R2002-0166 10-14-02 RESOLUTION NO. R2002-166 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, AWARDING A BID FOR CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE WEST LEA WATER/SEWER AND ROAD OVERLAY PROJECT. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City opened bids for construction services associated with the west Lead Water/Sewer and Road Overlay Project, and such bids have been reviewed and tabulated. Section 2. That the City Council hereby awards the bid to Calco Contractin.q, in the amount of $4,050,030.00. Section 3. The City Manager or his designee is hereby authorized to execute a contract for construction services associated with the West Lea Water/Sewer and Road Overlay Project. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this the :[4 day of October ., A.D., 2002. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: DA"RRIN M. COKER CITY ATTORNEY TOM REID MAYOR L D P E Z G A ~ El ! A ~3 ~ 0 01 October 3, 2002 Mr. Oene Simeone 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, Texas 77581 REFERENCE: West Lea Water and Sewer B2002-048 Pearland, Texas Dear Joe: LopezGarcia Group (LGG) has reviewed the bids and bid securities received by the City Of Pe~land for the refei'enced project. Based or/the ~.bpa/dfit low bidder hnd information-required by'the City of Pearland, LGG recommends the award of the construction of West Lea Water and Sewer to Calco Contracting, Inc. in the mount 0f$4,050,030. This amount is based on a combination of the Base Bid Price and Alternate Bid Price. The following discrepancies were noted on the Bid Tabulation: Calco Contracting, Inc. Bid Item No. 51 - incorrect Total Price bid item. which resulted in no change to Total Base Bid. Bid Item No. 69 - which resulted in increase in Base Bid of $1,000. Bid Item No. 74 - which resulted in decrease in Base Bid of $7.50. An incorrect original Total Base Bid resulted in decrease in Total Base Bid Of $2,975 and increase of $992.50 to for a total decrease in Total Bid Pr/ce of $1,982.50 from $3,838,012.50 to $3,836,930. Jimerson _Undergrou~_d, Inc. Incorrect Sub-total for Extra ~Vork Items - which resulted in increase in Base Bid OCT 03 2002 16:84 15355WVantageParkway.$u{telS0 Houston,Texas77032 (28))227-6425 (281) 227-6266 Fax 2812276266 POISE. 01 ~8/03/2002 15:52 2812278266 L I'-I P E 7' G LOPEZ GARCIA A E C I A PAGE 82 U P October 3, 2002 Page 2 of 2 Permstar, Inc. Bid Item No. 13 - incorrect Total Price bid item. which resulted in no change to Total Base Bid. Incorrect Sub-total for Paving Items - which resulted in increase in Base Bid of $139, ! 00.00 to $4,450,446.50. E. P. Brady, Inc. Incorrect Sub-total for Water Items - which resulted in no change in Base Bid of $4,686,243.35. These discrepancies did not result in a change of the apparent low bidder for this project. If you have any questions, please call at (281) 227-6425. Sincerely, Keith R. Davis, P.E. Senior Project Manager Worksheet 18/83/2882 15:52 28122 fb'-'bb LUP'~-/ bANU.LP, West Lea Water and Sewer B2002-048 Bid Tabulation October 2.2002 General ltetas Bale Bid PHce Base With ITEM ~FE~NCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE U~IT PRICE TOTAL PRICE I 0175 ~obiliadon (3%~ L.S, $t ~S.oo0.O0 S1~5,000.0~ I $~ 15.ooo.0~ Water Itcms B~e Did Pr[ce Base Bid wl~ Alternate 9 02510 16-~eh Water Linc (~n-Cu~} I..F. 410 $107.0C S43,870.00 410 S107.00 $43,870.00 10 02510 t6.~ch W~tcr L~o (A~c0 L~. 5~ ~t500 S5,750.0o 50 $1~500 S5,750 oo Il-Inch S~td Wat~ Lac (O~ 11 02510 Cut) LF 30[ $130 oo s3,goo oo 30 s130 oo t3,eoo oo 12 ~510 12.1n~Wn~rL~c(~'-Cut} L.F 2,975[ ' $3700 ~$i10,0750~ 2,975 ~700 $110,07500 13 ~417 12-in~ Wamr L{n%(A~gcr) LF. 1,030 $~ O0 ' $85.~0.o0 1~030 $64 O0 ~5.920 O0 Aag~ I~mch WM~ w/20" S~[ . 14 0,2417 C~in~ ' ' L ~. ~0 $~ se.oo sg,~so.oo S'O $1 ~e oo &9.280 OO 15 02510 8.in~ Wa~r Linc {~-Cut) L~. _l I,l~0 SI~.00 I2~,~SO O0 11,~50 $1g00 S225.15q 00 16 02417 g.m~ Wa~ Line {Au~) L.F. 2,900 $30 00 $8%000 O0 2,~0 S30 00 S87.000.00 8-1nch S~(,i Wat~ Line (O~a- l? 02510 Ctlt} _ , L.F 50 $6200 a3,iO0 O0 ~0 ~6200 $3.10000 Auscr 8-~ Wate~ Lin~ w/14" 18 02417 Smel Cas~n~ L,F. 150 $7700 $11,550.0~ 150 $7700 Sl %550.~,0 19 02510 6.i~ Wamr L~c (O~cn-CuD LF, 210 S37.00 ~7,770 O0 210 S3700 $7,~0 00 20 024~ 7 6-~ch W~r L~c {Au~) L ~. 40 $6g. O0 S2,760.00 40 ~69 00 ~2,760 00 2[ 02~I4 Y~ H~t Ea. 47 Sl,610.00 $S5,07~.90 47' Sl,s10 oo S8s,070 oo 22 02514 6" Fire Hydr~t Brach L.F 470 S16 00 ~7,520 oo 470 s~6 o~ ~,520 oo 23 02510 12" Conaccfio~ Ea, I $991 O0 ,., $~1,00. l i S991 OO S991 O0 O4/OO P:~01056PL01 hu\Biddlng Phese\Calco I of 6 np~ ~ o~n~ ~:~ 25122?6266 PRGE.03 i_0/03/2002 15:52 2812276266 LOPEZ GARCIA West Lea Water and 82002-048 Bid Tabulation October 2, 2002 Water ]~eme (Contiltued) Base Bid Price BEEO Bid with AIt~mate Il'EM N. EF[i~ENC~- UNIT PRICE TOTAL pRICE UNiT p~CE TOTAL PRICE NO. SECTION' [TIM D~SC~?TION U~ Q]'Y IN FIGURE8 IN FIGUR~ QTY N FIGURE8 IN FIGURE8 ~ove ~d S~vagc 26 02514 Fi~ H~ts Ea. 15 $37400 $5.~10.0I 15 $~74.0~ $5,610.0( Cut, Plug 27 02510 Water Dcmoliti~ ofExis~ Wa~cr 21 02200 32 02515 of ~1 S~ic~s} E~. '.Long Side) (Includ~g Tr~ f~r Sub-total $792.754.0o ~79~,75~r99 04/00 P:~01056PL01 hu',Sidding Phase\Calco 20{'6 ~,8103/2002 15:52 28i22762~6 LOPEZ GARCIA PAGE 05 West Lea Water and Sewer B2002-045 Bid Tabulation October 2, 2002 ;anit~r ' Stw~r itema Base ~8id Pr~te Baal Bid wlth I ~ ~F[~NCE UNIT PRICE ~T~PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL P~CE ~over (~c}~g V~ ~ 37 02542 ho~ on Drawings) Ea, 63 $1.9sS.00 $~,05fi 00 63 ~,~s,oo $~.0ss.oo ~ ~ P~c~t M~olc (4' 38 02542 Dia.) V.F )94 s58,00 $~ ~,2~2 oo 194 $58.00 ~it~ S~ ~olc (4' Dis,', 40 02542 Tccast M~hole (4' Dia,) VF. l~0 $~26.00 &15,120,0~ I20 $120.0c 42 ~42 8" Stand~d ~op ~Ext~) Ea. ~0 S~1~,~ 86,1~0.0~ 10 $~.0~ 8-~ S~t~ Sewcr [4n~ S~I~ Sew~ 45 02530 Cut) (8' - 10') LF 4,115i $400C S1~,600 oo 4,115 $40.00 8-in~ S~it~ Scw~ (~- 46 02530 Cut) (10' - l~') L.F 4,17C ~8.0~ ~20o,~0 00 4,170 ~8 0o $200,1~o oo 47 02530 ~t) (12' - 14') L.F 2.650 S56.00~ t14B,400.00 2~50 $~ o0 ~4B,4o0 o0 S-lnch S~lt~ ~wer (O~n- 49 025~0 Cm~ ~16'- 18') L,F, 1,300 $9200 ~119,600.0o t,~0~ $9200 $~ 19,so0.00 S-inch S~i~ S.~r (O~n- 50 02530 ~u0 ~lB'- 20') L.F. 130 ~03.00 S~,~e0 00 13C S~03.00 51 ~5~0 Sut) 08'. 20') iF 1,070 $10600 ~113,420.00 1,070 $!0~ 00 56 02415 s" Force M~n (Auger) L,F B0 $2~ $2,240,0~ $0 S28.0C S2,240.0( 4-tach Ste~ Force Main (Op~. 57 02533 C~t~ L,F 30 $50 00 $1.500 oc 30 ~50 0C $~,50o 0C O4/OO P:'~.01056PL01 hu\Bidding Phase\Catco 3 of 6 ,i8/83/2802 i5:52 2812276265 LOPEZ GARC;IA West Lea Water and Sewer B2002-048 Bid Tabulation October 2, 2002 ~ ~;E~CE UHIT PRICE ~TAL P~ UHIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE N~ SECtiON IT~ D~SC~IO~ UNIT QTY IN FIGURES tN FI~UR~ ~ Iff fiGURES iN FIGURES ~8 02542 4" St~d~ ~p (~mmfl~ Ea. t ~00 OC ~00.0( ~ ~00.00 $~oo ~ ~9 02531 4" S:~lce C~ctio~ L ~, ~,~0 ~40.0C ~226,000.0C 5f650 $40 ~ $2~,~0 00 62 ~53[ Ex~a Height For 6" Smc~ L.F 800 $9 ~ $7,200,0o 800 se oc $7.20o, o~ 63 OlfTO T~ch Sa fc~ (S~i~ S~wer) L.F. 19,2~5 $200 ~8,5~o,oo 19,255 s2.oc $~a,5~o. o0 LiR S~on, Comptem in ~Iacc inclu~8 Wet W~II, ~mps, Conc~ Pad, ~adlng, 1 g" R~ Sub-total ~1,788 e72.oo $1.7~72 oo 04100 P:~01056PL01hu\Bidding Phase\Calco 4 of 6 OCT 83 2882 16:57 28122?6266 PRGE.06 %0/03/2082 15:52 2812276266 LOPEZ GARCIA West Lea Water and Sewer 62002-048 Bid Tabulation October 2, 2002 avin~ Items Ba~e Bid Yrtce Base Bid w[4b Alternate rfT~4 ~.F~NCE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE ~c~alm ~x~t~g ~ph~t ~d ~ Martial (Mix ~ Place) (8- fi5 02200 ~cbca~ S,Y S~,S0~ $275 $147,12S nc 35~000 $2.75 s9s,250.~ 66 02200 S~w~t (Fui{-D~) L F. 100 $5.0C S500 0C l~ SS 0o ~S00,00 ~t (10%) for 67 S~blliZa[tofl Ton 2~S00 $97.~ $~,750 ~ 2~500 $g7 S~ $243,750.00 6g ~318 Sc~t Ba~flll ~d~ Paved Arc~ C Y. 28,~00 $0.01 $285 on 28,~00 $0 Ol $~eS 00 Roadway Excavation (for 69 ~ 16 Ca~ct~o~ o~2' $ho~ ) C Y. 2,000 ~5 ~ $11,8oo.~ 2:000 $5 8c Sl 1,6oo o0 Co~ction of 2' Sho~n) 70 027[0 10" Dc~h~ S.Y 7,300 $19.~ $q45,270 00 7,300 $~g,90; $~05.27o 00 71 02742 ~mc Coat G~, t6,800 $1 20 $20.160.00 t6,g0O $I.20 S20,100,0~ 2-~ch ~ 'D' Asph~fic 72 02741 Concrete P~vcmen[ S Y. 49,950 ~ 9o $2~,755.00 49,95C ~e (6%) (Moc~ngbird 73 02335 Ext~s[on~ Ton 40 $11860 ,~mc Treated Subgtsdc 74 02335 ~oc~bird Ex,~n~) S.Y. 2,500 a2.70 ~,75o.0c 2,500 ~2.70 $6,750 ~" L~c~nc B~c (Moc~gbi~ 75 02710 [xtcnsion> SY. 2,500 al0.00 $25.000.0C 2.S00 $qo.00 ~e Coat (Mo~gbird 76 02742 E~e~*-) O&.' 450 Sl,2C $~o.0~ 450 $1.20 $~o.0o 77 02741 Extension> g.y. t,500 SS.OC $7.s00 oc t,500 ss oo $7.500 oo L~ovc Exit,S 1~" RCP ~d ~ove E~bt~8 ~" RCP and 79 02200 Replace with New 24" ECP L.F 230 S40.00 $9.200.00 230 ~0.00 $9,200 00 ~ 02761 24" Solid ~ite 5t~ 8~ L F t~ $~7.00 $t,700.00 100 S17 0C $%700.00 Sl 02761 4" Solid Yellow L.F. 600 $3.00 $1,S00.00 6~ $3.0~ $%S00 00 Sub-tot~ ~879.509.00 ~28 724 oo P:~010$6PL01hu~Biclding Phase\Calco 5 of 6 nnT ~x 2882 16:59 28122762E,6 PAGE.{~? west Lea w/ater aaa ~ewer B2002-048 Bid Tabulation October 2, 2002 8 ~710 (8") (lndud~ Cem~) SY 1.500 $12,75 $19,125 00 1,500 $12.7~ $1g,12S,~ [X~ Asphaltic Pav~t ~ ~741 "D"} S,Y, 200 ~,00 sl,ooo.oo To[al Base Bid $3,836,e30.00 $3 785.055r00 NO. sI~('T!OH n']~M D[~$CP, II~JON l~NIr QTY IN FIQU~S IN FIGURES Q~ IN F~URES IN FIOUR~ Comet Stabili~d Backfill for S~i~ Sow~ (Un~r pavcd , I 0231g A~as} (in 1[~ ofsel~ backfill} C,Y, $0.01 $0.00 so,ot $0:0( 2 02710 Tmn~) (8' ~,ide~ S,Y. Zll.75 $oo0 le,500 S12.75 ~235, e75.o( project Tots! $3,935,g30.00 $4,050,030.00 P;~O1 O6~PL01hu\Bidding Phase\Calco 6 of 6 OCT 03 2002 i6:58 2812276255 PRGE.08 CITY OF p~D ~ BID PROPOSAL BID PROPOSAL Date: /~/~Z~ Bid of/'~/,.~.a ~_r~,~ gttAc'4';,,~c~ . ..~,,,,~ C_ , . An individual proprietorship/a corporation organized and ex~stmg under the laws of the State ~)f'l'exas/a partnership conststmg of ., for the construction of: WEST LEA WATER AND SEWER City of Pearland, Texas COP PN: B2002-048 (Submit in Duplicate) To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council of Pearland City of Pearland 3519 Liberty Drive Pearland, TX 77581 Pursuant to the published INVITATION TO BID, the undersigned bidder hereby propose to do all the work and furnish all necessary superintendence, labor, machinery, equipment, tools and materials, and whatever else may be necessary to complete all the work included under the General Contract for the construction of the WEST LEA WATER AND SEWERas shown on the plans with ail related appurtenances, complete, tested and operational, in accordance with the plans, and specifications prepared by the Engineer, LopezGarcia Group, Houston, Texas, under the City of Pearland's inspection for the unit prices set forth on the attached bid sheet which bears our signature for identification. It is understood that, in the event any changes are ordered on any part of the work, the unit prices bid shall apply as additions to or deductions from the total prices for the parts of the work so changed. The bidder binds himself upon acceptance of his proposal to execute a contract and furnish performance bond and payment bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) &the total contract price, according to the specified forms, for performing and completing the said work within the time stated. The undersigned bidder agrees to commence work within ten (10) days after the date of a written notice to commence work. It is understood that the work is to be substantially complete within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days and completed and ready for final payment within one hundred fifty (150) calendar days. Time for completion shall begin on the date established by the notice to commence work. 00300-1 10/01t280~ i1:47 ~8~227~ LOPEZ C~ARCIA PRGE 03 ¢?~¥ OF P~PJ~ND 11 02510 12-bt~h Steel W~L~ (Opon~ut~ L.~, 30 lg 02510 12~eh W~r L~a (~ut~ L,~. 2,975 13 0241~ 12-~ch W~ L~ (A~er) L,F. 1,030 20 ~417 5-i~ W~ ~e (A~et) L.F., 40 21 02514 F~I ~ 47 ~ ~o s"~t~ c~ .......... ~ ~ Bidder's In,als ADDENDUM NO. 3 00300-2 · ~0/01/200~ ill 47 ~8~2~76266 LOPP7 GARCIA PAGE 04 CITY Of P~a~D 2~ 02514 ~v~¢~ydm~u ~. 1.~.~?~'.~ ~/~. ~ ~7 o2s~o .~~,.6. w~,~, z,. 2 ~W~~ ~4~ ~ 29 022~ ~mofl~o~ ofE~ W~,~ell ~1L~ L~) L.S, 1 /~ ~ /~. ~ ~ ]l ~2511 ~o~5~"~m~(Con~r~mishcd) ~L 175/~.~ ~.~ 02542 En~ ~ ~ole (4' ~) V.F. ~o~ Rmi~ ~a~t S~ ~war Mm~e (4' Dit) w/W~t F~e & C~ 0e~ud~g V~ eo~ ~a~ ~xi~S M~ok (8~ 5+10 ' o~o ~-a~ s~ ~ (~..c.o is'. ~o~ ~,~. ] B~dePs Ini~als ADDENDUM NO. 1070172002 11:47 281227~2~ LOPE2 ~,~RCIA P~,~E 05 CITY OF PF.4RtMoVD 54 0241S 55 02533 ~7 02533 4-1n~ LiR S~ ~mplme ~ ~a~ indud~ W~t Wall, AIDD~NDUM NO, 3 ~/) Bidders IniUals 00300-4 09/30/2002 1B:25 28122?6265 LOPEZ 6.~,RCIA PAGE 06 CITY OF 6? ......... ?t 02?42 ~ ...... ~. ,, 168~ /. ~ Z~/~ d. 77 ,, 02741 ~oe~b~ ~lon) .S.Y. ~move Exlmt'' IS" ReP =~ R~l'~ wi' New t" 81 [ 0276) 1" Bolid Yellow L,F. 600 ADDENDUM NO. ~i /] Bidder's Ini~l~ 00300-$ 10t01/2002 1~:47 28~227~265 LOP~Y r~C~C~A PAGE 07 T~al RUB BM m~t Extra Total Allernat~ Bid ADDENDUM NO, ~ [~t 81~'S Initials 00300.6 'CITY OF pEARLAND BID PROPOSAL It is agreed that the contract price may be increased or decreased to cover work added or deleted by order of the Engineer, in accordance with the provisions of the General Conditions of Agreement. The undersigned agrees that the amounts bid in this proposal will not be withdrawn or modified for sixty (60) days following date of bid opening. It is understood that in the event the successful bidder fails to enter into the Contract within fifteen (I 5) days of the Notice of Award and fails to furnish a Performance Bond, Maintenance Bond, and Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred (100) pement of the Contract for all parts of the work, the successful bidder will forfeit the Bid security as provided in the Specifications submitted with his bid proposal. The following Addenda have been received. The modifications to the Bid documents noted therein have been considered and all costs thereto are included in the Bid price. Addendum No. t/ Dated:/._~t.~A. ddendum No. Dated: Addendum No. ~- Dated: P,,~ ,O~O r...~ddendum No. Dated: Addendum No. .~ Dated:,rD/~,,~' ~_Addendum No. Dated: Firm Name: Contact: Address: Phone No.: FAX No.: ATTEST: Signature: Printed Name: (Seal, if Bidder is a Corporation) END OF BID FORM 00300-8 ADDENDUM NO, 1 City of Pearlanfl WEST LEA WATER ~ SLOWER B2002-048 September 18, 2002 To: h'ospeetive Biders Keith K, Davis, P,E, LOPI~ZGARCIA OROUP The Ad&ndum forms e part of the bidding document~ a~d will be incorporated into *.he contra~t documcnl~, as applicable. Imofat as the plato md specifications inconsistent, this addendum govenu. Please sign and return by Fax to Mary Varga~, LOPEZGARCIA GROUP at (281) 227- 6266. Also, indicate receipt of this addendum with your bid on the bid proposal form. Acknow~gement of~e~i~t of Addendum No. 1 Date 'd - Comp&ay 09t18/02 ADDENDUM NO. 1 Pasa 1 of 3 0~/30/2002 ~6:25 2812276266 LOPEZ GARCIA Bi CJI'Y O~ ?F. ARLAND ADDENDUM NO. 2 City of Pearland WEST LEA WATER & SEWER B2002-048 Date: September 30, 2002 To: Prosp,ctive Bicklers Keith R. Davis, P.E. LOPEZGARCIA GROUP The Addendum forms a pm, t of the bidding documents and will be incorporated into the contract documents, as applicable. Imofar as the plans and Sl~cifications are inoonsistent, this tdd~ndum governs. Plmse sign and return b7 Fax to Mm'7 Verges, LOPEZGARCIA GKOUP at (281) 22?~ 6266. Also, indicate receipt of this addendum w[~ your bid on the bid proposal form. Acknowi?fl~em-of.//..~_... ~~" ' ~&dden nm No. 2. Date' Company 09/'J0/02 ADDENDUM NO, :2 Page 1 of 2 10/0172002 11:47 281227~26~ LOPk-~ 6,~RCI A P~46E 01 ADDBNDLrM NO. 3 Ci:y of P=a~land W~ST LEA WATER. & SEWER B2002-048 Da~e: October I, 2002 To: Prospective Bidders From: Keith R. Davis, P.E. LOPEZOARCIA GROUP The Addendum fon~ a part of the bidding documents and will be ineo~orated into the contract documents, ~ applicable. Insofar as the plans and specifications are Luconsistent, this ~idendum governs. Please sign and return by Fax to Mary Vargas, LOPEZGARCIA GROUP at (281) 227- 6266. Al~o, indicate receipt of this ~dendum with your bid on the bid proposal form. Compmiy 09/'30/02 ADDENDUM NO. 2 Pe,~ I 0/'2 HARTFORD Bid Bond Surety Department Bond No.rda KNOW ALL MEN BY TI-EESE PRESENTS, That we, Calco Contracting, Inc. as Principal, hereinafter called the Principal, and the Hartford Fire Insurance Company , a corporation created and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut , whose principal office is in Hartford, Connecticut , as Surety, hereinafter called the Surety, are held and firm/y bound unto City of Pearland, Texas as Obligee, hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of five percent (5%) of greatest mnount bid Dollars ( $ 5% G.A.B. ), for the payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, the said Principal and the said Surety, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Whereas, the Principal has submitted a bid for West Lea - Water and Sewer NOW, THEREFORE, if the Obligee shall accept the bid of the Principal and the Principal shall enter into a contract with the Obligee in accordance with the terms of such bid, and give such bond or bonds as may be specified in the biddings or contract documents with good and sufficient surety for the faithful performance of such contract and for the prompt payment of labor and materials furnished in the prosecution thereof, or in the event of the hilum of the Principal to enter such contract and give such bond or bonds, if the Principal shall pay to the Obligee the difference not to exceed the penalty hereof between the amount specified in said bid and such larger amount for which the Obligee may in good faith contract with another party to perform the work covered by said bid, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Signed and sealed this 2nd day of October A.D. 20 02. Witness By ~/~lco Contractil~, Iuc. _ (SEAL) Hartford Fire Insurance Company (SEAL) By/~~ .... -~ S Kuk0~.c~a~r k,~6riey -in-Fact (Title) (SEAL) Itoustoun, Woodard, Eason, Gentle, Tomforde, and Anderson, Inc. dba Insurance Alliance 1776 Yorktown, Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77056-4114 TDI License #1381 FEIN/g760362043 Form S-3266-4 Printed in U.S.A. I2-70 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Hartford, Connecticut POWER OF A'~'ORNEY Know all men by these Presents, That HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Connecticut, end having its prnc[gal office in the City of Ha~ord, County of Hartford, State of Connecticut, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Donald E. ~Yoodard, ,Ir., Harlan J. Berger, Andre~v J. Janda, C. W. Adams, Sue Kohler, Leland L. Rauch, Sharon Cavanaugh, Cynthia A. Harris, Cheo~l R. Colson, Michael Cole of Houston, TX its .'~e and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority to each of said Attomey(s~-th-Fact. in their separate capacity if more than one is named above, to s~gn, execute and acknowledge any and all bonds and undertakings and other wdtings obligato~, in the nature thereof On behalf of the Company in its business of guaranteeing the fidelity of persons holding places of public or pdvate trust; guaranteeing the per[ormance of contracts other than insurance policies; guaranteeing the performance of insurance contracts where surery b~nds are accepted by states and muntsipelities, and executing or guaranteeing bonds and undertakings required or permitted in all actions or proceedings er by law allowed. and ~o bind HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY thereby as fully and to the same ex"tsar as if such bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof were signed by an Executive Officer of HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY and sealed and attestsd by one ether of such Officers, and hereby ratifies and confirms all that its said Attomey(s)-in.Fact may do in pursuance hereof. This Power of Attorney is granted under and by authority of the By-Laws of HARTFORD FIRE iNSURANCE COMPANY. ("the Company") as amended by the Board of Directors at a meeting duly called and held on May 13~", 1999, as follows' ARTICLE [V SECTION 7.. The President or any Vice President or Assistant Vice Presidact, acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary shall have power and authority to sign and execute and attach the seai of the Company to bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other wnhngs obhgatory in the nature thereof, and such instruments so signed and executed, with or without the common sea[, shall be valid end binding upon the Company. SECTION $. The President or any Vice Pres[dent or any Assistant Vic.~ President acting with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority to apoomt, for purposes onty of executing and attesting bonds and undertakings and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, one or more resident Vice Presidents, resident Ass~stact Secretahes and Attorneys-in-Fact and at any time to remove any such resrdent Vice President, resident Assistant Secretary, or Attorney.th-Fact, and revoke the power and authority given to him. Resolved. that the signatures of such Officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or to any certificate relating thereto by facsimile, and any such power of attorney or certifi~.sta beadng such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be va[id and binding upon the Company end any such power so executed and certified by faesimits slgnatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached. in Witness Whereof, HARTFORD FIRE iNSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its Assistant Vice Pres,dent, and its c~rporate seal to be hereto affixed, duly attested by its Assistant Secretary, this 14th d~y of May, 1999. Paul A, Bergenholtz, Assistant Secretary HARTFORD FiRE INSURANCE COMPANY Rober~ L. Post, Assistant Vice President STATE OF CONNECTICUT COUNTY OF HARTFORD Hartford On this 14th day of May. A.D. 1999, before me personally came Robed L. Post, to me known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in the County of Ha~ord, State of Connecticut; that he is the Assistant Vice President of HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that he knows the seal of the said corporation; that the seal affixed to the said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporatmn and that he signed his name thereto by like order. CERTIFICATE I, the u~dersigned. Assistant Vice President of HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, e Connecticut Corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached POWER OF ATTORNEY remains in full force and has not bean revoked; and fudhermore, that Affide IV, Sections 7 and 8 of the By. Laws of HARTFORD FIRE iNSURANCE COMPANY, set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now m force. Signed and seated at the City of Hartford. Dated the 2nd day of october 20 02 J. Dennis Lane, Assistant Vice President Form $-4054-2 Printed in U.S.A.