he can
check but thinks they would only be willing to pay for the skate park. Baker mentioned that
this was going to be phased out — phase 1, 2, 3. She also said she would be willing to
support the idea of the extreme park along with the skate and bmx park as part of the
master plan. Capers said the next step would be for herself and Kevin to talk to Capital
P rojects and City Manager's Office about this project. Bankson mentioned that if this is
going to be a big event, then access to 288 might be important to consider so some area
near Shadow Creek or might be a better idea. Allen mentioned the area across from
S hadow Creek to possibly consider. Capers said that land can't be used because it is
designated coastal prairie area. Baker mentioned area near Ivy Park as an alternative but
also mentioned that with something like this you want both East & West to be able to meet
in a central area and Shadow Creek is not central. Baker said we need a second choice in
case choice one doesn't work. Allen said there should be a couple of locations to consider
in case plan A, doesn't work. Capers said they will consider a list of locations. Boyer
suggested the area behind Bass Pro Shop.
Baker made the motion to have staff start exploring the opportunity and put together a
plan with extreme park to include skate/bmx park in conjunction with community groups.
Allen seconded the motion.
Allen made a recommendation to have a presentation made to the Board by the active
members of the organizations who are advocating for these parks.
Capers said she could try to get them here for the July Board Meeting.
Capers introduced Sydawnie Douglass and her role in the department.
Douglass talked about the summer programming and how huge it is for the community.
S he asked the Board to reference the summer programming flyer that was given to them.
S he talked about Camp Kaia and Camp Mahalo which runs for 10 weeks and they are
both 100% full. This would be the second summer camp since Covid began Additionally,
DFNC is doing Camp Pelican for the first time which is education -based and nature -based
where they learn about the environment, animals, nature, and the outdoors. There are two
sessions each month — one for the younger ones and one for the older ones. She
mentioned that they offer a lot of things like art and basketball camp throughout the
summer in partnership with an organization. Swim lessons are offered throughout the
summer and are always full. It's great to have water safety for our community-- majority
are almost full and most are 100% during the summer. Dive -in Movies have been a hit
and they are bringing it back once in June and once in July She mentioned that there are
open lifeguards positions and encouraged the board to tell those interested or looking for
a summer job to apply. Jackson asked what the qualifications were for being a lifeguard to
which Douglass mentioned that they don t have requirements or certifications when it
comes to CPR, lifeguard or additional trainings or certifications — those are offered as an
incentive to entice people to apply. Mentioned Miracle League wrapped up last Saturday
and it was a success located at Shadow Creek. They had about 80 participants and the
community is very happy that those services are offered. It will be opening back up in Fall.
Aside from Camp Pelican the Nature Center will be doing night hikes, kayaking, tours,
etc. She mentioned that they are now on Instagram and edu Katie is on there to provide
environmental education and encouraged the board to follow them. Mentioned registration
is now open for cornhole league, men's & co-ed softball leagues, men's basketball league
and runs throughout the year Mentioned adult softball has moved back to Centennial
Park from Shadow Creek. Also offer rugby and cricket at Shadow Creek Sports Complex
and has been very successful. They have tennis and basketball camps throughout the
summer. Mentioned the Senior Center, Knapp Activity Center, and they are always having
fun and doing many activities. Bankson mentioned that the Rec Center used to have a
birthday bash every August. Capers said it stopped when Covid happened and she
doesn't know if they will be able to bring it back the way it used to be.
Douglass mentioned that NRPA celebrates Parks and Recreation Month in July with lots
of events, programs and celebrations spread out through the year for the community. This
year s theme is We Rise Up and be on the lookout for the calendar. Capers mentioned
that the Parks Board is on NRPA and they will have access to it. Baker asked for dates to
be provided in advance to help block off calendar. Splashpad Days are coming together
where snow cones and other things are brought out.
Carter discussed Park Project Updates.
Shadow Creek Phase 2 — even though the location is operating and utilizing, some FF&E
are still a few things coming in. A fence will be going around the turf field to deter any
illegal access and traffic to the field to control access. Waiting for final cooperative
agreement prices from contractor and projects team is working closely with them. 4
baseball fields are still in the process of final design and there is a meeting next week with
the cooperative contractor and A&E firm. Looking forward to the next steps and updates
for the conversations of the natural grass and dirt area inside the baseball fields to be
converted to synthetic/hybrid field which will allow for greater playable options on there.
Irrigation Updates — throughout the entire parks system. Upgrades of water management
system to conserve our resources and monitor needs for repairs or challenges that are
seen on the field in terms of daily operations. Price came back a little higher than
expected for year 3.
Parks recapitalization year 4 — met with Buyboard contractor to look at shade structures
that were identified in Parks Master Plan around bleachers and play features at some
parks. Working on determining the cost of those. Once those prices come in, then
prioritization will happen between irrigation updates versus recapitalization. Some areas
identified include Centennial Park — splashpads fields 1-6, playground, spectator seating
and Cypress Village, South Gate, and Pasternak Park. Some may not be directly over the
playground but will be close by.
Woodcreek Bridge — 30% design stage for the replacing of the bridge that connects the
subdivision to Woodcreek Park With all the guidelines, they have to consider a lot of
Independence Park Access Road — met with team and they are getting the bid packet
ready to have a concrete road put in from John Lizer to the stage.
Carter asked if anyone had any questions. Jackson asked how long the access road has
been going on for because it felt like it's been years. Capers explained that this was not
initially where the road was going to be but trucks started using it to load/unload — it was
originally going to be coming from Liberty. The reason why it's taking a while is because
they are trying to save cost on this driveway by doing it inhouse but make sure it is
compliant. Jackson said Carter mentioned the irrigation upgrades are being taken from
year 4 and asked how it is affecting budgeting for year 4. Capers said that is what they are
looking at right now through recapitalization priorities. Carter and the Parks team are
doing a full audit to prioritize those projects. Jackson asked if anyone had any additional
questions to which no one replied.
Capers mentioned that FY23 Budget.
The early budget input session did not happen due to council not having quorum.
FY22 Projections includes increase for contracting park maintenance services for 6
months and full year costs are in FY23 Base Budget. Additional increases in the FY23
base prices because there was an increase in contract prices due to inflation Also
includes CAPRA reaccreditation fee and process that happens every 5 years
Supplemental Rankings were presented to the Board and updates were provided. Capers
mentioned that the Directors get a chance to go and prioritize supplementals so she can
explain and help rank them. Capers presented updated fee changes to the Board
Jackson asked if these fees were in a new ordinance to go before council? Capers said
these fees are approved. Capers talked about the White Paper Memo and said she has
no additional information on it because the council did not have the first discussion.
Capers gave a brief summary of the budget and how it works She mentioned that this is a
lot of information but if anyone has any questions, herself and Carter are more than happy
to answer them via phone call or email — and Capers will provide them with updates
regarding budget as things come up. Boyer asked what membership fee was being
increased? Capers replied that it is for International Events & Festivals Association.
Jackson asked if anyone had any additional questions or comments to which no one
replied and moved on to the next agenda item. Jackson said they would like more time to
review the budget before taking action but said the department has done great with the
budget and shouldn't have an issue with supporting the recommendations
Capers discussed the new Political Campaign Policy and the purpose of it and why it
came about. Capers mentioned that the Christmas Parade does not allow any political
campaigns and current elected officials are the only ones allowed to participate. Boyer
mentioned that there was someone who wanted to ride a horse and have their position
number on there. Capers said that situation was fine because they were an elected official
and was asked to fill out the necessary paperwork. Allen brought attention to the last
paragraph of the policy and brought up current social issues and asked if `controversial
issues' include nativity scene at a Christmas parades. Capers said no, they would be
allowed to as long as they keep in check with the guidelines. Jackson asked if there were
a set of guidelines that they had to follow. Capers said yes, there are guidelines and
criteria established. Jackson asked if, for example, the open space in Independence Park
would be permissible for assembly and speech Capers said yes, but they would not rent
for those purposes and/or if they closed off the park, that would not be allowed Jackson
asked if there were any other discussions or questions for this policy or any other
recommendations or edits. Boyer made a motion to recommend the adoption of this
policy. Allen seconded the motion.
Capers discussed the Employee Discount Policy Employees receive free membership
with the Rec Center and discounted rates for the family and talked about how league
registration works for city employees. Jackson asked if there were further discussions or
questions. Allen asked if there is a specific number of employees to determine what is
large scale? Capers said it was left vague to evaluate each case because it is hard to
define. Boyer made a motion to adopt the policy Baker seconded the motion.
Capers reported on the following:
Annual Parks Tour is on June 9th. The Board discussed dates/times and confirmed it.
Concerts in the Park went well but then there was a storm, but still had a lot of people
come out. There are a lot of other concerts coming up and they are convenient.
Special Events and Development Manager has been selected and will be starting with the
department on the 16th but will be going on vacation and will officially onboard with the
department mid -June but will invite her to a Parks Board Meeting so they can meet each
other. Capers had a good meeting with Harris County Precinct 1 and went out to the Tom
Bass Park where they have a really nice amphitheater, and they are looking forward to
having partnerships with the department on programs and classes. Capers thanked
everyone who provided input to the Westside Event Center name. Council allocated
funding for the digital marque with the stipulation to change the name. Recommended
Pearland Community Center but they wanted to have a geographic location tied to it so
they approved West Pearland Community Center. Capers mentioned that they are
working on compiling all of the places that mentioned Westside Event Center and work a
plan to update all of those to the new name. For Inclusive Playground, Council did award
the contract for the purchase and installation of the equipment. Formal bid process is
happening for the servicing of the playground and will be taken back to Council for
approval in July. Capers mentioned the contract for landscaping and future work Boyer
talked about the Knapp Activity Center and the hot meals that are provided at the facility
and asked if anyone is free to volunteer hand out meals on Friday 9am to 11am to give
out frozen meals that they can drive through Baker talked about the signs at the Parks
and a few businesses mentioned that they are willing to pay and sponsor our signs.
Capers said there is no reason why this shouldn't be at all of the parks. Baker said this
could be something that other parks can learn from and we can be leaders in the trend.
Boyer made a motion to adjourn. Allen seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Chairman Jackson adjourned the meeting at 10:37am.
These minutes respectfully submitted by:
Carry Cap- s, •irector— (transcribed initially by Samira Areshia)
Minutes apprgv d as submitted and/or corrected this 14th day of April 2022
Dent pckson, Chairman