1994-10-24 P&Z AGENDAAGENDA -REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, TO BE HELD N MONDAY, OCTOBER OF IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE JOINT PUBLIC REARING IN THE SECOND FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND TEXAS. 1. CALL TO ORDER II- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of October 17, 1994 III. NEW BUSINESS A. CONSIDERATION AN POSSIBLE ACTION - APPLICATION NO. 49, Request of City of Pearland for an amendment to the Land Use and Urban Development Ordinance of said City as follows: Amend Section 3, addition of a definition for a multi - tenant ground sign. 2. Amend Section 29.3.39 changing punctuation in that section. 3. Amend Table VII, exceptions 3, to allow ground signs. B. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - FINAL PLAT SOUTHWYCK SECTION THREE, PHASE ONE, a subdivision of 16.5574 acres of land out of the George C. Smith Survey, Abstract No. 548, Section 22, located in Brazoria County, Texas. The following variances were granted on the preliminary plat of Southwyck Section Three: 1 • Variance granted to allow a 20' building line on lots in cul -de -sacs. 2. Variance granted to allow the cul -de -sac length Circle to extend beyond city requirements by 801. Huntington park C- CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION - FINAL PLAT COUNTRYPLACE SECTION SEVEN, Brazoria County, Texas, aproposed subdivision of 4.1851 acres out of the J. Crawley Survey, A -174. VARIANCE REQUESTS: 1. Variance requesting the use of a 15 foot and 18 foot building line setback along the front of the lots around the cul -de -sac. 2. Variance requesting the use of a 10 foot side setback between houses. 3. Variance requesting the use of a 10 foot utility easement on the back of the lots that abut County Road 94. The following variance was granted on the preliminary plat of Count yPlace Section Seven: 1. Variance granted to allow a 20' build ng line on cu -de -sac lots. IV. ADJOURNMENT Posted: O J C, Day of A.D. 1994 P.M. Removed:. Day of '`� -'' A.D., 1994 9 0